The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 06, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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Tk 02EG02Y STATESMAN. Solam. Oregon, Thursday Monung. December I. 1343
fagx tests
Hustons Visit -InS
weet Home
Mill City Family It !
Guest at Adams
For Weekend
MILL CITY Mr. and Mr.
Marion Huston and family spent
the weekend in Sweet Heme
where they visited Mr. and Mrs.
T. J. Adams and Ir. and Mrs.; J
C. Comer and family. . The Comer
family formerly resided in Mill
City. . ; , :
Mrs. Ed Rupp was honored on
her birthday anniversary when
Mrt. Charles Kelley was hostess
for an informal afternoon. The
time was spent playing games.
Mrs. Arthur Kriever received the
prize. The guests were Mrs. Clay
ton Baltimore, Mrs. Arthur Krie
ver, Mrs. lYaxk Smith, Mrs.
Claud Miller, Mrs. Alvie Fisher,
Mrs. Max Kelley !! and Mrs.
Charles Kelley. I ! j
Mr. and Mrs. George Cree and
granddaughter, Patricia May,
visited In Salem Saturday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Wilson. !
Sgt. Carl ' S. Dunkle has been
discharged from the army at Ft
Lewis. ! .
Valloy Obituaries Ifyons Party
ao French !'
ZENA James A.
received word of the
French h On Anniversary
s death of ? S Li"-!.!'-l
his eldest . brother, nos French, I Tq dflCAlV'Ajrl
78, November 21. With his wife 19 JmMWM. V pij.
he moved to Penaloosa, Kan, last
September. At one time they re
sided in the home now occupied
by Mr. and Mrs. James A. French
at Zena.
Surviving him are the widow,
Mrs. -Katie French; sons, Eugene
five brothers, the Rev. Walter Maud Simmons, Mrs. uer- Homl f I HO Li IS
LYONS Mrs. Daisy! Johnston
was honored on her 72nd birth
day Sunday at dinner. Guests
were Mr. and Mrs.? Fred Boyer
Member of Play Cast
lis) Hospital Patient
TURNER Robert i Schifferer
underwent 9 an appendectomy at
the Salem General ' hospital last
Thursday. A member of the sen
ior class, he had a leading role
inj j the class play, "He i Couldn't
Marry Five," which was to have
been given December 19, Because
of his illness, the play will be
Scouts Plan -Open
House? at
Four Comers
fell from a moving tractor, with
a bed table. It will hold writing
materials or books and may be
arranged for his meals. ..
Zena Sunday - school will not
need to solicit a Christmas treat
und this year as there is enough
money in: the treasur.
ar4 daughters, Patricia, Janet postponed probably until January.
ana noDeru, zvir. ana; xvirs. ur-1 . . i
ville Bower and daughter! Vir-
French of California, and James,
Jesse, Clyde and John, all of Sa
lem and vicinity. ,
thai Woodworm, Mildred I Sim
mons of Salem, Mrs. Joe Welt- TytitiH With
Lincoln Family !
Entertains for the
Lylc Huttong f
. J U I. I;- !
LINCOLN Sgt Frank J. Dye
' has returned to Chlco, Calif., air
- base after 15 days furlough with
his wife and baby daughter Linda.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J .Meissner had
as their house guests their old
friends, the Lyle Huttons, who
..were en route from Seattle to
Los Angeles.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ashford
and Mrs. Frank J. Dye and Linda
were guests at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Glenn Powers, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Walling re-
reived a message telling of the
. arrival of J. D. Camillo and fam
ily at their new home at Oak
land, Calif. Mrs. Camillo (Gene
vieve Walling) and Mike were
here while he was overseas. - !
Ma ft t aV ivrr?11 a H Tt f at vi 4 K-vm
aaaeaaa vi nuiiuiuiCi mv ws aiusv i t
Paul Johnston, Carroll, Shirley I Oftft Car
Ivan Day of Eureka, Califs and
Archie Day of Springfield were
in Lyons last week looking after
business. I
Mr. and "Mrs. Frarjk Sutton,
who live at the . Jack; Johnston
place in Fox Valley, have pur
chased the Henry Kruse property
in. Lyons and wOl move soon.
Mrs. Cora Johnson of Nebras
ka is visiting her; daughter Mrs,
Arthur Anderson.' It is her first
trip to Oregon. ? 1
Duane Downing of j the US
navy visited his parents,' Mr. and
T Onnll ' YAnrrttmtf dm4,3.. '
VMIylltHllf - 1 , " l -.-v,r4B
Swegle k Community NPlub will erton. Other guests at tte Down- "r
house when the Sunday school and children of Grand Ronde and Alaska WOmait
juamia downing. i i . - rw
Mrs. Alex Bodeker and Mrs. VlSlting i VrateS
yde Bressler wenttto-Indepen-I i O i
Valley Briefs!
i Election Planned McAlpin
f Stitchers will hold election at the
meeting Thursday December 6, at
the home of Mrs. Oswald John
son. Mrs. A. N. Doerfler is now
president of the group, which will
hold an all day meeting.
Grange Installation Ankeny
grange will install officers at the
meeting to be held Friday night,
December 7, at the hall. The an
nual Christmas dinner will ! be
held December 15.
The Wcodburn-Hubbard area has
sold nearly 200 per. cent on its
gqal of E bonds for the Victory
Loan, Miles Austin, reported Wed
nesday to bond headquarters. Aus
tin is drive chairman in that area
and manager of the 1 Woodburn
branch of the First National bank
of Portland. V 1
(Quota . for Woodbum-Hubbard
was $31,250 in E bonds land to
date $61,078 has been sold in this
series there. l!i
3"he overall goal for the area
has been subscribed to the amount
group will put on the program.
Pearl Martin, Bible school in
structor, will demonstrate teach
ing of Bible stories and a short
play will be presented.
Annua Events Set L The an-
nual j community Christmas in
Spring Valley will be held Fri
day, December 21, and the tur
key dinner in the community will
be held Saturday, December 15.
Members of the Sunshine club
club entertain their husbands and
Clyde Breasler went i to Indepen
dence Sunday for the wedding of
Betty Mae Peyree arid Harlan
Smith. Betty Jean Bodeker i was
maid of honor, j i S i
Californians Visit
Near N. Santiam-
at the
annual turkey
Williams of Turner
Suffers From Stroke
TURNER Frank Williams
suffered a stroke last week and
is in the Salem General hospital.
GATES Mrs. Claude Alexan
der of Kodiak, Alaska, is visiting
relatives here I this week,! She is
the granddaughter of Mrs. Mary
Gates, for whom the town was
named. Many i remember :! her as
Molly Gates. She is at the E.
Richards home. 1
Mrs. Ruby Winters went toSa
lem Friday to (visit her sister and
shop. . j : -it .
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Knutson and
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Stahlman and
Mr. and Mrs. (Louis Stoffel also
went to Portland and Vancouver
troop, 64 plans to hold ' open
house at the Community hall De
cember 10. Investiture service win
be held for the tenderfoot can
Rickey ; school will 'have i
Christmas program December 21.
Mri and Mrs. E. E. Pierce have
taken over the management of
the Meadow Lawn dairy and mov
ed; from Monroe avenue; Their
three children are enrolled in
Rickey school. Dawn ; is i in the
fifth grade, Darla 1 in v the! fourth
grade and Allyn in the i second
grade. ;
Sewing club 1 at Rickey school,
under the direction of Mrs. Har
vey Phillips, is progressing nice
ly, The girls , have completed the
needle cases and are starting pin
cushions. The club meets every
Monday at the home of -one of
the members. , The officers and
members are Caroline Meyers,
presiaenx; Joyce Brown, vice
president; Delores Davis,! secre-1
tary; Muriel Caplinger and Gerry
Bales, yell leader.
Frances Wright a fifth grade.
pupil at Rickey, is back at school
after a week's absence due to a
severe cold. " i
The bond committee at , Rickey
reports that Jim Stewart -bought
the; first bond from the school in
this driv. !
W. E. Dunigan is in the Dea
coness hospital for several days
as the result of an infection.
Mrs. Ernie Kirkland of Los - An
geles visited with her brother,
Forest Holman last freek.
Harveyi Bethell of Monmouth
visited his aunt, Mrs. J. V. BethelL
Alfred Hoffman maveld a house to see Grandnia Knutson
from Leland Kiethelys to his prop
erty for a residence for his wife's
mother. Mrs. Archibald.
, Dr. and Mrs. HobsOn ivere Sun
day visitors at their f ranch. ! Most
r ,
(ieorge French
Visits Detroit "
DETROIT George French of
Portland visited friends here last
week.: " ''1 ' ;;:!
Mrs. Oskie Dorothy and ' Mrs.
Hilma Dickie attended a CIO aux
iliary meeting ' in Portland j Sun
day as delegates. - ; '
Frank Dickie made a trip to
Eugene recently. - s ;i
Jim Dickie . and Gordon Brown
were in Salem this week.
: Mr. and Mrs. Ward Stahlman
have re turned, home from a' visit
with relatives in Portland. ; ':,
Willis Hayes, recently returned
from overseas,, was here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Giebeler
of Breitenbush hot springs have
been here, i r . '
Recent heavy rains have re
moved the i snow here but there
is still snow on the hills.
-i i ssi iiiii iiinaaiai f a
.4 V
What a Show! c;
The Joint Is Jumpin with Rhythm! . i
It's Solid Gate Let's Celebrate!
The show-stopping ! singing and dancing comedians New .
York and Hollywood raved about They are the hottest,
fastest, funniest act; in America today They're terrific.
Bed Table Given Zena
Boy by Sunday School
;i ! v
ZENA The local ' Sunday
school has presented Norman
Smith, who was injured when he
Wallings Visit I
With Relatives
LINCOLN Mrs. Clifford Wall
ing has returned, from Port Ord
where, she visited her , husband,
Clifford Walling, formerly of Lin
coln. ; !"!'.!
Mrs. Dot Walling, accompanied
by her sister, Mrs. Blanche Wall
ing, and a daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Clifford Walling, drove to Wood-
burn Sunday to visit Mrs. Dot
Walling's i son, ' Lester , Walling,
and family.
Cattle are dehorned in late fall
or early spring to avoid winter
1 colds and summer flies.
The Most Popular Entertainer in the West
Comedy! Sinein and Dancing. M.C. i .
Held Over! ! 36th Record-Breaking Week!
Magic, Songs and Dances ,
Since the death of Cordell Ball of their turkeys were sld at the
he and his wife have been living I Thanksgiving market only a few!
The carnival and bazaar Sat
urday was a success.
Gates school; bus carried a load
of pupils to the jamboree in Sa
lem Friday night. !;
in the Ball house.
I hens remain.
Cannon came into use tn war
fare in the sixteenth century.
W and
Make Your Own
Beautiful handkerchief designs
printed on yard-length fabric in
floral patterns of lovely colorings
and tones. Cut off the one you wish,
hem it and you liave a Christmas
gift of your own hand-work which
costs less than a Christmas card.
You may buy one Handkerchief or
i ' ' ; . ' ' '
as many as you wish. These are the
latest tiling in fine ladies 'ker-
. chiefs, and exclusive in Salem at
Greenbaum's. A real help to your
gift budget, at only
rt dance! to thk music I
! 1 "AND lA
While Ilnslin
heavy weight, yd !
36 Inches wide, extra OE a
Unbleached Ilnslin
I 1 ' " !.H:. I f ; J-' "il 'I
n ' - ! I - I -1 s - t 1 1 . . if 1
ts war-Dommomrm
I ; . j i ' . i - ' - ; ' i . '
Now ingredient in Golden Shell
! ; " : ' - 1 !i s
is good news for cars of all ages
oiling system in
1 t
oxidation occurs
36 inches wide.
Fine Quality
Full Elaailc Bands
88C or
Big Variety of-
fyi' 240-246 North Commercial Street
a s
ii - - . -.. i i , ; , t ,
n ae
I 11
3 c2)
Tl hen something ffums up tfte
your engine, look out! j i
That's exactly what happens when
In motor oil. Oxidation is the parent of sludge . . i that ; .
sticky, gummy substance which gets into oil lines and ' ,
oil filters, and cuts down the flow of good lubricants !
to a point where the engine suffers from oil starvation, j '
To minimize oxidation in motor' oil was the objective
of intensive wartime research. Success rewarded the
scientists, and now you can buy Golden Shell Motor Oil
containing a, warworn oxidation inhibitor that's added
(during manufacturer Because of j this inhibitor, new
Golden Slll stays full-bodied ana free-flowing from
one oil 'drain to: the next . ,f . offers better protection
to cars of all ages. ' - Mil t s- . 5 i
This new and better motor oil is waiting for you at the
nearby .Shell station. Shell Oil Company, Incorporated.
ii: i Shell stations In United States and Canada. Apply ,
- i i I for yours at any Shell office or sendee station.
Like oxidized paper
oxidised oil is no good j
' II- - ! r ' . ;
YoaVe hm psptr tbt's flWwi witk (..
brittle ... UcUm. Wi tk rasalt f xirfatUo,
ti mm fertrcthr dtcaical nactioa wkick rvits
iroa, fades eku crteks rubber. AaJ xidatMii Is .
th pmrtt ! sliuli ! wator aO, to. Tkat'a wfcy
ywi mc4 BMW Glda Shell aotor 9LJt Mataias
- xUHtm imJtibitf, miiei ivimi saunfactar.
i i m m mm mm m m m u m i
Salem, Oregori
Wl(0)u(g)(B Q&-ooog tPCr OQ (QQ VN(lj