The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 04, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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Th OSSGOII STATESMAll Calem, Orocjon, Tuesday Moraine. December 4. 19U
; ..... I
Hacked to 15 .
r! Practice Till on
Week'f Hoop Menu
. With hi "A" squad segregated
. down to a workable 13 aspirants.
Coach Harold Hauk last-night
opened the fourth week of bas
ketball drills for Salem high's Vi
kings. The squad will probably
engage in a number of practice
games this week if Hauk can line
lip competition. The season's open
ing game is due a week from
Friday night when Klamath Tails
comes to the Villa. ;
Although only 15 players are
now given most of the daily work
en the varsity, Hauk pointed out
g number of "B" squadmen, who
have been looking good In work
outs, ma be moved up to the
Varsity." " ;. "
The present Vik varsity lines
ftp as follows: Forwards Al Bel
linger, Kenny Alberts, Bill Hill,
Dick Mase, Jack Fitzmaurice and
Carlos Houck. Centers Rod Prov
ince, Bunny Mason, Marv Hiebert
end Don Belts. Guards Dick
fiendrie, Roger Dasch, Al Cham
berlain, Ken Gibson and Al Cem
anell. Msson, Hiebert and Dasch
have been hampered by illness
ind Injuries. j
" Hauk . reports the team la
aed of more spirited backboard
play, so may be shifted around
until a suitable center la found
for the important Job.
Go Tops Armory Mat Meet
Martinelli-Iipscomb Title
Bespangled all; the .way, right ; ated last week, when MarUnellL
from .Walt Aehia, the peoples' '
choice as referee, to the coast
Jonler heavy title belt equable
between, dynamic Angello alar-
tlnelli and j b e 1 1 1 n beltholder
Jack Lipscomb, Matchmaker El
ton Owen presents his I weekly
mayhem meeting tonight at the
Ferry Street Garden. Hostilities,
and there 'should be ample In
NI1 three efferings, are set for
. an t-J&9 o'clock shoveoff.
The battle for the belt origin-
rapidly becoming one of the top
fair-haired biceppers in the bos-'
mesa locally se merged winner, ef
the 8-man elimination tourna
ment to single, out an opponent
for the lantern-Jawed Lipscomb.
Next to perhaps no one in the
. circuit, Martinelli rates with the
customers as the most likely
gladiator' to bump biceps with
the mustachioed meanie champ.
The semlwmdup special, will
likely provide all the tempo
needed by the main go. Burly
Bucke Davidson, r g g e d and
rough likeable, tangles with
Ewdy Eufus Jones, the darkle
meanie In 'this one.' The; Jones
pate, given a good cracking in
his mix with Gray Mask ,here
two weeks ago, is said to be suf
ficiently healed to allow the ne
gro biggie to cut loose full scale.
Bowlegged Bucko is capable of
doing some cutting loose of his
own, as clients who saw him
win over the negro s few weeks
ago win remember. That was the
nlgbi both UartiBeEl and Da
vidson whipped with Jones,
Bucko coming through .with a
crowd-thrilling win in five tor
rid minutes after Jones had flat
tened Martinelli. ?
The opening event is strictly a
cleanlo vsJ meanie gathering.
Canadian Herb Parks, wrestler
do luxe, meets pudgy Earl Ma
lone, rassler de luxe, to start the
show;. .
There win be'ao hike ta ad
mission prices for the party.
Baseball Men
ROSE BOWLi BOUND: Ted TannehllL TJSC halfback, swings into a 5t-yard gallop after grabbing a AlVislt HI PPtltlC
short pass from Jerry Bowman against UCLA. Tan nehlll scored en the play to start Southern Gal's , !f I i i h
' una wm m K intii ma m wits jumwiu wuauarj a. luuia iwiiifl( ahuac Asnncaui as viacniuiea,
, bat ether defenders are Ernie Case (S). Tom As her (41), Al SparUs (M). (AP WlrepheU)
. " -
At Camp
Bosket Exam
Set Wednesday
I High ackoel basketball offi
cials win wade Into the annual
OH8AA examination again
Wednesday night at the high
school. Coach Harold Hauk an
nounced. A new method of ad
nunkteriag tho exam will be
gtveu starting at TSI n. as.'
Twenty-four preepeetive offl
etala were en hand for tho first
. meeting last week.
Scribes Unanimously Vote
: " t - -j-' -:; i" J ' i j-
Great Army Team Nation's
Best CoUege 11 For 1945
- j By Ted Meier. ; -. ..-
Rumorii my as Big, Salem Hi Sports Sponsbrins; i
Dads Uub Sets Foundation;
Membership to be Open to All
eleven in the country.
Following on tho heels of the
Cadets' 32-13 victory over' Navy
on Saturday to retain the mythi
cal national championship, all
the 116 scribes; participating
the final Associated Press weekly
poll put army first; Most of them
asserted the Cadets were in a class
by themselves. ' The Cadets thus
polled a perfect; 1160 points. I
i Tourney tattle: When credit is passed around to the gents who wavy"! line snowing against tne
stirred the local C of C animals into fighting for the retention of West Pointers after the first quar-
' NEW, YORK; Dect I.-VArmy. froat football team, unbeaten "yJTl
Uf " v 7! Wi UnniTUSLCld known to tho trade as the minors
by sports writers throughout the nation as tho best college eleven peatft vnm Wednesday,
'Pow-Wow Wednesday
i'--' By Sid Feder
COLUMBUS, p, Dec; t-OPh
BasebaU'g overworked rumor fac
tory put on a swing: shift today
churning out reports of all kinds
of ivory deals and loud whispers
of a move about to clip tho fame's L The Salem high school athletics supporting "Dads' Club? isnt
high commissioner of some of his to be a mirage after alL Seven pioneering fathers of Salem high
powers over the minors. athletes, terming themselves an organizing committee, met with SHS
Although the annual -conclave bigs Principal Harry Johnson. Gurnee Flesher and Tommy Drynan
at the high school last night and
z Motors Page
S Quintets Win
an V j- I
the lobby-sitters j advance guard
already was holding things down
so capably there j was no danger
I of the lobbies blowing away. And
these are some of the things they
were kicking around:
Football 'Man'
Race Narrows
began' mixing cement for the
club's foundation. Those meeting
with the nigh schoolers were John
Dasch, who acted as chairman, A.
B. Allison, G, W. Ross, N. S. Rog
ers, Bud Ready, R. T, -Johnson
and J. I Close.
DES MOINES, Dec. jJ-iflVThe n rtmum n within four weka
1. Tb xrrkfi maior-minoi' learue I search for football's "man of the i k.
XlZyZ?. JP-00??1 u? ?' I year," selected annually by the A11!eA r .ua m.
FormeP SalemS Sbine !H5 L.! 1 national -1 Football Writers association of gates to visit Klamath Falls,
eo tr' I ZZ"" r-" I Amenca, nas Deen narrowea to i MPdfnrH and firnnc in nuest of
in OO-IO fipop -Op for u amnet in th minors. - five men, Bert McGrade, secretary full .information on similar sup-
I " ' ' I iTho commiaaioner'i power to toss nf h nssoriatirm announced tf- I u
ltv.i:,.vj i . v.t i I nt i..i.Hnn h. ZZ.tAm . I OI WK Bssociauwi, iinnouncea w- i tvirtin nrranizatians in those cit-
ltion of West Pointers after the first quar- '"o1""7;". rtmentja to bWb.u:-one of th. ut. day. Three coaches and two playHies eir report wUl be used as
exclude ter brought the Middies sufficient i-Sl! uJif-J-. , have been nominated In the jSZZfS! ?wSrf2
their iUU prep basketball tournament, don't by I any means exclude ter brought the Middies sufficient " IT '1 SSf? J?2fS e have been nominated in the - mold or tCe local dub
Bruce WUliami. Tor week. Bruce busied hinielf with everything I cond Md third! pUa vates? to Pl The winneof The deTegaL ab'
done but didn't bother to do.
The stories emanating from the
OHSAA delegate assembly didn't
I admit as much, but Les Sparks,
! representing Willamette and' carry
; ing the local C of C plan on paper,
says the interest forwarded by
same C of C was quite instrumental
bi saving the tournament. Under
stand that Willamette" DID NOT
Invite the tournament for - 1946
simply because no one knows bet
ter than Willamette that handling
facilities are limited. But the dele
gate assembly would rather hold
k . .
The delegates will also return
mortnmM on W 11- I onm oi si amendments to oa cnewea I -j wiui npuim u uvsium
T " I ..M . .tlMM. Ka mm..mmaKm. .1 .OTVft S - l . VT I . - . . - . VI .1
. 7 . I inmoft tt' laat nfrh tw i "r. ; I'-r"'"" , i in nominees are woBca v. i in meaiora ana xuamau raus,
z Poinxs . v ... -d-ed oUt the UTeadTT to Twig? nhi S (Bo) McMillin, Indiana; Felix right from the grade schools on
Mintnn. th. orn-r. Z"?, S Blanchard, Army fullback, Col. up
tw 71 and then tha Woolens method- I ason. Added to th doxen which or-1 Earl (Red) Blaik, Army coach; Membership in the club will not
Herman Wedemeyer, St. Mary's be limited to fathers, but will be
from running down estimates on the costs of plywood flooring and edge Alabama's Rose Bowl-bound d""" 3??1JS ?.n& IJif .J I the award will be one of the fTve. I w:th rr
1 41- I 4 ..!.,- .).U - tT. . V l lt..m , Th I taKCU UH iWO EaUlCS UI1 mil- I J" 1 v" I . . I . " .1 T
interest in saving the classic for Salem and worked at it something Middies finished With
.i in- a .1 ,j : .. I 4 n.v... oo'
VWIr VUUUC KIVIOU SIIUUIU UVt J pm" i i ii in . . m AMIWUUI !.
?5rtiithrn Pjiiifnrnia i vnn
I place in the second ten With m , , " , j " J Tr lerated last season, this gives the na.
n a
:a . nr.-Ll l e- - ir-am ann uuiusir WU1DUCU lUCIHanal MMMiHm SI fnr turn 1IMS dm. I
. tt a,ro-lc1w1ul - . - - dUH. AddtaiW; the as- halfback, and Jimmie
one point, rated .mention, linai I -7" sociation's promotion director, said an- roach of St. Mary's
. , , , L, I were In th leaffua'a American dl- Ik. .4h ..'-n.l coacn 01 ou xviai
laniimiinn i titikx n am vmn' in i " - : i w - ' i A
Face -Potent Nayy
Outfit! Tonight
Fifteen members of too Wfllam-;
ette university basketball squad
wET journey to Camp Adair to-j
night to face the strong' Camp;
Adair naval hospital quintet in:
contest which will mark the
collegians' i initial cage debut of,
the 1945-48 season. The game la
called for o'clock In the field
house. The hospital team downed
Oregon State in a practice tut
recently. : i
In the naval hospital team: the
Bearcats will face a strong foe
composed of many former out
standing collegiate stars. Though1
Coach Les Sparks declines to
name a starting Willamette Cvo
until game itime, the most likely .
candidates for berths on the start--ing
quintet! are Courtney Jones,
center, Fred Graham and Iry
Miller, guards, and Marshall Bar
bour and Doug Olds or Dale Bates
at the forward posts. , j
First home appearance for tho
Bearcat hoopsters win be against
the tough Klamath Falls Marines
on Tuesday and Wednesday
nights, December 11 and 12. Tho
next game Ion the road will bo
in Portland . December IS when
the Willamette cagers engage
their traditional rivals, the Port
land university Pilots.
parenthesis. Points awarded on
basis of 10 for first, nine for sec-j
ond, etc): I
1. Army (118)
842. S. Alabama
1160. .2. Navy
832. 4. Indiana
720. 8. Oklahoma Aggies 851;
6. Michigan 378, 7. SL Mary's 220.
8. Pennsylvania ( 218. 9. Notre
Dame 217. 10. Texas 163. ': -.
Football Rules
NEW YORK, Dec. J.-(ff)-Tink.
the meet in Salem, asked Sparks
if WU would father it again in
1148. and was answered "yes." PRES. G. HERBERT SMITH
The chamber of commerce plan to remodel the fairgrounds hoss
arena to accommodate basketballing, senior grade, can be said to
have put the clincher on the retention, and possibly for all time despite
the fact that neighboring Portland plans on the construction of a
miniature but inviting Madison Square Garden. The chamber of
commerce found that amortization of the 810.000 it will costi tol-j. .v- kh i. ilYocum
produce the meet on the state grounds is out with the delegate gtMsoa .gain and the nation's col- FSESruIi ' J Ion tho stove."
JWWU. : I .1 . A 1
nauonai division oumts Xace lit oretty warm for December is the
second roundf action Wednesday
night. i league to move up: from AA to AAA
.Alttough former Oregon Duck SSSS5lA XZi
Lou Kotnik canned 16 markers for uk the prospect of .losing the oom-
the Mintmen, the V-8s came from Z?I?.2 f.J""1
i i. . . . or two toward stopping the advance,
a 13-10 half time disadvantage for jj t , , , ; r ,,
xne opening win. . oaiiey ana anei i t i i iv t
don hooped 11 apiece for the win- I aKllTia IN aHieS
' Frankie Page's 14 paced the for
mer Viks to their win with Mc
Rae close behind at 11. Bob Mc
Kee got nine, Scottie Sebem seven
ence Harris
Phelan, I open to all male citizens of the
Sugar Bowl I community, it was decided unani
mously. The group last night dis
cussed' the proposed building of
the new. high school athletic plant,
the encouragement of proposed
athletics in Salem's grade schools
and the moving of the state high
school basketball tournament from
Willamette university to the fair
grounds horse show pavilion. The
NEW YORK, ; Dec. 3-ff)-Doc men went on record as being un-
Blanchard, Army's powerful full- animously in support of all three
back, today was named winner oi I items.
the Hedsman memorial trophy as
the outstanding college football
player for 1945. He polled to-
Heisman Gup
To Blanchard
assembly. In other words, if Salem wants to j move the classic
th falrarminrfa. It'a nn tn Ralm in mt InrMt nn Mia nnai lt J. . Z7Z I ld5n i
- --- --- " rj - j twiTanni xneir nun tm mm isu vaiiv u
wrtmgn an ovar uiavycmrs ptan. - . Ir.nlnnfifUnl hWVh i ;S men
Work Should Start NOW on Uott Arena
to lege coaches are Joining the furU
YAKIMA, Dec. 3-P-Appoint
" 7 ' r.; a.; rC:: mnt of Spencer Harris, Coast tal of 860 points compared to 638
' " W... I , 1K.1J .I A I M A A- TA 1 I W -M M jm-
. jv. m.. .!... i-j i league quuieia veierHU s awaa- i ior ms leauuimte, uieon xjavis. i s t-j -
Bower six each. The winners led I . ,v-viL- xH HpIH 11PPCC
I a4 VI WAV ,A.n mm mu : aae ,aa I auc. actiimiihava vm, ; uiv vvuu( i j ffl r- T SI K 4VV
' i i .. . Jt nr.-a- , ta..a:i i ti. - .a
(SI) MINTMEN j 1 " v 1 v J i rauuu LjiiciutHuuu i itvi ouu x cuuuuic uuauvuw
(is) K.otniK I league was announcea loaay .ny i Aggies,-191; nerm weaemeyer 01
Harris formerly played for Phil-1 abama 132; Frank Dancewicz, No-
28-5 at halftime.
V. MOTOR (37f
111 Sweeney
(1) EJTurnidse
WOODBURN, Dec 3 Termed
"very successful" since it was pre
sented before a capacity throng
otor subs
version of legal blocking.
Proposed changes range all the sabern ill
way from freer use ot substitutes I tSff.i14Ai
Should the 1846 classic be carded as a five-day event (16 teams Ito moving the goal posts back on I Quackenbuah (0)
D. Turnldea 4
I '
lean league, Minneapolis ot the Ohio State 42; Pete Pihos, In-
(j) jj, Rawlins I Auivi'-1 navuiuvu! suiu . urn oiaua as.
1) C.
In it now, which makes additional playing days necessary) in Willanv the goal line, Tout the law requi- Mp a.u' " .ZhXmt I
tjiu, uuui uw uj yi ucu. linn im uif ixjMsiuuiij ui( uic xir- I in ouensiv f daockcts o Keep I nower
grounds cannot be conditioned in time for the March meeting. If their hands in1' contact with their ;Ofnciaj
such is the case, the delegate assembly has kehed the staging of bodies drew the most fire. I f T? vi r i
the meet in WU'i gjm. "The rule may be all right if x?ail8 V-llY JLOpS "
We have only to cite the fact that Tacoma la building a brand it la interpreted Icon-ecUy was a ir ,V. sfln'n
new baseball park, vowing same will be ready for Western Inter- common complaint while others JJlOIlmOUtll UlTll
nauonai league oaMoau puy m April, to assure tne cnamner tnat urged its complete elimination, es-l Turnvf nirrrT Wrmmmith mnH
If it gives with a furllned and forceful effort starting RIGHT NOW. Ipecially those mentors whoso boys Talis P!fvh(a4ia nnn1 (ho nawlv I
the fairgrounds can certainly be modeled to house the basketball came out of games with scram- formed Polk county hoop loop here
tournament In March. It can be done. j bled features due to clever use of Friday with a rousing game Falls
t Wouldn't it make for, an indelible Impression on the visiting forearms and elbows. Among the rstr ccanina? ahreurii in the final
wa n amaixu u wm now arena were rvaay.ana waiung to fscnoois axaung ciamicauon . were i period to win, 29-16 The winners
give off with the gosh dangdest, most glorious attenance . record Temple, Ohio State, Navy and AiM led 17-16 atHue end of the third
Officials Gil Ueser and Ken Slpe.
(S) Hoffert Seattle, Portland, San Diego and
c RiwiiS Hollywood In the Coast loop.
Plant Appoints
Rif rin arlarrrt git f.rttw
For Kings Point Five Jclgnt IraUier
ait "a a. t a. v - v. ' I i
eu.-i, ii-iaqi vsa aar-
xona state.
M.JL lM.BMJLKf3 X 1 CalUlVJL fawtelle (4)
For Trip East
frame and were paced by Center
Nisfs eight points.
le (4) I T .(0).IIom
oward (4) I C ! . - ( Nist
Partlow ( I a . 1) Wink
Udehoft ) I O (8) Wilson
rail City subs aeorinr Bowman 4.
Betel 4. Ofnciaia Crook and Bullion.1
twarftfig state prep hoop classic In all history 7 You bet it would.
Kmig k$ Fnc-Motinf Gt t DUut I
!' Voice-of the-people note for George Zmigh, Senators generalis
simo, penned in by one John J. Grogan, Newberg, Ore.: "Why, I
wUh to inquire, does George Xmigh want to spoil baseball at Geo.
K. Waters park by reducing tho size of the park to there'll be a lot
4 artificial home runs? A home run should be hit so far the hitter
la entitled to make the circuit. For example, I once say a third base- SI1ATTLX, Dee. Coach
wan named XJghtner (you may know the guy) "(Ed's note: Yep, we Hec Edmundsonl today named six
knew him, and thanks for the plug, Mr. Grogan) hit one over the University of Washington players
fence Just left of center. That, I asseverate, was a home. run. I make the trip east next week
' : "The field at present is one of the best Tve ever seen, with I tor the Do Paul; Invitational bas
r oom for clean hitting and basemen to take foul flies. Even on the I ketball I tournament in Chicago,
Vaughn street park in Portland.' which is more spacious than many, and said four more would bo se
ll's impossible to hit a three-bagger unless tho ball bounces off thelted later. He will leave for
fence. On Waters field aa it now is, baseball can be played as it's! Chicago Sunday to a c out the
supposed to be played. Why spoil it with a setup for grade-school I opening games of the tourney, his good houskzeping co. (i)
linghasa, 281 N. Capitol street,
Saleaa, a player for Coach
Frank Brown's Salem sdgh Bas
ketball .Fixings three seasons
back, ' has been named center
for the Kings Point Merchant
Marine academy taint of Long
bland, New York, aeeerdlnr to
a bnlletta received from that
organlatleaJ BarHwgkam Is a
cadet naieahipman there. The
, Petntert will play rack teams aa
Colgate, Frtnceten, YillanoTa,
City Cellego ot New York, New
York U, Long Island IV Beaten -college.
Navy and Maryland this
featuring Joe Kahut was held at
the high school gym Saturday
night Kahut capped the card with
an exhibition scrap with Heavy
weight Dave Johnson; Ralph Gru-
man was referee and Joe Water
man and ack Capri -were judges
for the show.
Results oL the 11 preliminary
Th fighter livine- in and I amateur Douts were:
around Salem who, are interested I wTSt. iV VoS: ni
In Promoter Harrr Plant's nrofes-1 132. TKO'd cliff Tuas. 140. in third
sional fistic revival will Ao their SeM
training under the watchful eye I decisioned Bill Andarson. us; Bui
of Sam Duncan, it wax announced SfAT 2
by Plant yesterday. Regular site Koaack. is, drew; -Martin Krupicka,
I ' 1 I 1 al , H mt aial a a iQ aTt i n n al t L j
of the training camp has not been jtTfST&S?,
ascertained yet ; i - Roy Diyden, ITO; -deeisloned Dick
Duncan, associated; as a trainer tyjfL. tt"lUD'Zc'i
at the YMCA, has bad consider-1 round: Jim fttcnon, MA, won battle
Miami Eleven
MIAMI. Tla- Dec. 3 -6Pr- A
scrappy University of Miami elev-
en that Jumped from past medioc- '
rity into the limelight as the -Cinderella?
team oi the south, was
chosen unanimously today to play
against the; Holy Cross Crusaders
in the Orange Bowl game Jan. 1.
Immediately a wild celebration
erupted in! downtown Miami and
on the university campus in near
by Coral Gables as word spread
that the hometowners had won tho
bid over the No. 2 choice, Louis
iana State university's Bayou
Tigers. ! i ' . . :j
It. will be Miami's first appear
ance in the Orange Bowl since tho
inaugural in 1935, when the Hur
ricanes lost to BuckneU 28-0. Fov '
Holy Croes, it will be the first
bcwl game of any kind. -
able experience as both a mana
ger, fighter and . trainer in the
I northwest He has fought exhibi
tions '" with ' Max Baer " and Lou
Nova and is angling for another
with Joe Louis in Portland De
cember 11." Duncan : has ' fought
such boys as Babe Hunt, Sonny
Boy Walker, Young Corbett III,
Chief White- and Georgia Garcia.
i royal of six blindfolded fighters.
Shaw Through
coring? Signed John J. Grogan.w i t j , Iteam and the University of Ore- ?;n2fB
sou an now iniuawa, ar, rjnign, ana Mt your conscience be I sua navmg urswn iirsi rounaijonea
your guide.
Friday a Dark Day for WW Dr. Smith,
i i t '
A book could probably be written on the depth' of the loss suf
fered by the local university when Spec Keene handed over, his
resignation to Dr. Smith, for parting with a gent. who has done so
much for a arho&l in 17 vmn la a hltta nlll Vi wnilH alt V,' mrA
dig through dusUovered files all day to. come up with -. Spec's forwr ' Hensen re-
TVsirlllinftf TeVtirgf sat WIT tiaXm 17 -S-mT Witf-4Ka-.e IfnnMaatftai 4K.w 1aan l-MWe
----- - - ww w aHwwa at -Maf sis-aai avaaasa moa a m taUOa IVOOt
T i Iat'si i..t pFAeMamr CtwfK enwa4 I eW Vim .al
avua urmm e? w m a ivMit UIUIIU BSUA44 Ik UU AAM UWU WUXUm. MJL ISTI VU
irrwiMliattv fnllnwln Snac'i fatal 4H I YiTatwl T m.Am I!mm-M
- -j s - - i i "u ucaus luuucu
i MatMs -McCluakey
159 109 114 7S
.146 ISO 157 4S3
.144 1SS 157439
.179 179 161 Sll
WOODBUJtlf (1)1,
At California
3' Church Loop
Presbyteiian downed First
Evangelical. 27-12, First Chris
tlan tipped First Baptkt, 88.28.
-and Salt Creek Baptist defeated
First Methodist,: 27-26, last
night as tho V church has
ketball learners hooped off an
other round. HUH individual
scoring f er the sesaion went to
both Si Sharpheckand B. Cam
mines of First Christian, both
with 12 n4ntsv "
i v. hi.
The Washington team will fol-
Iaw VaIvm navf JfrvrAm TVn 1ow.
.v. f--IKIITH BROWN CO. 1)
era named so far are Bob Jor-lpoweu -t , i us ior 4a
140 1U ' 1S7-A59
JTU SU SU 1483
Austin ,
Hicks .
Shore y
gensen nnd Bob Gill, guards; Rod
Gibbs, freshman center: Charles cushlna
Schaeif er and Gordon Naslund, su
.IM ttt 101495
.144 . 117 180431
.147 111 139399
Mi 1U ! 464
13 711 649 Mil
"It is very shocking to us at Willamette. Tho executive committee
CHICAGO, , Dec J-(ff)-Walter Ban
B. Parker 157 119 1S 403
Hendrle .. ,153 134 13S 433
Tallman i 134 131418
Welch ? - taa 17s 133479
..,,, j ,,13S 149 134463
Ui Juit okehed his return and salary and we were expecting him watTI TSf
' miwi. ou 13 a licit r nament that last hm Mn ij is-ircnner
l. . K a wl.h Vim vw vi- K...1 - I rae lwo ye1 lea I Buck
WJ9m A vnt " mm aM VVJ 9SMVEa0 Ulff IlVff UUOaUCSf .
139 tenpin stars after half of to-1 Kitzmnier
A successor? Says the president: -We are interested in not only 7. DuffuT
jv- 1 a ... v.. I- . -i aj.i w -H wA" I Rcalaa
vim v"" . . v"" uw a blocks, in the fifth annual
fpec was. we win take our time In ending that man. MeanwhUe, tourner. Ward collected imi nta.H Totals
-774 70S -731X303
, 3)
178 179 1S9-32S
.148 173 188509
J74 ; 108 17 515
JM 153 149463
U51 133 ISO 466
-811 80S 861 1478
fp.rk. (Leslie J.) will continue as director of Willamette athletic, T , ,701 mo axuSim CO. fl)
sni at coach."
And we're certain that everyone who knows Spec or what ho has
re for Willamette U will Join Dr. Smith in wishing him as much
a a i t . a.W -a B a W mar -
t fern m joining up wiu ijwuuj auoos partner n. aoapie.
RiillWiiiiier 7
PHIIaATDTtjPitia tw 2WJPV.
Ccsae to think of it Spec's resignation and the Bush pastuire j Bobby Ruffin, Astoria, L. L,' 'con
f ' J jd falling on the same . day musfve made the .WU prexy wish I tender . for national lixhtweixht
. 1 had stood bed Friday. Twasnt Friday th' 13th, either that is, honors, hammered his way to an TP
r t to sr.ycne but Dr. miA. Lone ray of light that day came when eight-round knockout over Santa Farming
.179 147 170493
.107 15S 173-S38
.149: 131 : 199499
.171 143 179493
-187 ' la 180483
Totals .
Stettler X-
M1 733 914 1350
? Crr AA decided to let Willamette keep the prep hoop tourney. IBucca,H Philadelphia, .tonit Inal White
rwist, 'rvti a, wintry criy in gaore ways than one. - : scheduled 10-round bout ' Totals
-153 131 118 413
.133 163 . 128-426
14S 173 178 497
.157 449 134436
U60 181:123 463
.793 814 788 2347
114 158 303-481
.im las 157-457 SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 2
ase lie isTl463 L. T. -Buck" Shaw, yniversity of
J75 U7 147-449 1 California's head football coach,
li9nSi38ilnde '1 official that he I
would sever connections witn the
3 Duncan
Totals 1.
its its 114-433 college game to make his debut as
.139 140 89368 1 a professional duo j coach next
jS ito 167483 yr- Shaw said he ; would hand
in his resignation, tap erst 01 the
-817 784 714 1313 1 tA vi. j .v.
1 J M .WWII, mtmm mmm -.i.
Oreson 70, Klamath Marines 44
Wisconsin 39. Rtpon 34
MinnesoU IS, S. DakoU St. 19
Kansas 43, Missouri . St. 2S .
Utah 43. Uaho So. Br. M
Pair iDeadlock
In GoK Meet
Lawrence (Monk) Alley and
Long Lloyd Davenport carved out
net 88s to tie for first place in tho
18-hole sweepstakes tournament ;
held by. the Men's club at Salem
J;olf course over the weekend. Al
ey shot a' gross 73 and used his
five -handicap. Davenport had
74 with a six handicap. :.
Leo Estey took second within
net . 69 after . carding a 72 with
lour cap: strokes.- Twenty -six
players finally got the SGC meets
back in swing after a aeige of poor '
weather, j ' ' - 1 .
r '-
Iilonnioutli Gals Win
MONMOUTH The Monmouth
high girls volleyball team downed
Falls City handily here Friday
24-14 and look forward to their
next game here Tuesday with
Salem; Bible Academy. . ,
Hoop Loop Meeting i
Managers and chuch officials for
the 1945-48 YMCA-sponsored Jun-,
ior Church basketball league wflT
meet , tonight at 8 o'clock at tho
Y to talk over the coming sea
son. " j .-;:.;.: ,
PORTLAND O. X. CX. (0) -
cnerrtngton .
J46 iss iS-434 1 Dw all America conference, pro i
-135 133 179-429 1 league, which starts operations I
J 170 174-413 Mxt faU'
.775 774 730 8369
of the San Francisco team of the
'inula s
mi.VMt uriTOR SALXS (31
Simons i sa iw t3
McCune : i 154 141 144-439
Lutx , , ,
Totala .
Dyle TKOs Jenkins
CLEVELAND, Dec 2.-rV-Jinv
?Sl ;4Sl3S my Dyle,. fastisintT. CaJWorniah,
.150 in ui'-iu ciouwa lonner u(aiwciii coin
5 "su "15 333 1 &on Jenkins all over tonight
to win wynnirai maocttam m xne
copbt sr. BADio ij ja m fourth round of 10-rounder.
TJuBUT ' - lgl 1B1 MO
Xellar 148 , 173487
-157 169 .144466
-157 13 137 486
Hoosman Loses Bout
i NEW YORK, Dec S.-Lan.
trv - Al TTw limn mff.Mi1 Vi f -a
Powell ? " im'im T 'iBo-Uii professional licking tonight after
-759 811 7tt19l
Byers .
-J" i!f-li? 23 victories as the veteran Lee
an iss -147-417 1 Savold of Faterson, N. J scored a
ass; m .133-4791 ten round dedslott over tho Los
,m 774 7n 35i i Angeles negro.
Before it starts rusting, from the rainy . wither
' :9 " 991111 U tooV we eta . r J
- . ! to prescrr the finish. " r
You tony hTt to- drive your present car quite t"whJle
Don3lis.:EZc!rQ Cliavrobl Co.
. 4S3 North maertial - ; "
- . i .
-fv. Wfat