n PAC2.TWO , STATESMAN, . ScdeX' Wednesday Momffcg. Dcmbr 2S. 1945 Quarantine off, Confined GIs On Way Home PORTLAND, Or.. Dec. 2W Quarantine was lifted on th troopship Grundy today to allow her 1800 passengers a Christmas celebration on American soil. But a sad note crept Into tht otherwise joyous occasion. Army 1 officials announced that the ship's smallpox victim, TVS Francis R. Price, SO, Wheeling. W. Va., died at Barnes General hospital yester day. He became ill enroute her from Jlnsen, Korea. ' Other servicemen aboard, ren dered Immune by vaccination, feasted on sumptuous turkey din ners at Vancouver .barracks. Near ly 73 wer scheduled to start for horn late today. Christmas carols, apeclal enter- - tatnment, and stacks of Red Cross donated fiftt brightened the day for about 9000 soldiers and sail ors stranded her by a transpor tation tie-up. Many Portlanders shared dinners with homesick vet erans, i Six troop trains wer expected! to leave Portland today, and mil itary officials hoped to put sev eral hundred other men aboard ! ships and regular passenger trains. --i r .y x ' ,4 Jrc"--.. , 1 i. : II i . i! 4 V 'I' ma' n fmlm tutzmm?..' m i I EWISH DIMONSTRATIO N A Jewish itrieeasloa cnarhs Tel-Avtrfor S e- . monstrauon after holding a 'mass meeting m th Uktna f the cityi f eeal trouble spat. i-i- 5 aiildren Burned To Death in Bbze On Christmaa Day F A YL l'l JL VTIXX, W.Va., Dec U-Jiy-Ty of th U eWWren of If r. and ' Urs. Cec Rodder wer bwraed to death today when Christmas day fie destroyed theW two-story fraea heus two miles rth of PayettevHIe, Stat Trooper T. I. Spriager reported. Th -victims, raaging in age tram six la 13 years, were trapped on th top floor of their feeane de spite th frantic f forU of their Barents and other brothers and sisters to. rescue them. I Springer identified the dead children as Maurice. IS; Martha Lee, 12; Louis, nine; Jennie, eight, and Betty, six. Four other children and the parents fled to aafety in their night clothing. - !IJ ! . I. . . -.1-;: . : r- ... , . i- ; - I . J '' K "- - . . : t f "" ,-V!. . . i , - - i . . . . " - - v. -52 . ' , . . v ' II v - ' ! -.irf-J" l.t'' c i ' ! ' ' " I 1 . ' " . j " ' " ' ' N " i i i .r- ? 'v I i " : I i- .,f " - j Guard Admits i i . . . Striking Yanks TOKYO, Wednesday, Dec. 2 Formerj Prison Guard Tatsuo Tsu chiya admitted today ' in Japan's first war crimes trial he -struck prisoners eight or nine, times with the open palm." Th defense then rested Its case - l'l ' The: abort, bland Japanese whom his exrprisoners dubbed "Little Glass iZye," denied prosecution al legations that he used his fists or instruments against American prisoners. He asserted he did not Ration Sought To Die in Battle BROWNSVILLE, Tex, DC 25-()-Qen.:J). S. Rockenbaclv. USA retired.: who was Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.'a instructor in tanks in World War I, today: released a poem General Patton wrote in tribute to a friend in the last world war telling; hdw he would like to die. 1 , ; , The poem, written on" Nov. 11, 1918, to an otherwise un identified Captain JEnglish read: The war is over and we pass To pleasure after pain Excepfc those- few who ne'er shall see , . . Their native land again. To one of these my memory turns ' Noblest of the slain; - To Captain English of th tanks Who never shall return. . . Yet should some future war exact Of me the final debt My fondest wish would be, to tread The path wjdeh he has set East Coast GI Arrivals Feted Evidence hi War Crimes Tri NEW- "YORK, Dec.: 25. Thousands , of ,Gl's who arrived on the east coast : too late to ' spend Christmas at home had the best suDsutute - eelebrauon the army, American . Red ' Cross and ' USO could offer. '. s , j They, had turkey Vith trim mings, Christmas ,trees and gifts, holiday parties and, in the case of patients in one hospital, free telephone calls home. The army' staging and . separa tion centers in the New. York, Boston and Richmond,! Va., areas outdid themselves to disspell any! disappointment ' the ' servicemen might have felt. ' r The Red Cross: and USO staffs worked overtime, sacrificing their own Christmas at home , to bring the men yuletide cheer. At Camp Shanks. N.,Y where 5000 troops arrived ; and . 10,000 were awaiting shipment overseas. there werfr 10 tons of turkey. Sixteen, thousand cartons of cigar- ets were distributed, as well as gifts sent from New Jersey - fam ilies. 5r 7v.,;J- - J w 7 -y'y X '.X1 I. 1 For faithful unto God and man And to his duty true ' "Hedied to live forever In the hearts of those he knew. Death found In him no faltering But faithful to the last He smiled in the. face of fate And mocked him as he passed. : No, death to him was not defeat . But victory sublime; The grave prompted him to b A hero for all time. Suicides Beside Slain Wife's Grave GREENVILLE, Ky, Dec tt-UT) The body of Edgar A. Donovan, 40, under indictment; in Da vies county for the slaying of his wife was found dead today beside her grave at nearby Bremen. H. T. Harkme, - Muhlenberg county coroner, said j death' was caused from "suicide joy poison ing.' The body was found bv Si- morf Peveler, who Uvea! near th cemetery. Mrs. Donovan wa4 shot and ,)lJSBBBB Thotnaa Dadd. an assistant preaceaUnc attorney lor u u. b. ai theNoermberc, Germany, war crimes trial, holds a hamaa ahraakea W4 1m fefendaeed aa evidesM of eraeltr ta GermaJi eoMentrattaa tAr..Wtrepot'---. ; ,T prisoners, ne ssn i lea n aia noiln vj J W71l I Mr- uonovan was snot ana recollect PFC Robert Gordon Teas, NttOV Hanged T lllle I killed In her home hare and in the presence of one of their five children. There , wer two sons and three daughters ini or near the houao at the time. Former Governor 01 -Pennsylvania to Wed Belgian Girl ; George H. Earle. W, former dlplo- Qen. Masahara Ilamu (center), plead. Umcentfpre mit -nr mtim, . uvmw1r of mUltary cobmbImIoo In Manila, P. L. at frralgiunent a war crimes A va . m i a.a. a accuse i ! JGettinfi Presents Tsuchiya testified for two and! : ; i-' one-haU hours as the trial was re-1 SUNNYDALE, Utah, Dec. 25.- sumed after a Christmas recess. A I JPt-ZajvuAj 11-year-old Joseph decision today by the American I Carl Fahl went to the closet to military - commission hearing his j bring out some Christmas presents case was considered possible. . last night. - : : , - " f I He climbed up on a box to TOO QUSY FOS CAROLS , j reach the gifts on the closet shelf, common shares of Alaska Air- PORTLAND, Ore, Dec l5-(ff)- wnen josepns motner went to lines, Inc wiU be made Wedne Planai jfor Christmas carols for look tor him 15 minutes later, the day by a syndicate headed by R. criDDled children at Shriners hos- youth was hanging dead from a H. Johnson Co. lat $15.50 a pital jwere called off today because leather strap, his neck broken. share. The shares are part of an the youngsters were too busy with Deputy Sheriff Frank Ellis said original authorized issue of 1,000, toys. As for stockings -4- Santa the boy apparently slipped and in 000. Proceeds wm be used to pro- nad round mem tacxea to oeos in- laumg chusqi ius necs. m we sirap i vtae aadiuonal , equipment and stead 0f a chimney. 1 hanging in , AIRLINES STOCK OFFEKED ' NEW' YORK, Dec.-a5-GPV-Pub- lic offering of 125,000 .additional the closet I other improvements. Pennsylvania, will be married here Friday to Jacqueline Marthe Jermine Sacre,a23-year-old Belgian beauty. Earle returned to Turkey re cently where h formerly was as sistant U. S. naval attache. Prev iously h was American minister to Bulgaria. Miss Sacre. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Charles Sacre of Ostend, Betgiasn, was born 1st Paris and educated in French and Istanbul cooveots. Her father is la. charge of construction of new railroads in southern Tur key. charres. Left fcs Major John H. Skeen. Jr Baltimore, Md chief defense eoanaeU and (right) CapL George W. OU, Chicago, Kerens counsel member. (AP WlrephoU) Soldier FUes lnlrpnLung . DENVER,Dec. 2MWednesday) (P)-Cpi- Wallace H. Hargrave of Topeka. Kans.. arrived at Lowry field shortly after midnight com pleting an 11,000-mile plane trip in an iron lung from India where- he waa stricken with infantile paralysis. ON MISCHIEF CHARGE Capt. J. E. Gninn, public re- POMONA. Calif, Dec. 5-V j lations officer at Fitzaunmons gen- rtnrmtin Alfara. SI. failing toleral noswiai. said ne would ne post 1200 bail on a malicious mis- J removed from the iron lung, plac chief charse. spent Christmas day 1 ed In an ambulance fitted to ad in JaiL A neighbor. Mrs. Santos minister oxygen and taken to the Gutierret. accused him of iurop-1 army hospital and again placed Intf Into a tub and trampling 37 in n iron lung. babv chicks to death- Corporal Hargrave, began; the xugm at uaicuttam India, and ar rived on the west coast last week Evangeline Booth; 80 Years Old HARTSDALE, N.Yn Dec. 25-(ff) Evangelin Booth, retired inter national commander of the Salva tion Aimy, said todaj&on her 80th birthday mat she was' "in busi ness more than ever !: She said she was planning a five-week campaign for the Sal vation Army in San Francisco and Los Angeles during February and March! and was continuing her work f'to make my later years fruitful 1 for the benefit of man kind." j . v ? CAE TflEFT. XEFOKTEU A 1935 blue Chevrolet coupe, carrying Oregon 1M2 license 213-630 and belonging to Leo Halter, was stolen from Wood burn at approximately 8:30 o'clock Christmas . night, state police have been notified. ' RESTAURANT RAZED SEATTLE, Dec. 25 -AV Fire from blazing grease did extensive damage to Don's Oyster House .in downtown Seattle today. There was no official estimate of the loss, although firemen said the in terior was virtually demolished. MAES CANDY HEAD DIES LA JOLLA. Calif.. Dec. 25-()-Mrs. Ethel Veronica Mars, 81, president of the Mars Candy Co., of Chicago, died today at a hos pital after a lingering illnesa.- Too Late to 0ifv rVRNITURC for Mlt: . S3ce. tov. walnut dmtn ut. txlrm. Mite, drap rtaa. Ihen 1-1 J04. " III Every Satardgy CIl7:r!:a Arncry .Ob 12: '"o ' 'Q-'O' l - rxie rUlaers - Kt -'ion 71e riat I'fi- Tax lt .TcUl tie -Opens 8:45 P. M. Now Playing! .'A f fii All-Fun Co-mt!! Slaa Lacrel Oliver Hardy -A-HAUNTING WE WILL GO" snggETTwir n wit -Opens 6:45 P. M.I- I7ov7 Playing! THE SENSATIONAL SATURDAY EYENIN6 POSTSESlAL... bcaii the mtk raslarkaMa j pctwraei th yearl V V t ' A Watar V . 8 1 INN a II I3I0N IA1TII ARIIIWS Thrfll Co-Hitt if Zand Grey'$ Last c! Hie Dnancs" George Montgomery - i f I : rfg s : i m-6 1 Chapter No. 3 "Monster and the Ape" i Last Times Today BaeaU Charles Borer - Lauren . ' r In Warners "CONFIDENTIAL AGENT" Flo. "Vale of th Whistler Sfcrb Tksrdhy Q-t ZT" rT Endinj Today! (Wed.) V ix" -rsT JlvJ "John Wayne r- JJwJLi-- "Dakola" , IaSSBBSSSSBSBSBSSBBSBSSSSSBSSBBBaSBBaBSSSBSSBBi BSBBBBBSBBBSBSBBBBBSSBBSSBlSBBSBaBS . . I "Phone 1467 " Contlnuoos Shows Dally from 1 P. M. s) Doris Merrick i STADTIIIG TOIIOMlOn! ' I -sensation hunters- !- -II . ' 't 1111 : ' ,: ... I 6J"' H r i' f- r.. 'i I I f AHunDEntn: w-suuiui. I ...with iron- o - I 1 v '"L"g-!iL1 I It I I ,!..-; ... JOHN LODCc . T I I I 'M r f:cHAiisT.ANGa . I T I . 'I . . . . - . ... .v. . - I I J I I j , : MAKE UP YOUR PARTY NOW. FOR OUR WHOOPIE I I j I J y t Hew j Years Eve Shaw! Frcs mix crd llsrnss 5 K ft 'ii , oasis yzzzzz izsi cess sua ejsci rsacrrt CO-FEATURE . . 3 CYSTEm ax I I.) LAST TIMES TODAY . x '-"- lames Cagney in v '" "Blood on' the' Stm - Plus . Gne Antry- in Gnns and Gaitars' Slarh Thttreday--2fil$ TH E REAL-LIFE STORY ! behind the storfrof YOUR G li JOE! --- a wtni Plusj Co-Feature- ft h ht A