... -s ... I ? 1 5 1' i 1 i i- i . 1 : .ii I . .i . S ..--!. FAGZTCf tkm O&XGOIC STATESMAN. Salem. Or?.. Thursday Morning. ! - i i t -:- !. I : :! : w '- , i "... 1 I ' - i Farm - Markets - Classified MODEST MAIDENS ! '-.-hi Tnimaik tim&mi V. U. rum Otk jj I ' " iLJ' ifl 1 EH Late-Session Rally Boosts Stock Prices NEW YORK, Dec. ( J--Advances of 1 to point 'to new yearly hlghj in aircrafts and rail equipments stimulated a last-hour rally In today's stock market and erased or siiably reduced earlier extreme lows In a good number of Issues. Most of the rails and utilities failed to respond to late buying although losses were cut consider ably. Some of the liquors, rub bers, oils and metals were off fractions. Motors Improved a bit The Associated Press 0- stock composite rose .1 of a point to 76.2. At tops for 1945 and longer were Boeing, United Aircraft, Grumman, Republic Aircraft, In ternational Telephone, Lima Loco motive and American Locomotive, Quotations at Portland Portland Grain PORTLAND. Or.. Dec. AP) CmrnH ht (bid I: Soft whit 1.63V. oft Whltt (excluding Rex) 1-S3V. whit club 13'.: western red 1.S31. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.83'i: 10 per rent 1 S3; 11 per cent 1.17; 11 per cent 1.70. . Hard white baart: Ordinary 1 83i IS per rent l.M; 11 per cent 1.88; 13 per cent 1.19. ! . Today' car receipts: Wheat t0: bar ley 7; flour ; torn J; oats I; mill- led 11. Portland Livestock Salom Markot Quotationzs The Prices bcWrw supplied It i I. eal grocer are Indicative of tbe dairy market prices paia to grower ary lera buyera but are not guaranteed by The Statesman: BUTTER, EOOI AND POULTRY (Bakteet to aaaage ! aci BLTTEEFAT Prom turn " J4 No. t ., , . s No. t : . . . o BITTER PRINTS A B Quarters EGGS Extra larg Mediums Standards Pullet Cracks POULTRY No. 1 colored hens -- No. X colored hens Colored frya and bakes Yearling lambs swea M A - At . At : jo . jo - n XI .!, tO Aii UVtSTOCE (By TaJley pack) CATTLE Bee ateers JO to , J Beef cows -OS to .10 Dairy COWS JS to AS Bulls .07 J to JO 1.00 to 13.50 11.50 VealF Lambs. Yeanling Kwes . Bucks top Hoc, top. 1S0-3O0 lbs. S.OO to 1 30 3 00 to 4.00 . 1.00 to 3 so lt-tS PORTLAND. Ore.. Dee. MAPI 4USDA1 Salable cattlo 300. total 300; calves SO; market mostly ateady but canner-cutter cows slow late; quality mostly poor: cutter-common steers tOO-1100: top Monday la 00 for good-i-hole 1185 lb. load; cutter-common heifers S.30-11 00; canner-cutter cowl S0O-S0O; several shells 4 00-4 00: fat dairy type cows up to 1 00; medium ood beef cows 10JO-13.00; medium--good sausage bulls 1,00-11.00; fairly good beef bulls MM; good-choice vtal ers 13.S0-H.00 cuU-oonimon calves (.30 10.00. Salabls hogs 130. total 3000; barrows and gilts steady; weights up to 349 lbs. 13.00; sows 30-33 cents below Monday: heavy weights mostly 14.30; few under 4u lbs. 14 73; choice feeder plgi 13J0. Sslable sheep 400. toUl 100; market mostly steadv; 1 lot good -choice feed ing lambs 23 cents higher at 13.00; most good-cholcs truckins 14.00-30; few good ewes S00. Rye Futures Show Gains CHICAGO, Dec. 5-iiP)-Rye fu tures prices staged strong rallies near the close of trading today and ' marked up gains in all de liveries . after two days of sharp declines, with the December con tract bounding 4i cents above yesterday's final quotation. Wheat closed unchanged to k cent above the previous finish,' December $1.301.. Corn remained unchanged at ceilings on all de liveries, December I.IZM. Oats were up H to 1H, December 73 . Rye was up H to 4, with De cember showing the extreme gain at $1.77 Vi. Barley was V lower to H higher, December $l2tt, Portland Produce PORTLAND. Or.. Dee. I (API Put I r AA prints ti-3t'jc: cartons 31-13' jc; A grade prints SO'i-Sle; car tons 31-32c; B grade prints 50-Slc. Butterfat Fust quality, maximum of . of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland 8J-3t'ic: premium qual ity, maximum of JSi of 1 per cant acidity W-iJ'jc: valley routes and country point 3c !ss than first or O-M'tC. Chees Selling price to Portland retailers: Oregon triplets 3S Mc; loaf 28 3c; triplets to wholesalers 2S.3c; loaf Jl Jo lb. delivered. Eggs to reUilers: A A grsde large Sle: A large SPc; A medium 34c; amaU iptillet) 43c. Dressed meats Veal A A tt'ic: A ll.c; B l-ll',c: C 17-17c; cull I4-I3r; hog, fancy block 30c; lambs AA M: A 14e: B t2,e: C 0c: mut ton fancy A 13 'jc; M lie; R grade S-IOc; beef AA Slue: A zone: B C 144c; canner and cutur 1J-14C; tanner and cutter bulls 14e. Live poultry chickens: buying piic oi v Ins wholesalers: broilers 1 to 3 33c; 3 to 3'j lb. 33c: roasters ever 3't lbs. 3V: colored hens 33c; Leghara bona 31 14c lb. Rabbits Government celling: Ave rag country killed to retailer 44c; live price to producers Z2-Z4c lb. 'Auctions P NOTICE t s. - Stay tori t' Auction Market Now; 11 a. m., Each . U GAUOI model HA'Auto Renu. soUd leather can loo shells, Jiko now. Several tine rifles. Chroma Duco inlshed sport . Lite. Sealed Beam, j -1 "Thursday BHTNO TTOrm IJV-STOOC AND POULTRY.! WI HAVE BUYERS FOR ALUs YOUR CONSIGNMENTS. - - NIC Leghorn pullets now laying, real saddle horses. Some fine sprengers ana miaaie, rruueers. veal ; oaoy calves, goats, geese. All kinds of house- noia - rurnttur ana some nice twin beds comolct with coil sDrtnis. Good hot lunch stand. :- i DONTTf fORGET -- 11 AM, Art Lcwin, Auctioneer coaversions 'for U can). Complete I or Sale Ml-CellaneOUS - I I 1111. ' j ,lJ..Wlli cu Beam drivine and fr li nnm fac tory built trailer houses. Several finer SMALL trailer house, sleeps 3,11200. w heel trailers At on with HD stock l puuic aaaresa system comolete. 175. oeo. axoxa-ir. ptywooa D artel bed. new. I aiw xvbiiwu ivt. t uyarauiic jacjes. complete stock ox Auto BatterMa, 18-ln. jTir Chataa. 1 t i j RUG aewtnrj machine, S74 S. " B?u, rf a1"" tajnoi. rDt a-iva. 1941 MOfiEL American fflbb7 buffet. nIfl!.St: 1 in iit( ii.. - wi ' l 1. ' v ..uuti . -. owe, . jajcxa, w Aak for Geo. Reynolds. M wJ L t CAR RADIO. Airline, eomnlet- aer ial and wires. Alter C pan. 16S Ever- i f ! ft ! '4 COMMUNITY AUCTION F Across from Stat fairgrounds on Sil- verton Road. s EVERT WED, 10 A. M. i f Several rood milk cows and heifers and several lots of good feeder pigs and welners. On complete household. gooa,. consuung or, aavenport. Chair, rugs, cupboards, washing machines. 1 stove, ainiag room set. one .y good package typ bicycle. 1 SDeed like new. ne good xu rue wittt a uuier arucips too numerous to; man' tlon.4. ifeil - !.- f See us about your farm auctionJ. Manacer. Lane SudtelL 30 Silevrion noaa. rnon mum, saiem. Auctioneer. Oren SudtelL 013S S. -W. raiaune nui, ATwater 3JW. Portland, Help Wanted Turkey; Pickers "Wanted NORTHWEST POULTRY AND DAIRY PRODUCTS , 1509 N. FRONT, i i KITCHEN Janitor, steady position. ooa wages, - aaarion noici. i: s WANTED 5 A-l cook for chicken and steak nous. Take full charge, of kitchen. Rt. . 4. Box 110. Salem lor phone 3-130 i s BOYS. Girls, over 14 yrs.. to set obis. Higher pay. Easy, pleasant work. 335 n. mga st.: . : , ?, Help Wanted Male EXPERIENCED Janitor wanted. Say time work, apply eonara supper Club aoaa roruarja jLt.innjw RELIABIJC night porter and elevator operator. Hast have reference. Marion Hotel. Classified Ad-ertislBf Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Three insertions per line ..25c SiE insertions per line. 40c One month per line..... $1.25 Minimum charge 25c; 3 ti. min. imum 35c; 6 ti. min. 45c No refunds. Codv for this case accented un til S:30 the evening before publica tion for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading "Too Late to Classify." The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub- ll.hf In 11. Alumna a nil In . a. where this paper is at fault will 4 reprint that part of an advertise ment ; In which th typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves th right to reject questionable advertising. it further reserves th right to place i all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress -is for th protection of th advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. Th Statesman la not at liberty to divuig infor mation as to the identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. i i Help Wanted Female Cosmetic ! Selling Is a Good Career For Women ? I or Sale Bliscellaneons inahcidl 13-TT ' cottaee tyoel trailer house. turn., 4135. j 1730 Wates St. Moor. BOYS SHIRTS, slacks, sweaters. 3 sport jackets, boys' or girls' navy blue raincoats, sizes S tolls. 3 boys' ; felt 3 BEAU TIT UL white eanarv ainsers. I hats. 6i-7. Scout Pants anil shirt. 3025 S. ilth. Phone S453. r i, lady's tweed coat, s 3S. 3310 Che- CABINET RADIO, daveno. SxS wool mg, cc. C40C-, onog ump. no junic. swi arnet. . s s meketa. CROCHET thread, sun lamn. fruit Jars. Ph. 7668. 1315 N. Liberty, j ! mVERSILT FILL DIRT EXCELLENT IAS0N I SAND f ALL KINDS OF ! v. Igravel .-.! COMMEHCIAL SAND GRAVEL Ph. 21S04 33100 VERY FINE hand painted china Plates, cup and saucers. BitchesJ etc. Bavarin, Haviland and others, over 100 pieces. Antique glass, brass, silver and copper pieces. Open to S, Jacotosen's, aia erry sr. . ALL enamel gas room heater J 413 Perry st. ; j.- 30 FT. House Trailer, cottace style. ; completely xurnisnecM v n s. 2 in. ANTIQUE walnut chairs, brass lamp. antique taoie.; rnone a-i4 ONE earbaec burner with oven. Good cond. 1755 N. 19th, or call 3-1037. FLUORESCENT desk lamps; Ideal for PLASTI KOTE painto for Indoor use. XrfIdV ffir h.i v a celloDhaneJika finish. ! tudnJ !! Pt v.p. me,J?- give a ceiiopnane-UK xinisn. t ZJCAT H APPLIANCE CO. 1355 N. Liberty I V EATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty rUI-t pnhe..l745 0rM,t P. 1357 Woodryt?'M-t: Ph. .110. rri .... ,. -is m ; u . ibb mew ;hnuuiuiu iuAm tr t t. I .. soois. radios, guitaxs. . - Unas. mI Mr!m3.i wv. aT I turnnur ana nousenoid goods. r . ,-- C010"1"61-1- Ph- 885- ISUNDALES. 393 ti. Com Ph. DOUBLE COIL bed springs, ulav pen ana paa, stream uneq mecnanical train ana track. Phon 9413. WALL TYPE, can openers. VEATER APPLIANCE CO. j 353 N. Liberty TWO stehotvoe machinea. black silk dress, aqua wove Jersey six 13, print rayon jersey size 11. ZJ ; . ush St. pnone 333Z, TRAILER: Ph. 3-3454 evenings. FLUORESCENT Xmas tree lights and meiai tree ; noiaers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. f 255 N. Liberty PIN -1T-UP LAMPS J YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ! 255 N. Liberty LAWNMOWER ShsrDening I Ad tustinf. ! ' i 1 wooary s mkt iw m. summer s WILL Buy tor cash, sell or trade, guns, scopes, : ammunition and trail era. Don Madison, 590 No. High.; GIFT BOX and range condiment; sets x LAiut Arri in u. 359 N. Liberty I Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unfinished furnl NEW And used 2x4 siding, shiplap ture Urge assortment or made to or flooring, doors, etc. Also 1 room cabin call alter (3:30. 55 Hiway ave. Two ! 3-Wheel trailers. I 600x16 tires. uoiswest Mobfl tion. WOOD Range and sawdust burner complete. Boin good condition. Ph. 2-2750. E. B. Hatfield. BUILT-IN medicine chests with . plate glass; mirrors I YEATER APPLIANCE CO. j 253 N. Jy PART Persian kittens.! 30c to 32.00 eacn. rnone ivtv. iveo zotn st. WRECKING House. All windows. doors, lumber and brick for sale. union. ; GOOD Used hot air type furnace. Also '39 Ford deluxe four door, radio. heater, white sid wall: tires.. 1345 NO. I7tn st. i ; EXTENSION and Iron cords. . YEATER .APPLIANCE CO. j 355N. Liberty PfNQ i Too til harrow. manure spreader, feed grinder. 3 miles West on -alias .Highway. Box 409. pnnrw Sir. y.nlth r.lU 1m I condition, s miles west on Dallas high way. ox son. der. Picketts Furniture, 13th and State. ELECTRIC Soldering Irons and ex naust tans. ! i : YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty CHRISTMAS CDSr ! wrappings, gifts, The Apron Shop. 679, N. igh st. ATMOR AYS OZONE, sell and rent IL C Pugh. Ph. 2-2458. P O Box 463. Livestock and Poultry IF i YOU HAVE SOME EXPERIENCE OR A NATURAL APTITUDE FOR SUCH WORK, GET IN TOUCH WTJH US. ; YOU i 'WILL GET VALUABLE TRAINING I AND INTERESTING, CREATIVE WORK IN A PLEASANT ENVIRONMENT FOR GOOD PAYJ Jj CfPenney Go. GIRL or . woman. 30 to SO. general J mi.TY rmna mhn. xmr4r I housework. Private room. References. working order. M. E. Brown. Gervais, rnont w ut i . i . ! ( i uregon. t s WANTED: LadT to care for 1 small I nrMNBTR for M RMn ciiuurtn. ive m or qui or nome. pee i Engnan cnina. peacA petal pattern. Mildred at Victory CaJe. 100 block; S. S50.00. ! Call between 3 i and S. Apt. uwn; nciwecn u mjiv, maa .wim rear OI vz w. wmter.: p jn.fi j -1 x FLASHLIGHTS complete with: bat tenes. - I i . YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 1 ,253 N. Liberty STOVE repairing parts. Woodry's Mkt, 1S03 N. Summer St. FARMERS ATTENTION 1 Electric butter churns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N: Liberty TRANSFERRED to Salem. Br Doe. 15, wish to sh re triahed apt. or small bouse, or rent a small furnished apt, or a pleasant room with cooking privilege in a private bom. Call Miss Dorothy Taylor. Vocational Rehabili tation service,' ext. , or Mar lon HoteL ..... - -i XTirtNT veteran and wife must have small house, lurni hod. Wilt con sider unfurnished. Write Box 33. co Statesman. , i $20 REWARD for lrorntion sr Ing house or apartment for veteran, wife and two babies. References. Call C. D. Korb, 4171. Extensiaa 363. "I think he's U. S. army surplus or something. ' For Sale Miscellaneous Money to Loan German Shepherd Pups CHRISTMAS GIFT ' for returning service man or child. Dam is excellent herd dog and daugh ter of famous seelng-eye dog.r Sire is East & West coast champion. Black silver male, large, definite ly show type. White male, large, beautiful. Black and tan, female, large, def initely snow type. YOU RECEIVE INDIVIDUAL CON SIDERATION WHEN YOU APPLY TO General Finance Corp. FOR iQuick Cash Loans Locally owned and operated, we are familiar with all local needs and con- Wolf colored , female? very i loving, I ditions and lend on any reasonable gentle, play ML Black Ac tan female, average size, a clown. ! Rust colored female, inclined toward beiru one-man dog.: i Write, call or come see for reserva tion. JANICE COLLIER -Phone 3-2651 : Rt. 3, Box 711 security. Up to 12 mos. to repay. TeieDiione 916S State Lie. (S-138) 136 S. Commercial St Auto And Truck Loans Contracts Refinanced Money for new . and used cars nt(iii, H..r.K1 .kin.U. rh.l ""' . .wuun .W.M,V .a.J.Ma. V.VW I VAI. ..I.lfl jmb0.1m A. n.h.fll. diamond point. Sold over the counter or installed. Just call 7177 for free es timate. Western Auto Supply Co., Sa lem, Oregon. i i .1943 20 FT. Trailer : house with bu. tana range, oil heat and air brakes. Price $1100. Robert H. Allen, 129 Oak St.. in. Mam, independence, Ore. WATCHES for Christmas, guaran teed A-l cond. Decker,. 1984 State t. pnone s-iw7. EXPERT washing machin service . . .JS WI IVBIi I "frktl'f1Tat vss AffiAa Va. i ana wringer roils, sui maxes. see . " J ?ir. 7"! . lo y lo "" req' amis at INelson ttros. turrutur store. 1 i rersonai can give you casn xor 1 to 15 months to repay. S After 5 o'clock phon 31143 for appointment. ROY H. SDIMONS Regulated by state. PRIVATE MONEY 136 S. Com- St Phone 116. NOT TOO LATE! It's not too late to get the cash you need at 'Personal' th company that likes to say Yes to loan requests. 315 N. Liberty. live price to producers ZZ-Zc ID. m ... i tt i tuis - Ban buying price. Christie INew Hampshire IW 3t.2c; for Uv hens 31.3c; for r CHICKS loms. net at farms, Dressed turkeys Selling price to teiatier: liens 4ic: toms 3-37c lo. Onions Oregon dry No. 1, 1.40 9 45 SO lb. aack; green 90c dozen bmnehea. Potatoes Deschutes Gems. 100s 3 so: 23 lb. sack 7Sc; Yakima 3 00. Wool Government control, f'ascara bark Dry stock 30c lb. Mohair 1944. 13-month 45e lb. AUalfa N YlTMtolttr DEUyUlY. and vetch, mixed hay, valley growers' price $14; clover bay $3 baled on farm. Hatching Every Tuesday ORDER NOW FOR IMMEDIATE OB Stocks and Bonds December STOCK AVE-AOBS as is IS Indus Rails Util Stks Wednesday .. loo 4 4 82.1 7S Previous day .100.3 4S 6 SI S Week ago SO 4 47 6 11 1 Month . - tS S 47 1 52.0 Year ago . 77.1 31 J 3S.3 Boyingtons Phone 63F4 3710 State st. 4-MONTH -old N.H. fryers, delivered ready for th locker. l. to dressed. Geo. Adams. Ph. 3-3317. FOR SALE: IS New Hiiro, nulleta. ' i mantns oia. ia . nut st. 73.0 7S.0 FOR SALE Young" Red Polle cow B0NB AVERAGES to MJ Also a bred heifer. Dae Wallace. .mi. E. of Turner on AumsviUe Rd. OT.r Stinr vlnlin. WANTED': Woman to care for 3 chil- I 5320. j . drert in my- home 1 day a week. S. end for sal. Ph. SMYTH'S fUm. polish. Ph. 6724. , FARMERS ATTENTION! Electric fence controllers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Handmade gifts, lia N. Com'l. 4631. HEAVY duty fruit: juicers. j YEATER APPLIANCE CO.I 253 N. Liberty SPEHT1 room disinfecting lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Antique Christmas Gifts desk, a Bank of England oak arm- sonal needs quickly plus these advan tiuiua iiu ! pwivci .lia-. ruuuc i T-fPt AM 1 I I " 9233 days, 6196 evenings. 11 FT. Nordic trailer house. Coleman gas range.: sleeps 4. Good condition. 1984 State St. GIRLS Prewar bicvele S25. 3310 S. 13th St. APPLES i Delicious. Spitz. 50c bu. I ana up. n. z-4;b. 1945 23-FT. National trailer. SUshUv uieo. ra. Tazs. Loans up to 18 months!. 4 out' of 3 who ask for a loan here get it oans irom sio xo ksuo or more made to employed men or women; married or single on signature alone, furniture or auto. i Loans made for any worthwhile purpose pay bills and debts, taxes, medical a etc. attention, clothing, repairs. Wanted to Rent SIS REWARD for Information secur ing a flat, apartment or furnished house for veteran, wife and 3-year-old son. Permanently employed. Ph. 3-1384, COTJPLZ movme to Salem oerman- ently. Require immediately - furmished or tmrurnisnea nous to rent or lease. If act in city can be a few miles from town. Very responsible and will fur nish references of the highest type if they are desired. Would even consider renting where the owner contemplates being out of city for only a few months. in tms case wm oe som to mace any kind of guarantee the owner might re quire. Write Box 373, co States maau S OR 3 Eed rm. bouse. Salem or radius of 15 or 30 miles. Permanent, Ph. 3776. i RETURNED veteran and wife) want small 3 or 3 rm. bouse, furn. or furn. Bex 261 Statesman. ) FURNISHED -or unfurnished apt.. permanent. For refined couple. No family or pets. Telephone 8203. J. Child, f - i LADY and 11 year eld daughter would like to rent small apartment or share home with congenial person. Available to do all rook trig". Phone 9S3L. (Younger). - - WANTED Ant or house, furnished or unfurnished tor veteran an d wtfe. . Permanent. Phone. SC3L - . WANTED Unfurnished house by couple with 1 children . 7 and 9. . Per-" manent. Will give place excellent care. Phone Mr. Lee at a4 j For Sale- Real Estate S6500 Cozy home on Knob Hill. B. R. sleeping porch, also room fin ished in attic HwdL floors. (irepL Nice back yard, rockery Jc pooU Near school. aii . waiters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 3793 878 S. COM X. Ph. 8441 eves. REALTORS Ph. 3-1549 IIJ m A mill FTI.'T . ; iMtV . ,.n,klv Wllnl.lJ. knmm Ma aV.I1. " r: , j? ti. i " -..., .. sets, haviland, demi - tasse. ..wATL5!e5f "T9iCu SZTXZ r. items' at Tbeverly-s tique ui yciwu.nwui suu4 prvpu i ja baui neaaonaoic, oeauiuui i cunp Ha VI W TR I C T PHriNK 4. Employers, friends not involved. 3. Your credit is established in over 400 affiliated offices from coast to coast. Get extra cash away from home, any time. An exclusive Personal service i 8. You get full amount of loan. '! 7. You control cost. -The quicker roil 'repay, the less the cost. il 8 oans made on 1 visit. - dren. -315 Shelton st. Telephone 5894. f Don't borrow unnecessarily, but If a loan wm aoivc your prooiem, give us Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED: Houses to wreck. Ph. 9495. way i needlework, curtains, drapes, dishes. I I ia-M..kt ,ltv.-d - l 1 -- i . - , Mnvi cu ui aiiu ui rs-CT i HOUSEKEEPER for family of 4. iAH i Size 36-53.1 147 N. Com'l. St. AoL S. away during ; day. Weekends off and i ' w part of each day. Ph. 32792 after S. I KOHLER-Campbell piano. Reason- WOMAN or girl for house work. Ton wages paid. Call in person, 970 Ship- EpaERlENCEp Fountain girl. Spa. WjUTR Wanted. Speji. WANTED Experienced housekeep er ana coos: under so years, rerman able. Box 70. Silevrton Road. Fine for Christmas gift; also folding card table, cnua s size, rnone 07 vs. IRONING board pads and covers.: X EATER APPLIANCE CO. t I 355 N. Liberty HEAVY Oak comb: typewriter and! executive desk. Also one heavy1 oak J executive aesa. pnone si.4i ; WANTED: PIANOS, Will pay cash. Wills Music Store. 433 State St. USED FURNITURE. Ph. 91857 WANT TO Buy, Used cameras at REEL and rod. Salmon. 1299 S. High. lenses. McEwan Photo Shop. 435 State. CASH for your used furniture. Ph. 7590. state; St. l urruTure, 1900 state. 1 BLACK male water spaniel pups. I IF YOU have furniture to sell see 13 months old. 815.00 each. Go south! Russ Bright. Ph. 7511. 453 Court I on Commercial to Miller St. West 4 1 AUTOMATIC gas hot water heater. Used 6 months. Ph. 3-3144. L-QUILTS, fancv work, curtains, drapes ent position with high salary right 1 id small rugs. Pictures, large trunk, party. Phone 5603. I A iMany other things. lSttfiS. High St, none kids. s . ; miles on river road to cabins in bottom I at John J., Roberts hop farm. F. E. J noyslon. . NIGHT Waitress wanted. Senator rooa snop. . EXPERIENCED Waitress wanted. Rt , BOX 110 Ph. 3-1201. 1 t GRAND Piano. See at 740 Electric. S-Ies-aen Wanted 16 !0 lt DARK PALOMINA brood mare with 1 ' Rail Indus UMI Fogn I nice 8 months palomino filly colt. 8300 weanesaay 101 s hu b iot.t s.i i writ box 44, neamona. ure Previous day ios.t 103 S 107.7 76.3 Week ago ., 103 3 103.8 107.7 Month ago 101 S 101.7 10S.4 Year ago - 94.7 104.8 10CA 76 A 7SJ 6S.4 REG. Guernsey or Shorthorn bull servic at your- place Ph. 8147. RABBTTS WANTED. aU sizes. 4 to 6 lbs. Whit. S4e B- colored 38c ft... live weight. Rabbit skins, best prices. Wire stretcher - and other - ouppue. Salesn vrw svrroKT unification iWNA CI 1 X, Uec. 3 -Utn-. arma. ee tViicliff Drive, p-one 3-1830, The council of administration ot L0."4- J?ZhhMx the veterans of foreign wars ador- ZJ.. .i. d vesterrlav a re-ilntinn favnrinv I WANTED: rat ana eanner cows tot . .... -1 beef. Dairy cows, heifers, bulls.- veal. creation 01 a uninea military com- Fat bogs, sows, stags, boars. Market price. E. C. Mecandi h, rt.-, box six Ph. 8147. across from ball park. --. 35th mand for the United States. , : U Relief At last ForYourCo Cleoui ula pellcTM uuui cause tt roes rteht to the seat trochla to bfla loosen And germ lad en phietrm. and aid xutture to ootbe and bee. raw, tender, to Camed bronctiai zancoas mem bna.TfU your drart-t to sell jott bottle of Creom ulaioa with the un derstanding pou must U the way tt erckJy allays th ooush or 70a an t bare roup snooey back. CREOMULSION f :r Cc.hs,CS3t Cclis, BieacUHs WANTED: - Beef and canner- cows. bulla and veals. Will caU at farm. E. L Snethen, 3370 E. Turner Road. Ph. 11343 Morns, or eves. Ptiy bo ot ta Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice to hereby given that I have been duly appointed by the Circuit : Court of Marion County, Oregon, Pro- oat epartineiit. as executor t tne 1 or urvu te w. uuu, oeceoaea. ana have qualified as such Executor; all persona having claims against said es tate are notified to present the same, duly verified, at the office of Walter S Lamkln, my attorns, 303 Oregon Building, Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, November ia. is. I ARTHUR W. SMITH R ' Executor. ' Waller S. Lamkln. Attorney. Salem. Oregon. N. li-ia-29-D. 8-13 Uakzl Heals and IIulx in the Shell Hihesl JIarket Price - Cash on Delivery . i Icrris Ilhrfoin Pacliing Co. 4 CO North Front St, Salem TeL76C3 COAL and briquet circulator. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. - VASES, statuettes and plaques make excellent Xmas gifts.. i - ; I EAT K AFfANCI CO. i ? 255 N. Liberty WANTED: Licensed real estate sales-I . , u . ... T 1. W Jr. AUfi "u- wtr control and sawdust ii E3tPrtenc mn "fly burner. 135 lb. rating. Relchart's Clean- need apply. - j I rs. 1454 Jefferson st. Corvallls. Excellent Top! Soil ' I Price within reason. 10 ajn. - 3 Bjn. t 1 Evenings 555 Nj Pront I Phone 3358 lOLLY Wreaths Sl5. 3305 N.Sth at. -across " from Highland school. Ph. 8994, i-M - -il- I ELECTRIC table broilers. ..YEATER APPLIANCE CO. i 1 4 255 N. Liberty West Salem Realty Co. ,. 12l EDG E WATER ST. 1 SUaationt Wanted i - 1 CARPENTER, cabinet work and sren- erai .repetry euoen raschke, orcnard UX- . Hi. BOX 421. !, - ODD JOBS Wanted. Almost any- Uli. . e-,7i . . iaaa s a r I -aas9swMit. av twvw fiw ua w - v .TWO Re-able -ten want work j of I ariy sand. Albert O-jig. 489 Youag at. Woodkwu-n. Oregon, Co Jacob Weber. WHJCARE lor child rea bp the hour I or aay. tie rt. istn. rnone ewi. LADY WlU do house work. 75c per aaa . A as e. -: - - EXPERIENCED Grocerr clerk. Are 19.' W. Schaecher. St Benedict Ore. In or around Salem. , ;, I TUX STJTT. also -.shirt t-aad- collar. Men's dress shoes, black, -size 10. Is none btis. i MEAT; Case, -latest modcL Can 4887 arter i . rLUORESCXNT kitchen fixtures to t orr nary adaptors, j t . - YEATER APPUANCE CO. T 153 N. Uberty .' DECOR ATTNO Hdv. hoUv wreaths. boutonniers. Basil ZeU. Rt 4, Box 423. i THtTrtrrNfi inp w a vrrn Nstted Gem potatoes for sale. Ph. t Orchard Heigh U Road. Ph. S8F11 eves. 55. 1348 Hoyt It r . i . I ''f I " Z ! ' ' ' ' EXTRA km China servh-iff Blatter. B PAIR SHOP: 4 miles SW: t lab- I anai ia. - ,t rLTJOlUESCENT bzthroom brackttS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. : ; i 25S N. iberty ,'i erty, Auto & Tractor Repair' Welding, cutting Is custom building, lit. 3, Box 7. Salernt' W. J. Rolow. T 1 GEN.' YARD work wood sawdust put m, rnone 8448. ; : : f. m Preschool Playschool. ; 1381 I State. Ages m-9. ran or all 'day. Ph. B430. ELECTRIC Range. Also nearlv new 30 gat galv. water tank. 740 Che- mexeta sw Alter a:oo p. m. 1 W DRS. CHAN . . . LAM Or.T.TXau NJO. . Dr.G.CkatSJ J CHINESE nerballsur ! j til North Uberty Cpstairs Portland General Electric cow ut-ce open Saturday only-r-10 ajn to 1 p.m : 6 to 1 o.m Con sultation. : Blood pressure and urine tests are - free of charge. Practiced sine 1917.. 1 1 I -. . DUTCH ovens for tastier meals. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. X ' - j :,! 4 253 N. Uberty f T maaa i of kav fe4 taat tiaie tested Stuart Tablata ariog fakk, -assy reliaf to kle-robbiag sjatytu s of scat igesta. aca. Taste Selicaotis, easy t taks ao ssiziag. b botOe. Try them good sugars sleep aas vak p in th marsing f eeling like SljDOO.OOev Get gaaaia tuan Taauts at year rat-- Muy 33e, 60c, r Sl-9 eader asak- rs aasaive aisary -back goaraate. Phone 5395 f.UsH I-..I3M4- . Til -m.-. 11 ..e. -v-, phoae number under "W ATKINS I PRODUCTS" In your book. See win dow display. 179 so. if n st. a chance to say "Yes won t you? Come in or telephone today. H 'Certain loans, especially those for purchase of restricted items, limited to iz monuis. Personal Finance Co. (Lie. S-122-M-165) 518 State St opp County Court House Room 125 Phon 3191 . Gaiii nger. mgr. $ $ MONEY $ $ We make aU types of personal loans including furniture, note and car loans, for any worth while cause. We also rAsn r tu-ii niann A- other mn. I make real estate loans and buv real slcal- instruments. Call 4641 days or I eiiaie contracu. sot quicx and till 9537 evenings or send descripUon to 1 dent service see or phone Jaquith Music Co, 191 S. High. QTATF FTTV ANPT? frt i -. I . V . m m.. . . j : NEEDED badly, large oil circulator; phone 4131. 153 S. High. Salem MODERN S rm. house. 3'i years old. Bus passes house. Close to shop- ping center, rnone on. 1 $3800 5-RM. HSE. close to St. Vin- i cent schooL Two lots, variety of: fruit Paved st I Olson & Reeve, Realtors 943 S. Com St Ph. 6590; eve. 9536 $2500 DOWN., Partly furnished. 3 B. R-.Jsv. rm., din. nn. kit Ail on Sound floor. Pull bsmt.. furnace. Lge. t Full price 86850, CaU OroeriHurf. Huf Real Estate Co. 1717 CENTER ST. Eve. Ph. 2-1731 7 R. HOUSE In Dallas. Ore. S lot- garage, modern, laundry trays, 4 bed rooms, fruit R. built- is, some fruit tt nuts. 1610 Cherry. Dallas. Oreg. Only $3900 t bd. rmi, Uv. fc din, Rm, kit bath. . Newly decorated. ' - . . s Call E. E. Grimm Rich L. Reimann, Realtoi 201 S. High. Ph. 3722: eve. IK BEATJTTFUL - S-rm. English j tvpe home. East walking distance ! from bld- Hw- flr large L. Rm. with fire place. Double plumbing; rail basement with outside entrance. Pric ed to sell. Olson & Reeve, Realtors MS S. Com St. Ph. 4590: eve. 9536) "-i".?"- Cement driveway.. Extra lt .j.1 frage house. Imrned.- Posa. Call Ray Davis. , Huff Real Estate Co. GOOD Used doll buggy. Ph. 8084. also late model car. Wi pay cash. 1. i3j s. men. Lie. S 316-M 3-t RELIABl 1 home for care post oper ative convalescent Box 371, Statesman. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE Vi MOST NEW SH1CK electric razor. SIS. Call I . .. .. J-?", - at 1044 S rami rt I I L "" Pr- a ibis tm a-, mm v m COILED barrel type trash burner and J hot water tank. Both in good condi-1 tlon. 1740 i. zot . i v, BOUDOIR lamps. 87-5 per set YEATER APPLIANCE CQ. ,353 N. Liberty MONEY TO LOAN !! WANTED. REAL ESTATE mortoaM loans, city or farm properties; loans made as small as 8300. See us about rea nancl ng your present contract or mortgage. Approved city loans ,. Leo N. Childs, Inci 344 Stat St S Ph. 8281 SABLE dyed northern muskrat coat. J A,dolph Bldg . State A Co--P. Mil For Rent Rooms like new. 16 to 18 size, 8250. Ph. 3-1636. SHOE REPAIRING: Quicker service, j. COMPORT ABLE aWnfn room ritn -tt. .lit . ahnrt Ink. -vhiW mil I . V?!" IV Pma?o With ILLUMINATED house numbers and! bet?'." 0 L ' 7 I te bada. 324 N. CaoiLPhV:' world globes I waJI- mppea to 00 any ama or snot 1 : YEATER APPLIANCE CO. I '-""" rr " " 1 - -XEPiiia room, not St cold water 255 N. Liberty TWO electrio trainsi and one erectorl5d V9?f ul Phrni. trll .. i WOTK. TO CI UI lg. s wnv .uu iv Bum i. 0l IU, -. - . m II - . Ill HEAVY Hauling.! Excavation and PrlV,tc trance. 3623 Brooks .v. For Rent TRAIL R house - ambler, factory 1 Sand. Concrete Mil t. Cement -MMccnt -unplf "i'mTn. tvaterj Salem .Sand & Gravel Co. r - oret on. 1 - f .- t-f. .i STEEL, 'WOOL for canine pots -and pans. - - ! ! -YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ... , - 359 N. Uberty ' - i 1409 N. Prpnt St saiem, ureaon Phone 9408 or 31934 SPACE AT -TAYLOR STREET .....TRAILER CAMP . Just north Of dtv limits' Riehl-n- school district near aluminum plant and lwmllla. Pour blocks -om city u i u e. r uwuc a b. - joa Taylor st Salem. 1 block north, k block west TABLE Model Radio: 7 tube. 6 band. Also radio phonograph combination, i Phone M67. D O BEX MAN Pinscher vaak AKC No sous!, exc pt i bteod 1 ; ail maxes or -& . I n ath ami inm x. Have some good pocket watches Xor I sale. I also out waic nes a -in docks. 190 S. 14th st i MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. 73c LES SPRINGER. 466 Court St TRAILERS tor rent so per hr. i Woodry's MkU 1605 N. Summer. -' line Cham- D-7 CATE RPIL LAS traetne tv- a. p imam xor rent. - rnone s3 m arr I iNn n.nrx mirmn ,... . . . - - pion Von-Weiss strain. Gentle disposi- j oJlB Bojinsky, licensed watchmaker, a-rv-" 175 Ki.h SLl!1 tkms. black and tan. 4 months bid. For J j iTrreen :ave. . ef Tatt Gds. e."8. Street Ph. .70, parucuiar pnone saiem --Hor s. 1 Plu g. Do not call Sat TRUCKS for rent" v, .".;! w or rnone wean. . . '.pn, 3 -URNER, 3 speed hot plates ; with ovens to m. i j - YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty Loans' Wanted REALTORS Phone 3793 870 S. COM'L. Ph. 9441 eve. - ' ' : . NEW NEW NEW f One brand new house left a i rooms, 2 down. 2 up. Large living room, dining room and well ' built kenuto.- elec. beat Move m SALEM REALTY CO. 148 N. High St Ph. 760 835003 room. 1t l,n -Km. cyl- mif lot with fruit trees. 845005 room borne N. i 1 aero rud- car garage. 1 block to bus. . 84900 room home with acre. xvr .. 1U1, UV Bin urn. State Finance Coi 133 S. High St . Ph 41 tNGLlwrmn tm aw in ire. rm. and din. rm. AH plasterad. l-sulated. Call Ray DavisT plVMr Huff Real Estate Co. REA-TORS Phone 3793 70 8. COM-. Ph. 9441 eve. IMMTTTIT ATTP Pnimnnu A nice nnr a n. - - -. E?J2s?. 'iGiterteT. . 7 t-irm. 109e la BUS and school. 86300. , j i -one Mr. Gardner. - - . " .3210. v j SFT2CHA IAt-TORS T 3X1 OR-H HIGH --Thttt-t - T-.?E?TERS ATTENTION 1 ,m1,t Pessrt.. Buy this and ffrage. Good loeatwa. AU" fci Phin -Elmer- Amudio.' - ! 1 .1 BURT PIOTA VTlTw.i. 337 NORTH, mCHTREIT . Ph. -Elmer- AmiSSr ! J 'li 3210- 4 :; I T 3210 COOK STOVES. heatine dresBers, chairs, rockers. and daveno.' Good as new prewar. Mac's Bargain Place j 145 S. Church St tress. BY Buggy, practically new. Phone 6250. CHRISTMAS Trees. Road at Highland Ave. Fairgrounds! USE 1 1 WANT. To borrow 83000.00 to finance wnnrl rir-1 Hers iTr stttt timber and want money to buy. a truck and ret started cutting curing tne -next 30 days. Write Box 272. c-o Statesman. - Money to Loan . Auto Loans 4 Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING UCCHSI I M 9 i FARM and CITY LOANS 4,t and 5 FLOOR SANDER : for rent. m Sjomery Ward. ..-.n ' BURT1CHA. -aUT.TOt t 337 North High Street- 4 .GOOD Used Pianol ,H J StUtVr j ! : Wanted to Rent - i ; NEED larre tmfiTrnK 4 v, , ' able for subrenting. References! care l LI a. Li UI nnr . ..... . lease farm. Cash or share. Equipped or not. Box 277 Statesman. - WANTED: 2 or 3 bdrm. horn for re4 turned serviceman, who Is planning to r. ,r.' "rna about Cold Preparalicns , Liquid, Tablets. Salve. ; Nose) Drcgm i 4', and 5 I January 1st One child in th nu Your own terms or repayment with- j Please let us know if you trtBS to nave a house vacant at that time. Phone 9101. Adv. Dept . ELDERLY lady desperately la need if a 2-room apt: Phone linaa-t In reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages, CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phone 7162 LOANS Money for good ; real' estate loans Quick service and low Interest rates (band home from Eu Caution. Us Only a. Directdr, sTteAtnuus i sl & JE- SOU? Near HayesvT' wSS. ' -.. i . '"TMI3t3i -! - 3210 i j 'r ?Hlgh Street TWO NEAT .n. i.--- room hom one-bed- fioow. On, h.. - Hardwood Sf GaragGTngnSr Sff placement cost PrS Mnn.th,l V Leo N. Childs, Inc. j 344 sute St R-ALTORS nwa. floors ham iilZTi "T Can SS&tln Orabenhorst Brosl 9' 4 1 1 I " 1 Ml i s t . ne jsr-rf. ... . ... . T7" - -" .,. aafva) flai 4 & !--