V: IT. ' -i ! - The OREGOH STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, ; Thursday Horning. NoTember 29. 1945 1 r L PAGE SEVEN j Harvest Tea Event of Friday . Calendared for Friday after noon I th - annual Harvest Horn tea at the Methodist Old , People'i home on Center street. Members of the board are ar- ' ranginj the affair, assisted by WSCS member! of the Metho dist churches. Friends are in- vited to call; between 1:30 and 4:30 o'clock. The Leslie church Is arrang- ; lng the program which will in clude a violin solo by Mrs. Dean Morse, accompanied by Mrs. Mervin Gilson. Mrs. Ivan Stew art will aing a group of selec tions with Mrs. A. A. Schramm playing the accompaniments. The Rev. Joseph Knotts will be th guest speaker. In the receiving , line will jbe' Mrs. C. A. Giac, president of the board, Mrs. Fred Zimmer man, Mrs. W. L Lewis, Mrs. Robert M. Gatke. and Mrs. C. D. Fletcher, superintendent of the -home. Assisting about the rooms will be Mrs. M. C. Findiey, Mrs. ' Frank James, Mrs. Elma Bar kus, Mrs. C. W. SUcey, Mrs. C. M. Roberts, Mrs. Ralph Mercer, Mrs. G. Perkins, Mrs.J W. R. Metzger and MrsOren Stratton. Presidio at the tea "urns dur ing the afternoon will be MfsJ' Roy Fedje, Mrs. Joseph 'j M. Adams, Mr. Frank Bennett and Mrs. Waldo Zeller. Serving in. the dining room will be Mrs. A. A. Schramm, Mrs. L. V, Shafer, Mrs. Elmer Li Hildretb, Mrs. A. J. Crose, Mm. A. L. Lindbeck and Mrs. Virgil Hume. The table will be covered with a lace cloth and, centered with a bouquet of button chrysanthe mums in shades of bronze and . gold flanked by gold tapers. i Bouquets ' of chrysanthemums will be used about the rooms. Get Acquainted " . Party Slated The first social event for the newly organized - Independent Women of Willamette University is a "Get Acquainted" party to be held Friday night, November 30, in the playroom of the YWCA on - State street. The plan of the par ty is to let everyone become ac quainted through the medium of games and entertainment. - Committee heads include Dor othy Gage, invitations; Margaret tfeuler of Dayton, entertain ment; Dellora Doerffler of Sil- verton. refreshments; and Virgin la Cannon, clean-up. The time is from '7 until 1Q:30 jwiall inde pendent women of Jjfe m pu s are invited. --- Shrine Dinner Dance Tonight The Salem Shrine club will entertain with its annual formal dinner dance tonight in the Mir ror room of the Marion rfbtel . at 7 o'clock. The Top Hatters 'orchestra will play for dancing. , , Covers will be placed for over . two hundred shriners and their wives. Special guests will be Mr. George W. Joseph, jr., of Port land, potenljate of Al Kader temple, his divan, and their wives, i ' ' 'Attorney Speaks At BPW Dinner Mr. Bruce Spaulding,, Salem attorney, was presented by the BPW; Tuesday nlgbtat the No v ember dinner meeting held at the Golden Pheasatftin .an ad- ' dress "Good Laws fcndGfRes- - ponsibilities for Them.V ' Mr. Spaulding encourage wo ' men in -clubs such as the Salem BPW to take definite part in local, state and national legisla tion and also to make their in terests known to our senators and representatives In an hon est and professional way. He stated that organizations such as this would offset small and dangerous pressure groups which could become quite apparent Mr. Spaulding stated that at this time, women of other nations of . the world are taking a more ac tive part in their national gov ernment than that which is tak en in the United States of Amer ica at the present time. Publicity chairman for the eighth! war loan drive, Mrs. Ma- Trion Lowry Fischer,! introduced , - at the dinner Salem's six candi dates for the victory iueen con test now in progress. Candidates present were: Lena Tingelstad, Betty Lou Kaiseij, Faye J-arkin, Beth Greenlee and Jean, Woll cott. A trip to Hollywood is the crire for the two winners from the state el Oregon. Mrs. Fischer advised the club that Marion county at that date, had not yet " met fifty per cent of its bond . quota. 1 Other guests present were Mrs. Dora Wallace, Miss Lucille Jones, Miss Louella Toevs, Mrs. George High, Miss Vivian wai worth. Mrs. Lena Boone. ,X A business meeting, followed the dinner, at which time Miss Ida Mae Smith, club president. announced the following com- Never Never Land this generation are not too well versed in the realism, of present j - . . .. mw iui'uwihj com- , t i x- tv ' f '! rf r 1 o l nay-screen piays 10 appreciate mittea appolntmenU: Mrs. Ruth ! Iteter Fan reriOFmS DeiOrG Children the practicability of a dog as a Pepper,- telephone committee, ,fi k 11 r l ! 4 rru il rpi - nurse, a clock that ticks even Mrs. E. C. Purvlne, finance com- I rOIU Fill OCnOOlS UaQ I nil US I neiU . "r though it's in a crocodile and i . - , :g . Xt Maxla. Barea-j j - J M 7 a but- 'il T know how Clyde Beatty must feel! when he's brkcing himself ton is a kiss and a kiss a thinjble. mittee, Mrs. i Anne C. Amick, Miss Amanda ; Anderson and 'Miss Vivian Walworth, interna tional relations committee, Miss Barbara Kurtz Faught, health and recreation committee, Mrs. for the sudden appearance? of 40 Hons and tigers in the arena, for 1 sat in the Salem high, school auditorium oh Wednesday afternoon waiting for 1800 school, children to rush? in and surround me. There were j 1800 all, right, perhaps; 18Q1, but to my surprise Vivian S. -Hoenig, hospitality . the sweet litUe cubs filed in, in ifar better order than as many committea and Miss Mary Iyall, publicity cftmmittee. - The BPW. chorus appeared on the program, accompanied by Misi Gladys Edgar. Paschkes Hos4s For Dance A hard time dance was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Paschke in Orchard Heights Saturday night The af fair was arranged in honor of adults coming in all I at : once-1 Would have done. 1 ' i ; ' The" afternoon performance of tie old favorite, "Peter Pan" , seemed to go over with the same sort of enthusiasm as audiences lit my day. ' -.5 More sophisticated mind of the modern child must see many flaws in the plot;4ut it manifest itiself only once or twice during the afternoon such as the time, when Wendy;Jsays 'Tetah, when I am gone, wilt you' remembah . your flannetsf and a.youngiut - i i. '. - i - knowing Voice groaned out from behind mev'Oh no, not that." On th whole the children seemed entirely taken in with the performance of Peter Pan," Tinkefbeli, the pirates, boys of Never-Never Land and Wendy. The audience grew warmer as Judging from my neighbor on the left ! -who had , "read the book" and thf girls behind who ohed and ahed a good deal, and 'even the thick glassed young know it all who sat in front of me, the school children Just lov- ed Peter. - f - : I. .v; ' i ". " !' ' Mr. aai Mrs C. iW. Parker had as their guests the first ot the week, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hillstrom of Coos Bay. ' the play progressed and by the lOaaV S MenU i k . j a their house guest, Mrs. Helen 1 OW11 and GrOWn Thayer of Blue Earth, Minn: j ; i ' l ea loaay Prizes for costumes were won . by Mrs. Florence Zeller and Mr. Cleo McMorris. A midnight sup pec was served by the hosts, v.- Attending the party were Mrs. Thayer, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sauer. of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rotlgers, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Rodgers, . Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ivies, Mr. and Mrs. L.t Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lacies, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Derry, Mr., and" Mrs. .Paul Schwienold, Mr. and Mrs. E. French, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. CraigMr. and Mrs. Cleo McMorris, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Boehmer, , Mrs. Florence Zeller, Mr. and Mrs. William Rowes and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boehmer. 'Event of this afternoon is the Town and Gown club tea at Lausanne hall. ) Members' art asked to call between 2:30 and 4:30 o'clock. : - k ' ' In the receiving line will be Mrs.' Custer I. Boss, president, Mrs. Stearns Cushing, . jr., i Mr. David Eason, Mrs. Melvih Geist, Mrs. Harry ?V Collins, i Mrs. Maurice Brenhen and Miss Lo rena Jack. . $ .f; ' 1 " Presiding at the tea' urns will be - Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs. Daniel H. SchuUe, Mrs. G. Her bert Staith and Mrs. Paul, B. Wallace. Mrs.JHarry V. .Collins is chairman of the tea direct orate. ' ' - r f itime it was over,' did a good deal of whistling, I suspect more to be making noise than to express '' appreciation. i Sometimes I wonder if one ! should try to recapture lost youth even by seeing a play so much loved In our childhood. I Peter seemed much larger and. more like! a woman than I had remembered, Tinkerbell I find was jealous and really quite a troublemaker, although I had thought of her as a fascinating creature, who always appeared as a dancing light and tinkling bell. 1 1 would have been heart broken had she died, I didn't care half as much yesterday, fairies jit seemed to me, are a dime a . dozen. j I find how that I don't hold !the pirates, too much in awe either, though my young neigh !bor, who ' informed me that ha had "read the- book," seemed to havfc the proper amount of jrespectfor their wickedness, j I hope ; that the , children of Salad will be the dish that's taking our attention for tonight " Cranberry salad Lamb chops " ; Buttered cauliflower . . Baked potatoes Cornbread Apple cobbler ; . : CKANBEULT DELIGHT SALAD 1 package of lemon flavored ' . gelatin ' ' IV cup boiling water Juice of. lA lemon cup celery, finely cut ' V cup canned, shredded pine apple I , I cup thickij canned cranberry sauce . J Lettuce ' Dissolve lemon gelatin in boil ing water. Chill. When slightly thickened, add lemon juice, cel ery, pineapple and cranberry sauce. Turn into mold. Chill un til firm. Unmold on lettuce. Gar nish with mayonnaise. Serves 6 II w lih tit g p. I V- 7 -XT' J-r . . "x 'pftjsjyslVWMSJsssftsy ED HAMILTON shons the newest versions in v 77" ii pine i Perm. Posh M Cfl Extra fon Finger wave or Hairdress Open Thurs. Eve. by Appointment. rs-tte Perm. Waver j:j rirtt National Baak Clif. , . . Yes, the Ed Hamilton collection of hn furs is always a step ahead! Ahead in fashions! Aheqd in qualityl Ahead in values! You can save muck time, as well aa mohey, by choosing that gorgeous Christa&as fur net . . . the new MUFF CUFF is the grandest thing's in fu You must see it before you decide J Our prices ari an open book and wo usually keep f them beior I tha shoppirwr public . .'. Here are a few of our excelle values: ERMINE ...... MINE PAW. SPLIT CANADIAN SQUIRREL. PERSIAN LAMB. HUDSON SEAL.. .1 RUSSIA SQUIRREL NATURAL SQUIRREL ... NORTHERN MUSKRAT. NORTHERN MUSKRAT. MUSKRAT $1399! 899 S 635 .$600 r: ' tu. ,. . . - -. . ::- -.. - - . :- - . - 7 NATURAL MUSKRAT ....... ....4. ;il i NEW TODAY1 Thrsns-Qucaiar Length! PERSIAN PAW I SQUIRREL LOCKE : ANTELOPE J uinunr nnmwt ..i..j.... Tax Included 1 4 T ' Hi All-wool, made in Oregon auto robes In smart look ing plaids (Scotch"), blues, reds, browns, greens. 50x70 inches. All are trimmed with rolled fringe, a handsome auto robe for your auto, ball games, picnics and at heme,. Shop this special sale today or tomorrow and ask for two . . . a gift, and one for yourself. 1 i : " j . ' . "" ii ;' i Use Our Christmas Gift Layatvay Department . or convenience io hide your gifts until Christmaa aval MAIN FLOOR " i ' v ' - ' :s "v. -jf-v a- j' ' t ' v .' . v. .8. -. v . - . 5 -t. n.- ... . . -ts f 9 V. Announces ...... I: '&)) 1 ' ' '' " j 100 End 'O' Month SALE . ; . FOB EiMS Fur Scarfs $72 io $Wo Surprise her with a beautiful fur Scarf this ChristaasJ- Your choice here of line mink, stqpaitrel and kolinsky in soft blends of browns and greys o enhance her 9very;cos tumel Use Miller's layaway department . . their budget plan . . . every shopping advantage for your convenience! Including; Tax Nowl A few coats in this ENEt t' OTHEMONTH SALE in our fu dspartment that brings urfusudt S i f- vaiuesi o9 sure to snop in93 early ... ' r ... MOUTON LAMS .... OPOSSUM " . . . BEAVERETTE ! Par onlr $103 ... the tax is indudad! j I ' -: -.1! P.'- New . : . House Dresses i $2.10 and $2.80 Checks and other prints. Sizes 14 to 44. Priced at New . . White Cotton Uniforms With set-ia belt. V Sizes 114 to 44. Priced at New . . . Satin Slips In white tailored styles. Sizes 32 to 40. Priced $L9. T A A O j Also extra sizes 4j to 52 at X i: x .... ap. New . . Cotton In large splashy prints. Blue, maize and beige Priced h I-"-. Smocks $230 New i.. Skirts' Pi In box pleats or sored styles. "Made of Cohama doth, TO C f$ a hish class fabric. Sizes 24 to 32-inch waist weis- U)di0 urcmeni, 1 ricta New Holiday Jumpers In ie blue, Christmas phi sT and winter white. Priced .a. . ill- $6.84 -'.SHOP. THE DOUlISTAmS ' F0D GIFT ACCESSOIIIES 1 : PURSES, BLOUSES, SWEATERS, SCAI1FS, LIKGEQIE ! l r' I 7 - I Ak.'f ... V vt i 1 1