The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 06, 1945, Page 12, Image 12

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the OREGON STATESMAN, Sdent! Oregon. Thutsday Mosning. December 8. 1945
DAY Renews
Contest Drive
The membership contest of Dis
abled American Veterans, Salem
chapter No. 8. has been .renewed
until January 1, according to Jim
Calloway, membership chairman.
December 7, Fearl Harbor day, the
chapter is having Initiation of new
Membership In the ' Disabled
American Veterans Is open to any
veteran who has been wounded Or
disabled in active service, over
seas or in this country. U
The DAV is chartered by con
gress as the official voice of the
nation's wartime disabled. It was
formed in 1920, following World
War 1, and today Its membership
is composed of. one-half member
ship World .War 2 disabled.
fhe Salem chapter meeta the
first Friday of the month at the
Salem Woman's club, 460 North
Cottage st On the third Friday of
' the month it has a social meeting.
They are planning to build their
own home sometime In the not
too far away future.
Bankers Ask Less'
U.S.-Sponsored Loans
Bankers of the nation
agreed that the federal govern
ment should curtail rather than
expand its financial operations,
including loans,' A. A. Rogers,
state superintendent of banks, re
ported here Wednesday upon his
return from New Orleans where
he attended the annual conven
tion of the National Association
of Supervisors of . State . Banks.
The convention was attended by
bankers from- all parts of the
United States. . "
Silvertoh Wind
Damage Light
S1LVERTON The Silverton
countryside awakened Wednesday
morning to check, its wind dam
age of the day before. The city
escaped much of the' damage, re
ported in the rural districts. At
Trinjty church, however, a win
dow was blown in. Some shingles
were blown off houses, but very
little damage was done and lights
were repaired by early Wednes
day night., . i
On Hobart read the lights wen
off again later and residents ; in
this section had been in. the dark
' all day Wednesday, r i
. The W. C. Larson barn' in Brush
Creek was completely demolish-
I j ed. The, roof was carried into
' neighboring field and the walls
. of the barn sustained consider-
. able- damage.
Large, fir trees in the home
woodlot at the.W. Maurer home
near the Larson home were up
rooted. A 30-foot tulip tree was
i , blown down at the home of Mrs.
M. J. Madsem
Practically all the countryside
W.M. Tugihah
Talks to Forum
On Public Mind
Drawing on1 past records of the
"Gallup poll and from bis personal
experience as an aditorj W. M.
Tugman. managing editor of 'the
Eugene Register-Guard, sought to
analyze "The Public Mind" in an
address before the men's forum
of the First Congregational church
lest night He quoted thf results
of polls of pre-war days! to show
the direction then oft public
thinking, I which was far removed
participation in
from American
war. i
From his own study
concluded that the ' pubic mind
is "preoccupied and parochial."
Most of It's concern is with local
and personal matters. World con
cerns and problems, seem to go
over their heads unless they be
come personalized.
"Perhaps," said Tugman,. "peo
ple can make their best contribu
tion to world order by solving the
local problems with which they
are familiar.
PieJ Social ;
At Lincolii j
Profitable t
LINCOLN f- The White Ele
phant sale arid pie social spon
sored by the .Lincoln community
club, under the auspices of the
Lincoln i Goodwill club proved to
be entertaining and a i financial
success.!- Ralph; ; C Shepard was
auctioneer. . Everything ranging
from a vinegar cruet to plates of
fried chicken i were, included in
the White Elephant sale and
brought good prices. r !:
The price of pies "ranged from
15c to over. $3.50 and a total of
42 was cleared. The committee
on arrangements Included (Mrs.
Hi D. Bkrns, Mrs. Harry ."Phillips,
Mrs. J. J. Neiger, Mrs. R. J. Hack-
ett and s Mrs.- T. I Hicks.
. The jrroup voted to hold the
uinsuna& program inursaay,- De
cember 20. Treats will be nur-
chased withthe $42. A 'contest
was conducted by ' Mrs. Roy W.
Hammer, Lincoln teacher with
Mrs. L. ,1. Mickey, former teacher
as secretary." The young folk won
by three points. j I:
juts. ? j-iois .crawiora was- ac
companist for -singing led by Mrs.
H. D. Burns. u ' i-
Amusing and tragic incidents
and miraculous escapes of his son.
Maurice, who.", Was in public re
lations i overseas were told by
Ralph C. Shepard. . . . 1 I.
One of the taost Incredible Inci
dents was the; fact that two acres
of copper and iilver coins in sacks.
stacked two feet deep, were found
Merchants to GivetAway
Over Priced Products
... ,.,, , t . .
GRANTS PASS, Dec. 4-fjPr-
This city's businessmen deter
mined to keep prices in line, to-
djr aecirea cusxomers wno iouna
goods priced f above OPA j ceilings
Could take trie item home free.
j .Yellow placards displayed in
stores read: f Yours, free j for the
asking, any item priced above the
OPA ceiling.?- i
The merchants committee of the
Grants Pass and Josephine coun
ty Chamber I of Commerce are
sponsoring the service this week. -.
ll!' ' . & .
ISTANBUL, Dec 5-Wn-Nearly
20,000 rioters chiefly university
and high school students wreck'
ed two Istanbul newspaper plants
and at least two book stores in
what police called a sudden violent
antl - communistic demonstration
is still without .telephone service,
Chimney fires were reported in
a number of . places but no fire
damage was reported.- .
Goos Bay Still
Wary of Water
COOS BAt, Dec. S-MfVNorth
Bend and Coos Bay citizens were
till boiling their drinking! water
yesterday an filling bam tubs for
emergency s use, under i advice of
health department officials.
I Children trpuped back to school
after last week's f our4day hvaca-
Uon caused by a break! in the re
Jservoir. Lister bags from the coast
guard, holding 35 gallons each,
provided drinking water for Coos
iBay schools. North Bend obtained
water in milk cans from nearby'
Springs, j j . "j i " .
j" Patrols, fearing another break in
the reservoir f after weekend rains.
are keeping a constant watch of
ithe .water, supply. - j :;'. i
where the Japanese i had been
hoarding it a's it. came from cap-1
tured territory. j
ft ;
For "Pels
V 5?
Puppies ,
Dog Food
T1 m.
Sake" Look!
Wicker iBasketa
Cat Food
Snull Deposit Will Bold Gift Till Christmas
iiNC cmns r6t rtm ruu
Of crs i't M ftls'Bowl ! f ry 'kriokt mtt whk
Ilia wfeofe mktmt $rwia inmwkitk It h m4
i ;. ,- . ,
1 ; Want more "Live for work or (on? Try ; ;
j - getting xtr Vitamin Bi. Serve this i
popular slaked wheat cereal. Ifs quick,, )
j L hot, delicious! , .
. i u ; e
O Enjoy that genuine
buttermilk flavor .
O Blended with oil 8
original Ingredients
' t ! .
lU Hid:
u o 15 'it M ,4 : V : - V:i 5J l r?S 'Jjtfrt : s
mm. - mmn I II
i j j j; iimgmna s r ei nop j i
I 4S3 Ferry Between liberty 'ft Hlgii Phone 'S59
Oven fresh fHiFTTil r ' r ' 'i' I ' ..-Jv.'!' -
i m-i mA MB
'jSl - 'i. I : "f j C S ";
pedal Oa 1 J I ' I I ; 1 !j
TAmm Ayl ' ...AND MOM SAYS? I M i v
!: liriJ V IT GIVES us DOTH I J H 1
kW. i ; J I ;AII the flrewtlt, stamina,
,, I mmm , I VI I energy BENEFITS OF
ii a ' " P rrtUE oatmeal
. ' ;Vnl r : '
k ' !" ' t ' lr fSSOl ' S rCONTItOU.CD-TOASTING'?
.! ST W.m Y--M ) . ; IP ! il
s mim I I ! env rnnntr vita rim t- . rzZ
!i M I ,11 - 1 i; 1 , ' . - ; 1 l -
j-p i'M .!.!: .::;L' .r! ' - ;. - ; - v,
- :'t U : ';i:' - 'IF-'-"V j-' Vr--' !--.::.j. ' .. - ' " V -
IOIN THE... i ' :
llil : fruii Giir ;
Skewed: : -. " W : J.:.--
An enlarged copy of i i . f00. - Vfc - !- j .? , - -
t ii C '00000 Honorary dnli
I l! .jSilt of" V For Holders o
j T of . I v- $1000.00 Bonds " in
I V . ' 'Lr Tlic.Victoi'lanMvcr '
' ! ' y" i S 'I :l I ' ' ' V "I. "
. , if you have purcliased $1000.00 worth of E bonds during
VICTORY LOAN DRIVE, or complete. your thousand dol- ii '
j ; pi ! t : ; - i ' .
lars worth before ; midnight December the eighth at which
'"-. i . l
I time the drive comes to a close.
In the years to follow, this certificate will glow with j the
very essence of good citizenship. The personal satisfaction,
i ! . ' i
the visual evidence of having played an important role in
; ' !!! i . '
rehabilitating our wounded and disabled servicemen- fco
Bled for our country that peace and. democracy might preraal"
j - ' i
A movement is afoot at the. present time to induce the State
' : !"! " i i! ; :: I . I ' -. I''
'i Historical Society to file the certificates as a matter of record.
Go to any Victory loan issuing agency and invest.
$750.00 for the $1000.00 maturity value bond and get
your receipt. This receipt when presented to Bond Head"
quarters on Court Street, tiill be exchanged for your
"ONE GRjIND CLUB" certif icate. DonU delay, act now
and get your membership in this very worthwhile club.
! it;
Chairman of Victory Loan Drive
This Advertisement Sponsored by v the Following Firmq
i Boring Optical Company
; . -j Yeater Appliance Company
Miller's j
I - ' i
Glen McCormick -
Stevens and Son
The Simmons j Company
Dent B. Reed, District 'Manager
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