The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 26, 1945, Page 10, Image 10

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    n OREGON STATESMAN. Solam. Oregon WdnMdy Morning; De'cembor 2S. 1943
Suffering Dims
Yule Cheer in
j Husband Stabs
Traataurk ftwulrrW U. S. frt( OeW -.
Estranged Wif e
Tries Suicide
iPfci l
n n n tip
15) ft ffrlP fl f
J : -,l,'VI ;-V
TW-5"'"!,l" --.vy- i. m B j JH III l) 111)1111
I I I 'AN.
1- 'UV:
Foreign Lands
, By the Associated PreM
A world at peace for the first
yuletlde In six yean celebrated
Christmas with the holiday spirit
dimmed, in many lands, by priva
Hon and suffering. ,
In the town of Bethlehem, the
birth of Christ was re-enacted at
midnight Christmas eve in .the
Church of the Nativity by high
church dignitaries before an over
flow of pilgrims from aU over the
' Shattered Berlin . managed to
collect more than $300,000 for
gifts and food, and some restaur
ant owners offered free meals to
The starving people of cold,
war-damaged 'Poland received
10,000 gift parcels from UNRRA
Italians, desperately low on
fuel, gave thanks for' unreason
' ably warm weather.
In Britain, civilians stiU on war
time rations shared the best of
their depleted larders with hun
dreds of American soldiers await
ing transportation home.
In Russia, although Christmas
is not an official holiday, there
; was a festive atmosphere in Mos
"Vd like to exchange him for a smaller size.'
cow and many other of th. larger UrderS UlTlStmCLS UllUier
From Denmark, where there Is tti T? ! 1 - T7 1 '
less evidence of privation, the t OY t dVXlly t T OTti ijTTtl(llty
children sent playthings to the J, -. J
children of Britain.
SAN PABLO, Calif, Dec. 25-
(AVWhUe the lights on a Christ
mas tree burned merrily, a 10
inch i knife blade ': rose and f eU
three times ; and Mrs. tola Ger
trude .-Anderson,, 35, slumped!
mortally wounded before the tin
selled brightness.
Inspector Barden Carlson of the
Contra Costa county sheriffs of
fice said the woman's estranged
husband, Harold Everett Ander
son, 31, was taken in custody and
was being held under guard in a
I hospital, for treatment of his
slashed wrists. ... ;
A charge of murder was filed
against Anderson late today by
Sheriff James N. Long.
The slaying occurred last night
as Mrs. Anderson, a beauty par
lor operator, and her 14-year-old
daughter, 1 were admiring their
Christmas tree.
Inspector Carlson said "Ander
son called, at his estranged wife's
home, and asked her to -leave, her
two children and go out with him
for the night An argument de-
l veloped, the knife blade flashed
and Mrs.3 Anderson fell with stab
I wounds Jin her breast and abdo
men, Carlson reported.
When police came, the inspec
tor said, Anderson was sitting in
a chair in the living room, bleed
ing from cuts on each wrist" He
Combat Ships
Dock Troops
For Christmas
DALLAS, Dec. 25.-;P-Lt. Jack Morris of Dallas, who spent will recover.
his . fdurth Christmas away from home today in Germany
visualized just the kind of a Christmas dinner he wanted for
his mother and two sisters. , -
Tonight, Mrs. Nellie Morris and her two daughters Miss
Grace Morris and Miss Nell Morris, attended the dinner at a
Dallas hotel and there was music
and flowers and brussels sprouts
and special salad and gifts, just as
vpw vnov n tatvo I Jack Morris had ordered. And the
!igh cruised Nylon hose.
big aircraft carrier Randolph, bat- we ougni to put mem in a
tered and ripped by icy Atlantic enters exciauneu.
storms, arrived today with 8029 Morns, who was in the thick of
servicemen overjoyed to spend the fighting during the battle oi
Christmas day in the United the bulge last Chrismas, knew ex
Ktat if nr.t at hnm actlv what he wanted for rus lam
Heavy storms and riant waves ily. From Munich,. Germany, ne
forced the Essex class carrier to wrote the manager of the Baker
reduce its speed for three days, hotel in November:
carried away sections of the flight "I have a very special request
deck railing, walkways .to gun that I would appreciate your
platforms and some liferafts, and 1 handling. At this time it looks as
flooded some staterooms. though it will be impossible for
But the 8761 high-point officers, me Jo be home for Christmas.
enlisted men and army nurses This is the fourth in a row and I
aboard were irTriubilant holiday am getting a little disgusted miss
spirits. Capt Jackson R. Tate, ing Christmas v dinner with my
Madison, N. J., skipper of. the family.
carrier, ascribed the good humor "Has to Come'
to navy, food, a holiday celebra- "I should like for you to call
tion and "because we KeDt our L my mother tnree or lour aays De-
promise to get them home at fore Christmas ana teii ner mat
least to the U. S. by Christmas." arrangements nave been maae lor
The PhiladelDhia arrived in her ana my two sisters to nave
nort with her forecastle deck buck- dinner there at the Baker on
led. her hull nlatin rinnerf and Christmas day. Now she will say
her gun shields and fiftings twist- that she is having dinner at home
ed h wind and waves.. She ear- ouv wiav uuctim iuuc muj
ried 1288 trooDS. ence just tell her that she has to
come on anyway.
lilirglars SWipc SherilFs door to park the car. Or better
Christmas Presents , 1" fe rr
- .i I pica, uiciii mm ia.c uicui
SANTA ANA, Calif, Dec. 25-() borne.
Just wait until Santa Claus hears
Theft Victim's
Body Found at
Vanpbrt City
VANPORT CITY. Ore.. Dec. 25
sages. Tell you florist' to phone -)-The body of a Vancouver, I
the day before and see what they I wasn., resident slain sometime af-
Something real pretty roses,
maybe. Then at my mother's place,
have an orchid corsage with one
or two orchids. At each of my sis
ters places have gardenia cor-
about this!
Burglars took 30 gifts from be
neath Sheriff Jess - L. Elliott's
Christmas tree '9" -
In plain sight were Elliott's uni
form, cap and badge. .
. Orchids
"On the table
have flowers.
are wearing so that all of the col
ors will blend just right
"As for the food I shall
leave that to your discretion.
ter he left work Christmas eve
was found here today, Sheriff's
Capt Ard Pratt reported.
Capt Pratt said a bullet had
.torn through the back of Walter
Mother likes brussel sprouts and if Howard Poole, 39, McLoughlin
you can gei some, I think that Heights, Vancouver, and emerged
would be nice. Tell your chef that I iy ' . : ' " V- v
this must be a super affair. Dont vealed Poole had left e Jantzen
serve them a usual salad. Have Beach food Monday at
Something special. 11 n.m. wher h wnrVH nart
NO Waiting .l-tima n a Hntr-Vior TT-ot co! o
"As for the (able, I want the! ,afu 'v. u
ftC iT n. Lnf?. where the body was found
one .either. And 11 .dont J8?4. reported seeing nothing there at
that is close to other ones. I dont - t . A,. vj.. , j
by Cecil Porter,
2 pjn. -
t District attorney T. D. Hand-
ley's office reported Poole's death i
was a murder and that the body
I don't want them to have to wait
when .they get there. ; -
"Get the most efficient: waiter
that you have to serve .them.
Tf thar V!ar.rrf.n . in V anv
m6ney left over out of this check, apparently had.been tossed out of f
find lom- GI who is nrettv far a car after bein robbed. A bul-
frr, hrtm onH i w' him a Hinnpr fold, which the widow reported i
on New Year's day and ticket to should have contained at least
the Cotton Bowl game. If there is $20' was missing. ,
Enbueh left over for two or three The widow and two children, j
servicemen, that's swell.
"If you can't find any service
men, give the money to the Red
Cross." .
Quotations at Portland
I Portland Grain
BELLEVILLE, I1L, .Oec. 2$H!p)-
Al though not a traditional TChrist-
PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 25 (AP)
No wheat futures quoted.
Cash grain No. 1 lux 3.10.
Cash wheat (bid): Soft white l.M:
mas food, there was a lot of fried I rhlh i U: western red i.$4.
hlrken hre tnria?. Five hundred I Hard red winter: ordinary i.m: id
ages 14 and ll, survive.
Salem Market
The prices beluw sunDlied toy 1.
cat grocer are inaicativt ci the daily
cartons 514-52c; B grade prints SO- J iem bufers bu7 are not guaranteed
ale. bv The Statesman:
Live poultry Chickens, buying 1 BUTTER, EGGS AND POCLTRT
prices of wholesalers: Broders IV4 to 1 (abiect ta chance without n
3 lbs. 22c; 2 to 3Va lbs. 24c: roasters.
per cent 15; It per cent 1.67; 12 per
cent 1.70. .
Hard white baart: Ordinary l.M: 10
per cent 136; 11 per cent 1.68; 12 per
cent 1.70..
Today's car receipts: Wheat 29; bar
ley 2; flour 4; corn 2; oats 2; mill-
trtKI 4. -
Portland Livestock
fryers burned to death when fire
destroyed a brooder house at the
Eureka hatchery. -
Legal Notice
Notice la hereby liven that the un
4ri(itd has been, appointed by the
t ireuu court oi tne tuu wregon. PORTLAND. Ore- Dec.- (AP)
Bimnv in proDaie. as aaminuiraior 1 fUSDA SaUble cattle 13. total
with the will annexed, of the tat wul 14S0. ,.1-ble and total calves 100:
and teitament and estate of W. T. Rig market acUve. mostly strong but good
br. deceased, and has duly oualUted; -teers cloaed rather alow, man cows
ns against saui u cents higher with most sdvan
led U Present I mrmAmm- lnl In mriinm
the same, duly verified aa required by .teers moaUy IS 00-17 .50: common-low
law. tome at SOS Oregon Building Sa- medium steers in odd lots 12.00-15.00;
lem. Oregon, - within months from gooj heifers 153-75; common-med-
n . . J!oUJ?-. - .vi turn grades 10 00-14.00; cutters down
Dated at Saiem. Oregon, this Zth to ,o. csnner-cutter cows mostly
''""'."."I'' I S.SO-SSO: onlv tfiln aalea below S.OO:
. .Ar .V.- 9LOYSR . I fat dairy type cows largely t.OO-10.00:
unmmmriior wiui ine wiu annexea, mM)iun,.fwyi w- mw. 11 jm-13 50:
of the estate ox W. T RiKby .decesjied few ftrkrt,y food to UM ,nd
... . mllfd cows and heifers to 15.00; good
beef buns ll.oo-lz.5u; one load U.eo;
medium-good aausage balls S. 50-11. 00;
the undersigned has been appointed .i-T,w"."
KMtllrl nf th. I ..t U7.ll T.... 1 .--". y "ff'J
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that SSSr veVleii'scae at 1
he undemlyned has been appointed 13d head W OO-5? K5k of 1
isecutri of the LaM Will and Testa- L.a-2a 5, ?X 1
a j aa - a ,1 a. . . I IlrCUlUIH-gVUU II aUCB lU.Wtd.irV.
itae of ureson lor Marlon County. I 7" Voa" ik
auallfied aa auch. I -------
All perarts have claims against said
ru up
an -ivai, aiiu nmm uuiuica mm lucn, I ,1 w-Lnw ATA
r'L '? p"1 ,;To oo-riKoo,
actlve..steady: barrows and
15.10: sood sows
lbs. 14.50: choice 123
lb. feeder pigs 13.00-90; good heavy
the same with proper vouchers, as re
quired by law. within six months from
the date of this notice, to the under
signed executrix at 210 Pioneer Trust
Building. Salem. Orrcon.
The date of the firt publication Of
this notice M tne zsui day of Novem
ber IMS. and the last Is the 2U day
HENRIETTA KAHLER CASEBEER I Y ,"ib cloned -Christmas dy
Executrix. EaUte of Ellen Edes
Meyers. Deceased.
Care, Page and Page. Attorneys.
Salem. Oregon. N. 2S-D. e-12-lt-Zf
Salable sheep 150, total 650: market
active: good-choice - lambs , scarce,
quoted 13.73-14.25; medium - good
lambs 11.00-50: cull -common 10.00-
12.00; good ewes sesree. salable up
to 5.00 or above: few fairly good ewes
4.30: cuu ana common
The North Portland livestock roar-
Portland Produce
i n
Butterfat rirst quality, maximum
of . of 1 per cent acidity, delivered
in roniana u-5zc; premium q
ity. maximum of 1 per cent acidity
Drs. Chcm . Leon -
Dr.T.TXamN.D. Dr.O.CbasvN J.
til North Liberty
r"-.!air Portend Cenersl Electric
( . Office e;-en Saturday only
I H 1. IO I p rr4 to 7 p.m.. con
i,,.m. r!.Md or"isure end tlrtrK
are lice of ctiarge. Practiced
.el 17.
53-33 'k: valley routes and country
potnis 2c less man nrst or ao-so'ic.
Cheese Selling price to Portland
retailers: Oregon triplets 29 86c; loaf
28c; triplets to wholesalers 28Jc; loaf
2S.5C lb. delivered.
Erri To retailers: AA grade large
50c; A large 87c; A medium 62c; small
(pullet) hc -Butter
AA prints 51-51Ue; car
tons 51-52' c; A grade prints 50-51c;
Gas on Stomach
VM MUM wtS Mini psIaM. tuff I 1
k (u. mmt noMrb and kmntmn. Mn mmJT
arcra ike ins awlieiM taoB far
rspuaatl rrtkrtewl '! " Hi ;H-i
TMM tna1 Bell-
hAM sf SMam asula is at let SwiWe swasf sacs. sSe
(Subject to change without .notice)
Premium " J4
No. 1 , jn
No. 2 - JO
over 3Vi lbs. 24c; colored hens 23c;
Leghorn hens 19c; roosters, stags 12c
lb. - ...
Rabbits Government ceiling: Ave-
rsge country killed to retailers 44c;
live price to producers 22-24c lb.
Turkeys Basic buying prices. 1 Quarter
, . V. M A A I
orcuca Dasia: ncia jic: wins w
30.2c lb.; for toms. net at farms. I rr ' ,
Dressed turkeys Fackerr selling 1 r -jr.
Prtctoretailers. hens 43-43'kc; toms I XZl.
Onions Oregon dry No. 1. 2.40- I
J.43 50 lb. sack; Idaho yellow 2.55: I l"
Idaho white 1.69 per 50 lb. sack. I vJ,l,.T"1x
PotatnM . Loral Rurhankra 9 0ft. I NO. 1 colored hens
2 00 cental; Deschutes 100s No. . 1. 3.35 No 2 colored hens
cental. 25s, 85c. f 1 9ol ,rys and bakes
Dressed meats veal. AA 22 lie: I A"7' ns
A 21,'e; B 19-19'ic: C 17-I7c: cull t
. 23
. .48
. JO
. .22
. -31
14-15c lb. Hogs, fancy block 20c- lb. LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack)
Lambs, AA 26c: A 24ic; B 22c; C CATTLE
20c. Mutton fancy A I3'c; M J2c: R Beef steers
rade 8-lOc. Beef AA 21c: A 204c: J Beef cows
18J,c; C 16ic: canner -and cutter I Dairy cows
.7'i to -8'i
13-14c; canner and cutter bulls 14c.
wool Government control. .
Cascsra bark Dry stock 20e lb. I Lambs, top
Mohair 1944. 12-month 45c lb. 1 Yearling
naj nauinwc raji Hupnwna; ai- i wes
.10 to Ji
.08 to . Jl
.05 to J09
.075 to .11 !
8.00 to 13.50
falfa No. 2 or better 834-35; oats and I Bucks'
vetcr, mixed hay, valley growers' Hogs, top. 160-270 lbs.
nce g24; clover nay 2i baled on I U70-300 lbs.
arms. . Sows ,
6.00 to 7.00
2.00 to 4.00
2.00 to 3.00
-13.00 to 13.50
Lavely LnciUe Bremer and Fred Astalre, appearinr In the South
" American dancing musical "Yolands' and the -TUer in brilliant
technicolor, and staxunx tomorrow at the Grand. ,
t 5 f
(- '
? -: , '
V, v e-,; ;
V, f
-So i
i "Hi
. f v
i (.W-f-
PALESTINE t 0 L I C E F A R A 0 E Mounted police parade past the public information office at Lydda. Palestine, hen
. LL Gen. Sir Alan Cunningham arrived by plane to take over aa higm commissioner for ralestino a Trans Jordan, :. .
f -: ;
y - x if i s
5 .
PEEK-A-BOO !-win-
some uianne aiayoerry, I. rives , I
a peek-a-boo look as she crawls -around
her Lodi, N. J home
mas visit from Santa Clans. At EA-FOR YANKS AT OXFORD Jill Coosons (rigbt), front Lelcb-on-Sea,
the same time she helns naa ' 'Essex, England, pours tea for two Americans at a OI study la St. Hugh's College, Oxford. Englaud.
keep the floor clean. SrC Dlck "XwMa lef . MUlu and Fvt. W. T. Fairy (cenUr) of Maricopa, Calif, are taking;
an elxht weeks course at the University with the U. S. Government paying; their expenses, .
jor i. e. y. ww y y
i ' IEji ;-f- - A . V,-e ' (-
NO LONG E R- C A Y V I E N N A Amid the rabble and wreckare of the famous
JVurstcl Prater In Vienna, Austria, two boys and a man gather bricks and wood to repair and heat
.their bMnbedout tome,A burned out ferrts wheel stands In the backgrouurU
1 A
1W '
1 1
N ICHTI E- Marflon Neu
nayer of Chicago models a
nightgown of brushed rayon in-
wicw i or winter nirnt.
i ,
' twi)w-t-ad8t:
' STOWAWAY' IN B R I C-Capriecio, cocker span
iel, peers from behind bars in brig; of CSS Boiso after being;
c smofxled aboard ship by a CX, Scimour Gellmaa of Brooklyn,
i 1 1.
. .;..-" - '
6 s,.
- '- v
r Bromwkh (left), and Bobbl. 71pI