The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 06, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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The Oregon Statesman
. Induction ceremonies conducted
17 the three Hl-Y chapters of Sa
J?"1 on Sunday night at St- Paul's
Episcopal church were attended
by approximately 200 persona.
ThO. - Welling." Clarence Hammer
Dick Mase were members of
the .Induction committee. Dick
Bendrie, president of the Hi-Y
council, presided. Charles Robins,
Tom Bartlett, George Adams and
Bill Merriam also participated in
the program, and the sermon was
reached by the Rev. George H.
swift, rector of the church.
We cut and Install Shatter-Proof
uto glass. R. D. Woodrow, 325
Center at.
' Marriage licenses have been
Issued In Portland to Jack H.
Bolman and Mildred Van Luven,
both of Salem; to John W. Rose,
Galva, I1L, and Evangeline Sher
wood, Jefferson. ' A license has
been issued at Vancouver, Wash,
to Jerome J. Mortenson, Aurora,
nd Gladys I. Plymate, Oregon
City; George E. Fuller, RickrealL
and Bess E. Mull, Monmouth, have
applied for a marriage license In
Tacoma, Wash.
T hr. developing & printing ser
vice at Burke's Camera Shop. 174
N. ComL ji
Ervin 1. Peterson, state direc
tor of agriculture, is among the
speakers on the program of the
Oregon State Farm Bureau fed
eration meeting November 8-10 at
. the Columbia Gorge : hotel near
Hood River. Tax problems con
fronting Oregon farmers will be
talked In round-table discussions
which are to feature the conven
tion. For home loans see Salem Fed
eral, 130 South Liberty.
Ernest Iufer will discuss garden
work which should be done now;
James M. Glass is to talk about
bedding plants, and E. J. Scellars
will show colored pictures from
northwest gardens at Thursday
night's meeting of. the Salem
Men's Garden club at the YMCA.
For un painted furniture shop at
Woodrow's, 323 Center. , .
Clay Cochran, Salem Chamber
of Commerce manager, is a patient
t Salem General hospital, where
fee was taken for observation on
Sunday following a week's Illness
at his home.
The new fhree-cent navy stamp,
blue and white and carrying the
picture of a sailor, went on sale
at the Salem postoffict Monday.
Charles D. Smith, at his residence.
M ! Mario street November, S. Sur
vived by his wife, Mrs. JCate L. Smith
, ef Salem; fowr daughters. Mrs. Helen
. White and Mrs. Margaret Brown of
Salem, Sister Mary Rosa of Chicago,
ad Sifter Mary Agneaette of Deven-
Iowa: two sons, n. emiui m
uuviu, r -
4th with the VM. army in Germany;
re sisters, atrs. . . w,"u
irm, ThMitaM Insels of Des Moines.
swa; three brothers, Kirby J. Smith
0; C. U. emim ox DUi l. ivwa,
C. Smith ol Jefferson, Iowa: ana
andehudrcfi.' ReciUtkm of ros-
it, Nov. S. at s pjn. at me
Marion St. Services will be
Tuesday, November S, atUO ajn.
It.- Josephs enurcn. in
Interment in
ilelerest -Memorial parfc.
Clough-Barrick company.
. frederick C Lelthold. late resident of
Portland, at a jocbj nospivai "lu
Ver 3. Announcement of services later
by i HoweU-Ed wards chapel, i S49 N.
Capitol at. ;
' Was fb.atl -
r - Jay Lee Van Deusen. late resident
- of SSOft State street, Friday. ' Nov. S.
1 t the age of M years. Cousin of C.
. Larson Of Portland. Shipment is
. Vilne made bv Clough-Barrick com-
psny to Portland for services and to
" torment
Alfred Dresner, at his home at 1S5
Broadway, Sunday, ovemoer e. at
Dorothy rttnex - vresner 01 a
two sons. Hubert and Kenneth
nr f Salem: father. Paul Dres
ner of Salemj and two sisters, Mrs.
1 .1. nttitn and Mrs. Rubv Butler.
both of Salem. Serviees-wUl be held
Wednesday, November ,7. at S p.m
t the Clough-Barrick chapel - with
Rev. WUlard B. Hall officiating. In
terment in City View cemetery
i L'jiin tftyliliim
lirlttt ttstfil Site?
Warn when a cold causes irritation
or head stuffiness that leads to
night coughing, just do this at
bedtime . . . Rub throat, diest and
back with Vfcks VapoRub. Re
sults are so very good because
VapoRub.. ' '" '
; pnetrate to cold-irritated
upper broiitHlal tubes with spe
cial, soothing, rnedidnal vapors.
Stimulate chest and back
urce like a wanning poultice.
, tkm Far Hews VapoRub'S
grcial actwn keer onworkfrig
Sgoothe the cold-irritated throat.
Invite restful sleep.
) OntvVrw Sives you tfus
MM t.
an 'gr
t atvetr
t s
s DBDanffs
Ti.1iir.krmi 9101
Lt-John Gardner, who is on
terminal leave' from the naval air
corps, Monday became head of the
Salem YMCA's physical education
department A graduate of Will
amette university in 1942, Gard
nerwas on the "Y" staff prior to
his enlistment He has seen ser
vice on Attu and participated in a
number of raids over the Kurile
islands. Chester Goodman, who
has served as acting physical di
rector, remains with the YMCA
as tiirector of swimming.
Wedding pictures taken at the
church. 320 State. Ph. 5722. i
i Arthur A. Rogers, state super
intendent of banks and a member
of the First Presbyterian church
of Salem, has been named synod
chairman ' of the denomination's
restoration fund laymen's com
mittee. The Presbyterian church
of the United States is raising
$27,000,000 to aid the ministry and
the peoples of lands affected by
the war in Europe and Asia.
Rummage sale 421 Court St Nov.
7 it 8. Marine Corps auxiliary;
Mrs. Nellie Mae Peterson, 76,
sister of Joseph Hickman, Salem,
and Mrs. Mary Booth of Silverton,
died a week ago at her home in
Riddle. She had made her home
in Oregon for 55 years. Survivors
include her widower, Charles P.
Peterson, three sons and three
Lutx Flower Shoppe, 1276 N. Lib
erty, phone 9592.
Eleanor Stephens, state libra
rian, and Loretta Fisher, readers'
advisor for the state library, were
honor guests of the Deschutes
county library in Bend at an open
house Saturday night held in ob
servance ot the 25th anniversary
of the library's founding.
Fur storage. Let us tell you about
our storage with free moth-proofing.
Arthur Boesohen, Salem, has
been named concessionaire to op
erate the ski lodge at the Santiam
pass. The lodge, closed during the
war, is to reopen approximately
December 1.
"Cyn" Cronlse Photographs and
Frames. 1st Natl Bank Bldg.
Military police of the Salem pro
vost marshal's office are holding
small pigeon, tagged with an
army air forces number wnicn
was found near Dallas on Sunday.
They will return the bird to army
authorities at Portland.
I tret's inisJV n
Yes, buy Victory Bonds... to
the cost ofj guarding Germany
Japan.. J to provide benefits for
veterans care for the wounded
and disabled.;. TO FINISH OURJOB!
ranjppi FLIES EAST
Roy Phlllppi ;. of Mehama left
Sunday by plane for Akron, Ohio,
where he planned to spend several
days at the General Tire and Rub
ber factory to see and hear ex
plained, new methods of handling
and use ef synthetic and natural
rubber. . Phllippi intends to visit
tire companies snd distributors in
Chicago, Buffalo, Rochester, New
York City, Indianapolis and San
Francisco For the past several
years he has been owner and op
erator of the Phllippi Tire Service
of Mehama. MrsV;Philippl will fly
to San Francisco to meet her
husband hvhen he arrives - there
and will return : tn Portland with
him. - ' ' '
Fall bulbs. Jary ' Florist, 173 State.
An automobile driven by A. C.
Pease, 25 1 Kellogg park, Portland,
crashed into a ' Southern Pacific
train Sunday night at the 14th
and Mission grade crossing, re
sulting ir severe damage to the
car, a fractured ; collar bone for
Mrs. Peaje and . minor shock to
other members of the Pease fam
ily. Police reported the street
well lighted. There were no wit
nesses atl the accident.
I " t
Mum plants.
State. !
Jary Florist, 373
The Marion county court Mon
day granted the United Growers,
Inc., of liberty permission to run
a 4 and 3r inch pipe line from the
terminus jj of the Salem- Heights
water diict line to the water
storage plant near the cannery.
The wateir is to be used in con
nection Hth the cannery's can
ning and: freezing operations.
i: i -Keeno
Lunch, 112 N. Com'L Open
day-nigh 24 hr. service.
A certificate of assumed, busi
ness name was filed Monday with
the Marion county clerk by Walter
F. Wegenroth, 675 North 3rd st,
Woodbur and Leslie, W. Paulson,
205 Settlemier Si, Woodburn for
the Sand t and Gravel company at
Woodburn. : If
i r" i
Salem Tiith Center, 262 N. Cot
tage. Metaphysical library open to
public every Tues. 12 to 4 pan.
C. J. Lewis and H. S. Pendle
ton, both 1 of Stayton intending to
conduct a service station and re
tail feed store under the name of
Lewis and Pendleton at Stayton
filed an assumed business name
certificate with the Marion coun
ty i clerk Monday.
f . j V: '
Capital Cab phone 6646.
Dyle Johnson, 888 N. Commer
cial st., received a serious lacer
ation of no of his fingers Mon
day when he picked up a broken
i s.-' h. mam
Wrappings for
Sailors Xmas
Gifts Solicited
All persons in Salem and Mar
ion I county having Christmas
wrappings to give to the'znen at
the ilJS. naval hospital at Cor-
vallii should get them In Tuesday,
or by 10 ajn, Wednesday, the
items to be left at the Marion
county Red Cross chapter office.
Both; inside holiday papers and
outside ones' for wrapping, as well
as .Christmas , ribbons, are being
sought Material may be accepted
later but li 13 hoped to have as
many as possible on hand today
or by Wednesday morning, j
Local groups also are respond
ing in supplying Christmas gifts
to be turned over for the men. at
the hospital, reports the Rev. S.
Rayijjor Smith, chairman of the
camp; and hospital committee for
the local Red Cross chapter.
Fot the convenience of those
wishing to give gifts. Smith re
port! the following list of sugges
tions has come from the Red Cross
personnel at the. hospital: Snap
shot .books; address books; tobac
co pouches; leather cigarette cases;
individual games; harmonicas;
musical sweet potatoes; hanker
chle$; air mail stamps; salted
peanuts arid- candy, vacuum
packed; writing folios, these to be
flat with no "gadgets"; pocket
combs; folders for pictures, pocket
size;;:shower shoes; razors.
Alio, a list of what not to give
is included: Shaving cream or
soap lotions and food are not be
ing solicited because the men have
these supplies.
All gifts should be left at the
Red Cross office by mid-November.
bottle while washing bottles at a
brewery. Johnson was taken to the
Deaconess hospital for further
Engaging In business as the
Novelty Nook at 154 S. Church st.,
Ivan L. Cooper and Edna I. Coop
er, both living at 633 Ferry st,
filed a certificate of assumed busi
ness name with the Marion coun
ty clerk Monday.
Fresi dressed turkeys, hens, bakes,
fryers at Fitts Market
Mrs. P. L. Frazier, 745 N. Capi
tol st, told city5 police Monday that
after a young couple, who had
been living at her home, left Sun
day, a quilt, four hand towels, and
several sheets and pillow cases
were missing. :
I .
Police were advised Monday
froml the sheriff at McMinnville
that 20 or 23 sacks of TrancmetU
warnuti had been stolen from a
farm near Wheatland over the
weekend. . . '";
i i . ' " r : -:!:
Gen. yard work-wood sawdust put
in Ph. $449 between and 7 pjn.
. West Coast Bua Lines, Ltd. of
San Francisco filed an assumed
business name certificate with the
Marion county clerk Mondayor
West Coast Trailways. .
i - i ::
. James X. Butler for whom the
sheriffs office has been holding
a warrant charging forgery has
been apprehended in Colorado, the
office was advised Monday.
S - ;
Rummage, Nov. 9-10, 1st Method
ist church.
i I - '!
" Friday, November , will be
family j night for Nebraska club
members and their friends. A no
host supper is Scheduled at 630,
for j whch persons attending are
asked to take their own table
service! Theclub meets at KP
hall, 248 N. Commercial st ,
Rummage Sale Fri.-Sat 439 Court
(upstairs). Deaconess Hospital
Auxiliary. -
. j i i
J, Cj Jackson, 1005 Fir st, re
ported o city police Monday the
theft of a tire and wheel from
their car, while the vehicle was
parked Sin front of their home. I
I l
City police were informed Mon
day that a Russian ermine fur coat
was missing from the O. E. Price
company, and had apparently been
taken by a woman customer. The
coat wis valued at $1680.
I f
President G. Herbert Smith of
Willamette university was speaker
at Monday noon's meeting of the
Silverton Rotary club.
First;' aid men took Lulu Burke,
935 Gabies st, to the Salem Gen
eral hospital, Monday aften, she
became suddenly ill at a down
town drug store.
I j . : 1
Mrs. Mary Rees, 531 N. Cottage
st, was dismissed from the Dea
coness hospital Monday.
! . ; i - ' i
; i i .
Sas:ubMc : from '
i ' - f
Coast to Coast1!
"How Soon?" and "How
Much?" Ask Thrones
in Dealer Showrooms
On October 26 th now Forda for 154$ wont on
display in dealer showrooms the country ovtr.
In city after city, town after town, dealers
reported that the crowds who came to view
these fine new automobiles equalled those who
greeted the Introduction of the famous Fprd
Model "A" back In 1527 when showroom
attendance passed the 10,000,000 mark.
The operant day throngs were matched by
those who came Saturday and later.' And helr
opinion has been unanimous. The words most
frequently heard have been The Crfs(
Ford Ever Built", They backed up their
acclaim with orders-32$,Ud on "V-S Day,1
October 26 : and Saturday, October 27.
4 This Advertisement Is published to record
r rr-2 !
IPunlbuB IHlecdDn'aDs
Charles Dean, doing business as The
Stores Collection bureau vs Guy Dlx
son end Mrs. Cur Ducson: Default of
defendants ordered entered and plain
tiff ordered to recover Judgment.
Alexia Thiel vs Richard La Verne
Thiel: Defendant files answer to plain
tiffs amended complaint admitting and
denying. i -
vernon a. wioaes vs Lots Atterta
Rhodes: Defendant files answer admit
ting and denying and moves I for a
court order requiring plaintiff to pay
attorney's fees and suit money.
State of Oregon vs Barley LeKoy
Uize: Defendant found fuilty of the
crime, of obtaining property by false
ftretenses.' fined $125 and sentenced to
S months in prison but released on
parole to the State board of : parole
and probation. i
Regional Agricultural Credit corpor
ation of Washington D. C. v Charles
L. Hurley, George L. Hurley. R. L.
Walin, Paul R. Walin. Charles A. Wai
in and V. V. Ernston: notice of appeal
to the supreme court of the state of
Oregon filed by R JX Waling Paul R.
Walin and Charles A. Walin.
Investment Service Co. vs Barry P.
Fowler: Sale of real property In Wheat
land confirmed.
Stat of Oregon ex reL Bern Ice
Frieda Setneas vs Jergen Olaf Setness:
Case set for bearing on Nov. 10. IMS.
Bessie HiU vs Clarence Hill: Suit for
divorce charging cruel and inhuman
treatment, asks that real and personal
property be divided equally between
parties and that plaintiff be restored
her maiden name of Bessie Boone.
Married Oct. 19, 1940 at Stevenson.
Wash. j
Verona McCarthy vs Cornelius Mc
Carthy: Suit for divorce charging cruel
and inhuman treatment and asics that
maiden name of Verona Dodaon be
restored. Married Feb. 17, 1S41 at Stev
enson, Wash.
Gladys Lydy Austin, by Rose Pher
netton, her guardian vs Donald A.
Austin; suit for divorce and ' asking
that plaintiffs maiden name of Gladys
Lydy be restored. Marrier Sept, 11.
IMS at Stevenson. Wash.
State of Oregon vs J. S. Hancock;
SSO bail ordered returned to 1. M.
Dewey who posted same for defendant.
Frank Gould vs Arnes Gould: Plain
tiff files reply to defendants further
and separate answer and cross eom-
The Industrial Supervisors club
will meet Friday night at 7:30 at
the YMCA. Leo Peterson Is presi
dent of the organization, which
Robert Evendeh will lead In dis
cussion. A program and refresh
ments are planned.
Salem YMCA directors will
meet at the YMCA Thursday
noon for election of officers, j
Four-year-old Michael Riley
was treated by first aid men on
Monday after he had put his arm
through m broken - window at his
home, 425 Oxford st The cut was
not serious, aid men said.
There's a Ford
. ... U .
? taint admitting and denying.
Nettie Myers, estate:. Time within
which Pioneer- Trust company, execu
tor, may -file Inventory of estate ex
tended to Nov. SO, liS.
Sarah F. Hepburn, estate: Chester
M. Coffey files final account and date
of hearing of said final account fixed
for - Dec. -10; 1S45.
Lula sXigenia Herman, estate: Order
admitting will to probate. Estate has
probable total of S4000. Juanita An
demon appointed executrix and A. M.
McDermott. Anna Arnold and A. SV
Schirman appointed as appraisers.
F. H. Cannard, setate: Appraised at
Georgie M. Steinbeck, guardianship
estate: Petition filed to sell real prop
erty. George Burgett, jr., estate: William
Neimeyer. administrator, licensed to
sell real property.
Dorothy Louise Ewing. guardianship
estate: Joseph Shrewe. guardian, dis
charged. Dorothy L. - Powers, estate: Fred
Powers and Grace Powers appointed
Joint administrators.
Joseph F. Schneider, guardianship es
tate: Report of guardian L. M. Schneid
er on the sale of real . property . at
Stayton. Ore. 1
Sydney C. Murray. 691 Center st, fail
to stop, $2.50 bail.
Alvln G. Wasinger. 822 N Ivanhoe,
Portland. ' violation of the basic rule,
$10 bail.
. William M. Brand. SS11 Olive. Eu
gene, violation of basic rule, $7.64 bail.
George Riesbeck, Eugene, defective
muffler: SS.90 paid.
La Verne B. Myers. S3, sheet metal
worker, 1533 Franklin st, Salem and
Dorothy Ann Vlrich. 17, linen mill
worker, 31 Division St.. Salem.
- Kenneth F. Marecek, 23. mechanic,
1139 Mill St., Salem and Helen Willm
scheh, 21, waitress, 1394 Woodrow st,
Franklin Knowles. M. farmer, Albany
and : Beverly Godlore. XX, drugstore
clerk. Albany.
Edward James Metcalf. glass bottle
moldmsker, 3224 13th St., Oskland.
Cauf. and Marie Rader. 19. cleaning
business, 147 N. 18th st, Salem.
Mr. and Mrsi Thomas Roen, sr.,
of South High street are going to
Portland this morning, there to
take plane for Detroit Lakes,
Minn. They have been called
there by the serious illness of
Mrs. Roen's father, S. G. Griffin.
An automobile owned by Z. C.
Trost GoldencuUc, wash., was
struck Sunday by an unidentified
vehicle, while it was parked in
front of 1940 S. Cottage st
Addie Willig, 62, 2330 Laurel
st, told first-aid men Monday
that she cut her foot while split
ting wood at her home. Aid men
reported the cut mot serious.
the deep gratification of the entire Ford organi
zation at this splendid public reception . . .
and to answer, as directly as we possibly can,
the two questions most often asked.
"How Soon Can I Get My New Ford?" We
sincerely believe the -answer is t "Sooner than
you think!' And here's why Ford, first with
assembly line production of postwar cars,
first to stock dealers for a nationwide display,
Is firtt In quantity production 1,000 units a
day reached last week ... 2,000 a day In pros-,
pect within 30 days. j
"How Muth Will My N Ford Cost?" We
think the answer to this Is found In Ford's
unvarytnf policy throutK more than 40 years
of operations always the highest quality at
the lowest possible cost. , j
THE NEW FORDS t All our dealers have them
on display. Please make it a point to see If you,'
too, don't agree that these
Fords Ever Built".
in Your Future" J
.. . . ' . . !
Schedule to Be Revised
For Greyhound Buses
' 9
More buses per day and more
frequent departures are hlghlighta
of the many Improvements now
put into effect by Pacific Grey
hound Lines, according to F. W,
Ackerman, vice president of the
bus company.
-The running time for all
schedules has been reduced," said
Mr. Ackerman. "This means buses
make more trips and accommo
date more passengers, who now
arrive sooner. Additional sched
ules have been provided, too, giv
ing the convenience of more de
parture times to choose from. For
example, to Los Angeles we ere
now operating 28 schedules each
day, an improved .- frequency o
service. There's a bus leaving just ,
about any time you are ready to
Hunt Brothers Begin
Beet Ginning Season
Hunt Bros. Packing corpora
tion, 165 Division st, began its
third beet canning season Mon- '
day morning in what was .de- .
scribed as a' test operation. An-
ticipating a slightly larger pack
man last year Hunt's expects to .
can beets until mid-December.
At present only a day shift it;,
being run, the cannery offiee said, 1
but if more cannery workers were '
available a night shift would ke
Joe Rogers, sr., who was re--cently
released from a Salem hos
pital, is again in that Institution
after suffering a relapse. Rogers
makes his home in Oak Grove.
Style . . .
and Quality
156 8. Commercial
are the "Greatest,