Middle.Grove Family Parties Are Numerous ; MIDDLE GROVE Among thos ntertaininf with family dinners over the Thanksgiving holiday were Mr. and Mrs. William Kauf man who had as guests Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kaufman and son Don ald Kaufman, Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Merit Trine and Wade Trine of Portland. At the Walter Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Munson and family of Brush College and Mrs. . W. W. Williams and Clarence Williams; at the Lee Daws.. Mr. and Mrs. Vern - Shulz, Portland; at Dan Scharfs, Mr. and Mrs. John Van Laanen, Norma Van Laanen and Mrs. Kate Scharf. f A lit afUIUl IH1 JillUI J Goode families combined farming and pleasure, with dinner at noon and attendance at the Silverton- Chemawa football game In the af ternoon In Silverton. The Will Scharfs had as guests, Mrs. Karen Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Erling Thompson and family, McMinn vllle, and "Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scharf and family of Salem. Spending the day away from the community were Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Hammer at the home of Mrs- Koy Mcisiel in Salem; Mr and MrsJ Robert Reed and family at the Earl Reed home in Silver ton; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Basset t and Donald were hosts to Mr. and Mrs. August Otjen. Mr. and Mrs Eric Stahl, Magdaline and Edwin, at the Adolph Gerlings, Salem Mrs. Helen Walker and James Maddax, at the Leo Dehzel home in Portland, later accompanying the Denzela to Oceanlake for the weekend. Mrs. Lott Olsen and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fisher spent the day at the Ed Ward home in Hayes ville.' The Fred Scharfs spent the week of Thanksgiving in Spokane at the home of Reverend and Mrs. Gerald Jaffe; Mrs. Mary Herndon and Mrs. Lena Bartruff and Rob ert Bartruff were with relatives in Portland. ' The week preceding Thanksgiving, Mrs. Helen Walker had as house guests Mr. and Mrs. John Sigvoslin of Kansas City, Mo., and Mrs. Clara Wilson, "Klamath Falls. ! Quotations at Portland Cortland Produce PORTLAND. Ore. Nov. 2S .(AP). Butter AA prints Sl-51'ic; cartons 82-S2,c: R grade print 0,-51c: car tons 51i-5Jc: B grade prints SO-Sle. Butterfat Tirmt nualitv miTimum Of . of 1 par cent acidify, delivered Portland Sl-SSle: mtntum ouil. tty. maximum of Ji of 1 per cent acidity 83-53 Wc- valley routes and country point lc less than first or 90-S0,aC. Chee Selling price to Portland retailer: Oregon tripleU.as.S6c; loaf ZS.Sc; triplet to wholesalers M 5c; loaf Z8.Sc lb. delivered. ( Eggs to retailer.: AA gradel,Urge Je; A large 5Sc; A medium 64c; small (pullet) 4c. Pre Med nwiti Vol A 1 Mi'.- A Sl'ic: B 19-16',: C 11-17ic: cull i-IX id. Hogg, fancy, block 20c lb Lambe AA Jtc; A J4tc; B X2,e; C 20c. Mutton fancy A lSUe: M 12c: R rede S-lOc. Beef AA llie: A JOic: I 18'ic: C lc: tinner and cutter i-ic: canner and cutter bulla 14c. Live poultry i Chicken, buying rice of wholesaler: Broiler l'i to lbs. 23c; S to JVi lbs. 25c; roasters over 3" j lbs. 23c; colored hens 22c; Leghorn hens 19c: roosters, stags. 12c. nDDiu government ceiling : Ave rage country killed to retailer 44c; nve price -to producers 22-24c lb. Turkeys Basic buying price. oressea oasis: Hens se.se; torn 31M: for torn, net at farm. Dressed turkeys Packers' selling Sriee to retailers: Hens 40-41c; tomi S-37c lb. Onions Oregon dry No. 1. 1.40 3 43 50 lb. sack; green 90c dozen bunches. i Potatoes Deschutes Gems, 100s, a.zu; 23 in. sack SAC. Wool Government control. Mohair 1944, 12-month 43c lb. Hay Wholesale rail shipments: Alfalfa No. 2 or better $34-35: oats and vetch, mixed hay, valley growers' price $34; clover hay $21 baled on farms. Akers on Trip lo California LABISH CENTER -4 Mr! and Mrs. Harvey Aker left! Thursday by car for Losj Angeles Wher they will stay until Christmas, i They will Join Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cole of Gaston, Who left earlier. The Arlo Pughs and the Pete Russes art spending several days at Gleneden Beach working on the iatter's new home there. Mr. and . Mrs. Clyde Boehm. Kathy and Carol of Salem,' were present at a , family gathering on Thanksgiving! at the K. S. jTontx home. ' j ' . f - I ' v Mr. and Mrs. O. G. McClaughry were hosts to their children and their families on Thanksgiving day. :;! .: j Mr, and Mrs. Ruben Boehm and family and. Mr.; and Mrs. Harry Boehm were guests at the Charles Young home in Sherwood .Thurs day. ''I .. f - Connie Weinntan. and Mrs. E. J. Weinman spent Thanksgiving in Portland Livestock Sand Hands Family , is .Visiting With Parents DALLAS Dr. and Mrs. Robert Sandilands and two children are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Neufeld. They have just re turned from 'the Foreign Mission Conference for outgoing mission-i aries in New York. They made preparations for leaving for their , field in Africa about January 1. Dr. Sandiland was a practicing physician and surgeon at Monta sano, Wash, during the war. His parents were missionaries in Af rica for the Presbyterian church. He occupied the pulpit at the lo cal Presbyterian church Sunday morning. j . PORTLAND. Ore, Nov. 26 -(AP)-(VSDA) - Salable cattle 2000. total ziao: salable calves 330. total 400: market uneven: medium good steers and heifers 23-90 cents higher; lower grades and all cows steady - strong witn instances zs cents Higher; sev eral loads medium-good steer 14 00 18.75: two load 17.00-15; common grades 11.00-13.25; good heifers 14.50- 15.25: few 15.50; common - medium grades 8 50-14 00; canner-cutter cows large )ij; fat dairy type cows 8 00-9 00: medium - good beef cows 10.O0-12.2S: - medium - good sausage bulla 9 0-1 1.00; good beef bulls 11.50- 12.00; odd head to 12.55; good-choice vealera 13.50-14.00. few 14.50; grass cawes mosriy w.uv oown. Salable hors 300. total 3850: market active, steady at ceiling; butchers 15 80; sows 16.05; feeder pig mostly 19.30. Salable sheep 1150. total 1450; mar ket active. 25-50 cents hieher: good choice wooled lamb 13.75-14.00: shorn lambs up to - 13.50: common lambs 11.00-73; cull feeders down to 8.50 good ewes 6.00-23; common down to 3.00. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 29 -( APi Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1 63'i soft i wnite (excluding Hex) i.63i white club 163: western red 1 63'i Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.63'. 10 per cent 1.63; 11 per cent 1.66. 12 per cent 1.88. Hard white Baart: Ordinary 1.63'i 10 per cent 1.66; 11 per cent 1.68 12 per cent 1.70. Today's car receipts: Wheat 65. bar ley 5. flour 18, eom 10. oats 9, hay 7 miUfeed 23. Altar Society Plans For Annual Election SILVERTON St. Paul's Altar society will, hold its anneal busi ness meeting with election of offi cers December 6 at the home of Mrs. William MacNeill. Reports on the fall festival held Sunday will be given. Mrs. R. J. 'McCullough is the president of the - group. -' Four Corners Lags With Bond Quota (FOUR CORNERS The quota of E bonds has not yet been met in this community. Bonds are be ing sold at the branch post office in the Four Corners variety store any week day. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rust have moved into the house at 3995 State st. A state policeman Rust came from Springfield, Ore Dwight Ritchie, the postmaster. reports overseas mail has been much lighter than last year, but the civilian mailing is about as great as last year. He is urging people to do Christmas mailing early to assure delivery on time. He suggests packages be wrapped well, addressed plainly, with the return address Included. Portland with Mrsv Weinman's mother and sister. ! ' The Kum-Join-Us class " met on Tuesday at the Willard Aker home and ! decided to make the Decem ber meeting a jtairistmaa party. Gifts' will be exchanged and are not j to exceed 73 cents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weinman and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Blbby are on the entertainment committee for the party which will, be held Decem ber ill at the Pete Russ home. ? X Albany Rural Fire Group Will Elect ' ALBANY -An election will be held at the Fairmount grange hall between 2 and 6 p.m. December 3, to elect a director for the Norih Albany rural fire protection dis trict. Officers of the district met Friday morning; to decide -on the date: and time for the election. The term of H. J. Abraham, pres ent director, is expiring. - Falls City Cluijs Hold Many Parties During Holidar j FALLS CITY Mrs. LiizJe Treat entertained the Past Noble Grands club at her home Thursday, f A short business meeting was held and the remainder of the 'evening was spent socially, . ' The Women's Missionary Soci ety met ' at the Christian church parsonage Wednesday. Business was in charge of the president, Mrs. Richard Paul, and the pro gram was conducted by Mrs. How ard Gramling. j f The Grange had a short business and social meeting at the hall Monday night. The Home Ec club will meet at the hall Thursday, November 29 at 1 o'docfc A'no host dinner will be served. i. ' The Masonic and Eastern Starj families had a turkey, dinner at the Masonic hall Friday. The Rebekahs entertained the Odd Fellows with a no host dinner Thursday. Time was spent play ing cards. ' - World production of all United Nations aviation-gasoline plants! lor 100 octane, fuel reached a rate tf about 600,000 barrels a day lust before VJ day. Tablool Coastal Tides Time computed for Taft. Ore., by the U. S. Coast end Ceodetle Survey for The Oregon Statesman. ' November High Time Water n 7:41 a jn. 6.1 - 6:57 p.m. St tS 8:26 a.m. 61 8:16 p.m. S .- t 50 a .m. 6 S :2pjn. S SO t:40jn. 6 7 " 16J7pjn. SA Standard Low Time Water 0:36 a.m. 0.8 1:40 p.m. 1 :30 an. 2:48 p.m. S21 a.m. 3 41 p.m. 17 ajn. 437 p.m. 3.1 1.3 IA Anise seed, now baked in rolls and found to be good for' colicky babies, is mentioned in the Bible. "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier "Jast because we can get plenty of gas new, Bnford, Is n reaaosi why we shonldar't park anymorer - , i Save Money By Mixing Cough Syrup at Home Tt'e Ka f!axr! Needs No Cook , Ini;. Give Very Quick Relief. ma If Twu're not Interested ln 1 lne ennd MMtPV. VOU WKmXt m Mil effect tva relief for couebs due to colds. So try mllngr K yor- elf. la yer kncben,ajMi te ready zor snrprlae. . IVm a eejrr ta mix. a Child could It Make a syrup by nUrrlng wlpa of granulated sugar ana 1 cup or waer m few momenta, until dlaaolved. No cookror 1 needed. Or vaecornayrap 6r liquid bpaey, Instead of eur syrup. Put X" ounces of TUitt (obtained from ajty Craggut) into a pun IThen all up with your syrup. Thle makes a pint aoout zour iimee um much for your money. It tastee good children really like tt. It lasts a wantlfaniUy a long tune, and never apoUa. il But wnai you u wuw - iway it Ukee right hold of a cough. It looeenatbe puiegm. aooxnes uni ttoa. and Derps clear ui air pmsnacee. dofEaJieasorenee, LaH'syouaieep. You U say you ve never aeen km supenur. Plnex ta a special compound of proven Injrredlenta. In concentrated form, wett known for lte quick action , on threat and bronchial Irritation. Trr It and if -you're not realty dW bottle Jughte4 yor money will be refuaded. IBaiflDii D0! n g n ai Tt,., MKSUI KOIN ji KGW KEX, NUN kit Ut7t kc) , 2t ke) (119 ka) 6.M :1 6:3 6:4S :' News : S . Musie Time Music Time News S Kews sum KOIN Kloek j East. PoUy Bugler iNews I I (News I Old Songs 7 News' I I! 1:18 Smile Tlme! I Mews 1:36 ' Mews News 7:45 ! Voice of Hope (News IFTetcher (Farm Time 'i ! Bidln' Rang ISara Hayes y Roundup Boys I Agronsky I James Abb (Bugler X 8:6 8:11 8:3 8:43 Haven of Rest Haven of Rest Sing: Away ?s Orchestra '4 Use Vali er News alia.it Lad Light World Aunt Jenny MTred Waring IB' fast Oub Roth Presents I (KostelaneU t:W 9:1S 1:36 S:4S News if. M. Downey , Pastor's Call : Orchestra IS Kate Smith I Big Sister Helen Trent tCai Sunday (James Abb Larry Smith Personality Glamour Breakfast 16:66 16:13 16:36 16:4S News ( Lunch Lopei Paula Stone Bing Singsi 1 11:06 11:13 11:16 11:45 Ufe Beautiful Ma PeTkini - h (m. McDonald C I Dr. Maione 1 School Prof. Gilbert Art Baker Martyn Ted Melon True Story Ced. roster i iTwo on Otte i Guiding Light OrsanahUes' I Perry Ma sou i Children Queen for Tdy. I Rosemary ? In Whit ?; List'ning Post i Tena. Tun I (Hymns I Motorist iBaukhage Ethel Noob !:1S 12:39 12:43 Hymns Top Trades HiflbiUy si. Broadcast if' INews Find Me Woman's Life I Bach. Child'n. (Women of Am. iKennedy iMa Perkins I Young family 1 Happiness ft I Stars Today Ladies 1:6 " 1:1S : 1:3 1:4 News S ; (House Party Lum n' Abner 1 ? Melody Hr (Air Nwspapr (Backst. Wife Stella Dallas Loren. Jones iWidder Br'n Berch Radio Parade News Hymns PILES (Hemorrhoid) rutola fissure -r rIaps and ther types f Rectal A Colon conditions treat ed wtthent lsa f time, EEUET QUICK s nuariiAUXiAnun ; Call for examination r writ for FBEX deseripUv booklet. Dr. R. Reynolds Cfinie 1 Naturo-Proctologist tit N. Liberty St, Salem. Ore. Relief At Last ForYourCough : Crenrrrnlglon rellevea promptly be- j cause it com right to the seat of tho trouble to hem loosen aad expel : germ laden phlegm, and aid nature . to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branea.TeU your druggist to sell yoo bottle of Creomulslon with the un- dcrstATMftrigyoumust Kfcetheinty it tuiuioy auuye wib gwiajii ia wis BMW to nave your money back. CREOMULSION for CoashSiCfaest Colds, Bronchitis v -.owl? .::S5riSlIS"' . This time by providing Free fariiiag Space For Ou Patrons Anyone having a picture taken at Bishop Studios need only drive in to Frank Chasteen's Union Station, State and Church Sts. Attendant will park your car. Walk only ISO feet (most of which is under cover) to our 'Studios ;j , HoWfOpen Uednesday and Satorday unlil 9:00 P. II. f MMI? SWiliS 520 State St. - Salem Phone 5722 i THIS IS GOING TO BE A VOX7ERFU.VJ0RLDH EVERVTMNS W1ULBS DOC MECMANICALLV BY MACHINES BLONDS IF NOU WANT THIS DONE. JUST GET UP AND PUSH A BUTTON rlrr r X 7 IF NOU WANT THAT DONE. JUST PUSH A BUTTON M IF'THEV PUT A WiliU SWITCHBCARO ALONG SIDE THEIR S, V BEDS, PEOPLE WONT ) ( HAVClTO GET UP , ' ' -t AT ALL ijC GEE. ID LIKE TO vl " f CAMsl SOME STOCK I IN A COMPANY THAT ) S MANUFACTUPES X V-PAjAMAS- J t:06 t:lS :36 News Tomorrow Is -Your Weight i School (Meet Missus U Girl Marries Portia PUln Bill i front Page IWhat's Doing Kay West ):1S I:J J:45 News ;$ Concert Hour News $ Elsa Maxwell News State Train Showboat World Today IKoaa of Life David Ha rum Aunt Mary ;Dr. Paul iWalkle Talkie (Northwest IFootiites I Up Tempo : 4:15 4:36 4:45 Fulton Lewis -Sex Miller : Johnson ' Wes McWain 1 Stars Todai IE. winters Woman's Bert. News Melody Hour f IStars Today .. '; f IM. Meade it . Headline Gay 90 s Letters Santa I Hop Harrigan 5:6 S:15 5:3 5:45 News : (Manning Superman n (Red's cant Capt. Midriitet (News Tom Mix i INews , lFor Release IGlen Again With Judy,, J Pirates (Dick Tracy Armstrong I Ray Swing 6-.M 6:15 6:3 6:45 Wm. Lang f Orchestra 3 Forum !j Forum 9 Inner Sanctum tAmos At Andy ILombardo ) i (Amos 6c Andy I (Salute Hits ! IFibber McGee lExtravag. (Hello i!1 4 I 7:66 T:15 J:M 7:45 Forum I News I: By Morse J By Morse h , Ford Show 1 Preview I- 'j Bob Hope i jHildegarde ,; I Concert Time I 1 County Fair S66 1:15 S:3 S.45 Service Sons Kirk wood Hlyd Preview 'Smith Show Vagabond? Romanee Leonard's ? 1 ' Supper ClUb Fleet Lawtoa ; I jPresents , - i Lum 'n Abner iRyerson Alan Young 6:8 6:15 1:36 6:45 'Newt a " -Jas. Crowley Sports f Newi i - (Bi Town iSpot Light 111! Million DoUar Hollywood Dark Venture News Time Is Now : i Fulton Lewis 1 3 Star Final ' 1 INews f 16:15 Orchestra rt IWith Flowers; I The Barber 16:36 Sports News I Edwin C. HU1 . 16:45 Orchestra Tex. Rangers! Band Wagon .Music I Music Concert Hour 11: 11:15 11:3 11:45 11:5$ 12:66 '.Open House Dance Music iNews 1' (Sign off ITalks (Orchestra Air -Flo 1 Orchestra INews Music, News (News t i Orchestra i lOrchestra S 'Swing Shih I INews Rhythm "Xra Hour KOAC TUESDAY 556 Kc 16: News: 10.15 For Women: 11 K Concert Hall; 11:30 Coneemt Hall; 11:45 Hasten Day: 12:00 f News: 1JJS Noon Farm t. Hour; 1 :0ft Rid'em Cow boy: 1:15 School of Air: ; 1:45 My Country Sings; J:00 r World; :S0 Memory Book of Music; 3:00 News; 3:15 Music of Masters; 4:00 World Re view; 4:15 Campus. 4:45 University Journal; 9 0Q On the Upbeat; 5:40 Sports Review; 8:0(1 News; :15 Evening Farm Hour: 7:00 Western Songs: 7:30 Music, of Many Lands: 8 KM Musical Com edy; 6:30 Music Thats Endures; 8:30 News: 9:41 Evening MedlUtiom; 10 M Sign Ott. h t i ' aBejMaABaaSaSj6al6aSaSaBaMaaUBsaAaAaau iHlOlifiilFin m s Simple piles eeeil aotwrack ml tartar yoe WMB snsddenuie ttcb. harm a ad antation. Staan's Pyramid Snnpeiiteraia bring , enick, welcome relief. Their grand soedi-1 ration sacana ltd comfort, rcaucea strain, ' petes tiektesi relaxed saasafaraaea, aently lubricates and oheas. Pfotectrre and , anti-chafing, a "easy to eaa. Get genuine j ff win's hmU 6ninoiint a ycm dRDER i Mix.. iSgE) TODAY To Be Snrc:of DeSrcry I I r 'li'. lf j- " T'--c""':-' -Z-r-'S? "t''r-'--' It. Gircert report muMnal demand for this imtw loaf of bread cntafning the Cwnooj Regatta McaL i Nourishing, hwlthful - - 4ja4tsilsstsig Vltsimln B offered m a new mtlbj preen. Baked under cxdusive :M'-?:i':-'--h--k. 11'-'-"-'' t-';f-v . - I - "i ' i - ; r ; " ? ; " ' ,i -'. r Made by tKe Bakers of ! 4 Tpr ti VftS THen NG.VJJ CJC1S J I MARK, 1 ! I BARNEY GOOGLE POST OSjTW LAID! GtLOUJS, 3 "aAlC II C S6TT6R GET A H 1 r07 SCARPf THAT'S J fl A COLD yriXjM. MICKEY MOUSE 1 Teft 16 Waft tWf fl i afWi w Weelst HlNe tawtri a. Catfcaaiaf 1 Ta fVffssss SvwsJsrejaF. J&ur VCFi OLD TO 8 OKAY, NOW MX! GOT A GATE. PLANT SCWVEiU WE uebdY FLOWERS if IN THE 1 yAftDf THIMBLE THEATRE 4 If " ' L J WHAT WNP OF i ' Z FLOWERS??, SOAAETH!NJO) PRETTYf T THE HOUSE OF THE FUTURE SHOULD HAVE LOVE IV. t- Lrvcry HURRY. . OSCAR IL HURRYlfJQH lAHOy. THA'SVWELL. DlT YOU a 4 "V ' 1 VVlV)i . A A A AS' I Tom Sims a i i but: IDIDN' I X-J a -aBssseiaSBl U A I i i i 1 Ti UrTALK TO HE YOU SUE AW ING LITTLE, orphan! Ha3 UAA DADP VOlt TALK LIKE i THAT I I'M ASHAMEO OF YOU I APOLOGUE TO ANNIE IMMEDIATELY LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY H ! PLEASE 06NTil WASNTl 6Ee,2ER0,I FEELBADp BE MAO AT FOOUKJG! ALL OVER-DOLLY S ANGELINA- YOU ARE ,l T &ONNA' SPANK SHE WAS fJ-fx S A-- " A I ANGELIrJAl J fMljft' -y --.--lsiLaA . fT tai VNtjgt, tsa , iyae .ttt rn S t I THE LOIIE RANGEa THE KICS TRVlM YSTOP HlMf TO GET AWAY! IT'S UP fa 1O0, VICTOR -AND I SURE HOPE VOU AAAKE IT! FK5URFP VtXJ'P sbO CAN'T KEEP VAMOOSE ME HERE! t- J