The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 02, 1945, Page 2, Image 2

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I :1 - -;)!.ViN,- jh !!
Sunday Morning, Dtrtmhw 2. 1945
Bill Proposes
ToUp Gtys
Fee Income
3 ""- "
- ... . fc. j - ..
(AP Feature)
The ruffed tunDlicitr and
charm of the ranch house which
had it origin in the southwest is
The city ef Salem's license In
come wlJl be increased by, ap
proximately $12,667.15 if bill, to
license : many Salem ' -activities
and increase the fees of others
, already taxed, is finally approved
by the city council. . J
The bill will be introduced ! at
Monday night's council meeting
by the ' new license committee,
composed of Aldermen Ed Acklin,
chairman, David 0Hara ' and
Howard ilanle. -" '
Some controversy is expected likely to find wide acceotance in
tn Amrmnn Ytmtnrm . thm kill n I Hiiilriin a v W W
ceives its final consideration as I Schumacher (Petroleum building.
most or we increases proposed j uauanoma utj),r wno designed
are so snarpiy upward. A total oil wis one.
17945 is exneried ta ha derived I His nil
from activities now paying noth-lcle floor spaciousness for six-
ins ana increases on inose airea- room suouroan i jiome. rne rea
dy licensed amount to $4722.15. brown roof covered, with asphalt J
Receipts Irom licenses now are sningies xor extra nre protection
mam . I I V I 1 1 : l x ; 'a mi a
uigiuignia uie exienor,. i oe sruray
chimney ; and low configuration
give an appearance of solid com
fort v. i
The three bedroom - two ' bath
arrangement separates the-sleeo
ing area from the livine area. The
combination living room and din
ing area has an overall length of
38 feet and is 14 feet wide. t
The kitchen includes a built-in
breakfast nook witha " circular
New items on the bill and the
mounts they will pay annually
re: '" 's
Three ambulance, at $SS each. $7S.
Thri imuwiMnl device distribu
tors. S-TOO each. S900. .i
Tthlrty penny machinea at $13 each,
$410. I '
Thirty music machines at $50 each,
$ivx. (
Thirty-five miscellaneous device at
$71 each. S2625. I
Eleven hotel, dining rooma, restaur
antt. etc.. having rsoacitjr of lew than
20, at $20 each. $220. I
Thirtythree of Mine with capacity
ever 20. at $50 each. $1850. I
Sixty grocery (tores, delicatessen,
etc . at $5 each. $300. i
Five wholesale groceries, candy
tores, slaughter houses, packing plants,
etc . at S25 each. $115.
One penny arcade, $50. .1 .
Total 7SS. . - ,l!
Increases- proposed hi present li
censes: I
Auctioneers, Increased from $100 to
,00. .
Auto wrecking and Junk shops, from
$10 to $50.
Billiard and. oool halls. Sift ta SIS.
Bowling alleys; from $35 per Place
tand Trial
1 font rtmrnm 4kL. -
to $25. for each additional table from
HMD eacn.-
One-nne nrruset front $M to $79;
two-ring from $75 to $100; three-ring
from '$100 to $125.
Dinee. nails, for one and for three
month unchanged at $10 and $30. but
for six months increased from $45 to
Pawnbrokers from $50 to $250 '
- Rooming houses and hotels, 20c per
living unit tn Hi
Apartments, 25c per living unit to
koft drink: places It U $$.
Shooting pallenss $25 to $50.
Tastcab $u to tM.
Tetal taevease 0472Z.IS.
Youth in Hospital
Here With Bullet V
In His Lreft Le
William H u n t e r. ol. West
"Stayton, was Isi the Salem peft-
coness Botpital with bullet in
bis left leg today. He -was shot at
Stayton yesterday afternoon. A
Henry Smith, StayM tovi
tnarsnai said . Hunter eacapOd
when the, marshal was taklas! bfm
Into custody ( laiayion Friday
IllC aiui.inate.MOiArM nred
when Huntejv re-appeared in
Stayton SaJrday.'ifnd gain ran
after huslfng. words at Smith.
HunVer, - ouoVed aa .-saying
he rfias ,ht .when he alighted
from -his) car, at Stayioa and
didn't,' -understand '. what Smith
said' to him.
So far aa could b. learned, no
Hess Held Fit
AT 1
NUERNBERG. Dec. l-4l-Ru-
dolf Hess, f self-confessed amnesia
faker, was ruled fit to stand trial
today, and then listened intent
ly as defense attorneys failed to
break down a German tor chief.
tain's- testimony linking: some of
hi$ co-defendants with the wont
horrors of nazism.
Attorneys for Field Marshal
Wilhelm Keitel, Hermann Goer-
ing, and Joachim Von Ribben-.
trop sought to upset the story
told by Mai. Gen. Erwin Lahou.
sen, former offioe r of the German
counter-intelligence, who declar
ed that Hitler and the entire Ger
man ; high command were to
blame for atrocities on the east
ern front.
5 charges -were filed.
Dinner Honors
Ilenry Crawforcl
Members' of' the Msrion-Poik-Yamhill
County -Asaocitio " of
fiMimasiers were- guests et.-dio-ner
Saturday night' at the biiefle
in honor of Mr. and Mea. Henry
K. Crawford. C. L. Kromef. su
perintendent of the Portland post
office, was the speaker.
crawiera. wno recently re
signed as Salem postmaster, was
given honorary membership in
the association and presented with
gifts by Dr.Georre Larkin of
New berg. Mrs. Grace Nebert uf
atiyloii also preaentetl Mrs.
Crawford with a gift
Air. ana Mrs. Crawford are
leaving today for PHoenix, Ariz
for a moath's stay.
hues iauu tooatv
Rep. William D. Uoahanv
Georgia, who spoke -to a. large
crowd at the high echoel last night
under the auinicaa aa tb rvnuth
Center, will give three Ulka let the
First Evangelical church today a
the morning service. t a
citixenshin rsllv at 1 nai ImI kt
- . T I ac
the evening service. His topic at parliament
mgni wui do -Modern Philoso
phers and Real ThlnkeOr '
rfticx emmois orr ' ! ' 1
Sustention; of Mice cantrala em
bowling, billiards and pool was an-
nacneed today by the district OPA
Dr. 17. C. Jaclissaj
Natvrepathle PhysicUa :
Improved method of treatment
for chTonic cattarrh and ainua
si lis. Many obscure' cases of
digrUv disturbances; toxic
conditions, arthritis, etc .are
now traced to trouble m the
upper air passages, due to
wallowing muco-pus dischar
ges, or 'idlrect absorption into
the system, of the toxic prod
ucts of sinus infection. These
patients show marked im
provement, often 'the very first
treatment, and rapidly recover
from ail secondary symptoms,
as the primary cause is cleared
Office $71 Breys Are.
For Appointment, Fboote $82$
I. v'V ' I
' ... - w. A.' a- A . r rssssBsMsaBMaBWs. I
jo&JeL.-U.-a::r: "'-' . v .. H '. Hf I
; T anon j Li ,
i ! I -o-. ta & i 'UViss stoost J '"to aaoMn
I ' " T fitP a)B.oM'l
".. ; -1. J.. .5CALS ra JfONB foot. j
seat There s a large recreation
room in the basement which runs
the length of; the living and din
ing; area. There .is also space for
the heating unit and laundry, The
screened porch off the 1 i rJLz
room, reached through , -sliding
glass doors, f faces the i flagstone
patio. I- ' ' - . 'a.-cI- 1 1
The house is 80 feet overall and
calls for at, least a 100-foot site.
It Is planned to face either west
or east, thus placing the bedrooms
in the south! Exclusive of land.
the cost : jsl estimated at $12,000
including'! heating plant and all
built-in . pictures. .
V.HVU iHUUlUfUli ' j i I 2."
.'Approval pt 21 apprenticeships GoUlltV VV OrlT
of .veterans vndV one. for, a higii Ti 'J
Find Glue
. r
PORTLAND. Ore"TJec,M-fi-r
Search for a navyVentura plane
with six men aboard, since yes
terday failed to locate any trace
or the plane or Ha crew, army air
base officials -said tonight
' Meanwhile, three army airmen
are still unaccounted for in the
timbered wilderness east of Coos
Bay tonight
A party trying to hack a trail
to reach four men located in the
forest . but not rescued was ex
pected to be at the airmen's shel
ter camp by tomorrow. '
Fiv of the twelve men aboard
the aircraft when it disappeared
over the Oregon coast monday
were rescued earlier.
The navy plane disappeared
yesterday an hour after leaving
Portland for Red Bluff, Calif.
Bevin Would
Put War Up to
Common Man
"I !-.
LONDON. Dec. 1 -)- Foreign
secretary Ernest Bevin suggested
in an address tonight that the
"common man" be allowed to
vote in -a "world paTii$ment on
whether he wanted to go to war.
. Bevin said delegate, to the
United Nations organization will
fail to "complete their duty" un
less they devote themselves "to
the further task of creating the
right of the peoples of the world
to elect their own representa
tives and send -them la wnrM
school ; senior was . announced on
Saturday by the Salem tpprent
ship council- Approval, was given
following a meeting at the school
administration!; pf f ices Thursday
night I'..;. - . - - ; -
Car banter apprentices approved
were: Chelae S. Johnson. Albert T.
Pats, Milo D. tnotv. Louis p. Wsrner.
Raymond E. Pterpont. Richard N. &eU
berf. WUlis Kt HU1, Austin T. Davis,
Leo J. Stnruch all apprenticed to Local
1085 carpenters and joiners, and Oliver
Seymour and William Kayton. appren
ticed to Plank: Ax Anderson of Wood
bum. Oregon. I.
Apprenticeships were also approved
for Amos E. Mlneman of the Capital
Journal as a1!, stereotype printer, to
local No. 4S. Portland. Robert. P. Ohl
sen and Hirain T. Amick. typesetters,
to local No. i 110, Salem; Raymond
Beard., meateutter, and Arthur L.
Thomas, butcher to Robert Cannon;
Glenn C. Moody, plumber to J. K.
Par ii winter; Oetus A. Boedlgheimer.
auto mechanic to Bonesteele - Sales;
I Anlbal: Ceoree R. n.rhr,.r .-
eteetrleUn. to Roy Van Ottincham:
Charles L. Wakeiield. draftsman to
maker, to R. W. frost; Weir'r. Bald
win., jr. appliance repairman, to Vine
Electric Co.: Jack R. Carr. auto me
chanic, to W.jJL. Anderson Inc.; John
W. Busk, radio repairman, to Ray
Moore; Keith S. Kaye, radio reoair.
rAan, and Donald E. Clark, radio i re
pairman, to Keider Radio Co. i
Clark In a senior in Salem high school
ana dIslim a Mw.r In ..Hi. - -
Ins. All veteran mircntlpM
ble to receive GI subsistence. i
Vocational training memoranda ' for
Maxine K. Toevs and Leona M. Mey-
r puracs i atoea 10 me ueacottess
hospiial Was approved.
ine counril dbiruaaMl tha anMi
tion of .setting up additioo4lre-:
lated traiarf&g classes for ,tbefi-
number of
The common man 'will not to
w -war, the foreign secretary
said, "if he is given the-chance
to determine the 'issue.'
in the Salem area, including cr
penary, watch repairing and elec
were , ttarry a. Johnson vin
- - r e - a "
Chairman, Elmer H. Halstead, sec
retary, William J. Entress and
H. E. Barker representatives of
labor a rut Mnnm 53 rKlr
Harry L. Scott representing Em
ployers. Lee Eyerley, alternate
member, also attended the meet-
in, i i :'. : ii ! 'J--
Juvenile Court
Takes fCustody:
Of Four Youths M
Four 'teen-age Indian boys all
from the Chemawa Indian school.
were released to the juvenile
court Saturday on charges of lar
ceny of an automobile, belonging
Heltzel, 70 S. High
'.Tha youths, who were captured
rtesur iRickreall . after abandoning
tnw car at , jjaiias, loia oiiicers
that they took the ear, irom-tte
100 block on N. Cottase st Fri-x
day night, with the intention of
returning it fter short ride.
NeaT Dallas, they met . with
slight accident and left the car
there.-. ? :
EUGENE,! Ore, Dec. 1-ivAD.
newspapers in the sUte nave beert
tnvited to en4 represen,ta ves to
the Oregon Iptess conference -iiere
reb. and V . r
Expense Scale
M- - S - ; ' . '
Set for Official
l? RavmentsGo
Up 63 Per Cent
Payments for i unemolovment
benefits for the .month of No
vember went up to $.712,087, Ore
gon unemployment compensation
officials! announced Saturday.
pointing jout that this total has
;tnly beeii exceeded tour times in
tfre rornmissloh's eight-year his
tory. Payments in March. Anril
and May, 1838, and March, 1940,
were higher amounts. -
The amount! was a 63 ner cent
increase over October, when 43fl.-
037 was paid to workers. Read
justment j allowance; granted to
out-of-wbrk yeterans went up
3B2 percent oyer last month.
f veterans readjustment allow
ances, which j are paid by the
state compensation! commission
under agreement with the- fed
era! government, amounted to
$133,576 last month f against $36,-
906 for October. November's to
tal does not include $13,871 paid
to self-employed veterans who
failed to make $100: a month. All
veterans) payments are made un
der the CI bill of rights.
With; Unemployment payments
under both laws increasing from
12,000 the week ended November
24 to approximately 18.500 last
Veek, officials expect December's
total to go over the; million mark
and possibly to exceed the high
if $1,117,556 set in I March. 1938.
New claims for the 1946 benefit
year will be taken at all employ
ment offices beginning December
10, but no payments will be made
on these claims until after Jan
uary L - - .
Modifying an order of March
4,v 1843, Marion county court Sat
urday established a new series of
"ceilings" oh expense accounts for
county officers and. deputies
Under the order, a maximum
of $3 a day for hotels is per
tn 1 Itsx! wfln ci i rH nM-enn at ta v a
official business in Portland. As
toria, Bend, Pendleton,, Klamath
Falls, Medford, Corvallis, ! Hood
River. Baker. Tillamook. North
Bend, Burns, LaGrande, Florence,
Princville, Gearhart, Gold Beach
or Walla Walla. A maximum of
$2.75 is allowed in Eugene, and
$2.50 In an other cities.: ;
Outside Marion coiinty and
Portland, meal allowances ' are
09 n n il; in TXn41n' .
Individual meals outside of Port
land: 50 cents for krekfet 7S
cents for lunch and 'K 15 for din
ner; inside PortlaadT 65 cents for
breakfast, 85 cants for lunch and
For iHome of
Peace Confab i
- LONDON Dec. l-(-Eiht
American deleeations anrjeared
beforeTjnited 'Nations subcom-
world Deace brraniza4jon
The delegation, heard in alpha
c -
oan crancisco. v
Bids from 16 other cornmuni
ties were submitted by letters. ;
the MiU City Bowling Alleys
Mill City. 3 was fined 1100 ianrl
costs by Justice of the Peace Joe j
Felton. shortly', before-- mkmight
Saturday on charge of maintin
ing and operating a slot machine
The machine was ordered destroy-
ea. a so-'jau sentence was sus
pended and Knapp, who pleaded
guilty, was placed on prpbation
for one-year. He was brought to
Salem by Sheriff Denver Youngi
Hearings Set
1 o AJonsider
111 ' l : 1
Three i hearings have been set
by the county; court to determine
whichl roads have the greatest
heed for oiling, members Of the
court saaa 2aturaay. Appiicauons
have been received for 142 miles
of new oiling, but money is avail
able for only
flared. ,
Pips nt ihm
- r- -
21 miles, they de-
New Garage in
Is Aimoiinccd
Br Myrtle lUtvart
Special Correiponoenl. the ialeeman
FOUR CORNERS. De f.Vfltna.
cial)- Leonard W. Rust, original
ly from Springfield, and llsrold
a. uougias from Tillamook, have
opened new garsge on East
State Jtreet where the Slentx Feed
and Seed store was formerly lo
1. They plan to do general repair
ing, body and fender work and
welding. They believe there Is a
wonderful opportunity for sue.
cessful business at Four Coqwfil
and already have a. great deal of
work lined up.
This work is not new to either
man, as each has done repair
work for years. Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas have found an apart
ment on route six, but the Rust
family Is still living in Salem un
til they can find a place in this
community. I
Frank Doerfler and his son have
recently put into j use new
hearinara ia t fnr
December 6 at 10 ajn. When
roads petitioned for in the area
north ; 0f the Salem-Silverton
road will be considered.. I
i u oi, me- roaas in a .raoius oi
three! miles of the! city, of Salem
i t.L I .1! . ..
consiaerea in tne second
will be
I Third hearing wul be Decem
ber 14; at 10 ajn. when all roads
south of the Salem-Silverton road
ViU be studied.
December 11 att 10 tuuL
WhUtinehill Kites
JWilljBc Heldj Monday
WPODBURN, Dec; 1 CSpecial)
2U?12RS22J21 " ;". r.
, . . , - ... -1 mcuxiku uieuci. one naa
win re neia jaonaay Id. m.
from! the -Ringo chapel. She had
'ii d ! J 2. . i -
Mill Gtj-Man
Samuel G. Knapp, operator U g Wil Corona, Calif, two sons
e MiU City Bowling Alleys at ?drSeBrown of Kentucky and
f She! was born Ma 14, 1880, in
Rockport, Kyj Sh was a member
of the First Christian church of
Woodburn. Survivors j are : the
widower. Burton Whittinghill, and
a daughter Helen Claiborne, both
of ceryais; another daughter, Haz
Harvey. Brown of. Indiana.
T7an!c3 Haw Fork a
We Specialise lnrMink and I
Unskraf, Always Fay More i
uesi aiat cr to. i
West Salem, Oregon
. .... Phfne!4531
I Y Onquite Moat : .
, JHd K1KJMUM IAUMCS tlstSd it V :
Atkfor Details j '
.' ' - ' Saltrn, Oregon a,EaBcji roie
Member Federal Deposit fetsoraaee Corporation
i t
. , hi. m - - ;-r M -!:!. ' f -the
. family ironing., was done '
with those" old fashioned Irons! f f
, heated ;o4: jtop !ol lhe; co0k. st5ve?.,S
The handles ielt 'very ':hotjeven
through thl heavy padded helder.
You were; lucky to .jet the Job
done without burning your! fin-
gers.; Remember?
eve en .i I m
yy. i.mgaon vo.
Funeral Directors f
m N. Cettaga . , Fh, IVlf
Ktoetihtnii 40 by 2d feet. It now
h 1000 camellias, but in the
Wring UieM will be replaced by
tvmoaenautna and other camellia.
j ...... , .- - . .
ifthot tage of lumber has held up
wrk on the sl:ed at the Fred
Smith lumber yards. It will be
20 by 147 feet and wU be used
w store new lumber "when and
if, the materials are .obtained.
Tito Gets Confidence r
Vote In Parliament i
BELGRADE, Dec. I -(P)- The
Yugoslav parliament today gave
Marsh al Tito a unanimous vote .
of Confidence and refused the
resignation of his cabinet, which
he submitted as a formality, f ol- ,
lowing the creation of the Yugo
slav federated republic.
Before it starts rusting from the rainy weather
Or, If the paint is good, we cait' :
Ilachise Polish and Uax ;
! to preserre the finish. j , j
You may hare to drive your present car quite a while.
'i - IK '-'r r'-1
Douglas IlcavGhcvrplc! Go !
430 North Commercial I
Jlw.-. -r-rwnmw'. yawsa?iMitMiwawie
fry VV:
Creatl emsi(
asn Youn DHiTisT
. . . ro show you somples of Mod
ern Tooth, Replacements. Parti
cularly note bow they ore shaded
to march your, complexion and
shaped to match the contour of
your facial features. More so,
they absorb j and reflect light
from theifsUrroundings, elimi
nating chalkiwhite ond ortif icial
oppearance. Truly, they hare the
effect and apedrance of Living,
Natural Teeth. That's why you
can wear Modern Transparent
Palate Dental Plates without
fear of embarrassment . to the
contrary, they enhance your per
sonal features, r
--vi.:- ' . . . - .. 1 v i . - . -.'..
VK!e .
v Htat M Dr.
'T--- . SasWs Lia-
..i .,.. :
- '.ft
y - y A ,
l. .
- fj
V K '
ee.xsssisT :-.; . -..:T:-js
jr. . r m
:.... v a r
, Dentist
. Skmm
; rKjO)
Vhk your nearest
,Dr. Sentler Denrol
Offices ef eay time.
3 offices te serve
ye Portland.
A. Solera end Eugene.
r i i j i , i
Dr. SemWr-s Liberal Credit Flee it y0hclle
for N trenches ef dentistry; Arrong. t. korm
Hf' "CWM7 wotk completed- RIGHT
U0Wt; ; W later in Small Weekf, er
Monthly AraoynH. CrWit oosih .rrongl.
HOURS! iM la
Saturday 8:30M f f r onfr
WAT E R S.An iSl bu n i rV
- ..
? ihsci, -is