i page rouirrrn, To- OREGON STATESMAN. Saleta. Ortaoa.' Sunday Morning. Docembor 23, 1945 r SUCKING A HEAVY SE A High waves threaten te Inundate the big rifle on the bew of tat I'SS California as the mighty battlewsron plows throng- heavy seas In the Indian Ocean IT Madagascar, en reete from Colombo. Ceylon, to Capetown. Soith Africa, Quotations at Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 22 (AP) No wheat futures quoted. Cash grain No. 1 Jlas 9.10. Cash wheat bid): Soft white 1.84; oft white (excluding Rex) 164; white club 1.64: western ted 14. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1 64; 10 per cent 1.66; 11 per cent 1.67; IS per cent 1 0. Hard white bsart: Ordinary 14; 10 per cent l.M; 11 per cent 1.68; IS per cent 1.70. Today's ear receipts: Wheat 39; bar ley l: flour 4; corn J; oats I; mill feed 4. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Dee. 23 KP (US DA Salable cattle for week 2973. total 3344; salable calves ST, total 304. compared week ago market strong to 23 hicher, nearly all clauses sharing advance, medium-good steers 13.00 17.50; one top Rood load II 00; com mon down to 11.00; few stockers 11.00 13.00; good heifers 13.2S-16.00; common medium 10.00-14.50: cutters down to 1.30; earner-cutter cows 6.00-8.50; hells down to (.00; medium-good beef cows 1100-13 50; few to 14 00 and over. medium-Rood sausiaee bulls S .50-11 00; nod beet bulls 11.50-13.50; one head at u.tj: good-choice vtaiers 14.00-50; few to 1300. alable liorl for week 872: total 9121: market unrhaneed. barrows and gilts up to 300 lbs. 13 0; heavier 13.00; sows 14 00-30; few 14.73;- good lights- stall Demand High, Portland Feed Grain Market PORTLAND, Dec. 22-(flVPort land's feed grain market main tained a very strong; tone this week with demand greater than supply and prices at ceilings, the department of agriculture re ported today. Heavy dairy and poultry .feed ing operations in the northwest contributed to the demand, ' the department said, and in the face of short supplies j mixed feed manufacturer's demands were urgent ( 1 rV'-. j Portland received only 20 cars of barley in the week and Seattle's receipts were also light with IS cars. Bid prices at Portland grain exchange were posted Dec. 20 at $47.03 per ton for No. 2 western in bulk, 15-day shipment for coast delivery. Some south Idaho barley was offered here and interest was shown In California supplies, even at higher delivered prices, but they are difficult to obtain. PORTLAND RADIO TO OPEN PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 22-UP) The Portland station of the for eign broadcast intelligence serv ice, set up in 1941 and closed Dec. 3, will be reopened by the war department Dec. 30 under plans now being considered, of ficials revealed today. I rROLIFIC FARMER DIES AUBURN, N. Y pec. 22 -W) Henry C. Weaver, 62-year-old Port Byron fanner, who died Thursday, leaves six daughters, five sons, 77 grandchildren and IS great grandchildren total of 148 direct descendants. ITALIAN CONVICTED MILAN, Dec. 22-VVito Mus solini, nephew of the late II Duce and editor of the newspaper Po polo D'ltalia, was convicted today of helping to maintain fascism and sentenced to) 14 years imprison ment. He was absolved of a col laboration charge. Dra. Chan Lorn Dr.T.T.Iam.N.D. Dr.G.ChsaN.D. CHINESE HERBALISTS 211 North Liberty Ppstairs Tortland General Electric r.. ofice open .Saturday only 1 ) m. to I p.m.; 6 to I p.m.. Con i.;iation. T.lood pressure and urine i" fi tree cf charje. Practiced 1 U7. I Q Portland 12.00: rough heavies 11.00: good-choice feeder piss SS lbs. up 13.00-50. Salable sheep for week 1711; total SOU fat Iambs around 23 lower, ewes steady, " good-choice woo led lambs 1J.73-14.X3; one large lot led lambs 14J3: shorn kinds with No. 1 better wool 13.90-14.00: common wooled lambs down to 11.00; culls down to S.00; good ewes 4.30-1.00; part carload good bet ter wool 13.50-14.00 wooled lambs down to 11.00; culla down to 0.00; good ewes 90-3.00; part carload good-choice 8.50 culls down to 1.00. 'ortland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 22 (API- Butt erf at First Quality, maximum of .4 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland 53-52Vac; premium quality, maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity 53-53'ic; valley routes and country points 2c less than first or 50-50 ',ic uieese senins price to foruana retailers: Oregon triplets 29.86c; loaf za.se; triplets to wholesalers 28.3c loaf 2S5e lb. delivered. Ecss To retailers: A A trade laree S9c; A large 37c; A medium 52c; small ipuuell 44C. Butter AA orlnts 51-51" ic: car tons o.-az'ic: a trade prints ao'i-sic cartons 51-52c; B grade prints 50-Slc. cnicsens tsuvine price of whole salers: Broilers, l't to 3 lb.. 32c: 3 to 3 lbs 24c: roasters over 3 lbs. 24c: colored hens 23c; Leghorn hens 19c; roosters, stacs izc 10. Kaooits uovemment celling: Ave rage country killed to retailers 44c; live price to producers 22-24c lb. Dressed turkeys Packers selling price to retailers: Hens. 4-4',c id.; toms. 39-41C Turkeys basic buvine prices dressed basis. Hens 37 Jc lb.; toms 30-30.2 cents. For toms net at farm. Onions Orecon dry No. I. 3.40- 3.43 60 lb. sack: Idaho yellow 2.55: Texas 20c lb.; Idaho white 3.09 for SO lb. sack. Potatoes Locsl Burbanks 3.90- 3.00 cental; Deschutes 100s No. 1. 3.33 cental, ue sac. Veal A A 22'ic: A 21ic: B 19- 19Vc; C 17-11c: cull 14-lSc lb. Hoes Fancy block 20c lb. Lambs AA 26c: A 24V,c: B 22'.'.c C 30C. Mutton Fancy A 13Uc: M 12c: grade 8-10c. Beet AA Zl'ic: A 20JiC: B 183iC C 18-ic; canner and cutter 13-14c canner and cutter bulls 14c. Wool Government control. Cascara bark Dry stock 20c lb. Mohair 1944. 12-month 45c lb. Hay Wholesale rail shipments Alfalfa No. 2 or better 934-33; oats and vetch, mixed hay. valley (rowers' price $14; clover hay 321 baled on tarms. Stocks and Bonds Compiled by The Associated Press December 22 STOCK AVERAGES 30 Indus Saturday 4 99.1 Previous day 98.2 Week ago 100.S Month ago M.4 Year ago - 7S.0 IS IS Rails Util 47.1 30.9 47.2 50.6 486 31.3 46.8 50.8 34J 38.9 66 Stks 75 74 76 73.: 57.8 BONO AVERAGES 20 19 - 19 Rail Indus (Jul Focn Saturday 103 S 103.1 10S.1 75 Previous day 103.4 103.7 108.0 73, Week ago 103.7 103.S 107 J 75. Month ago 102.2 103.8 107.9 76 Year ago 96.4 104.S 106.S 68.: Salem Market Quotations The prices below su Dolled bv a la cal grocer are indicative f the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed bt ine statesman: BUTTKR. EGGS AND POULTRT (Sahjeet te chaase whbeat netlce) Bt'TTERFAT Premium J4 No, 1 j$3 No. 2 jo BUTTER PRINTS A .46 .45 B Quarters EGGS Extra large Mediums Standards PulleU Cracks Wi . J3 . At . .46 . JO . JO . .52 POl'LTRT No. 1 colored hens No. 3 colored bens Colored frys and bakes Yearling lambs . Res . Jl .7', to J .4". I.rvrsTOCK By VaUey Pack) CATTLK Beef steers .10 to 'J3 Beef cows . .06 to Dairy cows ,,. .05 to Bulls . , .073 to J .11 Veal 1.00 to 13.50 Lambs, top Yearling ' Ewes 12.00 6.00 to 7.00 2.00 to 4.00 2.00 to 3.00 Bucks Hops. itop. 160-270 lbs. 2,0-300 lbs. . Sows 13.00 14 95 .13.00 to 13.50 Walnnl Heals and Hols in the Shell Highest Market Price Cash on Delivery Ilorris Klorfein Packing Co. 460 North Front St- Salem J j Tel. 7633 ' V Stock Market Receives Good Weekend Lift NEW jYORK, Dec. 22-()-Short covering; and reinstatement of sold-out accounts gave selected stocks a good lift today after the market had staggered through a generally losing week. t From the start of the final ses sion demand centered on motors, eicvis, i cms, meuus, meruiiunais- ers and. specialties. Transfers for the two hours totaled 7 610,000 shares compared with 620,000 last Saturday and were the smallest since Sept. 22. Aiding the automotive ; group and sentiment elsewhere ws the General Motors-union agreement to resume negotiationns in an ef fort to settle the strike, pividend expectations were helpful.! Much of the buying was predicated on the idea the seasonal rally be- tween Christmas and New; Year's day would eventuate. This . has happened in 43 of the past 47 years, j Principal securities ex cnanges snut down at noon, not to reopen until next Wednesday. The Associated Press ; 60-stock cornposhe was up .6 of : a point at 75 but on the week, was down 1.2 points. s, Grain Market Continues Light Chicago, Dec. 22 -()- De- mana lor gram futures broaden ed to the new crop months some what today, but with rriost inter est still centering on May rye. Offerings of virtually all grains continued light against the usual strong demand, particularly for cash wheat and corn, but commission house buying and short covering afforded the light touch necessary to bid the price ' . up. Wheat Closed unchanged to cent higher than the , previous finish,! May $1.80; Corn was unchanged at $1.18 - ceilings; JtTP 10 5 ,high er. May 77H-; rye was lower to, 2 higher, May SU3-; barley ; was to lower, May livestock and Poultry W dRK HORSES SADDLE HORSES Bar K Stock Ranch barge assortment on hand at all times at very attractive prices. Credit given any one. Discount -. for cash. Guaranteed as represented.; Free de livery. 'Harry Kuehne. Carlton. Ore. Located 6',i miles west of Newberg. FOR SALE: Nine purebred Chester White pigs, . 3 months old. $9 each. Rt. 5. Box 335, Phone 3-1379. FOR SALE 33 Rhode bland Red laying pullets. 200 S. Lancaster Drive. ara nouse south of reim 4 corners. Turkeys, 33Sc35c. 2-2749. 480 Madrona. WANTED: Beef and canner cows. bulls -and veals. Will call at farm. E.i L Snethen, 3570 E. Turner Road. Ph 21345 Morns, or eves WANTED: Fat and canner cows for beet Dairy cows, heifers, bulls, veal Fat hogs, sows, stags, boars. Market C.M5.. rt ST bSx" 37X fa. si47. across trom call para. a. tn REG. Guernsey or Shorthorn bull service at your place Ph, 8147. . RABBITS WANTED, all sizes. 4 to 6 r. 'L'Vw tl wlfr "c IP-'1 weight. Rabbit skins, best prices. Wire stretcher and other supplies. Salem aaaress. bo Kaiciux unve. nnone z-isou. Portland address. Rabbit Meat Co.. nn c ctixi 171 . . a. . -u-.. -.v.. ,: . Classified Advertising; Statesman ; Classified Ads Call 9101 Three insertions per line.25e Six insertions per line40c One month per t f l, 2$ Minimum charge 25c; 3 tL min. imum 35c 6 tL min. 45c No refunds, jj ' j J Coot for this oar accented tin. til f JO the evening before publica tion for classification. Con re ceived after this time will be run under the beading "Too Lata to Classify." , . (, The Statesman assume no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and in cases where this paper 1 at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical nusuce . occurs. . .. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification fi A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressis for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to me identity or an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. 4 i Livestock and Poultry Christmas Special 4 A Quality Baby Chick: Reg. 18c j Now 10c ! f g (In jots of 100) ( ii oears rarm otore 173 . Liberty St. Christie jlew Hampshire Hatching Every Tuesday ORDER NOW FOR IMMEDIATE OR future delivery, Phone 6ST4 3710 State st Auctions IsurrrxLL's COMMUNITY AUCTION Across from state fairgrounds .on Sil verton Road; EVERY WED- 10 AJ. See us about vour farm auction. Manager. Lane SudtelL 20, S Overton Road. Phone 6098. Salem. Auctioneer. Oren Sudtell. 013S S. W. palatine mil, A l water ojw, foruana Help Wanted EXPERIENCED eresser. man or woman. $1 per hr. Guarantee 48 hrs. week, uejuuxe Cleaners, auverton rnone isi. i EXPERIENCED sUk finisher. DeLuxe Cleaner, Silverton. Phone 181. . l urkev j nckers wanted NORTHWEST POULTRY AND DAIRY PROUULTS, 1503 N. IRON!'. Help Wanted Male A Positibn with a Future is offered a capable salesman with of mechanical building construction j 91"" 1divfnii.f'ied busi"ess ' geared I not only to. the present reconversion I program but also offers a real op- portunity in the Post-War period. Experience should include selling to Purchasing agents, engineers and con- ! harbednUendm SO years. Our present customers will oe turned over to you. You will be thoroughly trained. i We are rated AAA-I. B. WARREN RANDOLPH, i 19th FLOOR 400 MADISON AVE. jfrORK CTTYN. Y. j WANTED i Comoetent orinter. union shop. Unruhj Knapp Printing Co. : BUS BOYj wanted. The Spa. Help Wanted Female WANTED j Middle aged woman for t Sundlv-." ""3' abstatismarT " Box 308 Statesman. OFFICE SECT, wanted. ComDlrte of fice., experience variety downtown of fice. Shorthand nec. Some bookkeeping knowledge desirable. Suite 1, Ladd & Bush Bank Bide., 126 S. Coral : Boy Scouts of America. HELP waited on small ranch good home. Middle aged widower looking for companion. Box 300 Statesman. WAITRESS Wanted. State office building Coffee Shop. Hours 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Holidays. Saturdays and Sun- "' WOMAN qr girl for house work.-Top wages paid.: Call in person. 970 Ship ping st. j EXPERIENCED typist for tvDine and general office work. Permanent posi- tion. Phone (2-4141. William G. Stacey 1 -l, ,j ' 1 ir anrvt rror 1 1 i 1 ..w I -v,nri.n in rnhmn n . . w. 1 I "r . 1- - . A umw IUT KtfroiC H(4lh,l th 3345, Salem Situations Wanted ; WILL CARE for preschool children days (not Sundays). 1002 Highland ave. EXPERIENCED Janitor and elevator operator. Call 6410. ; TURKEYS 29c lb. SAVING CE1ITER Salem ft West Salem CHICKS t Boyington s Rinaricml 1 Situations Wanted WOMAN with invalid husband de sire home with party needing com panion or nouseaeeper. vox jus states man. ,-, .., : J- j , SERVICE station attendant' wants work, phone 9346 or 2-1650. dust put in. Phone 944. i FREE estimate on interior na in tine. Call, 177 Independence, Oregon. GET that Painting dona now.i Snrav. lng and brush work. Lindsey and Son, contractors. Phone 1-1524. i OL QrjteV wor gTltai. PreSehool Playschool. I3S1 X State. Age z-tv Part or all day. Ph. 1430. I TRUCKING JOB I WANTED Netted Gem potatoes for sale. Ph. 65 gj 134f Hoyt St. Fo Sale Miscellaneous MEAT Case, latest model Call 4887 after- 6, --;. h - - i "HtaagTittrmnrsr. "SaJ-VHoXir dksksT S i NELSON BROS. FURN. . 315, N. Liberty COAL and briquet circulator. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. , j 2SS N. Liberty i LAWNMOWER Shareentaff Ac Ad lusting. iii woodry s Mkt 160S N. summer St 1942 SCfnhTZ trailer. J ft "ier. maaent d. Good tires. Rt. 7, box 149, Phone 2-2580. - ii i FOR SALE: Cook stoves Ac hot water heater. Salem Boat House. Ph. 0303, ELECTRIC Solder Ine Irons and ex haust fans. I X EATER APPLIA.NCI CO. CHILD'S STROLLER. . NELSON BROS. FURN. J15 N. Liberty APPLES Delicious. Snitz.- SOe bu. ana up. rn. 3-47B. PLASTI KOTE paints for Indoor use. give a cellophane-like finish.' i YEATER APPUANCE CO. J SSSIjberr ALL-METAL Scooters. $6J3. Yeater Appliance Co. 253 N. Liberty.: CANARIES. 1340 Chem. Ph. 4383. COILED barrel tvoe trash burner and no water tans. Botn xa good condl tioa. 1740 N. 20th. BOUDOIH lamps. $7.95 per set. YEATER AFPLIANC iJE CO. 255 N. Uberty Interior Painting. Reynolds. Ph. 8658 21 BURNER. 3 speed 'hot plates with ovens to tit. t YEATER APPLIANCE CO. FOR SALE Westeraft and GUder trailers, 24 and 27 ft. Deluxe equipped. Tandem style with dolly. D. E. Decker, IBM state st. i ELECTRIC table broilers. I YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 Liberty i CHRISTMAS trees wholesale, sizes as wanted. 10c to 50c Fine trees, ready to load. Richardson's Ranch, Falls City. FARMERS ATTENTION 1 Electric fence controllers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N". Liberty STEEL WOOL for cleaning pots and pasts. . i YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ii 253 N. Liberty FULLER Brushes. 1745 Grant, P. 8357 WE buy and sell furniture, tools, stoves, dishes, motors, radios. Electric appliances, household goods. KLIG MAN'S. 285 N. Commercial. Ph. 9883. PRE-WAR bed daveno. 1943 Cold Spot refrigerator. Late model electric washing machine. Practically new Hoover and attachments. 9x13 blue all over desien Mohawk rue 6c oad. and other furniture. Also heavy fryers. Box 80,1 Liberty Jtoad, Floyd Morgan, 1 block west of Triangle Tavern. Unfinished j Furniture Salem's exclusive i unfinished furni ture larre assortment or made to or der. Picketts Furniture. 13th and State. BUILT-IN I medicine chests with plate glass mirrors TF YEATER APPLIANCE CO. JL-.-.-.-J-Jb kffL-n WE CARRY a complete line of rolled roofine and durable shingles. Choice of red or green in' square butt, hex or diamond point Sold over the counter or; installed. Just cau 7117 for free es timate. Western Auto Supply Co.. Sa lem, Oregon. PUTCH ' ovens for tastier meals. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty CHRISTMAS CDS: wrappings, gifts. xne Apron snop. sis n. uign ft MAIL RACERS (street hand car for children) at 22.50. 1 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. Liberty SPERTI room disinfecting lamps, i YEATER APPLIANCE CO. J 253 N. Liberty COMPLETE Lionel electric train. $50. Phone 4665. f HOLLY Wreaths S1.J5. Across from Highland school. 2205 N. 5th. Phone 8964. FLUORESCENT desk lamps; Ideal for student s study desk or home use. j YEATER APPLIANCE CO. j 255 N. Liberty ' WX BUY and sell men's shoes, cloth ing, tools, radios, guitars, trunks. furniture and household goods. SyNDAI.ES. 293 N. Com! Ph. 3638 GUT BOX and range condiment seta. I XtAItK AffUAncs u. i 255 N. Liberty , 2 RECONDmONED radios. Grunow 8 tube. Philco combination. Phone 133 during business! hours. : Antique Christmas Gifts THE GITT SHE'LL LOVE.1 CASTOR SETS. HAVTLAND, f DEMI - TASSE, LAMPS. AND MANY COLLECTOR'S ITEMS AT BEVERLY'S ANTIQUE SHOP. 740 ELECTRIC ST. PHONE 2343L -(. ILLUMINATED house numbers and world globes f YEATER APPUANCK CO. t . 255 N. Uberty : ELECTRIC Curling Iron. Yeater Ap pliance Co. Z55 r. Liberty. CHRISTMAS Trees Road at Highland Ave. Fairgrounds EXTENSION and iron cords. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 1 ; 255 N. Liberty U -ALWAYS a big stock. Woodry's rurnlturg Mkt Ph. 5110. PIN-IT-UP LAMPS YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Uberty USE Cold Preparalions Liquid, Tablets. Salve. Nose Drops Caution. .Use - Only as Directed 7 ftarm 1 - MODEST MAIDENS ' Tntaut arim I'. S. Fataat OSto . ( . . 44 1 fieed lots of J hem because I just read the first and last chapters." j For Salej Miscellaneous BULLDOZERS: 3 caterpillar bull dozers, small and large cats, blades and drama. Just the equipment for land clearing. landleveling or road building for farmers and loggers. Will sell lease or rent. Price around $2000. Rent $200 mo. Easy terms. J. L. Mayberry. Cor vaUis. Ph. -855-J. Leave your Ph. No. FLUORESCENT bathroom brackets, j YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ! - 253 N.. Liberty GIVE Something Worth While. 15 Jewel Elgin -pocket watch. A-l condi Uon. $25. 6X field glasses Ac leather coll. $10. 1115 N. Capitol St. Ph. 4253. Heady Mir MASON SAND. CONCRETE MIX K1VER SILT AND FILL D1BT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH. 2-196 2-3100 r WALL TYPE can openers. ! YEATER APPLIANCE CO. I 355 N. liberty RABBITS ' all sizes, reasonable. 155 Sunnyvlew ave. ICE SKATES, sizes 4 and 9. Ph. 8150. 10-FT. STAKED rack, factorv made. imv n. j-iDeny. DELUXE ELGIN boys bievde. ore- war, just luce new. S40. mono 23470. FOR CHRISTMAS, ladv's wrist watch $13.00, Agate rings and pendants. Beautiful neck chains at 190 S. 14th. doc. xne uoct Doctor. BEAUTIFUL 8-PC. dinine room set. pre-war aualitr. Also bed. comnlete. coil springs! All used very little. 120 iwncan Ave. S-FOOT OFFICE safe with 4 -mall drawers and one large drawer. Price sieu.uo. a Meiucers maps. Polk and Marion Counties, for $25.00 or $10.00 xor eacn, a. as. earie. rnone vtriK. WHITE TEDDY bear leeeine suit. sue z. aiso Daoy Dea. au like new 2765 Brooks. Phone 9325. PRE-WAR MAN'S Firestone bicvele in good condition. Black hockey shoe skates, size 6. good as new. $4.50. Girl's brown teddy bear coat, size 14. Phone ate, mvi -.enter su LATJYTGRvAlTbTcvc! dition. want cash or runs. Vernor Sackett, 1510 S. Winter St. Phone 4912. MEDIUM l SIZE tricvcle. dot's S', shoe ice skates, bate casting reel with line. 114S f ir st. 3 - PIECE PRE - WAR bedroom set with box spring and mattress, walnut iinisn. waienau design, can 8653. TRAILERS. 2-wheel with either NEW ori USED 16", 17" or 20" tires. Stock trailer, fine bodv and 10-nlv tires. PANEL BODY. 5 x6 x8'. new nlvwood construction. wn. ur. 4 speed can car with new motor, perfect through out. $5-20J 10-ply Rayon U. S. 7.00 a. 10-20. 10-ply Lee. Slightly used, no re. needed, Don Madison, 590 N. High. SANDWICH HAY bailer in cood con dition. On rubber. Also A-l oats and vetch hay. Marshall Chris tofferson. Rt. , ,rv jsi iiqiuc aiicr axis wuia, 7 mnes on k. rnone 2-zui, OMAHA STANDARD train and stock rack. 14 ft. Sublimity, Rt. X. Bex 66. POR SALE Silvertone five-tube ta ble model 1 battery radio in perfect condition, with battery. Smoking stand, electric iron, pre-war light brown suit, waist Size 34. 470 E. Lincoln. BLACK CARICUL fur coat, sire 14 to 16. $50. 260 S. 19th. Phone 7535. NEARLY I NEW pre-war sinele shot, bait action:. .22 rifle with S boxes of shells. $12. 'Also dandy Wilson punch. ing oag ana gioves. ui Leslie. RETREADED. RATION free i tires 4 50-21. 5.00-20. 6.00-16. 6.50-16. S-S0-1S. 6.00-1$. NO iRED TAPE. Just come and get em. !-, ; wcavch scuris, S30 ana 440.-30-40 Krags. Model 11A Remington, nice new with case and shells. 270 New Ackley bdi on Mauser anion, rporter. zz H K sportsmen revolvers, new. onry S34.00J SPORTS XJTES, Inside controL Hy draulic lacks. RUBBER ! FLOOR MATS With felt backs. Fender flaps. Don Madison, 590 n. mgn. 1 ATMORAYS OZONE, sell and ' rent. H. C PugU. Ph. 2-24.S. P O BOX 463 FLASHLIGHTS complete with bat teries, i ; . 7 YEATER J APPLIANCE CO. i !25S'N. Liberty STOVE repairing & parrs. yy'J j6 iSumm'T J51' : EXPERT ! washing machine service and wringer roils, all makes. See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros. Furniture Store. 315 N-ttj r J HEAVY duty i fruit luicers. j YEATER APPLIANCE CO. . ij253,fef Uberty , BEER by case. i3reen Spot Market, 52a N High. Western $3.02 plus bot tles Eastern $3.82 plus bottles. Y7anied BawiFiirs We KiUetalit In TVtlnlr anil .Muskrat Always Pay More. T7csi Side Fur Co. " West Salem, Oreffon I ; ! Phone 4531 , , Markets WMcisstfied Mr-sam a For Sale Miscellaneoas CHILDREN'S t rockers - at treat re duction. ' NELSON BROS. FURN. 315 N. Liberty WHITZ enamel wood range with coils, like Stew, will deliver. SIS N. 17th. LATE model Montag wood circulat or. 2367 State st. GIRL'S bicycle, new tires. Ph. 5327. FEW very nice dining chairs, t NELSON BROS. FURN. 315 N. Liberty GIRL'S Jr. Scwinn pre-war bicvele. Chrome wheels, small automatic light piant, station size air compressor, and large Buffalo forge with electric blow er. 5 miles out Dallas road. Box 448, IV.. lKMC mOBC 2-4293. BOY'S jr. bicycle: man's bicvele.' 1 model aeroplane motor, class C. with aeroplane. 4273 Hudson ave. Fenn Four corners. rEW table lamps left. NELSON BROS. FURN. 313 N. Liberty . FOR YOUR Christmas dinner and parties, drink and enjoy Dure aoDle juice. Made daily from selected rine appies. contains ail tne xruit vitamins. puritan Cider Works, West Salem. LIONEL electric train aet ,nfinM u -aca. can ana etc. f none . ALL-metal three way" floor lamps. fluun onus. njsN, 3l M. Ubarty BABY. BUGGY, nrewae. TTavwwwt. IP.L:.1j . . . . . nuuKiu couausiDie. Also n.wp it;ri:ic, iresione v.xuiser. Botn ooa conaiuon. L. erry, Rt. 1, Box 44. Brook, Oregon. . METAL Christmas tree hoWersT" KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD WASHING Machine. IMS A1H.- -th aircci on rigm on uierry N. of alum' inum plant. Vamers actentionT ruecme putter churns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Uberty HOLLY Wreaths and mHi nt.nt. REVERE S mm. movie oroiector and case. Nice Christmas oresent. L ft Auison, 111 o, jiox 44S. fhone 6235. MAN'S BICYCLE: Cnad Phone 8724. i j IRONING board pads and covers. YEATER f APPLIANCE CO. -253 N. Uberty C-O-TWO FIRE EXTINGUISHERS RECHARGE SERVICE " WELDERS FOR RENT ! . . .Ox"01'" or electric VALLEY WELDING SUPPLY CO. 197 S. Commercial WALNUT CHINA CLOSET, daven port With down filled ciuMan, fill. vertone radio, cabinet model, large up holstered chair, good condition; hot point eiec. iron; oaiioon tired bicycle: u.ufuvuia, 'ry scales. 1.11 N RUBBER TIRED metal scooters. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD FOR SALE or trade: L wwvt Mr. culator. good as new. Will trad - modern gas range. 160 Highway ave. NICE LOT of Christmas toys. Wag. on truce, rocicine nnrux x, .u trucks. Stevens Fixit Shop. 1293 N. 5th, MILK SHAKE mixer. Beautiful nee dlework, dishes, suits. drvt t.m. age and furniture. 147 N. Commercial street, Apt. 64 BINOCULARS: 8x30 power. $65. Baby carriage and small gas heater. 1895 Fairgrounds Road. SILVER Blue Persian -Cat, female 1145 N. 14th. Phone 6970. r MAR?L? P ub,. walnut chairs. Ph. 2-1443 before 10 gjn. and after $ jun. I NEW and reconditioned appliance of all kinds. Have a grand supply on hand for your Christmas shopping. We buy sell and repair electrical appliances. All work guaranteed. Hutson's Fixit Shop. New location. 291 Chemeketa. near Hamilton's new furniture store. ATOMIC Koartm aster WAGONS. " KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD CLAMP-ON RoUer Skates. Ph. $642. AIRPLANE for sale. Fairchild P. T. 19 11800 unlicensed. $2100 licensed. Ph. scoy. UOTnlt ttlKT. fn- km! c,l ui.l raii. zii s. nign. SILVER rOX larkrt. TT-ir- tut Dl - 3053T ;. J r FLUORESCENT kitchen fixtures to Ct ordinary adaptors. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ' 255 N. Uberty STUDIO Couch, blue rug 6x9 with pad. 2-door steel cabinet. Ph. 2-2288. SAWDUST Burner, Pacific No. 10, new grate. $15 Phone 6603, FOR CHRISTMAS GITTS visit the Upstairs! Antique Shop 439 Court St . . VASES, statuettes and plaques make excellent Xmas gifts. ... YEATER APPLIANCE Ca ' , 255 N. Liberty RABErrS Some with young ones. Very reasonable. 113 . Liberty Bead. Phone 4340. ., . . .... For Sale Bliscellaneout We have a fresh load of trees in today. 1047 South Commercial. CARACUL fur jacket, sleeves, all . 12-14. Priced right. 340 X. WUson. Ph. ae64. ' BICYCLES, man's and. lady's. Like new. Phone M01. ... 1 GIRLS' Bikes; Phomt 763. ; A FEW ironing boards.- NEXSON BROS. rURX. gl5 N. Uberty ' TWO pair boy's roller skates, iS73 Fir. ., NEW PINO PONG tables, take-down v. style, detachable legs. Also new swivel top folding dining tables. 1161 Union. t WALNUT hl-chair. SS: model S3 Rem- ington t rifle, hardly used, $12; mod el 1 Eastman Kpdakslide projector, case and extra bulb, 620. Phone X;l4i. J2 SAVAGE L-R. Z7JSQ. 1975 N. 5 th. HOLLYWOOD BEDS. NELSON BROS. FURN. 315 N. Uberty 8-TUBE Zenith cabinet model radio. A-l condition. $75. Davenport Sc chair. Walnut frame; mohair covering, $90. Ph. 5574. ! ' HAY Eastern Oregon alfalfa. Netted Gen potatoes. Will deliver anywhere. Phone 6525. 1346 Hoyt, ' RECONDITIONED radio. Gruno S- rube. Phone 4133 during -office hours. BOOK CASES and group of maia- xine racks. 1 NELSON BROS. FURN. 315 N. Liberty HOLLANDER mink dyed muskrat coat, $75. Phone 2-2810. RD7XJC Et caliber, repeater. Savase. 2S-A brand, new she Us, $49. Sawdust Burner ac water neater, la, size, new condition. Both $30. Pressure burner gasoline, 3-gal. ' oase, Coleman, new condition, $15. Phone 6677. TRICYCLE Chrome table and chair set Electric vacuum sweeper. Ph. S48L GROUP OF HASSOCKS NELSON BROS. FURN. 3 y. liberty ; . NEW chrome bird case, voune sine- ers. Parrakeefs cage and stand. 137$ ee sr. 1 2 GOOD trailer houses. 22 ft, Schulta. very good condition. Sleeps 4, gas ranges, oil burners. 1984 State. WHITE Lechorn hens. IS mo. ekL 3rd house west of high school. Rick- reau. box 4. w. . uixon. SEWING CABINETS. NELSON BROS. FTJRN. - 315 N. Liberty WE HAVE lust extracted nntKr lot of our famous Fire-wood honey. 10 and SO lb. eana. Puritan Cidr Works. West Salem. DECORATING Holly, holly wreaths, boutonniera. Basil Zell. Rt. 4. Box 422. Orchard Heights Road. Ph. 5&F12 cvee. Wanted- Miscellaneous wanted. rrvrrw mp foe 1940 Nash. Phone 55S6, AUTO painting, just a shade better, by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Mote Co. 850-. j , . . Highest Cash Prices Paid for MAPLE BURLS Write to: il W. Robnett A Son box ui. Kureka, Calif. WANTED: PIANOS. Will pay cash. wuia, music a lore, lale St. WANT TO Buy Used cameras Jat lenses. McEwan Photo Shop. 425 Stat. CASH for your used furniture. Ph, S96, State St rural rure. 1900 SUtau CASH for used piano t other mu sical instruments. Call 4641 davs or 67 evenings or Send description Jauuith Musif Co, 191 S. High. DT YOU have furniture to sell see Rusa ; Bright j Ph. 731L 653 Court. Ali$cellaneont DON'S DELIVERY SERVICE Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST ' CASES Vour Plates for Repast. CR. HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bldt., State s Com. Ph 3111 .SHOE REPAIRING: Quicker service, k V""- short Jobs while yots Egu1PPd' to do any kind of shoe work. Gipaon's Shops. 328 N. Com'L- HEAVY Hauline r i n . . . . '...wvu aula SSfl Blklin' Umd Clearing. Dorer" c-VJ "iM-,ufK. casement Excavation. Sand. CraveU Crushed Rock. Masus Sand. Concrete Mix, Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1403 N. Front St - Salem. Orainn Phone 9408 or 21924 I REPAIR, an makes of CLOCKS." ,Som. iod Pet watches for sale. I also buy watches Ac alar clocks. ISO Sj 14th stV " . ,MFJTS HATS cleaned end blocked. Tic LES SPRINGER. 464 Court st Financial ANT Party to finance me in ti car bus. Substantu.l-rtJnce ti f2.mHp!XC"iT-,t laUorTter c" Salem. Ps worthwhile interest with f,rJT,b7" enterpS. Money to Loan Auto And Truck Loans Contracts Refinanced Money or new and uaed car mm appointment' vaom ziio ggg. ROY H. SUMMONS Regulated by state. PRIVATE MONEY S $ MONEY $ $ Cltnt serviST'S. -ni effi- FINANPl? rn Lie. s3!1 aaieia Monev fAJ . Quick serine. ate loan-. X7S KSV?UDKINS tttmtt.., . rates. 6k SON. Phone S494 . A. .a- V . J-oans Willainette Credit Co. ! i - 1 -.M t