The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 27, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    - ; 1 1 ; . - i . -! : - : - - . : ; .. , j J y- -- - -
"thm OREGON STATESMAN. Satan. Oregon, Tuesday Homing, Norember ft. IMS
The Pro n Statesman Telephone 9101
r While Mr. and Mrs. George
, Ckaggs were gone from their 420
Bush st. home between 7:30 and 9
p. ra. Sunday, someone removed
a screen and opened a front win
dow which was unlocked to gain
entrance to the house,; searched
three bedrooms,, taking approxi
mately $75 worth of articles and
left, apparently by an - unlocked
back door, probably frightened
when lights went on in a house
next door, city police said Mon
day. Burned matches were found
In the three bedrooms, from which
bedspread, one white blanket,
an alarm clock, an electric clock,
two watches and a- dress were re
ported missing. ,
The Law office of Lawrence N.
Brown will be moved on thw 15th
,day of December, 1945 from 214
, Oregon Bldg- to 212 Masonic Tern
Jple-Bldg. The new phone will be
3424. . . . .. :
' ' .......
The Salem Camellia and Rhod-
odendron society . will meet at 8
p. m. at the YMCA on Thursday
;to hear Robert A. Walker, of the
j Swiss Floral Nursery in Portland,
(long, experienced in hybridizing,
'particularly rhododendrons of
which he has a fine collection.
Rex Teffer, secretary of the soci
ty, .said the general public was
welcome to attend.
We cut and Install Shatter-Proof
auto glass. R. D. Woodrowy 325
Center st
Pies made at the Cherj-y City
Baking company have been dis
appearing from the racks on the
loading 1 platform there at night,
.Wallace Hults, 1308 N. Commer
clal st, has reported to city po
lice. Hungry boys, or boys who
become hungry when the odors
' from the fresh-baked pies reach
. them, are suspected."
. T hr. developing & printing ter
vice at Burke's Camera Shop. 174
N. ConVL
Lutz Flower Shoppev1270 N. Lib
erty, phone 9592. . ' '
! Mrs. B. H. Rohr has reported
to city police that a set of keys
which would unlock more than
her car were taken from the ve
hicle while it was parked at Con
ver's food market, 1190 8.12th
at, Saturday night
Lucien LeLong's . representative,'
Kay McHenry, will be at our store
- November 26th to Dec. 1. Prices.
i ' . A few hours after Paul Small,
117 S. 14th sU bad reported his
bicycle stolen Saturday night city
police found it in the 400 block of
Ferry street
For home loans see Salem Fed
eral, 130 South Liberty.
Addition of one clerk has
brought the staff of the price de
partment of the Salem war price
and rationing board to six since
addition of responsibility for work
in neighboring communities re
cently. West Salem, Independence,
Dallas, Monmouth and ' Stayton
boards, recently became part of
the Salem office and at the be
ginning of December the work of
the Woodburn . and Silverton
boards will be handled out of
For unpalnted furniture, shop at
WoodrowV 325 On ter. ' "
A big advance sale of tickets
for the Industrial Supervisors'
club banquet Friday night at the
YMCA. is reported. The dinner is
scheduled for 6:30 o'clock, with
Dean ,U. G. Dubach of Oregon
Ct.t. 1 1 ' T? 1 J
Craven ". will lead group singing,
and a program of instrumental
music is being' arranged by Mrs.
Craven. Leo Peterson, president,
will be master of ceremonies.
Fur storage. Let us tell you about
our storage with free moth-proof
ing. Prices.
. Ancil Payne, boys' work secre
tary at the Salem YMCA before
he enlisted in the navy, put on
civilian clothes Monday and came
back to Salem. Dwight Adams, al
so a former "Y" staff member
who left his coaching and teach
ing Job at Monmouth to accept a
commission in the navy, also was
discharged early this week.
Capital ab phone 6646.
Fred Roberts has been issued a
city building permit to erect
$3000 dwelling at 460 Hickory,
Louis Cass has taken out a permit
to alter fen apartment house at
419 S. 19th st at a cost of $500.
A permit to erect a $200 billboard
at 470 S. Commercial st has been
granted to'Loose-Emmelt
Wedding pictures taken at
church. 520 State. Ph. 5722.
Paul A. Fugate. late resident of
Aberdeen. Idaho, at Pocatello, Idaho,
November 23. Survived by wile. Mrs
Ruth, rugate Ot Aberdeen. Idaho
ianffhtr. Miss Pauline Fueate of Aber
deen; brother, Glenn W. Fugate of
Aberdeen. Services will be held at the
rimiph-Rarrick chaDel Tuesday. No
vember 27. at 2 p.m., with Hev. Chester
W. Hamblin officiating. Interment in
Belcrest Memorial park.
Walter Walters. 1at resident of
iTMtfnrd. at a local ho5tital Novem
ber 24. Survived by a daughter, Mrs
George Giefer 01 unasey. t-am. ah-
ouncement of services later by the
owell-Edwards chapel. ?;
Kewitham , ,
Waldemar A. Newnham. late resi
dent of Independence, at a local hos
pital November 24. Survived by his
wife. Norma Newnham of Independ
ence; two sons, Harry Albert and
Thomas Dwayne Newnham, of Inde
pendence; father, Albert Newnham of
Alameda. Calif.: and a brother, Ray
tnorid Newnham of Oakland. Calif.
Member Of Independence Christian
church, the IOOF Valley lodge No.
24 and Rebekahs. Announcement of
- services , later by Howell-Edwards
ft pel. ' .
Conaer '
WUUam C. Conner, y at 4h resi
dence, route 3, Salem. Sunday, No
vember 29. -Survived by his wife, Mrs.
Ann i. Conner of Salem; son. Clare
Conner of Salem; four brothers. E.
C Conner of Cottage Grove, Horace
Conner of Grants Pass, Harry Conner
t Eugene and Robert G. Conner of
Ixrrv. Ore. Services will be held
Wednesday. November 28, at 2 P-m.
- at the Mills chapel in Cottage Grov.
interment at Cottage Grove. Direc
tion of Clouih-Bamck company,
MUen Edes Meyers, widow of the
late- Henry . Meyers, at her residence
at 430 North Summer street. Sunday,
November 25.- Survived by the follow
ing cousins: Miss Rhoda L. Chapman.
May Chapman Pearce. Mrs. Jennie
Pearce Erwin and Mem Pearoe. all
f Salem. Mrs.. Loru Chapman Mack
f Los Angeles, Helen Mack Parker
'of La Grande, and Mrs. Nina Mack
Gibson of Oakland. Calif, Mrs. Pene
lope Barker Noyes of Cambridge.
. Mass.. and Mary Noyes Spellxnan and
Dorothy Noyes Arms, both of Fair
field. Coiur Services will be held
' from St Paul's Episcopal church
.Tuesday, November 27. at 130 pjn.
with private commitment services m
the Edes family burial plot at the
' IOOF cemetery, Salem, under the n-
. rection of T. Rigdon corn pan y.
$tv. George H wiftwill oMiciate.
Friends are requested to please omit
glowers. . ' . . .
' Karts '
Carrie KurU. UU resident of route
t 1. at a local hospital Monday. Novem
ber 2S. Survived by her mother, Mrs.
Barbara Mankertz of Portland; daugn
. Ur. Barbara KurU Smith of Salem;
' ion. Dr. F. Howard Kurtz of Salem:
two brothers. Ted F. Mankertx of
Caiem and Gua L. Mankertx of Puy
allup. Wash.; two sisters. Mrs. R- L
, Sweeney and Mrs. L. Bean of Port
land, and three pandchlldren. Ser
vices will be held Wednesday. Novem
ber 2S. at 130 p.m., in the aough
Barrick chapel. Rev. . Georg. Swift
officiating. Interment will be m BeJ
erest Memorial park. '
Members of Toastmistress will
be guests of Toastmasters tonight
at a 6 o'clock dinner at the Mar
ion hotel. Ed Majek will be toast
master 'and the speakers will be
L. O. Arens. Rex KimmeL A. J,
Crose, Wesley Stewart, D. J. Mc
Lellan and Dr. Henry E. Morris.
Walter Lampkin, is president of
Toastmasters and Mrs. Arens
heads Toastmlstres. x
Joe's Barber shop, new location
715 Ferry St, across from U. S
employment office. '
Thomas L. Workman was ar
rested at Woodburn Monday by
Dgputy Sheriff Harlan M. Bones
on. a warrant out of Multnoman
county district court charging
non-support Workman posted
$250 bail and his hearing is set
for Nov. 27, 1945, at Portland.
Marvin Lewis, cold storage lock
ers, are now open. 275 Wallace
Road. 1
Officers from Douglas county
took C. H. Dunn to Roseburg
Monday to answer to a criminal
charge there. Dunn recently
pleaded guilty to two check in
dictments here and was sentea
ced and paroled.
House for sale by owner, 450 N,
20th, fireplace, hardwood ' floors
full basement- Nice place.
Harley Libby will speak at the
Hollywood Lions club luncheon
Wednesday noon on the proposed
community health center. Libby is
directing the campaign for the
center sponsored by the Oregon
Farmers Union.
Cyn" Cronise Photographs and
Frames. 1st , Natl Bank Bldg.
Automobiles driven by Clarence
Grayson, North 17th st., and Lena
Isaak, 960 Madison st, collided
shortly after 12:30 p. m. Sunday
at the intersection of Church and
Hood streets, city police reported.
Mr. Armena Felt from the Spen
cer Support Shop of Portland will
be at the Hotel Senator Wednes
day, Nov. 28, to interview those
interested in Spencer corsets and
to deliver previous orders.
Lucien LeLong's representative,
Kay McHenry, will be at our store
November 26th to Dec. 1. Prices.
A car belonging to Cecelia A.
Morgan, route 2, box 3903, was
reported stolen Monday afternoon
from its parking place in the 400
block of North Commercial street
Knight Memorial rummage sales
Wed.-Thurs, 439 Court s
FATHER DIES 1 , i - if
W4 N. Ekblaui father. of Mrs;
Robert Caton of Salem, died lit
Coos bay following a heart aU
tack Sundayi Ekblad, a native of
Minnesota, had made his home on
Coos Bay, since .1906.; For a num
ber of years he operated a hard
ware I and sporting goods store
v- rk.. . in. i t
uk, v vv uci. vi vuicr propci igr in
cluding one of f-the city's better
apartment houses, he had been
prominent In various civic activi
ties,' had served 12 years ion the
city council and six years on the
school' board. In addition to this
daughter here fee is '. survived by
his.widow, a son, Willis Ekblad of
Springfield, and two sisters and
two brothers in! Minnesota. i
t ! .
Arel your brakes safe tor wet
weather? Specialized brake serv
ice j at Stevenson and ' Mefford
Texaco Station, Court and ChurcH
Sts. Ph. 2-1931! ' i ' ' I " f
Evelyn Swaim Roth, Salem,' as
sistant . state supervisor of home
economics education for the divi
sion of vocational education, has
arranged the program for a re
gional Future. 'Homemakers con
ference to be held on the Oregon
State college campus November 30
and December 1. - Officers of the
Future Homemakenj of America,
with high school home economics
teachers j and supervisors from
Oregon, Washington 'and Montana
are to attend the conference. ' r
Shoe salesman Wanted, experience
in women's shoes, steady position.
Apply Paramount Shoe Store, 405
Court; ! i ? v-'
George Mirich, injured in an
automobile accident ' November j 15
near J Ashland in which his
brother, ! Michael Wi Mirich, was
killed, has recovered from his in
juries and returned to his work
at the Standard station at the
intersection' of '.Church and Court
streets, j . j
Salem Truth Center, 262 N. Cot
tage. Metaphysical library open to
public every Tuesday 12 to 4 p.m.
A notice of retirement was filed
with i the Marion county clerk
Monday from Castle! Hall Cottages
by Ralph E. and Lottie M. Pra
thef, ! 4035 j Holgate ) st, Portland.
A notice of retirement for Sund
berg apartments was also filed y
W. jW. and Z.TA. Rosebraugh. I
Salem Lodge No. 4, A.F. &
A. M.! will open at Clough-
Barrick Mortuary, Nov. 27 at
1:45 to conduct: the funeral service
for Bro. Paul A. Fugate. - U
i i t ' 3
A certificate of assumed bus
iness name for the Growers Serv
ice 'and SupplyJ; Co. Was filed with
the Marion county clerk Monday
by M. W, Warren and L. W. Stet
son, both from; Yakima, Wash
f 1 i j jj! : i
Marvin "Lewis,? cold, storage lock
ers, are now open. 25 ; Wallace
Road, j- . j I j ; ;J
The Kiwanis club luncheon !at
noon today will be preceded by a
meeting of the Boy Scout commit
tee at 11:30 at which made tips
will be possibly. ;
ill i i ' 'Si i ;
Rummage j sale, Jr. Guild Eplsc.
Parish Hse, 9 m. ;Nov. 30-Dec 1
; - . i
Mrsl Good New
to r
Janice Wills Good, secretary to
Dr. G.Herbert Smith when the
latter was dean of DePauw uni
versity before coming to Willam
ette in 1942, has become his sec
retary in the president's office.
She succeeds Hazel Gallagher
who- tendered her resignation
upon the return of hef husband
from overseas this month.
While f a student at DePauw
Mrs.. Good was a member of Phi
Beta Kappa ; and Mortarboard,
and a jfharter member of the
campus chapter of Pi Beta Phi.
Following her graduation In 1942
she was .employed for three years
on the staff of the registrar's of
fice at the University of Illinois.
'Mrs. Good's husband, MaJ. Rob
ert Good, is currently stationed at
Camp Stoneman, Calif with the
army air corps. Following his an
ticipated discharge in February
he plans" to enroll for the spring
semester' in the Willamette uni
versity ichool of law. Until her
husband's' arrival in Salem the
president's secretary - will stay at
the home of Dst and Mrs. Law
rence Riggs. I t
Colds and Sinns Infection
Jlalief obtained In most cases aft
r first treatment No Shots, Pain
or Probing. Latest non-medical
methods. " .
. Chlrepraetie-Nat. FhysletoB
- CIS N. Winter St
Res. calls made, Thona M.
Typerrrilcr f
Dcpair Service
Your typewriter will receive
the best attention In Need
ham's shop. Over 20 years ex
perience repairing all types of
office machines assures you
of satisfactory Job. Call
5801. v : r:y
415 State Street
Salem, Oregon
Bob Sogge, 12, of 402 N. Capitol
sti futl his hand in an electric
ran? at a downtown bowling alley
Sunday: and first I aid was ad
ministered; byf members of the
city crew, i 1 1 1 I
Pink flowering dogwood $2.50 and
$5.00. New Willamette raspberry
$1.50 dozen. Thornless Boysenber
ry 50c ea. Knight Pearcy nursery,
375 S. Liberty.; ( f
taining passes from an"army hos
pital, were stolen between t and
10 pjn. Saturday tight : from the
First Evangelical church, city po
lice were notified, i f -
City firemen were called to two
flue fires Sunday." At ,1:30 pjn.
they went to 1788 S. 12th st, and
at 7:35 pjn. to 530 N. 19th tt
A son was born! Monday night
at Salem General hospital to Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur JH. Allingham,
1615 N. 4th st : -.. L '
. 5 ' 7
Mrs. James Henderson f Jef
ferson and her ' infant daughter
were able to go home Monday
from Salem General hospital.
I Vancouver, Wash., marriage li
censes include those to Roy S.
Maltman and Aurelia Davidson,
both of 'Salem; and to Rollin E.
Seibert, McMinnville, and Gladys
M. Agee, Salem.
Ruth Deass formerly of Vanity
Box is now at the Bonnie Lee
Beauty Shopl Ph. 9659.
i . -
I Bob; Henderson, 1296 N. Com
mercial j$t., who fractured his left
wrist scuffling at Salem high
school Monday was taken by city
first aid car to Salem Deaconess
hospital for X-ray examination. .
The Law office of Lawrence N.
Brown will be moved on the 15th
day of December, 1945 from 214
Oregon Bldg., to 212 Masonic Tem
ple Bldg. The new phone will be
3424. I ,
i Mabel Fox, daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. I.JN. Fox, formerly of Sa
lem, has been named to a part
in "Blithe Spirit", Noel Coward
play to be presented by members
of the Ljnfield college senior class.
Beulah Lott Queen candidate will
entertain you 9:30 Friday night
over KSLM. V
i Willard Hall, Turner, and Ar
thur Peters, 1695 N. 5th st, were
discharged Monday from Salem
Deaconcjss hospital.
Leaving for San Francisco Thurs
day 6 ajn. Can take 3 or 4 riders.
Phone 3461.;
Lizzie Luper, 72, of 1144 Cen
ter st.,3 received severe bruises
Monday when she fell downstairs,
city first aid men said. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Harold deVries,
route 6 box 241, Salem, are par
ents of a son bofn Monday morn
ing at Salem General hospital.
i ;
Jess Thompson has taken a posi
tion with the Huff Real Estate
company es farm salesman.
.ii -
! William J. Ritchey, Independ-
ence, and Ethel M. Monroe, Port
Orchard, Wash., applied for a
marriage license in Portland on
I Two Women's purses, each con-
Explorer Scouts
To Be Inducted
-. - 1 - . j -
- Fifteen youths ;in . their upper
teens will be inducted Into Ex
plorer Scout - troop -17 tonight' at
8 o'clock at the First Presbyterian
chur eh. District Commissioner
Kenneth McLeod; Neighborhood
Commissioner Eldon- Barrett, and
Pat Crossland, leader of the new
troop, 'will be in charge. ' '-
- Members to be - inducted are
Rodney Kaminga Dick! Plank,
John Stark, Bill Banfert, Jack
McConnville, Wilber Bower, Bob
Emerson, Frances England, Tom
Burger, Jack Smith, Roy Ander
son, Dick Unruh, ; Bruce Boatman
and Dick Cole. . i- S
IPanIbn5B IKi(BDirdls
Stat mt Dean Anderaton;
Defendant found' guilty of charge of
operating a vehicle while under. Jthe
Influence of intoxicating liquor and
case extended to Thursday, Nov. 39,
145. .'-':-.
State of Oreeon va Pat Ijpv: n.
fendant found guilty of two chargea
ox lorgery. sentenced on each charge
to a maximum of two years in the
state penitentiary, both sentences to
run concurrently.
State of Orecon Vf C. H. Dunn: De
fendant found guilty of two charges
01 obtaining money by false pretenses.
Sentenced to six months in the Marion
county Jail on each charge, sentences
to run consecutively.- Released on pa
role to Joseph Dever's defendant's .attorney.'
State of Oregon vs Ronald Gates:
Defendant found guilty of charge of
obtaining money by false pretenses.
Sentenced to serve tlx months in the
Marion county jail and ordered- to
reimburse -Jefferson Fur farm to the
amount of $195.
William Edward. Ring vs Mary A.
Ring: Motion for order of default
against defendant filed.
Vivian Garber vs oriana H. carper:
Suit for divorce aski custody of one
minor, charging cruel and Inhuman
treatment and demands for $30 - per
month . support- money.. Married; Dec.
V 1943. at Salem.
. State of Oregon vs Carl : Pyeatt:
Defendant's motion for new trial - on
grounds- of alleged "' misconduct . of a
juror, denied. . - -
Fredrick George Uchte vs-Mary Ann
Lichte: Suit -for divorce asks custory
of one minor child. Married Dec '17,
WIS, at Woodburn.
- - -Dorothy S. -Blankenship vs.' Bradley
Blankenshipi . Suit - dismissed . . without
prejudice.' - , .... -
- Helen MrMUlin vs Earnes McMillln:
Plaintiff.- wplies to defendant' cross
complaint admitting and denying -and
makes application for ' place on trial
docket, .
Mrs. Jerrold Owen vi Franklin Fire
Insurance Co. Philadelphia), a cor
poration: . Defendant files answer ad
mitting and denying.
State- of -Oregon vs -Joe- Working:
$250 bail money returned to Alameda
Randall, i -
W Ulian G. C. Smith . vs Lois ' OA
Smith: Application made to place luit
on trial docket of Dec. S, 1943.
Julius Aim. estate: Claim' of Henry
Aim and 'Julius Aim' and Sons against
estate foe $3413.47 allowed and ordered
Anton Sena eff ers, estate: Final ac
count filed by Alois Keber, adminis
trator, approved and estate ordered
Joseph F. Schneider, guardianship
estate: Order confirming sale of real
property at Stayton filed. .
MiUie Carlson, estate: Return of sale
of real property filed by Ethel Daw
ton, executrix.
State va Tom Shortell; 10 days sus
pended following a plea of guilty to
a charge of disorderly conduct; desti-
to pay
said unable
tute defendant
court costs.
State vs Ivan Edward Whitby: S3
fine and costs for . passing- with in
sufficient clearance.'
State vs Charles W. Klndel: $1 and
costs fori driving a car without opera
tor'! license. , .
Christ St.; Tunning red light: $9 bait
Willard Kystch; drunk and disorder
ly; ; $25 bail. . - .
Rueben O. CummiSs. W, carpenter,
SaJem and Ida Lynch. t housewife,
Aiiburn. Wash. f -
Chester L. O'Ben, Jewe'er's tool
maker. SSS N. 15th st. Salem and Mary
E. Todd, clerk. S.)gnu . ,
j i '. '.-
Jerry Slick 3Iemorial,
And Kequiem 3Iass
Today at St. Joseph's -
ileraprial service and requiem
mass will be celebrated thj
morning at 8 o'clock at St Jo
seph's church for Jerry' Slick,
aviation ordnanceman, 3c, 1 killed
when a navy bomber crashed in
the"' Pacific May 25, 1945. The
navy has just reported the death
officially after the name bad been,
carried jfer many months on the
missing: in action list
Jerry Slick .was " employed by
the highway department at the
Fordorf M. Pentx. Warrenton; Viola-1 tin " induction in the navy.
He was . a- graduate oi sacrea
Heart academy and -i is survived
by three" sisters' and three broth
ers besides his mother, Mrs. Grace
Slick, 1532 Center st i -' ; ' '
The other members of the fam
ily are Ray Slick, fireman 1c,
with the navy J in Japan; Edwin
Slick, navy construction battal
ion; and Frank Slick, at home;
Mrs. Charles Ordway and Annet
te Slick, Astoria; and Grace Slick
of Salem.. I
tion of "basic rule;. $7.50 fine.'
- Aaron A. , Steele.. Morgan avenue.
Salem, too operator's license.' S3 fine;
violation- of basic rule, -$ fine. --Charles
-M. McGennis. Ooverdale;
vagrancy; 30 days suspended. . .
Eugene H. Lewln. route 2, Woodburn;
failure to stop: S3S0 baU.
Hugh J- Sis. Grants Pass i vagrancy;
30 days suspended. . ...'
Ed ard L. Thompson, Portland dry
dock; disorderly conduct: released- to
navy. i
.- Viola B. Mattiaon. route t Hubbard;
disorderly conduct; $30 fine.
Donald W. Dimbat,' rout S. box 90,
Turner; - reckless driving; $30 bail.
Cynthia J. Needhanv 1000 McGU-
!i: I i' . M Jf
WhAf '! -lUte
oz. eottu
Sv Yew Wlraw Svaslr Nsw
d still RtWwVfcvMy Isfv frin
-' ? I In J
V ) ; : -r JAu W : .
New 5 Star construction
hardwood frames, full
coil spring 1 seat and
back". Richly uphol
stered Telours, mohair
Kroehler Davenport and Chair
Floor Lamp
Table Xamp
Ilirror j
Scalier Beg
Sewing Cabinet
Bridge Table & Chairs
Occasional; Tables
Desk j
Electric Plate
Wall Shell
Portable Bar
Cedar Chest
at, js- -
Desk and Chair Set
Table) and Chair-
Hi Chair
Quality Baby
A Carriage. Leatherette
mM ,. 39
. Swing Chair
and Rocker Sets
Crib and Blattresa
Doll and Toys
Fine Selection
Of Swing Rockers...-
Reclining Chair
And Ottoman .
Occasional Tub
Chair Choice Covert
Boudoir Slipper
Chair ... : - " .:
Phone 6414
0W Mf
i' aw
. i -
474 Sooth Commercial St.
Free Delivery