The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 02, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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Ybo OBEGON STATESMAN Salem. Oregon. Sunday Morning, December 2. 1945
Four Corners Drainage Project
Proves Worth In Heavy Rains
I v ' -,:
Br MyrUe Stewart '. .
Special ComapoodenV Statesman
FOUR CORNERS A drainage project,: started last year, la now
nearly complete. In recent yean water bis gathered on the Doerfler
Nursery property and nearby lands up to State street and down to
Hudson avenue and on both aides of Eart Turner road.
Many homes have had several feet of water in the basement dur
ing the rainy season. Tile was put in under the pavement, and mora
! than 3000 yards of soil was mov
Stock Market
Hits 14-Year
Average Peak
. NEW YORK, Dec. 1 Led
by aircraft and specialties, the
stock market today hit a 14-year
average peak after its best week
since early 1912. I
Buying -was based mainly on
dividends, earnings, actual and
potential split-ups, the urge to
hedge-'against inflation and the
belief labor controversies would
be cleared up by the time excess
profits tax relief arrives In Jan
uary. .-
Air transports were . strong
from the opening. A lift in the
anthracite ceiling buoyed coal
J Issues. While scattered losses were
In evidence at the close, gains of
fractions to a point or more pre
dominated, with a few Issues up
around 11. Transfers of 1,220,000
sharps were the largest for a
short stretch since May 18, 1940.
They compared with 740,000 a
week ago. j
The Associated Press 60-stock
composite was up J of a point at
T3.9. a ton since Aorll 14. 1031.
I ' and for the six days showed a
net advance of 2.4 points, biggest
upturn since the period of Jan.
a, . '
Former Police
Grief Rancher
JftLVERTON Omar Harverson,
iorrner enter of police here is now
manager of a large stock ranch
ea Caldwell, Idaho. His broth
er, j Clarence Halverson lives her.
Mr. and Mrs. Axel Anderson
vlsted here Friday. At one time
they made Silverton. their" home
and l in recent years have been
livhig at Portland. -Anderson has
been in poor health for several
months. Mrs. Anderson fa a foo
ter) lister of L. II. Meyer.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roth of
Alliance, Neb, are guests of the
Osar Saterns. Mrs. Satern for
inefr, lived at Alliance. The Roths
plan to settle in the west if they
. canj una aesirable living quarters
edV much of it from the railroad
fight of way, and used to fill in
the low spots. . "
.The railroad still has some
drain, tile to move which will take
care of the water : which still
gathers In tome spots.:
A deep ditch was put fn on
East Turner road, and during this
last spell of heavy rain this ditch
was full of water which normally
would have been In yards and
gardens; j -.
Frank Doerfler, who is respon
sible for this project, estimates
that the cost will be $1500. '
Stocks, and Bonds
1 December 1 -' ' f . i
itoct AvuiAcrs ;
- . 3i is ii i et
" " - Indus fUila Ctil Stk
Saturday 1 48 BJJ 75.S
Prvrtoua 3ajr . MJ 48 1 SU 73J
Wk ago M.t 4AM 50 S 73.8
Month ao S7.S ,44a MJ 73 J
Year a to 7 9 S0J US 55 8
1S4 hlJ Se.T 483 J 63S
14S low 5SjB tU SJI S7J
Wtw IMS hl( lis. - 5 i
BONO AVXBACrS - ' - - - ' '
. t is it ia i is
Ba Indus Ctil Too
Saturday O-i-tM.S 104 197.S i. TS.l
Vnrlou day .102 J 103 9 m.T 78 J
Wlt ao 102.1 103a 107.tfT
Month aso 101J 103.1 10SJ 173.S
Laar are MA 109 A Ml' 68 J
Ilayesville Resident j
Recovering in Seattle !
HAYESVUJLE Word has been
received that W. A. McMfflian, a
resident of this district. for manv
years, is recovering following two
major surgical operations in. a Se
attle hospital the middle of No
vember. He is now at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. Roy Marken
in Seattle. .:j ; j j
Quotations at Portland
Cortland Produce
PORTLAND, Or... Dee. 1 (API
Butter AA printa Sl-91Vae; cartons
U-52',ic; R srada prints 50',-51c; car
ton 5Hi-5Jc; B grade prints 50-51C
Butterfat First quality, maximum
of .8 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered
in Portland 82-USac; premium qual
ity, maximum of JS of 1 per cent
acidity 8J-&3 Vac: valley routes and
country poinU Sa leas titan first or
50-30 ',ic
Cheeae gaSlnf prtoa to Portland
retailers: Oregon triplets 29.SSc; loaf
SS 5c; triplets to wholesaler zSJc;
loaf 2S.Sc lb. delivered.
Eggs to retailers: AA grade larr
sic; A larr 50c; A medium fric;
small (pullet) 48c.
Dressed meats Veal AA tHie;
A SIV4C. B lS-lSttc! C 17-17c: euli
14-lSe lb. Hor. fancy, block 20e lb.
Lambs AA 16c; A J4Vc; B 22V,c; C
2oc. Mutton fancy A 13c; M 12c: B
grade S-lOc. Beef AA 21c: A 2Mic;
B 18c; C 1Sm; canner and cutter
U-c; canner and cutter bulls 14c.
Live poultry Chickens, buying
rice of wholesaler!: Broilers to
lbs. 23c; I to ZVt lbs. 23c: roasters
over 3'i lbs. 2Sc; colored hens 23c;
Leghorn hens 18c; roosters, stags, 12c.
RabbllU Government celling: Ave
rage country killed to retailer 44c;
live price to producers 22-24c lb.
Turkey Basic buying prices,
dressed! basis: Hens 34.2c; toms 31 Oc;
for torn, net at iarms.
Dressed turkeys Packers' selling
Srice to retailers: Hens 40-41c; toms
J-37c lb. m
Onions Oregon dry No. X, 2.40
S.45 501 lb. sack; green Me dozen
Potatoes Deschutes Gems, 100s,
120; 23 lb. sack 85c
Portland Livestock
PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 1 (AP)
(USDA Salable cattle for week 244;
cslves 409, compared week ago med
ium good steers and heifers 25-60 high
er, cows strong with canner and cut
ters sharply above last week's low time.
Calves and bulls unchanged, bulk medium-good
steers 14.00-16.75; two loads
17.00 and 1725: common steers 11 00
13 25, stackers and Seeder mostly 11.00
1325; common-medium heifers - 9 50
14.00; few good hellers 14.50-15.50; cut
trs down to 7.50; medium-good beef
cows 10.00-12.50; canners cutters 8.50
7.50; shells down to 4 00; medium-good
muh hulls 9 00-11 00; good heef bulls
11.50-22.00. tui beati 1v 32.50; itcod-
choice Vealars 13JO-14.00. few above
grass caives mostly 13JW dwon. -
- Salable hogs for week S20: undhang-
d but demand leas urgent; barrow
ana guts all weights 15.80; sows 13.05;
sUgs 14JO-13.0J with 70 lb. dock, ex
treme weights i down to 1100; good
choice feeder pigs up to ISM: medium-good
under 70 lba U JO-IS.SA. ;
SaUbla sheep for week 1701; fat
Iambs 50 and more higher under forc
ed market, ewes 23 to 80 up: good-
yuuc imiuua uwa; iat, carry sales
13.75-14.00; medium-good 120-13.75;
Common 11.00-11.00: culls down talM-
good slaughter ewes I.75-SJ5; culls
Portland Grain
PORTLAND, Ore, Dee. 1 (AP
v f" oi: aon wnite XJOla;
soft white excluding Rex) 13U;
WhlU club V63)i; western red 1 jStfc
Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.63UM0
ZZlSlH 11 P ct 186; u per
cent l.SS. . . if ; - 1 ..
Hard, whit ririn ('.
1 ,P7 cent 1 W; U -per cent IjMM
per cent 1.70. f ,
t Tt" c,r lipts! Wheat 403 bar-
las. 9 in 41. a . .1
s, 4ww ai( oau 11 xniiueeai 5.
Strong; Rye
Turns Dom
CHICAGO, Dee, 1 -r Bye
futures climbed around S cents a
bushel at the start today and
men slumped , sharply m late
trade on bearish, interpretation of
new price regulations for
JM crop rja.
Wheat and oats were strong,
with wheat burins? attrlbirtMl tn
cash and milling Interests and in
fluenced by ; an increase of 1
cents a bushel in- the government
subsidy to millers for wheat
ground in December.
Wheat closed unchanged to
higher than ' the previous finish,
December $L80tt ceiling, corn
was unchanged at $1.18- ceil
ings, oats were unchanged to 4k
up, December 75, rye was , 2 y
cents lower to higher, Decem
ber Sl.84-1.83. and harler mn
unchanged to off, December
si.zztt. I
Hot Lunches
XT 1 i i
Of. Discuss
- FOUR CORNERS. Dec 1 -f Soa-
cial)- Eleanor Trindle. assistant
home . demonstrattoa agent,' will
u vv uit oicuj scnooi cnuaren
Tuesday on the benefits of hot
school : lunches. Mothers ; of the
children- art invited to attend.
: lira.' Rest Nlchoisoo,' Mrs. Henry1
Hanson. Mrs. Irvin Sunderlln and
Mrs. Warren Shraka spent Wed-'
nesday tn Portland shopping.-.
:L.."Jv Stewart is- confmedTTjto
tus,lvoan.wth tha flu.
i- Bgt. and "Mrs.. Robert Moe ol
Silverton visited his cousins,-Mr
and Mrs. Henry Hanson, here
Mra, Lawrence Shrake has re-
Phone 6859 y
For "Pels Sake" Look!
Plant- I
Tropical Fish
i Small Deposit Will Hold Gift Tul Christmas
J ( Ringland's Pel Shop
so4 rrrrf Between Liberty A Hlfh
Singing Canarie3
Finches j
- I
' $
I -t
I . I
j i
- 'i - j i a i
Tlhie (OiniDiiedl : Sfisfies
' ' I ' ' ' I !''-'! . I- ih' I
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turned from St. Paul, Minn,
where she was called by the tra
gic death of her sister, Mrs: Earl
Morrow, who burned to death
when her housecoat caught fire.
Mrs. Shrake brought young Joe
Morrow her 11 months old nep
hew, home, with her. He will
make his home at the Shrake.
'"'f-t Jt
11: 4;i
iti - ''U" 32; i
' j. - - - ! 1 : I
" ij''- in". '!"iw)ii.'-'.w u ii.. iniwums !
- . - . I ssa . . 'aL - r w:rsr - 1
M WH"1 'WW ' jit"'
m 1 ' . - . ..
. AXibt a practical gift 5 lasting entl
a ! Ctv somtthina for th homt
3-VAY FL003
i ... - 4 r r
IAT.1P e e ' A VALUT3
CV20LV sAlaasV
.! Eova your tyest This lamp gives
cH the light you need; 1 00. 200
of 3 wafts , ; . has whit reflec
tor bowf to spread light evenly
Bronze finish. Handsome 19-hdt
rayon shad indvded.
-a mam. A i
Legs spread srMe to prevent
Kpplng. Adfrtoid troy orxi foot-;
'rest Sturdy I Roomyl
Soft, fluffy cut p&m on pre-shrunk
bocks! fosfeli and Whitel Wase-
bie! DurobUI Buy for s'irhl
DinSTTE . . . SAVE!
A spot of summer In your Dinette
i . this 5-pc set in Oak and
Mahogany with marquetry trim!
34x48-in. table opens to 56 tn.'
Solid oak chain have seats up
holstered in red artificial leather.
,.nj.m.ii.i n. .-
Strong, ctaar-eolor yarntl lUvarst
bltl Practical rugs for badroorns
and hallways! 24Mi4S" i!t.
20 Down!
1 Toko tt easy fat this comfortable
j platform rocker! Spring-filled seat
i and back phrs gentle rocking ac- ,
; j tion Insure utmost relaxation! .
Hardwood frame upholstered In
i good-looking durable fabric
1 1 Smmn i iiBKJfasa.waafetfa.
MAT SET.;.; 1.59
jTWck, vetvety p3 on heavy cot
ton bocld. Luscious cofool Wef
iarade ... and washable! See hi
V i
The q jick i i . the easy i the
economical way to brighten your
home! Add a mirror or two and
your room wffl seem larger, more
colorful Instantly. These are oB
Plata Glass . Vol VaH pricedl
i ' ' . - ! "
1 ''"
i ii Hiii li m rassi ssir 'h Till asafffr ...
t -f
- ai.gWvWesas)sg5rt
i '." teody! beari '.''53$.
III S .at.. - J.1
giossy coot or vtrgas wed nsl
ewholr phajhl At Words NOW! '
Kortte -f-Rockabob'
Fun for babyl tlmaig for ksjsy
flBQlMfil oVlM loWf vW
' Mnt tipping CoinfortoblB) . SMtf '
"sssa sr si ai i a sj i i
asj i . . Jr a, - . aTN I v 1 II
L J 'i' ". , " ...-4
..v . .',K-.-:-f.- ;f--: - ...;f -
Stop wondering about liat to get for (he eMIdren!
Come straight to Wards where you can do all vm,
shopping fa one tripYou can't help but find the right
EDUCATIONAL! S-KEY . - . ' ? most problem child. We still have a
XYLOPHONES . 95 r V, " - - g coHwtion of toy. ayaiUble u the prices
Glass keys, run,' end easy far : Want 1 ?? And remember . . . you can buy tovs
marea to Mam. wood asoaats, - ; - u narus convenient Payment Plan I
iusic owe iwwvciion book. t--
I -
ia Tiny ToT
Ressovabla pegs and rings what
s tot puns toy. AM weed, tiers.
I A II For Fun I '
5fluCanl : r
I " x Eingo -
riasSc f
May Amy
Tough, Oghtwajghfl Affkntablel
Cosseullaged wMi aet i add
wevss for rsolkfk bortf pteyl
fess fcriojMfy paMed HnUsi
I Hars-03 , j
. aWwtlitgj i ?
, -" 1
H the down, wetdi Usa splnl
aots on and
"8 at parnesl 75 coSng
120 targs
i ; ilmtrvcKoml
PMk of horseshoe for In
oen, 2 soft robber rings and
; r '
I n
Wood Stool
Total - :1
Mopla finished chair or'stapstooU
I If Ml.t il I -1 " 1
'S?- I 1- -!
Car, are datoaSoble'i fl tots can
' aojoy real frelsRI yard f wUi
tttis handsome wooden toyt '
. 1 - ' .'!-; .A- If, I
raiiivffji? wimT
r i