The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 14, 1945, Page 16, Image 16

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Funeral Held :
"1 In Portland for
Mrs. Schulz
Salem, g Oreaon, Friday Morning; December 14. 1945 z i- . ; s j- : -' ' . '
.. .. ' i i i 1 1 i . : : i
"Blithe Spirit," ft Noel Coward farce, is the play chosen for presentation for the : ninth Elks' ..; annual
Christmas show by' the Sajem Civie players croup the evenlnrs of December; 17, 18 and 19 at the
Elks' temple. From left to.rixht they are: front row. Eleanor Finden. Elsie Ilolman and Ruth Ver-
steer: back row, Adrian Christy, Shirley MellviUe, Harold Rosebraofh and Ames Drummond. Insert
Is BenUh Graham, director. , . :.
r '
Accident Takes
Second Life
. CORVALLIS, Dec. 13. -P-A
highway collision near ' Camp
Adair claimed a second life today
with the death of Mrs. Kenneth
DaM. Pendleton.,
". Mary Louise Reeves, Salem, was
killed outright last night as cars
driven by Mrs. Don Eckman, Cor-
vallis. and S 1-c Harold E. White
collided head-on.' " .
Navy hospital officials reported
White seriously injured. Mrs. Eck
man and her six-year-old son Mar
tin were said to be In critical con
Cuts and broken bones were
suffered by Delta , Peterson, Al
bany; Denna Hart, Juanita Bar
ton and Martha Baker, all of Sa
lem. They and Miss Reeves were
civilian employes at Camp Adair.
men from this community attend
ed the home extension sewing
machine and attachments meeting
held last week in Turner at the
home of Evelyn Holt It was con
ducted by Lucy Lane and Marjo-
rle Tye.
Shedtl Woman's Hen:
Wins Championship
ROSEBURG, Dec 13-;P)-Cham-
pionships in the northwestern tur
key show were announced - late
today near the close of the event
which attracted growers from
Oregon and Washington.
Grand championships went to
Mr. and Mrs. George Arnett,
Shedd, for a bronze old hen, and
to E. G. Padelf ord, Mabton, Wash.,
in .the dressed division, bronze old
Mrs. Pauline Lehr
Dies at Silverton
Portland Plans ;
To Erect Schools
PORTLAND, Dec. 13--Three
new . elementary schools will be
built in the city's $5,000,000 post
war education fund program.
The school board decided that
Creston district school, destroyed
by fire last fall, would be the
first structure.
Approved with the construction
program was purchase of $500,'
000 in new equipment
Veterans over 21 will be ad
mitted to high schools tuition free
if they were enrolled in day
schools on entering service, the
board ruled.
SILVERTON, Dec..; 13 Mrs
Pauline Lehr, 39, died very sud
aeniy: Thursday afternoon at her ClmrA1mtML. ,
JEFFERSON, Dec. 13-(Special)
Funeral services were held Wed
nesday afternoon at the - Finley
Morning Light chapel in Portland,
for Mrs. Estella V. Schulz, 48, of
Portlahd, and daughter of Mrs.
George Vail of Jefferson, who died
Monday morning at the Portland
Sahitoriunv .where she Jiad been
taken Sunday. She had i been ill
for1 some time. Interment was in
the Riverview cemetery. v
Estella m Christensen was born
at Marshfield, May 24, 1897, and
when a small child moved with
her parental to Jefferson. She grad
uated from Jefferson high school
and also attended Monmouth nor
mal for two years. She taught
school in eastern Oregon for two
years. She lived in Jefferson un
til her! marriage to Arthur Schulz
of .Portland, Nov. 16, 1919. Where
she spent, the rest of her life. She
was a member of the Methodist
church. Surviving are the widower
Arthur Schulz, a daughter Jean
nette of Corvallis; mother, Mrs.
George Vail of Jefferson, and a
brother Wi O. Christensen, Toledo.
Negro Named
To Wed Point
LOS ANGELES, Dec. l3.f-aV:
Rep. Helen Gahagan Douglas, (D-
Calif) announced tonight she had,
appointed an 18-year-old Negro,
David K. Carlisle, to the United
States military academy at West
I.. T
I ' have' selected : him because
t- 1- 1 a a Mt 1
uc imu me ui&nesi graae m me
country; tn ,.tne west Pouit- tn-
trance examinations, said Mrs!
Douglas.."! believe fa equality for
everyone; He, was an honqp
dent in his high school ' here in
Los Angeles, studied, for two years
at California 1 1nstitute of i Tech
nology and has been taking a spe
cial course in English literature.'
I .A French physicist . Reaumur,
first tried to make steel by melting
past and wrought iron together.
Scout GoiinciL i
At Meriwether
The annual meeting of the
Cascade council 'lodge of the Or
der of the Arrow, national Boy
Scout campers honor society, will
be held - at Camp Meriwether,
Tillamook. December 27. 28 and
29. ; ;
r At the meeting which .will be
held in the. coast , guard unit -of
the Portland Boy Scout camp,;
election of officers for 1946 will
take place. ? Incumbent Arrow
president Frank Deckabach, Sa
lem, is in charge of arrangements'
for the meet ... V ',;
fi; Approximately 5Q members are,
expected to be present represent;
ing r towns of -Silverton, Wood-t
burn, GervaisStayton, Mill City'
Lebanon, Albany. Jefferson, Dal
las, Grand Sonde and Salem. .-
:, The order second degree will
be conferred on member scouty
who have given outstanding, ser
vice to their: local- troopa coring
the past year. 7; " ' "y 7 ... " ;
-!L4ClXAYClub BaesdeTS tV X
Macleay 4-M dub and Cieir hue
bands wUl : ; bold tbetf annual J.
tanistmas party ;
tree at the M. JL Mige borne on-- .
Saturday liightr T " A
v; ' On All Makes
EstEmaies Girea Autb Badlo Specialist" -
Tim rionnou co.
isa'SL vLt St . I ' t . lPbon 5355
home 529 South 3rd st, Silver
ton. Mrs. Lehr was born in Miss
ouri April 25, 1906, and had made
her home in . Silverton for thi
past six years. Survivors are her
husband; one .daughter, Mrs- Bet
ty nasKinsr! biiverton; and one
son, '. Raymond, in. the" armed
forces in Texas who is on his way
home. A number' of sisters and
brothers also survive including
Mrs. . .Virginia. Drager, Silverton.
Funeral services will be announc
ed lated by the Ekman Funeral
home. ;' ; ; ' -
. :i )- i
SILVERTON, Dec. 13 Myroa
Erickson, 2, died Thursday morn
ing at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Erickson,
route 2, Silyerton. He is survived
by his parents and a brother,
David. Services will be at 2:30
Sunday with the Ekman Funeral
home in charge. The Rev. S. L.
Almlle will officiate.
Salem Home '
SWEGLE The annual Christ
mas party of Swegle Woman's
club was held Tuesday at the home
of Mrs. Walter Swingle on North
16th. street in Salem. A covered
dish dinner was served by the
officers.- I
At the business meeting officers
for the new year were elected as
follows: president, Mrs. C. A. Sal
ter; vice president, Mrs. Charles
Norton; secretary, Mrs. Walter
Biggerstaff; and treasurer, Mrs.
Louis Neumann. Mrs. E. E. Brandt
is the retiring president Mrs.
E. E. Terrill was received as a
new member. Guests were Mrs.
Fred Hensell, Mrs. Lester Pur
cell and Mrs. Albert Patz.
Christmas carols were sung and
gifts exchanged.
The chimney swift makes its
nest of small twigs glued together
with the bird's saliva.
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- , I J' ' i ' i ' '''ifi. - !TV" '''"; .'S--:V'"-v-;-'
a Division of toip noiot vmnnr
9 Hu is itt Tlio new 1946 Merctrry. A lag, finartly styled beauty
and it oCers so mudu more! Insi-uts-youTl find newness
everywberel . . New roomy, henrnous interiors! Easy, restful riding
comfort! Oversized brakes that are sure, quiet and smooth. There's
Twer, plusand with it sa exxasomy of ssoh'and'oil that will
make owners ot lighter cars envious .Ycwlincoln-Meran dealer ;
will bs happy to tell you much more about ths new 194S Irlercury.
! i
TtLmU ... iTVlk rOBDSBOW .... CBS.lWiys, 10.10:30 PMnE.S.T.
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