The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 27, 1945, Page 10, Image 10

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon.-Thursday Morning. December 27, 194S
Fortncr Salem
Resident Dies
From Injuries
Four Corners Community Center Pleases
All Ages Among Residents and Business
Charles Knuths, former resi
dent of Salem, died In a Crescent
City, Calif., hospital Sunday as jp
the result of internal injuries re- f f
celved when a Greyhound bus
skidded into the car he was
Knuths, with Mrs. Knuths, had
been to Eureka, Calif., on a shop
ping trip and were returning to
their home when the accident oc
curred. Mrs. Knuths was thrown
clear of the car by the impact
of the accident She was hospital
ised for shock and minor injuries
hut will be released to accompany
, the body of her husband to Salem
for burial
Knuths was a plasterer and
bricklayer in the Salem area for
many years. Born in Clarion,
Iowa, July 10, 1892, Knuths with
his parents came to Oregon in
1907, settling at Brownsville. The
following year the family moved
to the Salem vicinity where he
had resided until this year. In
Brookings he had purchased an
80 acre farm and planned to
raise lilies. He was a veteran of
the first World war
Survivors include his widow
- and three sisters, Mrs. Charles
Heath, Mrs. F. E. Bamlck and
Mrs. Joseph Ziclins-ki, all of Sa
lem. J
Announcement of fimeral serv
ices will bemade later by the
Clough-Barrlck company. 1 '
Ex-GIs Prefer
Scant Dresses,
Bathing Suits
; CHICAGO, Dec. 2-iT-Women
to wow your wandering war
rior, wear wool in the daytime
nd wax worldly at night
That's the advice of a depart
ment store survey conducted
among more than 1000 college
men, most of them returned veter
ans, on the campuses of 12 univer
sities. The survey disclosed:
Young men still like sweater
girls. They chose sweaters for
daytime particularly campus
wear by a majority of 63 per cent
They want their girls to be
sirens at night, wearing black
low-necked and streamlined by
a vote of almost two to one.
Ninety-six per' cent want to see
long evening dresses again, with
the choice divided between the
Minky type and the swlrly vari
ety. .
Their favorite color Is blue,
with red and black second and
vilrd, respectively.
As for high heels by all means.
Twenty-two per cent haven't
ultalned a broad viewpoint They
arbitrarily turned thumbs down
on slacks but 74 per cent ap
proved them for sports and picnic
wear. A miraculous four per cent
okayed them for general daytime
' wear.
ToJlthe question "What stands
t nut in your mind as the best look
ing costume you have ever seen"
'the repliei- overwhelmingly fa
vored strapless evening gowns and
bathing suits.
I " 7s - :
Z- - f-i
t ; j -
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i 1
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mr a."-
i x V? x i .
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Vfc.iiM ,wa.OJtfnfl raioiiinMiiiim .! ii i ri.i-,.jK-w'mti.ini '
Dec. 26-"
(Special)The new
11 hall draws this fast growing dis
trict together and provides a
meeting place for various clubs
and organizations. The Four Cor
ners Businessmen's association is
the center of interest and mem-
Buyers Bid Up
Stock Leaders
NEW YORK. Dec. 26. -UP-
bers of this group sponsored the Stock market customers returned
construction of the hall. " today after a three-day Christmas
The hall provides a large meet- layoff and bid up, prices of a ma-
ing place with a stage at one end. j jority of leaders fraction to around
A fireplace at one end of the. large 1 3 points,
room provides a center of inter- j Motors were heavily in demand
est for smaller groups. The kit- after representatives of . General
chen is equipped in the most mo- Motors. Corp. and the CIO United
dern manner with a pass window Automobile Workers r e s u m e d
for convenience. The, kitchen and their talks in seeking an end to
nan were used six weeks ago for the five-week-old strike.'
a fried chicken dinner for .which Other.,. favorites ' appeared,, in
the Businessmen's association was steels, Trails,' utilities? retail: stores.'
finer ,-. ' . : - .. . - ni. : i i
w .,,- : - :.' - ; 1 uickau, auuuu tuiu scicticu ui
The Boy Scout troop takes dustrials. - v -, -
care of boys in the community I V; Part of the advance was attrib-
- while members of the association uted to the . fact that traditionally
provide leaders. The 4H club there is a rally at this season!
groups draw, members from the Volume was 1,410,000 shares
nearby, districts of . Auburn and j against 940,000 last Friday the
Rickey. , ' j preceding regular session.
The fire truck was purchased The Associated Press 60-stock
by the association to protect the composite rose J& of a point to
property interests of the com- 75.8. The biggest gain was in the
munity, just outside the Salem I industrial average.
city limits.
(1) Fire track with five volunteer SERVICEMEN DINE
financial - farm j Mflrte - Classified
firemen, left to right, A. E. La-
Branch, Mitchell Morrow, D. L
Ritchie, Russell Mlllctt, Arch
Withrow. : T :
PORTLAND, Dec. 26 -(JP
More invitations than guests were
available at George A. White
service I center here yesterday as
3000 Portlanders opened their
homes to servicemen.
Trilurt ttimrf IKS. rtai Ota , '
Ilelp Wanted - Male
BUS BOY wanted. Th Spa.
Salesmen Wanted
commission. A food teiy70uJ-
Not a ret ricn icneme. wr -formation.
Otoa & Otos, 351J N Wwt
Union. .Portland, Ore. -
Situations Wanted
COMPETENT typUt. with- general
office experience wiane par umm
work. Box 311 Statesman.
Put in uwdust and wood, yard
work. Ph. 319. J. Robinson, anytime.
tinTT. pare for Dreachool children-
days (not Sundays). 10CJ Highland a ve.
: c;fjvtite station attertdant wanu
work. Phone W or X-16S6.
' GEN YARD WORK wood and saw
dust put in. : Phone a49. . v -
sThaal PUrSchooL 13S1 Stat.
Axes 2-4. Part or aU day. Ph. M3C
Netted Gem potatoes tor sale Ph.
CM 134S Hoyt St.
For Sale Rliscellaneous
Quotations at Portland
Leghorn hens 19c; roosters, (tags 12c
(2) 4 -II club knitters, left to
right; Gay Clearwater, Marlene
Perkins; Vivian Mahrt, working
in - front of fireplace in ' large
living room of community club
hoase. -
(S) Jim Stewart and Wayne Mer- Portland Grain
cer stand at attention posing - ... Babbits Government ceiling: Ave-
r1h ti rnnn'. nrar .ilk fl,r ..runiiAPiu, we, uec. zo rage country -killed to retailers 44c;
. - ho wne iuiures quotea. live price to producers 22-24c lb.
in irvu w .c vii. uvusc kh- in. Turkeys Basic buying prices.
' ' L2l.iS TltJ.bif2i T5ie JhSfi dressed basis: Hens 37 A:: torns 30
(11 Mariorie Tre. Marion eountv J"? l whlte 30.2c lb : for toms. net at farms.
' : - : '.. . . . . ouo wciirra res !.. ; turkv. p.,w lHn
home acmonsirauon agent, taias Hard - red .winter: ordinary i,: 10 Bri totaiuiL h Yiir' inm
per cent 1.B5; 11 per cent 1.67; 12 Pr1 39-41c lb.
"SLVl-,- k... rw , t u. i L Onioiu'- Oregon dry No. 1. 2.40-
r.nt . 1 kii. iVVi; a" lb. sack; Idaho yellow 2.55;
I.l-1-661 11 Per cent I M: 12 P Idaho white 2.69 per 50 lb. sack.
C22.J!:!." ' I PoUtoes Local Burbanks 250-
iiT, " riif :,. "If.1 I 3.00 cental; Deschutes 100s No. 1. 3J5
. "No, Major, we've reconverted, xve only go out
with civilians now,"
with officers of the Rickey Gar
den club and Auburn Woman's j
club ;' regarding an extension
unit at Four Corners for next
year. Left to right,. Miss Tye,
Mrs. William Rahtx,' president
Auburn Woman's club; , Mrs. I Portland Livestock
Jesse Mcllnay; secretary Rick
ey Garden club: Mrs, Warren PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 28 (AP)
... . anKnm vtr. I (USDA) Salable cattle 200. total 450;
Shrake, secreUry Auburn Wo- cVfts 25; market opened very active;
man s Club; Mrs. Frank South, later trade less active but mostly
tAt vi.v.. .iv steady; good steers closed slow and
- 1 easier Monday; load good 845 lb. steers
The women are looking tnrougn I today si6.&8, ngntiy sorted; tew truck
the serving window of the com
munity .club kitchen.' (States'
man Photos)
Dressed meats Veal. AA 22'ic:
A 2IV4C; B 19-19 ac; C 17-17c; cuU
14-15C lb. Hogs, i-ncy block 20c lb.
Lambs. AA 26c; A 24V3c: B 22'ic: C
20c. Mutton fancy A 13'4c; M 12c; R
grade S-lOc. Beef AA 21ic: A 20Uc:
B 18'c; C 16?c; canner and cutter
13-14c; canner and cutter bulls 14c.
wool Government control.
Cascara bark Dry stock 20c lb.
Mohair 1944. 12-month 45c lb.
Hay Wholesale rail shipments: Al-
ins up to 17.00; common steers 12X0- I falfa No. 2 or better $34-35; oats and
13.50; cutter dairy type steers down 1 vetch, mixed hay. valley growers'
to 10.00; common-medium heifers 10.00-1 price $24; clover hay $21 baled on; oaa neaa i.oo-ia.uu; ugat cut-1 zarms.
ters down to 8o; canner-cutters 6.50-
8.50; shells down to $.00; fat dairy type
cows 9.00-10.50; medium-good beef
i cows 11.50-13.75: odd beef bulls 11.50:
load strictly Rood beef bulls Monday
up to 13.00; medium-good veal erg 12.50
14.00: cnoice salable
Salable hogs 25. total 1300: few sales
steady; good-choice barrows and gilts
15.80; sows mostly 14.00; few 250 lbs.
Legal Notice
Classified Advertising -
Classified Ads
CaU 9101
Three Insertions per line. 25c
Six insertions per line ,. 40c
One month per line $1.25
Minimum charge 25c; 3 ti. min.
imum 35c; 6 ti. min. 45c. No
. refunds.
Copy for this oage accepted un
til 6:30 the evening before publica
tion for classification. Copy re
ceived after this time will be run
under the beading "Too Late to
Classify." -
The Statesman assumes no finan
cial responsibility for errors which
may appear in advertisements pub
lished in its columns and in cases
where this paper is "at fault will
reprint that part of . an advertise
ment in which the typographical
mistake occurs.
The Statesman reserves the right
to reject questionable advertising.
It further reserves the right to
place all advertising under the
proper . classification . :
ATMORAYS OZONE. n and rent.
H. C. Pugh. Ph. 2-245S P O Box 443.
-ALWAYS a big stock."
Woodry's Furniture MJtL Ph.
prN-rr-up lamps
255 N. Liberty
Cu. ft. elec. Refrig. 533 N. Winter.
EXTENSION and Iron cords. -Y
253 N. Liberty
s Ready Mix
Mason sand, concrete Mrx
' Commercial '
Sand and Gravel Co.
PH. ?'3.1?0.
WALL TYPE can openers.
- 253 N.- liberty
July Wheat at
Seasonal High
CHICAGO, Dec. 26. -(&)- The
price of July wheat futures hit I nominally steady; good-choice wooled of Marion. State of Oregon, a Special
a ro..n,i t1 o34 I lambs quotable 13.75-14.25; good ewes Election will be held for the purpose
a new seasonal high OI Sl.78 salable 4.50-5.00; culls down; ewes un- of submitting to the legal voters of
In the City of Salem. Oregon
ud to 14.75: choice above 90 lb. feeder on Friday. January 11. 1940. at the
pigs quotable to 15.50. I pouing piace in eacn or uie several
Salable sheep 25. total 800; market precincts in the City of Salem. County
Livestock and Poultry
OUTBOARD motor and - factory
mad boat. Good condition. Full price
for both 95. Ph. 2-1200. . , '
FLUORESCENT desk lamps; Ideal for
student's study desk or home use.
255 N. Liberty ; .
FOR CHRISTMAS, lady's wrist
watch $15.09. Agate rings and pendants.
Beautiful neck chains at 190 S. 14th.
Doc. The Clock Doctor. - . . .
SPERTI room disinfecting ' lamps. .
255 n. pty j
A NICE circulating beater, wood, it
small apartment house range. .551 N.
21st St.
I a bushel today as trading in the J sold.
ests, and some short coverins.
i a:
Falls Gty Folk
Silverton Girl Weds
SILVERTON. Dec. 28 -(Spe- T lSlt iTllQVeSt
rial)- Mi?s Susan Ann Goodman,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John FALLS CITY Mr. and Mrs.
Goodman, was married Christ- Clarence Lenhart and family
mas day to Donald Murr of Port- spent the holidayi in Nebraska,
land at the First Methodist Mr. and Mrs. Lesta Henshaw of
church in Portland and they have Willamina spent the holidays with
gone to the Oregon coast for a relatives. He recently was ais-
wedding trip. charged from the army.
Mildred Wray spent tne ennst-
HF.LD FOR TRAFFIC DEATH Imas vacation with her brother's
PORTLAND. Dec 26-(VFo- ! family at Oceanlake.
Hco held David Watson Ellis. 30. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Graham
a bellhop, under $2000 bail today were Dallas visitors Monday.
in connection with the Christmas
r ira2l de" L ,Isfdore Hospital Plans
Lnmb. Police said Ellis car H- T
eene number was reported by a
witness of the accident.
Calif ornians Visiting
With Silverton Friends
OREGON CITY, Decar 2 -(JF)
A $130,000 meat packing plant is
planned here by the Oregon Live- I of ML Angel and the surround'
To Be Voted Upon
By Mt. Angel Folk
MT. ANGEL, Oec. 26-(Special)-
A mass meeting of the residents
stock Cooperative.
f i I If
Drs. Chan Lam
Dr.T.TXaatJUD. Dr.G.Chaa.D.
211 North Liberty
CpsUlrt Portland General Electric
Co. OfOce opoa Saturday only
14 a m. to 1 D-nv: I to T p.m con
sultation. Elood prexiure and urine
tits are tree of char re. Practiced
vnrm HIT.
ing territory will be held Friday
night, when two alternative plans
for the proposed cooperative hos
pital here will be submitted to
vote. The meeting will be held in
the auditorium at 8 p.m. .
While the previous mass meet
ing in favor of a hospital details
were left for later action. The two
plans to be considered were work
ed out by a committee and will be
submitted to a vote of the resi
Retail prices for sweet, sour and
dill pickles' are going up a half
cent to a cent and a half a quart
Jar, OPA announced Today.
T7ckd II:aIs zzi Huh in He Shell
Highest Market Price Cash on Delivery
EZ:rris KIorfDin Paching Co.
4C3 Ncrth Frcnt St, Salem
TeL 7633
BfMJTT A wn mo t a n
The July delivery scored an ad- ButTcrfar- Fim qmy; nxum !
oi . or l per cent acidity, delivered
1 nAM.l.s r n r n i i .
rt.T I i-ujimiiu iu-iu;i., premium quai-
Other grains also were firm, j ity maximum of l per cent acidity
With rye again attracting Chieii "-oic; vauey routes and country
. . j i; i uuinu x ie uun zirsi or av-ouvc.
! trading interest ana continuing lis cheese Selling price to Portland
upward trend on continued Strong retauers: Oregon triplets 29.86c; loaf
demand. Some liquidation of May dlhvered.01651" MJc; lwit
oats Wiped out early small gams. Eggs To re tail ens: A A grade large
Wheat closed unchanged to V Set) 44c M1ium
cent higher than Saturday's nnaii Butter aa prints 51-51 ic; car-
ni,nt9Knn. HTa 1 R01.- mm n. M011 Le prints 50,4-51c;
I - j " 1 cartons siVa-szc; js grade prints 50
UU1U5CU VI . fltlV7 ...U.3,
said city for their approval or rejec
tion, the following charter amend
ment, to-wit:
AN ACT to amend tne Charter of
the City of Salem. Oregon, by add
ing thereto a new secUon to be
known as "Section 99." authorizing
the Common Council of the City of
Salem to issue and sell serial bonds
of said city to the amount of One
Hundred Twenty-five Thousand
($125,000.00! Dollars, bearing inter
est at not to exceed 4i per annum,
to provide funds for the acquisition
of approximately forty-three (43)
acres of land in the City of Salem,
Marion County, Oregon, said land
being known as the Westerly one
half of Bush's Pasture, and said land
to be used by the City of Salem for
puDiic park and playground pur
Christie New Hampshire
Hatching Every Tuesday
RECONDITIONED radio, Gruno s
tube. Phone 4133 during office hours.
ELECTRIC table broilers. . .
255 N.1Uberty
WE HAVE just extracted - another
lot of our famous Fire -weed honey,
nature's own sweetener. Have it In S,
10 and 60 lb. cans. Puritan Cider
Works. West Salem.
2 BURNER. 3 speed hot opiates with
ovens to f it. " -
- . 255 N. Liberty
Phone 68F4
3710 State st.
It Ifittor in hiphpr Mnv 771A-1 "e poultry - umcxens, ouying ine 1-ouing riaces aesignaiea xor
',a lower to nigner, May llfz- prices of wholesalers: Broilers !,' to each of the several Precincts in the
2 DOZEN laying New Hamnshlre
pullets and one dozen year-old hens.
fnone tut.
WANTED: Fat and canner cows for
beef. Dairy cows, heifers, bulls, veal
tat nogs, sows, stags, ooars. Market
price. E C. McCandlish. it. 5, box 373.
(Spe-; rye unchanged to lVs higher, J 2 lbs. S2c; 2 to 3a lbs. 24c: roasters I different Wards are as follows:
d of May $1.74-, barley W higher ' ; WPrinU . - Basement Bethel
Salem Market
I Quotations
rial)- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ford
Sacramento, Calif are visiting to lower, May 1.22y4
Mrs. John Goodman, 503 Lincoln
street, and visited friends in I TO UNSNARL TRAFFIC
Portland Sunday. - I PORTLAND. Dec. 26-WP)-Port-
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Archer I land's snarled traffic was handed
and children of Salem and Mr. to William 'J. Weller today wife
i ar m . m i m I a. a. 1 J
ana ivirs. norman yvnne ana 1 a request uiat ne uo sumeumig 1 priCes below supplied by a 1
daughter of Portland visited last about it The city's headache be- cal grocer are indicative of the daily
week at the Goodman home, came Weller's worry by his ap- S bVe but a r. Sot guarahtd
Arcner was recently discharged 1 pomtment to tne new post 01 city oy i-nt statesman: -
irom me army. 1 inuuiwriauou eusiucei. 1 fSnkJeet to chaace mltheut aetlccl I
Premium ' J4
No. 1 ; . 33
No. X M
Chickens, buying j The Polling Places designated for 1 Ph. 8147. across from ball park. S. 23th
WANTED: Beef and canner cows.
ouus ana veais. win call at farm.
E. L Snethen, 3570 E. Turner Road.
1 EUREKA special vacuum cleaner.
Phone 8666.
GOOD wood circulator. 823. Rt 4.
Box 6D. Ph. 7818. office hours.
DECORATING Roll, haft -reaths.
boutonniers. Basil Zell. Rt. 4. Box 422.
Orchard Heights Road. Ph. Ml" 12 eves.
FLUORESCENT bathroom brackets.
253 N . Liberty
to trade for ton of cow hay. Mitcbel -
i n.p. gas motor. Rt. 3, Box 33.
ONE 18 h.B. Electric motor nn. It
h.p. electric motor, on Motorola car
radio. 350 chick size broiler factory.
2492 Prospect lane. Phone 3026.
MEAT Case, latest rcvxlr r.l U7
after ,
Handmade gifta!. 1148 N. Com,C4CL
COAL and briquet circulator.
m. uberty
REG. -Guernsey or Shorthorn bull
service at your place Ph. 8147.
tist Church D & N. Cottage Ph. 21345 Morns, or eves
Precinct 10 Basement Salem Worn
an's Club 460 N. Cottage Street.
Cannery 165 Division Street. ,ABIP,XA,NTEV "JL iJs; V?
Precinct 22 Parrish Jr. High lbs,W.h,tDe-xt co'ored 22c lb live
school. W it canitol & PiTr- weight Rabbit skins, best prices. Wire
- run, sueets.
stretcher and other supcUes. Salem
address. CO Ratcliff Drive, obone 2-1530.
Precinct 2 1st Floor - Court St. SPiV1?1'1.. c.d9'cT5bb,i-t,Mat Co-
Christian Church 17th It Court I
rrecinct 11 Hotel senator court I , Hl T7
tc High streets. Help wanted
rrecinci court uouse uign
Golden Wedding Is Observed by
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sullivan
Bmenr? rTW
Precinct 18 City Hall Record
2 :r
, .v. -if
, i.
-s t
t tttt .
. t .'.
r .
Extra large
Turkey Pickers Wanted
er a Office - ChemekeU & High 1 gORTHWKT POULTRY AND PAIRY
No. 1 colored! hens
No. t colored! hens
Colored trys and bakes
Yearling lambs '
Ewes "I
Precinct IT Marion Hotel Ban
quet Room Commercial . &
Ferry Streets.
- I WARD 4: .
Help Wanted Female
M I vmn s
to J .Prednct 7
Precinct 12 Deaconess Hospital
N. E. Corner Basement Winter
& Oak streets.
Beef steers 1 40 to J5
Beef cows , , .08 to Jl
Dairy cows .05 to j08
Bulls i . .075 to .11
Veal 8.00 to 13 JO
Lambs, top .-. - ; 12.00
WANTED: Waitress and dishwasher.
PrVcincP - Baernent Richmond S5S i 7 " &b9' 1W4 N
School Richmond & Mill Streets. ZZZZ ; . .
GIRL for general office work:' ex.
perienced in dictation, voucher and
pay roll work. Steady employment,
excellent working conditions. Good
'V, " o',,,,!. V, Pay. Write or apply In person to State
at Mvrtle St. . roresters omce. 2CQQ State st.
irecinct a jason xee cnurcn I rs-rr tatitw - m .
Basement Jefferson . & Winter work children in family. Call
yj'r- tmm.,.-i I 1320 Lancstr Drive or Telephone
Precinct 14 hnmanuel BapUst qsq ,fter 6 p.m. Good wages.
St Vincent De Paul
! Bucks
Hogs, top. 160-270 lbs.
270-300 IDS.
Sows ...... :
6.00 to 7 00
2.00 to 4.
2.00 to 3.00
.-13.00 to 13.30
MILL CITY, Dec. 28 -(Special)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sullivan
celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary December IS with a
family dinner party. The wed
ding" cake was baked by their
grandson, Charles Frederickson,
U. S. army.
Charles Sullivan and Mivindia
Myers were married Dec 15,
1895, at Niagara, within, a few
Cold Preparalicss
L oid. Tablets. Salve, Nose Drops
Caotioo, Use Only as Directed
miles of where they' now live
and where they have spent the
entire half century of their mar
ried life.
Sullivan has been engaged in
Stocks and Bonds
' Compiled by The Associated Press
December 28
30 It 18 I
Indus Ralls Util Stks
timber operations during most of jrf&i; j "j gj
uiat uiiic. , I week ago j (. sn.t
99. 4. 9Z.I
HA 23J 38.1 57 Jb
They have two daughters, Mrs. 1 Milm. Jtf0
z rru xv ra r ongui uaa ours.
- - j
Tln.nt t -f ;n -5 - a I BOKn AVERAGES
MUI (1JIUW. Vi Vltji - 20 1
third daughter, Mrs. Inez Wil- Ran Indus uai rogn
hur'?$e?1 7 SSaTS:. IS.! ii ?si
grandchildren are Clyde Golden, week ago 103.5 103.6 107.8 73.8
r.nM TTTit-Vinorvr with nt Mill Month SCO 101J 103.8 107.7 76 J
Z. " " 7 , "7.7 r Year agT 86a 104.6 106J 87 J
city; wnaries jreuericjcson, uji. l . -
army, and Lenora Marsch, West-1 MEXICANS REMAIN
fir; Wayne and Ray Wilbur. An PORTLAND, Dec. 2 8-(-Ore-other
grandchild, Robert V Lee gon farms still employ 193 Mexi
Frederickson, U. S. havy, was cans from the total here last
killed in the battle of the. Coral summer, the department of 8$ri-
sea, June, 1942. - - I culture reported today.
Church Hazel Ave. & Academy
- Street. - - ,
Precinct 21 First Church of God-
Basement 1425 N. Cottage Street
Precinct 26 Highland School
Basement Stn ot iiigniana.
WARD 6: - '
Precinct 1 U. B. Cburcn Base
. mrnt 17th At Nebraska.
Precinct 3 Four Square Gospel
Church- Basement 19th St
Precinct 19 New High School
North End. Rm. 115 14th St D.
Precinct 20 Mrs. Hillborn's Resi
dence 344 N. 23rd Street.
Woodry i Mkt
1603 N. Summer St.
LADY'S diamond ring, about '. car.
carat, "fw gold setting, less than cost.
Phone 4617.
LIVING room set. ru lzis ti-
ette set. radio, mangle, vacuum sweep-
' ELECTRIC Soldering. Irons and ex
haust fans.
: , r :-. H. H- Ubrty -- -
APPLES Delicious. Spit. 30c bu.
and up.. Ph. 2-4276 ou
i-'jy Pting. Reynolds. Ph. 863S
trUi?RESCE?T.kltch, fixtures to
St ordinary adaptors.
I 233 M. Liberty
FLAT TOP Wedjrewood gasTIngeT
eo'nSSf1 P2! yWnitiC Clock
ffPtroL Reasonable. Phone 4713.:
prtX 9fi L.YOUR OWN
BOX 711. PHONE 2-26317 -
pTEEL WOOLtor cleantof pots and
WAITRESS wanted, night shift. 1K2'.
si com i. cmnese lea uaraen,
GIRL for general office work. Exo
nox necessary, xyping required, no
shorthand. Perm. L. V. Clark, 310 Ma
some Bidg.
USHERETTES.' full and part time.
Apply m person. .urana tettatre,
CANDY clerks, full and part time.
Apply in person. Grand Sweet Shop.
WANTED: Trar drla atut lfrSn
Precinct 23 Englcwood School help. Apply Salem Deaconess bospitai.
- Auditorium 19th At Nebraska. ? m.-.JZ
WARD 7: . ' I HELP-WANTED: Girl to help eve-
Precinct S Johnson Sheet Metal I nlngs and Saturdays for room and
Ufflec 1410 s. inn street. I board. Mica nome. rn. sisbz.
rreonct u uesite jr. tun scnooi
Baaement Howard Ac b. cot-1 waitk55I3 wanted. . Good ttav
tage. I and good hours. Apply Leonards Sup-
Precinct 18 Leslie M. X. Church per Club. 3053 Portland Road. .
Kaaeinent s- commercial at I . , i.,.,,, M
Meyers Streets. i I HELP wanted on small ranch rood
Precinct 24 Friends Church 1 home. Middle aged widower looking
ftasemeiw a. commercial 'I " nmiwiua sua dtw oMiamin.
Vuhlnttmi Streets. - . I - .sv..,..
, . I WOMAN or girl for bouse work. Ton
The Election win be held In said 1 wawea paid. Call in person. 878 Ship-
polling places to each ward M tne I ps
IM o'clock In the morning and will EXPERIENCED typist for typing and
continue until IM 'dock to to eve-1 federal office work. Permanent post
nlng of said day. - I tion. Phose 2-4141. William G. Stacey
uy eroer ox tne common cooncu m i w.wumuu mm wiun.
the Utr ox saiem. Manon county.
Oregon, December X 1943. I SCHOOL CTRL to help in home with
AiJ tcui murtur I enuaren. m exenang xor room Ac board
Recorder of the C3TV ' I Mt aome Day References ncchanrnl Ph.
. ox baiem. wregon, , aa i. mv Muem.
-!ULLCH Brushes. 1748 Grant P. 8357
fto? bdioJ!nL' "f n turnltur. tools. 1
stoves, dishes, motors, radios. ri-tT-v
RANW"- ig!
-V?', ,7?" N- Cormnercial. Ph. 58SS.
Unfinished Furniture
JOL St.Cto!
- ... uMny
WE CARRY a complete lin oZnl
roofing and ourableihin . t5SK
of red or green In vu5.lZ?L
Vg" f 5SAr.a sr.
r.T " Z1S " .row, m i" , "
, DUTCH ovens for tti- . " "
FURNITURE for tale SWT""
walnut dining auito bd 7' TV
IJOY .repairing " porta.
Woodn,'. l-ku.W..intuuner
i .
" ' -1
T -