' ' !... I PAGZ TWO. 'fftl t f l ' 1' .! . ; . ! Thav OREGON STATESMAN. . SciwC Ooxu Sjuda Horrdaq, 0A6bg 27,1 IS45 1,1 , , i i i i i i i I, . Bevih AMbESI Assistant in Europ I I. k : V I 3 j LONDON. Oct 2MflVFerein Secretary Xrnest Bevin declared today that ' Europe " had been , brought to near chaos b delib erate nasi plan, and faced dis aster soon unless the US con gress voted J t ,800,000,000 to the United Nations Relief and Reha bilitation . administration. Hunger and privation i In Eu rope may bring "further: prolific human loss more devastating than a gun or atomic bomb." he told commons.' ! Bevin drew attention to con - gressional debate ,on funds , for UNRRA, and declared "if that vote is not granted, UNRRA will 'be broke and the jsituatioi4?e have to face in a few weeks' time will be disastrous." f !!. (President Truman has asked congress to give $350,000,000 to UNRRA, the remaining portion of America's first authorized contri bution of $1,350,000,000. Truman said that after this action was completed, he would ask congress to authorize a second $1,350,000, OOa contribution. Thi with the $550,000,000 would total $1,900, 000,000, rather than the figure Bevin gave.) . i I 1 Proud Father at 86; Mother 21 j ) Bond Drive r 1 Saleswomen i Hear Greider J ' ' "I "J 'V 5 The war isn't over -j I'm here i to tell you that men kt hospitals j, are expecting from 136.000,000 Americans; the same' financial ( support that provided us with the i -best in fighting "materials - while we were out there doing that '' ' nasty Job", Carlton! Greider, Sa- - ' lem marine corps lieutenant blind i ;f. ed on Tinian, said Friday night.! Keynoting the j . organization meeting of Marion! county war bond saleswomen, at the Dairy Cooperative association hall, Grei der declared that the finest in artificial limbs, in medicines and in physicians', services has been made available to American servicemen- because the nation has been interefVrd enough to Invest fin war bonds. I "i ' Mrs, Henry Kayser, . county women's division chairman, pre sided at the meeting, where1 O. J. Miller, of the Western Picture Operators' association showed moving pictures; John Hodgkins, assistant manager lor;; the state war finance committee; Mrs. El len' McVeagh, state women's di vision chairman; Thomas B. Pur cell, publisher of the Gresham Outlook, and Douglas Yeater, Marion county war finance chair man, were among the speakers. I I I i i vs I - --, 'S - . " i ""r ? ;f 7 i- ' ,. ; . s 1 i ' . u 1 1 I - . 1 , ' v 1 : - ' I ' jaasv!. ' J - ; iJ - 'V "'t j - r, ' . . i . S "1 . i DES MOINES, Oct. ttLvla Carrlzales, tO-year-old threshlag company ; employe, and his Xl year-ald wife show elf their new S-pound daugh ter. Carriaalea. half Cherakae Indian and half 8paaUu iars be keeps yaaag by skipping rope, chopping weed and chinning himself 49 , times dally.. He's the father of seven ether children by previoas aaaxriage (AP WtreplMU). . - Ley Denounces anti-Semitism In Pre-Suicide Messag NEXNBEKO. Oct S-jf-ga-Icide Robert Ley, In a farewell "political testimony released today, blamed nazidom's dawn fall an Its vicious anti-Semitism and proposed a plan for Ger mans and Jews to reach "a complete reconciliation." . Ley, nasi labor boss who hanged himself to escape a war crimes trial, asserted the nasis themselves "mast declare to oar . youth that It (anti-Semitism) was a mistake. The youth will not believe our opponents.' The 12a-wor1 docaaaeat, ad dressed "to my German peo ple " waa called "a terrific apol ogy for bis aaU-gemitUm" by CoL John. Harlaa Aaaea. U.S. Interoration chief at Naera berg. ) : Ley declared the "whale ex istence of oar people Is In ques tion" unless anti-Semitism la aboUahed. and. speaking of the grip of nasi ideas on German youth, said: . ' ' j jTor he lack of any other ideal, youth wiU stick to Na tional Socialism. The deported Jews will not be able to retain carefree. ... Occupation troops win leave someday New politi cal constellations might give Germany new chances. . .. then anti-Semitism would flame ap anew and rage much worse than ever before." p'; Ley said he was f one of the responsible men" who had "a right to appeal to the German people after Its sinaalar eatas tropha. - - i'- "'! The nasis "have forsaken God ani therefore we were foraak , enjby GodT. .-"i,'""-: i:" ' ' Cloud Returns i . :: I. ' : ' "' - To Crater Lake MEDFOED. Oct' tM-Tbo mysterlo cload whih sever al observers have reported see ing ever Crater lake has ap peared again. Park Saperla teadent E. P. Leavltt said to . : . For the foarth tlaun In three weeks, creditable wHusausa said they watched the strange saaoke or gaa cloud rise apparently front the lake suvfaoa. Latest report earns from Mrsv Allee ThsaVsunssnanV anaW . aaTak aHsjnaktanaoT ' who said she and ber sister saw the cloud yesterday aaorn- tog... . .,, ; : :. : Leavltt belieTc the strange closes may Indicate a return of volcanle actrrlty to the area. HUNK O SCAN9 EkTTUstNS HOLLYWOOD, Oct 21 - Threu hours after his discharge from the coast guard, Victor Ma ture returned today to his old iob -acting in front of a .movie cam era. A chief boatswain's mate when he left the service. Mature enlisted as a coxswain three years 'ago.. - , L -1 ."!' ' rt, Too Late to CWify FRYERS. V lb, SIM oa. Ph. SSaS. 0QE!Cel iSyei'Son Sdorday, Od: 27 Dancing Every Ccrturdar ...:.:. .it 10 12. i PEESENTOJO i G1EIIII UC0D3Y AND XH3 ORCHESTRA IS Entertainers Vera Ech " fcatared Vci2lst, - Woman Told Husband Alive NOME, Alaska. Oct. 26-OFV- Rosemary McSwain, twice married and twice divorced since her first husband, Captain Bianchi of the Italian air force, was reported dead five years ago, learned today the jpaptain was alive. ' I Mrs. McSwain, manager .of the Paterson hotel here,; has two children, one a daughter by her first marriage. She said she would reassume her first husband's name and hoped that he could cproe to Nome. - . 'M , : Captain Bianchi, she said, was Injured and tn an Italian hospi- Coast Cities Plan Navy Day Celebrations SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 2-( -The navy holds "open house" to-i morrow up and down the coasts of California, Oregon and Washington.- -V. -.'-'v.;. 1 " In -what 'is expected, to "be the greatest Navy Day celebration in historj, Pacific port communities will turn their populations out en masse in tribute to the ships and men who did so much in bringing, the treacherous enemies ofj World War II to complete surrender. , 1 Major fetes were scheduled at San Francisco, Loa Angeles, Port land and Seattle, but many an other! coastal city planned to go all out in the nation-wide ob servance.' ' ;l , ' ' j; j'. San Franciscans, already over whelmed by a series of navy pa rades and celebrations since V-J day, will be outdoors by the thou sands tomorrow to witness the flight of 200 navy planes over the city. Later, while other thousands are visiting ships in the bay, i a fleet of blimps which In wartime kept watch along "the coastal wa ters, will sail over a holiday- crowded. Market street On Sun day a; pleasure-craft salute to the fighting ships will feature a pa rade of some 400 yachts. Seattle will lo the focal point of the western Washington ob servance, with 60 carrier-based plane from Astoria demonstrat ing over the USC - Washington football game there at half-time. Ships at anchor at Portland, open for public inspection, are the carrier Independence, cruisers Topeka and Amsterdam, destroy ers Garrard and Woodworth, and "the submarines Icefish and Hawk bill. : " . i ' MALNECKS EE-WED BEVERLY HILLS, Calif, Oct 26-(fl1)-Matty Malneck, orchestra leader, and his divorced wife, Clara I Burns Malneck, today cele brated the 11th anniversary of their. marriage by getting married again 1 . . ' ' Mavie 'Escape Attemp kill, VKk v Cff5)- Qty police" declared today they" always get their manwith the help of deputy sheriffs, the fire department and a Crown Willamette company tugboat " i Paut' L. Honeycutt 3 broke away - from, deputies -lasV night dashed to the superhighway Just north of the Oregon. City-West Linn bridre. and leaned 25 feet to a ledge. Unfazed, he dived into tne water and reached a log: raft : Officers summoned a fire truck ladder and a tug and, after a half hour, apprehended Honeycutt He was charged with drunk and dis orderly; conduct on Profits iquor Deal Oreg JL t . JL PORTLAND, Ore Oct; 2-() Oregon! will profit by at least $3,000,000 from its 1943 joint dis tilleries; purchase with Washing ton, even if the states have to pay all federal taxes on the deal, a legislative investigating commit tee was told today." : . George P. Lilley, liquor com mission chairman when the pur chase was made, said the fworst possible' that could happen would make Oregon liable for $2,500,000 in taxes., The commission already has counted $5,500,000 in profits, however, and the figure may reach $6,000,000 eventually, he reported. ' WASHINGTON, Oct 26 -P) The senate today confirmed Pres ident X Truman's appointment of Avra fM. Warren of Maryland as minister to New Zealand. (V.F.W. Victory Dub Old-Time Dancing , Tbi ttiohi Velerans Hall Corner Hood and "'. Church Streets Maalc by THE 0BEG0I11AIIS Everybody Welcome C0NT.FROM1 P. M. - NOW PLAYING! TWO TERRIFIC HITS I W XLAMOUR J BRACKEN g 0 ii ,.-7i GINGER ROGERS 445th AVE. GIRL" JACK CARSON TIM HOLT CO-FEATUREI Inter-Gbllege Peace Planned PORTLAND, Oct 26-;p)-Tb first effort to organize a - lasting cooperative program among rep resentatives of the-University of Oregon; Oregon State college, and the colleges of education will be launched , here tomorrow. . Presidents Harry 'K. Newburn of the University and A. L. Strand of Oregon State,! and Dr. Charles Howard for the education schools will address alumni and mothers' and fathers4 ! groups. Way 'at tain greater; accomplishment for higher education and to spread its benefits further will be dis cussed. " .. :: ' The movement sprung from meetings - of the- United Citizens' committee which-1 sponsored last Junes state building fund mea sure. GETS HONORARY POST PORTLAND, Oct 26 -P)- An invitation to become an! honorary vice chairman' of the American Legion's $1SJOOO,000 Americanism endowment fund was accepted to day by Governor Snell. ENDS TODAY! (SAT.) Johnny vVehumller TAKZAN8 DESERT MYSTERY" . Tex Rltter FLAMING BULLETS' CONT. FROM 1 r Jf. TOMORROW! i Der glngla . , Bock .la On pi Hia Gayead ACADEMY WINNER CROSDY Doctor ( 1; V i y h i , V 1 t-.JtmrntJ Rhpa SHIRLEY ROSS THRILL CO-HTT1 II auonti 3 J -2 T7E SALUTE THE GALLANT UIHTED STATES IIAV7 WITH A SPECIAL NEWS REEL I raOKZM97 coimnous shows daily from i p.m. WHOOPLEI IG TIME HITS . . . ON ONE PROGRAM! PIN TWO i l T i I Rohr JltO OEMS "OABbY II AY IS (S m V, V DAIIIVAN5 ' i l! L I . in. I, II- I ! i I : . V ' ! I . 14 1 ,4.v.--lS: . '.-! :: I -.---..Hi (OWL SHOW AFTER MIDNITE) Roy's Back! Singing, Roraanc lng'as only he can! ... . . Plus a thousand thrills! . Martin Mooney'i tnic story of the rack ets! . . . . So startling they put the author in; jail for his daring Latest Fox News I U5; fleet home in tri rnnph ! . . From Pearl Harbor steams a migh ty armada to help VJS, celebrate Navy Day! .,, Flaaliaa roxn Eaglandl Late Sports Nwsl , . 7AM L fit Sfnrtj Today - 2 Hits! Lostte, flflhtlni Stalweirt-kearteeV champ4on Intro ducing Laddltl With si herds master to lovo 1 smd a thous and odvtntur to thrill yogi -i i:fVl '4: till 'rim . A J I Sk. lawfor I af-l ' . rw ffllswivw j MS '-"' eof eaeperft ' : ea sJiilawi - m 1 talnasn of l 'WOMefttsasoaaol ' 77 1 ftaidbf rtlCK UUIIALU LAVrOuD'CmSP JUNE ' NIGEL LOCKIIART BRUCE mil "Klf SETEII Lm A1ES i.cnra-amm-iiirtLrri I'i . . k 7 . AN M-G-M COMPANION FEATURE ncTutt LASSIE and LADDIE - Tv inn. " X Ik t 1 AO 1 M O it, T li . . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm A MMIJOI went Las! Tines Tcday Ma'--.-4. r mi mioit Ik Svwltaa rotSo li ltvl fit Mi in I.1HWPMMI PLUS CO-FEATURE THE CHEATERS Slarti Sunday - 2 Big Hits " EZCTTING os a 5dbi?acC , lyt GLOWING as Young W rV DONALD MEEK 5 ;tRANK McHUGH 1 I J TJ ritNRTvMORGAN "7