The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 06, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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tl OrUXrON STATCC2-IAIlr Scdaxa. .Oregon, Umaday tlandng Decox&2ar 6, ISIS
Heaters to
Be Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Ma uric Heater
111 b host for dinner party
F. tturdav night at their country
hom at Union HiU In compll
ricnt to a group of their friends.
The holiday motif will b car
ried out In tha tabla decorations
and appointment about tha
room. Card will ba in play af
ter tha dinner hour.
Bidden by tha Ileatera art
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Felton, Mr. -and
Mrs. Clinton Standlsh, Mr.
and Mra. Ira fltts, Mr. and Mrs.
Soy Mink, Mr. and Mrs. Vera
, Robb, Mr. and Mra. Lea Craw- i
ford, Mr. and Mrs. John Tick- '
Ln, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Younf
and Mr. and Mrs. Detbert
Music Program
Given at Meeting
Absolut Music Classical
and Nineteenth Century Sym
phonic Orchestrations'' was tha
topic spoken on by Miss Made
Held at tha regular semi-monthly
business meeting of Beta
Sigma Phi sorority held Tues
day night at tha noma of Mia
Audrey Christmas on Oak street.
. Recordings from Beethoven's fa
mous "Seventh Symdhony" con
ducted by Arturol Toscanlnl
were played and Mrs. Arthur '
Levins defined and identified
the varioua movements.
Miss Ilazel Shutt, president,
presided over tha business ses
sion, during which preliminary
plans for winter rushing, to ba
held sometime in Jsnuary, were
Mrs. Roger Quackenbuah was
welcomed back after several
months leave of absence during
which time she has been resid
ing in Alabama and Texas. Also
back after a abort absence was
' Mrs. Henry A. Perlrautter who
recently returned from Chicago.
A buffet luncheon was served
by tha hostess following tha
meeting with Miss Norma Slet
ton assisting.
The next meeting will be held
December 18 at the home of Miss
ilattle Bratzel, 63 Lansing ave
nue., Mrs. Bergman to
Head OES
Chadwtck chapter No. 87, Or
der of the Eastern Star, met
Tuesday night at the Maaonle
temple with Mrs. A. A. Cohen
and Mr. Fred B. Xeeler presid
ing as worthy matron and wor
thy patron.
Several guests from out of
town were . present including
Clarice Stensland frci Wran-
gell. Alaxka, Carolyn Myers of
Spokane, and Catherine Wood
from California,
Initiation ceremonies
. performed for Verdi L. Walsef,
Janet . Stark, Wanda ChappeU
and Mason Chappell, and Sadie :
P. Grant from Iowa was intro
, - duced as a new affiliated mem-
' ,
The annual election of officers
look place , and the following
Were elected for the ensuing
year: Mrs. E. X. Bergman, wor
thy matron; Earl E. Wiper, wor
thy patron; Velma Keeler, asso
aiat matron; II. It. Robinson,
associate patron; Veda Barker,
secretary; Mabel Gardner, treas
urer Nellie Recher, conduct
ress, and Grace Eby, associate
conductress. ,
On December 18 there will be
. the annual Christmaa party with
exchange of gifts and all ar
Invited to attend. At seven
'clock on the asm evening
there will be a special initiation
ceremony with the regular
meeting following at eight
'clock. The Christmas tree for
the party will be donated by
Mr. Wayne Henry.
On December 22 there will be
a special initiation ceremony at
which time the Eastern Star
chapter at Stayton will be in
vited to attend aa special guests.
After th close of the meeting
members adjourned to the din
ing room where refreshments
were served by th following
committee: Dr. and Mrs. J. G,
Nash, Mrs. W. IL Damery, Mrs.
C. W. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Gatt
Jones, Mrs. Esther Lee McCabe,
. Mrs. Elizabeth roills, Mrs. Mary
Jane Lee, Dr. and Mrs.! I X.
Barrick and Mrs. Emmett
Weinke, I
There wCl be sewing next
Tuesday for th Red Cross with
a luncheon at noon.
Music . .. .
Maxkve Bursa
Weeneala Edits
icryal EngUsh
Nsirhbors mt Woodcraft Thim
bu club wtth Mrs. Iran Hansel,
rout S. m hast hiaclMen.
Sprint Valter Home Mlsatoew
ary Society with Mrs. W. Frank
Crawford. I pm, annual Christ-
AAUW - Bvwtaaf Literature
roup wtta Mra. lULptj Dobba,
lit North W la tor street. mm.
lUpbatoruuM with Mrs. C. K.
Balsa, Kaat Cantor atr . I3S
'chapter O. WO with Mrs. SOas
Oataer. S29 North Winter street,
1:11 d irt tuncheoa.
Caetiml Ulkwu Ladtos Aid
with Mrs. Owartw ohaaoo, 1
N. 17th. st. S mm.
Kstaar aawiag ehih. all Aar
wiut atrs. juota
Sales district. Oregs Masia j
Teasers association, win . meet
for lunch at. The) Quell today.
Rev. Chester . W. Hambltn will
t peak. Min Irances Ylrftnl
Melton, president, will conduct;
the business meeting. ' I
l is Honor
Miss France Friesen, who wCl
be married Saturday night, De
cember' t to Mr. Jack Flnden,
U5N, at the First Evangelical .
Church was the honor guest at a
bridal party Tuesday night when
Miss Mary Helen Schroeder and
Hiss Ruby FriSflen entertained at .
the la tier's horn on Marlon
street !, jrhu V?4 iA
l A miscellaneous shower' feted
the bridWectl After am informal
evening a late supper was served
by - th " hostesses. Bouquets of
. whit and geld chrysanthemums
provided the decorative? sot
bout tot, roots. - -4-.-iil" ("-:-
! Honoring Miss Friesen: were
Mrs. J. S. rrfesen; Mrs. Martin
Finden, Mrs. JSeda Lovegrow, : .
Mrs. Ernest Friesen, Mrs. Allen
Friesen, Mrs. Al Schroeder, Miss
Elsie Janzen, Miss Lois Riedesel,
Miss Blanche Weurch, Miss Mur-'
Miss DeDa Merk, Mrs. Emma: KpiTFO IfYT
Friesen, Miss Opal Friesen, Miss A t V CUirjU
TT tf. ..... ..... J)' " lt - '. '
aaurj neien ocnroeaex jina xaisa
Ruby Friesen. "T
Betrothal of
Is -
Hccnsonsftb Be
Dinner, Hosts !l 'J
Mr. and MrsJ W. E. Hanson:
have invited members of their I
club to dinner tonight at their ;
home on North Church street.'
Contract bridge win be in play
i after tha -dinner; hour. ' ; ;;
Covers will be placed for Mr.
and Mrs. Ray A. Yocom, Judge
and Mrs. George Rossman,: Mr.
and Mrs. Roy H. Mills, Mr. and:
Mrs. IL P. Adams, Mr. and Mrs.!
David Wright and Mr. and Mrs.!
. Joining the ever-growing ranks
of brides-elect Is .Miss Charlotte
Frances Zielinski, who Is today
revealing her engagement to Mr.
Vernon J. Theisen, USNR. Miss
Zielinski Is the daughter of Mrs)'
Charles Zielinski and her fianc
is the son of Mr; .and 'Mrs. ff.
P. Theisen of Seattle. No plans ;
have been made for the wedding.
' Miss Zielinski is a graduate of
Sacred Heart Academy; anc at-;
tended Oregon State college. Her
fiance is a graduate, of Seattl
' Mr. Theisen, second class pet
ty officer in the navy, recently
returned to the states from 2s
months of duty fn the South Pa
cific Ha is now in Seattl wait
ing for his reassignment. Miss
Zielinski returned last week ,
from Seattle where she has been
a guest at her fiance's hoe.
Mrs. Joseph ' M. Devers, Jr
has Invited members of her club ,
to her home tonight A late sup
per will follow an evening of;
;- - Mrs. John Flcklia will enter
;tain at bridge tonight at her
home for the pleasure of mem
bers of her club. 'After several
hours of contract.' a late supper
; will be rerved by de hostess. ;
" : ' f i i. ' -: '
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heltxel
hava invited a' group of their
friends to an Informal gathering
at their South High street resi
dence Saturday night The af
fair is being arranged in com
pliment to t' group of service
men who have returned home.
MrsCollier Will
Honor- Club v
Mrs. E. A. Collier wffl opett
her bom at 1249 S. Commercial
rtj jto members of tha Englewood
Woman's club Friday afternoon
at 2 o'clock. Mrs. John Barker
heads tha hostess committee and
assisting ar Mrs. Grant Hymes,
Mrs. Ralph - Hein, Mrs. Edward
Wlj Cooler and Mrs. Jennia XX
Chalmers, i "
Devotions will b led by Mrsi
Cirl Richards. Tha Ear. Willard
HSU, pastor of tha Knight Ma
morial church, wiU show colored
slides portraying characters of
thi BIbla. Members wifl have
their annual exchange of ChrisV
mas gifts, i-" ' ' '
;. fcW aa Mrs. bert White
ara' being welcomed horn from
several weeks stay In Los An
geles 'and other southern Cali
fornia points.
I .
Wamaa's aUHX eorDS.
hau. S em. a action and covered
eusn luncnooe at
AAUW Musaa rrauo with Mrs.
Our Hlckok. list North list
AsMrieaa ,
strMt IM mm.
auxUiary at
Club. S DJB.
Enflewood Woman's club with
Mrs. E. A. CoUlar. 1S4S S. Com
anrcUl st, S pm.
Fkronoe Tall missionary aoct
T. ie ajn. Ouast day, profram
at 1:4 p.m.
Woman's Bible elasa. First
Methodist church. Mrs. A. A, Lee,
131J SUU st, pm.
140 pja.
hospital auxUiary,
Credit Women "
Have Dinner
Th Salem Credit Women's
Breakfast club met for an eve
ning meeting at the Golden
Pheasant Tuesday. Holly and red
tapers decorated th long dinner
table. Miss Myrtle McClay was
a guest and ' Miss Rena Skaggs
was introduced aa a new mem
President Dorothy Hill opened
th meeting and Alta Myers led
tha educational period which
was arranged as a quiz program
under th them of Developing
Friendship Technique.'
Th December 18 meeting wiU
be a Christmas dinner party' at
8:30 at the home of Mrs. Dorothy
HilL 1740 Stat st
Mr. and Mrs. C L. Crider en
tertained at dinner at their Dal
las home In honor of Lt (g)
and Mrs. W. Rex Pemberton
i&iary stannic), wno were
married Monday morning.' Judge
and Mrs. Harry H. Belt and
Mrs. Alex deSchweinitz attend
ed th affair from Salem.
Mrs. McEwen
A Hostess
Mrs. Edwin L McEwen was a
hostess Wednesday night when
he entertained members of her
club at bridge at her home on
North letb. street A late sup
per was served by th hostess.
Mrs. Ralph Nohlgren, who has
returned whit Lt Nohlgren to
reside in Salem, and Mrs. Mer
rill ralkenhagen. who Is her
visiting from San Francisco,
were special guests.
Members ar Mrs. Kenneth
Gallagher, Mrs. Bingham Row
ell of Lebanon. Mrs. Robert
Powell, Mrs. Albert Ott,
Andrew Halvorsoa and
J mm ! Ileever, eUajhter f
Mr. and Mrs. Theron Hoover,
wOl celebrate her ninth birth
day tonight when ah entertains
12 of her friends at dinner at
th Hoover bom on Wast My
ers street.
Coming frees rrtlaaWI today
to be guests of Mr. and Mra.
Ronald Jr-e ar Mrs. Valen
tin Lobby ft Honolulu, cousin
of Mr. Jonc . Mrs. John Withy-
comb and Mr. M. L. Jones;
Todays Menu
Grapefruit sections in lima
gelatine will b th salad dish.
meat will be sausage. -
Grapefruit Jellied
' Country sausag
. Broiled bananas
Whipped potatoes
Buttered broccoli
i Prune whip -
Chocolate cake
I ' - i . i I ' . 'A I i i i . ! - , :
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: .:-;! r-: n, sally's 1 ' Vi r
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I 1 fill .AlIV i y-:..'. b . xf 1 t - -11 Iw r ifii I I
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I. I : f (4 liS J II I'll rVaV:!-' I tsrlces. Pictura yourself lri anr ona of - - I
f WX i I I I ' ' ! I'T r ! i II
II- I - I 1 S ' J f I ' ' filr A. I thesa coate. The belted sllhouetts taakes your walatUnei I j
i m k "v- -wssaasaek- k m t a 9 . z s, i i m :x "m. n' . e i . mm m mi
I i f v. I I I J I ii I ' Li?-vJ x. - . i seem nny as a veaaincr rxena. ins rtAmitiriti I
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