L J ' -- I 4. V Si . The, OREGON STATESMAN Salem. Oregonu'Tlmrsday Morning. Decombw I. 1943 PAGE FIVE (Cntty Mews IBHef: The Oregon Statesman Telephone 9101 I .i ROAD PETITION I'Y STAFF ENLARGED ; A petition to the county court I Two new members have been sking that a stretch of road be added to the staff at the YMCA. oiled, was filed Wednesday by R. j AncQ Payne, recently discharged It Mitchell and others. The road from the navy after three years la described as the section of the St Louis-Champoeg rd. between the four corners Intersected by the Hubbard-Broadacres - Champoeg rd. at the south boundary of the of service will work , with the boys and the veterans. Wayne Gregg, an army veteran of six years, has accepted a position as night desk derk. A broader pro- Barney Kennedy donation land graim is being outlined and a claim and the four corners inter sected by the Hubbard-Broad- cres-Champoeg rd. at the McKay lour corners. We cut and Install Shatter-Proof auto glass. R. U. Woodrow, 3?5 Center it dinner is being planned for vet erans. Gregg, a paratrooper with 65 jumps to his credit, plans to enter Willamette university at the start of the winter term. ' BUILDING PERMITS - lonald Holford ' to i reroof a dwelling at 1384 Waller st, $50. Ben Mishler to alter a f garage at 1495 :'N. Liberty st, $100. R, J. Walling to reroof a dwelling at 896 S.: 14th st, $150. O. D. Raw lins to build a dwelling at 1789 N. Summer st, $50. 'John! Mather to build a woodshed at 2415 N. 5th st $30. W, S. Coonse, to alter garage at 845 Tamarack st, $1000, L. V. Bemardi, tot alter! a dwelling at 1375 N. Commercial, $25o-;i : -r r Attention, Servicemen! $ Tuesday, December 11 final day If or regis tration special congressional elec tion. ; Register now, ; county clerk's For home loans see Salem Fed eral. 130 South-Liberty. Fall bulbs. Jary Florist, 373 State, i Hamilton Furniture Company now I in their new store at 230 Chemek- eta Street . NEW JURORS DRAWN Six additional names were drawn Wednesday to fill in the TURNER WIND DAMAGE circuit - court regular, jury panel for the October- terra of court. The names include Ethel- Mcln- tyre, Rosedale; Fred W. Dickman, West Stayton; Harry G. Benson, Salem; P. J. May, East Mt An gel; John F. Miekle, Salem and ; Blanche C. Sprague, Salem. He can .use a new scarf, plain and Tfitlrrirl In wrw-vl rr hatitlfnl raypiu lis to 3.50. Alex Jones. I districts, Residents of the Turner, and Cloverdale community were with out electric service until late Wednesday afternoon. Traffic on the highway had to be detnured in many places because of fallen trees and debris left in the jvake of the storm. Telephone lines Were down in several localities and school attendance was affected in 121 N. High. flPhilnary Mum plants. State. Jary Florist, S73 Luti Flower Shoppe, 1278 N. Lib erty, phone. 9592. Beckher allegedly slashed the tires and Upholstery In car belonging to Mrs. SmHtr;.r:LiiJ ;ii. office;' Pd. Adv. SGT. GOODE TO SPEAK SUff Sgt Goode of the state veterans service will be the guest YeaM Mrs. Hermtna Yeunr. at her horn. 121 Cvnter street, Friday. November SO. Mother of Francia W. Younf I Cortland and Elmer C YounK of Minn unnli. Minn ! hmthr. Auf Jit Ober- iMit of seaumont. Calif.; sister. Mrs. speaker at the regular meeting of Amelia Bcnieiei Of Lnomo, Minn.; ana i Disabled American Veterans aranddauhtr. Karen Younc of Port- " "isapiea American veterans. Lind. Kfnricti wtu b neki Thursday, i All members are urged to attend WettTiDtf . I a P m., ai me iiouen- th mil.tln(, A u. k.ij ' a Harrtck chapel with Rev. Harvey I meeting 10 De. held at f UeVrtes officiaUnx. Interment will be I o'clock Friday night m the Salem Woman's club, 460 N. Cottage st NAVx; INSPECTS SALEM AREA Lt ; John E.;Bayus, USN, offi cer in 'charge of the navy recruit' mg station in Portland, (inspected the Salem navy recruitihgf station and issued instructions tof an all out drive for 'voluhtarvl enliRt- mentsj Terms of enlistments have been1 reduced, classification tests lowered and many trade school opportunities - are offered. An ap peal is being made to those now in 1-A classification by calling attention to the benefits now be ing -Ofiered. .ji-.V'i-'i .J Card4, wrappings, magatines. Lee Moody; Shut In Service. 653 N. High; g r: j, . j j j ... . Hundreds of toys to choose from &i the Hamilton Furniture -Co. 230 "Chemeketa Street ; I i i t McCALLS FILE NAME ! Clark C. McCalL rtHite7, and George N. McCall, 135 Fisher rd. both '.Salem, filed a certificate of assumed business name 'with the Marion county clerk Wednesday for McCall's Used 'Cars; at 1295 State: tt . M'-:;, S I I . Freegparklng on our own lot for youri use while shopping at the Hamilton Furniture Company, .230 CheroekeU StreetJ M ! i-;?.-fl- SOUTHARD TO PRISON -t Erwin Cecil Southard recently sentenced to two years In" the statef penitentiary ion a charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor was removed to the peni tentiary Wednesday afternoon, the sheriffs office reported. j- ... t Leather zioner note booksi $9.95 plus I tax. Capital Variety, 41262 states TIP TOP ROBBED ' - Forty dollars, in pennies, $20 in small change, : and six or seven cartons , of cigarets were i taken from! the Tip iTop restaurant, 2090 j N. Capitol st, Tuesday night; according! to Mrs. Nettie Harvey, owner. . - ; ;; , Rummage sale today (Thur). GAR Ladies. 439 Court St, upstairs. PURSE RETURNED i , Het purse, minus the $90 in it when;; it disappeared from , a downtown store,! was returned to Mrs. I Grace Hammond, Wednes day, A small coin purse contain ing $3 was still inside the larger purse STORE SPONSORED PARTY' The; annual Christmas "party f or" chfldrtn i :being( -sponsored by Bishops' store. About 70Q .children are expected, to enjoy the festivi ties at the YMCA. Friday, Decem ber 21 ; has been1 chosen as - the dateJbr the party and the evening will be spent enjoying'jgames and motion pictures. 4. -...-.v. .i Leather chaps and vests for chil dren from 4 to 10. Nollman and For un pa in ted furniture shop at Woodrow s, 325 Center. Wedding pictures taken at the church. 520 State. Ph. 8722. ia Betcreat Memorial park. Petaaaa Mra. Irene Putnam, at Palo AHo, ratify Sunday. December 3. Survived br huaband. Roy W. Putnam of Palo Alto; two aona, Jay and Ky Putnajn, and one dauchter. Phyllis Putnam, all of Palo Alto. Calif. Services will be held at the Howell-Edwardt chapel. MS - North Capitol atreet, Thursday, December . at J p m. Concludinj ervtces will be at City View cema- wry. . WaUea Sirs. Elten L. Wallen. home at 122S North Summer street. Monday. December 3. Survived t dauKhter. Mrs. Nora Van L: Salem: a son. Boencer Portland. N. D: two aistera. MlM Julia Paulson of AJbanv, WU and Mr. Anna Jacobeon of Ottawa, 111.: five frandchildren and two great grand hildren. Services wilt be held Thurs day, December at I'M p.m., at the Howell-Edwards - chapel with nev, Paul Kertng ofneutmr. assisted by Rev. H. A. Schlatter. Shipment will be made to- Mayvtlle, N. D.. for aer vtcea and Interment. r Patanaa John Harrison Putman, late resident of route . Salem, at a local hopital Sunday, December 7. at the ace of 70 rears. - Huaband of PlulllDino K. rui- man of Salem: father of Mrs. Cordon Rook of Waterloo, New York.- Robert R Putman of Salem and Edmund. I. imtman of Wichita. Kaa. Also survived beld rrway. December 7. at s pjn. att berkhip. Wayne Meusey will play, thClou(hBarrlck chapel with Rev. SEEX OFFICE BUILDING A delegation from the East Side Commercial club, Portland, ap- g 1 her I r- UftC BMW UUWU ner street, l control , eonesaay asaung uiai ydeira7 of their locality be considered as site waiien of for a new state office building if such a structure is to be erect ed in the Portland area. Fall bulbs. Jary Florist, 373 State, ' ' iV. : ' v - - - Capital Cab phone 6646. MRS. BROWN SPEAKER and Adams officiating. Interment will be In Belcreat Memorial park. aderoa At the residence, 5S1 North 21st atreet. December 4. Robert E. Ander son, at the axe of 73 years. Husband of Anna May Anderson ol &aiem ana father of Robert A. Anderson of Sweet Home, Mrs. Meda Church ofPepin. Wise, 3. Clark Anderson of CdlvUle. Wash.. Carl A. Anderson of Reedsport, Mrs. Josephln England or west oa- lem, Mrs. Thelma McKenney of Hope welt nd Mrs. Luellle Albrlht of Sa lem. Also survived by IS arandchlufren and- two sreat'Crandchlldren. Funeral services Prtday. December T. 10 JO a.m. from the W. T. RiKdon chapel. Con cluding service City View cemetery. Kev. If. W. Erlckson wm omciat. award In Klamath Palls. December 1. Wal ter WMlnn Howard, ace 4S vears. Hus band of Cecil Howard: father of Louis, Jean and Richard Howard, all or Klam ath Falls: brother of Sherman Howard. Idaho rails. Idaho, and Oscar Howard. Salt Lake City. Utah. Graveside serv ices will be held Friday, December 7. at Dtv View cemetery, lea v in the , W. T. Rlsdon chapel at 1 : o'clock. , Rev. .Schism. Oregon City, will offici ate. Call for calendars.' SceUars Foley-!! : r-tl): Homer' Smith Jr., announces his return ; from military : service and reuirrito tne nomer auiutn in surance Agency as manager. He wishes to greet his old i friends and clients and to solicit their continued ratmnafff 11! ! " if" ' -7!) I f-1 - TO HAUL LOGS ' s'6 I 1 j The Marion county, court i Wed nesday gave permission to Mildred Volkman,' Aumsville, to haul loss oyer certain Marion couiitj roads. Rummage Sale Friday anq Satur day, 43? Court St Upstairs: Ameri can Legion Auxiliary, I 1 ' in r.-i-i 4 i - Give your home a beauty treat ment with Imperial wallpaper. jSee it at plf strom's, 375 Chemeketat Mrs. ' Leon Brown is speaking I two Xrf a r r fWitpiiI over ruw. n,.9 tway on in Elswbrth D: Smith and Lyle American Legion auxiliary broad- BeclmeV. both Salm. vr ar- fcast Department vice president restej Wednesday by Deputy uiu HKuuaatuiy Sheriff: James Garvin on I a fel ureKon, sne wm tarn: on mem- onT warrant out of Saltm Mustice court' charging maUciousiiruryito -Cxnn Cronlse Photo i?ranh and I -personal . propeny, Frames. 1st Natl Bank Bldg. Smith and Mum, plants. Jary Florist, 173 StatP. . r- -8 . : I FERRT STOPPED The Wheatland ferry was out of operation again Wednesday after Dperaung lur , ai woue x ueauaj a reporf to the county court stated, The urt had ns further report on the Buena Vista and Indepen dence ferries, reported back in service Tuesday. n V I Bazaar and food sale Fri, Dec. 7 Knight Memorial ladies. 109 Com'U ' . Engleri 362 State St MRS.!' WAECHTER DIES Mrs.; Bessie D.: Waechter died Wednesday in " an ' Oregon if City hospital - following - an accident Tuesday, according to the iher iffs office. Her daughter is Miss Florence 'Mills, Salem. 1 1- See the . unusual and beautiful Christinas toys at Hamilton- Fur niture Co. 230 Chemeketa Street anss itockey returns v ' ' Helen Yockey j of . the 1 Capital Journal has returned from Stock- tori, palit, where she4 wert last weekend following the death of her brother, Lysle E. Yockey, former-resident i' of CorvaHis and Roseburg. - ; GRFJDER SPEAKS TODAY ' I. Carlton: Greidef, veterans' counsellor with the U. S. employ ment Iservice here er at this noon's Salem Lions club. HUNT CHRISTMAS GREENS CheBieketans will substitute - a hunt for Christmas greens Sunday for! the former annual mistletoe hike, iersons Interested ia mak ing the trip with! the hiking or ganization are to register at; 2484 N. Commercial st. vote.' Under the leadership of SHS song "queens! Gloria and Barbara McClintock and Joan Randall, the girls boost school events and lead students In pep and school spirit BIOLOGY . CLUB MEETS The Biology club of Salem high school, at their last meeting, made plans for the concession and skit they will present for the annual Civics club carnival to be held early i in February. The students elected j to have charge of the events -were? Nancy Farrar, con cession manager;. Donna Carr, skit director, and Johnnie Camp bell, stage manager. Other com mittee heads named for dub ac tivities "were Peggy Burroughs, social chairmanV 4 and Dorothy Kaspar, membership chairman. ; . GIRLS' LEAGUE MEETS ! ' The "Leslie 7 junior" high school girls' league heard Mrs. Arneson, of the local Red Cross, speak on "Nursing in - War 'and Peace" at their meeting Wednesday imorn ing.Tuesday morning. Bob: Keu scher, advisor to the boys league, spoke to the eighth grade)! boys of the school on problems per taining . especially to hat group. Mr Madeline Hanna "is , advisor of the girls', group. i: SON BORN TO HASKHXS Mr. and Mrs.-James Haskill axe the parents td "boy born at Sa lem General hospital December 5. The Haskills reside ;at .' 66 Park ave. i" . I -. .; . Open For Business ' - Bring Year Radle ' Treobles to Me 1 , Pick-up Delivery Service '; Ilac's Radio Shcp 546 N. Iliffh Ph. ti.1551 Cold Storage Lochers Ilarvin Lewis A few lockers still - . v - available. I ' "275 Wallace Road West Salem 1 ' is to bejspeak- meeting of the TOURIST INJURED . Loren Johnson of 319 Warren st Taft Calif- suffered a broken leg when he was struck by, a car whilej crossing the street on (the Portland road. He was taken to Deacohess hospital where his con dition was reported as favorable. The Hull auto compass or a Taylor auto altimeter make ideal Xmas 325 gifts. Sold by R. D. Woodrow, Centei St - 1 1 . I WIESSNERS PARENTS Mr.;, and Mrs. James Wiessner of route 2, Salem, are parents of a girl born at Deaconess hospital December 5. The baby weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces. - 7 hr. I developing & printing ser vice at Burke's Camera Shop. 174 N. ConvL -t - - 1 - - i- i- : ; ' r-. OVERHOLSER RELEASED Everett Overholser was. releas ed from jail Wednesday a f t e r paying his fine. I MARRIAGE LICENSE -, ; i A license for the marriage of Edwin ; A. Booth, ! San Francisco, and; Myla Verl Grenz -of Jeffer son has been issued at Albany; SUFFERS FOOT INJURY 1 Gregory Hammond, 7, 395 N. 23rd, suffered severe cuts on his foot when lie stepped on a broken milk bottle Wednesday.- He was treated, at the first aid station for the injury. ; . . SEEK NEW MEMBERS , ' The I annual membership - drive for the Vikettes is being held this week ! at Salem high school. ' The pep: club, under the rsupenision of Mrs. Betty Mansfield, girls' physical education instructor, 7is one of , the most active ; in school with around 1 75 members.; 'This year 100 new members will be elected to the club by roll room Perm. Posh m rrt Wave I , Extra for Finger wave or Hairdress Open Thurs. Eve. by Appointment Phene 3663 Castle Perm. Wavers SOS First Nattoautl Bank Bide Madsen's for fine ice cream." IRON TAKEN An electric iron valued 8435 was reported to police as stolen from Wood's cleaners, 970 Union Bt, Monday. " !' I i -- Dance Saturdays, Silverton arm ory. Glenn Woodry's 12-pc. band. EOAFCRS wanted . . . $100 per month Make it f 10 . . . f )0 . . . sat saisaat yea 4 as tesWe ea4 ge j MiM- M tkir awSM rs M aH( )C7 WsTSsS ylsVet ffsl eajty i MtcM kf jwm 4 tvA eTVOssW George O. Raurnst 254 Ne, Church Ph. S676 w w - b-j. a i I Charmode duo ' : i . '. Lustrous rayon satin and cotton lac1 darted (or youthful uplift. Lace section Is cotton net lined. Adjustable, forkod shoulder straps and 4-way adjustabls aiastlo back closing. Sizes 32 t. 3S. Comfy, step-in stylo all satin elastic pantlsc Ideal for coed figures. About 14ft Inches long. Rayon knit crotch. Four detach able elaati Barters. Kudo color. Small, medium, largo and extra The Bra 150 The Pant 3.98 J j Here Is Real Chjur Comfort; ,1 'I .. ffjy : SVJlilG RdCItER W". f38sDh m i - s 1 1 : - Bet. 59.95 imjH imm ; modern, design and sound cin- -. 0nly 850 Dow(l . , I; j , ; hU!fi!fl T vaV 1 ' ' ftv - I aT : ' f . . V w;-vi . .. .. ..- ...---!. : iT-.-.- tea Massive it! struction makes this rocker a rm.scuin favorite. Big, roomy,! deeply relaxing form-fitting seat. High back provides head rest. Handsome walnut finish wood .;: . . . jj ;S . si- i? trim and full spring: construction. Cov ered In a variety of hard finished fabrits. :Z Uit. Y$ "Vr wi ill , J""! .vi.v : r i - e A i Welcome Gift For Any Homemaker SLIPPER CHAIRS 1L95 Only 3.00 Down Select . hardwood construction. Removable. and reversible seat cushion and back pad covered with colorful plaid cotton home spun. 22x21 'art seat. 31,- high. Popular Plymouth" finish. 1 1 Charming lanp Ttbkl 1 1 Reg. 125 00 i 4" 3 4 State) Street Salem Phone 9192 Shaped gallery top with: classic scroll,, carving on aprons.' Hardwood base with : beautiful walnut ve- -neer. 17x17-ln. top. ; ST. Inches high. i t . Il ! I ! i -v : 1 -i: mgr. ; i s u ;:; Colonial -r:- Duthcrfly Tables' 9.95 Dependable h a r d weed construction with fine, Plymouth finish. Lamp table lie, opens to gen erous serving space, 26x30". 25-In. h'gh. i . ' r.cxrucx Kir cc Q 7 ??hte "Ho&oBilLM "Serristan and uxnbf)rsound.fle e These) names an your ' t-,;. ' is . .. if - ; - . - - guarantee) of "Satisfaction or Your Money Back.", And, you may furnish your --.I .i i ' v i. ' , ' ' I horn completely on Soars Easy Payment PlanJ 55-Pound Slumber sound O I 1 Full or Twin Six i 4J0 Doun n 1 t M "IT J I " ' ? !i i J ! niimgi covered vim n i tractive A U A bclana. j Tailored "with neaV rolled I edges and finnly tufted to hold the filling In place. Corabinalion rsound full or Twin Six 4D88 J00 Doun Plump, resilient maV tresses filled -with 25 fluffy staple cotton and 75 '. resilient cotton' lin-i ters. 72 -coil construction box spring. . 1 Combination . . . Slumbersoutid -! Tin ' 1 i Deep, resilient , mattress i and 72-coil . construction ! . box spring tinit to give th ! ." mattress perfect support, GarefullY tailored in matching "A; C A ticking, i Combination . . . SlumbersOlUld 1 " a . ." am 1 Full or Twin Six WW . '16-TO Dotm ! Buoyant staple cotton filled mattresses atop high highly tempered 72- coil box springs for health- , ful support Matching brut U figured covers tailored lor lasting service. " ' ' fi .484 State St. ; Salem : : S A TISFA CTIO N G UARANTEED OR YOU R MONEY BACK ! 1 404 STATE STREET v SALEM ? I ! bs 4" ' tn-(rai -sr-w.-B)T r4-- .: