SIXTEEN M Th OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Friday Morning, October 2 S. 131 Good Judgment Consideration Of Traffic, Surface, Hazards to Prevent Mishaps A-series. ct peculations, which should be . known tn, everyone .has .Wen compiled by the Oregon Safety YVeek committee, including the following: - ' ' ' v - ' '. : The Basle Speed Kale;.: , .' '. . .-;..,:. A motor vehicle shall be driven at all times at a speed, and in such a manner, so as not to endanger any -person or property, and with due regard, for existing conditions., Conditions that must be ' considered include: traffic, surface and width of highway, hazards at intersections. weather condi- ' tions, condition of the vehicle and driver. i -i .,...-,'.. '. Excessive speed was involved in 49 fatal accidents in Oregon last year. - Pedestrian Regulations ! Pedestrians shall be subject to traffic control signals at intersec tions. " i - ....... ;J ; When signals are not in place ; r In operation, drivers shall yield the right of way, stopping or slow Ing down if need be so to yield, to a pedestrian crossing the road way , within any marked or un marked crosswalk when the pedes trian" is approaching so closely from the opposite half of the road Way as to be in danger. . Pedes-, j trians crossing at places other than crosswalks, must yield the right ef way to vehicles, and local au thorities may prohibit . by ordin ance any pedestrian crossing at any place other, than marked or Unmarked crosswalks. Unsafe walking practices were Involved .in . 60 per cent of the pedestrian fatalities in Oregon last year. '. '. ! : ' ' The Right of Way Rule j -. Drivers approaching an Inter section shall look out for and give way to vehicles on the right, simul taneously approaching a given point, whether such vehicle first enter the Intersection or not. Driv ers entering an Intersection at an unlawful speed 'shall forfeit any , right of way they would otherwise have under this provision. Fifteen fatal accidents and a total of 6335 traffic accidents in volved failure to yield right of way in Oregon last year. y I "Observance of ,. traffic laws means avoidance of accidents.' Left and Right Tarns In approaching an intersection for a right turn, get in the lane, -."TAKE 'IT -EASY": marked or unmarked, nearest the ngni-nana siae . oi we street : or highway and turn into the corres ponding lane. For a left turn, get into the lane nearest the center line and complete the turn in the corresponding lane of the street entered. j Improper turns - were involved in 2371 traffic accidents in Oregon last year, four of which resulted in fatalities. vy 4 Vehicles at Crossings '; Whenever any person driving a vehicle approaches a highway and interurban or steam railway grade crossing and a clearly visible and positive signal gives warning of the immediate approach of a rail way train or car, it shall be un lawful for the driver to fail to stop the vehicle before traversing such grade crossing. , i f ' Train-motor vehicle collisions at Burlmgliams Buy Clements Home One -of -Salem's most luxurious residences, the H. J, OernentsLv home on North 14th street, has been Isold to Mr.' and Mrs. Frank Burlingham, it was announced to- day. ' ! - ; ' 'I- J. Mrs, Clements will give posses sion Ion November 24; Mrs. Cle ments will live with her brother and mother en Glen Creek drive until: ne is able to '. build. The Burlingham s i now reside - at 791 N. Capital street V -O i j .' The Clements colonial home is one of the show places of the city, with! the spacious gardens edged by the Mill race, and built by the late Dr. H. J. Clements. vehicle In- grade crossings took a toll of 24 lives in Oregon last year, the high est death toll! for this type of acci dent in the state's history. t i Aecldent Reporting The driver of any volved in an accident resulting in injury or death to any person or damage to property however min or in extent shall, within 24 hours, file written report with the sheriff of the. county, lor the chief of police of the city in which the accident occurs. . A total of 32,047 traffic accidents were reported in Oregon last year. Of these, 222 resulted in fatalities and 4058 resulted in personal in juries. : : j . . - :' "Observance of traffic laws means avoidance of accidents." j Toastmistresses Express Approval of Training Plan Piatt's maiden speech, "A Rose by Any Other Name," was bio graphical. Mrs. 2 Raymond - Walsh gave : a six-minute' review ; of James! Hilton's newest ). novel. Marguerite , Gleeson was toast mistrefiV :.. : y Lorefta ' Fridrich was -, general critic , and individual critics were Mrs." Don - Madison, Mrs, E. - L. Brunk and Mrs. Martin Elke. Olga Wikberg was , time keeper and Ada Ross was table topics chair man. 1 - ; I - v : i The' Albany guests were Mrs. Orion ; Garrett, president; Mrs. Ted Sahlstrom, vice . president; Mrs, Bruce Rogers, secretary; Mrs. Don Belt, Mrs, L. W. Irenius, Mrs. Dorothy Miller," Mildred Schultz, Mrs. Jim Hyatt, Merle 5 trader, Mrs. Allen Edwards, Mrs. Wes Crooks," Mrs.' Clyde Govro, Mrs. Dan 1 .Roth and Mrs. George Philips. ;. . ... mm yolice Do not save tin cans, there is no need for them. Paper is . still urgently needed. You can help by tying your bun dles with strong cord & placing them neatly in your near est salvage box. ; Please Do Not Place Anything Bui PAPER I iin Salvage Boxes .' Salem Junior Chamber of Commerce Not a voice was. lifted against President Truman's Dlan for enforced military training - when Toastmistresses discussed the question at their Thursday, night dinner meeting at The Quelle. Most popular selection among three table topics offered for . minutes speeches, it was, discussed from the viewpoint of patriots, internationalists, - teachers - and mothers, ; , ?;. . ;.. Members of - the ! new Albany Toastmistress club were guests at the dinner, a Founder's day ob servance. ' Mrs. James i Hartley toasted the founders. Mabel Lund, delivering " her " maiden ' peech, talked on "Things I Like." ! Rose River Silt Hampers Ocean-Goimr Shins . - - THE DALLES, Oct 23 - UPl - ucean rreignters will not be able to dock here for wheat until silt has been taken from the Columbia river channel, city officials said today, V rijf'y.':? .;.'':...:' The Commodity Credit coroor- atlon . had intended to send two ships here to take on wheat car goes, but army engineers said heavy silt has' made the channel tod shallow. The rivers and har bors bill i provides for dredeins the . channel to a depth allowing passage of ocean-going ships. N'ev Cars to Go : On Display Today Among the first of the new post war cars will be on display today at the Valley Motor company the Ford and "if we can go ahead un hampered we should have hun dreds .iq every sales, area within a, few weeks," it was announced by J. . R. Davis, director of sales and advertising for the Ford Mo tor company.: The local display was arranged by W. L. Phillips, of the Valley Motor firm. Davis statement said "we will continue to Seek a price arrangement (from OPA) so persons who want to buy may do so as soon as possible. HOSPITAL ."TO CLOSE -!"..-- SPOKANE, "Oct.- 25- -(H The Baxter -General hospital public relations office, said - today that 512 soldier -patients .would-be transferred to other institutions by Saturday night in accordance with. Jin announcement by C0L A4 B.MeKie,- commanding, officer, that the hospital would be closed -Braail is the only Independent, nation of the western hemisphere--whose Janguage Is Portuguese. Ne empty bottles needed te boy beverages ef all kinds.' Ne limits. ; SAVING CENTER .Salem A West Salem . Open 7:30 a. m. to K)S p. m. ETery Day ' ' - r -- . Ford y-0 Is Ilere. : Sco II Tcflay Showroom Open Until 9 pan. Today & Tomorrow 375 Center Street - Salem " ' . I' ;-; ' . . -; : j-" I . 1 -; '.' ' '"!.;' ; if:' " . - !'' fy -Togo Jj X COTTON DRESSES RAYON DllESSES So many hours are spent at bomd . why not make them your most at tractive ones! Our rayon and cotton dresses are a comfort to wear ; and a comfort to wash and iron! Em Broldered Cowers,, flower prints' or hraid trimming in an -t assortment : oi .styles ind colors. : faimrned two piece style. f . "V tf ' J Slk" Such a. wldo wlectton I Q if LK" you're sure to find the dress 1 jFj Jn'm0 of your choice. ; -1 j ( -: izsyw u TAILORED-LOOKING DRESSES Tailored dresses are perfect to wear on so many different occasions . . . , That's why they're such an important part of eyery woman's wardrobe! These are the kind you'll wear and wear . because the plainly perfect tailored dress is the kind smart women prefer I Smooth, classic crapes, some side drapes, cleTery seruin trimmed. Assortment of Jer seys, wools and wool mix tures. All In soft harrest shades. I AV ; I ! '-.'I Ul' V I : f. V - : ! ahades. --: 7 VV - 7-90 Baron Galxmunas In tailored styles to put you at your com fortable best An assortment of ; ffftrm ' ' sv . ItBi tfrr l S A Al V ;: 1 u1' .. ' ' 'j 1 ..... -r- -' v . 1 A" 6S 190 13 w Second Floor