The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 27, 1945, Page 7, Image 7

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    j. J
Rich Things
Hints Told: on How to Add Weight
And Enjoy .Yourself While Doing It
By Msxine Bum 1: .
This column today should b
called Tun With Cream" or
Seven Ways to Become Buxom.
We know, just how Dogwood,
feels when he looks at the reader
and says I hate myself when I
do these things." j 5 '
Now take whipped cream for '
instance, that , dessert, topping
should certainly have a bit of
added interest anyone can whip .
cream and blob it onto a nice
rich dessert but . everyone lsnt
clever enough to add just a little
more to it's fattening qualities.'
' Now that peanut brittle is back
we mustn't forget to crush it
Patriarch Meet
At ICX)F Hall ;
The ladies auxiliary, PatrK
archs Militant and canton, met
in the I OOF hall Thursday. Re
freshments were served by Dor
thy Frahm, Victoria Stiffler and
ViolaMcLaugfalin. ; The table
decorations were black and
orange tapers, fall flowers and
a birthday cake. Honored were
members whose birthdays are in
October, Rose Harland, Lora
Groves, Else Townaand ' and
Anna Hunsater, Howard Hun
saker. Pearl Harland, William
J. Cladek, Vera Frahm, Al Beck-
man. Llord Wood and Ed Nov-
man, Lloyd Wood and Ed Nov
The invitation of the Dayton
auxiliary and canton to an old
fashioned basket , social i and
dance for November , 1 was ac
cepted. ' V
- The regular November meet
ing has been changed to Novem
ber 29. Mrs. William Beard was
appointed chairman of - Jewell
committee for November, j
The October committee, Mrs.
R. G. Henderson, Mrs. P.- G
Harland, Mrs. William Drakely,
Mrs. Lloyd Wood and Mrs. How
ard Hunsaker, are j planning I a
Halloween bridge for Tuesday at
a pjn. In the IOOF temple.
Today's Menu
Lamb patties in a grill will
snake ra rather elegant main dish
for dinner Sunday, seasonable
vegetables will be -featured on
the week end menus.
-i TODAY .
Hamburgers and tomatoeM j
J on toasted buns
1 Fried potatoes .
: Whipped cream I
.. .
: SUNDAY r . .'
' Celery root salad
; Lamb patty grill .
I Cornbread ! . ;
i Baked apples
i i
Raw carrot sticks
Veal steaks 1 .
' 'Cresagf gravy !
: Baked 'potatoes
Fresh limas
Pumpkin pie
. T'- S -
Lasab Patty GrBI
6 lamb patties j j
f slices bacon
slices pineapple,-or pearl
.or peach halves ; 1,1
f medium potatoes, cooked
t tablespoons crated cheese ;
Salt and pepper
1 No. 2 can green beans
j Have ground lamb shaped into
thick patties and wrapped with
bacon, fastening ends of bacon
with wooden picks. Pre-heat
broiler. Place seasoned green
beans in broiling pan, at one
aide. Place lamb patties on rack
In broiling pan over the beans.
If pineapple is ; used, arrange
slices on i other side of rack.
Place broiling pan in broiler so
vthe meat is 2 Inches from the
heat Broil until patties are
trown on one aide. Season pat
ties and ; turn, laying thera
browned. aide down on pineap
ple slices. If pean or peaches
are used, add them when the
! patties are turned. Add cooked
in halve leneth
t puvawc , v- -
wise and sprinkled with gratea
.v, Return to broiler until
eneese. . . not-
meat patties are stone, ana poxa-
toes heated and lightly browned,
Season meat on second side. AT-
il foods n hot platter e
- - . 11
Fcr cannery wcrlr cn fcscls. cadiflowcr
nzi b!:3. DayHU 7:33 a. n. h 6:C3
p. n.; xujil s!all 73 n. fa 6:C3 a. in.
and add to whipped cream des
sert toppings. Other crunchy
candy works out too, as do rich
cooky crumbs. 4
Adding a little cinnamon and
nutmeg to the whipped cream
doesn't do much by way of rich
ness, but it does give a flavor
that blends nicely with fruit
desserts. .-K . j ;v .. j
Then there are dessert sauces
- with whipped cream as a base.
Take; lor instance. 1 ripe ban
ana and mash iti mix with cujj
sugar, 1 tablespoon lemon Juice,
cup heavy cream whipped,
and you have a dessert sauce. Or
cook up cud am-icot nuln
(dried fruit), -sweeten to tasteL
and fold into cup cream,
whipped. 7
Then there would be a recipe
that not only calls for both thick
sour cream and whipped sweet
, Mi cup sugar
cup cornstarch
j.l teaspoon salt "
; cups thick sour cream
2 eggs, slightly beaten
t i cups, quartered dates
V cup nutmeats
1 teaspoon lemon Juice
Baked shell
Whipped cream for topping.
Combine sugar, cornstarch and
salt Add cream. -Cbbk In double
boiler, stirring constantly, until
thickened. Add eees then dates
thickened. Add eggs then dates
and nutmeats, stir well and cool,
Add lemon Juice, -pour into pie
shell, cool and top with whipped
cream. !
Or, if you plan a mere salad,
and wish to take on a few pounds
try: : ' ,-.
. Mi cup whipping cream
y teaspoon salt
j 1 tablespoons vinegar j
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Few grains pepper f
Beat cream stiff , and beat In
other ingredients.
Thelma Arstill
Weds in South
Of interest to Salem friends
of . the bride is announcement of I
the marriage I of Miss Thelma
Arstill, 'daughter of Mrs" C. A;j
Teent of Salem, to Mr. Forrest
M. Haller of Los Angeles, son
of Mrs. A. F. Gerdes of Red
Wing, Minn., on October 22.
The ceremony took place at
the Wee Kirk oVthe Heather at
Forest Lawn Memorial park in
Glendale, Calif, with the Rev.
A. E. Farstrup, pastor of the i
Lutheran church, officiating.
For' her wedding the bride
wore a two-tone black and pow
der blue dress enhanced with
silver sequins. Her flowers were I
red rbsebuds.
Pfc Dorothy Kellogg, sister of
the bride, was the matron of
honor. Mr. B. F. Talor stood
with Mr. Haller as best man. i
The bride attended schools lit
Salem and Portland. She took
her college work at Oregon State
college. She has been secretary
in education at Northrop Air
craft, Hawthorne, Calif. She has
been making her home in Los
. 1 a. 1 1 T
AOgem u pas) ;enr auu uau.
Mr. Haller attended schools in
Red Wing, Minn. .He nas neen
supervisor at Northrop Aircraft.
The couple will make their home
in Palm Springs, Calif.
Guild Meets at
Stephens' Home
The Berean World Wide Guild
of the First Baptist church met
Tuesday night for a covered dish '
dinner and business meeting at
the home of Mrs. Norlyn Ste
phens.1 ' ; I ' 1
During the evening Miss La-J
Velle Cross gave the devotions,
Mrs. John Goffrier gave a re
port on the Navajo and Apache
Indians of - New Mexico, and
Mrs. Norlyn Stephens gave the
missions report There were 15
present. ' j
Book 4 r. through vi good
throoeh Jma. si, Al Uiroujtn El through
n- Tl through Kl tMmuch Now
M tkrousa Qi valid thrtmgb nc
si f
Book 4 SUmj u ttvc
pounds utranca Dmu sl
Book S AirpUn
sump 1, a.
and 4 valid indefinitely.
Girl Scouts
Plan Proffram
Silverton Croups to
l Observe Founders Is
Day Events ' i
iSILVERTON New troopsr teas,
vesper' services and benefits; are
l5?anned DT local G.irl Scouts with-
in the next few weeks.
'.-A new troop for second graders
wa organized Thursday afternoon
and wM known as troop 9.
Leaders are Mrs. Bv Howell, Mrs.
n. noweii, mrs. j. wucn, ana ine
group will meet the first Tuesday
of each week. ! ! i
All troops are planning for the
annual observance Birthday of
the founder, Juliet Low. Mrs. 1 Lee
Alfred' is chairman in charge.
Tirst of these anniversary events
will be the silver tea Friday, No-,
vember 2, from 2:30 to 8 o'clock;
at the Christian church.
Assisting Mrs. Alfred mrm Mrs.
Wk H. WoodartL Mr. Harlv De
Peel. Mrs. Charle f-iwwiarrl Mr.
r. b. Duncan, Mrs. Russell Myers,
nannan uison. :-,
The; vesper service to be held
unday, November 4. at the Meth-
t church. It will: be a candle-
fight service and Rev. P. Leonard
Jones will speak. Mrs. Theoclore
Hobart will be in charge of decor
ations; Mrs. Percy Palfreyman,
girls' chorus; Mrs. Mahlon Hob
litt, general program.- Ministers
and their wives from iother local
churches have 'been! especially
asked to attend. Ill will be open
to he general public j i
On November 18, the Girl Scouts
will give a benefit with the theme
"The Cavalcade of SuVerton."
Wcst Stayton Wac
Wed In Germany
n . - : .
llVeiUrllS I Or T 1811
Mrs. Thomas McClellan land
daughter, Mrs. Robert Hines, i the
former Sgt Barbara McClellan,
of Neotsu were recent guests of
Mrs. Jennie McClellan. Mrs.
Hines formerly of West Stayton
served overseas and in June was
married in Weisbaden, Germany.
She received her diacharge i on
points. : ; - i
The three young children who
have been making their home
with Mrs. Ruth Bethell have gone
to : live with their grandparents.
Wanda and Clifford left school on
Guests Entertained
5UNNYSIDE Mr, and Mrs.
Lester Thomas had as guests Sun
day Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heckart
and son Larry Joe. I !
mm T3"ilL
LINCOLN Word has been
received here of the birth of
son, Russell James, October IS,
to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mickey
(Irene "Tarpley). They are! at
Huenemec Calif.,
where he is sta
f . 1
Goss has received word from her
mother, Mrs. C T. Darley, in
Palm Beach, FUv, announcing ; the
birth of a daughler to Lt and
Mrs. Herman Hinrickson.
Mrs. Darley flew to Florida last
week to be with her daughter.
Mrs. Hinrickson was Ima Darley
and at the time of her marriage
was serving with thejWAC. 1
SILVERTON Born ! at the Sfl
vert on hospital to Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Schlottman of Mount AngeL
October. 22, a daughter. j
$ Peach Blossom Keizerkroon Marshall Ilaig La
Tulip Noire City of Haarlem Son ja Gen. De Wet
5 Colenr Cardiaal Panaruna and Many Others.
.v: !. -
. .
iMue White Yellows-Striped t
Mt. Angel Chest Quota
One-Third Unfilled
MT. ANGEL The third
of the war chest drive finds Mt
Angel with only $856.90 or about
one third of its quota raised. How
ever, several of the larger dis
tricts have not reported and it is
hoped that this will increase the
collections considerably. j
The amount still outstanding is
$1688.10. i
Lierman Buys
STAYTON Sale of the! Felix
Wright truck line to the Lawrence
Lierman was announced ! t h i a
week. Lierman has managed the
line for some time. Wright will de
vote his entire time to his hatch'
ery in Silverton. The sale includes
the terminal.
Felix Wright acquired the line
from his brother, Undsey Wright,
in 1928 when the equipment con
sisted of a Model T Ford truck.
Three trucks and a trailer are in
use for freight hauling between
Salem, Stayton, Mill City and De-
Children's Films
Will Be Featured
By Mt. Angel Nuns
MT. ANGEL The nuns of Mt
Angel academy announce that be
ginning October 27, an afternoon
show for children will be held in
the academy auditorium on Satur
days and Sundays.
It will provide entertainment
for : the children on these days.
The1 small admission fee will go
mainly for the rental of the films.
The; resident grade school girls of
the academy will act as ushers and
ticket sellers.
Adults will be admitted for a
slightly higher -: fee. Pre-school j
children are also invited.
The movie for next Saturday
will include "Cavalcade of Music,"
Parade of the Wooden Soldiers,?
Run Sheep, Run", and "Sage
Brush Interlude."
Other pictures booked include
such favorites as Swiss Family
Robinson, Little Men, Adventures
of Tom Sawyer, Little Lord Faunt-
leroy. Little Toy Soldier, Peck's
Bad Boy, King of the Circus, Puss
in Boots, Tom Brown's School
Days, Chump at Oxford, Girl of
the Liroberlost, Keeper of the
Bees, Everything on Ice, Moon
light Sonata, Schubert the Melody
Oliver Twist, Little Orphan An
nie, Minstrel Man, Little Toy Sol
diers, Rodeo Rhyme, Old Curios
ity Shop and Courageous Mt
A.:; number of fine religious
shows for Sunday afternoons will
be obtained if it is possible to get
Nebraska Visitors
Spent Time in County
SUNNYSIDE Visiting at the
Dudley Taylor home over the
weekend were; Mr. and Mrs.
George Nicholson of Poullion,
Neb, relatives of Mrs. Taylor.
They will ; spend some time in
Washington before returning to
their home in. Nebraska.
241 State St V Phene SgS4
rermaneat waving,
machine. aaaehiBe
less A cold waving.
Thnrs. Eveajimaa
by appeintaeat !
'.'''yHi" - ' -::.Pcr "Dszcn'
Per Dozen 350
Hyccirii -7
Oregon Saturday Morning, October 27, IMS
New Officers
Are Installed
Silverton An miliary of
Legion Fills Post : l
Left Vacant
mas, new president of the Amer
ican Legion auxiliary, and Ruth
Lorenzen, vice president were in
stalled Monday evening. Mrs.
Roscoe Reeves Is secretary. Mrs.
Lewis Hall was installing officer.
Mrs. Demas was first vice presi
dent and became president when
Mrs. Elsie Patton resigned.
Sewing for hospital vm feature
the i sewing club .program, Mrs.
Harry Kuch is chairman and was
awarded special honors for her
hospitalization work last year. She
has completed one wool afghaa
for the wheel chair patients so far
this year. .
The unit will "adopt" a dis
abled and hospitaliied veteran of
World war n, to whom 'win be
sent regular. greetings and gifts.
Ruth Lorenxen and Mrs. E. A.
Kern, Vice presidents, supervising
the membership program report
42 paid up members.
'The! younger Junior girls have
been organised by the chairman.
Mrs. Maude Price, and the older
girls will meet Thursday.
The local unit will entertain the
Marion county assembly in De
cember, ! and will enter the rural
school flag code contest and Mrs.
Lewis Hall, assembly delegate to
the past week's Woodbum meet
ing, reported. The unit will assist
with the reception to new veter
ans Friday of this week, and spon
sor a 6:30 no-host supper Armis
tice day Monday, November 12.
for all veterans' families at the
Legion halL
Turner Clubs
Are Organized
TURNER A 4H group has been
organized here in the home cook'
ery, division 1. Officers elected
were Kay Gilian, president; Diane
BurklandV vice president; Shirley
Hennies, aecretary. Meetings are
held every other Wednesday from
4 to 5 pjn. at the home of the
club leader, Mrs. Nellie Burkland.
The i club members are Dona
Boyer, Viola Davenport, Barbara
Standley, Shirley Hennies, Joan
Kay Gilian, Velma Dyer,
Burkland, Irene Rolow,
Wilms! Miller and Patricia Hen
Portland Woman Visits
With Marion Nurses
LINCOLN Barbara Dike and
Audrey Smith, Marion county
health nurses have as their guest
at their Lincoln home Miss Smith's
youngest sister, Mrs. Gordon Hal
s ten of Portland. , "
,'.: U ; - ".'.' : I ':
-r&at. ,s
: 7 U&Ttf j
Medord Visitor is
At Barkers Zena Home
ZENA Sam Barker, son of the
Roy E. Barkers, had as his guest
over the weekend from Medford,
Bruce YTBlood. Both young" men
are officers of the Westminster
Fellowship for Oregon, Sam Bar
ker is state Christian outreach
commissioner and Bruce VBlood
is Southwest Presbytery modera
Seven Deer, One
Bear Are Bagged
By Polk Hunters ;
Bine local men returned Mon
day frees a hantinf trts te
Dixie creek aear Frairle CUy.
where they; barred seres) deer
aad eaa hear. Ia the party wars
Ealph Wuterar, lee raytea,
J. I McClaia, Da. . McCIala.
Ciade Wlnecar, CJarl faaer
SWMw Qedr,' K. P. Btatfc.
aay aad Bad Yeanc -
A Lovely Way
Her engagement diamond is
i ra Christmas gift It will bo a
pride through all tho years
our selection of giKiranieed
extended payments far year
LYONS '-mi
Mr. and Mrs, Earl
Allen and her mother, Mrs.: San-
ford Bassett,
are visiting Mr. and
Mrs.. Jess Foav in Mid vale, Idaho.
Mrs. Fox is la daughter of Mrs.
Bassett and a sister of Mrs. Allen.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars
of MUt atyland Stayton held a
basket social, and dance at the
Santiam .Valley grange ball' Fri
day night which netted $150, 7S
to each post ! j ' v.
Mrs. Cora; Goodman of Salem
and Mrs. May Swank of Stayton
spent the weekend with: Mrs.
Delay Johnston. '
Mrs.- Robeti Larson and daugh
ter Marilyn of Hwaco, Wash., are
visiting In Iyons this week, and
are house guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Willard Kimery. j
Henry Skeels is convalescing' at
the Salem I Deaconess hospital
with a broken leg which he- re
ceived whilef at work at the ML
Jefferson Lumber company mill.
Helen Queen left Saturday for
her Nebraska home after spend
leg the week with her brother-
in-law and lister, Mr. and Mrs.
Merrill Bragsfield. Another sis
ter, Mrs. Ed: Sestack ia Califor
nia, will be visited en route home.
The Rudolph Brader family
mora than
source of Joy and
ahead. Choose lt here from
diamond rings.
e venience
Brush College
Reelects Folk
As President
Sprague, state chairman tor thv
Oregon war chest fund, spoke on
the chest program at the Brush
College community club. :
Hugh Craig was , appointed
program chairman for November,
and Mrs. Leo Nelson, refreshments
chairman. Delbert Folk was re
elected president; Fred Meyer was
elected vice president; Sam Pat
rick, secretary ; Hugh Craig, treas
urer, and Mike Focht, trustee. .
have purchased, a place at Bend
and- will move , there. Charlie
Burk, son of Mrs. Brader, return- '
ed last week. He was discharged
from the U. S. navy after nearly
four years in the service. He spent
the past three years in the Ha
waiian Islands. ; ;
CpL Raymond Holifuss return
ed Monday after receiving his
dischaige at the Portland air base,
Holzfuss had been in the army
for three and a half 'years and
spent most of the time , in Ne
braska. . '';
Mrs. Charlie Peterson of Se
attle is visiting friends here as
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Huber.
The, Petersons are former Lyons
residents. f-
'', -V;.,:' ''l JJM
Ekarncn Ec:YcIl3i7
Frcs !rin:p:ridicn.
1. Li UhiSe Sons
( At Liberty
Telephoo SaUm
26lState St.
Phone 4952
- j ,
,! .- ' : ' '!' -; 'j