t i I , PAG2 FOURTEEN Trading Light, Rye Unsteady In Grain Mart": CHICAGO, Dec. 13 -UFh Minor liquidation and scattered buying kept rye futures prices on the move rather broadly toay. After breaking as much as 1. rents a bushel in early selling, prices responded equally strong to stmp low buying and short cov ering to climb more than 3 cents above the low quotations of the day,1 then finish with gains of as much as Us cents. Trading was light. Wheat closed unchanged to i higher than yesterday's finish, December $1.80 'i; corn, unchang A B ed at $1.1S ceilings; oats si to Hi cents higher, December 77?i rye unchanged to 1U higher, December $1.77-.; barley un changed to ! higher, December 1 1. 22'.,. The gains in both wheat and oats were attributed also to only scattered purchases, although wheat had stronger support than usual with some mill buying. Brokers report that supplies In Quotations at .Portland Crain PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 1J AP) The Portland grain exchange was cloa ed for today and tomorrow because of the death of Stanley E. Scmple, ex change manager. lat night. Today's car receipts were: Wheat SO; barley 1; flour ; corn 1; oats ; hay I; nullfeed S. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 13 AP) (US DA (Salable and toUl cattie 200; , calves 50: active, fully steady; some strength on canner and cutter eows; few common steers 11 0O-1 J 00; stocker - and feeder steers 11 30-13 JO; common medium heifers 10.0O-14 00; canner and cutter cows largely SOO-S.00; shells , down to 5.00; fat dairy type cows S 50- i t SO; medium-good beef cows 10.50 1190; medium-good sausare bulls t oo- . 10 .JO; common light bulls down to 8.00: good-choice calves 14.00: odd head choice vealers up to 15.00; common medium grades 11.00-13 00 Salable hogs SO. total 3S0; few head barrowa and gilt OS 80; good 400-460-lb common 14.00; 330-lh, up to 10.00- 14.50: choice above 90-lb. feeder pigs quotable to 13.50; tew lighter weights . tmold. Salable sheen 400. total 450; fat lambs . steady; large lot good-choice S4-b. fed lambs 14 23: others largely 14.00:1 med- . lum grade 13 00; cull and canner 55 to B6-lh. 10 00-1 1.00; common-medium ewra 10O0-3.75; good ewes quotable .4 so or.. atove. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore- Dec 13 (API Ruttcrtat, first quality; maximum of .S of 1 per rent acidity, delivered In Portland 52-5I',c: premium quality. maximum o( j of l per cent acidity 53-53' jc: valley routes and country ' points 2e lesa than first or 50-50 'iC Cheese Selling price to Portland 1 retailers: Oregon triplets 29.6Gc; loaf Slow Session Marks Market . NEW YORK. Dec. 13 -(vT)- Sc lected rails and industrials enjoy ed half hearted recoveries in to day's stock market while steels, motors and many other pivotals slipped to further losing territory in one of the slowest sessions in the past two months. A little bidding was based on revived hopes for the carriers fol lowing N. Y. Central's big order for new passenger cars. Earnings, dividend prospects and the urge to employ idle funds persisted as Individual props. Transfers of 1.220,000 shares compared with 1,680,000 Wednesday and were the smallest for a full stretch since Oct. 30. The Associated Press 60-stock composite was off .1 of a point at 73.9. Of 933 issues appearing, 318 fell, 279 rose and 138 were unchanged. Regow -To Mr. and Mrs. Myer Itogow, 332 N. High st a son, Michael Lec, born November 14, Salem Deaconess hospital. Ballew To Mr. and Mrs. Keith S. Ballew, Independence, a daugh ter, Connie Jean, born October 8, Salem General hospital, i . deVrlesTo Mr. and Mrs. Kar old F. deVries, route 6, a son, Vernon Charles, born November 20, Salem General hospital. Lehman To Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lehman, Independence, a daugh ter, Catherine Andrea, born No vember 29, Salem General hospi tal. Shattaek To Mr. and Mrs. Oil ver E. Shattuck, 2764 Brook st. a daughter, Sharon Lee Irene, born November 27, Salem Deacon ess hospital. Coates To Mr. and Mrs. Ver non E. Coates, route 1, Turner, a son, Daryl Duane, born November 23, Salem General hospital. Jefferson . To Mr. and Mrs, Horace H. Jefferson, 353 N. 18th st, a daughter, Sharon Leigh, born November 17, Salem Deaconess hospital. gollyTo Mr. and Mrs. Maxl- millicn Francis deBethune Sully, ,745 Terry st, a son, Maximillien Francis deBethune, Jr., born Oc tober 23, Salem General hospital, 4 Criflths To Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam K. Griffiths 715 S. Capitol st, a daughter, Susan Gay, born ' November 17, Salem Deaconess ' hof.pital. AnrtI To Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anrcl, 2340 W. Nob Hill st, a Son, V.'iiJiam Cleveland, born Novem Lcr 23, Salt rn Deaconess hospital, r.slh To Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Illh. 3 JO S.16th st, a ion, Dnytbn Charles, born November H, Tulm Deaconess ho?pitaL ' Salem Market Quotations Tho prices below supplied by lo cal grocer are indicative of the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyer but are not guaranteed by Tba Statesman: Bl'TTFR. EGGS AND POULTRY 8vbtm to chaage wlthest aotlct) Bl'TTtRFAT Premium , -S4 No. 1 A3 No. 2 -...., M BUTTER PRINTS .4S .4i- . . . .41 Quarters FGUI Extra large Mediums , Standards -Pullets JO - -30 . 32 . U Crack POCL.TR Y No. 1 colored hens , No. 2 colored hens Colored frya and bakca Yearling lamba Ewes .28 ,7'.i to J'i .Sit LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) CATTLE Beef steers ' JO to Beef cows M to Dairy eows --. US to J .10 .08 JO Bulls , 075 to Veal 1.00 to 13.50 Lambs, top Yearling Ewes - Bucks . Hogs. top. 180-300 lbs. 11.50 6 00 to t.50 1 00 to 4 .00 . 2.00 to 3.00 15-45 terminals are too small to permit extensive sales of wheat to Eu rope. 'I Portland 38.5c: trlpleu 'to wholesalers 28c: toaf zac in. delivered. Eggs To retailers: AA grade Urge 6c: A large 58c: A medium 54c: mall I pullet! 46c. Butter AA prints Bl-Sl'ie: car tons U-52c: A grade prints 50'-51c: cartons 51 .-52c; B grade prints 50-51e. uressea meats veal aa 'c; a 1Uc; B 19-19: C 17-17c: . cull 14-lSc. Hogs, fancy block 20c. Lambs AA sc: A 24c; B 22'ic: C 20C. Mut ton fancy A 13"4c; M 12c; R grade 1-lOc; Beet AA Jlic: A 20ic: B f4e; C 16c; canner and - cutter' 13-1 4c; canner ana cutter bulls 14c. ive pouit;y Chickens Buying firice of wholesalers: Broilers, l', to 2 bs 22c; 2 to '3a lbT 24c: roasters, over 3 lbs.. 21c; colored hens. 23c; Legnorn bens, lBc; roosters, stags, 12c lb. Rabbits Government celling!! Ave rage country kiuea to retailers 44c; live price to producers 22-24c lb. Turkeys Basis buying prices, dressed basis: Bens 37.2c; torn 32tc; lor Toms, net at xarms. Dressed turkeys Packers' selling price to retailers: Hens 40-41c; to ma 35-37c lb. Onions Oregon drv. No. 1. 82.40- J 43 SO-lb. sack: green. "70-75c per dor. bunches. Yakima 3-inch at S2.70; Idaho wmie at s-.tm lor au-io. Dags. rotatoes Local Burbank' 82.90 Central DeschuUs, 100s No. 1, S3.33; 25s wool Government control. Cascara bark Dry stock 20c lb. Mohair 1944. 12-month 45c lb. Hay Wholesale rail shipment: Al falfa No. 2 or better $34-35: oats aiV vetch, mixed hay. valley growers' price, SZ4; Clover hay 821 baled on farms. Stocks and Bonds December 13 STOCK AVERAGES 30 Indus Thursday 100.5 Previous day -.100.8 Week ago ....100.9 Month ago 98.8 Year ago 78.3 IS IS 88 Rails Util Stks 47.8 SI .7 73.9 47.6 51.6 48.5 52.1 47.6 52.0 33.7 39.0 76.0 76.4 75.1 57.6 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Rail Indus Util Togn Thursday -03.6" 103.7 107.9 7.i Previous day 103.3 103.7 107.9 Week ago 102.7 103.7 J07.7 Month .ago 102.0 103.9 108.0 Year ago . 95.4 104.9 107.0 1945 high- 103.6 105.3 108.3 1945 low 96.2 103.4 106.8 New 1943 high. 76 0 76.0 76.2 68.5 76.7 68.1 Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Three insertions per" line25c Six insertions per Line. 40c One month per line..$I-5 Minimum charge 25c; 3 ti. min. imum 35c; 6 ti. min.' 45c No refunds. Copy for this page accepted un til SJ0 the evening before publica tion for classification. Copy re ceived after this time Will be run under the heading "Too Late . to Classify." The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear In advertlsementa pub lished in its columns and in cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification . A "Blind Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressIs for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Legal Notice NOTICE .OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOl'NT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the Final Account of Mary J. Hri bet as executrix of the Estate of Frank Hrubetz. deceased, has been filed in the circuit Court of Marlon County State of Oregon, and that the 24th day of December, 1843, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. has been duly appointed by such Court for the hearing of ob jections to such final accounting and seiuemeni tnereoi, at which time any person interested in such estate may appear and file objections thereto in writing ana contest the same. Dated this 16th day of November, 149. MARY 3. HRUBETZ Otto K. Paulua . Executrix. Attorney for Estate. First National Bank Bidg.. Salem. Oregon. N. 1S-23-30-D. 7-14 NOTICE TO cicnrrnai In the Circuit Court f the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion. rramw uriwr-ncni. i In the Matter of the Estate of . R. Calbreath, also known as John R Calbreath. deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed by the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of M- Urtx of the Estate of J.i R. Gal breath. . n. -.aiDreatn. ue- ceased. and has qualified as such. All persona having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified as required by law to the undersigned Executrix at the :llcZ7 oi severs and De Armond, S14 First National T).r.w iii-. c' - - n . - .U.,UU.K. lem. Oregon, within at.- mm,th v. the data of the first publication of this notice. ?"" dfte ?' j- Rn P-bllcatlon of this notice Is December 14, 184. and " jv iiuiiikiuoo wui De January 11, STELLA McKUXOP Executrix of the Estate of - 31 Calbreath. Deceased. Devers and D Armond . Attorneys for said estate Salem, Oregon. D 14-21 -2S-J. 4-11 Livestock and Poultry 3 .if eg Christie New Hampshire tt . i- t m i " I Hatching jbvery Tuesday ORDER NOW FOR IMMEDIATE OR FUTURE DELIVERY. Phone 6SF4 3710 State si RIDING HORSES, spotted mares. Al bino and sorrel geldings. Shetland pony Posse tvoe. well broke. Rt. 5. box 67. 3 blks. east of 12th and Hoyt; 1st house over tracks. . - . 4 FOR SALE: 80 wooled lambs. Mrs. Wright. 4'i M. Wallace Rd. Tel. 2-3277. , Zijrvz cow- . u V.V. :fc. . UUA I RA BBITS W A NTED, all sizes 4 Jo Ibs. White. 24c lb- colored 22c lb- live weight. Rabbit skins, best prices. Wire stretcher and other supplies. Salem aaaress, so Katciill Drive, phone 2-1530, t"oniana aaaress, Kaooit Meat 8917 S. E. Stark. SUN. 1722.. , REG. Guernsey- or Shorthorn buB service at your place Ph. 8147. 'WANTED: Fat and canner cows for beef. Dairy cows, heifers, bulls, veal rat cops, sows, stags, boars. Market Price. E. C.-McCandhsh. rt. 5. box 373. h. 8147, across from ball park. S. 25t ii WANTED: Beef and canner eows nuns ana veais. win can at farm. E. L Snethen. 3570 E. Turner Road. Ph. 2134$ Morns, or eves. Help Wanted WANTED: Office clrL shoithand nre- f erred, phone 8891. ?HWASHER wanted RtT Box 110. Phono 2-1391. . - EXPERIENCED Dresser, man or I woman, fi per nr. uuarantee 48 hrs.1 a week. DeLuxe. Cleaners, Silverton. Phone 181 DISHWASHER, also waitress for night shift 162V, N. Com 'L Chinaae Tea uarnen. J-EXPERIENCED silk finisher. DeLuxe Cleaner.- silverton. Phone 181. tTurk'ey. Pickers Wanted! NORTHWEST POULTRY AND DATRf PRODUCTS. 1505 N. FRONT. : J Help Wanted - Male 1 ' 2 YOUNG MEN,' single, neat, ambtf tlous. with a desire to learn appliance Apply H( ana furniture business. Bros. i , I AUTOMOBILE Painter: Must know the trade.; Good wages, steady env ployment, ,5V. days a weefc Crtl ' at "Caxvl'r.A-to Painting - 10U N. Com'i. J 'WANTED immediately: Man to opeao ale shoe- shine stand in downtown oi- I flee building. A good onnortunitv for the right man. Apbly Pioneer Trust He! pi Wanted Female ii PART fTIME candy clerk. Apply in person. Tirana sweet Shop. : EXPERIENCED typist lor typing an3 1 E1$EEFFeSSZ tion. Phone 2-4141. William G. Stacey ana io., accountants ana auaiiors. buildingjCoffee Shop. Hours 8 a.m. to . 1 . . . , . . 4:30 pjni Holidays, Saturdays and Sun days oil; Phone 90-X EXPERIENCED Waitress wanted. Rt. s, box iiu. rnone z-u-i. . . WANTED: Experienced egg candler. none other need apply. Northwest Poultry and Dairy Products. 1505 N. rront. i;: . -(.-. ni .i.i .Kn ...n v.i..i- nnt KcrviiltAlv l-paaearv- tZivm full Irl- . j . ... formation in vour renlv. Dr. Elmer Dorr, 3U7 First Mat I. Banx Bidg. EXPERIENCED stenographer want ed. Shorthand required, rn. si7t. WANTED: Experienced - waitress. WANTED: Housekeeper, motherless home, 2 children. State reference and saury m first letter. Bx 289 Statesman LAW Office secretary wanted. Good salary. Write letter to Box 285 States man stating experience, age and fam ily circumstances. WOMAN for. housework, stay nights. 69. N Liberty WOMAN or girl for bouse work. Tob wages paid. Call In person. 970 Ship ping c f, f 7 - Situations Wanted f YOUNil MAN 19 yrs. old would like position on ranch or dairy. Write 1335 wross sx saiemv - 1 Preschool PUvSchooL 1381- State, Ages s-a. part or all day. Ph. 430. , WANTED: Carpenter work. Anv size jod. fnone oua evenings. GEN. 'YARD work- wood sawdust out In. Phone 9449. TRUCKING JOB WANTED Netted? Gem potatoes for sale. Ph. na-a. ijvi noyt si. For Silc Miscellaiio.. SAWDUST Burner. Pacific No. 10. new grate, sis. Phone 6605. LAWNMOWER Sharpening & Ad- fUsting. 1 i wooary s jaict, ieos n. summer st ri.tinFjiirwirr Air w 1 , Student s study desk or home use. urirT;"7?,TrT; , ThTZ: ' YEATER APPLIANCE CO. I i 255 N. Uberty ALWAYS r bi stock. Woodry's Furniture Mkt. Ph. 5110. i WX BUY and sen men's shoes, clout ing, tools, radios, guitars, trunks. furniture and household goods. SUNDAI.ES. 293 N.. Com! Ph. 369S ?pin-it-up lamps I YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ATMORAYS OZONE,-seU and rent . v- rugn. rn. a-asoa. r y pox w. ,n im.ir.i- .m-.i., -1.1, k. rtT" -i"- w t YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 1 STOVE repairing & parts. rW Summer rm- v-:,. ' 313 N. Liberty. -a-aaaav at vaa -u . a 'um m s iuiu tvi 0a SMYTH'S turn, polish. Ph. 6724. i HEAVY duty fruit luicers. i : YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ft ! ' 355 N. Uberty MEAT Case, latest model. Call 4833 after 6. M ; BUILT-IN medicine chests with Plata glass mirrors, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 5 , .iJM 255 N. Uberty. -If CHICKS; Bovinaton's- - GIFT BOX and range condiment sets. YEATER APPUANCE CO. i , ,- 253 N. Uberty - . - r )t iwinfrjC amnio.. Yaffil N;i,ywimJ :vumj T-tAKt-7l&- -JvOtAfiv . -K The, OREGON STATESMAN. Sa!m, . preon, Friday Morning. December 14. 1945 For Sale Miscellaneous -FARMERS ATTENTION t , Electric fence controllers. -"SfEATXR i APPLIANCE CO. jk i. loerty WE CARRY a complete hne of rolled j rooxing ana auraoie snmgies. Choice I of red or green m square butt, ne or diamond point Sold over the counter or installed. Just call 7177 for free es timate. Western Auto Supply Co J Sa- timatei Wesu km. Oregon. DUTCH ovens for tastier meals. IU1 tit AffUANCC CO. i I . 255 N. Liberty . j TRAILER hsc. 1730 Water st. Moore. 1 BEER by case. Green Sue Market I 520 Nf High. Western $3.02 plus bot- ties Eastern S3 82 oluT hottli i ,. ties Eastern $3.82 plus botUes. 1 1 ORCHARD run walnuts. 20c lb. Sky line Orchards. 4 miles SW. Liberty XRONING board pads and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. i i : f K- Vbcrty Hv. WOOD or coal circulating heater:1 al so 2-wheel trailer. 1320 Mission, tl ; a' nrn fAiHn ..:- ;i iM tir?ho-i48. i . i, -,-L, r .nol-i-Q-u-uJ-fXJ cif.tophaEneP - Hke frTiihll00r'T" YEATER APPLIANCE CO. J I ?. : . N. iberty , 1 1 FORil SALE Scout Master- uniform and hat complete; also some scout ap- parel. medium size, like . new. Price $iH). ; rnone 4W. HOLLY wreaths. $1.25, across from1 Highland school. 2205 N. 5th. Ph. 8994. . ICE hockey skates, size 7. pC1384. COAL and briquet circulator. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. : 255 N. Uberty BICYCLE TRAILER House, factorv built, cir culating oil heater. Coleman gas range. Sleeps 4. Sea at 2495 N. Stta. ! ; 20 FT. HOUSE Trailer. Completely furnUhed. 771 S. 21st. U M fit ordinary adaptors. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. I . 255 N. Liberty - - CHRISTMAS CDS: WraPDincs. tlfts. ine Apron nop, .'! st i i FLUORESCENT bathroom brackets. , YEATER APPLIANCE CO. , t JJ55j STEEL WOOL for cleaning pots ; and pans. -. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty FULLER Brushes. 1745 Grant P. 8357 WE buy and seU furniture, tools. I , --------r- . ih.n27-.?M- H',Ct'C to"-""- I""" a-A a . mnrcia.--n. oa. WALL TYPE can openers. s I YEATER APPLIANCE CO. S 253 N. Liberty LCTgPgfV I Fairgrounds road and Donna Ave. ELECTRIC Weldine: we fix anv- ZiAfi2JSZjg& K Kgif rJlkiS Jt kzZSE?" T excellent Xmas gifts. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. Z53 m. Liberty .?AtJ?iJSTht eater "nd 30 I gal. tank. 335 S. 24th. ILLUMINATED house numbers and world 'ittlobes I YEATER APPLIANCE .CO. ii 255 N. Uberty. oi l t s- ' ? German Shepherd Pups CHRISTMAS GUT Selling out. Reduction in prices now I range from Sou to sioo. Dam is excel- lent herd dog and daughter of famous I in 'jv find Ci. i. r.rl .nil Wma seeing-eye dog. Sire is East and West coast champion. I Black and silver male, large, definite ly show type. - ! i wnne male, large, oeautirui. Black and Un. female. larSe defin- itely show type. : Wolf t colored female, very toying, aenue, : piayiui. Black and tan female, average size. a clown. i ii Write, call or come see for reserva- f tion. if JANICE COLLIER . ... i, MCI t re it .-,, 711 tab enr pttttap ! x vat. i ja. 1 1 vj-iui x. i Fog !i lights. Sealed Beam driving lights, lire pumps, car jacks, and other misc. articles. -v.a.r.j v-nf-r. Hatfield's Used Car 1 - Market 351 N. Liberty St. Ready Mix j Mason Sand, Concrete Mix MASON SAND. CONCRETE MTX RIVER SILT AND FILL DIRTS ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL j j Commercial j Sand and Gravel CoJ PH. 3-1966 2-3100 rmaTBaTwTS stoves.!! chest of drawers, dressers. oasnesijirxia wuwm rug. aaisc. items. Mflo7 Kstraam Plar-A 145 S. Church ELECTRIC Soldering Irons and ex- I haust fans, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. zu N. Uberty APPLES Delicious SDitz. SOe hu. I un up. x-n. --ib. - t - .i..,.001?"1 with water coils In excellent condition. 25. : ? 5 ' Sawdust Burner complete with thermostat, $20. ! 5 HAT.TELDS USED CAR MARKET 351 N. Uberty St. . a ;x:ooier., icaier Appliance co. Z55 N. Uberty. - IF YOU NEED a large D latter. 'I have one large enough for that largest tur - Key. Syracuse cmna, open stock;' sot size and pattern call 5778. , r , . a .. . . . ? . vniuDiiui n wi n. ionoi ana venter, st ana vjw 1 erry st j SMALL OIL. Circulator, used 3 mo. I $45. 1235 6th st. West Salem. : ( TWO! salmon fishing rods. Phone sseo aner .w pjn.- . . 1 1 pre-war beds complete, ph. 6317. j CHILD'S CHAIR, height of seat! 14 -ooa ana ury. Nicely unhe. - rlae ior gut. fnonc sis. j i WOOD RANGE $15: play pen $5; baby buggy $5: baby bed $7 JSOrkitch - electriCmotor $6. 30 Morln ave en WDie. 4 cnatrs 7o. Quarter horse electrid motor SS. 30 Marfan v. s; I Jraer. laxen. iwca, 768 State at.5 $90.00 Heavy Duty Truck Bed r iau.- a-rtu In exceUent condition. $23, or make offer . ' HATFIELD'S USED CAR MARKET f 351 N. Uberty -St "j-1 "JUST THE THING for your boy this Xmas." A WILSON punching bag .t-4 - r4 spat, i nivri . hae gloves, both for $15. AND FOR THEjcle. practically new. $27 JO. 2250 Maple LITTLE ONE: A Rockwood baby eat- -.- ai IT- it-m- m lika ncir.l Carol s Auto Painting. 1011 N. ComX BASKET, blcyctaw $35.. 1210 TlW - R - Ul hinahcM For Sale ' SlisCcIIaiieoaS i ANTIQUES. "Gifts. Reasonable nrices. miuwmHeu. Hours 2 to 1. i APPLES and walnuts. Call WFJt, mornings and evenings. - j -' COCKER Spaniel female, re months old.- 2515 Cherry ave. woo; Circulating heater. Call 3538. 'iCpLUSphefd dog male) .4 21. -V1 nV do? JPL ?rm. or P. No. Sunda Sunda v dealings 2257 N. Church sL Salem, Ore. FRIGIDAIRE. i 470 Ktngwood I ave. t ORIENTAL wall hanging or couch cover about 5x9. Havlland china set dishes,, serves S. Phone 7373. ' 1 - IDEAL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS i Lionel O-eage electric train, & ac cessories. $65. Also mans bicyefe. good tires. 830. 1 clarinet. $40. Ph. 8980 after I 5- pjn. -;.- " . -. ,: lty il b?w &J rrows-1 hl ARCHERY. If you are seeking qual practice, l target St hunting bows. Cus- rrrt t. mafia - nv : tttm famnni ST1m Ph. 6685, afternoons for appointment Handmade gifts. 1148 N. Com'l, 4631. OUTBOARD motor, 12-fL dubk boat or kyack, factory built, weight 65 lbs. Reasonable. Phone 2-1200. I Canaries: lovely singers. 35 Belmont. TRAILERS, two wheel with stock. enclosed Ac regular beds. One with new 17-in. Si one with new 21-in. tires. The others with 16-in.. 18-in. & 20-in. tires. I Priced right, shot GUNS. RllXJCS. BEVOLVE rs. Remington model iia automatic with rib, solid leather case 8c 100 shells, 12 gauge like new. One each 12 Se 20 gauge dbL bbL with shells, fine condition. New 270 Ackkty bbL on Mauser, action, i porter, receiv- SJ - "8."f,f?',"i - ctinn tt Rrrt. numn. 22-4 t 3U55 weaver scopes, snui mouna. jisiung tk T7tnnn :T 4vffUArd nmi n tL Only lids. Don Madison. 590 No. High. TMANdUmdnd" ringralso lady'siu' amond ring and ear-rings. Ph. 9180 af ter a pjn. - !. -,r. PIANO: FISHER UPRIGHT. Sunday. 4373. j f CaU CHRISTMAS! SPECIALS TRXPPE I LITES "Junior." the finest lite made to follow the road. SEALED BEAM, -. i m- .rwiM. t . An.nlA. tD I x wi w. ,uvuu jic. viiiivn i. i. i SPORT LJrXS inside cnS-oi: $125 4 ai. VI ... -. ...! T1 ..'.,. wv i".!.. ".."ir Ji t fin.: G- tock,rSiSgie aa Du.TSc- v.,,,. vtrcinn 1Tni4er f lam Fenrier 1 ilTM . shot . Rie. Revnlv-r. 1 Fishing tackle, Trailer couplings I luaio Anwnnu. a sou nnunn, ww I 1 ; . . ... J; enA ? I tugn. CM A T T , i - OA TS t S2? ,er, Rtjl. ! S2-icjK-Ji- : 2 HEAVY all-metal scooters, rubber 1 A ".f 7r li'l. S'leBlSndiMM- lh Pho W73-' 'r j 1 wra vr nnD t wdc iH.m I I Street Furniture. 1900 State. Ph. 7596, 21-FT. Glider house trailer, late mod "Of -2th and Hoyt. ist house across el. Sleeps 4. See at Rt. 5, Box 67. 3 blks. SMALL HOUSE TraUer. Sleep two. 8150.1 Public address ; system. $50. ;41 Colt sand brown belt holster, nana- cuffa, ammunition, 210 Evergreen aye. OFFICE Furniture. Heavy oak ex- ecutive desk.. Also one heavy oak. cow bination 1 executive and - typewriter desk- 1601 Chemeketa. Phone 2-14-3. C.O.TWO EIRE EXTINGUISHERS r RECHARGE SERVICE i - I WELDERS TOR RENT ! 1 VALLEY WELDING SUPPLY CO, t i 197 S. Commercial j t YOUNG MAN'S black pin stripe suit, I worn only 3 or 4 times. Size 31 wasst, I 24. Z9 Evergreen ave, UPRIGHT Piano and bench. $175. Davenport and chair, dressers and many other articles. Ph. 6925, or 2191 Maple.. 31 BUICK motor. , 57 model: also Buick radiator. International electric fence unit. Buick front axel and wheel. ra. Dir-i. m. o, dox 2vu, 50-LB.) OAK CHEST ice box. N. Com.. 1J10 GIRL'S figure - skates. Used once. Phone 6-90. , t ! ELECTRIC Curling Iron. Yea ter Ap pliance to, -m n. 4iixriy. - s STEEL. Folding Cot. built-in springs. and mattress. Used only 1 week. 2645 N. cnurcn st. ; s 5 "----- - sv.. 22 ' ANGORA RABBITS. Mrs. AlVce Poole. 1605 Vella Rd-, Newberg, Ore, CHRISTMAS - Trees. Fairgrounds Road at: Highland Ave. EXTENSION . and Iron cords. ; I YEATER APPLIANCE CO. A ; 259 N. Liberty I: Christmas Gifts I tut nn cin r 'imT rierna 1 SETS. HAVLLAND. DEMT f T ASSE. tems Iatbeverlys antique chhp tin wt.Ki rpir? 5T punuir SHOP. 740 ELECTRIC 23431. ' ! ; . , SPERTI room disinfecting lamps. , I YEATER APPLXANCX CO. s - 1 -zoa . uoerty . 1 1 PUREBRED German Chepherd pups for sale: one ! black-silver: two With black saddle: one male definitely snow type.; rnces as to. aiu. ioi7. irs SPRINGEB. 464 ourt t. COILED barrel type trash burner and hot water tank. Both in good, condi tion. If. Ii. 20U1. BOUDOIR lamps. $7.95 per set I YEATER APF1A: tW. ' i ! 255 N. Liberty j - Interior Painting. Reynolds. Ph. 865$ --r-T.-. ji. .0. . - rv I Riahland ave .A-n. 1 uiu v jt u. ivi - fM 1 vvvv I DOBERMAN Pinscher pups. AKC Ko. S003Q2. excepUonal blood bnes. Cham - nlnn Vn-.W.iu Ktr-4n rntl disoosi- . I .. . . . . . I I Ttnn- niacK ana un. monins 01a. ror I particulars phone Salem 2-4283 or etc m .2 BURNER. S speed hot plates with ovens to fit. . : . . . - 1 YEATER ' APPLIANC-! CO. ! 25S N. Uberty r - 5 Unfinished Furniture Salem'a exclusive unfinished fural- Tiir- 1 fir-r-f utfirtnvilt or mld to or der. Ptcketts rurniture. 13th and State. I SABLE dyed Coney coat Hat 'to 1 match. Size 1$. Gooi condition, rj. I nln" ..S TiZi Vi I excellent Condition. $40. Ph. 4367. W excellent condition. $40. Silverton na riaMTM ATTENTION f 1 Electric butter churns. . YEATER ' APPLIANCE CO. i , Bin. uoerty mrv-RTT JrwOOD sifts. Choice select. I - Tm.. Wmberton'a. 1980 S. 12th st. -i , - -.-,-? WEDGEWOOD Gas Range. A-l eoisd. I Davenport r chair, velour. CaU after 16-0 pjn. 18651. ti. ComT, i t - I J-'-',.'J'T'r" a SCOTCH Terrier pups. A. E. Wig- I gins. Rt 7. Box 43. - ! t I T '"X." '.T I - late model Cleveland man s bicy- I phone a4U, I f " ELECTRIC table broUers, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25 . Uberty f - f arm - I " I . .- w-, r- t var. W rv If- mT ' 'I MODEST MAIDENS I . V Tiari - U. Sv ri o ! I . r i n i '.""r - i " forgot to tell you, fashioned." r For. Sale r Miscellaneous DECORATING HoUy. holly wreaths. hnilMmlm n.il 7U - tt. A -Anw orchard Ueights Road. Phi 58F12 eves. Wll .t. Rut - fne Mill oil trul - , . . ; . ' 0 in irnnM immiininnn im n- 1 1 r 630 WO- --------. . a . . . -.- tiuiNr-ynegauon jars onijy. ZZJZZi . - cttttt t TT -a vmic- a..l. ln . . . i -ZCT" S i . i. . ood tirea. This is nice. See at 650 So. atj st. BLACK Scalene fur coat size 18-18. Make good Christmas gift. Ph. 2-3260. MONTANA agates, pennants and rintrw aliA tftiain- 190 S 14th CIIOC : Doctor. " , : HOLLY wreathes, and loose .holly. Pembertons. iao s. 12th. i . . - wool slacks. S shirts, wool - Sc crepe, 1 Pendleton shirt. 1 robe. 1 all-wool i sport coat. 1870 N. 22nd. Wanted Miscellaneous OIL Circulating Heater. Phone 4854. PASSENGERS to Nebr. and return. Leaving Dec. 22. Write Howard E1U son. 1984 State, .45 CALIBER rim shells. Ph. 3373. AUTO Repairing. Reasonable rates, i Work guaranteed. 1597 Lee st. . ' j AUTO painting, just a shade better, by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor CO. B50Z. i WANTED: PIANOS. Will pay cash Wills Music Store. 433 State St. : USED FURNITURE. Ph. 8185. 1 WANT TO Buy. Used cameras & lenses. McEwan Photo Shop. 435 State. CASH for your used furniture.! Ph. 1 7596. State St Furniture. 1900 State IT YOU have furniture to sell see Russ Bright Ph. 751L 453 Court. CASH for used piano Sc other 'mu sical instruments. Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Miscellaneous 3 KITTENS to give away. Good ! mouse r strain. Phone 8550. Dental Plate Repair I TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES ( Bring or' Mail Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bidg State & Com. Ph 1 3311 SHOE REPAIRING: Quicker service.' better quality, short Jobs while : you wait Equipped to do any kind of shoe work, uipson's snops. -ua n. um HEAVY Hauling. Excavation J and Uvtll&- Sim!. Rravel. Cruahed Rock. Mason Sand. Concrete Mix. 'Cement, Salem Sand & Gravel Co. I . . ... . . - i 1405 N. Front St - ! Salem. Oregon -Phone 940 or 2U24 ": 1 ntP-TR all makes of CLOCKS. Have some good pocket watches- for sale. I also buy watches J alarm I docks. 190 S. 14th st. I ..,,,.-..-.., , ,..- MEN'S-" HATS cleaned and . blocked. Money to Loan' NOT TOO LATE! It's not too late to get the cash! you need at 'Personal' the company that likes to say "Yes" to loan requests. 'Personal' can give you cash for sea- I V"CTa n- S . Be 1 nliia n m mm anvani i t,M ( 1 Loans tip to IB montns I. 4 out 01 9 who ask for a Man nere get iu 1 Loans from' $10 to $300 or more 1 ma.A to employed men or women. married or single on signature alone. Tiirniture or auto. 3 , Loans made for any worthwhile -t'-purpose pay bills and debts, taxes. - medical attention, clothing, repairs. A Emnlovera. friends not Involved. 3. Your credit is' established in over 400 affiliated omces rrom coasi w mut Ct extra cash away from home. - any tunc. An exclusive 'Personal' service 6 You eet full amount of loan. 7. You control cost. Tne quicxer you repay, the less the cost. Lnana made on 1 Visit. $ E Don't borrow unnecessarily, but if a loan will solve your problem, give us a chance to say "Yes" won't you? 1 Cotmrn in or telephone today. i - - Certain loans, especially those 1 for purchase of .restricted ttemi, limited to is monuis. Personal Finance Co. - r fT.tr. S-124-M-lfiSt ' ' A I i et.t St. odd Cauatr Court Bouse I b-. im . a Ph 11-1 , ... GaUlnger. mjfr j . LOANS . l Money for good real estate loans Quick service and low Interest rates CHAS. HUDKINS SON. i 275 Stat St Phone 9494 Auto Loans p .Willamette Gredit Co. STH IXOOR- GUARDIAN BUILCWO I . l irnicf m u . . . Markets father is a little bit old Money to . Loan YOU - RECEIVE INDIVIDUAL CON- ' S -DERATION WHEN YOU .v APPLY TO i , 1 GeneraL Finance Corp. FOR ' ' 1- , Quick Gash Loans Locally owned and operated. we are familiar with all local needs and con ditions and lend on any reasonable security. Up to 12 mos. to repay. Telenhone B16S State Lie. (S-138) 136 S. Commercial St, Auto And Truck JLoans Contracts Refinanced Money for new and used cars ot trucks regardless of age. No delay bring car and title and get the money You retain possession of vehicle. 1 to is months to repay. After 5 o'clock phone 21143 for appointment ROY H. SIMMONS Regulated by state.' PRIVATE MONEY 136 S. ConVL St Phone B16S $ $ MONEY $1$ ' We make all types of personal loans Including furniture, note and car loans, for any worth while cause. We also make real estate loans and buy re I estate contracts. For quick and effi cient service see or phone STATE FINANCEiCO. Phone 4121. 153 S. High, ; Salem Lie. S I1S-M I2 I FARM and CITY LOANS - ' 4i and 5. I Your own terms or repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL. SECURITIES CO. ' 207 Pioneer Trust Bidg. Phone 7163 Loans Wanted; WANTED: Private loan of SSOOO on first .E.. mortgage, I to 3 years at o'o. write ox zsi, co statesman. WANTED- From private oartv. S30O0 business loan at V one year or less, secured. Write Box 287 c-o Statesman. For Rent Rooms SLEEPING room for man or 2 bova. Phone 7558. t. Room and Board WANTED by business ' girl: Board and room in private home by Jan 1st Will pay up to $50. Phone 2-4257 after pjn. h For Rent -Apartments SMALL APT. 1 woman only. $10. Writ box 296 co Statesman. 5-ROOM unfurnished flat exchanre for a furnished apt. or small house. Phon 6073 from 3 to 5. For Rent TRAILERS tor rent SOe per hr. - -, Woodry's MkU 1605 N Summer. - D-7 CT-RPILLAR tractor, dozer. A- cleaning blade for rent. Phone $030. TRUCKS for rent. You drive. Us. Cune Sc LovelL Pbone 9600. -i ' FLOOR ENTJER, tor rent. Mont- gomery Ward. - - : OOlPusPuio k. L. Stifi. Wanted to Rent URGENTLY needed br Jan: latr 9. bedroom nouse tor adults. Permanent 6c references. Phone $792. i - . SINGLE Professional vomu'wmild like small, rurm-hed aparttnent . Ea ther Miller. CoUege of Music. Willam- eiie university. S25 REWARD for lead to ntt 3 or 3 BJC bouse. Pay up to $70. Leaae or rem. n. warn gren. state Printing Uep 111!.' - . . . :. . , - t" PERMANENTLY Emoloved Vrr.ii and wife want an unfurnished bed room apartment or t-room bouse, by January 7. References if nequirea. 5-ROOM house, unfurnished, bv Jan uary l. 1946, Ph. 5780 daytime, 4203 l-SO. I COUPLE, one school-age chilit. with good references and reputaot7to be permanent residents of Salmi. , umi care- for y our 2 -bed roo m bouse as if ww-i unar own. col Bts. bttteaman. LOCAL business man wants to lease acreage witn good house, vni .. for year with or without option to uuj . ruww )i. - - , , VETERAN, wife and 2-vr. un mi appreciate unfurnished house or ant. . M. -..w U . UT ; - MAN and wife, no children.: .-. i or 3 bedroom house.'prefer out abort Aim TJ . . Mft . .. . . "vn. v . ncvirg. OR $ ROOM unfurnished house bv Jan. 1st. No children or pets. Perm. SINGLE Gentleman wants sWntng room close to State Office Eldg. pnl Glassifie Wanted to Rent - WANTED to rent a room lor Barber Shop io Salem. Box 281. SUtesman. v ti-TB vft i Vet and wife urgently need a furn, or unfurn. apt. or gouse. Employed by Btalwp'a Studios. .Refer ences lit desired. Call J-2Z5. i For Sale Real Estate - SPACIOUS, 'completely modern 1 bed room bunpalow in beautiful set ting of majestic firs.. All surrounded by a white picket fence. Oil heat, full basement, fireplace, workshop. I acres of ground. Price $13,000, See A. E, DANIKLSON with Leo Ni Childs, Inc. j REALTORS , , 344 SUU St - Ph. 26t , FAIRMONT HILL 2 : BDRll! HO4e targe living i rm, dining rm, hard wood floors, basement. Urge lot. Sea MR. GOODWIN witn f - Hawkins Roberts, Iricl REALTORS Phone! 4108 After 88715 COMPLETELY furnished trailer house.! Call "Bud" Hart with Ed Byirkit, Realtor 425 . lJth ' ! Phone 5981 SDcSlOOlSI pfastered house "will I full haivmmt: . na furnace. . One bedroom downstairs, upstairs partially finished with two bedrooms. Nice location on bus line. Price $4200. 3 bedroom house located Southeast: all room ost first floor. Garage, wood shed, washroom. L-Crge lot with garden space. Pric $4500. . . f Rostein A Adolph, Inc. IlOli S. Commercial St. - Phone 3830 "YOU'D LIKE TO COME HOME TO" This j lovely i East Salem home. S bed rooms, automatic sawdust furnace, fireplace. Venetian blind. Lot 50x150. Price ;S&500. See JOE HUTCHISON with I i Leo N. Childs, Inc. I - REALTORS 344 State St.. m . . . Ph. 861 MODERN ' 4-bed room home. North, hwd. floors, generous closets tt built ins. oil furnace, extra large lot. - A good family home. Price $9000 cash C H. SANDERS -e- 231 N. High GOOD LOT 50x126 with sewer and water piped already in Jot. sidewalk eV pavement, trice sioue. t. uoerty Robert J. Gallagher. Real Estate. 151 N. Com'L Phone 7386. BY OWNER: . 6-room . mod. house, fireplace, furnace, elec. hot water heat er, full-basement, etc. 6 blocks S. ot State on - S. Liberty. Terms. 697 S. Liberty. . BY OWNER J Late built 4 -rooms, bath. Partly furnished. Including E. stove. I E. hot water beater, utility trays. V. blinds, large garage, on block to bus. Auburn dist., 2 blocks North. 1 block east Krugcr's Kash 6c Karry store. 4095 Earls ave. 1 . 1 ' HOUSE, garage, chicken house, bam. Close to Skrm.-Almost 10 acres. $4600, Box 297. Statesman.- " ' S YR. OLD very modern home. Rofc street, j Auto. heat, full bsmt, electric water htr, hdwd. floors. French doors with patio from dining room. Sea MR. GOODWIN witn . .- Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. f REALTORS Phone J.4108 , . j ' After $3713 $6000 66 cares. 7 rm. older tvpe house, all in cultivation, chicken house, barn. .Near Gervais. $10.000 acres. T vr - alrf tuuiu S rn i and bath, wood furn., chicken uouw. oarn. uienuva nst. $3750; 10 A. unimproved. Keizi Dist. i $12500 IS A. all In cult, T rm. hse, bungalow type, Barn, chicken hse. Qumaby. J $7000 12, A. 3 miles from city cen ter. 2, houses.: barn, chicken hse, year around stream, spring, elec water system, some stock. . $37503 A. unimproved, off 99 E. , ALrams & Ellis, Inc. 411 Masonic Bidg. ph. 6153 i Insuracc-Mtg.-Loans MODERN Late constructed home on N. winter St. This homo is modern -throughout. Has 1 B. R. down. 4 up. Double plumbing. Recreation, room with fireplace In basement, oil heat. 3 car saraee. Sarinklir n.tm Uwn. Price. $13,500.- . . State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S.i High TSt Ph. 4m 2& AilJvatpnom and dining room att& gSSo rooms. uinished R. A. Forkner, Realtor 153 North CapItoL Ph. 3031 or 408T .IMMEDIATE POSSESSION c V)0TT4. nn, hotno well located 5. E. Has fireplace, laundry travs 2 car garage. Fruit trees and garde space. Nice shrubs. laroeis State Finance Co. Realtors a. ign st, ii ' EVCLKWOnn nrc-.Tn. Z, . . " -, x . v..-!?1 room hom. lv. na, Lin. rm kitchen, large lot 99 ft. frontage Will sfurn. or unfurn. Price rVhed Call -Scottta-: Hooker with " - Ed Byrkit, Realtor 423 8. 12th I . ev. NICE. Neat Wu-. tet. Wen locatedHri )3.oooa It. A. Forkner.: Reiilt nr 1353 North CaprtoL Ph. 3031 or 4067 3 B. R Hnm. T71 , . . . T!.- houfe near lTttv and oi H. P. Grant. Realtor - 528 Court St. ? ph -- IMMmilTT enccwi-... SjSOO. a rm K.n , Vr" Zr' atr ntr laundrv tnn Lot cSlJS'L1 pinic finance Co.Realt ors . Hlgn Btr- r Ph. 4121 3 ROOM hnnu c... ":'""'" nt. Mk:6m& nawKins 4 Koberts, Inc. REALTORS Pbone 41 OS Lots Lota 1. trvn --v-o -V.Tri-? vmcent Sct.ool.-7T-, talU. ARuT LOT SUITABLE for a e- ' Sr. hieh -L,; r'coV!l' near .high rstssT.Scr - -ACRE of : . KXNGWOOD LOT . - Acra,NoPW$10C Rhven-Alderin-Cooney tOr-gonBldp .ventng Ph. $9ig . t-t oodv?S? w' lot- Hawkins $ Roberts, Ine- IWe not RZALT0S . - ' ' Afl" $$713 & ?2 SaieILnsccCo-R "- o. , Ph. 4121 i ' I 583-W . I I - v I- I : ' - f