PACZ nCIIT - . 1 1 OSEGOIl STATESMAN Salem, Oregon. Tuesday Morning. December 11. 1945 r. - - - ' ' 1 1 . S . '5 Beairca'SG, Mariinie.3 . v PDay Mere '.Tbniglli'fi: . i, ' - ' . - - x" " " Home Hoop Debut Sends WU Quint : Against GPs Tuesday Wednesday , "' Still tunlnf up for their first ; Northwest conference season in three years, Willamette U'a Bearcat basketballera face the Klamath . Falls Marines tonight in the start, of a two-game series. The cage mix No. 1 of the season locally for Coach Les Sparks troupers, start at 730 o'clock and will be prellminarled at . six by a clash between the WU Froeh and Leb anon high's Warriors. ' 'Wednesday night's game will start at 7:30 also and will be pre ceded by six o'clocker featur ing the Froeh and the Hubbard Town lea. I Although the Willamette 'will oajoti iniffeij'einice ipjetnis AniMal Peeft Stiner Elected Boss of Coaches; Trojans Reopen Notre llame Tilts SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 10.-Repreentatives of the Pacific coast a thletl3 conference squared away u private session today, opening their annual winter meeting, to readjust the league to post-war condition. Football eligibility rules -were under discussion. There were reports that modifica- Tandem Tussle Tops 'Garden'Mat Program Tonight wmi tion of the Strict conference code I might be attempted. The only official news to come from the meeting was the election of Lon Stiner. Oregon State col- lege coach, i as president of the coast conference coaches associa tion. Stiner succeeds Jeff Gravath, Stocked with diversified do- ' , Ingi from start to finish. Match maker "Elton Owen; offers his weekly bleep bee tonight at the ' Ferry Street Garden. The main heat, something new! and differ ent since Its species has not been ' seen here fat months, sends the' eleanle team of Ex-GI Jee Xy- and AngeUo Martinelll against the meanle djet ef Burly Back Davidson : and lantern Jawed Jack Lipscomb in a non- tag team match In Itself expect- led to provide the customers with. 'sufficient 'action for, the eve nlng session. :;V .. .' ' Maeh like the crowd-pleasing : battle. royal, the- four main eventers win take off In ring -center together In a two-of-three falls, hoar-limited pitch. Should one member ef a team be flat tened or fooled eat, twUl be ap to his partner to tackle both 'gents on the opposing team. Both members ef a team must i be i 1 .. . i . , counted out before a fall b real ised. Entrance ef dynamic send ers such as Lynam anoV Mar tineUl aa partners Is a guarantee for spectacular brawL Cronies Davidson and Lipscomb will doubtlessly take eare , ef their share ef the brawling. , . The semlwlndup special, classed as a top main erent In Itself by Matchmaker Owen, sends the circuit's two masked misters against each ether. brewing since the "X" character came Into the northwest a few weeks age, win be a ease el who's got the hardest head be neath his hood. The fact thai Stoneface U a eulprit and rx Is a people's choice makesf or mayhem also. : The tiZ9 opener pits Canadian swifty Herb Parks against Scan dinavian Gust Johnson In a one fall zo-mlnnte piece which will probably be an all-clean wret- , Stonefaced Gray Mask and Mys- 1 Umg snatch, the only ene en th terions Mr. X This faceless fend, j ear. Baseball Bigs golf was also learned that South- UClciY AllSWCF SGC rn California, three times confer-1 J i Sportie sorties: Should the materializing Salem Dad's Club need I of the University of Southern Cali- not be favored over the K-Falls la mite of well meant acceleration, it might like to know that Leathernecks, reputedly a strong sporanundea misters wno make X be Men's club go at Salem outfit the 'Catj can be expected course are heartily endorsing the daddies', plan tand purposes. SGC trn California, to give the visitors a tough series, man Bud Waterman offers: It's something Salem has needed for a I ence champions and making its Las week the Sparksies were long time.' The Men's clubbers being the civic: minded gents they j third successive appearance In the kayoed only 33-32 by the sharp are, their underwriting is most welcome 1 . Speaking of the SGC I Rose Bowl New Year's day. this Camp Adair Naval Hospital quint clan, Harv Wahlgren, one of Its postwar regulars, has rejoined the time against Alabama, will ro- whlch boasts two former All- gang after a long hitch In the American players. Klamath Falls navy. The welcomed him back bowed twice to U of Oregon in during the Xmas stag the other recent games, but gave the Web- night by making him sing a song, foots a first-class struggle during But then it was the. gleeful club the first half of both games. Such bers who got fooled, for Harv was Constitutes about all that is known once upon a time vocalist for of the CI's locally. Horace Heidt's band . . . Laff j Sparks will likely open with the for U of O's: The Chicago Bears same five he started against Adair dopebook" says Frank (Jumbo) i-rred Graham, Marshall Bar- Ramsey, applicant for Spec hour, Courtney Jones, Irv Miller Keene's vacant post at WU (and and Doug Olds every one an ex- brother, has he got company) serviceman. Carl Butte, . Lefty "went to high school in Aberdeen, Acklty, Ed ritzslmmons, Bruce Wash., but was born in and at Barker and Lawrence Altree, the tended Oregon State at Cornwal latter a newcomer to the squad lis. Ore." . . . Re that WU Job, from Camas, and 6 fee 8 inches Prexy G. Herbert Smith could do tall, are likely to see action also, worse than pick not one, but two Salem Quintet Seeking Games , The all-sophomores basketball team at Salem high tossed up . the help situ yesterday. It wants some ball games. Any school, , fH" class preferred, within hear ing distance Is asked to get In teach with Gurnee Flether, Sa lem high school, at once If In terested In playing the Sophs ea most' any evening bat Sundays. tlesher says the Sophs are not nearly aa strong this season as they were a year are. Coast League Status Expected Wednesday sume its annual contestwith Notre CHICAGO. Dec.MMff)-Base-Dame next fear. The Troians will blg ltM9At& after hours of game. Southern . California also r.,, . AmMM t. wfll play Ohio State In Los An- clfrc coast league's plea to be geles next season In the resump- a maior loon. and. awav tlon of that jtnnual contest Woolens Grab City loop Wur BUDDY RYAN The . former. Salem high school stars stocked Page Woolens j stamped themselves even further as the team! to beat in the. City league last night by walloping the previously! Unbeaten Willamette from their meeting room, complet ed the first important player deal of the winter, get-together. i This ivory . transaction saw Frank (Buck) MeCormick, first- base slugger, and; one-time; most Valuable player in the National league, sold by the; Cincinnati Reds to the Philadelphia Phillies for an estimated $30,000 slice of Phils' owner Bob Carpenter's bank roll and one player to be named later. I Although the diamond moguls approved the promotion of the In ternational league, American as- reauy pui xne scnool Dae on toe athletic man with . . . . ' .vHnn anl Pacific Hnast leacue it not for the limited expanses reached bv the athletic 01 fl01 mvl310n 8. roundl , niiih j iooe5Mrt h . Smith mlcrht d that .,.,.tw a. u t- u " on the WU court It was 28-4 atK ' -lr?r?I? i aouuiern associauon punx icjuu I of the hotshot applicants say one basketball and another football specialist and a rush. Were I budget President snoum ne naugnt Dut smiles at WU now just look at aU the in-1 ZTXTZ'n .tl I leaeue to MAA" and the South At- . . : ! ..... .1 1 - t . ImMi. CaTIwA . MAN iltMf " v I . a 3 Mi XI 2 11 A. MMi;ni ViacVttli ,A I UeieiXCU unm vueur JUUik winners withj 16 points. weonesaay me voasi! re- The ltinen-Hollywood game lue" oecome w corcuil m uie nisiory ox oaseuui. valuable pubUcity the place has been Bettina dav bv dav th hordes of roaches good coaches, tnn nni Trv. w I cemx in a da GUbert Lleser could affnrH tn taV. . v P ti4h' ball-hawking " " TWA VU a jm.iiii-iiuiii w liUlU "'X it - Five 'mllay(cE Elevenu Beavers Face Portland Foe1 what we picked up In Portland over the weekend, WU publicity will reach an all time low, how ever, If the prep basketball clas sic isn't , moved from the campus to the fairgrounds hoss arena next March. Wait n see If you think we're merely making wig the words ... Wenatchee PlucktOff I Streetif art for Skipper itamsey Si Busher Named t TTk I wound un lii a Sl-Sl tie after squabble Over scorekeeping and goes before the league heads for straightening out . Referee Ken juugcuuic linn u met I - ! i 'WT i examining the scorebook. The HnCG At YAfll " . w wi fcw .wiiibcj. iViJUCi I nwu HV"" uau luk wig amaji Pn-irn ( mnA imt.4t VI.U I t -th .tii r4 4 Via Bom with vhat Chool foothaTl enact, n.marlna I It tHOUCht WM a S1-3B Victory. I? . V" and lat aoasnn a tarVla rm 4ia I MINTMEN 1311 (II) HOLLYWO Chlcaro Bearitero crid fm .111 MNUi I " Uu filly which won 10 of her 13 to Be peaker (ID Hollywood $her, the sensational three-year ' (10) D. Rawlins I tnw which won 10 of her 13 Other baseball bug, may not "J, 'c SS& race, in 1845 and ran her-total agree, but in our book the striv- h. s.ia,-i,4 4v. v. t"?nH Pi S ! en?" money earnings to ?33,035, has tag Wenatchee Chiefs and their Wednesday right 7ft, S 'TE!US U -"TurAi3ig..U?! been "unanimously voted "horse franchise - hustling citizen Joe f !I!.7 ii . . . . . I .9? -Hpert ?. (of the year" In the annual poll of Brownlow came up with M UZ:"rL AS 30 experts of Triangle Publica- OREGON STATE COLLEGE, tne game a better minor league wm4mette uleoachw h. ; S?W Dec. 10.-1 Special )-jregon SiaiCS orun ior manager in ouaoy . . -... Harial (4) l )i ..ti.ii. .trnn. Ko.k.tholl tm I RTin. We to bv onlv what we I iwu zumwut (41 J " ii - . ' I 0ttm V- TJ. T - RnMi mha victor over powerful Seattle Coast remember wnen Ryan, a tomato- "TV ' ""Ti w' tfrf p.k wooiin. Guard twice last weekend at As- faced skipper on the Bill Sweeney T"fr o,, i torla, will taste some of the best I order, rode herd on Sacramento 9 (16) Panel time. Tnr nublishers of racing i a V V t I -w- i 1ST MKnc I r rrv Oiiarkt.nhiih i Dapers. O (14) McKee I ; TVtla mnrlrpd th( cprond straieht gS&?X Bower) year that a filly had wn top hon Independent opposiUon In t h e Senator teams in the Coast circuit WJ5T ' Muai .k.t. T.. n(V.t W vnrt acrn rhm A A k.uKoll P- m. IWSem uu xjuu ouxiper i urcgon otaic, i Henry i. j m i ors In the poll, Twiiignt Tear nav- wlll bo shown at the banquet. Official - Kn Salpp and Gil Utter. fa(f ained distiBctjon In 1944. GaeWWedef (Named to Team - - - I.---' NEW YORK. Dec. 10-6?VTh United States' military academy's mighty football team placed five of its players on the Associated Press 1945 All-America eleven an nounced today. It was the first time in the history of these selec tions that so many players from one team had been honored In thig fashion. - . . Selection of three linemen and two ball carriers from Coach Col. Earl Blaik's team not only set a precedent numerically, but in the case' of the ball carriers Glenn Davis of Claremont, Calit, and Felix (Doc) B lan chard of Bishop vUle, S. C It represented the first time that backfield team mates were selected two consecu tive years. Army linemen named to tha team were John Green of Shelbyw ville, Ky., guard; Albert Nemcta of Prince George, tackle, and DeWitt Coulter of Fort Worth, Tex'tackle. The other two backfield bertha were taken jby ' Herman Wede meyer, St Mary's (Calif.) college halfback from Honolulu, the only Pacific Coast! player to make tha team, and Bob Fenimore, Okla homa A&M'b brilliant all-around back from Woodward, Okla. Feni more was also selected - on the 1944 team. Navy's Richard (Dick) Duden of New York City and Texas' Hubert Bechtol, another repeater from Lubbock, Tex, were picked aa ends ' on thej team. Ohio State's Wnrrn A mlinif rf Pana Til : ::rz:.rzr:::y::;: t'itv' . i osen u . guard and vaugha raa inmni w win nimuimi inn nirnuaKU ma wwilj 4 m lulfboek. J( also made All-Pacific Coast. Wedemeyer will lead jlmmie Fhelan's Gaels In their Sngar Bowl date January 1 with Oklahoma A& New Orleans. ' I ----- . M - . " X' , , " . t 1 I- - 4. --.- fsH-" ik -s: i : ;!- - r- ; -:: . . . . .- ,- .: . . . . . t - - . "V r i : ' w . "V. . T " - , ' : V Y,'vi.'...fe:;i;s!-V,'-,: i . NX. ; :w , f - 1 ' i k.;-i " ' - h - , - . " k y"'." ""V " " " ' " J - ' x 1 - . " ' n 1 - -v x. 'vo c---'-. :-:::p:f;.;;-i;i ' - :v . ... :, S !f"- '-"- T VV x"" - , x 1 I !l , s" v , " A v ri - s t "- t ;'" - tk i WnknrMt Tnniiotnn InraH munt ant! . atriatitimicnM nH I tiOnS Should - 111. ttt mm nn smit nnilm HViu k. Cv I SChOOl OffiCO of the season. I of those years didn't win manvl111111, "f f With a lineup consisting most- I pennants Los Angeles was then I Ramsey w; Ir of former college aces, the In- lin the league, too but Ryan 3 a Candida' sulators figure to give the veteran turned out more than his share of I U coaching Jo Orange . quintet a busy evening, graduates to stardom in the maj- Well known Insulator performers I ors. Include Roy Pflugrad, Lloyd I - Should your memory Jackson, Bill Osterhaut and Marv Journeymen such Scott Coach Slats Gill will pro- Myril Hoag, Alex Kampouris, bably start Ted Ilennlngsen, Jer- I Frank Demaree, Frenchy Borda ry Krafve, Red Rocha, Bemie Mc- I garay, Dolph Camllli, Merv Shea Crath and Johnny Moore for OSC. and Laurie Vinci labored under Hollies Buy Trio made with the hlrfi CHICAGO,' uec. 10. -UtJ- The ot later than to- Houywooaj puo 01 tne Racine ?Tokyo Bow? i coast league ytoaay tougnt second-r nni o - from the jYICL 1 III Cl i 4, baseman Woody Williams I Cincinnati Reds and catcher Stan Anarews anu piicner juh jliSiock from the Phillies. Williams has been with the Reds for the past three years. In 1945, he batted 237 i Webfdbts HeadFI East-Bv Rail I 'A'j.Cb.mch Loop; J ? teff:lg.w.l,nira TOR Portland Has Louis Toiiight I PORTLAND, Dec. 10 -tfV A ! ' " TTntvmH it at Sacramento. And those nils- Iters turned out to be pretty fair! country ballgamers. ' Proving Grounds iVo.' I Want, Not Loop Flag$ Since the WIL franchise-mother- J Dec. lO.-iffV-The Oregon . ge squad was on its way to Chica0o by train today after th ODT bloJced plans for airplane travel. Airline offic- rLAND. Oft Bancha, Alabama's sophomore i center from Birmingham, Ala, was voted on! as center. Second team celectiona went to Max I Morris, Northwestern and Jim Kekeria, Missouri. ends; Thomas Dean. South em Meinoaist ana neary oWberg, I Army. Tacues;. Joan uastrongeJo, Notre Dame and Joseph Dickerson, Penn. guards; i Richard Scott. Navy. center; Frank Dancewics. Notre Duiml Harry Gilmer, i Alabama. Peter Pihoa, uiuiaiut ana vuue v-iine, lmuo state, backs. . I Tiirt 4m Vmh V.lbM ! trl.i.l. Coach Harold Hauk's Salem land Georre. gavitsky, Penn. ends: Year'sTokyo bowl" f o o tb all I monmouth (is) - (n vaitz lugn vuongs ran oyer an under-. Xrnkuhom. am. "cw game to decide the 'chfmpionship IsVwtene l) ' r () King I mannea .valley wotor v- qumt Al Spariis. UCLA and Jim Lecture, Howard en c w) uiaser oi tne city league last night in an- cSmmTSSS. 't15" I?,n talent, was scheduled! today by w " g ' (W wSSS other scrjmmage tut for the di oy de". N.vVrun "k .. ,1.,.. L..X, :n I ' ' I enc'n. ft-)l PKtvfoAn cl.. I lowkL Hohr Cross and RnK Cvr xionoraoie mentions Included Calla (Continued on page 9) overtime periods here night to take an 18 foul shots in the overtime won for Monmouth Larry Fresh and his eight points stood out for the win ners. Falls City girls salvaged a i TOKYO, Dec. lOHiT-A New j volleyball win in the prelimmary. here Friday irl " O 1 -i7 win. two Vikings apank rtime won for I . O - J. V-8 Cage Five First Christian tipped First Methodist, (21-18, Salt Creek; Baptist downed First Evangel- determk.e the finalists j who will meet In the Meijl stadium. ttSX. hVIonmoiilli Edges Negr o Plaver s t , " """ c, A . Church league A division bas- r? 11 aa.-ia. reservations on eastbound L ketballlngs last night at Leslie, t all8. tilty UUUlt aj" w ws ivvi vv aa ivn prompted the! change. High point honors were divid ed between! Fast of Salt Creek miple of two-round bouts here inrr,i l7. wZnir - Tne Webfoots still hope for an and Bonche of i Presbyterian, Monmouth high's basketball team with the Bakersfield, CaL, club of sggfi. Tuesday night wttl feature HeavyH J I each with 12. upset the strong Valsetz team In thi California baseball league, ciark hi weight Champ Joe Louis vs. MBadlI . nett ' J ' !! 1. . .. , W - i. 11 1 , .1 , i,...- .- Signing of negro Jaciae Kownson m n ..A J S I ...x. ..v, fyx.tuuu.v., nnuiuin uiu t News" Brown, 2 40-pounder from 1 4K- cr ' - court it. radio appl. (i . . i ,h I -"-vu. x-v mm umuv a uus i tx.s,,. . 111 it? 1 17 r!:;KOi , V . VJi 1 choice In Ryan. .j , , ,ZxZ7 uruanu. n ouiuwr w I . What har.non.wl it th rVr.crnn uer. i 140 143 103-388 .1 ix. y tin I. ) i Guit, up ui nun . i yvmuua. -191 143 . 188521 Totals .15S 187 .188 fl31 J789 793 "03 Si i vTiiTj.-xnTT ! i 'nan nam MirM. i DaIAa. . . - , , . . , . ' " . V. . X. M.B.XIT I W.IAM A lu-rouna nnt-nrav7weinv Kall ,ntA ' -.. . .m i-v. t I -"xxux. ''-x- main fvmi wui niaiui iw; wuwr, w. j v,i.t rtlHn't h.vra th iMV. H ia. - t A - 1 ---M " I . C t an, vixy. againsx noman Djarr, end7 xt storm week musVve woodbuhn s oauhoma. inaian. uoDDy voix, downd coastal communlrstinn.: I Auitin . I.-. 14 IN 1 AOIll MICKS L? 1 "r , wr ' or mebbe the Astorians were try- 2ic" 1Wmrtm In a a! T.rnuni) n1lHl I . .... - I rem ruijwimjt ww iiuu iuuui cuuie III Totals via wire, ana we aian i care guess -14S J5 weight bout -1 140417 SIS 508 .133 177 147450 -107 17S 188474 ii 720 SO S70 1432 ; JeffS l'lay Oateft how Slata GUI & Co. made out I colyiah motor sales (Si 1 JtrrERSON, Dec. 10 (Special) over there . . . Speaking of prog- Simons l, ljs 178 lsj-463 w x. ... i I wtl..fn .t- I McCuno i i 165 173 237 574 voacn i si ocais rfciienon uons iMV" tvx--".o twvuua cto. sr. ; no 199 ns 563 Htk their third straight Marion I no. I H. -Greg Gregory didn't I KiiAa ; ji73 ij I!i turn asa .858 BM SOB 1049 county In as many tries here Tuesday Oregonlan merely to have morel Totals night when they i tangle with the t"n to eat his Oregon-will-beat- bock thx rarbir i trone Gates hlsh flvo in the lo- Oregon State football words. There I Klrchner , U 178 let 181 MS eal gymnasium. were plenty to eat at that, but SmSr Greg.was mererr seeking an es- puttus cape from staleness . ; Bible Academy Wins .The Salem. Bible Academy bask etball team topped Salt Creek Baptist Church, 28-23. at West Salem Saturday night Forward A navy discharge will make Dan Dob Funk looping 10 points to ny AmaraL hard-hitting 'outfield- iHlSfins . Totals .154 18 100 473 113 17S 174473 11 1S 1 7S J70 160 147487 jueayers vci Amarai tonland tsi i . - . . ' I TfmlAmw irJ nTLAMD, Urt., Dec. VHJFr Lutt All S3S 151 3505 Strod-. rarthlag. m m 15 409 Sit BIS 13 , 1U 144487 ass .155 ltXOs Totals KEITH BRO Powell Han kins Jtmigan Cushing Saurs 'Totals J48 188 115453 i. 84 787 S13 S448 CO. (3) . JH 173 160499 .148 319 153518 J4 139 123407 88 144 177509 J8 171 174813 -810 8S8 848 3553 STARR raurriPRODUCTS (11 PowcU ., , 114 133 - 97343 Psyna . jl 95 181 113-369 RamsdeU Lensren , Byers Totals .154 157 158 487 -168 125 153448 -ISO 161 US 445 i .737 798 70S 323S GOOD HOUSEKEEPING CO. 43) D Duncan - t - 166 144474 Talbot . ,j 158 159 - 168483 Jones , jj 171 150 173494 MathiS 148 185498 McChukey Totals -144 150, 3XS 80S .800 771 88- S4S3 GOLDDZS OF tH.VXRTON (11 - DeGuire - :, j', .,, 133 143 ' 305480 Hatteburg ., , j, ... 158 187 133 150 tace. S) nk (14) Ison 5) O R1rrrr I. id Graham. r, eligible for the Portland Bea (23) SALT CRICK I vera this coming season,' it was it vuiwock announced today. Long-range hit- (4) - May i ting comes easy, to Amaral, who -(ti rist marked up a J03 batting average an crk- in 104.. bis last year with the ! Beavers. f'l"l o) tiikkrlson ' l V 4A MID IwimOT "J 2, Lang 3. Official! Barbour V 1191 Edgcwaicr Si. Complete lint of 1 ; IllchfleU jajsoHne, oils, and IabricanU. : G o5 Jjear Tlrtsjuid Batteries ; ; -.Cowl Stock of "Accessories fit ' ' i-' . " ADIslhdive Gci! New 1946 ic Swift ? i-. Swank Smart 1 1 Sturdy v '. Built to Last For Years and Tears 3i Duncan Zander Bentson i saw action. It was 35-15 at half- i time. Jim Sheldon of the losers was high point man with 12. Dick Hen- drie led the Viks with 10. Salem scrimmages . with the Page Wool- DURHAM. N. C, Dec 10.-P- ens tonight at 70 and opens the President W. G. Bramham of the 1 season Fnday night when Kiam National association ruled today J ath Falls' Pelicans visit the Villa. 11,. ro nrwrw naimi hoc. (351 - (021 VUUKCS T- - (8 Houck C (3) Mason O (10) Hendrie G ' (4 Chamberlain Salem -subs Alberts 6. Hill 9. Riebert 0, Province 6. GemmeU S. I MONMOUTH, Dec. 10 (Special) ball player, was eligible to. sign Baiiey.(7) .119 103 111 332 1 by, Brooklyn for its Montreal farm j Gibson 4. Deckebach O. Mas X.-- iw mi tw-w i rum estaDUsnea a preceaeni mi 4 M akABk j aa K(fl 1 T JH- such cases, Bramham said. .728 7S1 732 3209 Totals PORTLAND O. E. CO. (2)! Greens , HoVe i" 158 .138-447 YORK. Dec." 18 (AP) Cecil Maryland and Temple university Buisman i . i Hudson. Los Anseies ptotege ox Menry i nroiessor. tola ine uaryiana rac- dS? 18 !2JJS Fight Results Hos3 Doped' BALTIMORE, Dec ; 10.rff)-Dr. James C Munch, -University of 11 I Annrtwwitf wan n ait lo round de I f . - . . . . Totals L taa 738 819 2394 ' .. ll k- Yritr zHrfe mg commission looay xnai sanva ! ;i I; - I of Pittsburrh at Madison Square Gar-1 tests of the horse Shako, winner MARION CREAMERY CO.i til I den. wnignt. uuason weigncu f ncft Pimllco Nov XVCll JUU i . i i i i M l Aon wvw I fcTJ J-r'-n Parker Pekar Davenport H?"n Totals im im im 47a I pT-rsRtrRGH. . Dee. ' 18 (AP) 1 showed nresence of morDhlne.': 167 145 119 431 rormer ugntweigni entwpwn Bammy .149 150 148447 Ansott of Washing-ton, Pa scored an J72 171 183308 Impressive, one-sided victory over - young Danny KapUow ot Brooklyn In .806 763 776 3344 a 10 round bout at the Gardens to- Winierprooi Your : - Hone Now ' - . : . : Pneumatically Installed Rock Wool ' Insulation and Metal Interlocking Weather Stripping', will save up to 40 in your fuel bills ;. --AND . ALSO-- make yonij home p to 15 degrees cooler tn sommer. SO. MONTHS TO PAY Vv V le Estimates - .- - - No Obligation Caiapbell Salem Salem Wool Co.. Owned and : - - x Represented 'xi" wxmi t 1132 : Broadway . Ph. Itt HARTMAN BROS. (3) j: -l 1TH . T33 IBB Z9 I ' HAL J84 168 15S-02 1 sey Joe Walcott, Camden, Albrich Hendrie Tallman Welch N uber -Totals LTmORC, Dm. 10 (AP in isi tM mi I haur vht- fiffhtins eleverur. knock- J44 : 169 161474 1 ed out ponderous Curtis the- Hatchet isn tn ... ... i x. x chenherd in tha aecond minute 1 of the final frame of the feature 10- SQ2 152 820 2474 rounder tonight at tne coliseum. nayen FC3 SEon date soom Announcing j flic Opening of 1108 Broadway at Belmont I-. ' x - - . x- V.. -. x . : Firestone Tires -V- i Recapping,- ViJcanizing -, . - -1- Auto " Accessories, 24 Hour Service on Recapping All Latest Equipment "WIIKIE? 1 M- ! il it n s , a a ; r I CPEOALIZINO IN ,i SiOTTY 375 Center Salem, Ore. - 7,".lr!:z!!-n r TIx:3 - D:il:ry :rri:3 .: - l-F. M. Smith' .f 5 m m 1 4.