The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 11, 1945, Page 7, Image 7

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The OX2G02I STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Tuesday Morning. December ft, 19-43
Carson Fears
Fascism Still
jPrison-Bdrn . Sodality Has
4 V
"There appears to be no feeling
of contrition on the part of the
Germans renerally . . , The nazi
party as going political Influence
Is eradicated, but the Idea of
fascism remains," Lt CoL Joseph
K. Cam on declared Monday a he
addressed the Salem chamber of
commerce luncheon meeting.
Carson, who recently returned
from Europe, where jitter the close
of the war .with' Germany he
worked with displaced people, rec
ommended civilian rather than
military occupational government.
Fraternization as practiced by a
few soldiers has been bad for mo
rale at home and abroad, he de
clared, emphasizing, however, that
most of the military government
has been efficiently handled, j !
"We should help them with food
-they cant eat politics," the
speaker maintained as he told of
the people who are Just now get
ting back to the homes from which
the nazls took them. In American-
occupied Germany everyone ap
peared to be working, trurr dawn
to dusk when he was there, and
he could make no guess as to what
food supplies would be. But 12,
000,000 persons who did not be-
long there, either prisoners of war ChHitmat CotoU Are
or aispiacea irom omer European
Nylon Hose on Way to
Christinas Trade
Chicago Meeting
Was Much Enjoyed
you're lucky whether you're
MT. ANGEL Reception of the I man or a woman you may get a
officers and candidates of the pair of nylon hose for Christmas.
Young Peoples' sodality was held Gustavo! FrankeV president of
Saturday night, the feast of the the Holeproof Hosiery; Co, Mil-
xmmacuiaie; conception, at &t. waukee, Wis announced his firm
CHICAGO, Dec. 10 - J) If T Ttfi.. ST
today had shipped 250,000 pairs
all-nylon women's hose to dealers
ship 700Q dozen pairs of men's
nylon hose to the same dealers
next week.
50 Extension
Airs. A. B. Nance, who will speak
this evening at the Church ef
Ged, with her f er children.
Tber were recently released
frem a, Japanese prison camp.
The twe loan rest children.
Jonathan, S, and 'Eunice, 1V,
were born In the camp. The
ether children are Winnie, SVi
Mary's church , was followed by
benedictions i
The Rev. "Vincent Koppert of
ficiated and gave the sermon. The
officers installed had been elected
the previous Monday and included
the co-prefects i Margaret; Trae
ger and Harold Dieker; secretary,
Bernice . Duda, j treasurer, ; Joseph
Bochsler, councillors, ' Jeanette
Hoff er, Jeanne Ertelt, Rose Hauth,
Leona Schaecher. Ray ; Duda,TT: T 1
Joseph HaUth and Joseph Beyer, 1 111 1 JUCIUCI
and marshalls Bertha Hassing andl A mWLI TSr
Dorene Duerr. Hr" . 5
Five new! members were taken
into the sodality at the same time
and received their badges from
Father Vincent,
The services were held in con
nection with the 40 hours devo
tion at St! Mary's which closed
Sunday night I ,
MT. ANGELr Theresa Dehler
returned Sunday from the national
4-H conference at Chicago, to
gether with .the ; IS members of
the Oregon delegation.
Miss Dehler reported a wonder-
ftiiJ I Aaill A mmmrm IIm
husband Is In China. and they 'H6t Lumber' Ban
hath nlia la ' p(nra tkr 1
missionaries. Mrs. Nance's par- Of ted Until Tan. 1
mto, act. mi am. . it. nca
in tKn lftftft ,,rKl" euiuuie una in tm-
out the country, and planned to f, corporations,
Montgomery Warty Sears,; and
others vied with each other in
entertaining the 1500 members,
leaders and officials with ban
quets, shows and trips. Not
single member was;: permitted to
have a dull moment through the
entire trip which lasted almost two
weeks. In addition,'; to the lavish
entertainment, each member of
the delegation received a worth
while gift from each one of the
sponsors. . ' j! 1 ' " ; . ;
In j Chicago, the Oregon group
stayed at the Stevens hotel. H. C
Seymour, state leader, as well as
the delegations from most of the
other "states, were Ljalso housed
here.' i U M
Miss Dehler "was presented with
a -gold 4-H - pin With a Hinmnnd
in the center by the state leaders
for her 21 years of clubwork. .'
Friendly Hour Club
Plans Holiday Party
SUNNYSIDE Friendly Hour
club met Wednesday : with Mrs.
Sam Emery.' Following a no-host
luncheon Mrs. Kehne Wain, vice
president, conducted the business
meeting.;. : '. v-..."-; '
Next meeting; will be an after
noon Christmas party, .with ex
change of gifts, at the home of
Mrs, Lafe Sherwood December 19.
Members present were I Mrs.
Lester Thomas, Mrs. Frank Bar
rett Mrs. Clifford Teller, Mrs.
Kehne Wain, Mrs. Charles I Tay
lor, ' Mrs. Lafe Sherwood, Mrs.
Dudley Taylor,. Mrs. Sam Emery.
Labish Community Qub
Features Home Talent -
talent was featured by the Com
munity club Friday night at the
schoolhouse. Orchestral numbers,
vocal solos and duets, and a -pre
sentation by the' Girl Scouts were
Included.' No meeting will be held
In January but the annual three
act, play is scheduled for rebr
uary. - ;; "
i CHICO, Calif, Dec 10-(ff)-Capt
Allen K. McDonald of Ever
ett. Wash, and Lt William T.
Byerly of Chico, will face a court
martial tomorrow on charges of
"buzzing" the town of Chico, CoL1
D. W. Tyler, commanding officer
of Chico air base, said today. The
pilots of two B-26s were reported
to have flown low over Chico o
November; 4. : " --
Unlforms for soldiers first ap
peared In the seventeenth century.
Cold Preparations
LitaUL Tablets. Salve. Neee Drop
Caution, jUse Only as Directed
stngtea ef Portland, j a r e else
missionaries planning I to return
te China.
countries, were sharing Germany 1 WoOilbum Club FeatU re recently.
PORTLAND. Ore, Dec 1HA?)-
Because Willamette valley mills
need several weeks to get into full
swing the fhot lumber" ban will
be called off in the area until
January W a union official said
with the Germans and allied occu
pation forces.
Not only does fascism continue I
to exist in Europe, but its causes
remain there and here, Carson de
clared as he urged his listeners to!
maintain their hold on- free govj
trament and defeat nasi teoden
aics In this country. r j ;
Birthday Party
For Little Girl
At Library Meeting
WOODBURN-A Christmas tree
with gifts for the Children's Farm
Home at Corvallis was the f eature
of the December meeting of the
Woodbura "Woman's club Wed
nesday in the city library club
rooms. Mrs. C A. Graham, chalr-
During- the next few weeks the
AFL will hot try to halt use of
non-union or CIO lumber m Will
amette valley construction, Will
iam O. Kelsay of the union's dis
trict council office in Eugene re
ported. "After January 1," he de
clared, "wt are going to insist that
only fair lumber be used."
1 w - i
Tri : V
: Lucy ? Lane, -clothing specialist
of the extension staff of Oregon
State college, conducted a project
leaders I meeting on "Improving
Sewing Skais." Miss Lane was as
sisted by Marjorie Tye, Marion
county home demonstration agent
and Eleanor Trindle,- emergency
assistant Fifty women attended
the meetihg, representing exten
sion tmits from all of Marion
county.1 I : f
Project i leaders present were
Mrs. G. M. Belknap, Jefferson,
Talbot Womans club.
iZS&tfSZZZ Held on; Sunday;
Torvend,! Central Howell auxff-l CLOVERDALE Mr. and Mrs.
iary; Mrf. John Gruchow, Mrs. j Victor Fliflet of Twin Falls, Ida-
Roy Marchand, Pratum-Macleay; j were recent guests pf his sister,
Mrs. A.1 1. Murphy, Hubbard I Mrs. A. E. Kunke and family.
womans club: Mrs. J. E. Keys,
Mrs. Carl Dicksen, Edlna Lane;
Mrs. Jay Coulson, Mrs. Thelma
Tomlinaon, Marion.- i
Mrs. IFrank E. Way, Central
Howell; Mrs. Sylvia Shuts, Thom
as; Mrs. Aileen Shrock, Mrs. Roy
A family reunion was held on
Sunday at the A. E. Kunke home.
Those present : included Mr. and
Mrs. Levi Fliflet of Dallas, Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Fliflet of Twin
Falls, Idau, Mr. 'and Mrs. Albert
Fliflet and son Jimmy of Dallas;
Kuns, iWest Woodburn; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William Runyan of
man of the Farm Home board, and
Mrs. Leona G. Looney. member Yn I T Jitinratnrv
' Mrs. John Schmidt ir, was
hostess at her home on Friday
at a birthday party for her four-
Tmr old daughter, Gloria Jean.
Each guest found gift on the
lighted Christmas tree.
: At the party were Mrs. Clay
Pomeroy and Mary Ellen, Mrs.
Leslie Carson and Carol Ann,
Mrs. Dudley Strain, Ann and
Keith, Mrs. Byron Cooler, Ross,'
Diane and Joan, Mrs. Eldon Kin'
inn, Sharon and Vlcki. Elvin
Thomas, Karen and Kolette,
Mrs. Gilbert Staring. Beverly,
Ralph and Ronald. Ruby and
Jimmy Hagen, Judy and Janny
Kay Remington, Patty Halseth,
Geraldine Schythe, Mrs. Ethel
Brooks, Mrs. Alice Hlldenbrand,
VK uiu wuu, 9jm.m at WIV lUCVV- In m i .
lng. Mrs. A. E. Austin was chair- iveveais inveiiuons . v
man for the afternoon. I ..j'.j
Ilbicopachurch chndren'f choir (ff"A "P electrode fi Mrs-Lulsthoff, liberty; j PREDICTS INVESTIGATION
Hardie Phillips, Mrs. C. E. Flet
cher, Rickey Garden dub; Mrs.
A. S. Gurgurich, Sidney-Talbot;
Mrs. H. Holler. East Salem; Mrs.
Walter ! W. Miller, Mrs. P. A.
Thomas, Turner; Mrs. Roland See-
Corvallis; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pur
cell, Richard and William Massey,
Oscar and Pauna Fliflet, all of
Salem; Ensign ; Gordon Kunke,
home on leave and! Joyce Kunke,
directed by Mrs. Neal Butterfield
were featured. The choir was ac
companied by Mrs. Howard Mag
nuson. Grace Banker played "Warsaw-Concerto'
as a piano aelec-
tion. Carols were also sung by
club members as a group.
The club rooms were decorated
with Christmas greens and Na
tivity scenes. Pouring at the tea
tables were Mrs. Harold Ingram
and Mrs. A. G. Cowan. Hostesses
were Mrs. Wallace Jones, Mrs. Ray
Glatt Mrs. Howard Leigh ty, and
Mrs. E. F. Wohlheter.
v Mrs. Ella Hosmer from Fuller-
ton, Call!, was a guest
grows wa use. an airpiane igm-i Mrs. hjh. Peters, Auee Jaquet,i PEARL, HARBOR, Dec. 10-Cfl1)-tion
system whose spark plugs are Union Hill: Leila Heinz, Ethel R,r AHm nnnr s ir.n1.11
fired by radio frequency currents, HerigstadJ Thomas; Perlt Wood, dieted today that If demobiliza
ana an eiecmcai uiermomeier ur jnorenee i uacue, norm noweu;
indicating temperature between Lanora Jaeschke, S. A. Gay, SU-
minus SO and 1000 degrees Fahren- verton; Eva L. Welch, Hubbard;
belt were t described recently as Mrs. Roth Spanlol, Sue TueL Stay-
among several major discoveries ton; Mrs. Leonard Lester, Mrs.
made in the past four years at Earl Crowley. Roberts.
the Dunham laboratory at Yale
university, p;
Rodney. Kathleen, Gloria Jean btCIgCT YlSltS ilome
ROSEBURG, Dec 10.-(ffr-Ex-
hibitors from Oregon and Cali
fornia thronged to Roseburg to
day for the 14th anual northwest
ern turkey show, reported . the
biggest in the group's history.
Mrs. Harry Buckley, Silverton
HQls; Mr$. Louis Anderson, Mrs.
E. A. Carleton, Salem Heights;
Mrs. Ethel Salter, East Salem;
Mrs. Edith Beugll, Mrs. H. J. Win
ter, Silverton; Mrs. N. E. Manock,
Aurora. 1.1' : .'i
tion continues at the present pace
"there will be a congressional In
vestigation within a year because-
we havent tho men to properly
care for millions of dollars worth
of property we now. have In for
ward areas."
Schmidt and Mrs. Schmidt
Miss Toland Is
WOODBURN Lt and Mrs.
I E. M. Steiger came last week from
Sebring, FUu, and are visiting his !
; parents in Portland and Mrs. Stel-
rlOnOrGCl Qt r ally Gill, in Woodburn. Steiger is a
; 1 15-17 pilot on terminal leave.
The Salem Business and Pro-1
feesional Woman's club hospital
ity committee and card club hon
ored Miss Ina Maye Toland Fri
day with a surprise farewell par
; ty at the home of Mrs. C. W. Jor-
ASHLAND, Ky., Dec. 10-(4V
Mrs. John Castle, 40, of Westwood,
an Ashland suburb, yesterday
gave birth to her 12th child a 19
pound boy. The father, a laborer,
is 64'years old.
MANCHESTER, Wash, Dec. 10
(tfV-At least one man, a naval of
ficer, was killed today and another
was presumed lost when a 33-ioot
picket boat exploded and sank in
20 feet of water. Two other boats
of the eight nested together in
Clam bays were heavily damaged,
the navy said. . .
SEATTLE, Dec )L0-vT)-The
city council launched a campaign
today ' to bring i home the B-17
"Five Grand," the 5000th Flying
Fortress produced by the Boeing
Aircraft Co., to be preserved as
a memorial to the city's , war ef
fort . - ;
Miss Toland. a resident of Sa
' lem lor two years. Is leaving on
December 16 for Kansas where
she win take a position as med
ical technician. While in Salem
Miss Toland has been in the of
fice of Dr. W. L. Lidbeck.
Members of the party present
ed Miss Toland with a gift of
Oreson myrtlewoed. A buffet
Price ceilings on Imported whis
key-flavored cordials, liqueurs and
specialty beverages were reinstat
ed today by the OPA. Maximum
prices will be the same as1 when
ceilings were suspended on August
supper followed by an evening
of birdge was planned by the
hostesses: Mrs. C. W. Jorgensen,
Miss Effie Smith and Miss Ida
Mae Smith.
f.H ' H'-;
I Dr. Harry Fredericlis
' . - - ;- - 4.
603-4 First Nattoncd Bcnuc Building
but not
too big to
7-! (Mf) ficmb in) by ir)
I 1 Your Used IkOsi
lZf?7 V yjsj I C V- J t A a Ions am our country's supply of industrial fata Is
II 'v I . I 1 M MV . 1 i)
Tts, we're Ike W kL
Adedrala end
lets ef awvlo stfrs Mt aulai wt
ty 'mm f n Otyvvk. Of
saw we're teppy fceve ;
fbeff w0t octvaOy ;we Are es !
at fact atere wmttiowm,
w nvw wwr nfnaTWwei nvipn i
WMrtM VttlWy)e 1aW lvnssf
. u L. -
ewnrttlsMi Tfc Otywpta w
Mif m Mrt mi hnntqwwnwB
for mm Miffcbw frmm H pmrH
taiHa. Tfce pi s te wfckh diU
.'mm MraraBy, mm Umt mmt mm
- iliA aiJ lJ fjVA fta -
wht we vnM Hke H te mm, .
nai te The CAymnflu Ymmf
1m4 Iket wkRe we're Mo, we're
mm f tm b frtawAw Tfcvt
we are tht "efi mmf tm 4m
AM rmmfU
ef the am, tMl ;i' ;
.fiiosi nectsuvi ,
so low, the government must determine how much
fat can be released to make soap aid other, peacetime
goods you need.
I An- let-down m your saving of used kitchen fats
wfil make our fat supply even kss..and the amount
allowed for soap manufacture may have to be cut
accordingly. The end of rationing of ipod fats doesn't
change the picture. Industrial fats aril still very short.
So keep turning in your used fats, wont you?... and
speed the return of more soaps to your dealer's shelves.
- j.-, ...... - .-:.;:, '
yhcro i Hero's fat, thcro's soap
J " TmS
!'. ' A O
iMti - l -var m t -1 ir- at ar mm .aaw mm mm i
A &n& dicdr, contributga bo
much to tha happiness and
comfort of any family that it U
unexcelled as a Christmas gift,
Here are hist a few of the styles
available at this store. Each
chair is an individual master
piece. Select now while our
stock Is complete. .
Budget Payments
Chair I
As shown at right
an occasional .chair
with real stylet Coil
spring construction. In
long wearing cover.
- . ' - ' f
; ; . 1
f - 552PPA Above is popular H
II . , . m"Xlf- lounge chair ef utmost l
1 , ll comfort See It here. 1
r 1
- n -s
Wing-Back Stylo v
Always a Favorito
-. - i .
And here Is a rendition of this style
by a famous manufacturer that :we
heartily recommend. Spring filled
construction and fine cover.
Each 4PWs)lS
Pec Peng WmiJ
A high back with at
tractive, flaring wings.
E z c e p Uonally comfortable.
in Chairs
Unsurpassed for fine
quality, excellent
" yoi mThip 'ynii ap
Chcdrs for
Many modern styles In choirs
avauable here. This one priced '
at . '.
' .
9.50 mMfAr
fi;H,viv;;sf(2pi ,
mX y
Keep Saving Used Fats
ORieOM j
jess:tiHe!p' Prevent Soap:. Zhoipaqw'its&1 ; .