The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 02, 1945, Page 16, Image 16

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    r.'.cE srrrmt
The - OHEGON ( STATESMAN. Ccdera, .Oregon. . Sunday Morning, December IS t5
: 1
:iell, Miiyor
Ask Support
Of Bond Drive
Alone with Gov. Earl Smell's
proclaimed "Victory Loan week,",
December 2 to f , Salem joins in
with a special observance of
"Pearl Harbor week." Mayor I.
.14 Dooghton this weekend issued
ft proclamation for the event -
The double observance stresses
the importance of buying .bonds,
E bonds particularly,, calling" on
the general public to wind up the
Victory Loan next Saturday, De
cember 8, with flourish, to as
sure Marion county and the state
go. ever their quotas by the dead
line. j
Mayor Doughton's proclamation
follows: , !
Week Proclaimed
" ' L I. M. Dough ton, as Mayor
. of the City of Salem, Oregon,
. by virtue of the authority vest-
ed In me by the ordinances and
charter of the City of Salem,
do hereby officially .proclaim
the week commencing Decem
ber 2, 1943, and ending Decem
ber 8, 1945, as Pearl Harbor
week in memory of our country
and oour fighting men.";
j Zvery local service club this
.week is being asked to include on
i -its program short talks empha
; sizing need of support of the Vic
tory Loan drive.
Throughout the week the retail
! - division of the Victory Loan drive
here will hold rallies at various
: stores and the industrial division
will conduct pep sessions at var-
j ious firms.
All stores of Salem are being
s asked to put on special window
displays by Douglas R. Yeater,
Marion county war finance chair'
!. man. .
State Keeord Cited
' Governor Snell stressed that:
"We in Oregon are interested
la the welfare of 110,000 service
men yet to be returned to us.. We
are interested in providing the
proper care for the boys still in
hospitals in foreign lands whose
condition will not permit their
removal to our borne shores. We
are interested in the 400,000 boys
who have been returned .and
still need care. We are interested
in the families, the wives and
children, of those who made the
supreme sacrifice. . . .
- "In addition, we in Oregon have'
a peculiar interest By our sup
port of -the bond program since
.May of 1941, we have led the
nation. . . . We were the per
capita champion in the 7th: War
Loan. We are all zealous that in
this final test Oregon shall con
tinue to evidence the same sin
cere devotion. . . 1 Let every true
citizen rally to the cause. 1
Mrs. M. Fleming
111 in Dallas
FALLS CITY M. Fleming was
In Dallas: to visit his wife, who
is all at the home of their daugh
ter Mrs. Otte Boozer. She is im
proved and expects to return
home soon.
1 Iris Westbrook was a patient at
the Dallas hospital this week.
Barbara Hunter entered the
Bartell hospital last Wednesday
for an appendectomy which was
performed Thursday. She was dis
missed Tuesday.
Ant wfcof th doctor or
eWeJi Oar aaple stocks
ad rmpitl mraowr aarare
frth, potent drags for
eterj preicrtptloa. Aa4
kr a killed, registered
paarmacists give uadirided
actenuoo to compoviKliagi
Bring your doctor's pre
scriptioaa to thi phmtmmcji
Cer. State
Truck and Equipment
Destroyed on Road
As Hunters Return
JEFFERSON-The Knight Bros.'
pickup truck was destroyed by
fire while Harold Knight and
Yancy McGlll were returning with
it from an elk bant in eastern
Oregon, They were driving along
the Bend-Burns, highway,, and
through the mirror discovered the
fire in the back of the truck. . -
They had no means of putting
out the fire. The truck was loaded
with their - sleeping bags, -tents.
camp cooking utensils, all of which
was. destroyed. Knight suffered
burns about the face and hands,
in trying to save some of the
Filial Rites Held
For Long-Time
Salem Resident ' I
Services for Mrs. Alice Mary
Branson, .80, . who had resided in
the Salem vicinity for 38 years.
were fceld here Friday.
Born m Grainger county, Tenn-
she moved to the Harrisburg dis
trict irhen she was seven years
old and to near Sheridan in 1878.
She was a member of the First
Baptist chuich,
Survivors ' Include four sons.
Beauford F. Branson. Waldnort:
Ernest NL Branson, Toledo; Aver-
ill P. Branson, Salem, and Harlan
M. Branson, Portland; one daugh
ter, !Zmuy C. Branson of Salem;
thjee sisters, Mrs. W. O. Ralston,
Terrabone; Mrs. A. S. Campbell,
Nelscott, and Mrs. C S. Graves,
Sheridan; a . brother, W. R.
Churchman of Stevenson,' Wash.;
eight grandsons and one grand
daughter. Average Speed ; i
On State Roads
Shows Increase V
The average speed of vehicles
on Oregon highways rose from 44
miles an hour in July, to 47 miles
in October, Secretary of State
Robert S. FarrelL Jr, said here
Saturday.! The lowest average
speed of 41,6 miles an hour was
recorded for January, 1945.
Farrell said 55 per cent of the
vehicles on major highways
traveled In the speed range of 40
to 50 miles an hour during Octo
ber, while 51 per cent traveled in
uie range oz to 43 miles . an
hour during July,' : immediately
preceding the end of wartime re
strictions cm travel.
Uinierproo! Yonr
Home Now
Pneumatically Installed
Rock Wool Insulation and
Metal Interlocking Weather
Stripping will save up to
40 in your fuel bills
make yeur heme ap t IS
degrees cooler in summer.
Free Estimates
Ne Obligation
Campbell Rock Wool Co.
Salem .Owned and
I Salem Represented
1132 Breadway . Ph. 1498
Drr j Sl:rc
liberty Pbeae I11S
Wliat a Life' :
To Be Given
Tuesday Night
The Leslie junior high school
players will present a three-act
Henry Aldrich comedy, "What, a
life," by Clifford Goldsmith, at
S pjn. Tuesday,' December 4, in
the Leslie auditorium. The an
nual event under direction of the
drama, coach, Jis Eleanor Rob
erts, win feature Eddie Scott In
the title role of f Henry"
Others included in the cast are:
Phyllis Mlixeva, ' Barbara' Pear
if I. - - .! .1 . 1 '. Handbags j
If she's sweet and pretty,
have handkerchiefs for
floral printed rayons that wash beautifully. Or, in extra
special gift boxes, snow-white cottons, embroidered and
delicately lace-edged! Shell wear them alwiys!
v -
warm because lhtres urool inlu ItV cheerful because :
of the ficrv colors and bold plaid designs Nicely made..
wiih button-through flap
Tuffs. Looka weU. with : a aoli
iandasliable A 'finegiftl
son, junior class president; Bill
Sproule, Fergeson, the detective;
Barney Rogers, j GeorgeBigelow;
Lewis Wood, Mr. Bradley, princi
pal of Central high; Barbara Sen
ter, secretary; Sharon Hamilton
Mrs. Aldrich; Dick Luthan, Mr.
Nelson, assistant principal; Bob
Bain, Bill Green, student; Phil
Rlngle, Mr. Pecchitto; Lean Holi
gate, Maryi negro student; teach
ersAnn Carson,' Miss Eggleston;
Mary Jo Ogle Miss Wheeler;
Cathie Pearson, Miss Pike; John-
ny Croison,' Mr. Patterson; Gladys
Howland, Miss Johnson; also sev
eral - group ' off students, among
them Carol Kosterj as enthusiast'
ic junior. ; . -.S;:':"-.
if she lores nice things, she shall
Christmas! Lovely colored cottons.
pockets and. adjustable button
solid iwoof tie. Xry clean or
iris I
Of Series Set I
Monday; Night
' v?- J 1 !.
The fifth in a series of 15 week
ly meejUnga on "Community; Re
sources; t o r Youth Education.
sponsored by. the Willamette university-
department of . education
for the-benefit of the general pub
lic, will feature a panel discus
sion on group youth work agen
cies in Salem. The meetings are
held I at 7:30 ' pjn. ' each Monday
in room 124,' CoUins halL
Representing the youth work
Handkerchiefs, from
15 c u 1.59
i .-v. 1 -. . s - i -; -.
Boxed Handkerchiefs
49C and 1.20
-ill. . ;
. It s SantaV latest trick of making one gift do the work
ef three! Bright "'dickeys frilly i and soft or smartly
simple to appear like a blouse under her suits, give a
; fresh, young look to her sweaters, add dress-up smartness
to, her , dark frocks! Lovely rayons white, colors :
agencies on the ' panel Monday
night will be Claude Kells, gen
eral secretary, Salem JYMCA;
Lyle Leighton, executive, Cas
cade area council of Boy Scouts;
Mrs. Esther Lit tie, general secre
tary, j Salem YWCA; and Mrs.
Emma Maxwell, executive, Salem
Camp. Fire -Girls.- 'rl yt; -
. Marion county teachers who at
tendthe , weekly education waA
sions : are to receive in-training
credit for -the course,' atateir Dr;
Lawrence Riggs, head of the de
partment of education at WdanU
ette, who la in charge of the meet
ings. r"he series wai run through'
February 25 , with; the j exception
of Christmas week .)";, ; 1
i jtiould AoeapTeUier Chrislmas gift than a soft, supple plastic -j
handbag, grained to look like leather? Shell 'wrar it aH year:
! round, and shell think it especially wonderful because it W31
I Ha Scuff. PeeL; or. Csack!
CMis3 Clavcr
Also other varieties of hay: and straw. '
; - 7 ' . Car load of Beet Pulp "
Complete line of SCO-PAL Brands dairy, '
' .poultry; sad rabbit feed.: . J
Whole and Ground Grains, ..
: Gsbral.Fcrl C: Grcin Co.'
. Sooth Ubff-;::;;;h4--1 CS
Flatlerinsj browiu midnight Uackli Jectt.20red.Ta
Fasdnators.-Tops for Winter A
Headuares --Young! or Sophisticated l
Flowering prints, lively colors; to mtterhe 3
wnart for her . tailored
tz& Od Hay'-.
trait I