r ?ACE TWO Admiral Raeder Pictured as Source of Norway Invasion NUIRNBERa, Dec. 6.-P-Grand Admiral Erich Raeder, seeking U-boat bites, planned the invasion of Norway from the moment the war started in 1939, and with Dr. Alfred Romberg easily told Adolf Hitler the Idea, the nazis' own official record disclosed today. " 1 A story of cold-blooded treachery, against the Norwegian government, which' was lulled by The OHTGOU STATESMAN. 8dbm Oregon. Friday Morning. December 7. 1945 Battle Waterfront Blaze i '1 H ought to give the full story of Hitler's decision to go to war. The British also introduced the minutes of the August 12, 19S9, meeting between Hitler and Count Galeazxo I Ciano, Italian foreign minister, in which Mussolini's son in-law indicated almost, child-like surprise at Hitler's announcement that he planned to strike at Po land. . . . 'I r Ciano claimed his country was German assurances food will, was unfolded before the interna tional military tribunal by the British)' prosecutors. Earlier the Britiah introduced i statement of Hermann Goering in which the ) reichamarshal said that the British pledge to aid Po land in the event of hostilities -de layed the start of the war for seven days, while -Hitler sought to keep the British neutral Texts of pleas for peace or Ipean war that would result Other negotiations from President Roose- documents disclosed that Musso- velt, British Prime Minister Ne- linl had pleaded with Hitler for vi He Chamberlain, Trench Pre- an armistice 24 hours after the tnler Eduard Daladier and Pope Germans drove into Poland but Plus XII, which the-fuehrer re- the plea met with a cold reception Jected in the three weeks before from a hot-for-war Hitler. launching his attack on Poland, were submitted as the British t j""- v v 5-. --- - ' " - Fay e Larkins Holds Lead in Queen Contest liYcarOld Boy On-Way, So Salem To 'Look for Job' $1000 Asked in Massachusetts Kidnap Case " CHELSEA, Mass, Dec 8.-V An unidentified woman tonignt Aubrey Leroy Reid, 12, Lyons, has been reported miaaing from his? home, since, early Thursday morning. Young Reid la -the son While Fare Larkins. Salem of Mr. and Mrs.' Cart Reid of to hold her newly gainedUead in I After completing pi morning, demanded Tnor xnan iw ,u- the Victory Loan queen contest 1 chores, the boy started toscnooi somifor the six mowna through Thursday, Beth Green-1 out xauea to ream nis oesunauon. i naped son oi mvj bi lee, sponsored by the statehouse, known that he talked to an never jeen the child. - ; HimKtwi intn wmiui with a i acouauKance .Derween Aiunsviue i Police stta war au. cain of more than $10,000 in-Ei11 Stayton, stating j that he was 1 Carlan, mother of the child taken bonds to; Thursdiy checkirj ww Inthe stldden chgea In th.mjJ Wr'9" w i mis axkcTnoon. brought to Salem. t I e1jHMtM,t investifatlon led Whenlast aeenhe was wearing r,. R-to- restaurant. a brown leather jacket, brown , woman employe told them that -she had overheard a man BnH wnan talkinC MabOut tile contest ).te Wednesday night, when - fi- e of the candidates ac- cumulated more ithan $100,000 of f - ZJr'Z.Z ZZZZ Police bonds each. Miss. Greenlee w in U trouserr snd t white .sailor lourm poBBon, put, wim uie dis h.t w l. s t wh 4.11 tu1 mm - Thursdav I went :hsd in I . . . . .. unprepared for the general Euro- LONG BEACH, Calif Dee, -A re boat crew in the harbor here iicond nlace. Miss lkms i now C-1 "DOUL iWxITufw Carlan ease-and that the woman pear water on a raglac waterfront bUxe which half-destreyed a Ua. $1250 to her credit. 'Mis. K T." "ueu ,r"..fCYT1" had then cene Into a phone booth." m . . . a & . . xihui a a v - M A - 1 m Am I I 1 RIOSII liTufll. : t ; 1 1 . - iLinjn uuimnr hck biiii iwi iwi iitt nrrn m un t -. -i tugmn i i- i i r - - y ! u- 1 uircuiix iiio.iuu iu vuuui. , Baby-Tenders' Frieridlnvented LOS ANGELES, Dec Ai D. Bloom, 21-year-old former marine sergeant, got tired of climbing out of bed to feed the baby, so ha Invented, what he calls- the baby feeder-ette." j iThe thing, works. It is made of aluminum, . weighs .10 oundes. A bottle la suspended from the top of the frame,'' free-moving and unweighted. The device can be placed in any conventional crib, buggy or bassinette, and will not tip, collapse r rust, says Bloom. Ira working on an automatio burper as -an accessory to this contraption," Bloom said In ex plaining the invention Tm a gad geteer at heart, an inventor of simple, practical gadgets." . harbor herei StarUnc late last nlfht. the Ore was broncht' ander eeatrej early today after approximately 100e men had fenaiit it I far three and. one-half hewrs. ' IA,T WirepheU) BUT A TICTOtT BOND! CO NT. FEOM 1 ML KOW1 On oi the Screen 'a MlQhtteai! i President Sign MaiisfeldtTrial Control Measure Delves Into Subconscious SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 6 The murder trial of Annie Irene Mansfeldt plunged into the mazes of psyciatry today after reaching an emotional peak as the . weep ing defendant bowed her head al most to her knees and said she i i; Washington; Dec e-w With "much satisfaction," PresU dent Truman today signed a 'bill strengthening the control of -congress over government corpora tions- with assets estimated at $20,000,000,0004 r j t j "In requiring these corporations to submit their i budgetary pro grams to the bureau of the bud get and , their expenditures to an audit by the general accounting would wiUingly give her own life -7- ."ZjrT2 v.. M.rTiT ' ' business-like management ofgov- vaaa xnarxm. J. lerninentMr.?Truman said in a Limp and pale, Mrs. Mansieidt I gtatement left the witness stand after a lour- Storm Slows Search for Plane Wrecks Jean Wolcott, Miller's store can didate,' is in third place as a re sult of Thursday tabulating with $112,200 in- bonds, while Betty Lou Kayser, representing the Sa lem Kiwanis club, leader through Wednesday, in the race,! is now , in fourth with $110,275. t j Leona Tingelstad, sponsored by the Hollywood Lions1 club, Is in fifth place with $101,225 In bonds, Survivor Tells piSbipSinldn LtMcVay Trial WASHINGTON, Dec 6--A survivor of the Ill-fated - cruiser Indianapolis today expressed a Police lieutenant John J. Kirby said that Mrs. Carlan, wife- of a navy: machinist mate, told her mysterious caller ah "didn't have that much much money but might Of be able to get It together." The woman then answered, "well ni call you again, probably tomorrow " TlJlIfiAV t Beulah Lott, Salem Junior Cham- a7 expreSSe0 'iMTV. SITKA, Alaska. Dec. ber of Commerce candidate, sixth g ..oinV TVfe.. Plan fe tl "v ii lis &S ?oSTerfiayiSS Merger llan L y- GIXT COOPER IIAIHIBTCAlIOll NORTH VIES MOUNTED POUCE h aa TiarNlCOLOR. 1 day ordeal in which she had re peatedly insisted she did not re member shooting the comely nurse she accused of stealing her physi cian husband's affections. The shooting occurred Oct. 4, and Dr. John H. Mansfeldt committed sui cide a few hours after he learned of it. I 3 Trials Recess ForlClmstmas : Searching five to isix ffet of snow in the fBaranof island hills, returned to Sitka late today and aban doned the land search for a: navy privateer plane missing with 23 : aboard. I I. ' ; 1 Leaders of the Dartiesi said I they would wait until aerial rsearch turns up evidence! which 'could be investigated. Smoke was reported seen - over; the island wilderness on Nov. 30, after the plane left Kodiak bound for Seattle. H Reparations i Advisor Ask started to roll over." j Chief Gunner Cecil Harrison of before, the navy general court I 1? WASHINGTON, Dec -(fls) Bluff Fleet Admiral W. F. "BulT Nip s Stripped martial trying the snip's com manding officer, Capt. Charles B. McVay 3rd, on charges of negli gence and inefficiency in the loss bf the ship. Harrison said he iiad Just come TOKYO, Friday, Dec . T.-t-OT)- on watch t inidhight July 2930 verbal - shots at proposed unifi cation of the army and navy to day. But he let down a roomful of senators, army and navy officers and other spectators by terming the procedure merely "dangerous" 1 a SJ M J.M. Avai TtlU Edwin W. Pauley, UJS. reparations Hmd was standing on deck as the of damn, d0- The f S PORTLAND, Ore- Dec! 6 -(P) The storm-pounded Pacific north or I ment that he was reommpnriinff level and still riding hish in the J: J ; , i j.- t 1 I . I : "JT - ! weeM this course to President Truman water. After several minutes the Extml Technicolor Feortaretto! 20' Mlnutee Of Dancing ThrOal Coy "Yea Sp:l NUERNBERG. Dec 9-JPf-J .. Ts.l. 17 T.nV.n. lt TT C When Defense Attorney Vincent prosecutor at the war crimes ,sth . ni , . .i.. I . ' I . h. W W . u. WW U-JL Hon nm 1 tik-Mi 1 tha witnaaa I trial rinlnru. t h Tu. 9(1 tn Tan: It S I the court today, and said the wlth occupants dead. The j other j reimburse the countries she vie- United States ' case now would v"? rauu"' " i "nuea. V,.v. 4a K. Mi4 an iArtmM4 I Uuie. 1 I "Fininmn.. hiilt' ntv. in JTanan Ov.r-linr iP American bbiecJ j The army ar- ieserv ring past deration con- . T.jlt.. ...-. iwaay aoanaonea as nopetess we I ;stvl of nlanfa -for th m.rnnu Lawrence, presiding Judge said S1 OT Nea1 of waging wars of aggression," who was soon lecturing the Jury "there must be a recess some4 t . Pautejr said, and -despite all war- about -psychological blackouts" time in trial of this length ahd l"Bn wansporj f crasn tin,, destruction," there stiU! is rut mm in -mill ira hia tnr4ifirli I .ni-.w44-w " . v.. " inii I near t-OOS. otj. t i f I mnr than twir at fniirh in ueihlo conclusion that Mrs. Mansfeldt heat that It ahould come at Christ- . r"r found deadj In the condition as when Japan started was really two . persons, Annie I mas." Lawrence said defense lawi S?8. jo B". . m r. I hec aggressive i course in Man- and Irene, on the nay of the yera had asked for a three-week !lasnJnPr. Zere MKWT MC churia 14 years ago. "Annie was' the killer or ; sub- their case. y. ; t conscious mind," he said. -Irene I ' i i whether she felt f any . regcet as regards Mrs. 'Martin, herself," Mrs. Mansfeldt, crying hysterical ly, replied: "I'd give my life will ingly if I could bring her back." Next major defense witness was Dr. Joseph Catton, an alienist, expletive , was in his prepared text ! like other witnesses before the senate military committee, admiral had supplied advance coDies of his statement ' which read: -The army is the chief expo nent - of hasty and unstudied to destroy any possibility of Japan Vessel took a slight JisV he said. JLfSJ1 ana neia uiai posiuoa lor- ev- i . . " ... . . tk k. fail to see, their method of try- vtw univ uuuuivat Aaaasy tie vcaawtf x . . . . t there was a severe sudden list, I " uvcl, " and the ship continued to roll un til i she sank, about la minutes after the explosions. commissioner, recommended today I khip . steamed on a steady course that Japan be atripped j of all as- at a speed of about 1? knots, en sets abroad, virtually all chemical, route from Guam to Leyte. steel and shipbuilding capacity ! There was a sudden flash and and half her electric nower and I nMncinn rAnn,A f - . , I ' r. 1 V-y-UBiVU, " lUUUJ wesx was Demg searcnea toaay machine tool Industries. i I another, he said. After the ex- mr oniyi inree ot tne seven f Pauley said in a formal state- plosion the ship settled about jaianea wiucn nave crasnea 1$ Neet Nclll Frank Fajlen Ana Deraa MlkKall Kasawnr waa the total one. but Annie, be- fore -she -died, was able to teU fej Qf lomiCr ox uia pnmarj pmooauij vi 1 . y-i i : I'J Chief Justice Dies Jurors' faces remained for the most part impassive as the alien A total of seven men have been found debd and ten rescued in the seven mishaps. Thirty six are til missing. I If i In w-stern I washingtod ; crews LAKE FARK MAT REOPEN PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. Oregon's Crater lake national park 1 t " X? ""' may be opened to the public this were pushing through snowbound pr T. o ' , Ln,Z.ir.. M .. : winter, park Supt. E. P. Leavitt wwhiii mm -mM,m amu wa-v WASHINGTON. I Dec T JZ. 7CT 1 , Z Mrs. Charles Evans Hughes, wife Proceed, though- a iew brow, Qf fonner Hugh pucaerea ina one woman juror still missing from a navy Ventura, HfPH the' hunt for la Helkat with one said today. Funds have been re quested by the bureau of the bud stifled -a yawn. CHIMNEY FIRE Hughes, died tonight t; their home here. Death came;, one- day : after . the , Stth anniversary of their mar- The Salem fire department was f Dc- 54888- i called to extinguish a chimney Mrs. Hughef was Miss Antoin fire at 1903 N. 5th t, afternoon. 1 man aboard (continued in? Ore-1 w ion's Klamath basin. i i 4 -Si TO DEDICATE U.O. HALL I The Rev. Roy A. Saja) Salem district superintendent of the' Methodist church, will dedicate the Thursday ette Carter, daughter of the sen- hew Wesley students hall on the LATEST FOX mWS FLASHESl Bay A.Tktery Bead!. ' Eada Tadar! (Fri.) Michael CrShea Clremnistawtlal Ertdeaee" , AsaeUU Ward "Jaagle Caatlre" TTT CONT. FROM 1 FJf. TOMORROW! IT" , . V I .. - I'Mi V i 4 1 l) i ...4li a. atves III1IUL JIIIIIIIIXI m fun co-ran o Vim "Tis- i " "... 1 WW ior partner ot the law firm with; University of Oregon campus, Sun i which Hughei Was associated as F fternoon it 3.30. , : a young lawyer. j . M 1 1- Hughes retired as chief lustice uunxiwuxun uitu June 30, 19411 1 1 ! I ! M PORTLAND Ore., Dec 6 -JPf ivurs. inary a. nunungxon, o. Too Late? to Clamif t A FKW pounds choice walnut meats. Phona 5T7. i-f t i i 1934 FORD COupe. good tilt. S3JS. IBM state St. Phone 7S10. 1 1 long-time resident of The': Dalles, I son, Hollis Huntington, Salem. Fret Hone Day i A SEHIES "E" YlCTOBY BOliD -r At the -1 i ": :! Grand - State or Liberty Ami See the! Show Free! WOMAN STRUCK BT CAR Mrs. C D. Fletcher, 1625 Cen ter st, was the victim of a car and pedestrian accident at 14th street and Center street She was given first aid treatment for lacerations about the head. S : undemocratic and damn danger ous." To have your CLOTH and FUR I Garments For the Holidays We do DBY CLEAIIHIG Ci PDESSniG I ! Tailor - Furrier: Room 2, Downstairs ' First National Bank Bid?. 0 la ISM TKREE-quarter ton Intimation -i oanei. S39S..a290 Portland Road. DKm-i 1111. f..i' i . I 7 r m . a. h mm M- r -M Now You Can Buy mm til main AT GROCERS Made by the bakers ef MASTER Mad BUT, A Y1CTORY BOND! iy wH fur OFEN8 .45 P. M. NOW HAYING! DOROTHY; 1 LAMUUM TYRONE II , POWER EDWARD ! ARNOLD: (,, ,r.. . ii i -if' f ! ... The Original "YELLOW FRONT? Drug and Candy Special Store 1 135 II. Ceizriercial Sole Axents for Fenshur Kemedlea fee Marlon Coanty I Prescriptions Filled 1899-1945 ; Ptsii 5137-9723 SCHAEFErTS CORN REMEDY t: : jonmiY i APOLLO" 4s the best for painful 'corns. bunions, and callouses: s Don't neglect your feet any longer. Try It today 250 t - .THRILL CO-Hrri! Texlniiler j Davo O'Brien 'Trialicr ! ves SCHAEFER-S NERVE AND BONE LINIMENT For . the relief of the discom fort of muscular stiffness and soreness i Icftat' ':t5f of muscles and IF YOU WANT TO.JJVE LONG DONT NEGLECT : YOUR KIDNEYS Try Schaeiar'a Kidney Pills CHAPTER NO. 14 "Bkd: iurow" 50 '! ':r::':Vi SGLASS :;:!:if GALLON IUGS lust fiie thing fordderJL 5 Illustrious ahd courageous men and women of the medical profession have devoted their time,! and in many instances, their Uvea; in th4 discovery of disease germs and methods for their destruction. We! rely upon their scientific knowledge and exper ience when illirig your prescriptions This is me ofSdod Penslar Remedy Store for Marlon coun ty. You will find these preparatlops oi highest quality and guaranteed to be exactly for reaented to be. . what they are sold and rep- 1 i i We have a complete modern! assortment of tho newest act- nunc supporters and trusses, which are fitted by experts, at the lowest prices in the city. - f Trusses, JQg p 9 Vitamins Plot Liver and Iron Duo Caps a complete balanced Vita vain Formula at Schooler's , Drug Only Wh. latiftM, tfuat. rM m sua irriUU the m ImUm tbna mM, anthint PEnSLH2 EYE CATII sot 1, i scHAii'Lirs .- 7 ANTACID POWDER Promptly relieves add stom ach, gas, and heartburn. Bottle Coughing hurts throat Try SCHAEFER'S HERBAL BALSAM 50 SI Avoid Embarrassment TRY SCHAEFER'S ; RECTAL OINTMENT 50 NOW SHOWING i STAYTON TOPS E QUOTA Stayton has joined the Marion county cities over E-bond quotas in the Victory Loan, the Thurs day report from there showing 1 sales amounting to 135,791.25 In this" series, the E-bond quota hav ing been 13L2S0. C. B. Anderson is chairman for the Stayton drive. nmimnsD TAU FOR RELIEF OF ANNOYING coughs: Cell sot vdUCJJtlYS ; uaimn r-2pTTT-KsrSnlefiasf CO-FEATURE I MATINEE ONLY CO-FEATURE Deri Preniers Tcalgkl, 0:33 "WHAT NEXT, CORPORAL HARGROVE? ' With . Robert Walker START SATURDAY r M4. . M II- Continu ous Trota Plus - I . CO-FEATURE yl;