:11 S 5X PAC2 Q Ti STATESMAH Sdaa. Oregon, Patarday l!acs!ag. October 27. 1943 . i 1 , s 0 . . Irving Foxes Honored. I - - 1 Is Society J. .Clubs Music . ... The Home tUrdba Bursal Jeryme English bp Snydere to Be Dinner Hosts .;; ! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snyder have invited a group of their friends ' to a dinner party to- -night at their Center street horns. This is the first In a series -of parties the hosts are arranging. Arrangements of autumn flow en will provide th decoratir. not. on the dianer table and about the rooms. Contract bridge will be la play during the eve ning. - U - Covers will be placed for Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Galser. Mc and Mrs, Harry B. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. C W. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. W. X. Kimsey, Judge and ' Mrs. Junes T. Brand and Mr. and Mrs. Snyder. : i . -.-it-: ... Tickets on Sale At Stores Today In order to make it easier for the people of Salem to get Cre scendo Club season tickets, they will be on sal. at the Salem , Youth Center today,, and at Will's and Jaquith'a music stores. Donald Dame, Metropolitan tenor, wiH. give his first per formance In Salem on this series on November 3,. Dorothy Eustia, concert planish Miriam Mar naein, dancec, and Carroll Glenn, violinist, will also appear during the season. Orders may be given to mem bers of the Crescendo club at Salem high school. 1 s Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Yieske. Mr. and Mrs. Tred Vie&ko, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hull and Mr. and 1 Mrs. Glenn HUderbrand -have returned 'from a hunting trip to Ontario. FkfeOs elaaa off the Jas church will meet for a covered dish supper tonight in the church dining room at 630 o'clock. ' C1D3 CALC3AH HOKDAT . ' j ' Ortjrosi State Csaeg M others with Mrs. Du H. Upjoha. tM toot Ubmtr strat. 1 mj. ' Oregon Mothac. Dado. tfte. dilMSSK, WMMS'lCtaMll JPsst BsMttta DAB witn lira, a C. Gw. ItS Salsm H.lghts sts sme. na hort hiKCfcsow. f - Joint aneettaf AAUW pr achool and sohoot are child study groups with afrs. rrodorlek lOaus. IMS Matt istn street. 1 pjn. Eastern Star Social Aftsraooa duo U day Bod Cross aawias. Masonic Tempi. Theatre Arts .roup. with. Mrs. Charles McHhtaiqr. 1 svm, Patriarchs mutant Card party, lOOT haH, pja. i ZontaClubat Schwab Home Miss Nellie Schwab, assisted by Mrs. Carl Booth, was hostess at her home oa North 24th street Ttinrsday night Members of th. Salem Zonta dub were guests. Mrs. Saul Janz was announced as a new member. " ' Miss Schwab used snowber ries, rose haws and autumn leaves to decorate the rooms. The table was covered with a lace cloth and decorated with a bouquet of autumn flowers and an arrangement of grapes. Dessert was served to Mrs. W. X. Smith, Miss Dorothy Pearce, Mrs. Margaret Rosecrans, , Mrs. Herbert Winkler, Mrs. .Theodore Madsen, Mrs. Phil Brownell, Mrs. Alice Robe, Mrs. Lucia Dare Tyler, Miss Helen Yockey, Mis Lena Belle Tartar, Mrs. Harry Scott Mrs. Robert Hutch eon, Miss Lillian McDonald, Miss Marine Buren, Miss Kath eryn Carthew, Miss Edna Luck er, Mrs. Carl Booth, Mrs. Lelaoa EUis, Mrs. Oscar Melgaard, Miss Mabel Savage, Mrs. I. N. Bacon, Mrs. Mabel Clock and Miss Nel lie Schwab. Mrs. Smith, president of the club,, gave a report on the dis trict convention held In Port land the earlier part of this month. ! v ; ' ! lourners Meet for Dessert t- 1 r The Sojourners club met at th. I Salem Woman' cuibhouse on Thursday for dessert lunch eonand.afternoon of cards. Mrs. Oscar Eleckert Mrs. JL J. Ha m and Mn. Floccsso. wet hosteSSCS. ' if' f Seven tables of bridge and tinochl. wet in piay durittg the afternooa. Top honors were won by Mrs. Stuart Theda and Mrs. Howard Post j-;- i 1 : Twenty-eight members present and three guests, Mrs. Lewis Clark, Mrs. K M. Corre- gon and Mrs. L. H. Groote. 1 1 .! I ! Wiflknn Fawic Convention Bound .1- ; I A group of Jaycee-ettes and their husbands left Friday night lor Medf ird to be guests at the atata board meeting being held there this weekend. The Salem jmemben left following the Sa lem Junior Chamber of Com merce Halloween party at the Veterans halL ' ; ' la Medford the group will at tend banquet and dance tonight and this afternoon th. women wiH be guests at a lea. Sunday morning the group will repre sent Salem at a brunch. - Attending from hale are Mr. and ; Mrs. Elmo Lindholxn, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell lEwing, . Mr, and. Mrs. R. T. Lockard, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Grassland, j Shower Honors Miss Scheidel I Miss Virginia Scheidel, bride- elect of Mr. Allen Hayek, was honored at a kitchen shower given Thursday night "by the members of the choir of the first ! Baptist church.: l Those " present jirer. Miss Scheidel. Miss LaVeile Cross. Miss Sylvia Arnold, "Minnie Miller, Mrs. Oswald Morley, Mrs. Floyd McCleilen, Mrs. A. A. Roethlin, Mrs. ; Theodore Roth,! Mrs. Gene Spillman, Mrs. A. G. Linds trend. jMrs. Erwin Scheidel. Mr. Allen Hayek, Mr. Henry Schmidt Mr.! A. G.Iind strand, Mr. Milton iDterks, Mr. Ray Cates, Mr. Gustavo Klemple and Mr. Enrin ScheMeL t : Previously ' a miscellaneous shower was given for Miss Scheidel at the home of Mrs. Fred BroeTj Jr. j . ! Sreo Girdles ' and Panfiie Girdles $g50 i - . Come) bo fitted la cjrood qucdlty otr dies . . thf TREO Until Light welcjbi ... tipper fastening . . . avwmao Unqfix la stzes 23 to 3U Interesting Maer and Mrs. WUaser Me- DoweU (Myra Madsen)1 and their J children. , Rupert Arthur and Sandra Maureen, are being welcomed back to the capital. They have been living in Green ville,! South Carolina where ha was stationed at the army ah bassj Major McDowell id now on fnactrv. status. They are vis iting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Madsen and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McDowell until they are located. ": I"'--- Sunday i- . ' . j f -i .-, , :,.::-(. .- : What promises to bo one of the nicest of concerts scheduled In Satea for thlg fan li tha oigan-fiiano-volce recital to b. Klvm at tbo rirst EvanceUeal church at a 0 on Sunday , af- teinoon. I , William Fawk, organisi for the church, wul bo featured at th. redtaL He wCl play several groups Jon tha newly rebuilt organ." declared now to be one -of the best instruments in Sa lem. Assisting Mr. Fawk; will be- Josephine Albert Spaulding, "mezzo soprano, and Elizabeth Lewie jepson, pianist The concert Is free, and th. public is invited. : The f ollowing program will be given:. V ' .' s I ,r Choral "Corns Lord Jaous Baca Meditation Bubeck i v WUUsm raws: Aria "Oh Lord. Correct Ma." Handel But Th. Lord U Mindful of His Own kteadslssoha Agaus Joaeohlno Albert Spsaldlng VtrcsUto Sintek Mo. 4 . Ookn, Dr. Irving A. Fox Dr. Irving Tex, who completes 8ft years of ministry of the Tint Baptist church of Salem on Sun day, with Mrs. Fox, was honor ed at a reception at the church Wednesday eight : j ApproxUndtelr S50 persons called, Following a program di rected by S&aley Morris A. O. Davison spoke on tha work of Dr. Forin ,'th. church, and a lov. offering was presented. Mabel- Cteabeth Fox, assist ant dean off women 'at Iinfieli college, and! Henry Irving Fox, also in school there, came over for tho reception, " Dr. Fox takes the pastorate of the Baptist church at Selma, Calif,, on November 1. , Miss Mar Jerie Bergsvik, phar macists mate second class In the WAVEa, wUl arrive today to stay with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. : Ijif Rrvovi1r fih im hara mi m 23 day convalescent leave from ' Past PresiSdents of tha Amer Treasuri Island, where she has 1 lean Legion; auxiliary held; their been stationed for some time. first meeting of the season at Past President Entertained the home of Mrs. Frank Mar shall Thursday night ' Assisting hostesses were Mrs. Alta Can non and Mrs. Hattie Cook. . After a dessert sttppcr a short business meeting was held. Mrs. Donald Madison, past unit pres ident, was initiated, and Mrs. - Cathertn. Woodruff was elect ed secretary. Plans for the com ing, year work wera presented by th president -Mrs. Stanley Kruecer. -'. . Members attending were Mrs. ; taura Cleveland, Dallas, Mrs. Frank Waters. Mrs. FJla Voves, Mrs. Jennie Bartlett, Mrs. Don ald Madison, Mrs. Art Johnson, .Mrs. Albert Gragg, Mrs. W. U. Woodruff, Mrs. PauP Gemmell, ; Mrs. Beryl" Porter, Mrs. Earl Andresen, Mrs. Florence . Ames, Mrs. Stanley Krueger, Mrs. O. E. Palmateer, Miss Jessie Rodman, Mrs. John Wagner; Mrs. Frank Marshall, Mrs. Hattie Cook and Mrs. J. i. Cannon. ; Mrs. vTIXUaaa Baskk spent several days in Portland this week and visited with her' daughter, Jeanne, who is attend ing St Helen's hall Junior col l:ge. ! 1 , Hwwtta , Owthtqwo (Gotaiquo -Suite) . : . Boenmaa Jaccod yaalw to tha Starlight- Ctotrey William raws; Duo jfameonot Ostrosr-Jtabiastetn SatssbeUi Lewis Jepoeai ptano WUUsm Fawk orgs. So Near To God Asa I IrCle The Lord's Prayer. -Malotte r Will Fly to Meeting Mrs. William G. Stacey will leave by plana Sunday, for Se attle. From there aha will go to Renton to attend , the Padfla Northwest Boxer meeting on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Stacey is treasurer of the newly organis ed group made up of those in terested in the breeding of Box er dogs. Mrs. Stacey will join his wife in Renton and they will return to Salem oa Monday, Mr, aad Mrs. Key Harlaad en tertained members of the Knight Memorial church choir at an in formal gathering Thursday night at their State street home. Re freshments were served later in the evening to twenty guests. JooephJa. Alaort Spoulding Tha Walk to Jorusalosa Bach March ;Trtmpfcle.KarsEart , r William rawk Immediate 8unday schaol students of St Paul's Friscopal church were entertained at a Halloween party Friday nlght'at the parish, house, alias Janice Patterson was in charge of ar rangements. I . Valdez-Coon Rites Today The wedding of Miss Norma Coon to Mr. Benny Valdez, sea man first class, USN, son of Mrs. dith 'Valdex, will take place tonight at 730 o'clock at the Salvation Army citadeL Cap tain RJ B. Lesher will officiate. ' The groom h a former Salem high school -athlete. SATIN GARTER BELTS CPEOAt CAPRI ' y ' !- i ' ' 'L Floworod scrtta "Capri" garter bolts will bo a feature jot Miller's today at $151 Sizes 24, 28.28.. , - t ! . wr "'s' rm mt n im a u - . . . ADJUSTABLE BACK FASTENING :,..! Llnadrla Shopt Second Floor X ' , - : BRASSIERES! Now stocks of brassieres are hero ... in ftiat nationally known brand you'v liked for so long. Come in today and be expertly fitted in your fcnroritel ' t; 8 1 ' If ' i - ' . i 4 MM n " i.. i - - i i I .. i . I r '"" I icBIIIFTr Fm-Up Lanps . . j . . $3.S5 Mahogany and ivory finished base with parchment shade, j. 7 . j - " QnillcdDridgoTahbCovcrs 3i5 .Leatherettes in pastel shades ana a variety of designs. . I ' " ' Pie-Jlire, Iho Chcf! . . . $1X3 No more messy piesl No more messy ovens! j Pie-Airs placed on the pie acts as vent for steam. ; Pie retains Juices. Coby Dishes . v . $1.95 to $3.25 Divided dishes for baby's convenience. Made of v pottery. 3 compartments Pink or blue. -: t ' : Thrce-FiecoDnbySsl . .. $2.55 Plato, cereal dish and cup of decorated pottery in r pastel colors. . I v.- ..';5' NEW! ' ' 'L Q J - ! :- '..'"1.'--; . ;-" - !. 1 nprrnri w . ; HTK0K1 AM ! , ! Aftor many months, wo are now esablod to a large stock ol BOY SCOOT oaujprnenL H you live within this district . . . or unable to buy it in your own town, VESlt'm lnvih, yaaj to call at your oarlleet cooreolsaico. bo cxraso trm wiui largo stoclo. sixes i and swloctlons won't last long. Boy Seoul ooral&M for Clxxlstmas gifts are bate, too. Select them now and save disap- pfjwimam sated . SCOUT SHIRTS .BREECHES . FIELD CAPS . HATS mWLTS- . Stockings . sox . NECKERCHIEFS . KERCHIEF.SLIDES . HAVERSACKS . CUB PACKS . SIGNAL FLAGS . SEMAPHORE A MORS . HUNTING KNIVES . AXE "WITH SHEATH r FLASHLIGHTS TELESCOPES . DRINKING CUPS . COOK KITS . EMERGENCY RATIOM ! BARS FLINT & STEEL SETS HEAT TABS CANTEENS 'COMPASS COIN CHANGERS EMERY STONES WHISTLE & LANYARDS BEAD CRAFT OUTFITS SCOUT LITERATURE TIE RACKS BOOK ENDS TONETTES BUGLES ' FIRST AID JOTS PLAQUES W. P. MATCH BOXES KNOT BOARDS CANTEEN CUPS PENNANTS STERLING SILVER RINGS ' OFFICIAL BOY SCOUT OUTFITTERS IN THIS DISTRICT m ! 1 1 1'4 1 3 V2 1 JS H I': m n is- 4 4 93 t J ' ' ' ' ' ' j " ' . . ' 1 I I: Ii. m E ' i II