The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 21, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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    l frAGI tTf I Th OREGON STATESiIaN: Sd ?: " ' ' " ' - 1 V
: j
i - 1
J A I - '
Thre sorority alumna group
wer entertained at Informal af
lairi Monday night.
The Gamma Phi Beta cele
brated their 7 lit anniversary at
a buffet dinner at th hom of
their president, Mrs. Frank H.
Spears. Assisting hostesses wer
Mrs. Roger K. Putnam and Mrs.
Walter Barsch.
The tabl- centerpiece was of ;
pink ' carnations, heather and
'ireesiaa in a silver bowl flanked
by Ivory, tapers In silver-candel-bras.
Attending wereMrs. Coburn
GrabenhorsWMrs. William H.
. Hammond, Mrs. Garlan Simp
aon, Mrs. Russell Woodward,
Mrs. John Carson, Mrs. Paul
Hendricks, Mrs. LeRoy Grote,
Mrs. C. C. Higgins, Mrs. Ivan
Merchant, Mrs. J. J. Morritz,
Mrs. Jam .H. Nicholson, Jr., -Mis
Margaret Sjmms, Mrs. Les
ter Carter Miss Calline Hillman,
Mrs. Hollis Huntington, Miss
Louise Rawson, Mrs. ' Roger
Putnam, Mrs. Walter Barsch,
and Mrs. Frank Spears.
Alpha Chi Omega
Mrs. Roy Harland, Mrs. Wil
ner Wells, and Mrs. Waldo Zel
ler entertained th Alpha Chi
Omega alumnae at the former's
home on State street. A dessert '
supper was followed by the busi
ness meeting. The alumnae dis
cussed plans for their Christmas
celebration at the chapter house
' on the Willamette campus. .
Alumnae present were Mrs.
Howard Barlow, Mrs. Lewis
Griffith, Mrs. Gardner Knapp,
Mrs. Theodore Madsen, Mrs.
John Minto, Mrs. Burton A.
Myers, Miss BiUie Cupper, Mrs.
James Walton, Mrs. James
Young,' Mrs. Stearns' Cushing,
Mrs. Robert Shinn. Mrs. E. W.
Morley, Mrs. Mary Thomas,
Mrs.. Douglas . Parker, Mrs.
George Hanasuka, Mrs. J5. Bar
ber, Mrs. William, DePewY Mrs.
William Linfoot, Miss Agnes
" Ruth Hanson, and the hostesses.
Kappas Meet
The Kingwood Heights home
of Mrs. Charles Claggett was the
scene of the Kappa Kappa
Gamma alumnae meeting Mon
day night. A dessert supper was
. served by the hostess. During
th evening the group planned
the annual Christmas party and
charity work.
Those present were Mrs. Ros
eoe Wilson, Mrs. George Ross
man, Mrs. Brazier Small, Mrs.
Werner Brown, Mrs. Gayle Fin
ley, Mrs. David Eason, Mrs.
X. S. Kreason .of Dallas and
Mrs. Charles Claggett.
Monroes Visit at
Truax Home
Mrs. James Monro and
daughters, Marilyn and Jean of
Portland, formerly of Salem,
visited here over the weekend
' as guests of Mr. and Mrs. .Mer
ritt Truax. . ...
The Monroe have been mak
ing their hom In Coeur d'Alene,
Idaho, since leaving Salem sev
eral years ago. Mr. Monroe was :
acout executive ef the Cascade
Area council of Boy, Scouts of
f America. He la now camp ex
ecutive for the Portland area,
Boy Scouts. Th. Monroes hav
-' purchased a home in Lake Os
wego. Mrs. H. C. MajUell left by
plane Sunday night for Wash
ington, D. C, to Jin her hus
band, Brigadier General Man
dell, who is at Walter Reed hos-,
pital. The army general recently
returned to the states from th
South Pacific. . .
Today s Menu
Let's have a simple dinrer to
night. In anticipation of the com
' Vig feast.
Lettuce salad
' . French dressing with cheese
Hamburger cakes
Toasted bun
Buttered green beans
- Orange blanc mange
2 cups milk
4 tablespoons cornstarch -
6 tablespoons sugsr
1 egg -whites
V teaspoon salt .
"Grated rind of 1 oranges..
Mix cornstarch, -sugar and
salt together. Add milk, and cook .
In double boiler till thick. Then
cook ten minutes longer. Remove
from fire and add orange rind
and fold In stiffly beaten egg
whites. Turn int mold and
chili. Servt with oft orange
Red SUmp Fl through Kt through
Nov. so; L.I mroagn wt vua inrougri
Dec. 31. Rt throw VlwUi through
Jan. 31: Wl through Zt, maA Green.
K t'irougn Feb. ZS.
Sl'GAE: .
, Book 4 Stamp M valid for flv
pourid throush Dot. 1. ,
29c lb.
- Savbj Cealcr j:
Salem and ITet Salem
Open 7:39 A. M.4 t P. M.
Cl4Med Thaakrivrnr
h II iriirirHM r : rV
- . it a.
. .
Music v .
Maxme Burea
: Women's Cditar
Hobbs Home
Scene of
Dinner '
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Hobbs
wer hosts' for a lovely dinner
party Saturday night at their
Jefferson street residence for th
pleasure of a group of their
An arrangement of chrysanthe
mums provided ,th decorative
not on the dinner table and
about the rooms. Contract bridge
was in play during the evening
Covers were placed for r Mr.
and Mrs. Dean Ellis, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Hauge, Mr. and
- Mrs. John Marvin Ritchie, Mr.
and Mrs. William Bush, Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Jernigan - and -Mr.
and Mrs.' Hobbs.
Trio Will Sing
At Drama
Music for the Willamette uni
versity . department of drama's
presentation of "The Man Who
Came to Dinner," scheduled for
December 7 at the Leslie junior
high school auditorium will b
provided by an Alpha Chi
Omega trio composed of Miss
Pat Mansfield, Portland, Miss.
Betty Ellen Sinkola, "Hoquiam,
Wash., and Miss Elaine Cloudy,
Ketchikan, Alaska, it was" an
.r.ounced Tuesday by production
manager Lois Messing of Port
land. -
The December 7 production
of the Broadway comedy success'
will mark Miss Messing's sec
ond appearance within six
months as manager of a Will
amette play. While a freshman,
Miss Messing, a member of
Delta Gamma sorority, managed
the 1945 May Weekend play,
"You Can't Take It With You."
Wallace Reeds
Visit Here
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace J. Reed,
who recently came north from:
California, have been visiting th
past week in Corvallis with his
mother, Mrs. Arden A. Reed,
formerly of Salem. Mrs. Red is
. housemother at the Alpha Gam
ma Delta house.
Mrs. Wallace Reed is the for
mer Kathleen Schroepfer of
Visalia, Calif. The couple's mar
mi age took place In the -south -last
June. Mr. Reed was recent
ly discharged from the navy.
The couple will leave this
week for Visalia for a short
visit, expectingtd return to Cor
vallis where Mr. Reed plans to
continue his college work at
Oregon State college. "
Ed Talbot Feted
-On Birthday
Mrs. Ed Talbot and Miss Leona
LaBranche entertained with a
"surprise brithday party for Mr!
Ed Talbot Sunday night at the
Talbot's suburban home. Cards
wtre played and the guests were
also entertained by Mr. Herbert
Schilicker who played the piano
and showed the guests card tricks
h had learned while in a Ger
man prison camp.
The following were present:
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Mitchell, Mr.
and Mrs Darrell Gilchrist, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Russell, Mr. and
'Mrs. Hershel Davidson, Mr. and
Mrs. George Etzel, Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Payne, Mrs. Jessie Worth
ington. Miss Allene Osborne, Mr.
Walter' Cline, Mr. Donald La
Branche, Mr. Herb Schlicker, th
honor guest,. Mr. Ed Talbot and
th hostesses. -
- Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Shay
were in Portland Saturday night
. to attend the "welcome home"'
party given at the Oswego
Country club in honor of Mrs.
Shay's brother-in-law and sister.
Captain - and ,Mrs. Oliver C.
Jessup. Captain Jessup was re
cently released from the service
and is; now on terminal leave.
- i
Gaeat at the ba f Mr. and
Mrs. Gilbert B. Wynkoop on
Thanksgiving will b Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Spong and children,
Kathleen and Marilyn.
h toks fats to mak nylons, i
girdles, lctrc irons and
many other thingv you'rcp
waiting for ... as wN at
soap. Utd fats or ndedl
!-:.',- -1
. The Homd
, Jeryme English
WSCS. First Methodist church,'
meet in Carrier Room, t:30 p.m.
Centralis i Pythian Sitr, cov
ered dish supper, 9:39 pjii. -
AT 1
Salem Woipan's club '--at club
house. 3:3 p.m.
BPW finance committee with
Mia Marv Bheldon. 33 Union
street, 7:30 p.m.
Date Is Set
The Marion county volunteer
nurses aide corps wilt celebrate
its third birthday at afi informal
banquet on jrhursday .hight, De- ,
cember 6. in the Mirror room
of the Mafidn hotel, flans were
made for jthp affair at the regu
lar monthly meeting of the corps
Monday ni;ht with jthe newly
elected cors leader. iiMrs. Wil
liam T.scho6p, presiding.
The banquet will also be the
occa.sion tojbrinsr to a: close th
wartime peogram of. the corps
and to continue the purses aide
corps on i a! peacetime basis In
definitely. jAll nurses aides in
Marion county, their husbands
and guests are invited to the
6:30- o'cljOc: banquet; A varied
entertainment program will be
giverwduriiig the dinner hour,
and dancing will fallow. Mrs.
George Huj? is general chairman
of the affair. .i
Dr. Bain Speaks
.A "
Dr. Vei- D. Bain ;of the state
department of education spoke
on "Social Hygiene at the re
gular meeting of the American
Legion auixiliary Monday night.
The president, Mrsi Austin H.
Wilson, , presided. Two Willam
ette -university students, Ben
Mosher and Roger Fogelquist,
entertained the unit; withj several
numbers, j : I
Don Madison, chalrmafi of the
"Gifts for the Yanks," Rational
Chrislmas! progranl spoke, in
troducing! his committee mem
bers. Mrsj Alfred Williams. Mrs.
Ira Pilcher and ;Miss Velma
McNamara, a returned veteran.'
Mrs. Jimes Garonj displayed
gifts to be sent to jthe veteran's .
hospital tp Portland, to be given
by the veterans as; gifts. Capital
unit will also present 80 gifts
to children of veterans.
A sewiyig meeting will be held
Friday : evening at i the home of
Mrs. Elsie' Ritchie 914 North
14th. to sew for v. he Corvallis
bnower nonors
Mrs. Steveley
A shower was aiven by Mrs.
Fred G Kurtz at her home on
North Ri vc road on Friday in
honor of Mrs. WjJ A. Steveley.
The room was beautifully dec
orated , in fall flovfers.
A buffet lunchn was served
by the co-hostMi Mrs. E. A.,
Churnside. i.
Those present were th honor
guest, Mrs. E. JJlGenther, Mrs,
E. E. King, Mrs.) R. E. Lewis;
Mrs. Ubby JeffeMs, Mrs. Roger
Morris, L Mrs.- Iti Shoemaker
Mrs. Ti A. Gilmcfe, Mrs. Irvin
Mackey, Mris. ttrank Zeniske
and Miss Mildred Anderson
and hostesses
.-. i . i .
Westminster G4U4 meetinr f
the Fii-st Presbyterian church
prewoifsly scheduled for today,
has betn postponed to Wednes
day, November 21.
CentralU PytHlan Sisters wUl
meet tonight for; ja covered dish
supper at 6 130 of clock followed
by roll ca
, officerk.
nomination of:
4- Cecilia Bren-
nan, jpla
OCE, has
ent j secretary at
Yfd appointment!
in Red Cn
service, and wil
go to Wa
ngwn, D. C, late
this month
O take a two-weeks
will be
rse,. alter which she
ligned to the coast
district. She
expects her work ttf
be in
A Utile Va-tro-noi v
each) nostril promptly
reuevea snlflij, tufly
casttess of head coktM
triaJaes breathing ealCTi
A!st ftftn irtrtit rainy
colds from developing
If used m time. Trr ttl
Totrtl Ilka ll Follow
directions In package.
Arrive For
ThefThankigiving holiday will :
"bring a number of the college
and hoarding ' school set home
for the four day Weekend.
Joan FarrelL I daughter bf
Secretary of State and Mrs.
. Robeft S. FarrelL :jr, will arrive
tonigit from Tacoma where she
is atnding Annie Wright Sem
inar The FaxreJls nd their
daug&ters, Joan and Sally, will
be lr Portland for Thanksgiving
day is guests of his parents, Mr.
an IMrs. Robert: S. Farrell, ar.
Pauline Wallace, daughter of
the jaul B. Wallaces, will also
arrife tonight ifromj Tacoma.
whef e she is takingher senior
yearj at Anni Wrighttoo spend
the pHlidays with her Tparents.
,Nany Wallace, a sophomore at
the lUniversity pf Washington
andla Pi Beta Phi arrived the
firsf of the week from Seattle
, f or Jthe holiday Week
Kfisi Mary Elizabeth Sisson,
daughter of the Brown K. Sis
sons, also a Pi Beta Phi at the"
Unersity of Washington, art
rivfd Tuesday night to spend th
holidays- with her parents.
Miss Jeanne Busick, daughter
of he William I J. Busicks, will
be pome tonight from St. Helen's
Jutjior college in Portland to
spend the Thaoksgiving holidays.
H ' 1 - ' ' tv
prge Crowd at
I r
lem Rebekah Iodize met
Mfnday in the I OOF temple with
th noble grand, Mrs. John Dar
niflle, presiding over a group of
.oOer 200. -
pifts were presented at th
"harvest home' held for th
I(OF home in Portland. Mrs.
Ruth Hornaday was appointed
chairman of the committee to
cre for the room sponsored by
tlfe Salem Rebekah lodge at th
vS i t. .
home, j
IMrs. j Emil Otjen will have
c arge ! of the Christmas gift
packages " for t the men in the
nval hospital at Corvallis. The
nljembers are requested to get
te packages:) to her Monday
njght, November 28.
I The lodge Will participate in
the Christmas seal sale.
Mrs. Mary Dunn and Vera R.
White were elected to member
snip and Irene Kunz transferred
from Missoula, Montana. Next
Monday night the Rebekah de
gree will be conferred on six
Candidates, r
I Miss Hazel Price will enter
lain the Past Noble Grands as
fociation tonight at her home on
front Street at Market
Th Three Link club will hold
luncheon and business meet-
ng Friday in' th club parlors
t the IOOF temple.
amon Bassett
s Wave
! if K
NEW YORK 4- Miss Rosanna
Joan Mrljuffhlin nt 4S5 Prns.
; pect Place, Brooklyn, a member
of th Wave, and Mr. Ramon
Harris Baaaett, formerly of Sa
lem and at present in the navy,
secured a marriage license today
at the Municipal building here.
. They said the ceremony would
take place on Saturday, Novem
ber j 17 in StilTeresa's church,
Brooklyn, th Rev. W. G. Ryan
officiating. ;'
Th bride-elek, the daughter
of Mr. and Ms. William 'Mc
Laughlin, was born in New
York. Mr. Bassett is a native of
Salem. His parents are Mr. and
'Mrs. Raymond lH. Bassett.
Cm4 drcUl m
I4K mM.
3 . li)dv
Saleaa'a Leadinr Credit
fc. : ii .7 , r. -I ,
I. ....... V.V
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Ppp,
jr. (Bonnie Lue Pfaf finger) have
returned from a six weeks trip
-hich took; them to Rochester,
New York, to visit with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Popp,
r. Mr. Popp "was released from
the service this fall. Mr. and
" r n .ni t- c i
r V
and whole they are waiUng for
. living accomodations they ar.
living with, her mother, Mrs.
Louise Pfaffinger, at Woodburn. J
A Luncheon
Saturday Mrs. Paul B: Wallace presid-1
ed at a smartly arranged lunch-'
eon Saturday afternoon at herj
country home, Wallace Orchards ,v
for the pleasure of. Mrs. Frank
N. Jordan of Seattle, who is a
guest at the home of Mrs. Henry '
W. Meyers. Mrs. Jordan will re
turn by plane Friday to her hom
after a several weeks visit her;
Covers were placed for Mrs.
Frank Jordan, Mrs. Henry W..
Meyejrs, Mrs. Louis Lachmund,
, Mrs. J. Edward West, Mis Cath
erine Dixon and Mrs. Paul Wal
lace. . I-
A Birthday
Party - i
Dian Ellis, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Dean Ellis, will cele
brate her fourth birthday Fri
day afternoon when her mother
entertains a group of her friends
at their home on East Lefell
Games will be in play during
the afternoon.- A lighted birth
day cake on a musical cake plat
will be a feature of the refresh
ment hour. Guests will be seated
at small tables.
Honoring Diane will b Judy
and Janice Hauge, Billy and Su
san Bush, Linda and Patty Su
Ritchie, Frank Hunt, Dexter and
Craig Hobbs, Roger Putnam,
Bobby Rieder and John Ellis.
Additional' guests will be Mrs.
Richard Hauge, Mrs. William
Bush, Mrs. Marvin Ritchie, Mrs.
Frank Hunt, Mrs. Emery Hobbs,
Mrs. Roger K. Putnam and Mrs.
Robert Rieder.
Jayceettes Are ,
Jayceettes were entertained on
Monday by Mrs, Elmo Lindholm
at her home on Madison street.
Th evening was spent Inform
ally following a short business
session. At a late hour th
hostess served refreshments as
sisted by Mrs. Ronald Crossland.
Guests present included Mrs.
Carl Aschenbrenner, Mrs. Har-
rison Elgin, jr., Mrs. Fred Evan
son, Mrs. Jack Hann, Mrs. Harris
Haevet, Mrs. Ray La Vodie, Mrs.
"Adam Lefor; Mrs. Lyle Leigh ton,
Mrs. R. F. Lockard, Mrs. LeRoy
MacKellar, Mrs. Ken Mather,
Mrs. Robert Romage, Mrs. Ken
neth Torgeson, Mrs. Floyd Waltz,
and Mrs. ClayJPomeroy.
Mrs. Margaret Useerans waa
hostess to members of the Gaiety
Hill Garden jplvto at a jon o'clock
luncheon Tuesday afternoon at
her Center street horjie.,
Mrs. Verlln G. Coleman and
her son, Kenneth, of Portland,
ar visiting at the hem ef her
parents, Ha and Mrsj J. P. Hunt.
ndfielp some"
health and
- PHONE 7522 ,
Attracts ;
Women ;
Oregon Business and Profes-,
Women-g district- eonfer-
WM m Oregon City
Sund Noyember. 18. Delega-
. ittended , , om MUxi,
McMinnville, Oregon City, G res
ham, Hillsboro, Portland; Port
land League, - Portland Juniors
and Salenv . ' ..',. ;
' National membership chair
man, ' Miss Wilma Zimmerman
of Tacoma, special guest speaker
at the luncheon, reported nation
al membership now at 91,000 and
definitely on the , increase. In
her topic, "100,000 Strong for
48," she outlined the national
program toward a larger, mor
active and a solid, constructive
organization. Miss Zimmerman
also gav an ' excellent account
of the recent organization of a
business and professional wom
en's federation in Anchorage,
Juneau and Ketchikan, Alaska.
During the international re
lations panel discussions ! Mrs.
Arthur H. Weddle of Salem,
state education chairman, led
the group in the subject of "Ed
ucation, the Cornerstone.;
BPW delegates from Salem in
cluded: Miss Ida Mae Smith,
state legislation chairman; Mrs.
Marion Lowry Fischer,, stat
publicity and radio chairman;
Mrs. Arthur Weddl. state edu
cation chairman; Miss May
Cleveland, Miss Dorothy Cor
nelius, Miss Effie Smith, Miss
Betty FJofson, Miss Nola Clark,
Miss Mary Sheldon, Mrs. John
Versteeg, i Mrs. Anna Morgan,
Miss In a Maye Toland, Mrs. C.
W. Jorgensen, Mrs. Irma- Grace
Turner, Mrs. Lola McFarland, ;
Misses Ruth and Phebe Mc
Adams, Miss Eleanor Roberts,
Mrs. Winni Pettyjohn, Miss
Marion Wooden, Miss j Cecila
Woodruff ! and Miss Mary IyalL
DlUr Honors
A Visitor !
f ;
Mrs. Charles T. Pomeroy en
. tertained ! on Tuesday night at
dinner for Lt. William Goodwin
of the coast guard, who is visit
ing here j f ror Seattle. Lieuten
ant Goodwin, J a brother of Mr,
Charles A. Godwin. Th table
centerpiec jlwas of autumn '
flowers, j
Covers! wer placed : for LL
William Goodwin, Dr. and Mrs.
Charles B. Pomeroy. Mr. and
Mrs. Charles A. Goodwin and
Mrs. Charles T. Pomeroy. Dr.
Pomeroyj has recently been re
leased from the service, f
' i i
A gaest or Lt and Mrs. Sturt
McElhinhy (Doris Duffy) the
past week has been Lt. Robert
Whitney of Longview. Th two
marine jair corps men wer to
gether both in th states and
overseas. Also a guest at the
Charles McElhinny hom over
th weekend was their daughter,
Jean, and Miss Virginia Dempsey
of McMinnville. ; -
Mrs. Kichard Hang eaierta hi
ed members of her club Tuesday
night at her East Wilson; street
home. X latt supper followed an
evening of contract bridge
guy backh
Wlflis oi
Last Day
Hostess WhoKno Ws Her Turkey Has
Enough and Not too Much to berve. .
-. By Maxinc Bbtms -Now
about the turkey.
I To have just enough turkey,
not too much, and certainly x.ot
too little, is the desire of every
Thanks gi ving hostess. Most
' Women like to hav plenty ior
at least a meal or two after
Thanksgiving day, and r.o jne
seems to fear suffering- from too
much turkey, although, it ' wig
been a favorite joke. with come-'
, dians. .. '
! Economy cornea with larger
'birds anyway, because there is
more proportion of meat to bon
in large turkey than - small.
Therefore it is real economy to
:buy not too small a turkey.
If you ar choosing a turkey
l over 14 pounds, experts say you
should buy a torn turkey, if un-
der 14 pounds, buy a hen. A
torn that size is apt to be imma
j ture, a hen over 14 pounds is
too old. i
' Now asjto amount to allow.
I The experts again come to our
I rescue and say allow i pound
to. one pound dsessed weight for
each person to be served. That's
! supposed to serve for the main
I meal only, but it depends partly
on the generosity of the carver.
I I've been to meals where on
j pound would have served half
a dozen from the servings given
A pound is a good sized amount
and should be ample if the hos
tess does not ,plan too many
second meals.
There ara those who stick by
Miss Deedpn at
Lewis" and Clark
Arleen Deedon, daughter of
"Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Deedon; of
rout 1, Salem, is attending
Lewis and Clark college, Port-f
land. :
Miss Deedon, a senior, is ma
joring in social science. She is
president, of the Christian Fel
lowship, an inter-denominationat
organization on the . campus, and
secretary of the 'senior class. I
Graduating-from Amity , high
school in May 1941, Miss Dee
don attended the Western Theo
logical Baptist seminary in Port
land for three years before en
rolling at Lewis and Clark in
February 145. j
t i , i ,yy
I II 4 .
V T190
iy$P,K ShTI lov: lf bright gory
'f T colon! th soft, eh "
P I prinhl The! way tMs royon
yQJ ofSord,A
1 1 , 1 wrop-orot ni ttyf to, fhol
fef u Osnsftot orlronwg.W-20.
r ,:r-- tj. "J fill ' '-"' - ,
' . ' ' - , - ' t " - - . j
th old fashioned roaster method - -U
MAklnr turkey and get down,
th sUurninfim or frajr speckleaV .
MBmi utensil once or twice
yewr. But I modern cooks find
that what the expert say about
slow cooking is true. They mere
ly - put th fowl in a shallow
pan, set the oven to 350 degrees .
and leave jit for several hours.
Time for cooking is longer,
but the resulting bird is thought
to b juicer and to have shrunk
en less, arid the method is lust
about the! simplest thing one
could hope for.'
Her ar time charts, they al
low less time per hour for larg
er birds, and after the fowl gets
to be a certain size time should
not 'be extended much jer
pound. I . -'
1 lb. turltey 3 hrs.- 20 mln. ,
It lbs S hrs. mm.
IS lb. 4;hrs. '
IS lbs. 4 ! hrs. 40 . mm. . -f
lbs S hrs.
Above 10 lbs. allow about 1 min
utes per pound extra.
Experts! say (and I've never
checked carefully on this) that
for a 10 pound turkey you need
9 cups bread to make dressing,
ar.d for hirds over 10. pounds
allow two cups les than the
number of pounds pf the turkey
(10 cups for 12 pound bird, 14
cups for it pound bird, IS cups
for 20 pound bird)."
A ten pound turkey makes
about S to 4 cups well flavored
- gravy." j -
ChinUp ClutHa
Sunday Parly
The Chin Up club of Oregon
was given a party Sunday 'at th
Hope Presbyterian church in
Portland. The hostess was Mica
Avis Fleetwood. v
Mr. Floyd Hamman furnished
a private bus for-Salem, Wood
burn and Canby members for
the . party. Governor Snell and
Mr. Floyd J. Cook helped with
other expenses.
Sunday, November 15, the club
will have a party in Portland at
Sacred Heart .church. There will
be a white elephant sale to which
the public may contribute
through the president, Beth Sell
wood, Rt. 2, Box 336, Salem, bo
fore Friday.
... l