lW OSEGOlt ! STATESMAN. SaUni. Oregon Friday Moming. Normb 30. 1913 "-PAGE THX3TEZN Tickets Out for ; Third Premier Of Victory Loan ; '. . . i; r ''. Tickets for the third .bond pre miere, to be shown December 7, will be out for distribution t all bond-Issuing ftgencies, starting to day, announces Carl A. Porter, manager of the Warner Brother theatres here. This third premiere presents What Next, Corporal HersT-ove?" at the Capitol. December 7. The picture is the sequel to the popular 'Private Hargrove with Robert Walker "going to town gain." Admission will be by ticket show ing customers have purchased X bonds In some denomination. These premieres are being staged a the theatres special effort to ward promoting sale of additional E bonds. - Second premiere, "Duffy's Tav ern; featuring Bin Crosby and a long list of stars, comes next Wednesday evening December 5 at the EUinore. A few tickets still are available for this show, but bond purchasers are urged to get their as soon as possible, these tickets also beta at all all bond. Issuing agencies. Marlon count's six candidates In tiie State Victory Queen contest will be introduced at both pre mieres. With the Queen contest concluding next week also, the two premieres are big drawing card to round up extra X bond Votes for the queen. . ' CO ALUMS NOMINATE . . EUGENE, Nov. 2-Noml-nees for president of the Univer sity of Oregon Alumni association are Ernest Haycox, Portland au thor, and Publisher Ralph Cronise of the Albany Democrat-Herald. Voting will take place by mail during December. BimMud tilide VICTORIA, B.cl Nov. 20-(CP) British; Columbia'! "active j vol cano inl tha KonterLa-m hu turn ed out to be nothing more than ajnud suae, the inspector for the B.C. miiifee department, said in a report vt the department today. No evidence has been found of volcanic! action in" the! rrirn of Sheep cfeek. north of Cranbrook, wnere aj volcano Was said to be erupting ; . .-. g- . j . j Seventeen miles from; the mouth of the creek there Was a huge slide of rock 'and arravaL or iginating three miles up in a dry I guicn, J.1US D looted coyote creek for 150 iards. Th,;water from the creek mixing with the gravel formed fa large mass j of oozing mud which residents ; suspected was lava. : $ - ij I1 I. ! 'I S 1 ft IP Mi h m : mw fi La 3w I"!! I u eeaaew 'i ",.Ch era Mile Candlevjicls Regular $6.79 Closely Tufted i ! A Practical Carment for Cool Mornings " and Evenings I ' " T. ' Choice of Colors Slses 14 to 20 t t An invitation to relax in rt ("comfort. Full skirted, J fitted wrap around styles M h in closelv tufted " cotton ar . chenille. In soft pastels Lor warm redv " V Just wnat she will want Warm and cuddly Choice of colors. So charming and feminine, and can be laundered as easily as your kitchen towels. The lines are figure flattering and so vry graceful! Easy to slip into and invitation to relax in comfort Beauty and comfort com bined. A gift you can be assured she will treasure. . V AT FT ED METER WOMEN'S APPAREL 1M i i Headquarters for GifJ1 Pipes Select His Pipe Early and Put Away for Christmas if , . ' ;.. ' . T:; if! Diltmorc Icccrvc it w. fr?,. . n i ii ,i , (1 Boxed J lected quality1 aged briar jbv expert craitl - J men. Handj: finished. A. cool,- sweet t gin ne wiu rememoeE; am cncnsiii 1 ysyssjajgtsastjiyMW Pipp! Pip::! Pip::! Dr. Crabow Ooldcrtst Royal Dak of Oelxxe Duadtf wl!i Yerktewt Filler Etrswtei Fereeaster Tour Cholco Gift Boxed A large assortment of exceptional pipe values ia shapes and finishes that wiQ surely please every man on your gift liv .A- Royal Dulio De Lujte Pipe New sdentifie mouthpiece collects, all j moisture. Insures a clean, pure amoKs. FWutifuIIv 'orslned finish. Assorted shapes. Package of 10 filters free WiA ; eacfc pipe.-;,:- ; 'lVf J. .;; London Roycl PipOsIil$2.49 Arttrttcally earred brtti bowL Llgit In wtlch As sorted shape. . - i . i i; . j -Forecaster. 98s f t j KattonaUy known briar pip. 1 Dszs3 Curvo Shn, 7.E3 ! Olhcr Pif ci Up lo $3X3 I Some nationally advertlaed famous 1 brands. Not all pipee In all eectiona. h j Also Lucfcr Strike; dmel, Ctrlf Of) Old Gold, Raleigh, Chelsea, 250- I Kool, Pafl ;M4 end fnany Me pkg. , others. 3fk;s.:. - - At TtU Mtytt Tohteep - "An Ideal C iirisi'mds Present!" - r t t 69 i Value Contains 43 sheets 24 envelopes. Feather weight Ak NW- sheets 24 envelopes. Wedgevood--4 sheets' 24 envelopes. White and colored paper with matching envelopes. For business and personal use. High quality, attractively packaged. Heavy Jwtight ana airnau paper wiui air nuu envcopes nu ucx rw icauy gooa paper, as a grcas saving.; Buy several and give to your frienii and family for Cbristmaj gifts. . . At FfW Hrr Drags' "Large Prct Reducfon.'j Secretary Fountain Pen Itrrfr4 faeetela Ptn, 83 C feckerJ fMNtele Pea, 85 I Maintk FmnNm Psn, 1.6? J Ideal dristmaj gift for the student. If k is hard to, figure out what to! give your friends or family, give them a fountain! pen it will be sure to please. . i ! f aaf tarM Ivy New end tavtt ' DoejQttt and Ramsdell Hand Cream Rtg. $1X0 69' Art Craft 1 Christmas 59 Cards Comic Cards, 49t Kiddie Cards. 49 Religioiis, 5? BMiitiful rarrim Well choaan aflaortmsnfe In each box. A card ppropnata tor everyone. Buy . your esroe tocuty wuue cas are compie stock are complete. Winter leattty. 98 93C 98 s of f ora Oil Chrome, Crystal Box,! Sparkle Toat, 78 , ll Frei Ueyer Drg$ "From Romantic Day Tradition 1700 Bubble Both i j Your personal lorelineei is so endumtd Crt end refrediei whto yfa emerge fcora your Treditioa 1700 BubUe Bath. AU Tradition 1700 creadons ere ddkatjdy infined with ea herby fresh perfume. I Tradrtion 1700 Celeejat, Tradition 1700 Seas), $2.Q3 For- keeping hands soft, smooth and lovely use hand cream each time you wash your hands. This special ends November 3L 4a lejforgettabfe f raqcant Congo Cologne .i $t.75 4 $3.00 Ses.S5.00 i The levuhini, deratudnf, eedting fragtence that pniJ ia Congo ie eae that will pwafcaa four . tmotioni el Joy, happiness and love. ; i Swarf Gift Sttl S3.50 TradrtioB 1700 lath Crystals. $4.50 Tradition 1700 Destlarj rowtftr, Tradition 1700 Powder Mitt, $2.59 Tradition 1700 Vanity ;. $8.00 At Frtd Meyer Drmgt ; fJogerfng Fragrancof Elmo Marqo Cologne 1 et OinsnuM. 1.00 Leaves a wooderfj lia- term, trasranes yoa are em e lore, -tuck mm ph Morgo Sachet. 1-ox. $1.00 Margo 2-PIsee Set. $150 Marge uestieg rowaor. rime Travel Wt. S 1 2.00 $1.00 1 For Gift Proienf aihntl Bouriois Couragt GiftjSet J47S16f5-$9 Exqulst Con Dntain trate.. MahOsi Set, M0.00 Face Pewder rofne PerfewM $elet Tale i.25 T ayely Perfume Peris Perftnss Tbe ererkloTely fregrnce en chentlngly sweet. In beautiful dark blue bottle to adorn your aressinx we Erenfcg la Paris Sachet, 1.25 wrsjrrantly scented oonoentratM pemune in powder zona, wee tbe M uquld perxume or sprinaie in lingerie caeca. At Fred Mrvcr Dract nMiitlfnnv tteckased In ' Straw boa wttb exquisite Urtjh bow trim. A Rift to delight tha most fastidious. Imnm cm Wfcito TitSHO Peptr is tmthtml. Wrapping PcptP tmi frnwtl Cerll ' Mailing Cartons 1 fee 10 Tnssy Pinaforo Gift Set '1.00 . Kkh tragrance of Tussy's Pinafore fat cologne and talc Smart girt of noting enjoyment, j j Colognes and j toilet Wafer .-. " 1 .!. ' Harriet Hnbbard Aver PUh Clovr,$1.15 Scherk Mystleaai $1.10 Friendship Garden, $1.00 Montala Heather. $1.00 Early American bid Spice, - $1.00 ; Harriet Hnbbard Ayer HeneysKklt. $1.15 Scherk Renaissance, $1,10 Harriet Hnbbard Ayer Yt, $5.75 Skylark, $15 Coerage, $2.50 Mais Oil, $1.50; Official V Mail 14-Sheet lc fer Hmr CktUtmm Gift I Dsaufy Kit tan -fafrff tMsj- aVStel HHuiLiia TaTISlarel tin X.Tmr9m wunsj tsuaoy ejsjairsjsj m avswy; oar ivvoeje "Aecommaacftcf for lToviigsf arsf Yoeag $tt Pcrrr.:nt $1.75 curlers. Complete with curlers, eolation and neuerauaer. ini j toe ouy penn nen ware ere ted eepeelaUy for call dren batr. It make sots natural' looUnjr rmalsta and deep, soft wares. i ! "A4J$ Hfglffglfsr Pdaelivt Shcntpoo F l-Oa. 45e StaaauM tae. pair tie raunoui uteniun iiengi otive aoAiBPoe l wttu. ie or wmm tarn N&rwich Aspirin Be(. 10e U 3al r jukwr Cough Syrup Bee. tte 5H on Pclrncllvt Soap leva's Ccs;h Crcps 5 Rah Mystery Cocrd BMpmrut ,. Pot Cleaners 10a ' Refreshing ana, ftefaxngf . Lady Eva Bubble Daih Regular 5?c ri L I 1 ' . - . ! ! Advanced at 20 kdniU eaeelofMe, Aborted floret Sobeas aa4 seems dw wetec Releeina taut i Ideal far tudua giro fat dboss friends wht sajcf lavWi tbani sesjuuriss Toraorrow- rs Excffng as Todayf : New Era Manicure Set J ty UOwas Stlmniattnff new atanleura 1 tf naokaca deeljrned for your I.IJU dreeelBK Uble. Poltata. pAlelx ,ww remoeer and cuticle -nmoTer. aUtractSTeir packafred. - Reunion Manicure Set, by LaCross. $3.00 Red. win or naTy-oolored leatherette eae. Baft pink waahabtf Union, Contalna pollab. remover, oil. baas coat and manicure tmplementa. , At Fred Meyer Drrngt . Something for the Men Wrlslty Sprica Han's Sot . . Sbava Bewl ;l Lotion Tale ieoxacttve sift boc CooL dm neiW of dte wind tmttn woottlimfa. .bractni and rctrtahni as tha tangy scant at vis Uowera j At Fred Meyer Drug -a 1 in .1 ' Ml i J D ef fortify With YHaalss" . Fred Meyer j Vitamins A B, B2 (6) Re9.$Mt $ A : 100 Caps. I Y 5? value, IE' 30 Caps. 'fD For Menl well bang. CompourxLi e yoa balance-intake end protective emo theM tout anportaat tticuna. - Pfoatant to Toke - Fred Meyer i , lUrlllUllt I IWAI eOll V t , )l IWIIWUI IslVWI VII capsules He - : - ' ? 83c Valno "f C 47e Yalno : 1 00 Caps. O SO caps. 3tc ' i ..'.-. ; ' . ; :' Vitamin A and D ie one capauU. Akk ia tesotaace to mfcctiacMki Good lot eSe wKole iemily. - , j1 . . 49c vaU Maor I Vitamin t Complex. 48 caps. 23 C 8?e vaL, Major I Vitamin t Complex, 100 caps 39s $1.79 Frtd Htytr Certified B Cemp. Tobs 100, $1.5? $129 Fred Meyer Certified Vita. A CapwlOO. ! I.v9 $2.79 Fred Meyer Cert. Mnlti Vita. caps. 100. $2.49 yc rred Meyer cert. Yfneat Germ Caps, 109, 85 1 Marl orders. Rend to Fred Ueyev. Ine, ess S. W. 4th Ae, rort- e. ureKon. ... At Fred Meyer Drmge Ideal GifHo 1 Genuine Leather I i I o l llf D dl 12) 1 Regular $l (Si 5.00 Ub bn ernbossed design. Secret pocttt that may be recnoved used for evening. Postage and card pockets. Single identt Eeicaoon toider. lutned edges, beairdy stitched. Soft, pliable ner for long service. . ordura Billfold i7 JO iCordura Dillfold 5.00 Vales Dillfold s6.00 Dosca-Duilt Dillfolds M.95 to MO Amity Dillfolds U0 to U0 j '. . At Fred Meyer thmge . ? CT.empsseninwnwiwsjaa 'JUre FrewrM r , . , , s Bp Lrmtpi j Bine Sapphire - . Spellbaand Pcrfumo I I PcrfuraD 1 Dram " St - 1 2 j Aee.ee !1J0 SS.1I PrenWe, Mar- M mm eM S ri ayeiiseeadi K3 n. Utztir 8 At Fred Utytr Tobtccot ... es. 8 : T "y xrt jlt?T e 1 .- -r