Th OHZGOII STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Thundar Morning. DccJbt 27. 1945 page rmrz , At Home to Be Event Of Week ' Dr. and. Mrs. James L. Sean and Dr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Bur dette will be hosts for a large7 holiday at home on Saturday night at. the former's residence on North Winter street. Their guesti hav bren invited to call between 1:30 and 1030 o'clock. Agisting about the rooms will be Mrs. Richard A. Meyer. Mrt. HarrU Lletx, Mrs. B. E. Owen, Mrt. Edward A. Lebold. Mrt. Elmore Hill, Mra. Frank V. Prime, tr, Mrt. A. L. Adolph eon, Mrt. II. M. Randall and Mrt. Harry H. Weinstetn. The buffet table wUl be cen- -tered with an arrangement of holly, tinsel, ribbon and red tpen In silver holders. Holiday greens and candles will be used about the rooms. Rotanas Honor Husbands Salem Rotanas and their hus bands were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrt. O. L. Don- nelly on Saturday nlht. Assist ing hostesses were Mrs. Alfred Laue. Miss Vada Hill and Miss Lorena Jack. Gifts were distributed from '.a Christmas tree. Cards were in play during the evening, aod a late buffet tupper wat served. Kathryn Read, a member of the Eugene club, was a guest - The next business meeting Is set for January 14. ' Millers in Eugene For Holidays , Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Mil ler spent the holiday weekend In Eugene with their family. They were the guests of their daughters, Mrs. Kenney Wier and da tighter. Charlene Ray, and Mrs. Rheta Hilderbrand and ' son, Gerry. Mrs. Wier expected her navy husband home from San Diego for the holidaya. The Millers will return to Salem this week. us reaa w. srewa ef Ln t , T") Angeles haa come north to spend ,OPfl tO TlP the hohdayt with Mr. and Ux. VOU, lKJ U Carl A. Porter. Miss Brown, who T T -formerly resided In Salem, was 1101101 recently discharged from the WAC ' Mrs. Pa-l W. Harvey, jr, em- tertained members of her bridge club- at a dessert supper Wed nesday night at her home , on North 16th street Additional guests were Mrt. H. J. Thomas, Mrs. Glade Follis and Mra. Bruce Crandall. have been invited to call at 5 O'clOCk. .k -;:',' ;" - Coming front out of town for the weekend as house guests of the Shepards are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacAuley and daugh Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Shep- ter, Miss Jeanine MacAuley, of ard will be hosts for a high tea Portland. Sunday afternoon at their North Summer street home in honor of their daughter, Helen, who is home for the Christmas holidays from Leland. Stanford where she is a freshman. : . A few of Miss Shepards inti mate friends and their parents Light on the Subject. Check Lighting Now for Future New Utility Plugs; Lamps or Overheads It's been a long time since we -could step to the telephone and call up the electrician to come and put in a floor plug here or a new overhead light there. We've had a long time to contemplate where new lights are needed, but mighty soon now we will , be able, to add illumination or utility plugs where needed. few notes on what needs in a lighting Make a the house way. . .v Even small closets in fact,' es pecially small ones, need light. It's a matter of little expense and a source of great pleasure when an overhead or wall light is added. Be sure to make the switch easily reached. Each possible spot for read ing should be well lighted. Some sort of lamp should be located near each chair. Some persons like pin-up lamps, many like permanent wall lights, others prefer indirect lighting from floor lamps. Working spots such as near the sewing machine, kitchen , sink, stove, dressing room, writ-' ing desk, need ample light The reader-in-bed needs good light too, often adjustable to only one person, allowing the remainder of the room to be dark. There should be more illumi nated house numbers, at least that's what one thinks when try ing to find an address on a dark night. One type house num ber has ciit out numerals with a small bulb behind them. There .are other methods of lighting numbers which include the porch light, or combined1 with mail box. Plan the best nUaaQBoD IPirgiraiiira Tl, KSLM K01N KGW KEX 1I1UI3, (UM kt) mc) (62tfce) .(llMfcc) s ee Newt INewa East and Polly Busier "X" U NatT School Weal Start . t M Farm Newa KOIN KJoch Nrwi : News (Old Songa - let Newi I ifletcher I Roundup Boys Ml Rise and Shine (News rarm Tims jM. Agronsky 1:JI News Mews IRtdtn' Rang James Abt thrm. Home Newa ? ISarn Hayes Busier X tee - Haven of Rest INewe .Fred Waring B'laet Club IIS Haven of Real JVaiiant Lady i Sing Away (Ught World Roth Presents I. IS Btng Singa lAunt Jenny IKostelaneU tie Neva Kate Smith James Abbe (Clamour I II M Downey Big Slater .Lairy Smith I M pastors Call Helen Trent Peraonality Breakfast t.S Orchestra IGal Sunday I ' ' - MM Newa tUfs Beautltul School I Home Edition It Luneh'n tope I Ma Perkins (Ted Majone 1 M Paula Stone (Dr. Ma lone I C. Gilbert (True Story 11:41 J. J. Anthony jttoad Lite 1 Art Baker 1 - ll-oa Cedrlc roater Two on Clue Cuioing Light iBaukbage II I Organalltiea Perry Maaoa Children Mr. Motoriat ll:M Queen Today Rosemary In White . iLUtening Post 11:4 Queen Today Tena At Tun "Hjrmni I Radio Parade Me Hymns News Women of Am. J B Kennedy H IS . Kewa Find Me Ma Perkina , Start Today ItJI Serenade Woman's Life I Pepper Young Ladies It Broadcast (Bach. Child n. Happiness I type for your need and include It in your list. And don't forget the garage for light Many a back yard and garage are inadequately lighted even when the rest of the house has ample illumination. Arrange the switches so the light may be turned on in garage and . house. - Great strides have been made ' in the world of electricity as in -other things during the war and housewives will soon benefit from : research which has been carried on during these past years. '- Germ killing lamps, sunlamps practical' for -the home and new type rays for heating are new. General Electric, for instance, reports that a single 30 watt germicidal tube will beaten times as effective for ridding the air of harmful 'germs as the best noonday sun. Hospitals and school rooms are already using these tubes. Also in the ultra-violet fam ily is the sunlamp that gives off rays to supplement vitamen D in diet Soon the bulbs will be on the market which may be inserted in an ordinary bridge lamp. The same manu facturer lists infra-red rays to be gotten from bulbs. They will be used for heating, drying, re lieving rheumatic or sinus pains. Lights have already been put to use in commercial greenhouses where an extra few hours of synthetic sunlight have; added much to the speedy- growth and health of plants. Practically every home needs more wall plugs. The kitchen needs plenty to use ' for appli ances on drainboards, working, surfaces and at the table. A plug must be available at the ironing board, near a good light The same goes for the sewing machine. There should be outlets for juicer and any other utensils used. And the plug should be in the right place. Check number of plugs needed and add them to the list of future improvement Mrs. Boa W. Babeeck and ber son-in-law and daughter, Mr., and Mrs. LaVerne Shay, spent Christ mas Day in Portland at the Dun thorpe home of Mrs. Babcock's son-in-law and daughter,-. Major and Mrs. Oliver C. Jessup. Mr. and Mrs. Shay were in Forest Grove on Sunday for a Christ mas, reunion and dinner at the home of his father, Mr. F. D. Shay." ::v Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Jeeh- imsen of Puyallup, ,-Wash., are spending tne nonaays nere at tne guests of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. Jochimsen. Gordons Hosts at Celebration Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gordon of I route 4 were hosts at a Christ- j mas eve celebration. Mr. and I Mrs. Wayne Gordon ' and small i son, Bruce, who have purchased . a home in the Pringle district, were there to greet friends. Mr. Gordon was a student at the Wil lamette school of music and la ter attended the Lamont School : of Music in Denver. He is plan ning to reside in Salem and con tinue his work at Willamette. r His younger brother Is in the navy air corps. stationed on Guam. :: ,' - Today's Menu Ltj Bosten Weds In Texas Of interest to the groom's friends here it announcement of the marriage of Miss Peggy Jane Kennedy, daughter of Mr. an 4, Mrs J. H. Kennedy of Wichita " Falls, Texas; to Lt Loren G. Bos- ten-, too of Mrs. Elsie" Bosten'' of Salem, which took place in the southern city on November ; 72 -at the home ' 6f the bride's ' brother-in-law and sister, . Mr. and Mrs. Benny Withrow. The double ring ceremony was per formed by Father Don A. Hart nett of the- Sacred Heart church. The bride, who-wat given in marriage by her father, wore an original Eisenberg frock of rose crepe with black accessories. Her corsage was of orchids and the carried a lace handkerchief which was used at the weddings of her mother and two sisters. Mrs. James Blair, jrn wat the matron of honor. Lt W. P. Mar tin of Auburn, Alabama, wat best man for the groom. ' A wedding reception for mem bers of the family and friends : was held after the ceremony. ' . Lt Bosten it a graduate of - Sa- :' lem schools And was stationed at i. Sheppard Field, Texas, ' at the - time of his marriage.. He is now - in the Hawaiian Islands. Mr. and Mrv W. Emery Bebbs have sent out invitations to an open house Sunday afternoon at their Jefferson street residence between the hours of 3 and T o'clock. . - . . WE'RE SORRY! Yet We're Glad. . . Because of the tied up transportation over the holidays our . key personnel has been delayed in transit Some in Salt Lake, - some in Lot Angeles. This fact prohibited our opening last night for which we are! genuinely sorry. However, we are glad through this circumstance, that some very deserving soldiers and sailors have been able to get home for Christmas which, we know you will (agree, is more important than our opening. Watch for announcement. We will be open in a few days. A fruity dessert is scheduled for today's menu, and should go well in the meal that ' includes meat loaf. Avocado salad . Meat loaf with Horseradish sauce Corn and beans Fig apple delight FIG-APPLE DELIGHT 6 dried Tigs 5 apples . 2 tablespoons lemon juice .to cup light corn syrup, i or honey, or sugar : 2 tablespoons water r :: 1 cup uncooked rolled oats M cup brown sugar Vt teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel 4 tablespoons melted shorten ing Cover figs with boiling water and let stand while you wash the apples and slice them into a shallow baking dish and sprinkle them with lemon juice. Drain figs, cut in pieces (using scis sors) and mix with apples; add syrup or sugar and water. Com bine remaining ingredients, rub bing or blending until crumbly; sprinkle over apples and bake in a moderate oven (350 de grees) for 50 to 60 minutes, un til apples are tender and crust browned. Serve warm or cold, with top milk or cream. Serves . "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier lit I JO 1:4 Kewa I House Party fBarkit Wife Lum n A bner ) I Stella Dallas Mutual Melody Air Newspaper Loren Jonee I tWidder Bro'n IBerch Walkie Talkie G Martyn IHymni t:M Newa Amer. School Ctrl Marries What's Doing III News JPortia t:M Your Weight . Meet Missus (Plain BID Kay West t 4J Your Weight' 'Front Page r S-ee sis sie Newa Concert Hour Kewa Else Maxwell iNewa (Bell Ringers (Carol Time (World Today Road of Life I David Hsrura Aunt Mary Dr. Paul iAI Pearco- l Footlights , IFootlights lUp Tempo IN III 4:M 4:iS I Stars Today Tultoo Lewie Rsx Miller icvelm Winters Newa Johnson (ot persona Star Today Orchestra I HDrcheetra II ) Gay 90 s I Santa Letters Hop Hamgan li S 30 :S IMannlnr Rott. Tor Release Superman I Daily Double i Evening Cant. Midnight news ismg. America is. re Tom Mix INewa E'eterson iPiratet (Dick Tracy I Armstrong Bay. Swing I ee i 111 : Gabriel Heett Nst l. tcheel Hour Song iKoatelaneU Hobby Lobby ST Muse Han Bob Burns King Cole Trio I Sports -(Deteck, Collect :ls : 1:t Newa -Newa St Wert on Silverton la. Adventure (Abbot. Coetetlo I Curtain Time Powder Theatre! R I- R Vallee I I- Fantasy MeL t l:lt IM t:4t B Dr Roguea txtrkwood Smith Show I Supper Club iLum n Abner I Law ton lEarl Godwin (Burns Ss AQen I Town Meeting IM I IS II 1Ai News J. Crowley S porta Mewi reiiery' Queen fMualo Dinah Shore N. Wi Webster INewa lTime U Now ieee 11:11 IJt II 4S Fulton Lewis Newa News ' Orchestra f Star rmal I r towers lOrcheatra (Tex Kangrrs 'New lit Happened (Garden ing I Band Wagon Tve got a terrible inferiority complex I don't think I'm half . good a I really smr r nit 11:11 1 1:4 II 'It l:el Organ Orchestra Cuaat'l Km Open Houao Serenade lOrchetUa IAir rio Orchestra Newa Silent INewa Orchestra jOrcheitra (Orchestra Newa 13 wing Shift I Music I Charlie Chan concert or TabIc of Joastal T,de9 Times computed tor raft. Ore., by the U. S Coast and Geodetic Survey for The Oregon statesman. Newa Rhvthm lX ira Hour December - Time KOAC AM 101 Newa; 10:15 f or Women; 11 M Concert Hall; 11:45 .est We Target, PM- Noon News; 11 IS rann Hour; 10 Ride 'Enj Cow boy; 1:1 Air ichool; 1 Country KiMt: Gardening; IM Njwi; Music oi the Maslr; l Uni versity; l ot On Upbeat; 1:54 Sporta Oul: jj At M FcrYourCoiigii CreetnsJAa Trtteeea uiomntry ty ar.e tt m. rl-ht in thn tani f the tmuIe to fen? loosen and expel pm bMirn vtJnm. and tUd nature la aaocbe sad heal raw. tender. In rumed brrejchiaJ mucous tnem trxneL Tell your dnsst to tea yoa -. Le nf Cretan ubaoo Wttit tne tm drrsr a.nliTg you muat Lka Uie way It ruic-iy a-Ajs the cousn er JM azv t i bare your money cacx. k CREOMULSION '. rC-:-,OtrtC:,l!.rr:t::-4 Review: 100 News: 1:15 Music of Msnv Lands-. t:5 Soncs of the West: 1:15 Eve. Farm Hour; SAO Keyboard Masters: M Music That Endures; t:M Newa; 1:49 Meditations. . ST 7 -M a.m. 1 :43 p.m. I 10 a.m.-t.-04 p.m. 1:41a.m. 10:13 p.m. High Water 4 J Standard Low Time Water Odt a jn. ' 2:13 p.m. 131 ajn. 3:10 pjn. SJSajn. -M pjn. 1.1 SJ S 1.1 S.t IJX Foi- MORS Sntta Qtada mm IfaaJmoni egg ro4ctio . . , I lower coat. That's the story of Triangle X-cra egg pa decer. A carefally boiaxced (ted Mpptying the reqtkire tnenta for more extra grade eggt, slash or pellets. . ,TniAnGtE.X-TPJl EOff PnODDCEH $100 a fAonth forv Lifo Normandy Manor j V.S.99 V Sooth ef galeni ' ; ' ;;Phee 55S51 3 1s Kj t . Ucncn Escdcd la ccnplcla tsel p-di. r Day Shift 7 A. M. to 4 P. M. Night Shift 4 P. M. to 1 A. M. Part Time at Night Pleasant Work - - Cafeteria in Plant i i '- '.-. 13th and Mill Sts. Phone 9161 a) - - IE V BLONDE Trl BOOftCVOUS IMTTTUIVN, SHORES sao -w umto n Sirs got some (TllRfiCLE CROC TARME0 ) 0' CfW CURUU' (TN VUU9KRS I r-AWk l M ! II ililltl!'. hi'!'' Ill Ml iliiiit I BARNEY GOOGLE THEN NE PRE A 60NEV-PIDE UJUTCUf saio WE 010 00WE T VJUCUTU. I GT IW PftVJJS ON TUPfT UWG-T0NGUE VftRtntNT ?. f Fin, Vur. Im . W4 m,'mmi . ' : ( HR 1 I 1 CAM HANDLE ) VJ1 (that PfcSF WTTM THE MAKOjN--, J- Jl ' MICKEY MOUSE Y I AOUS GrVBTHUH UTTue MONK. ASLU INSTEAD OP MONJc'l " He TTS AWRJL. AAAOl n -1 i l!. omi x in n in ME PARADrSt) i 15 POM' J (SWELL t v , feocox THIMBLE THEATRE; wow's LovEL,y) WZNESSV -1 HOWS YEK 0KAy5gg ya uke ver J I NICE KEWJ AFTER AlLAiT THESE YEAR5I ) I WMA HAPPVf jMAnnp MARK AW S f SOW ) VIT W0NTJ (j f I KETCH- MRS LACY BRINGS HER OWM LITTLE GIRL HOME FROM SCH00L-TWE WO GETS JEALOUS OP YOU -THEM IN WALKS TROUBLE - YES. SiR'SHE WDHt LIKE ME AKT HEP DOG OIDN'T LIKE ZERO -IT WAS HER HOUSE;, HER FOLKS, SO- 1. Denoite monthly Income for life wbea you with to retire . f rotectioa tor taxajiy stow ; 3. Payt doable for accidental death before retirement age. 4. Builds op large cash reserve. i. Payt steady income if yoa are permaaeody disabled. OigoriMntnalljfe IPrSVsmAIfCK CtHFANT CHAS. S. McELHINNY . ' 19 Brer mas Building LYDIA F. WOOTTEN SS9 tt: Liberty Street u LITTLE ANNIE BOONEY I SEE -MOTHER STANOS BE HIND HER CHILD-ORPHAM STANDS BENIN 0 THE EIGHT BALL -j Y-s I WASHT MAO AT NOBODYH BUT IF ANGELINA WAS NT HAPPY" HER MOTHER AND DADDY WOULD Nt BE HAPP THEN I COULONT S HAPPY IRAN AWAY GET AMOVE 0N(GRAW. THAT TAWPS GOTTA BE F0CED BEFORE THE BOSS GETS BAQCi is -zsn 7i rv . . HQ SCOUT WHOA.SIJ.'ERIrS ae I lU ia YT MA-afTal. THE LOlaX RAIKZl. t " 1 1 S . yiPAN? YEAH. SEE HOW SMALL TT LOOKS FROM THE 0UT5tDE. ITS ALMOST POUR TWES AS BIG etS'DE! THEY AVJST BE MAK1N ANDY RX THAT 1ANIU I CAN HEAR ARE WE I YES, BUT I WANT YOU &ONG J TO GO FIRST, AND RE IN? rvT H&SSl WHAT I TOLD -i i t .in i. t