The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 26, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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    """ f
Music .
'. ' ' ' ' '
Maxme Burest
WeiMBli Editor
Honoredl af
One of the largest events cal
endared for next week will be
the reception on Wednesday -night,
October 31, for which
members of the First iCongrega-
tional church will be! hosts: in
honor of the new minister and
his wife, the Rev. and Mrs. Seth
Huntington, who recently came "
liere from The Dalles.: j ,
The affair will be held In the
church reception rooms from 8
to 10 o'clock to which all friends
of the church are invited. ',
Mrs. Richard Slater will in
troduce to the receiving line "
which will include the new
minister and his wife,; Dr. and
Mrs. Chester F. Luther, Mr. and j
Mrs. Donald Upjohn and Mr.
and Mrs. David H. Cameron.
' !- '
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Cooley have returned from a
hunting trip to John' Day. '
Dinner Club to
Be Honored
'I . i !
pr. and Mrs. Bruce Titus will
bei hosts to members of their
dinner and bridge club Saturday
night at their Portland home. -
Motoring down for the' affair
will be Mr. and Mrs.-Clyde Cuts
forth of Gervais, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles S. McElhinny, Judge and
Mrs. E. M. Page, Mr. and Mrs. '
Max Rogers and Mr. and Mrs.
Dainiel J. McLellan. 1 j i
Today's Pattern
A precious little outfit for your
Little Precious, Pattern 4647.
ONE YARD makes Jacket and
Jumper, in size 21 Blouse 1-piece;
embroidery. ' : ' .
Pattern 4847 toddler's ! sizes 1,
t, t, 4, 8, , and 10. Size 2,
Jumper and Jacket, takes 1 yard
39-inch; blouse, i yard 35-inch.
Send SIXTEEN CENTS la coins
for this pattern to The Oregon.
. Statesman. Pattam Deirt- Salem,
Ora. Print Plainly SIZE. NAMK,
. Order tha Anna Adama UMa Sunt
r soar Pattern BooM Cool atylaa as
mart at they are eay , to aw.
Printad tn book are TRXZ patterns
for hat ba. and lovea. Send Fif
taaa Cents mora for your copy;
.' Book 1 4 K- through VI good
fhrourh Jan. SI. Al through EI through
Oct. Si. Tl through Kl through Nov.
. U throucb Ql valid through Doe.
ivoAKt T- ; ' .
Book 4 Stamp 3s valid for five
rrunda tbreach Doc. SL j.
Jtook S Atrplano stamps L a. S
nd valid tadallmtely.
: S ZES ''
Cornea Fo? fiamaeiry
0 a. n. b 5:23 p. n. '
i - '-"- ' - . , , - . - - - ' -
''"1- '". ' '
Starr FniO Prcdncls. Co.
Church & Mill, Salem
Telephone 6073 v
. . . The Home
Jeryme English
Soctetjr Editor
FRIDAY ' '.I !' .
Ami Tm ow wtlMliiiiir
Tint Baptist church. 1:45 pan.
I War ' Hotbrt . woman's
clubhoUM. i to t pjt,
! Woman's Bibla i claaa, first
Methodist church, 1 1 p.m. with. -
Mrs. Lenora Mickey. 137 South
Utik street
Ifew Babies j
Iii City 1
Hie arrival of four new citi
zens Is of Interest to their many
friends. . r' '.. f '. - t
Congratulations go to Master
Sergeant and Mrs. vBethune
deSully (Helena Schneider) on
xne Dtrm or a six pound three
ounce boy at the Salem General
hospital Thursday morning, Oc
tober 23. The little boy. has been
named for his father, who is
now stationed in New Orleans.
Tha baby's grandparents are
Mrs. Marie Schneider of Salem
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles D.
deSully of Portland. .,
Chief Warrant Officer and
Mrs. Richard Jones (Barbara
Lamb) are receiving felicita
tions on the birth of their third
daughter, Linda Rae, on October
18.1 at the Salem General hos
pital. The .little girl's sisters are
Cheryl Aim and Patricia Lynn.
Their father la now in the Phil
ippines. Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Lamb are the baby's maternal
grandparents. .
From Seattle comes word of
the birth of a daughter, Marga
ret Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Neil
Shaffer on October 21. The Shaf
fers reside in Kent, Wash., and
have an older daughter, Mary
Gayle. Mrs. Shaffer will be re
membered as Margaret Gillette.
Grandparents of the baby are
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Gil
lette of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. :
Harvey Shaffer ' of Kent Mrs.
Gillette is planning to leave next
week for Kent to be with her:
daughter and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Prange
are the parents of an eight pound
eight ounce son born on October
23 at the Salem General hos
pital. Mrs. Prange will be'fre-:
member ed as Dorothy Biegler.
The baby's grandparents srs
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Prange and :
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Biegler, all ;
of Salem. The little boy's father ;
was discharged from the navy
last week. '
Disabled Aaaericaa Teteraa !
auxiliary will held' an all day !
sewing at the home I of Mrs. '
Stuart Johns, 470 Monro st, to
day at 10 a, m. A covered dish
luncheon will be served at noon.
Today's Menu
Tomato. Juice begins the meal
for today:'
Tomato Jules cocktail
f Lamb chops with f
Mint sauce
Cauliflower au gratin
i Ice cream
Chocolate syrup
- Y cup cocoa i.
1 cup hot water
2 cups honey
1 teaspoon salt
J tablespoons vanilla
Mix cocoa and water, add re
maining Ingredients and cook for
I minutes over boiling water.
J5tir constantly. Makes about 1
pint syrup.
to easo nisonv
iHIiss Nancy
! "Watson to I
. : Invitations were received i la
Salem Thursday of the I tarriage
of Miss Nancy Watson, daaghter
of f Mrs.' Thomas B. Watson i of
Portland, to Mr. James Kinersly
- lot I The Dalles, which will take
puce on November .3
ace on November s. . j . : - ,. . -The
bride-to-be is a sisterj of KlHpcir-i ",
rs. Conrad Paulson of Salem. '-'itV-irjl 1
1 m '''mm ' ' - it
I A humber of Salem couples have
! been invited to the w e d d 1 n g
which will be solemnized at St.
.Michael and All Angel's church
jatia p'docjt in the evening with
1 Bishop Benjamin Dagwell of
.'fidating. h- :
I Mr. Paulson will give the bride
j In f marriage and she has. asked
(her youngest sister, Mrs. Richard
t Adams , (Bonnie Watson) to- be
he matron of henoti' , -'s .
I A reception will be held i at ;
. the home of the bride's mother '
. Immediately after the ceremony. -I
Miss Watson, who has many
friends in Salem, is a graduate
of Portland schools.' Her fiance, i
who was recently : discharged
frotn the marine corps, attended-'
.the University of Oregon.
! S
v '. :
Lt and Mrs. Norval E. Eastin Oane Irish) pictured cut
ting their wedding cake at the reception which followed
their marriage on October 18 at the home of the bride's
perrents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Irishi in SUvertbn. aesten
Miller). " V- ' -"4. 1 i
Michael FimmeiT
Has Birthday i
I Mrs. H. M. Finuixen. 120t
Court street, entertained Wed
nesday for her - son, ' Michael
Dean, on his first birthday.
I GuesU were Mrs. a M. Rasi
ofer and Charles, Mrs. J, J.
Terde and Frances, Mrs. X. Milk
ier and Steve, Mrs, 'Kenneth
Torgeaon and Davldi Mrs. Zd
fink- Stanley and Gerald, Mrs.
R. Voigt, Beverly And Ken- .
neth snd Mrs. R. J; Backley.
! The Dlae a4 De elms el
the Kiezer community: met with
Mrs. Jack Cloyd on Thursday to
celebrate hr birthday. A new
member taken In was Mrs. Dells
Johnson. Visitors were Mrs.
James K. Cloyd and. Mrs. L
January. Next meeting will be
November 1 at Mrs. H. Brene-
Ki 7112 ADT OP
"To taag successfully,'" trilled the canary, "you
must specialize in vocalizing."! The success of Hills
Bros, in producing coffee is because they specialize
: only in buying, blending, roasting, and packing of
the finest coffees obtainable. No wonder every pound
has the same matchless flavor. No wonder drinkers
of Hills Bros. Coffee say -"Now that's what I call
good coffee P . .. f .
Hiss Mar jorls Lepper arrived"
In Salem Thursday afternoon by
plane from her home In Santa
Rosa, Calif,' for a visit withlllss
Florence Lewis at the horn of
Dr. I and Mrs. - George Lewis,
Mist Lepper, who formerly re
sided here, will remain until
Monday. Saturday, ".Miss Lewis
and; her guest will attend the
Navy day festivities In Portland.'
Younaer Set
Gals event of Saturday night
for members of the Junior high
school set will be the Halloween
party for which Suzanne Barnes
and Carolee Coffey will be hos
tesses at Pringle park.
The hostesses have Invited 33
of their friends to an Informal
evening of, dancing and gamesT
Refreshments will be served
?late In the evening. The Hallow
een motif, chrysanthemums and
leaves will provide "the decora
tive note.
Mrs. Ralph Barnes and Mrs.
Robert Coffey, mothers of the
hostesses, will assist their daugh
ters wormally,
i i.
r i
i 1
I i.
.1 I
:. f
I !
Mrs. Tlllie Ishaa sad her
daughter, Bernice, have returned
from 4 ,two weeks stay in San
Trancico where they were the
guests; of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Lindeburg. They also visited at
the Trank Lindeburg estate U
Atherton several days. Mrs. Rob
ert Lindeburg will be remem
bered ss LaReva Isham.
TisMera ft Salaam ihla week
are Lt CoL and Mrs. Douglas
Sharp and their children, Enid
Patricia and Michael, who are
guests at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sharp,
Mra.'Claresiee MeCasker.
(Grace Bailey) returned the first
of the week from San Francisco
where she has been with her
navy lieutenant husband the
past month. Lt (Jg) McCusker,
has now-left for further duty la
the Pacific. '
v I , f :-
Oregon; Friday Morning. October S3. 19U
Sororities -To
Rush :
i -.t .; n .-. T j. .'. '
Open bouses at the chapters
of Willamette university's four;
sororities Friday afternoon wQl'
inaugurate PanheUenic rush
weekend oil the Tnrqt1 The
four, houses are Alpha Chi
Omega, Chi Omega, Delta Phi
and Pi Betai Phi. The Delta Phi
chapter: will be formally , in
stalled as Delta Gamma on No
vember 10, inaking all four sor
orities on the campus members
of the national organization.
Officers of PanheUenic I are
Dorothy Hoar, president; I Pat
Ann Sly, treasurer; Dorothy Mo
drow, secretary; Carolyn Brady,"
rush chairman, and Dean Olive
M. Dahl, advisory
The remainder of Trlda-r'a
nuh P?1 will be two eve-
nlng firesides at each of the
sororities, the first beginning at
70 p. Jm. and the second at
m .III n TT1 f
An Indoor
picnic at each house
NStlS "ULL" 1
' SS? IttS00 TlS
'petition j of mday nlghfs fire
sides planned for Saturday eve
ning at the same hours.! Sunday
events will feature teas at the
sororities from 3 until 4 o'clock
in the afternoon and formal din-
ners m -the evening beginning
at 730. i ! ''.'' ;
Rush weekend on the Willam
ette campus iwill conclude with
mIaJm I. mm .1.J i,m. m A I
utrtiniiisa hi uie soron- 1
ties at 8 o'clock Monday morn .
lng at which time bids will be
announced to the rushees.
'' , .! - , ..!' ' :
Rites ecd in
Fireplace Room
The weddini ! of
Lee, " daughter I of
Richey, land Mr;
Mrs. Elsie
Jlojjsseas was solemnized Satur--nty
afternoon, October 20, at 3
o'clock In the fireplace room of
the First Presbyterian church.
The Rev. Chester.Hamblin offic
iated at the! double ring cere
mony. I .. . y
The bride wore a soldier blue
crepe dressmaker suit with black
hat and. accessories. Her flowers
were gardenias- and red rose
buds. Mrs. Elsie Richey was her
daughter's matron of honor. She
wore s blue velvet dress with
matching; hat and accessories.
Her corsage (was of gardenias.
Mr. William Richey attended the"
groom. i
. A reception followed at the
home of the bride's mother. v
The couple will make their
home in California.
Ml- ;
HaIldwpen Party '
For Children
On Saturday afternoon the
young children of St Paul's
Episcopal Sunday school will be
honored at . a - gala Halloween
party at the parish house from
2:30 to 4:39 O'clock. The guests
will come in costume and: re
freshments will be served dur
ing the afternoon. I
The committee arranging the
affair Includes Mrs. Gerald
Fisher, Mrs.! Wallace Carson,
Mrs. Theron Hoover, Mrs. Wal
ter Socolofsky, Mrs. Wendell
Wyatt Mrs. T. M. Medf ord, Mrs.
Donald .McCargar, Mrs. Bert
Ford, Mrs, Ed Hagen, Mrs. Neill
Hanson, Mrs.! Herman Jochlm
sen and Miss I Mary Ann Brady.
' , : J . - ' 1 .' ; 1 I
MIm TlrsU iSextea will be a
bridge luncheon hostess today
at her home In honor of mem?
bers of her club.
, A gaest at! the hesae ef Mr.
and Mrs.; Daniel J. McLellan
this week has been Miss Nell
Grlmmett iOf XsGrsnde.
n an tt. m err.
, .
Mr. rmd Mrs' TAvrn Holm fFInrenra Pnolal vthn vera
married an October at the Stayton Baptist church. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Poole of Stay
ton. The couple will live In Twain Harte, Calif., where the
groom, is in business. (jesten
Kathle Baskk. daaghter ef
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Busick,
celebrated her eighth birthday
on Saturday when she enter
tained sixteen of her school
friends at an Informal party ati
her home on Court street from
1 to 4 o'clock. ' '
i . i
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hamilton
and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bell
will be among those entertain
ing informally before the Sub
scription club dinner dance Sat
urday night in honor of a group
of heir friends.
A eeln sbewer for twe- recent
brides will be held In connection
with the Halloween party, which
the. FL girls of the Rebekah
lodge are giving on Monday
night. Those to be honored are
Mrs. Rudy L. Enger and Mrs.
Robert Beyers. . .
: - ' I'- , i . "I
a rvr? rvo ts
Dear Friends: - ,
We wish to thank you for your past patronage. The confidence 'you have placed
In us by your overwhelming attendance during the past nine months leaves us no al
ternattve as to our future policy. We feel all Of you should share In some measure
our wonderful success. Your cooperation makes all this possible. So, we are inaug-
uratinf our new winter policy by reducing our prices on food, admissions and bev
erages. We shall continue, though, to maintain the same high quality, service and
Standard, of our dinners and floor show entertainment We shall continue to conduct
our establishment In good taste and refinement We never have and never will tol
erate rowdyism. We find our greatest pleasure in knowing you and serving you
honestly. : j
Now is the time to celebrate your birthdays, anniversaries and
A f VnUiOniS grillllPII MVm ..I . . m M .
v utynnauii oufftn
TWICE NIGHTLY, . 10t00 -
i - .
cc:m:G attdactioiis
i l
f ! , ' I DANCma TO THE MUSIC '1
Salem's Only Theater Restaurant - - One Clock North ef Underpass en Eead te Portland j
- Miuer
Speakers Named
For Program
Speakers for "World Conunun
ity Day" program sponsored by
the Salem Council of Church
Women at the First Christian
, church November 2 will be the
Rev. George Swift, speaking on
"The World Charter how! can
we make it live?" and the Rev.
W. G. Xverson of Portland on
"The World Community how
Can we achieve it?" and "The
World Church woman's part
in it"
The morninff session of
meeting will be ffiven over to
business session, election and in-,
stallation of officers and reports
on their local projects. j
Luncheon will be served by
the Christian church ladies. Call
Mrsj Leslie Carson, phone 6333,
for reservations. i .; I I
. X
A full course steak, chicken
or turkey dinner, consisting
of entree, cocktail, soup, sal
ad, relish, dessert and drink.
A complete dinner for only
ornt TTmm eravtp evisra
uufl. in real ireai w cai
fWmm.mmmm.A e.t..l. . ..J tl.1t J.
m au ujvu wxAnwiA cuuu
- 13
Geo. Ccrieilo'x
Bill llxixrell
iftr nxalyjCclnan
12. - 00
Mils Bros. 4
-V Dvaeaat Sisters
Two Couples
neiurn to
Salem I
Being welcomed back to Sa
lem are Mr. and Mra, Maurice
Fltzsimons (Jane Huston) and
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Doo little
(Patricia Lamb), who have been
living In Longview, Wash, since
their marriages. : Both young
men were stationed there with
the coast guard and j were dis
charged this week, j
i Mr. and Mrs. Fitzsimons are
temporarily residing with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver B.
Huston and- Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Fitzsimons, until they find liv
ing accommodations. Young Mra.
Fitzsimons will enroll for her
senior year at Willamette uni
versity next week. She is a Ro
tary scholarship student and a
member of PI Beta. Phi.
Mr. and Mrs. Doolittle are
now sojourning In Victoria and
Vancouver, B. C, and Seattle.
They plan to be away several
weeks. Until their apartment is
ready they will be with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doo
Miss Janice Bedg-es of Orecea
City, on terminal leave from the
Spars, la a nouseguest of Miss
Grace L. Bottler.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Paalson
have returned from j a three
weeks visit in Dell Rapid3,
South Dakota, with his parents,
-Mr. and Mrs. Chris Paulson.
Persons .their
names imprinted on
Christmas Cards should
order now! Come in to
day and choose your fa
vorite from our wide se
lection of Christmas
Book Siore
111 N. ComT
Fh, 4534 a
t.nn t m m.
ViWtf ft Ck W
get-togethers with a .dinner
m . mmmm--m .
out at luuua ajxu a.
7 r. m.
as. , C
it Sammy Davis, Jr.
Tt. Harste J
i i
. -mm. . m. .