The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 02, 1945, Page 7, Image 7

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T lsiting In Saiem are Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Goode andjson, Jonathan, who!
aro guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Goode and Mrs. Richard
Devlne. Mrs. Goode will be remembered as Lois Wilkes. Lt Goode has been I
stationed in Washington,, D. C, with the navy for the past si ; months. , He
served in the South Pacific over two years. The Goodes-'plan to make their! "'
home in Albany where ha will resume his law practice. (Kennel-Ellis photo)
.Tidbits 'of News
Mrs. Raymond Lamka (Georgina Clark) will leave Tuesday far San Francisco
to meet Lieutenant Commander Lamka, who is returning tothe states from Okih-i
awa. He has been in the South Pacific for the past 13 months a! captain of hi3
hip. . : -. .!'. 1 . t ;J ,-" I
Mrs. Dorothy Miller is leaving byj plane today fori Los I Angeles, where she
will remain for an extended stay. Enrou td south Mrs. Miller wiljj stop for a few
days in San Frandsco. j ;-."("' ; J ' , J
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jackson of SeattI e arrived in the capital Saturday to be the
weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Scellars. . The Jacksons formerly made their
home here. ..'!;.' ' ; j -: - .
Miss Greenbaum to Marry . !. . 4
Tuesday. December 4 has been set as the date for the marriage of Miss Irene
Greenbaum, daughter of Mrs. Eva M. jGreenbaum, to Mr. Albert pDepenbrock hi
Berkeley, Calif. The quiet ceremony will be perfo:med at the Greenbaum home
before, members' of the immediate family and a few close friends.!? J
, After the ceremony the Couple will leave for Berkeley where;, they wiU make
their home. Mr. Depenbrock has! arrived in the capital and is x guest at the
Greenbaum home. . I . I .' f
' I Miss Greenbaum Is a graduate of Salem high school and the University of
Oregon. She Is a member of Delta Zeta sorority. The past several years sho
has been teaching in Eugene Mr. Depenbrock, who was educated in Germany,
Is a machinist in Berkeley. j . -if ' - f
' i n'V
JVf rs. Neville' Challenger jdnd her three' year old son, Barry,.
"who recently came to Salem with Dr. Challenger from
Canada. Dr. Challenger is'a new member of; the medical skiff
at the Oregon State hospital; j Dr. and Mrs. Challenger met and
were married in London' in 1941', when he was a medical officer
with the British army and she a cypher officer with the British
air raid force. Their son was born just outside of London and
spent many nights of his first two years in air raid shelters!
The Challengers relumed taj Canada o: year ago. (Kennell-Eliiij
-... !
t ' V
.. .
MIm Aileen Hutchinson, daughter ol (he Rev. and Mrs; Robert Hutchinson,;
of Seattle,, formerly of Salem, whose engagement to Ensign Laban Richardi
Sleeves, USNR, of Salem, was announced this last week at the; Seattle homa;
ol her parents No date has been set for the wedding. Both Miss Hutchinson;
and her fiance attended Willamette university and are members of Beta Chi
end Stoma Tau respectively. The bride-to-be is now a senior at )he University"
ci Washington and her fianca is stationed in Seattle after ol year H sea duty.;
Homeward Bound .
: ' L -j l 'It
- U By Jeryme j English '
; Statesman! Society Editor
!' - j .
Co-eds attending schools in the - south
will be arriving in the capital next weekend to
spend the holidav with their families. Mills col
lege students will have the . longest vacation,
starting on December .7 and returning after the
New Year. ;' j ; j; ,
Miss Margie Cooley, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs.-Ralph H. Cooley, and Miss Georgia Rob
erts, daughter of MA land Mrs; Donald C Rob
erts, are leaving Oakland by plane Saturday,
arriving in Portland that evening! t The girls.
freshman at Mills college, will be. accompan
ied by two of their classmates, who will remain
for a week. 1" ' II !':' ' f .-- I
Mrs. Van Wieder; is driving south and will
be accompanied heme by her daughter. Miss
Carmen Campbell, d 'junior at Mills. Miss Joy
Randall, daughter cf. the L. E. Randalls, will
also be home In another -week from Mills,
where she is a sophomore. ' r
Miss Helen Shepard, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd E. Shepard, 'and Miss Anne Huston,
daughter of the Oliver B. Hustons, jrrill' arrive in
Salem on the 15th cf December from Palo Alio,
where they are studying at Inland Stanford.
Miss Shepard is a freshman and Miss'Huston
a junior. '.' I' . . f j
Miss Jane Walsh will arrive in mid-December
from San Mateo iunior college. - She is the
daughter pt Mr. ari'Mrs. Raymond Walsh."
From Pomona college will come Lois Barrick.
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. E Barrick. Nancy
Brown, daughter of ProL and Mrs. Earl T. Brown
and Rosemary Gaiser, daughter !.of Mr. and
Mrs. Silas Gaiser. f; j - i
To' Wed !in South ;
Southward bound, are two brides-elect who
will soon be married in jCalifornia. Miss Dor
othea Corey, defughter of Mr. ana. Mrs. H. H.
Corey, is entraining Wednesday night for San
' Francisco to meet hen ( fiance, Mr.- "Robert.; E.
Hoyt of PortlaEwi, sen of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hoyt
of Salem. ; ' ' . 1 ' -, '
Mr; Hoyt, a chief engineer in theUnited
States merchant marine, is expected to arrive
In the bay city from jthe' South Pacific on De
; cember 11. The couple's marriage will tako
: place shortlyiafter hisjarrival in thej states. Mies
Corey will be the guest of her sisters, Mrs.
Howard Adams and Miss Margaret Corey, un-
ui ner; weaaing. . r f
- .. 3. !
I Swan-Larson II
Miss Louise Larson, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl A. Larson,; has left for Vallejo, Calif.; '
where she will be married on December 7 to
Mr. Kenneth D. Syran, son of Mr. and Mrs. -William
Samuel Swan of Vallejo; ,
" The ceremony? will take place at the Epis-
j copal church in Valleio at ten o'clock in the
1 morning. Mr. and "Mrs. Raymond Liken, bfoth-
ler-in-law and sister of the groom; will attend :
: the couple. , . Miss Larson is a guest at the Liken
home until after her.marriage. The bride-elect .
has been employed by the Oregon state high- -.
; way commission heret Her fiancej was recent-
ly discharged after serving overseas with tha i "
1 41st division. .
; j
"i 'Vr--'-";-'-': :"-.3:,.-''-:".u;-V--"-' ' ; i.: r
elcomed as newcomers in the capital are Mr and Mrs. George El
! . mer Emich, jr. and daughter, Diane, who moved here recently from
Portland.; Mr. Emigh is the new business manager for the Salem. Sen
ators. Mrs. Emigh will be remembered as Dorothy White, daughter cf
Mrs. George A. White and the late Major General White. The Emighs
have taken a house en Chemeketa street. (Kennell-Ellis photo)..
Housewarming J For j Lidbecks .
A group of Dr. and MrsL William L Lidbeck's friends honored them with
a surprise housewarming party Saturday night at their new country place on
Battle Creek road.
i A no-host buffet supper wets served by the guests; with an informal even-
Ing following. The group presented the Lidbecks with a -gift toil their new
Jiorne. - ;'!' - --"Pi- ? U
' Honoring the couple were Dr. and Mrs. ;A. Terrence King, Dr.-and Mrs,
George Williamson, Dr. and Mrs. A; D. Woodmanseei Captain and Mrs. Ver4
den E. Hockett, Df. and .Mrs. Eruce Titus of Portland, Dr. and Mrs. Charles1
Campbell, Dr. and Mrs. Wilkrrd Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Olson, Mrs,'
Howard H. Barlow and Major-and Mrs. William Hugh! Adams. -I
Town Club to Resume
i Members of the young, married set are interested in the announcement
that the Town club will resume its series of winter dances this month. Since a"
majority of its members were in the armed forces no
the last two seasons. ; f .
! The first formal event for the club will be a dinner "dance In
.room of the Marion hotel on Saturday, December; 29.
has been engaged to play for the affair. Officers of the club are making plans'
for reorganization and cards will be In the mail this week to old and new mem
bers. Seventy-five couples will comprise the club's membership.
Idances have been held
"J i - J v
the Mirror
Claude Bird's orchestra
i '
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5 i
1 !
Miss Miriam fean Becke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl G. Becke, whose be
trothal to Ensign WilUam Robert Shinn. USNR, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
E. Shinn, was cmnounced Friday night at .the' traditional "cookie shine" at the
Pi Beta Phi house on the University of Oregon campus. N6 date has been set
for the wedding of the popular .young Salem couple. Ensign Shinn, who has
been home on leave, left Tuesday" for San Francisco to report for duty. (Ken-nell-Ellis
photo, ..Eugene). - . tai i --.--, v -'
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