h OHTGOII STATE5MA1& Salem. Oregon, Friday Mondag, Dcmb 14. ISiS V - 4 i 1 t X t..i 1: iiiiiaetie; -a!Ie7?: Sews rom -The Statesman's 'iCornfnuriity-CQrriibitdentts VaUoy Births FRUITliANri Awn. Wllllaml"" HoUness tssodationmeeU Theodore, ; wu bora December 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Borer (Ine Runner) pi McMinnville. He is the ; first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Runner, f Lyons Honor Roll Listed ' Life Scout Rating Conferred LYONS Honor roll pvplls and those neither absent- nor tardy at the Lyons- school were Sharron Hickman, Jeanette Huff man, first trade; Gloria Carr, Deo Bridges, Leon Kllgore second grade; Dorothy Grimes, Helen Fietroke, third grade; Cecil Bas- sett, Pauline Bridges, fourth grade; Janet Huffman, Harvey Grimes, fifth grade; Bill Grimes, Gloria Luke, sixth grade; Janice Huffman, seventh grade; Gladys Iteid and Frances Pietroke, eighth grade. " . The Jess Cunninghams have returned from Colville, Wash where he was employed. '"" Mrs. Floyd Basset! visited her 'V ::- : V -V Sk V y, 4 . " 'I ' - . ; : - J - , v .Jit?., t ' ' - Sf - ' --.. ' , k- , I SMliT 1 II i -rim m ?dl?r h nd tom" MONMOUTII-U B. Doward. rice ehaWsi el the America. LegUm ily, at Mill City recenUy. Dorothy Franklin, daughter of the D. A. Franklins, was married to Alvin Garrison, Saturday, at the parsonagle of the First Meth odist church in Salem. They will make their home at Gates.. Mrs. Daisy Johnston has been ill this week. Valley Brief s Bey Seet tree cemmlttee, confers spoil; his son, Conrad, a sopho more In high school, the rank of life scoot. Conrad Is a senior patrol leader for Monmouth troop 38. He has been advanced frees the rank of tenderfoot in approximately one year. Salter Ejected Gub President SWEGLE There was a good at tendance at the meeting of Swegle Community club Friday night. C. A. Salter was elected pres ident. - as Carroll Runner has moved from the district Mrs. George Yost will act as chairman of j the committee to purchase ; the annual Christmas treat for the school children. Mrs. C A Salter assisted by Pat Standley and Letha Curry were in charge of the program. Christmas carols were sung by the audience; ant accordion solo by Nola Jean Zobel; a Christmas play by several members of the Sun day school; and Miss Pearl Martin, teacher of Bible lessons in the regular school classes gave demon strations of her teaching of Bible stories to different age groups. Special guests were Mrs. Bose, who also teaches Bible in suburb an schools and Ester Gully of Sa lem schools. 1 Birthday of Elderly Visitor I Remembered OAK POINT -Mrs. R. A. Alder son entertained with a dinner party December 8, for Mrs. Edith Gervals The first public movie to be Anderson of Clear Lake. Iowa, on given by the projector purchased her birthday annlvemr pi Is assisted by the citizens, will Guests were Mrs. Mary Alderson be given at the school gymnasium and Mrs. Alice Bennett of Mon next Wednesday night,. December mouth, Mrs. Ira Cottril of Cooper i, at s ociock. Title or the pic- Hoiw n a au. Rtt .ni Bill Alderson, Mrs. Alderson and the honor guest, Mrs. Anderson. ture is "It Comes Up Love1 with Gloria Jean, Donald O'Conner, Ian Huifter and Louise Albrltton Mrl- Anderson l spending the in leading parts. Clererdale Robert, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Schifferer, who under went an appendectomy two weeks ago, was brought from a Salem hospital Saturday.. On Tuesday he was returned to the hospital again for further treatments after his temperature rose above normal. Swegle Mrs. Joeeph Brennan and her sister Mrs. George 'Daw son of Monitor were in Portland this past Thursday, and Friday. as guests of their sister, Mrs. R. A. I Case and family. s ' Ctoverdale Mrs. Esther Kel per, prtnatpaL has made an an nouncement for the Christmas an nual school program to be held on the evening of December 19 at 8 o'clock. School will close from December 21 to January 2. winter with her sister, Mrs. Mary Alderson of Monmouth. Mrs: Al derson the mother of R. A. Alder son is 87. I Mrs. Jefferson to : Head Eastern Star GERVAIS Order Eastern Star held its monthly meeting, election of officers and a dinner Friday night The following officers for next year were elected: Ruth Jefferson, worthy matron; J. P. Aspinwall, worthy patron; Ethel Russell, 'associate' matron; W. B. Russell, worthy patron; . Lucille Booster, secretary; Cora Van Zuy en, treasurer; I Hattie Oolliet, con ductress! Fern Foster, associate conductress. Joint installation wrm the Masons will be held Decem ber 27 with the Masons as hosts at 7 o'clock supper. The past matrons club of the chanter meets' today at the home of Mrs. John S. Harper in SalemV' and Mrs. am Ogle and Mrs. Will llam'Vanwey attended the Marlon tag at the Free Methodist church Tuesday. Rev. Paul C Nering preached in the morning; Cora E. Gregory precbed In the afternoon, aad Rer. Hermoa J,Bohl preached at night - - - .4' SmVERTON Born at' the Sil- verton hospital, IDecember 11, a 1 son , to Mr; and Mrs. G. A. Jasmer. KEKER Rey. and Mrs. David Hamm are the parents of a boy, bom ' in : Corvallis December 6. This Is their second son ORCHARD HEIGHTS Mr. and Mrs. Paul Strait of Molalla are the parents of twin boys, David Sylvan and Donny Newton, bora Decem ber 8. They also have an older son and daughter. Straits are for I mer residents of this community. NEW RESIDENTS 1 - - t S"'' CLOVERDALE'- Mr. and lira. Frank Shilling and daughter, Lin da, have: moved frora Salem to this area and are living in the house: on the Weather's place. now owned by Carl Booth. Shill ing recently ; returned from over seas and; bas i been, given- his re lease from the army. 1 He is a brother to Mrs; A. H. Hennies. ATTEND MEETING : The Rev. and Mrs. A. D. Roy -m . aar a msr va ." Miijp jhx. ana &xrm t vuKm xax Re-Zoning Talked In Silverton SILVERTON At a special meeting of ithe city council and planing commission called to con sider a petition for, re-zoning, the commission recommended that the council act favorably upon the pe tition which asked that a. section at the corner of Lewis and Sec ond street be changed from resi dential to commercial. All adj acent residents signed the petition. It was I understood that . Duane Bradly of Portland was purchas ing ;the property for garage pur poses. Mayor George Chris tenson presided over the city council and vice president Dr. P. A. Loar over the planning commission. The property In question is be ing sold by Miss Ina Harold. ' IIISULATE 4 II0Y7! Pneumatically Installed Rock Wool Insulation and Metal; Interlocking Weather Stripping , will -save up to 40 -in your fuel bffli . v' . I , i AND ALSO-- -." ' mike yeer home mp- te Vf degrees cooler ia sammer. ; : MONTHS JjTOj FAT " Free ' Estimates iNe i ObUgatlom CampbeU Rock Wool Co. Salem! Owned and Salem Represented 1122 BrMdway .x 84ft T O p ,p jO lag 3.1 . - -:rrw jD i CHlLDsUEN'S SAINSHED - UMB8XLLA f I Q i Indisa Type for beys,' girts! 7x7 else . . . easy to get vv Complete with poles, repes, stakes! f4ICKEY UOUSfi AND ' - DONALD DUCK CARTOONS Put 1152 CAfTLI PILttf .. HEWS fAXAM SrafTMRAOf etrOtLO FAtAOf eCAlTOOKS lis WTi-aWiTirrr if-' " eAOVENTUxf MfACf 8 St ft. fflffltf . 1 1 ! I ' I 1 5 Confl- School Play to Wc Given at Cerrais j GERVAIST-Strictly dentlar is the title of the senior class play to be given Friday night at the high school auditorium. The cast includo Carl Jorgensen s Bill Rowland; Rita Hannegan, Gertrude Rowland; Shirley Ronge, Jan Is Lawrence; Mae Jeppson as Mrs. Weatherby-Gall; Dennis Man ning, Jerry Dow ling; Mary Gil christ, Gllda Dowling; Lawrence Duda as Robert Brooks; Irene Eder, Amanda Babcock; Tom Hart- son as Jarvis King; Itoealie Kus-I chnick as Letltia Fit emsn. Diftcliargctl Men , yisit Homes OAK POINT Cpl. Harold Pri mus is expected home soon, hav ing landed In Hew York from Europe. Primus is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Primus and has enough points for discharge. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Pdlmus have sold part of their farm to a Mr. Neufelt from California, and-have bought a home in Dallas where they will move February I. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Diehm of Philadelphia are visiting his par ents and family. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Diehm 'of Fall City. Diehm m ships' cook 8e in the navy; and received his discharge Octo ber 28. 7We take this means of commending f r 5 i . - ' . : the loyal, haMworking men and women '!," f ' "-"I ' . t- j of th3 PGE family; With devotion to i . - " public service, they worked hard restoring electric power after, the windstorm of December 4 "blacked out" the homes and businesses of thousands of our customers. - - I f i - To you, our customers' we express grateful thanks for understanding PGE's problems . during the great emergency. . ' ! " i. Special credit goes to the many volunteer ' '-. ' I i -' ' citizens, Boy. Scouts, police and others who stood by downed lines to warn 'passersby of the hazard vn tpair crews history.fTo the hundreds of PGE linemen. 18 1M ft. 1.75 3S0 l-TTt- 18 SSt ft- 5.50 8.75 PINT TtUXMOS VACUUM mbTTlll 980 seafiejutdskot 24 Wi.coM p to 72 aowtl Get Wordd Quart siie. ' ' 1X9 Plat: FQer 63c Develops roll film from 35 min. to 2x4" : 1 Tmli Developing Outfit - 5-5Q X-Aclo Helonching Sal -3.4? 5.95 . 7Nr C W .V r t ii mission socirnr wests GERVAIS I The Clara Jones Missionary society will hold its monthly meeting Wednesday ai- ternoon. December 18. at the home t Mrs. Frank Iloloubek on Pa cific Highway south ol Gervais. Mrs. Kenneth Brown will lead the devotions Is at two o'clock to he foDowed by Mrs. D. L. c' John nresentlns? the topic for study. Mrs. Lucille Booster will asslt: the hostess. Each is asked to bring n Inexpensive gift for a Christ mas exchange. could take charge. j v . . More, widespread damage to electric lines was caused by the near hurricane load dispatchers, telephone girls, service- clerks and many other employees who .- : i - 'i .".' i worked las a well-trained team to repair ? . L -I- i' -'! -. :' . the havoc goes credit for restoring normal electric service much more quickly than '" ' : -! i". i f "-- - !i i ' " ! -'-si j f VI . - - ' j '. was thought possible. Many repair crews worked continuously from 36 to 40 hours ; without rest repairing . the i most badly damaged portions of the PGE . system. It is sl matter of pride with us, toov -that our modern facilities for meetins ' ! - " 4 emergencies of this kind, such as two-way. high-frequency voice radio for dispatching :-:. , v v'.H repair crews, and repair equipment of the t- : '' ' ::. : . - I ' most advanced type, proved to e of inestimable Talue in mmimizing the aftex Contains 3 knives; i 12 blades Vf t Ytn . 1 tlovic Screen . , Ward 3-Way Gadget Dag . . . . Size 7x7x2 Koflalx Sequence Iile.. 35-m.;n. Slide File 1 IlfmhalTs Oil Color Set Pi . ' Outdoor with laurmuiuuiur COUPUTt 4-tJUX CROQUTT $n Mm) s'rft for at agwi indud 4 7-4". nralleHi 4 official size bo ttolteX. Wife) OfCheMl- BraekeU 2.C0 1.89 3.75 29 than any previous storm in the company's . effects of the stonr Drs. Chan . . Lam Dr.T.TXsaJ4J. r.o.cas.D. . cmXCSE IIEEBAUSTS 241 North Liberty lTptalm PertlsiMl Cnrl Electric c MAM .dm Saturday only 10 a m. to 1 P-m.; to 1 a m.. Can ultaUon. Bluod pttmir and urln PcrSUdba (SonopaB GlpcCrfe". 2ob:?'c7 K Pioneer In tmpptjhtg tUtfrit fight and po Ill -I I I ,,71 ;-r -ri ! i ii! ' - ' i l l . -r ' CC-UIETC YOUTirS; ancrziYXST- 1 Made lrf PAGUAtO TAUI TENNIS sn : . 3X9 2-bat, 2-bel set whkt floats. LMAeaCrips 3.95 Ideel lor teM4t beflin-ienl 5-tt target bow of hand-4We! , Kdnryy leader grip! Sx 24-fcvj prrowsi leather ormgtrard and fV0r tab; paper target facet ' CWMfe)s Sef...........LtS KOllSX-XtUCHT SWEAT SHOT r-. ( 125 BmctJ hmldm mmm mud ob 90ctfiH Mt Qpf fof ocKmI CUT ALL YOUn ci-in r AT VJ3! YouH find top-quaHry H cjd accessories, and law price, loo!. ; . J ; Mirror and Reflector 43c Mce rickJp StandS5c Alusiixnun Chcrin Guard 49c t 9 for sWo-mIs of eopboer catalog TOP CUAUTY TAJCU3 ClOVES ; ; -945 Sp&e Webbl W4 pae-WI ' ' ' ... s . -: . i i - ... Use yeer cr9l...ewy 1( stss5Jp KHb9 Wse ss9 i y ft ara (rr of cnar. rraciicea . I I it -7 ' .- - - . ; -if-. t- - ! i ' ' ' ' '