j Tkt OREGOI? STATESMAN, Salm Oregon. Sunday Morning. December 23. 1845 I) : i PAGE THREE- Clnirclies Plan For Christmas At Silvcrton SILVERTON Christmas pro grams by churches and organiza tions for the weekend and over Christmas arc being announced. The Methodist church " will celebrate Christmas in all depart ments Sunday morning. The Jun ior and intermediate classes will Join the adult division for assem bly and a special j program. The nativity story will be told before a lighted Christmas tree at 11 am. and Christmas carols will be sunf. At 1:30 p.m. the Christ mas program will be given, led 'by the Junior choir under the direction of Mrs. Crai Clark. White lights will be used on the Christmas tree. Ronald Craven of Salem and Mrs. William Scarth will be .soloists. Lawrence Hobart will play chime numbers on the plana Donna Woodell will accom pany the chfiir on the piano and Marylin Moe on the violin. K. V. Ilinkley will give a number of cello solos. J I The Invaanuel Lutheran church 'Will hold iU Sunday school Christmas tree program Sunday night. Christmas day at 11 ajn. the' regular festival sermon, "No , Room in the Inn," will be given. Both the senior and Junior choirs will sing. The Luther League will carol two nights of the week. A male quartet will sing a special Christmas number Sunday morn ingv St Paul's Christmas day will begin at 6:45 a.m. with carols, - the first low mass will be at 7, high t mass at 8, and low mass again at 9. Music will be by the young people and the children's choral group. Confessions will be heard Monday from 3 to S and 7 to 9 pjn. j v j Trinity candl light services will be held Sunday night at 8 With Xfra Trim ln4raAn ing the choir. Christmas day ser vices are set fbr 11, with the subject "Putting Christ in Christ mas." Trinity cheir will give spe cial music. Trinity Luther League Christmas party Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the church. Trinity LDR party Thursday night at the home . of Jeannelle Gottenberg. Trinity choir will sing I carols Friday night and then go to the home of Mrs. Tom Anderson for its annual Christmas party. A New Year's watch party will be held Monday night with Eunice Tor vend, Jerry Olson, Joan Satern and Silas Torvend, local students attending Pacific Lutheran col lege, in charge. j A program of 12 numbers by the children of the ; First Chris tan church will be given Sun day night under the direction of Mrs. John Jordan, at 7:30. The ; . pr J II ' Chritlmtu, 1945 . ... of all Christmaset J J lom 04 tlie most soul stirring, the most I ' I i : meditative. ''A Holiday on tchich to dream as L j J "V ; tcell as make merryf J. . a day when "Peace on y I ! " Earth, Good Will jfo Men" assumes greater n") I j meaning .... a hope so profound tluti it tran 'l I Si scends utterance. I si C I ji A j r. I Give thanks j or this land where I ) I people are free to gather openly . S? I f ' ; " and pray. Give thanks' for the birth;. il.it I I f of the Savior tcho taught the world ri mi j r ijt, that love is more powerful than : j if f I . - hate, good mightier than evil, life i - ! fi fi Jlk ' Wronger than death. I A v ff i -:! Wf hp r: 'Mi! Pupils Present Christmas Play For Large Group j 1 RIVERDALE, Dec. 22 -(Special)- The Christmas program held at the schoolhouse Friday night was enjoyed by a big crowd. The primary room gave a play, fTillle'a Christmas," which- in cluded, the 27 children. This was followed by several Christmas songs with special numbers by Torval Klein, Donald Phillips and Barbara Daley. A children's choir composed of children from the fourth to the eighth grade gave Christmas songs and carols and solos were. sung by Patricia Morton and Norman Newton. Readings were given by Clay- ella Barker, Vera Klein and Lu cille Rogers. The upper grades gave a play, "Santa's Last Stop,' and at the close of the program Santa came and gave treats for all. School is closed until Jan uary 2. I Hugh Schuebel of Long Beach, Calif., came home Thursday evq- rung to spent. the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Schuebel. Stay ton Eastern Star Chapter Holds Party ' STAYTON Acacia chapter of OES entertained with a Christ mas party Tuesday. Guests in cluded Mrs. Catherine Felger, grand conductress, Salem, and Roy Hatfield, grand sentinel, Portland, also other visitors from Salem. Ronald Craven, accompanied by Beverly Davenport, both of Salem, sang three numbers, and the high school glee club also appeared. Worthy Matron Fran: ces Morgan presented each of her officers with a gift and the chap ter presented Mrs. Morgan witji a bouquet of flowers and will give her a past matron's pin when they are available. ' Christmas gift treat program wil be Sunday morning during the Sunday school hour. Mrs. Ben G if ford is arranging the program, Calvary Lutheran Sunday school program will be held Sun day night at 7:30. Christmas day will be observed Tuesday with an 11 o'clock sermon, "Unto YoU A Savior. Stayton Girl Scouts Outline Group Plans STAYTON" Twenty four Girl Scouts are on the local roll, Mrs. Virgil TueL scout chairman, re ports. Fourteen Brownies and j 10 Girl Scouts. ' t 1 r The Brownie group, under the direction . of Mrs. W. N. Pintler and Mrs. Harold Wodtly, meet; at the Women's clubhouse each Mon day after school. Mrs. Wilbur Les ley and Mrs. Lyton .- Rice enter tained the group with a Christ mas party Monday.; The inter mediate group, .with Mrs. Eva Humphreys as leader, held its Christmas party Wednesday with Mrs. Claude Hastings and Mrs. Wili Gates as co-hostesses. I unnyside Club Presents Program SUNNYSIDE, Dec? 22 -(Spe cial)- Mrs. Lafe Sherwood enter tained j members of the Friendly Hour ' club with a Christmas party.' Before a lighted Christmas tree corals were sung, and gifts exchanged by the following: Mrs. Warren McNeil, Mrs. Norman Alexander, Mrs. Clifford Feller, Mrs. Lester Thomas; Mrs. George Drydale, Mrs. Frank Barnett, Mrs. Paul Cammack, Mrs. John Neuenschwander, Mrs. Mina Cor ral, Mrs. Inez dray. Special guests were Miss Lillie Feller, Mrs. Mable Drager, Mrs. Flor ence Opala and children, Betty and Marie. 1 5l I. I The j hostess was! assisted in serving refreshments by Mrs. Clifford Feller. I Officers for the jjiew year will be elected January 2 at the War ren McNeil home, with a no-host luncheon at noon.! Hayesville Pupils Report Bonds Sold 1 HAYESVILLE Of the $80,000 Victory Bond quota for the rural school children of Marion county, Hayesville proudly reported as its contribution $3282.45. Of this, the Victory Kids had $4750, and the Peace Builders f 3532.45, thus making the victory 'kids recipients of a Christmas party. ' No special Christmas program will be given at the school this year, because of scarlet fever land flu. .; . iff.i;: . j School was dismissed Friday for the Christmas vacation, to reopen January 2. - 'January 2. -$: I vice. ! Christmas Party Given Thursday At jHayesville t HAYESVnXEMembers of the Woman's dub met at the home of Mrs. A. F Harvey, Thursday, for a no hostess turkey dinner. Th rooms were attractively decorated with fir boughs and Christmas decorations. Small Santa . Clauses decorated the in dividual tables.- , Christmas Carols were sung and Mrs. M. S. Fisher in the role of Santa Claus conducted the gift exchange. . - . The members who enjoyed the Christmas festivities were Mrs. Earl J Bedwell, Mrs. Robin Day, Ida land Pauline Denny, Mrs. G. W. Garrison, Mrs. Lottie Mor rison Mrs. Scott Smith, Mrs. W. H. HarpEt, Mrs. E. B. Taylor, Mrs. S. A4 Baldwin, Mrs. William Ray, Mrs. George Strozut, Mrs. i A. Stettier, Mrs. Ralph Hensley, Mrs. W. R- Powers, Mrs. W Peterson, Mrs. p. Robertson, Mrs, W. Carl son, Mrs. Leonard Grieg, Mrs. William Brietzke, Mrs. M. S. Fish er, and Mrs. Bruce Willis. Mrs. Elsa Frey and Mrs. Everett Brown were guests. !j ' 1 - Altar Society Holds Parjy at Stayton J STAYTON The Altar society of the Catholic church entertained with' a Christmas party in the parish ball Monday. Gilts were exchanged and a no host supper served. I Volley Obituaries Mrs. ! Anna Moody f - WOODBURN, Dec. 22-(Special) Mrs. ;Anna Moody, 82, died in a Salem hospital Friday. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 on Monday from Ringo chapel with final I services at Mt. Crest Abbey in Salem. Mrs. Moody was born January 7, 1863, in Sweden and came to the United States 60 years ago. For .the last two years she had beenmaking her home with her daughters, Mrs. C. L.1 Saunders, route; 2, Wood burn; other surviv ors (axe two daughters, Minnie Mason and Kate Moody, both , of Portland, three grandchildren and two great grandchildren. i . The Rev. M. Wesley Skinner will officiate at the funeral ser- Mrs. linn Hostess F or Birthday Party SUNNYSIDE Mrs. Frank Zinn entertained with two tables of pinochle for her husband on bis birthday.4 Honors were won by Mrs. Roy Falles and Max Al- ford. A dessert supper was serv ed at a late hour to the follow mg guests: Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ingney of tPortland. Mr. and Mrs Roy Falles of Salem and Mr., and xvirs. maxit Aiiord. - Vi S New Cosing Time i STAYTON Local grocers an nounced Wednesday, that begin tuns ecemoer zs until April l, food stores will close at 7 p. m. on Saturday. Other days closing wut remain the same. " i I : MKS. SIDDAIX MOVES I HAYESVILLE Mrs. Elizabeth Siddall is moving from Cottage st. to tne home of her son, Galen, where she expects .to make her permanent residence. " . - t , ANNOUNCING . - i .-: j - j - ., - . : i . ; V . 1 : - h the" - - V OPENING OF I ' -i,.,,,.!-; Trrrrr,l.v, .- Jr v?r .w Dm You Sjvegle pupils Gjive Program For Holiday SWEGLE Before a large aud ience Swegle school children pre sen ted the annual Christmas pro gram Thursday night, with almost the entire school taking part. This year a Christmas operetta entitled "Heigh j Ho Holly" was given. The program with the cast of characters were ' as- follows: father (John) r Leonard Snethren; mother (Amy) Joan Starr; grand mother, Delores J Farmen; grand father, Richard Hoffman; Patricia (teen-age daughter) Marilyn Frame; Martha (the maid) Mer- linet Cozad. The skaters, Intermed iate girls, with first skater, Mar- lene Larson; intermediate boysJ an giris wiw xnute Ariyn ueefi MUfes motner, (tva Mcuougai); snoWman, Jack Utterbach. Jingle bells, second and third grade pupils. . f t Shoppers, older girls; Christ mas greens, third graders. : v Mexican scene intermediate pu pils with upper grade girls. Sleepers, r first grade pupils carolers, the entire school. Mrs. C t Stark was: at the piano lor the! entire program. . Each child, was presented with the,1 regular Christmas treat furn ished by the civic groups of the -is ' " 1 -" - : ' t " Oregon's Most Distinctive Restaurant .It.- i ' Wednesday, December 26, 1945 mmsmmimsmmmmsm FEATURING vsmmmimtsammiim NERS The cuisine at Normandy Manor is tne finest To insure this, a national ly famous chef has been obtained; Accredited by the Master Chei Association, Eduardo Rhodes comes highly recommended from bun Valley Lodge. Palm Springs Racquet Club. Hotel Benbow and cihers. nTXTTr'n mt rnm Sixlem's own Wayne Meusey the mood for; dinner. DANCE BANDS Don Kaye, direct from the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco, f&uf; weeks? engagement at Normandy Manor. Open Reservations should be are. Cordially Invited ; to Attend OPEN Christmas; 4 to 8 p:niM December 25th . I - ! - - ! I - NO FOOD - NO SERVICE - NO DANCING. -. NO RESERVATIONS I . . - I H . s .: : -. - i : I . . Just a Friendly Welcome to Get Acquainted j" ' - s ... y ..: ' i 1 i 1 " , v . . ' ; . ; Hear Wayne Meusey on the Hammond( Organ : 1 I , 'i- ; - PLAYING ' ' - - Christmas Carols and Semi-Classics r Valley Births! SILVERTON Born at the Sil- verton hospital December 19, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Burg hard.! ;.vv:- : ;; j , SUNNYSIDEi Av son was born December 19 ' to Mr. - and Mrs. Harry Phillips-at. the Deaconess hospitaL The little boy weighed seven) pounds 15 ounces1 and has been i named MichealJ Harry. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Phillips of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Warren' McNeil of Sun- nyside. ;; ' f ' - r district, the community club, and woman's club. , i School closed Friday far the va cation period to open again Janu ary 2' : .;-.-.t.-'--' The principal, Mri. E. M. Bank- ston, wfll be at her home in Salem f or most of the vacation, enter taining relatives . for Christmas. Mrs. I Leonard Cain will be in Tillamook for part of the holi days and Mrs. Dorothy! Merrtam and Mrs. Percy Castle will be tt their homes, in - .Salem and on Wallace road. TUBKEYS IbJ SAVING CENTER I Salem ft West Salem " " - - i - ' at the Hammond electric organ From 6 P.M. made in advance. Phone 5585. HOUSE Stayton Church s" Gets New Pastor STAYTON The Rev. Jack TyT rell Baxter has accepted the pas torate of the Church of Christ With; his wife and three children he arrived Thursday from San Louis Obispo, Calif. . . Baxter replaces Kenneth Knox who j went to Roseburg Christian church October 1. Hayesville . Scouts v . : Have Holiday Party : HAYESVILLE Boy Scout troop 20 held a Christmas party Tuesday night at the home . of their scoutmaster, George Stro zut. i The members received their scout calendars and troop insig nia. 'Eighteen scouts were present. I Style ... and Quality . . . STUBBLEFIELD SHOE SHOP 15S S. Commercial - t t - ' - - - : will set opens a , j -1 i-