The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 26, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    COdy RI.ews IMeffs
y Tho Oregon S tollman Telephone 9101 "' "
! Salem, city police learned Tues- Lt Col. Richard Baker, USMC,
day fromMr. aud Mrs. .Werner son of Mr. and Mr. Chester C.
Brown, 473 LesUesU that a prpwl- Baker. -1515 Saginaw at, spent
.tliCM?,fay"lg5t,nd tw. Terry Ellen, at their
Ita! tlSaTI? 8t f St hme 111 Coronado. Calif. He ar-
ii?3wi C8b rived ,outhcrn California by
-ISr. tlron PT Plane Monday from Hawaii, where
rt2?T. he-had .topped en. route from
----- ,-' .wa, at uasciucilh
window, police believe, the
Browns einf absent at . the time.
h 02EGOII STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Wednesday Morning. December 23. 1943
4500 Japs to j
Sail for Nippon
ion service branch i here, , said
most of .the Japanese; are sailing
at 'their own request, but the gov
ernment is deporting a few. They
are coming from internment
camps at:Tulelake; Calif.; Fort
LtecoWNebr,"and Saiitae, N.
Mexvhe reported.'. : .
:.: The public will not be allowed
near . the , .vessel -largest ever . to
dock here, nor wim the Japanese
be allowed to' visit with relatives
on i the ship or dock, Toralinson
said. - -- ' r i -
About 1300 children -under age
16 1 and 1400 women' are escpected
to be among those leaving. The
Japanese will occupy troop quar
ters,' traveling 'much "as soldiers "
do. - - -
From Portland
PORTLAND, Ore, Dec.1 25.-fln
i Special trains will arrive here tot-
i morrow i with the first of I about
4500 Japanese who ' will sail for
Japan late this week aboard . the
Kalem hardware store wQl be
closed Wednesday. Thursday and !
Jrriday ior Inventory.; '
Dance Saturdays,- Silver ton arm
ory. Glenn Woodrya 12-pc. band.
transport General W, H. Gordon.
For nromnt aervlr nt HiMol ont an immigration official said today.
stove oil phone 5606. Howard J. Vernon W. Tomlinson, in charge
Smalley Oil Co. 01 yie Immigration and naturaliza-
WMllln. m W AM .4 .1. .
m - w.. ' I 4m: 'W W . ". a .' A i .
church. 520 State Ph. 8722. 'I wiAfv
Dr. TT. J. rrrirlflr rrtr,mtrict F
603 1st Natl Bank bldg. Pr. 5460.
7 hr. developing & printing ser
vice at Burke's Camera
51. Coml. I
.Cadet William A. Rinehart,
, Kenesslau Polytechnic institute.
0y: ' T", .""J? f.Mr- Arthur HUNTS ARE PARENTS
ti . ' o , a ,Drny - r- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Hunt are
JjVL . . ? ..on Monday 'o the parents of a son born at the
ZlZyurmn "uaa- c -eaves Bungalow Maternity home in Sa
Proposal Plan
Sb 7: Slightly Snafu
Friday to return to school.
Iteroof with Johns-Manvllle shin
gles. Mathis Bros. 164 S. ConVl.
rh. 4642.
Tainting & decorating. Ph. 7552.
Acousticon now offers new revo
lutionary "hearing lenses' for the
hard of hearing. "Investigate."
Batteries for all aids. Mail orders
promptly filled. Acousticon Mc
Donald Co. 905 First Natl. Bank.
Hi. 6350. . . . ,
I lem Christmas day. The Hunts re
1 side In Stayton. They have chosen
I the name Robert for the baby.
Salem hardware store will be
cloned Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday for inventory.
I Newspaper readers . fend i radio j
listeners millions of them knew i
ail about the "lost" engagement
ring long before the soldiersuitor
! even missed it Christmas Eve.
The soldier had asked a sales
girl, Miss Betty Kuhni to hide a I
small box containing the diamond
ring in a package of candy he was I
taking to his girl friend. "That's I
how I'm going to pop the ques
tion," he explained. ' '
But the ring fell out of the box
unnoticed while 1 the 1 ; clerk was
Mrs. V. J. Snyder and infant
son of 1115 McGilchrist st. re-
tnrriri in thi hnm PVii-ictmaa
day after being dismissed from f!1? " and,s!ie didnt discover
Salem General hospital. u ""1 the soldier had left. She
I expected him 10 return,, but when I
Les Newman's men's store will be he i; didn't, she told police and an
Slight damage was reported cl08ed Thursday and Friday, Dec. alarm was spread.
when a car driven by Nora L. An- I' na Ior inventories. just after midnight Christmas
derson, 1577 Court st, collided rviiTvrn vrrn ir evf Betty's telephone rane.
r,!?V 7. A2V 7 "arT R- W. Maker, 90 Beech
old V. See, 823 S. Capitol st, at received first aid treatment when Saturday? a voice asked.
"Did I leave a ring there last!
Trade, and Commercial streets
Monday evening.
Make arrangements with Bishop's
Studio to have your family pic
ture made during the holidays. At
your home or loathe studio.
Lutt flower Shoppe, 1276 N. Lib
erty, phone 9392. '
he cut the index finger on his left 1 ve beea searching for you for
hand with an axe Christmas dav. for days' MissiKuhq exclaimed
Maker reported later to Deaconess aia an nour iater me siory naa a
hospital for additional- medical nappy enaing. :
treatment of the lniurv. rne soldier, Private Walter Sy-
. I kucki 01 unicago, said he hadn't
wormanay Manor wiu De unaoie missed the rine until his
to open Wednesday, Dec. 26 as friend. Miss Mildred Operman of I
planned. Due to transportation Philademhia ODened the mndv
tie-up, key members of the staff nackaee and fnimd ih mntv iHn I
. . .. . I 1 1 . . ... If), .-; r r-J
ur ucunc lowoa sc oaiem 1 ea-i nv oecn unaoie 10 reacn aaiem. I bo.
erai, izq south Uberty. watch for opening announce-
. , ment
- Mrs, Annie C Paul of Portland, Taxi? Capital Cab, phone 6646.
Office manacer of Miller Merran-
e are now accepung reserva
tions for New Year's Eve. Ph.
4006 between 10 a.m. and 5 pjn.
Leonard's Sunner Sluh.
tile company at the headquarters
-there, was visitors in Salem On
Aghast, he phoned Miss Kuhn.
After recovering the ring. Pvt.
Sykucki carried out his original
plan with the i candy and Miss
Operman said ?yes." ;p:
Wool Prices
; Talk Subiect
a t. ; .i
Kalem hardware , store will .be
closed Wednesday, Thursday, and I
Friday for inventory. -
Cyn" Cronlae photographs . and
Frames. 1st Natl Bank Bldg.
Calendars Grabenhorst Bros.,
Realtors. 134 S. Liberty.
D. E. Decker, watchmaker, 1984
State, leaving present location.
Customers clease call for watfhea
CUl ana install Shatter-Proof I at once. A few very fin- maran
uto glass. R. D. Woodrow, 125 teed watches for sale reasonable.
cenier st. - '
mow unpsmica zurmiurt mop fti m TV 7
Woodrow J23 Center. 1 riimail W 1TGS
The Pike. Vanilla Ice cream and my f l
12 other deUclous flavors from iNftW I nrflltin I
wmcn 10 cnoose ior your enrtsx
mas dinner and parties. 1
Due to the transportation ' tie-up
which has held Up the orchestra
' and other personnel, Nirmandy
Manor will be unable to open on
CHICAGO. Dec. 2$.-(P)-The of
fice of Archbishop Samuel A.
Stritch, elevated to" the college
ASHINGTON. Dee. 25--
Sfnator O'Mahoney (D-Wyo)
made public today a letter, from i
the OPA saying that a meeting
wth the wool industry advisory I
committee to discuss' the i maxi
mum average price regulation for
wool textiles is planned early next
year, i
piichard H. Field, OPA general
counsel; wrote that amendments
to the , price order already made
have eased hardships for manu
facturers. O'Mahoney's statement
said that this "is disputed by wool!
of cardinals by PoDe Pius XII.
announced . today the archbishop lexuie manuiacwrers wno declare
Wd Dec. 26th as, planned. Watch had received the following tele-
for announcement.
afiiut !
Mr. Alice Kirk Miller, at th resi
dence, MM South High street. Decem
ber 22. Survived by her husband. Ed-
gram from President Truman:
"Please accept my cordial con
gratulations on the highly de
served honor that has come , to
you in youf selection as a mem
ber of the college of cardinals! I
feel sure that Americans or all
denominations rejoice at this rec
ognition and the enlarged oppor-
ard A. Miller of Salem: and a cou
sin Mn Allra K Edmumlufi of K-
m. services -win bm held December J tunity it gives you, for service to
mi at io no a.m. ai wa viougn-tiamcK i vour church and tft
cemetery. Fev. Setn Huntington will
. Tnraer
Oeorga It. Turner, at hla home at
SS Division street, Sunday, Decern -A
ber 23. at the age of SI years. Survived
by two sons. Gerald A. Turner of
tna U. A. army and Dale W. Turner
f the U. 8. navy. Announcement of
services UUr by Cloug li-Barrlck com
, njr. ' !
In this city Sunday. December M,
- Minnie Pearl Northncsw, late resident
. of West Salem, at the age of. J years.
' Wife of Ray B. Norttiness of West
- Salem, and sister of George But son
f Kalem. Charles BuUon of Stockton,
Calif., and Gideon Butson of CaUfor-
' ma. Services will be held- Wednesday,
December M. at 1 JO p.m. at the W.
T. Rlgdon chapel with interment In
tne Ijtm Mission cemetery. Dr. Joseph
, Adams will officiate.
. Oho Melby. lata resident of 1144
North 17th street, at the Veterans'
hospital In Portland Saturday, Decem
ber 22. at the ace of M years. Hus
band of Sadie Mcjby of Salem; broth-
er of Mrs. O. A. Cornel luson of Fal
lon, Mont., Mrs. Elmer Larson and
Edwtn Mclby of Moorhead, Minn..
Peter and Albert Melby of Fargo.
North Dakota, Martin Melby of Oaket.
N D., Laurtt Melby of Rustad.
Minn., and tngval Melby of Seattle;1
Services will be held Wednesday, Def
, ' rernber 2a. at I :M pjn. at the Clougri
BarTick chapel with Rev. Olaf ' Asper
- officiating. Interment In Fargo, N. D.
Bleckert - " '
Mr. Gracella EJcckert, late resident I
of 471 Klngwood drive, at a local i
bospital. Sunday, December 23. Sur
vived by her husband. Oscar Bleckert:
a daughter, Linda Rae Bleckert, and a
son. Bruce Owen Bleckert. all of
Salem: parents. Mr: and Mrs. George
, Munger of Bicmark, N. D.: a sister.
Mrs. Richard King of Grand Forks,
N. D.: and two brothers. Lt. Cmdr.
Charles Munger andXt. Melvin B.
Munger, both ovemeai with the armed
force. Services "WU be held Wednes
day. Dec. 2S. at 3 u rn., at the Cloueh-
Barrick chapel. Rev. Chester B. Hamb-
lin will officiate. Interment will be
in Bel crest Memorial park.
With it my warm regards and
j Christmas greetings, I am, very
sincerely yours,
"Harry S. Truman.
Vester Johnson, son of Mrs. Ber
tha Pickens, of Salem, Ore Is on
his way home.1,
Johnson Is one of 3000 high-
point army veterans whom the
"Magic Carpet" is bringing back
to the States aboard the USS ing a ship at the pier when they
Windsor. . (supped from the gangplank.
v A. .
unequivocally that i (the I order) 1
continues to result In reducing
needed! men's wear i fabrics byi
some, SO peri cent and has in
creased the production of lighter-i
Weight, lower-cost women's wear
materials by the same percent-H
Seattle Pair Given j
Unexpected Dunking j
SEATTLE, Dec. 25 -i.Wy- Mrs.
Maria Nekelowski, S3, and Joe:
Retzek, 39, went swimming unin-i
tentionally yesterday tn frigid,, oil-!
covered waters of Puget Sound
just off pier 63 and spent 20 min-i
utes in the numbing' chill before
harbor patrolmen and a sailor ef-i
fected a rescue.,
I Retzek was unconscious when1
the pair was taken ashore. MrsJ
Nekelowski said they were leav-t
Cant -
' Henry Cant, late resident of Rosa
I-odgr, pre., at a local hospital. Tues
day, December 23. Announcement of
services later by Clougli-Barrtck com- i
. pany. , -
nnnoc nr imfifim
Ui IU UL Ur l.UUUii; This insignia pro
claims that its wearer has honorably dis
charged his obligation o his country. Now, let
lis honorably discharge our obligation to hinu
A message In the public Interest by ,
fc-sva. uiui v. u jam wisui wwi ' w uiwvwi
' - t ? p , 'til
i 1 -
mJl '4 '
? f '.. s ' n -ztfifi :''
,,-- tte ; M 2M-
r- -v' .-: ' b
nil 1 1 -j.-.
w ; -Jt L VV"I Regular .6.98, A M ' h - I - ;: I-
Am w-t-cd
- LynX i Blouses now-.--,- . s - " t&
Z r 484 'Ute stmt' &dem' 0rTn ! -- kJ J
r I ' - , j;
Here's a our wonderful opportunity to mt on
things; you need right now i1 warm " winter
wearing apparel for yourself K. fresh fashions
for schoolgirl wardrobes , even the fur coat
that Sana forgot is included j in this clearance!
Everything is good quality, slightly soiled from
holiday display and handling.
Dr. P. D. Baker
Announces Removal of
Ilia Of2ces to
11E5 Ccnrl Si-
Phone 7303 '
1 1
Son Francisco Los Angeles