Christmas' Dinner at Wallace's . An anticipated event for those who are asked each year, is the Christinas f day dinner at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Wallace at Wallace Or chards, . ; The? no - host affair i at 5 o'clock and guests are seated at a )onj table by the fireplace in the hying room. The table will ! red ribbon land candles: The buf fet table in the dining room is traditionally decorated with mis tletoe and ted candles. Covers will be placed for -Dr. and Mrs. tf. Herbert Smith, Sal ly and Margie Smith. Miss Mabel . P. Robertson, Miss. Elizabeth Lord, Mis Edith Schryver, Mr. David W. lEyre, Mr. William S. Walton, Mrs. Chester M. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. , Keith Powell, Judge and Mrs. James T. Brand, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Mr. R. W. Sprague of Seattle, Mrs. -Melvin T. Hurley and daughter,. iNancy; Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. I Young and son, Don ald, Joe'Eoff, Miss Edna L. Ster- Dinner; Dance Given Saturday . ; . - Joan Voves, daughter of "Mrs. Ella Voves entertained at a for mal dinner-at the home of her, mother on Saturday night. Later the group danced . Present were' Alice Smith, Pat Summer, Joan Voves, Dodie Metcalf , Rosemary M a ) e s k I, Tommy Johnson, . George Smith, George S. Smith, Chuck Coffey, Herbert Bower and Paul Miller. The Salem Writers tint met Wednesday night' with Dr. and Mrs.- Morton E. Peck: as hosts. Original iork was. read by Miss. Renska Ladd. Swart, Mrs. Helen McLeod, iMrs. N. F. Anderson, ; Mrs. JK Cj Nelson, Mrp, Jessie C. . Singleton- Robert Rawson,. Per ry Reigelman and Dr Morton E. :peck. Oiher" members- present' were Dr.Mary C. Rowland, Mrs. ; ' Blanche Jones and Mrs. Morton ,E.Peck. 'f " ; I Mrs, Lore Groves was elected president Mrs, Millie La Vine , vice president, Mrs. H a n n a h ; Beard secretary-treasurer at a " meeting on the Patriarchs mili tant Thursday. White Shrine at : Holiday Party, . Order of the White Shrine of . ' Jerusalem jheld the regular " Christmas Ceremonial December 17 at 8 p. m. Emma Brown, wor thy high priestess, and Wayne T. v Henry,! watchman of the shepherds presided. The following were received by initiation, Mildred Allen, Ed - 1th Schroeder, Kathrine Todds, Ida Williams, Fern Doolittleand Lt. andjMrs. Peery T. Bmrea and daughter, Janet, arrived in Salem Saturday from Long Beach, Calif. Lt Buren, who is on terminal leave from the navy, has been .stationed at San Pe dro. They I will make their hom 'in SaleraJ The Buren will b ; the holiday guests of hi parents," Mr. and Mrs. Max O. Buren. . . . . -1 ' ' ... r Mr. and Mrs. William Dick ( The Dalles arrived in the cap ital Saturday to spend tha Christmas holidays with her mo- " ther, Mrs. Dan Johnson. . Sarah Vinson, and Rose Evans, , . , Hetty Krickenbaum, EtU Hall Additional Society Ncw and Ruth Pearl Reed by affilia- n , 4 -tion. ! 1 on Page 10 ling of Seattle,; Miss Nancy and Miss Paulie Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Wallace. r oe aecoratea witn native pine. r..v- i . 11 s 7t .7 hi 4 it i X A -j 4 ", . Mir. Frank Krupicka (Marjorie Seely) who was mar ried cn December 16 at an afternoon care many at the First Presbyterian church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and . Mrt. Percy Seely and her husband a parents are Mr. and Mrs. An'.cn Krupicka, all of Woodbum. The couple will live in Salem. (Jssten-Miller). Seen and 1 Heard . ... . By Jeryme English TRAVEL NOTES . . Spend ing the holidays in Mexico City are Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ham mond Burnett (Helen Purvine), who now resides in Santa Bar Lara. Calif. . . . The Burnetts left Tuesday by plane and plan to be away two weeks . . They will take a number of siJe trips during their slay. Spending Christmas together In New York will be Barbara Pierce and Margaret Lorell, both of the marine corps . . . Bar bara, the-tfaughter of the Edgar Piercer, if stationed at Bogie Field, North Carolina and Mar garet. iistr ef Mrs. Karl Becke, and daughter of Mrs. C. L. Lov ell. is now at Quantico. Va. Friends f Eishop and Mrs. Brute R. Baxter of Portland, formerly of Salem, wilt be inter ested to know that they have gwe south for the holiiys to be with his mcther. Mrs. John Bax ter, In Hollywood . . . The Bax ters will be missed this year at the annual Christmas gathering at the Paul Wallace horoe on Chrufcnaa night. News ccrces from Mr. Carl E. Grant G.en Gatlaher McCuI lough) that she has left Rich mond, Calif., for Ne York to await the arrival of Lt. Col. Grant frcm Europe . . ;. Carl, who has been overieas three years, was to have arrived be fore Christina, but it U doubtful now, aa tun ship was delayed in England or repairs . . . Mean while Gen is in Buffsl with his parents. CIIIISTMAS MlSICAI.E on Tuesday hen the Salem branch of AAUW entertained with its annual affair at the Tirst Con grezational c h u r c h . . . The stained glass windows decorated with swags of greens and sil vered leaves tied with blue bows . . . Bhie tapers in white can delabraa at the altar . . . Mrs. , Frank Burlingham, wh- arran ged the- muticale, wore becom ing ice blue repe gowrn . . Mm. Alfred Keller, wl" came down from Portland t hear her hukbend ly. wore a gooi-look-ing black suit, the three-quarter length coat embellished with tuxedo of fcx ... ; Two fetching feather hats worn by mother and daughter , . Mrs. Raymond Walsh's of water fall blue with tiny black crown and Jane's pancake hat en tirely cf white feather .... Mrs. Gilbert Wreno eiscorted by her 'handsome hnsb jnd, Lt. Comdr. Wrenn, who in now on - terminal have . . . Nice to see Mrs. Theodore Huntley Welch (Elizabeth Boy lan) who has come north from San Francisco to spend the holidays with her parents . . . She locked chic in a winterttrry red coat and black hat : . . Profes-wr and Mrs. James Drury.. . . the former had Just arrived from New York - for the holidays . . . tM is the first winter Mrs. Drury and their boys have remained in Oregon, during the winter, but they are always here for the summer. , FlftST HOLIDAY TXA of the season a week when the Pi Bet Phi alumnae entertained for Mrs. G. Herbert Smith and Mrs. Clare R. DeMer, national officers ... A real Cbristmasy air inside the chapter house . lots of holiday decorations and the fire in the fireplace attract ed many as it was a veYy nippy day outside . . . Honors to Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry for the effect i v e decorations . . . On the mantle red tapers and pine and on the wall in the center above the mantle were white cello phane bells tied with red ribbon . . . The rooms, which are gay and cheerful with their aqua walls and bright chintz curtains in shades of red and rose and slip covered furniture, lend themselves to Christmas decor ations ... A few of the guests . . . Mrs. George A. White, down for a few days from her Clackamas home, wore a striking sailor with green satin crown and tiny black brim ... accompanied by her daugh ter, Dorothy, (Mrs; George Emigh), who has moved back to Salem . . . she wore a becom ing tiny black hat with shell pink feathers at one aide . . . Mrs. Clarence Hamilton, in a gold dress, coming in with another newcomer, Mrs. Arthur W. Cole, who has moved here from Klam ath Falls . . . Liked Mrs. Arch Jerman's tiny brown hat with multicolored velvet trim in shades of rust, gold and green . . . Pinned to Lelia Johnson's coat was a lovely orchid, given to her by the "Junior Miss" play cast the night before . . . Mrs. R. H. Vandevort with her daugh ter, Mrs. George R. .K. Moorhead, just home from a plane trip east . . . Mrs. Robert Brady, sr. wearing a chic black hat with high felt crown of winterberry red . . . Two smartly dressed in black suits were Mrs. James B. Young and Mrs. Paul R. Hen dricks, the latter' high crowned hat enhanced with feathers on one side . . . Mrs. Bruce Spaul- ding, in a red suit and, black hat atop her hih hair do, elated over Just hearing that her husband would be the democratic nom - inee for congress ... A stunning tea table . . . a silver blue satin cloth, the al ternate corners tied with a large ; bow of heavy red silk cord . . . and a centerpiece of pine en , hanced with tiny Christmas balls and flanked by single red tapers in star shaped crystal holders . . . Three young matrons who served ... Mrs. Dale Shepherd in a sophisticated gown of black crepe with a cascade of the ma terial lined in red down one side . . . Mrs. John Kelty in black, enhanced with matching sequins and Mrs. James Bennison wear ing black velvet, the peplum and neckline outlined in white eyelet embroidery ... WELCOME HOME for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fisher (Enid Clif-1 ford), who have returned herej to make their home . .... The Fishers resided here before he entered the service . . . He served as a lieutenant In the navy and was in the South Pa cific and has returned to his po - sition at the state tax commis sion . . . They have taken a place near Turner and are busy remodeling, and getting settled. '4.50 Fei Wave Extra tot Finger- wave or Hairdress Ope Thurs. Eve. by Appointment rfceae SSfS ' CaitU Verm. Wavers SIS rtrst Natural rak.Pl4g. and best wishes for the holidays rrem MODE O'D AY SHOP ' .. .4M State L ! January Sale .- -M. Wo; ! ' : V Save as . ! ; i p - i: ! I ' . i . ! Until Ls... - ! i j J mi i . i -. -n.' I i i if. , XX-. i I- x .. ? a ii 1 1 II mI II II U U JL-aVVN II vsrw . v A . M m II JIM Alll " U Jmi 11 r P .lS..y r K'i J M V- U mmmomMM , -..ft lit ,Xl- not hiumpt i-ars i Kn h f. r Slwwh imSAsm! m iJlr I : j 5 ! . j j j j ; j :; it:.- ' i j ;i ; i ?! i v s I . 6 i I i ' 5 j. I- t ; i' j ' ' ; j . j " - ERMINE! ' ! I I j . L ij . i - SQUIRREL! W 1 !' i ' if . lv'iiTTOTmn'Ti I J ' . . 9 I -PERSIAN LAMB! j Iff rH I S I ; " Manr others including Mink, EolinslcT and Rinqtail Hack Piaci I f ft 1,1 ' V J i ii 1 i I.I . hr I & ! I nil 'cniji. . jiirimMi i i :- -Jr- - . ::?"T-.T'trr-TC' -yr. -.-r---g-.-TC -t... -.. - . - . r-. .y. j-.-t.. - - ...... . ., . ,... -' -" - . --- u - .