The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 18, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    To OETGOTT STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Tuesday Morning, December If, IS (3
page nvr
An active calendar is outlined
in this area1 tor Walter - Norblad,
republican candidate for congress
In the first Oregon district, who
I spoke to Salem Chamber of Com
merce on Monday noon, is to ad-
! dress the Monmouth Business"
for ob--
Cutty Meys DMnefis
The Oregon Statesmen Telephone 9101
Hush Rosson, secretary of the Mrs. Ruth Baxter, 343 S. Com-
atate veterans denartment. return- I mercial t. rvnortfd to ttrv notice
. a mrvn4s tint iTnnos h tin mti I men's club this noon, the Stayton
central Oregon where, with rep- Rene Baxter, was missing from LI' club tonight and the Izaak Whitestem, iMoms McClure and Monday,
t.ii l. a : t 1 1 .. rn .I.MJ i , w.i.lWaltnn Iranie here Wednesday. I Genice Mize will be on tne pro- j .
-i a ..- .j::..: I .j v, j . The last dav of the week he is I tram, with humor, song and Benefit dance for overseas veter-
iuii uu vikhiu nuuuuuuauvii, i uu viuc cjrcs iiu was wnuui( : -v . ... I - if -
v i -j i .1.... li. j j - ii... j j I in enhr1 in Hlsr-kamaa and Wash- I dartre.
tim kuiiuukcu a scries ui iuuw- uiuc toros ua a Blue anu yiaiu i - r r ' $ ; Irjatr TVii.r. r.f n
inl In MinMHinn rn9l loMr.f K11r l.oth.W V..1-. IngtOn COUntleS. 1.''. - - "r i- l.J inurs. AJeC, ZU, V p. m. KeiZer
. : 7. . " ,.w. . i iruyn ironise rnowgrapii "u Grance hall
f ih iriMfinva tt-a t tmnalnt it .n t m m . m The real gift for men. An un
v(rsm and of firiala with the AO- I ur!rh nnnnHt hU mnthr
ported English briar pipe. (Choose v. .... -ni' install Shatter-Proof
eraUon of the laws and what vet- said, suggesting he might have ' StS1" t.uto '!lMa- R D' Woodrow 3" rltar of thewestern 'division of
erana mieht exnect under their Unn. with hit father, from whom oI famous pipes, SI to S15. High fcenter sL S - Uh- ci,.o -
. - ' I " 1 r.Ur.r. it .
CDeralion. I h ! naraled. un.ut wi.u . US"-
its (PaaM5B:-nQ(BDiioGls
Wand&h Bcrkey vt John Berkcy:
Salem Smoke Shop, 363 State st
. t-i . i ' i; virr injt irnw. i:ampuia
m seircuon 01 nign sroe pipes, utrhmaVer. 1084 Stat- at. I mov. ." . rT'T , 7T" 7
tobacco . T " , ,, . " . i rnoaoaenarons, pins: aogwooa,
Tor that man. See Salem', larg- Important " notjce.
A" program of entertainment, I ;j ;Ruth Alport; charged
ivith Westly McWain as master I trjbutmg to the delinquenby
of ceremonies, and a child's gift mjnor was ordered by the
Ss admission, is planned for to- cqunty circuit court to be
day's luncheon of the Salem thie Oregon state hospital
Kiwanis club at the Marion ho- serration fter Hhe court had ac- j Deere ot divorce - award piaintiH
i : r. rncVo- nuiirai 'Gniwl. 1 oantul h nknLn. 1 custody of minor children and S30 per
i. . a . u. I T ' . ... .... j. ...
quiST, vie iwiuaraeiie irtu, f'i tyica xium not guuiy. o guiuy ana S35 per monu alimony.
- Lois B. Clutter va Bmon T. Clutter:
Decree ot . divorce restores plainttlf 'a
maiden name ot Lola B. Newman. .
Alice K. Johnson va William Edward
Johnson: . Decree of divorce restores
plaintiff maiden name of Alice Kirby.
Pete Besseft v Jerry Bessett: "De
cree of divorce awards defendant cus
tody of two ; minor children. S25 oer
month support money for each child
ana S70- per i month - ahmony.
Edna Betty i Hlatt va Raymond Sher
man Hiatt: Decree of divorce awards
S ?ali.ani, piaimui custoay or one nunor cmia
the sal ation army, will be the 1 Jnd p.,., month, support money.
speaker Wednesday at tne saiem 1 rroperxy setptemem approved
Rotary club meetinff. A woman's I Kos Garrison vs Donald Garrison:
State vs Richard Abnrr: SM and
Costa for assault and battery. -
Max vs HaroM josepn Johns: viola
tion of basic rule; SS and costs; an
other fine of 1 and cost for defective
fCol. P. L. DeBevoise, f lield sec4 j
Mr, and Mrs. Eric Allen are par-
cigarette cases, lighters.
pouches, tobaccos and high grade
box candy. Salem Smoke Shop,
363 State it. '
a , - I ,.,,) ,,;V. li yuvvixx viiwkie. "un miiu
f. ftf a Hanohtor horn at 630 I bvio luuai. innuman treatment asks
" "V" . : " t.i I . - .- I of two mino children.
ing. Customers please call for their
watches and clocks at once. Some
very fine watches for sale rea-
for custody
n . ... .A 1.1 J.. ME . i.
. . . . M - n. 1 ! 3 i' - . ' 1 i : I WV UIUHH UUIUICU. UJ UIT HHIIfUl
p.' m. Monday at 5aiem ueacon- I tf, ,,k- . ..- i. t-1 suDDort money for each child and
s hosoitall The UtUe cirL whol"v ,J wn Ul" $25 per month alimony. Married June
r" ' t.iX .ic' witrt ! wFe conlf 01 P "tea. i loor mats, le. at .Vancouver. ;
Slm KeighU Womarui club rum- Fruit trws berry bushes, shade
'T8' trees, shrubs. Knight Pearcy nur-
oay, jy oun u upsvaira. - s. ijbertv. 3 blocks south I i.r ; 7 ' C..T.L .Zi
v r a . 1 nar F . 1 vis naieni arm uir
of State.
rose bushes. Knight Pearcy nur
rv S7S S. I.fhertv. 3 blocks south I 4 : .ui .;v,AJ
StaJiL T m wu. . f;- genuine rubber, felt backed. Shot Lorraine Elizabeth Patterson vs Ken
01 oiaie. f, l-roiinH 12 mmrM at birth. Allen I mi . . f . T lin pttrnn Pi.iniif f.i
i 1 - v.l l"", ";o, iiYuivcis. auii iiciui- I admitting and drnvintf
. . M ; lis di ) vm lp BccreuirT lu uu v . i . . - ... . i r
MAKKlAUt iVbnsss frii i ls9"t aw liign. Ruth Causey vs A. D. Causey: Suit
UTarriss licn hsv VAn is- I "cu. ? I'.f' i- f . : i I for divorce 5 char tin cruet and in-
sucd at Vancouver, Wash., to Capital Cab phone 6648. firfr a V . i. maiden name of Ruth Patterson .-be
"'wuituu uuij onuy . i reswrcu.
ET Group jElait
Christmas Fete
" A' special Christmas - program
will be presented by the Engle
wood Parent-Teacher association
at its monthly meeting at 8 p.m.
State v Joe Worklnr: two' cases I today at 2nglewood school.
Involving: alWced violation ot electric
code to come before Jury at t:30
nw. today.- , ...'-.
Lloyd U Moore. 1135 U. Slst st:
reckless driving: S3e fine.
Kenneth K. Myers. 3101 Broadacres:
no operators license; $i ball.
Thomas w. Townsend. Lebanon: vio
lation of basic rule; $19 bail.
Russell A. Brown. 22. oainter and
Anna Mae Hewitt. IB, both Salem.
Glen R. Kingston. 30. newspaperman.
and Elaine .Kingston, 32. housewife.
both XaU
Archie A. McDonald. 24, Insulator.
and - Martha Holloway, 21, waitress.
both Salem.
Dr. Charles Durden, pastor of
Calvary Baptist church, will de
liver a Christmas message, while
the 6th grade chorus, directed by
Miss Olga Wikberg, will sing
Christmas carols, "t : -
The "pupils of the school will
have their Christmas, work on
display in their classrooms, which
will be opened at 7:30 pjn.;
Refreshments will be served by!
the 5th grade mothers, with Mrs.
D. A. Heinz and Mrs. Chester
John in charge.
The jet-propelled P-80 Shooting
Star could cross the Atlantic In a.
single morning.
aldine F. Mills. Tillamook Julius Antiques. Christmas decorations. I 245 N. High st has been pur- J JphflMp C i oids. jr, v toes. Irene
. t , J. rr..l rhasorf Mi1 Mr- A Ham Olds: Agreement filed would, give de-
When an automobile driven, by both of Salem; Richard Khnan J Mrs. Maschil, Co-op MarkeV Hth
Emil Hobbenslefken, route 4, box n- Aimfr. "P j' " : . 1 "LZT vJ" Ll L01
a ikam r vitMiv aJiTTcnoirr n.i acse t ., a. av. wuuuiiik : v. u uicu uv uic i wmu . ouii' iwi wv wi uuukiuk
Robert Mournlan. 74. late resident of ,, Albert V. Sutdly. Pittsfieldl Mass.
m N. 4th st. at ..local hospital .De- ""!."1: IM" .V WV .nrf Ra11v RaW Ralm
nber ii. survived bv sister. Mr, i on ine Manon-rouc county oriage i f . ' m
irartt lmars. 01 uemany. v-a 111.5 .KortW bfnr 1 nm Runrtnv n.
brother. Aaron Mournian ot Stockton, utriuie uiiuaj, j)r, ;h. J. FredrlckS, optometrist.
l!,'V,H,!;HrmSc'S4s m otner vemcle vi oy wwu . 603 llt Nltl Bank blds p.. 5460.
r.mV.i 1 . I ciarx, nop pea Denina u ana 1
' ! was struck from the rear by still 1 7 hr. developing & printing ser-
Ralph Nichols, booked on
The building ! occupied by
the 1 dall: Suit for divorce char sing d
Bermers in . Woodburn was sold SB mSZ?Z ""Z
I makine it necessary for them ; to I and. S24.00O aiimonv. Married Feb. 10.
, cnaree 01 larceny.- was reieasea i t-nA inr.f;n iivz.
from the Marion county jail Mon-1
Sheldon F.-Sacket vs Merle R. Chest -
man anil Varl Hill Ord vivM
day. His parole had been revoked I Returned veteran j now operating fendants up to and including Dee. 20.
on Jan. 1,11945, and he started Associated Service Station, corner ancolvm v, B." lc CoTvin
Jack J Iinduikr. late resident ofl" " """u 1 I servme a years Sentence Jfeo. a, I uracr-incicay luaus. wme m, 1 cree .01 aivorce awaras aeienaant cus
omerciai st., . I . U945. He was later released on get acquainted.; 8 to l except sua. schoof montJis 01 each Tea? and TcSs"
os Hazel avenue, at a local hospital I Wells, 1835 N. Commercial
lcmlrr is. ourvtveo oy nia wue. nnVir rrtortH
Mr s.r.h sandunkv of Sa em: son. v pouce reporiea,
Ijiter Philllo Sanduskv of Salem: sis-
tmw 1.1. 1 Itftniiliui r,itnn TklA'IP1nt tt T lltfcfith Till Vflct '
good behavjor.
tody of one! other minor child during
the vacation! months. Property settle-
V4i.iui . i, lauini oui., 1 , t-j j 1 i MPiMi mrnpz rr"ivv-i a
bother. Thon, of Beiiview. died at a local hosnitaL Sunday ?p aueay
.r0'"0"""0.1".: Make arrancementt with Bishop's 4.. ..U 4aw h"orsman dou, moving eye, fVv" . fwwi ouuuj v'.r I vivi
nau-sisiera, nn. uiui wir - - iivm v Mll-. ct, 0 rS4,lW .nimS1 me Car K WIUCI1 Sne Was naillg ivl
. Mo., ana Mrs. naiei wur- i otuoio to nave your urauj pic- i aturdav nitfhL - Starr about 32 """ "" . .... , n; , . .., , , . , "
cal warehouse; and roomed at 2545 t""0" f nanv ?
T 1 .4 U . 5- .1 t-Ul OUier BpCVUlia. VCIUUU -j - . ; r . JM. T. rirnv.. Mtlrtr. r.rnv.
L ware and English dishes. Strollers. I t. v-i.-. : j- Suit for divorce - charging desertion
xasuma. I . - . I'.. . f- w"-'-11,',r ask. custody of two mW children.
i ' f ! 1 Mi..-r-.i. " ! serves tu naUonwide acceptance; Married July 10, 1937
For prompt service of diesel andispo ligms.;; x ora, nymouui ana See lt at Efstrom's, 375 Che
stove oil phone 5806. Howard J. J wwvroiei fum. wuwis. meketa
f SI. Joseph
ger of Belleview,
will b hcid Tuesday, December is. I your home or in the studio.
at i jo p.m.. rrom i.iougn-samcK cnap-
ei. wun inierment in uuy view ccin
Elmer Tt Gorton, late resident of 855
S. 14th St.. at a local hospital, sat
i ti.i.. x.. : j j 1 merit annroVed.
j unuiuiucH icucivcu uery Harold U iSlack vs Itelma Bernlce
Decree-of divorce to plamtifi.
Verna Hicks vi William D. Hicks:
of divorce to plaintiff.
J. Hertel vs Lucy C. Hertel
of divorce to plaintiff.
Erwin L. Frve vs Mabel Frvc: De
cree of divorce to piaimiif.
Automobiles driven by Joseph
W. Matojec, 691 Highland ave.,
and Kenneth R. Myers, 3101
urday. December is. at the age ot so i Broadacres. Portland, collided at I
years, rauicr ot Mrs. ryi iiaisetn. or i r.r.;--i m-n . m Citn4-v
s.iem. Mr. Minnie White, of Sedro- approximately 10.30 a.m. Sunday
Q5cy ioi
Made to Measure
(Miaimam order 11 sq. ft
. : . per blind) '
SINCE 1939
Smalley Oil Co.
wooiiey. wah cien. perry Oliver at Market and Winter streets, city Wanted: Good homes to sell. Gra-
and rvrZ r. tiorxoV.oi Se.ttli: b- Police reported. No person was benhorst Bros., Realtors.
r of Herbert Gorton, of Mt. Vernon, injured. Liberty St. Ph. 4131.
Witlt. Survived also by twenty grand-1 J - g. '
sece. lm b. held fu"7.. is! Luts Hower Shoppe, 1276 N. Lib- FAIRVIEW HOME PLAY
; and Engler' Firestone Store, 362
FIRST AID TREATMENT ; lair"''- foTheaSnV on final
3 Jim Hwaltnv. 50 of 83S Tm-1 account of Venus W. McKay, adrainis-
. . . r,.tt ...,1... ..... U I. Tl a .V4 I - - . . " ' . ... ..Itratrix.
u.j ;-i , . I perwu onve :receivea iirsi tiu
I5J4.UU. several line snoi guns oi
m'flAa 1 17 1S Jtr 9t Inch new
- - i snot in nis ioreneaa irom a snot- i v.rn , inktr.Mv ni, n
file additional corporate surety bond
fixed at S25O0.
ii i tM . A . . - T - T
Christmas cards, wrappings. Lee King, and Edward King:, administrators
Moody, 653 N. High. J authorized to aeu re propeny. a
I . tate annraised at S17.f 10.69.
i Mrs. N. S.jNave is at Salem I "tern. :
at 10:30 am..
from Cloueh-Barrick I ertT. fthone B592.
chapel, with interment in City View
Marjorie Merriott offers an unusu- U.,r nih at R oViorV en.
ate . al stock of gifts and antiques for r n.r4m
lra Haiton. 1st resident of 70 ralr- I . . . . . - n. . i uucu v.uiu.
The cast will be compos ea oi cnu
day. December 11. Father of George I 2 to 7.
ronton, of Kin Diego, caur. servtces
win oe neio innrsaay. ic. ii ii ra ttt w MnvniT
A B a A VaUsMl faWAia4 am
dren especially interested in dra
recarjned tires. Don Madison. 590
The children oi rairview nome rw th
win present a ennstmas piay
Eliza R. Wininger. estate: Earl IL I
fronfmanf 5iiinflaii fni ImKarlHjvrt I Winineer aDoointed administrator.
BttUL 1U 111S 1U1CUC4U AlUiU SIM?
gun charge. ".;
- Tontine Washable
We turn them, repair
them, or make them to
An experienced weather
stripper . is available to
give you a : first elass
job. '; (
ieinhold. & lewis
win w iriu iiiuiiimj, wv. .
b m. avt t'loufh-Bamck chaDei. Inter'
meAt at Bekreit Memorial park. I Theresa Hassenstab, 2088 N.
T..f Commercial st., reported to cityLu 520 SUte. Ph. I72J.
Mrs. i-sura a. Tung, at her residence, police Monday night that some- f,
Wedding pictures taken! at the
Because the case of Eldridge 1
vs Buffon has been dismissed and
will not be heard todav as sched
uled the jury will not be needed weaconess nospuai, wnere sne, is
until further court orders. scheduled to ungergo major sufg-
I . ery today.
i The Hull auto com n ass or a Tav- 1 '
1 M JA I - A AA
ideal ouea pianxs, myniewooa tgins.
60 South 21st St.
Telephone 8991
.r."Vir. " rTL.,"'rj ,V mhmj wim uviw- ?. 1 .- .hnr, altimeter make
-, m 1 J 1 1 r 1 . 1 - a a 1 .a, hnfialntan i,v-n,riirai mrrv at i t - I v. . . .. ..mi.
..... . .. ...! v. . . . 1 1 1 1 iv muiiuiftT aiiciuuuu lici auLU ikv, v.. w . . i n ... v. ... ... . i TnnfrTnn m iiiKi, I I n -
wouwi i- riMBruii 1, - I - . . .. I . - . - .ijunas Eiiw. aoia dv k. vv . wooa- v'"-""
ixiveii ung both of Portland. Paul mobile had been ' stolen from its I Wfoodrow's, 3?5 Center.
Yung. Boy Yunr, Harvey Yung and
Donald Yung, all of Salem. Guv T.
Yung, of Cloverdale, and George Yung,
of Medford; sister of Mrs. A. J. Mathis,
of Salem. Steven and Jesse Hamilton,
both in Illinois Survived also by seven
grandchildren and one great-grand-child.
Services will be held Tuesday,
December IS. at 1:30
parking place in the 400 block
on Marion street
For home loans see Salem Fed
eral, ISO South Liberty.
row, 325 Center st
First aid was given Ethel Glaze
for a cut onHhe head received in
an automobile accident Sunday.
? ... i
i Steve Anderson has set up a
Richard Abnev, 21. rt. 2. Jeffer- w office in the Oregon building
:Son, was arrested at Jefferson W the offices formerly occupied
Monday night by deputy sheriff W iwrence.. orown.
IVU . m auud vi uic nuioui
Grange hall.
IScellars'ot Foley, Ph. 24143. 1 $20 and costs and released.
t p.m., from the tV A - WantiJ ri-l :-trr Calam tnnmnM 1 .TimM flnriln nn a warrant mit
first Haotist church. Independence. I w,...- ?r .r. ... i4 ta, hnl In 101") -ham r.
.. .. . i f ', T ..4 .11 U . Cim. nff ca hi th hnnVVaan n arit ctn.1 M Salem tnstic rniirt CnartnriB I " ov.iw
tery. SAiem. direction dough-Barries; I Thurs. Dec. 20, J p.m. Keizer I ographic experience. Good salary, assault and; battery. He was fined been discharged from .he
in this city December IS. Charles
T. Hein, U. laU resident of 72S North
Capitol street. Husband of Marv B.
Hein of Salem; father of Mrs. Ethel
Wright and Mrs. Lela Munkers of Sa
lem; grandfather ot T. Alan Wright.
U. A. navy, and Mrs Freeman- Holmes
of Salem: great grandfather ot Charles
Alan Wright of Salem, and uncle of
Mrs. May Lamb of Salem. Earl U
Smith o Seattle. Mrs. Bertha Jorgen-
son of HUHboro. Mrs. essn urao oi
FortUnd. Mrs. Cordis lArroond of
Independence. Andrew Klett ot San
rranctco. Otto Klett ot Salem and
Fred Gooch of Independence, runeral
services wlU be held Tuesday. De
cember 18. at 1:30 p.m. at the W. T.
Blgdon chapel with entoumbmcnt at
Mt Crest Abbey mausoleum. Rev.
Dudley Strain "111 officiate.
I vau-fe
Victor T. Lynch. late resident of
route 4. Salem. Saturday. December
IS. at the age of 4 years. Son of
Ar mnA Un HtnrT Ltncll of Salem:
father of Mrs Elaine Gundersen of
Vancouver, Wah., and Trances Lynch
of Salem; and brother of Dr. John
I. I of Silnn. CoL Harry Lynch
of that U. S. armv. Mrs. Anna Tarr of
Cottage Grove and Mrs. Mae Has
kinson of Eugene. Announcement of
services later by Clough-BarricR uo.
Mrs. Huby Mead, at the reldence,
S4S raws: ave., Monday, Dec. 17. 1945.
Kurvivad bv daughter. Mrs. - Dorothy
w.i.. Xilrm: Bona. Dean Brooten.
Portland. Ore Walter Mead. Eugene.
Ore. Announcement of services later
by ClMigh-Barrtcs: company.
James Gralff, at a local hospital
Dec. 1. IMS. Announcement of ser
vices later by Clough-Barrick com
pany. 4 f
- a m v - r ,ai
Mrs. Martorle Sumner, at a local
hospital Dw. 17. IMS. Survived by
huakand. Eldridce Sumner. Portland.
Shipment has been made to Portland
for services and Interment by Clough-
Barrick company.
a?ttl "
O. C. Grettle. at the residence, 580
Market St.. Dec. 17. 195, at the age
, of S3 vears. rather of Mrs. Percy
Pugh. Salem., Mrs. EtelM lampDcu.
Seattle. Wash.. Mrs. Charlotte Jones,
vim. Rnv Grettle. Portland. Donald
irttrti. Chicago. III.: sister. Mrs. Han-
pah Bergensnn, North - Dakota; also
even grandchildren and one great
randchikd Announcement of services
laur by Qough-Barrick company,
Paul W. Hankjna. late resident of
37 North 17th street, at a local hos
pital Monday. December 17. at the
mmm nr tl vrart. Son of Mrs. Nellie
tiankina of Salem, and brother of
Margaret Hankina. Mrs. Dorothy Schell
inHJo Hanklnn. all of Salem. Services
will be held Wednesday. Dec. 19, at
1 nm. at Clouih-Barrirk chapeL Dr.
Charles Durden officiating. Interment
at City cemetery.
A 1 II
111 II : . i-r-.. -; )..-;.- " ..... .-.sssaaBe IWI " I
Ii il II i i 'n a " i minAMMn.ui k nmiKm
r TV'
the Mrs.
has been a
good soldier Joo
! Yes. the "Ihrte wenMmn has
been flood soldier during the
war, too. Hor lof hosn't bees) '
sm ooay one end little cheafe,
respite from rationing points ,
smd wor-werries wovtd do hor '
flood. So, next time yee came
to SeajtHe ferine hor lear And
lot hor oney horseHV too, a.
Tho -Olympic
' 1 ; : .
Step In tho fUrol shop In the,
lobby sasd hoy hor corsoge. .
Let her browse ehoot the shops, .
eey m shew. . Toko her to -,
dimior ha the Oeorf Um Room.
Then, la the . evealflfu take ;
her danthifl In the swenk Olym
pie Bowl. She'll flot m thrill In
-eat ovoahtfl spent In this 'hit
f New York hi Seattle" with
Its sMrkfhifl ortaaosphere and -fm-noRO
hand. And so will
youl It's htfortnel, ae featy
cJorhes ero woeossory.
The few donors It wilt east yon
win he the host investment yon
over anode. For tt Is not expen
ahre to "go first doss" ot The
Olympic. Single, or doable. It
costs little more at The Ofyrnpie '
then the overage hotel
Jwst lot m know roosaoaaJy In .
dvence ed we'll have the ac
ceaunedaHeas yee wont ewoH
Ing yow. And we'll do ovory-
thtnfl In oof power te moke the
! -
Uinlcrprcol Ycur
Hone Nov
Pneumatically Installed
Rock Wool Insulation and
Metal Interlocking Weather
Stripping will save up to
4.0 In your fuel bills- -
make year heme p te' 15
degrees cooler In summer.
Free Estimates
No Obligation
Campbell Rock Woof Co.
Salem Owned and
Salem Represented
1112 Broadway . Ph. 1(96
O A "Mutt" Fr fytry EHJclenf Workshop
O Smooihly Finhhtd Southern Yellow Pino
O bugged . . Built for Long, Hard Service
'.. . .- '.. - III I
A gnat gift for the home, farm or cirpenter't work
shop. For power tools, general repair shop or any
woodworking purpose. Convenient 71 x26-in. work
ing surface, 32-inches high. Height of backboard
is 6-inches. Strong, handy .eliding drawer for small
tools is 15ftx13ftx3-inches. Sturdy leg of 2x5-in.
Iiimhar. " 1 t' .
visit pit
'I -.' 1 ' . ' . - -
r.- -:" v
- ;" ' - f' ,
t both for the 1iN
nd yoerself.
TOM ciiottsuvi
- f i .
In special knocked-down ban
die. Have fun setting it up.
Nails furnished. 1
34 Slale Street
believe in Sfjiifo
Many a service man's mother, wife, or sweetheart will be glad
dened by a Long Distance call on December 24 or 25. But those
calls home from newly-returned service men will add a big load
' . , , i
to holiday traffic on Long Distance lines. Even without them,
it's so heavy we are hard-pressed to handle the business. !
You CGfl help Q fofae by helping us keep the lines opea
for service men. ; - ; -! ; '
Tho Pacific Tclophono and Telegraph Co. '
Guaranteed or
Your Utoney Back e
ga m-m ts A Ss A 'tl ts ts fs B, A A al
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740 State Street Teleplione) Salem 3101
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