:'.f i v 1 ; ( i ! 4 i V 1 " 1. ' i - I ' Ml .i : H "I vs.- . ! it I 'it ' 5 f -:(' 1 1 m ill;' : - : i PACE TV70 1 amnsmta Ends Defense j AtftiulaTrial MANILA, Saturday. Dee. l-W-Th military conimissien trying Lt ; Gen. Toinoyuki Yatnashita on war crime charge today rejects ed "not fuUty" motion which defense counsel asked on conclud ing it case- The trial has been in progress smce October "IS. Yatnashita yesterday testified in a 45 minute futtural speech be neither ordered nor condoned Jap anese atrocities in the Philippines and asserted he would, punish the ' perpetrators now if he had. the power. , Today a - written statement Jty Yamashtta, giving his views on, a commander's responsibility, was entered in the record. Yamashita contended that if the order of a -commanding , officer made it possible for a subordinate toi permit lor condone atrocities then the commanding officer should receive criminal punish ment But he argued that if a com manding; "officer ttook all means possible against atrocities, and a subordinate'; condonedthem at a time and place not. known to the corrunanding'officer, then the com mandmf officer should not be held -accou atable.i . '. -fit I could have foreseen these things," the grim conqueror of Singapore muttered, . "I would have concentrated all my efforts to prevent them" Dramatically he concluded with a solemn'oath: ' ,"1 will swear to heaven and earth to the truth of these points. Lindy9 Nearly SlwtDowhin Nip Air Battle NORTH HOLLYWOOD. Calif., Nov. S UPh- Charles A. Lind bergh, who was stationed on Biak. as a technician, narrowly escaped being'shot down When he accom . pamea a ngmer mission over Truk, Capt. Jloberfc Delia ven, 23, disclosed today; DeHaven said Lindbergh-was with three fliers of Hhe 475th fighter group when: "They encountered Zeros and "' Lindbergh's j guns jammed. Col onel (Charles A.) MacDjonald shot down , a Nip1 that waa drawing a bead on, Lindbergh's tail.; It was after this that - Gen. George C. Kenney, Far Eastern air forces commander, f prdered that Lind bergh not be permitted to fly combat miaaions." . DeHaven described the incident as occurring; a few days after a - flight over (Halmahera, "during .which Lindbergh shot down a Nip." He identified Colonel Mac- - Donald as commanding officer of . the 475th. ; ! extinguish chimney fire Police were, called to 15th and Chemekeia streets- to put out a chimney ' lire - last evening. No damage resulted. City Engineer Claims Salem's Drainage System Inadequate, Although-Salem may never again see flood days when steam boats, chug, up to the court house steps and water' stands four feet deep above ,the handrail on the South Church street bridge never theless th city a present, two million dollar sewer and drainage system ia far from adequate. So stated Harold Davis, city en gineer; at the Salem Board of Realtor's business luncheon Friday noon, in outlining SalemU drain age problem. . I Grewtag Tao Fast - Declaring that his job carried mor than Its share of. headache Davis pointed out that : from the laying for the first sewer line on Ferry street in 1887 hla . office's chief task has been to anticipate floods before they .happened.' But 'to date,: he said, , Salem's rapid growth has far outstripped the in stallation of adequate drainage fa- .. cilities. ; l-" - . : .. I "Th normal top capacity of North Mill creek is only liOO sec ond feet of water," Davis told the board. "And yet a flood capacity of 8000 second feet has been timed t the annex, resulting in over flows and floods. The Shelton ditch project in southeast Salem, r Too Late to Classify WELL PERSON Who picked up purse In Golden Pheasant Friday evening please mail to the one whose -address is on article inside. Contents .valuable to owner. Reward., . VJT.W. Victory Club Si in 'Old-Hag Dancing TOIIZGIIT Ceroer 114 Chareh Streets ilBi by' f Orchestra- - AdmlisSoar'. -gOe-'Ine-Tak V fVelceaa BOO Elliott's Dog Locez Head for Fight Whh RoosevdfiFcdd ALBANY, N. Y, Nov. SO-(V- Th late President Sooaevelt's b loved Scottle, FaU, although Whipped la a tangla with Eliott Roosevelfs BuU Maatiff, Blase. till is top dog at the family's Hyde Park estate. r Uttla Tala's opponent, the US- pound Blaze, who broke into, the news last January when Ida high priority for tranacontineotal travel "bumped off thr .aataka .man from -an-army transport Ttane, waa killed by vatorinarian. Blast's -head wae. -eant to the stat health department for tests for rabies, which was found not present, the department said to day. - 'Cellist Thrills Audience With Feeling, Color in Local Concert .'j y By Maxin Barefli Ask any one of an auditoiriuni full.' of people who attended the concert Friday night and he would eclare j the violoncello to be ihis favorit instrument abd GregorPiattgorsky his choice of musicians. 1 ' ":!hj;: ' ..1" Probably no concert has sothrilled jthe audience here a the one which the great 'cellist gave, and those Who know little of Civil Service Men Discuss Examinations Discussing plans for examina tion of applicants for full-time di rector of the state civil service commission, created by the 1945 legislature, and transaction of rou tine business, featured Friday's meeting of the commission here. . The examinations will be held in several sections of the United States early in December. A num ber of applicants will receive their tests in Salem and Portland. Other examinations w i 11 be held in Washington. D. C, and in other eastern cities, A total of 22 appli cants will i write in the original examinations which will be fol lowed by oral tests. 1 The office will carry a salary of between $4500and $5000 a year. J. N.- Chambers. Salem, is chair man 'of the commission. Former Salem Resident Dies v News of the death of Mrs. H. L Standley former Salem resident who-tii'ed Thursday at her home, 461 West D st., in Colton, Calif, has been received by the Stand leys' former neighbor, Mrs. W. L. Close, 1745 State st Mrs. Standley, the wife of a widely sknown Salem insurance man, died unexpectedly. Before their removal to Colton last year, they had .resided; in Salem 25, years and (were active members of the Methodist church..' A sister, Mrs. John D. Foley, survives. Funeral services" will be held in Colton at 2 p.ra. Tuesday. although under much controversy at the time, takes care of a lot . of this loose water.'' The recently built-up east Salem area and underpass section north J Of the city show signs of wanting to be included into Jhe city proper. Davis noted. But added that sewer and drainage facilities in those area's are practically nil and will be for some time. N Desire "Though residents of' the south Salem area around . Hoyt street have had a first class city sewer system awaiting them for ten years they apparently have expressed no desire to take advantage of it via annexation," the engineer stated. The board voted Winnie Petty john, , Fred Rawlins and Leon C. Cooney to represent the board at large on th nominating committee to name 'the executive board for the coming year DEMONSTRATION TO END CHICAGO, Nov. 30 yP) A week-long demonstration walkout against Montgomery Ward and Company units in ' 26 cities .will end fas scheduled" tomorrow night,! the Union' Involved in the walkout said tonighC , - f,V, SMELT RUN REPORTED ASTORIA, Ore., Nov. 0 -P) Fishermen today reported run of silver, smelt, rare In Ihls area, near CTatskaiuV. J" ": ; S&L Dec. 1 SilVerloit K. ! Hall Sponsored by Lions Club 1 I - MUSIC BY -Wayne 8trachan's Orchestra . Phono iZTtl SOrertoa Tfce i. lira- tleanor Roosevelt, widow of -taw lat president, bad no com aaent oh av report 4hat ah ordered Bias destroyad after th dog fight Saturday. While visiting the Roose velt estate, Fala encountered Bias on a lawn. They fought Elaxe was uninjured, Fala was -sent to a dog hospiUL ." tri .' I . , ' i t ! Last Jjuary-rUiott, than an army air forvas oieiv sent the Mastiff from oversees to his wife. Actress! Faye Xmerson, who was In California. When askd by th Herald Tri bun in New York City about th fight, Mrs. FJeanor Roosevelt Mid, "I don't see that! this is anyone's business except th family's.' music except that they either do or do not like it seemed to have felt most deeply his art. Many had not expected to be so moved by a cellisU I Lost for Words 1 ' This f-evjew must necessarily be short, not because the concert is deserving off only :-a. brief rnen- lion, but because a mere layman's words are inadequate. I cannot describe an artist's colors, nor the 'cellists tones, r i " i Piatigorsky's selection of music was almost entirely of melodious compositions,' deep and passionate in feeling. The Sibelius "Malin conia," Saint-Saens' "Allegro Ap passionato," a Chopin nocturne in C sharp minor, ; and the encores Debussy's "Romance," and t'The Swan" by Saint-Saens. There were the livelier minuets by Schubert, Divertimento' by Mozart, a Valse and march from Prokofief fs "Piecesjfor Children" and MHora Staccato" by Dinicu-Heifetz also aft encore. j . ', Piatigorsky's own variations on a theme of Paganini showed the capabilities, of the 'cello as did the Dancei of Terror" bv deFalla, tSrieg SonaU ' I " ' I ' Of special merit was the beau fill Grieg sonata in A minor writ ten fori: piano and 'cello, and the pianist Ralph Berkowitz shared honors (with tiatigorsky in a very beautiful presentation. Senators Scared ; Predictions of AlohiiciWarfare i WASHINGTON, Np. 30 MJPf A Nobel prize winner rounded out a liberal ration of goose-bumps for the atomic energy committee today by" predicting that Amer icans jnight be reduced to fight ing atomic bombs with pitchforks if an aggressor nation gets the Jump On us (again. f In four days of continuous bear ings the 11 senators have been ab sorbing lavish descriptions of the hell-from-the-skies that scientists say the United States may expect if the atomiq bomb isn't outlawed. Dr. Albert Einstein will be in vited to testify before the commit tee soon, Chairman McHahom (D Conn) said today. f . t Welfare Group Okiehs Budget PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 30 -VP) For a third time the state public weuare commission today- ap proved a monthly expenditure of more than $1,000,000. 1 i , The December budget will In elude a general assistance expen diture jof $233,417. - The commission adopted a plan of the Oregon State Medical sot ciety calling for allowances for the. chronically ill to be included in the monthly old age assistance grants; Maximum allowance- for cases of chronic disease not re quiring hospitalization will be $10 for the first!; month and $5 for each subsequent' month, plus $2 for prescribed drugs, unless spe cial medication j is necessary. JUDGE FEE'S WIDOW DIES PENDLETONJ Nov. 30 UPV Mrs. . Rose Mary Fee, 83, widow of the late Judge J.ames Albert Fee, Portland, died here last night For "Pels Mattresses Puppies ! Dog Food Blankets Small Deposit Will ninglond's 1 . H 4SS Ferry Betweem liberty A Rich , OZTGOri STATCMAIL Coleta. Cordon Avers Thinking at US Capital Muddy PORTLAND' Nov. HV-Th "muddy thinkers" of Washington currently are setting th pace at th nation's capital. Senator Cor don (R, Ore.) declared here today. He for an interior department hearing in Eugene, . h told f re porters that 'the rapid ending of the war seemingly caught all the administrative . departments off baa. As a result, fhere is no in tegration of our domestic and for eign policies.'' But Cordon struck a jcheerfu not when asked about th state's industrial future. "National industries have been compelled to revalue their trade territory," he said. That Is be ing done calculating coldly on a dollar and cents basis. In many Instances those studies have an swered the question in the affir mative. It augurs most happily far Oregon." While in the stat the senator plans to look into th. progress of Salem's alumina-from-clay plant and Springfield's alcohol-from-wood project. Army Drops Point Scores For Doctors WASHINGTON, Nov. 30 -P) The war department announced today modification of the dis charge requirements for doctors and dentists which it said would release an additional 15,000 phy sicians and 5000 dentists. The critical score for doctors and 'dentists was reduced from 80 to 10, effective immediately. The 70 score for doctors is three points below the new score for officers in other branches of "the army which becomes effective tomor row, i - The .army also amended the time (factor for computing eligi bility. Instead of service prior to Pearl j Harbor, medical personnel will now be eligible for release after! 42 months of honorable ser vice. Any doctor or dentist who is 48 years of age is eligible for release. ! The new standards apply to all medical corps officers except cer- tainsgparce categories. Metzger Takes Alumina Post A J W. (Arch) Metzger leaves his position as assistant manager of the Salem office of the U. S.J employment service today to be come public relations, labor re lations and personnel manager for Chemical Construction corpora tion at th Salem alumina plant Metzger, who has been with the employment service since May, 1944,1 when he joined the Salem staff j to work especially with the food processing, plants, was prior to that chief of the division of foods and dairies with the' state department of agriculture. At the alumina plant he succeeds Sam Harvey; who has ' been recalled to New York by the corporation. VEEN D EAGER RESIGNS PORTLAND, Nov. lOKVrRes ignation of Vera L. Drager as liq uor control commission supervisor of enforcement of licenses, was announced today. His duties will be assumed by R..D. Davis, also supervisor of the hard liquor en-j forcement division.? .. r '. - . Old 7ime lance j . Musicby . ' v Ihe Orcgonians Every Saturday Night i ! New Labor Temple ! 447 Center St. ' 8 ' I' ' ' " . 'Kl". Salem Labor Tempt Assat, Ine Jer..Disabled.iAnierleaa ... ,; .V Veterans .. - ' Sako" Loolr! Kittens Catnip -Wicker Baskets Cat Food ' IleU Gift Till Christaaa Pel Shop Phoae SS5S CrecoW Saturday ilara!ag. tWmhw 1, ISIS ! Bomber Whipi Around Won WASHINGTON, Nov. JO-H-Ia twin-engined A-3f attack bomber has completed a 14,&59-nul Sight around th world in -&d hours and 50 minutes flying time. ! j ' j $ The war department announced today that th plane piloted y Col. Joseph R. Holzapple- of Pe oria, IIL, landed yesterday at Na- in. a statement that th flight in dicated squadrons . of new light bombers could be dispatched Quickly from th'United States jto any point in the world. J I Th A-29 flew westward by way of Hawaii, the Marianas, Ok inawa, the Philippines, ! Indja, North Africa, Bermuda. 1 the Azores ahd Lake Yields Hood, Papers To Bus Divers 1 CHELAN, Wash.. Nov. 30-OTr- A navy diver brought ' up f rpm Lake Chelan's deeply slanting depths today the battered mo hood of the school i bus wh plunged from a lakeside, road lata the, water Monday, carrying he driver and '15 children to their deaths. ' ; s' Another of the four navy divers who slipped deep into the clar lake today came up with I sotne sodden grade school, examinatl papers. Barely discernible was the name of Louie Asklund, 1 1 one of the missing children. He was a fifth grader. f The bus itself, however, re mained somewhere in the depths Even the use of a giant magnet brought in by the forest service and a dive to 248 feet by Walter McCrayKieepest descent to date failed to locate the submerged Vehicle. I .! I ; :i .,- i PACKERS APPROVE STRIKE CHICAGO. Nov. Z0iMClO United Packinghouse' workers In and near Chicago voted: over whelmingly today In favor o ! a strike. ! : . j- Every Saturday Silverlcn Aracry jy9 .Io;12;f : Glenn Wccdry's t I Orchestra 12 12 Entertainers I Admission 71e Flos Fed. Tax lie I Total S5 017L SHOW TOI . f AFTER IH ' CONT. FROM 1PJL I . -1 NOWI Podnd with Sus pense . .v The Story Behind the Protection of the Atomic Bombt "r."?' v.-' 9 uoydkola!! sig:.iia$so e FIT CO-FEATURE LATEST FOX 1IEWS.FLASHE31 W iiTE iiite Mm ' H TNC if Growers Qkeh Plan of Reorganization Hop frowesa of -the - mid-valley area, meeting at Salem Caamber of; Commerce-rooms FrMayi ap proved' a plan of re-organizatiun and an expansion program; for their district in the US Hop Grow ers' association. Currently, "organized from the top down," the growers' associa tion wilt become- a federation of smaller closely knit organisations if the plan adopted here is ap proved:; elsewhere over the hop producing areas of the United States. The expansion program, financed with an assessment of 20 cents a bale, instead of 10 cents now charged, will probably in clude research Into new uses of hops, production, picking and processing methods, etc, it was said. ' Growers agreed that a surplus is; imminent and that there is a need for 'better marketing facili ties or controlled production, or both. , ; ' Ray Glatt, Woodburn, district president, was' chairman of the meeting, which was addressed by Edward MarkelL, San Francisco, association ' secretary, and Paul RoweU, : association secretary in charge of the Salem office. BUT A VICTORY BOND! f I LWJlt h!k with Vuj tl 41 nrrnnn Cont. From 1 P.M. TOMORROW! ' r , ..;. W to ti it h i JLM 4 CO-FEATURE! BUY A VICTORY BOND! ENDS TODAY! (SAT.) Henry Fonda WILD GEESE CALLING' ' - Beb Montgomery 'RTDERS OF PURPLE SAGE niSis; CONT. FROM 1 TM. ' TOMORROV.l Thrilas in GloiioBS Technicolor! Lon v!cC LUSTER '. I ,i Tuna, HAVER ; Walter BRENNAN "HOME IN CO-FEATURE I I ' 1. .r Hod mm mCOLMAN iaTKmacoioi Jr. V X. V. w --- f --SvV' .11. mmm aia S" yT vi'S'' -i5'- ' DuBacli Talks, at YMCA Gub Meet Approximately 60 people- were lit attendance at the supervisor's dub banquet Triday night at the YMCA and heard Dean u. 5. Du Bach meak on world conrfitiona. DuBach is dean of men at Oregon State college. '. l Ronald Craven led the group singing, followed' by M. , Teech' violin solo, accompanied by Mrs. Craven. . I - Carl Melander, northwest area secretary, of the- YMCA from Seattle, spoke briefly. 1 S75.DAS IN ESTATE : V ,V LEBANON. Nov.t W-flV-The esUte of Samuel M. Garland, for mer state senator, today waa ap xim ftt-MK SSS "AN ANGEL Co-HUl Siarls Today i MiH rvnJiwrunu. & tiiWIHaJUbfv - BRACKEN (J 4 1 CO-FEATURE TERROR QULES THE QANGES 1 Actio. - ; J ' :i !' 7 I X ' ' f I - i f J?i V t ... - ' rv.v ConttneeesV': from ; n 3 l.CIPJL hit: praised at 84ereadaaatey:rri000. Garland, proaaineBt Oregon attor-;" ney, gave his-four, children an- qual amount ' over a period of years.,... OLD SEE WeJtsee, I caul J Steps. . QuadxCIea. Etc ;;Kv;cnigM:;:f Over Weetem Auto ;M .; tSS Ceert Sfc jiJsieSic yjf ' PAUL WlTwLOW 8 GANG Public Invited . Buy Victory Bonds Today! JACK CARSON Mffwscorr. fcrlM MUCt KNRCTt MlCHAU CUITIZ JtSHT OMj FROM BROOKLYN ' Fins: Donald Dock Uartoon 2 Big Hits! J wonderful Idvel .Mr ! 1