CU!e4 Advrrt&ng Statesmen Classified Ads Call 9101 Three Insert! on i per line 13c Sis Insertions per Una One month per Una . , , ;, Minimum charge 25c; S U. mln. lmura 33c; 6 u. tola. 45c, No. refunds. Copy foe this oar a accepted un til J the evening before publica tion for clawtftcatiau. Copy re-. reived after thla time wla) be run undr the beading "Too Lata to Claaalfy.' .., The Statesman uaumn no finsa rial responsibility lor errors whte-h may appear la sdvertlaements pub luitd in lis columns and in caies whn tMs paper Is at tauK will reprint that part of an aertuM ment la which the -typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reeervea the right ta raject questionable advertising: It further mrm the right te place all advertising Under the proper classification ,- A "Blind" Ad an aa mntalelng a Statesman box number for m ad dress is tor da protection of the advertiser and must thmlwi ba iuwr4 py wttr. The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge in for mation M to the Mnt'ly of an advertiser using a -mm ee. Livestock and Pool try- WANTED i Pat and ran air cows for bef. Daary cows, bailees, bolls, veal its. siT. cross tram Seal park, aV SSUt I W ANTED t Beef- and bulls and veals. WIU rail at fa X L Rnethen. 3879 C Tnrner Road. rn. U34a Morns, or REQ. Ouernsey or Ibaetsiam bttU! aervic at your placa- FV aitT. RABBITS WArfTXD. aB 4 to 01 lbs Wt, 24e lb aai a-alfht Ratoeat skiaa trvtrfaer and her Wire I adttreaa, 4 Bateliff Driv, Bh-me S-IS30. t-ortland aawrreas, RaOMt Meat , Co aaii a. av sitrs. sun. iraa.. Christie New nmpshire Hatching Ever-f .' Tuesday ORnrn iow irm Isoxeoiate or tuTulia BEUVXRY. - - Boyington?; Phone 6ST4 . art state at I Help Wsmled EXPERIENCED Presses. man -or 1 woman, l ptt hr. Guars atea 48 bra. 0 (, DUe aeanere. Srfrsrton. I I'none 1S1 - ' .. 2 UCPrRITNClD silk flnUher. DeUUte Cleaner, BiXVarton. Phone 1st. m v' :. . J " ; ' llirkeV ; sTlCXCTl 'Wanted lj:2.J r"" inwui ruuLi ik i nnu uauvi i rsuuLLi. ises m. muni.' - Help Wanted Slale WANTED: Competent aria tar, union anoe. oran nPi . BUS. BOY, waated. The -Spa. . Help Wanted - Female WANTED: Trsy baip. Appay Salem ru-bj and kitchen Hoap rial. HELP WANTED: Girl to kelp eve nings and Saturdays for room and board. Nice home. Ph. 81583 - WAITRESES wanted. .Good pay and god Iveurt. Apply Leonards Sap per ciua sum Portland Road. WANTED: Middle aged womsn for part time work, about six hours daily, eat AuaAaye. References required. son jus ataareman. - - OrnCK SECT, wsnted. Complete of fice experience vsriety. downtown of fice. Shorthand nee. Some bookkeeping knowledge dratrable. Suite 1. Ladd A Huah Bank Bldg, 124 X Coral, Boy aeouts as Atnenca. KEIJ wanted on small ranch rood home. Middle aged widower looking tor companion, ooa juu atatesman. WOMAN er rtrt for Iveuae vmrft. Ton was-e paad. Call In person. $70 Ship ping st EXPERTTNCID tvpUt for typing and f'nrsl -office amrk. Permanent post on. jhone 2-4141. William G. Stacey aad Co, accountants and auditors. - SCHOOL CTRL ta help tn home with children, in exchange for room At board rV otne pay References exchanged;. Ph. SvMV Salem. , " . . - ' Situations Wanted ' WILL CARE for preschool children days (not Sundays). 1002 Highland ave. WOMAN with Invalid heaband de sire home with party needing companion- or housekeeper. Box 30 States man. - SERVICE station atndant Work.. Phone $348 or 3-1658. wants GEN. YARD WORK wood and saw dust put In. Pbone S449. ; ADV3RTTSINO Western Adrertlsinj ; . - Representsti vet v - Ward -Griffith Company-. .Ine. San Franctace , s .... V . Eastern Advcrtlsirvf : Rfpresentatlves - 1 Ward-Crtfflth Comusey, tne. Chicaeo New York. Detrow, v - Boston., Atlanta Member ' ' . Psdflc Coast DlrtstoB v. Bureau of Advertising rniertd at the Pettoffb-e at Xa'em, Oraooa as Set-end Clans Mottm Ptib- lolxd a-s-erv orimg Xrcept Mawdarw. Kvameaa erice li haul caw mmt riot atrees, . , . - SUBSCRIFnON . RATE3 ' Vail Subscription Rates tn Advance: W utile Ore son. Dally aad Sunday, Ma. 1 centa: 8 moa S3 00: 1 year. $SO0: )..m where 80 centa per mo or $7-20 lor 1 year m advance per copy a cents ' Py City Carrtrr. TS cent, a- month, ft 04 a year in advance, la Marion and Aiaaani aous. CHICKS Situations Wanted PrsSchool PUrSchooL 1381 State. Ages 1-8. Part or all day. Ph. 8430. aaaa--aaa-a--aa.-awaa--aj-aMaas TRUCKING JOB WANTED Netted Gem notatoea for aale. Ph. 6323. 134$ Hoyt St. , For Sale SLUccIlaneoaa WX BUY and Pen men's shoaa. clotb- tng. tools, radios, guitars, trunks, furniture and bouaebokl goods. SUN DALES. SSI N. Coast Pb, XSSt GITT BOX and range condiment seta. TXATI-i. AFPUANCS CO. 25 N. Uberty WHIT TEDDT bear lecghui suit. sire 2. also baby, bed. All ilka 2789 Brooks. Phone S32S' ATHORAY8 -OZONE. aeU and rent B. a Pugh. Ph. 2-2458 P O Box 483. Always" '-?rMxnM Woodry's ruralturo Mkt Ph. 111$. PTN-IT-tTP LAMPS YXATER APPLIANCX CO, SSS N. Liberty Cu. PL a lac. Refrlg. SS N. Winter. GOOD Wood range $2040. Phone S237X A. B Browning, Rt. 3, Box 533H. Salem, S miles sooth of Liberty Road then 2nd bouse- on Belcreat Road. EXTENSION and trow cords. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. SS9 N. Liberty BULLDOZERS: S - caterpillar bull- dozers, small and largo cats, blades and drumrr. Juat the eauioment for land clearing, landhrveling or road buildmg tar farmers and loggers, wiu sou lease or rent. Price around tzuw. Kant szoo wtrjmirnrrHT bathroom brackets. YEATER APPLIANCX CO. 234 N. Liberty ILLUMINATED houae numbers world globes - - I CATER ArTUANCE CO, 23S N. Liberty Ready Mir 1 MASON SAND. CONCRETE airjC RIVER SILT AKD FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OP GRAVEL Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH. 2-lSdt S-3100 WALL TTPS can apewara. 1 Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 2SS M. liberty " RABBTTS. aR 199 i Simoyvtew ava: rLUORESCENT das taunps: Ideal tor Student's study deak o nomo use. YKATKJl mMMCI CD. a 2S N. Ubsttj' "TOR CHRISTMAS, lady's writ watch $13.00. Agate rings and pendanta. Beautlnal neck chains, at 190 Sk Mta. Doc, The Clock: Doctor. . Bu siness D i r e Accounting Service ACCOUNTING. Bookkeeping, prop- ftf mansternent income tax. Business mttk aumraic diub. r'l. " Airplane Models SALEM MODEL CRAFT. 217 X HtghrK Airplane, spat. acer. Hattread-bup IP' Ban Doa Xacto Seta. "Salami B Model center, KITS and SUPPtJXS. Cherry I Modal Aircraft Slat Market City Appliance Service ; 1 EXPERT Bendtx and domestia -refrigerator Ralph Johnson a pp usees Art. Tile m a -rn i , - -. . Ji store fronts. Ph. 8084. 385$ PertlandM Rd. Saiem Art THe.s Auto & Truck Service MARION MOTORS ' NASH SALES or SERVICX " Ex parte need mechanics Oth Buft, foreman. 940" Chemebeta. Ph 7836. BXXXALL-OWENS CO 33$ S Coml Auto Brakes. Magazine Snbscriptions HERRALL-OWENS CO. 239 8 Coml pATJt a HA USER. Pb, T82X Mike Pane. 27b S. Coml: Ph 8181 , 1 . . 11 Brake and wheel aligning apactsllst .. MaSSXe ' Bicycles Medical trained nuuseuaa. Ph. 5731. - GENE'S BICYCLE SHOP: -" Painted Maea - and repaired. Edgewater st, W. Salem. mattresses BlCrCXra New aad reconditioned CAPITOL BEDDING CO Pbone 4060. Harry W Scott. 147 S Com'cl P 4316 . - Body & Fender Repairs HERRALL-OWENS CO 239 8 Coml Building Contractor: Expert' floor sanding, finishing. and interior pstntmg. rree estimate, .call Ceo. Reynolds. Phone ORRIN n PI 61 NET. contractor. Destrntng and remodeling homes. Pb $483 Rm 226 Oregon Bldg Bulldozing Bulldozing, leveling and grubbing. Call Al Benson, Pb. 6303. . Carpenter Work Clarence Crowty, Ph. 4085. avertings, . Cement Contracting t r a cting. GENERAL CEMENT eon Stanley. Fags. Ph. 23043. CEMENT -contracting, Ph 4071 C X Ellis Chiropractic Physician Uoyd L. Horkett. Pnstothersptst ISO 10 N. Com L rn- 443. Chiinney Sweep CHIMNEY SWEEP. Phone Northness. 4450 iornina end evenings, - OIL cntCULATOX furnaeea, ehtm neys cleaned. Ensley. HI X 21st P 117$ Delivery Don's Delivery Service, ph. 3337. Quick, courteous, insured. N. Liberty 8. chetn. HAL'S PICK UP and delivery service. 1320 N. Commercial Phone 6003. . Electric Repair Work Burke's washer re pairs, aUldnds. Quick service. Ph. 6293. SaS Norway, Funeral Directors BOWXUOWAXDXT Pb. 3S73. For Sale Miscellaneous) RECONDITIONED radio. Gmno $- tube. Phone 4133 during office hours. TRICYCLE Chrome tabla and chair act. Electric vacuum sweeper. Ph.. 8481. ELECTRIC tabte broiler.' " ' - - -.. V EATER APPLIANCE CO. : , - V ,.u 239 N. Liberty. S GOOD trailer houses. 12 ft, Schults. very good condition. Sleeps- 4. gas ranges, oil burners, 1984 State. ' WE HAVE lust extracted another lot of our famous Fire-weed, honey, nature's own sweetener. Have it hi 3, iv and 60 lb. cans. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. i V BURNER. V spaed M plateawttt rena to fit. YEATER APPLIANCX CO. 255 K. Uberty DECORATTNG Holly. hoOv wreaths. poutormiers. Basil ZeU. Rt- 4, Box 42X Orchard Heights -Road. Ph. BaTlS eves. Handmade gifts. 114 If. Coasl. 4831. COAL and briauet circulator. .YEATER APPLIANCX CO. 253 N. Liberty LAWN MOWER Sharnenina- At Ad lusting, - Waadrya MkU 14 N. Snanmer St. ELECTRIC Soldering lrona aad nauat' fana. YXATER APPLIANCE Ca 239 N. Liberty APPLES Delicious. Sottz. SOe bu. ana up. . s-427e. Interior Painting.. Reynolds, Ph. flat top - wodgewood gaa range, automatic pilot and' automatic rascx eootrai. waaaonatne. Pbone 47U. - STESL. WOpL for cleaning pots YEATER APPLIANCX CO. 233 f. Liberty ' PULLER Bruabaa. 174 Grant P: S397 buy-asMf eatt ttarnituraK tool. stoves, dishea, motors. adioa aJrctric apBiianees. aousenoid goods. KLIQ- ahb, aa ni. carnmerctal. Ph. Mas. Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unfinished furni ture large assortment or made to or der. Pickett, runtiture, lSOa and Statav BUILT-IN medicina cnests- with plate rlees mirrors, YEATER APPLIANCX CO. 255 N. Liberty WE CARRY a complete Rne of rolled roofing and durable ahinglea. Choice of red or green In square butt, hex or diaanond point Sold over the counter or installed. Just call HTT or tree va- Mmate. Western Aute Supply Co, Sa- uregon. DUTCH ovens for tastier maals YEATER APPLIAMCZ CO. -236 N. Uberty ; Btntiicss Directory csrds rtos by Um Bsneith only. Bate $1.25 wr Has m EBOttUt Call 9191 4 listed hero for malts! 'mzU- Florists: EOLA ACRES. Rt L Pb, $736. I Breithaupf a, 447 Court . . Pbone tlSS Furnace Cleaning Xxpert aenrlca Cooper At Son. P 3083 Gnnsmith. General repairs.' bhieins. custom I stock and metal work, C R. Douglasa, TL - - Gun renalrtnr and reblubur. Bv fTertenced atidh censed: xunamitb. 2250 Mapte. Pb, seSS. I Lavrninovrer Sharpening. MACHINE Grinding and" repatrlng SI36 Fsargrounda Road. J. F Dougherty GUARANTEED WORK ' on special factory grinders by Harry W. Scott. The Cycle Man" 147 S Commercial St ' Musical Instruments Bepairtag .Win's Music Store P 40SS Music Lessons j Piano mstructiun beginners and ad -J - - - - 'i - B I varrcea siuuenia. - mio .whtimri. oj-i Laurel' ave. SPANISH & HawHan Guitar. Mando lin, Banjo, etc. 1533 Court Pb, 7569 Oil Burners Oil ' Burner Service and repairs; also stove grates & linings, and washing machine service. Phone . Tzua. Painting interior painting. Reynolds: Ph. $638. PAINTING 8 Decorating. Ph.. 7332 j Painting & Paper-hanging PAINTINO and Paper Hanginx Phone 9613. 857 Solppmg St PAPERHANGTNG. Reasonable. H. J. Woodwortn. 2190 Myrtle. Ph. 301a. - Paper hang'g. Jerry Johnsor Ph. $492 EXPERT WorkmaRShip Phone 4323 Plumbing SEX 'TOUR PLUMBER FIRST ' for - better . plumbing supplies - and skilled mechanics. John Faher, Ph. 3019 BOWZN BROS, Plumbing and Heat- ui mi r com 1 pn .zis. HOWARD PLUMBING a. Sheet Metal Co, ust JeUerson. Pn. 3-1443. A U SKEW IS aV CO. Plumbing ge,tlo." 173 X Coml. Ph. 77 .Radio Service RICHARDSON AV BOESCH An makes Also car radios Tubes. Phone 403O valley Motor Bldgv WILL'S Music Store. Pb, 4939. . Saw Filing . '.t ,.A i Phone 387t 1J06 N. Summer. or Sale Miscellaneous rLASHtJGHTS cotnoleta with bat teries. : XSS N. Liberty . - STOViT repitrlnc & parts.'. Woodry's fait; 1603 K, Summer St EXPERT washing machine service and wringer rolls, all makes. See Ed Eiiia at Nelson Bros, rnnutura store. SIS N. Liberty. . HEAVY duty fruit tuicers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ,.- 253 Si. Liberty . ,. LATE model Montag wood etreulat- or. 2367 State at , SPERTI room dislnfecttnf lamps. YXATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 N. Liberty j ; GntLS Jr. Sew inn pre-war bicycle. Chrome wheels, small automatic light plant station sua air compressor, and large Buffalo force with electric blow- 9 miles out Danaa road. Box 448. K. Cook. Pbone 3-4293. BOY'S ir. bicycle: man's bicycle. 1 model aeroplane motor, class C. with aeroplane. 4273 Hudson aye. Penn Four Corners. FLUORESCENT kitchen fixtures to Dt ordinary adaptors. YEATER APPLIANCE CO n n'ruruin;ri,--a N.. Uberty FOR .YOUR Christmas dinner and parties, drink and enjoy pure apple juice, aaaae aauy from selected ripe apptes. contains au tne fruit vitamins. Puritan cider. Works. West Salem. LIONEL- electric train set enaunes. ftiwir mrm uf U.ivh. UM - . Emm v.. i. FARSfXRS ATTENTION I Electric butter chums. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. . tSS N. Uberty -SAWDUST Burner. Pacific No. 18. new grate.- i none aeua. VASES., statnettea and Dlaouea make vjveorrii Ail imm gins, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. CARACUL fur iaclnt. sleevaa. aizn 1S-M.- Priced right 340 E. Wuean, Pb, S GIRLS' Blkaa, Phone 4788. ' IRONING board pads and coven. YXATER APPLIANCE CO. . aSS H. Liberty - WALNUT hi-ehair. 1t model 33 Utm tngton X rifle; hardly used. $12; mod ei i. uwnnan F.oaaKaiiae projector, and extra bulb, $26. Phone 2-1447. HAY Eastern Oregon affatfa. Netted enr para toes, win deliver anywhere mone oozo. ue noy t FARMERS ATTENTION I Etectrtc Sence fmitrollers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. Z33 n. Liberty acvv ennne mn sue. vouna- ainff, i J cage asm siano. ists c t ory Sand and Gravel SAND & GRAVEL CONCRETE MTT aii xinas or Road Gravel, genuine i iran. anarp asason sand Crushed Rock.. COMMERCIAL SAND & GRAVEL CO rnone a-1968 or 2-3100 ' SAND, -xravei.: crushed, jmdc nl mixed concrete and garden sand. Wallint Sand, and Gravel Ph, $94L o V7.1. J3aw rillDJE. 674 X . Capitol. F. X. Roach Sewina Alacnine KertaiHriwim state st Phone sm a-a ai . o - . - . Singer Sewing Maehlna Co. Can for and delivery service. Guar- anteea repairs. Phone I31Z. Verne's Repair Service. Pit 302$. Sewer, Cleaning ROTO-ROOTER Sewer and Drain Cieanmg Service, Ph. 5337. . Septic Tanks Cleaned.: 0? ".4l!to Salem. Ph. 7404. Guaranteed service. Septic Tanks Ceftspools CLEANED. FREE INSPECTION. Gene rile, ISO Williams ave. Ph. 7334. Taxidermist NAT Kammler. 2330 Broadway.' Trailers Trailers, built to order, one- of' two wheel style, any size bed. Martin Bros. Trailer ' Mfgv Co , 2285. Shelton st a UV1IX . BeOau Transfer LOCAL .OR Lfimr. Dlstanee haullne m iirm proaucut.- Pnone MJiS. Lester DeLapp Truck Ser. Ph. 2-1750. tien naming. Local Ac Long Distance u-UKivs trucks FOR RENT Biautets turn. 1111 a Uberty.- Ph. 9002 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer storace. burner oiL" briauets. Trucks to poruano daily. Agent , Pieroe Auto rTeujnt, tncmamg cam. points. Larmer iransier uo pn aiai Tire Recapping O X. Rubber Welders Truck and Paaaeneer. non -directional tire treads on an truck tires 303 S High Ph 3548 Vacuum Cleaner Service EWtrohix cleaner : and alp- purifier sales and service. TeL SOU. A limited number of new machines now available Verne's Repair Service. Ph. 303$. CERTIFIED GUAR. serv. AR makes Vince s Electric, 137 S. Lib TeL 629$ FREE inspection tn your home. Au thorized Hoover service. Wo service aQ makes cloanars. Hogg Bros Ph. $14$ Watch-Oock Repair Et X Decker. Bcertaed watch maker 1984 State. Ph. 21967, Open evenings. Weather Strips TREK eatunatea. T- Pullman, Pb. 8965. in ii -mm i. wt Yv eiQing, Biacnine W OrX PORTABLE W-ELDING EQUIPMENT 728 s. 14th st Phone 3o Window Qeaning ALL work guaranteed. Windows walls, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed." tosured worSmen- Professional Cleaning Service. Ph. 4451. For Sale " Miscellaneous PLASTI KOTX natnts for indoor usa. give a cellophane-like-fin tshf C IftATEH APPLIANCX CO, "-'r ,a3-w- Libertr- CAN ARIES. 1240 Cham, Ph. 4389. COILED barrel tvne tmh kimur mwA hot water tank. Both In eood condi tion. 1748 N. 20th. . BOUDOIR tamps: $73 per set , f YEATER APPLIANCE CO. . 25 N Uberty Wanted Miscellaneous AUTO Oaintim lust a ahakit httr by Ray ETTXR. call Shreck .Motor CO. 8502. i '. ..i-.'-:-,:-,. . (i ' WANTEDS PlANOs" wm -nav emH Wills Music Store. 432 State St ' WANT TO ' Bur. tTaMt eanwm SV tenaea. atcewan Photo Shop. 433 Stata. CASH for mr n A htmitinr, cw. 7398. State St Furniture. 1900 State. CASH for used nlsnn a. nther mn. steal Instruments. Call 4841 days or 537 evenings or send description to aquiin asusic lo m s. mg" - USED roRNTTURX j'-'JPfctSlSaV DT YOU nave furniture to aell aea suae ungnr. Fn. T51L 453 Court Sliscellaneous DON'S DELIVERY SERVICE ' Quiclc; courteous, tesured. ,ra. at. Dental Plate Rcnair TWO-HOUR SXRV1CK IN MOST CASES - Bring a Mail Your Plates for Reoafe DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST AdotpB Bldt State St Com Pb Stll SHOX RBPAUUNG: Quicker service, better. nuaUty. short -jobs while you wait Eduraned to da anv kind at shoa work, Gipson'a Shops, 326 N. CornX' HEAVY Haulinc ExemwOoa Read Buildina. Land Cteartne. Dneer Work, Ditdbanx. Baaeaaent Xxcavation, nana, uravei, crusned rock. Mason Sand. Concrete Mix, Cement. Salem Sand 4 Gravel Co. - 1400 N. Front St T j fiwilafifllV OfKMI I REPAIR all snakes of CLOCKS. Have some good pocket watches-for sae. t also any watches. aiarz rJocka. ISO S. Mth st . . ; atNS HATS cleaned and blacked. T9C- UES SFR3NGEB, 4M Court St. Money to Loan Auto And, Track Loans Contracts Refinanced! - - , - . . trucks regardless of age. No delay I ItnHaT. e4a wanasai ffrkflna nJSJl flat taaaam wtnnae vaaaans, vjane, eaanaa sMs an Ban 4ffa.a uni uiWUtK xou retain poaseasion et venicie. - 1 to 19 months to reoey. I After 8 -o'vloek phone 21143 appointment ROY H. SIMMONS I - Regulated by state. PRIVATE MONEY 13$ SV Coral. St Phone 916$ $ $ MONEY S $ I We make aR tmea of personal loans I Including furniture, note and car loans, i ror any worm wniie cause, we aisoi 1 wnmwLW irai mmim mmnm ana uuv ivu i I estate contxaets. For auick and effi- I eient service see or phone i I QT A Tt? CTAI A MP 17 PlY -''"- a. w IPnone im. 1U S. Htr-n. Bian I Ua. fl m.11 ra. LOANS i HBte ww anMi real msmj- imm Quick service and low Interest rates I UUU. EXU AJaTkAjPtta 4SK BUXV. Mf a s? m v v-e nres a. rr.i.t Auto Loans Willairietfe-Credit Co, I JTH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING - LICENSE M II 13$ . j YOU BECXTVX INDIVIDUAL CONt SUJfcHATlUr. WHEN YOU APPLY TO i General Rnance Corn ' 1 for V Quick Cash Loans Loc"y owned and operated, we , are 1 ditioni and lend en any reasonable i "wi vKxam auu 1 security. Us to 12 moa.- ta renav. I TeleDhene 0168 !. State Uc. (S-138) 136 S. Commereiat St FARM and CITY LOANS 4i and SS Your owii terms .or reoavment with- in reason, casn tor Heal Estate con- i tracts and Second Mortgages. r a rT-rvi cn-i it-rrtra r-rt 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg, Phone 7163 MONEY TO LOAN WANTED REAL' ESTATE mortgage loans, city -- farm properties; . leans m l -.. -It - - tIA Cl .Wm. refinancing your present contract or mortgage. J ' i , Approved city loans 4a. Leo N." Child, Inc. $44 Stata St i ' . Pb, .0281 For! Rent 2PSb "l Lights and water. 3 miles west 1 Salem on Dallas Hwy. Box 469. TRAILERS tor rent 50c ner hr. 1 Woodry's Mkt, 1003 N. Summer, i- D-7 CATERPILLAR tractor, dozer. & cleaning blade for rent Phone scoo I tkucks ror rent you anve. ktc- I ume at ioveu. rnone vouu. FLOOR SANDER for rent Mont gomery Ward. ;j i, f GOOdT Used "ptano.-h! iCSOff. . For Rent- Rooms j SLEEP room, beard if desired. Close to bus. 1902 Highland ave. ; For. Rent Apartments WILL EXCHANGE nice a bedroom unfurn. flat for unfurn. a or S bedrm. house. Sox 307. Statesman. Wanted to. Rent j. URGENTLY Needed: Employed dis charged veteran and wife desire furn.1 or -unfurn. apt or house. Ph. ssss. HOUSE or apartment wanted in Sa lem, Couple with one child, cau col lect Lebanon 1323. r TTunirMT-T v wiwifii k mjHm and wife, husband attending WUiam - . - TT ettef furrrtshed or unrurnisried nouse or apartment Phone 3348. krf--aanaaalkrfaaaaHat PERMANENTLY employed veteran ntu - fu. ucmi ma winui niwiqi ( wvu- i room -1 nished house. References Ureojuired. i uu a-iio. nrcp Nmu1: immMt nr bvi Tw. Sk. X or a ranmt furnished ant, Bath prer. Phone WbB.-- ' $15 REWARD for rum. modem apt. nr smrnnf nn - m. BifvgL I .- - 1 itrcently needed bv Jan. 1st: 2- I bedroom house for adults. -Permanent I Possess all attributes of Meal tenant . ' as inferences. Phono S7$3. For Sale- Real Estote x-ju uwiiun u. XDGX OP TOWN. NORTHEAST 2 acres and a a bedroom homo com pletely furnished including refer., oil circ. radio. 3 heifers,:- etc. All com plete for 85000.- . , . ; $1850 WILL BANDLX very well located North, Has good sised' rooms, inc. nice gas kitchen range and modern oU ctre. with outside drums. Immediate naasession- 730 ktarkei' at 86250. , - " NORTH $8500 A a bedroora home with full base ment and a wood - furnace, garage; small lot. Located on Madison street PHONE. J7T COURT ST. ; Immediate Possession Nearly new modern 6 room home, basement, double garage. Urge lot, lots of shrubbery, some fruit and shade trees. -Owner must be in Cali fornia by Jau. 1st, Priced for quick sale at $7506.00. . - See VICKT BROTHERS . or S. M. EARLX - .. ' " . . a 20$ N. High St r Salem . $3000 SMALL House SV X Garage, chicken house. fruit bouse. call Stanley Brown State Finance Co. r Realtors 133 X High St Pb, 4111 LOVELY S B R. home all en around floor. L.R. with fireplace. DJU- hat, nook, attached gar. full baaement with fireplace, oil heat electric water beat er, local tted NX. and only S years, eld. We have a tew choice bcildlnr loss located on the earner of Winter A Mis sion ssreetat. nice oak trees, also creek. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Kx elusive List mas Only tea m. coasniercaai est- $47303 Rxne. and bath, nook, atlas- tered. wired tor ssasssi Idry. trays, also enougn lumber to build aarae. $90008 Kane, and bath unfmished. utiuty rm, mar. Large lot NX. $37003 Eras, and shower, new. ' lot STKMu. supuroan. $27008 runs, and bath; framed ta. s lots, our Cocnara. $7360-8 Rma. aad bam. Blast, hdwd. floors, fireplace, plast. gsr utility rm. eiec neat. eiee. water neater, dec. range- suburban?- """ finwu aw noon on auu utn. Irm. trtnle Dkimbcd. double nr fuU , . a mm . : a . . 1 . m . basement, euto. oil heat iraaTatbw fine features. ' Ahrams & -EUis, Inc. 411 Maaonic Bldg. Phone 4153 Mortgage Loans -, insurance C-rrrTr r FOB SALE bv Owner: Modern home. large living room, two - bed rooms. oatn. guuraeu m dinette, kitchen, auto- ""V- uara, ftmma enclosed porch, utility room, barn, iwni. y.ucKen noun, 1 'i iww ers. snruoB. rar quicx sale asuuu.uu. TOO F St, Independence. $3000 House and lot 50x163. Located I at 744 N. Commercial St Call Stanley Brown with I C.i. 17? l- ' f r I OiaiC r lnanCC M, ACailOrs 133 s.. High Bt U Ph. 4131 Auto. heat large lot. earare. I S4750-Late built 4 room home south. luerage,' garden space. L." rvom uw nouae . cioea. m IN. E. Extra large lot. IaiVW w I WUS amsT; a j;nju JsSVin Capitol bMf . Located ta No. S zone. 1 Capitol bldf. Located In No. I rone. i a9v o. a., name a. au. waiter l"lr- -aunary trars, anacned garage, hwwc vmua. HMic- inKK. I. mt &w jv. aswau e room nome close in. uas fireplace, basement furnace. Small tot hiuimlmt 2iTatZ:2" nrepiace. sB4ao a reom late-built modern home east. Has sawdust beat Enclosed back yard. Garage. 1 SiCbavP vsw property. Has 3 bed rooms, basement furnace, xaraee. Large tot 811.000 7 room modern home claae in on Garden Rd. Basement furnace. About ft- acre around. - " ''CB a v Ham wKh State Finance Co. Realtors 1153 X High St. P- 411 r jots ijots ijfyrs eirtm pimmt .remmrrti I DISTRICTS -I large scenic lots, view i property, city water south and I WesT Salem. Price $650.00 and UP. Call Cebuxn L. Grabenhorst with urabentiorst tSros- - IMMEDIATE . POSSESSION 0 RM. mod. home located on N SUMMER ST.; tmfin. upstairs, base- HSIS ISg?- 1 fine residential district Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst with Grabenhorst Bros I 134 So- Uberty St Ph. 4131 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION I . Jr?,3 J? 5 ? I water htr. Newly decorated Inside and out Call, Stanley Brown " State Finance Co Realtors . .: - 153 X High St Ph. 4121 DAI L Y CROSSWORD oil -town a un 'rr.le''nlumhiTV TuU ba ment Close to Kicnmona sen. uu Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS I 1717 CENTER ST. Ph. 3-1549 J , Ev--f,?-j?1-BUILDINGS SITES 50x136. 18 ft alley in rear, close tn $1000. i - - 137x169, . Northeast aioao. 180x239, Northeast $2100. 150x139. on 2 streets $1500. . WALTER SOCOLOFSKT v . . f. Phone 8833 LARGE . LOT. 30x125. with shack. Reasonable. Terms. 825 Madison. Bun!DDfGsrritrws S Acres dare in N. X 3 acres logast berries, $ seres cherries. Located oa paved rd. Price $4500. cau - saaniey - jsrvwn wnn State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High St ' Ph. 4UI 0850 posn." unmeaiateiy. lit. rm. din. rm kitchen. 3 bed rma. Full bsmt Furnace, Call Omer Huff. Huff; Real Estate Co. REALTORS J 1717 CENTER ST. Ph. 1-1549 L Eve- Ph. 3-1731 FAHUflOUNT PARK HOME Eng. type home. $ rooms and sleep-1 tng porch, i basement' furnace. fire-H I place, hdwd. firs. LET US SHOW YOU I Irirrsrt rA.a-w - at M a nA - l "Yir i. -"-"'irr . v. I - vau wencra ar wtKiumH ' I v v' rir-okor.Ttr.i-at Tti-r.a I . . sVaV SAtA'aaAava U : Wts? 0 I iu a. TJh-rtr St - Pn. 4131 i Wanted to Rent EX-SERVICEMAN wants small rum. I apt for two. No children or pets. Call i mrnra .aiyi, t7 a. a, .oavage, (SDK. . i - - - . - BUSINESS man, wife, high school on and daughter, need 2 or 3 bdrm. house, rum or unfurn. ueiore Jan. . I Perm, condderata. Box 343 Statesman,! For Sale Real Estate ; Wm llUOiiiyiU Ion OFT WALLACE ROAD . - 1 acres of land and a small S bed- room home, wired for range and elec. water heater. XxceUent chicken and arooder bouae, garage. All buildlnga ml- gooa snape, uniy aooui a blocks iroea Marioa-Polk bridge $8000. drOns 1ATTT T DTTV ' . ?...J.aJroom h?m l uanu. inu yiuiuuuif, garage, oarm ana pouuTy couse. 10 acres under cul ovation, vounc orchard and berrv plants. Immediate possession, located ttES8 dStrict 4.1 acres of land, no buildingav 73 walnut and 3$ filbert trees. Located Southwest of the KeUer school 84800. 9680 EYX & SUN. 377$ KING WOOD HEIGHTS SPECIAL 8 Room Mod. home with aleemna porch - and. sun porch. 3 fireplaces, Mltf Ail Vt Uw.J 1 I EACEUXNT VTEW. PROPERTY SEX I a 11 x j awv. rnicz. siuue. cau coburn L. Grabenhorst with Crabenhorst Bros 134 So, Uberty St Ph. -ROOM 'house, senu-raodern. Ca.1 rage, tool nowae. Wired for range. 80 ft. by about ISO ft Price $4230. Pbone sbs-Nt joqx For Sale Farms IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 93008. 3 bed room home. 10 am. full basement furnace, garage, barn. I pawnry neoae, cioes M. Phone sanser Amundaon, 3210 BUKT PICHA. REALTORS J. : , , J?! ?-.HiB A CHOICE 60-sera ranch located -en sved- bixhwar tust miles , from downtown Salem. Has 10 acres boy asnawtee, 10 acres oats and vetch. Balance pasture. An excellent set of completely, modern S-room hoene. tuags. aione worth the price, $1X000. State Finance Co. Realtors U3 X Htejt St - Pb, 4121. Eve. SlFtl - 48-Hour Special 140 A, Farm Good 7 Xm. Heme Xtra good Bank. Stanchions -for 21 cews, $ Horse Stalls, Other good buildings. 137 , A. under cultivation. Good chicken beuaa, 3 A, Trmher.l Geo chicken., beuse. 3 A, Timber. I Just i aaile oft Pnrtlana Hivhwav SLi? rtm .ratmeydewn i w . . ... - . . --... -- I T.,1, T T T7 Miuisiui, licauwr SMS. Hiah . . PH 3TM r 1 1 - A -lxaoC - .- . . 1 IWjSOS KXTZER Dist A nice home 2 I Mark. fmi. h I rm. with nice fireplace. Din, rm. kit, nook, a lge. bdrms. down. 3 partly fin - i nnn rms. up uawo, .iioors. run. un I tsh basement Sam-dust furnace, l'i A. 1 2 large walnut trees. Cherry orchard. ua jess 1 nompson. 1 tt et T I T-.'. ft xxuii ieai rusiaie kaj. REALTORS 1717 CENTER ST. Eve. Ph.3-1731 Ph. 2-1349 Home Seekers! Hera is an Unfinished' House with H A. good SoU. i Mt Hr Aluminum r-iani. wiring to nouse. oarage, spe cial price today $2730.00 aa is. See Mr. Boyd. - Rich L. Reimann, Realtor S01 S. High Ph. 3722. Home 7032 I OSOOO 10 A. 7 A. in orchard. Nearly I aaa a rm. . r-nti-kM hma. f I rage. New barn. Sen. near. Call Jess , tt rr Ts 1 -r-i . g-, I 11111 Real Estate Co. KTALTOSS 1717 CENTER ST. Eve. Ph. S-1731 . Ph. 3-1940 Wanted Real Estate ; Want to Rent or BuV SO Acres wear Saiem. Or will V Can pay $1000 cash down. Call X, X jGrunm? , Rich L. Reimann. Realtor 1 201 X High Ph.. 3723; eve. 7003 WE NEED LISTINGS LOTS HOMES ACREAGES FARMS APTS. BUSINESS Your call will receive bnnatdiate ac tion. - P.HAS mmKTNS A SfiN ATTENTION We want to sell your property. ftompt courteou; Attention given aH calls. Ed Byrkit, Realtor 423 S 12th Ph. 3061 SAawSOSa-ai NOTICE: If your property is for sale, have all kinds cash buyers. rent or exchange, hat it wtth us We STATE 'FINANCE CO, REALTORS WANTED, for Cash: V A. or more on South Pacific Hwy or Dallas Hwy. Not over 9 - miles out Write F. Palmer. 1482 N. Commercial. . ACROSS 2. Percolate 1. Kale swan 3. Turkish 4. SUk IChin.) - litle; - 7. Astringent ' 4. Shave . fruit 5. Outer coating; 6. River (It,) T. Shallow " 9. Cessation 12. Crown . IX Perish f 14. Donkey 8. Throw 10. Dim 11. Serf ' 12. Qx.Und with - : 13. American Indian - 15. Rouxtt lava 16- Total ta THI- n , amount knight 19. Past 17. Personal ' pronoun IS. Wall erfiament -2L Policemen 23. Area around a tooth 24. Gazelle (Tibet) 23. Malayan boat 27. Monks (Sp.) 30. alxpressiori 31. Ught stroke - 32. Greek letter 23, Shining. metaUie stripe 38. rragment ' 33. Memorandum 39. Prosecutes Judicially 40. Chieftain -- (Arab.) 4L, Sprightly 42. Bitter vetch ' 43. Sum up . DOWN v 3, Applaud at i - 1. Wanted Real Estate WX Are urgently ta need of Ustkaga citr hom, ea if your houae St toe oaw - Tour salesmen to serve-you CAT P'PAT'T'V Cft 3ft XXILiiVLii 1 jJ. REALTORS 14$ N. HitfSt Phone T660 , Listinss Wanted Let us help you seD your home. acreage, lot form or busineae. Larx or mL Call Grimm or Beyd. Rich E. Reimann, Realtor 201 S. High.. ' Ph. $722; era. 7O08 - we HAVE cash buyers for S S bdrm. homes. For quick sale call ICR. GOODWIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS ' - Phone 4106 After 68713 "Look" - " Now ls-the time to list your prop erty. You will be 'under no obligation if you rail 3981 and we wiU talk ever the value of your property. "Scotty Hooker with . Ed Byrkit, Realtor 429 X 12th St Phone SOU ' WANTED for casta: or room mad, house, auto, beat, wiiMn 16 blocks eg business dist Write Box 206, ce Sis tea For SaleUsed Cars CHEVROLET Truck, long wheel base, dual wheels, good rubber. Oat bed Jr. racks Alo 7rl4 ft amp. trailer, tilting bed. D. Beach. Rt. 1. Box 870. aaejuire directions Lincoln Store. "30 "MERCURY tenaei labia eouse. IbaT nghts. spot nght. radio, heater.- Lea tb er upholstering. 340 X Wilson. - "33 FORD V- sedan. Meads some re Kir. wltt sell very cheap. 348 S. 17th, t. 4713. . TWO VS41 dump tructrs. In A-l easv. dition. Can be seen at 836 N. CaartoL - WANTED: Me99sa priced ear. Ph. 6018. 80S- Highland eve; . WAfrrEO. CARS, a make- or modi eL II It's good we win buy R. Steves used cars, wn x. iztn at Wanted Used Cars WANTED: A I nrivata- nartv. inn 14 ta '49. wan aae ryU PAY TOPS! - - I nm I a aw I t. 1 T 1 TJ J I '-a. t-iJC Uolici-licau MC SHR0CK 1 SALESg-S eattest nd, "X Csewet Churrt. ft tTwtn Pb tva I - I WANTED: GOOD USED CAR, LATB 1 MODEL PREf-ERXXD. PHONE 4347. For Sale Wood Screened sawdusts, millwood. P.S2S4 DOUBLE load of mill wood $12. Cap ital Lumber and Fuel Co. Phone 7721. IS-IX. green slab wood for furnace. Capital Lumber and Fuel Co, Pb 7721. UTAH lump and nut coal. Capital Lumber and Fuel Co, Phone 7721. CHOICE mill wood. 2 ' unit $13.00. Ph. 6444. Highway FueL. iS-rN. SLAB, also fresh cut sawdust, Waily Park Phone 8831. : . 1 t-PX. Old Fir slab. Ph. 3300 AaoCraft. 10 INCH min wsod S ed lead $1440.' tanroettinte delivery. Phone SGS3 " BONX DJtY block veid srid Vft " dry stab. 16" old fir. racked aaweust sawjnant delivery. Pbone m. lS-an. O. gr"tn, HJt Clason, Mebaana. EXCELLENT furnaee and heater wood, slab and Mock wood mixed, ply wood ceres. Reliable dealers. 844 t4ilL Phone 3380 or 3-2940 20 IN. 2nd growth. Ph. 23X14. j Lost and Found - LOST: Thurs. night, blue silk um brella at Vets haft. Reward. Pb, 7794, LOST: Black leather purser contain ing maoey. a man's ring, social secur ity number, driver's license, on Stata Street bus at $ p.m. Sat. night Reward. Phone 6012. or 10S1 So. 25th. Lodges 4t SALEM LODGE No. 4.-AP. as Af, Wed, Dec. 26. Installa tion of officers by Grand Mas ter F. W. Hartman. Psdfie Lodge Na 50. A.F. St A M. Wednesday. Dec. 28. Of ficers Installation at $ pjn. A Pacific Lodg .-V- AM. MH DecLa$.t7 Pacific Lodge No. 50. A.F. At Degrees. Friday, P-nt- - . Central Ledee No. IS Knlehts of Pv. D. I thias meets every 2nd and 4th Wed I nesday at 0 p. nt, 24$ N. Corat 20. In so far .' ss(L.) 2LFlstt , 22. Rowing . Implement 24. Gun (slang)' 25. Kettle 26. River (Cer.) 27. Churn 28. Be 29'. Slight taste " 31. Noblemen 34. City (Alaska) 35, Mix Yesterday's Asa war 3S. Braklod . 37. Flock 39. Resort fO-lA n- --