PAGE FOU-ITETN Tlx. OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Ort-aou. Friday Morning. October 2$. 13 1 Quotations at Portland Produce t PORTUkND. Ori. Oct. 25 (API ..,,.- 11 .nrinti 48-4.,c: cartons I 46'i-47,icc A trad prinU 45Mi-46c; j ...i... id'.jU'.i" St . erada DrinU 1 uiwiw i . i -st.-.-'. i f t Butte'rfat First quality, maximum a i nnt aridity, delivered I s2.S2.c: nremium Quality. I maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity J 3-M'liC: valley rouiei ana coumj uj points .e less than first or 50-50 'ic Cheese Selling price to Portland retailer: Oregon triplets 29 88c: loaf - . . . i i i ... a if m f IB sc Id. delivered. rom to retailer: AA grade. larae 59-60c: A 87c: A large 57-8ac: A medium 82-53c; smaa tpuiiet) 4- Dressed meat! Veil AA 22'.;e:iA 21 '.c: B i9-ic: c ii-ii-c: cuu 15c; horn, fancy block 20cj lambs AA 26c; A 24,cf B 22'ic; C c: TOUtton. a nr.f M 12c: R rrade 10c: hl AA 21ie: A 20ic: B lie; C l.c: canner and cutter 13-14c; can- mnrt ruttr bulla 14c. Uvi poultry Chickens: Buying prices of wholesalers: Broilers 1 to 2 fiL Sir- 3U lbs. 25c: roasters over $ lbs. 23c: colored hena 22c; Leg horn hens 20c: roosters, stars 14e lb. I Rabbits Government Ceiling Ave rage country killed to retailers live price io producers zj-v 1 Piirka Basic buvinf prices. tiv- as '2c for live hents net at farms. .Onions Oregon dry No. 1. S.1S M lb sack; green 7S-8Sc dox. bunches. - Potatoes Deschutes Gems, 100s, 2 40: 23 lb. sack 90c; Klamath Cems. 100s. 3.40; Yakima 3.00. I . S Wool Government control. i Cascara bark Dry stock 20c lb. : Mohair 144 12-month 45c lb. , uv Wholesale, rail shtoment: -Al falfa No. I or better $34-35; oata and - . mlxMi hav. vallev, erowerr price $24; , clover hay..pi.j baled-. i"if"'r i Portland Livestock , PORTLAND. Ore.,; Oct 28 (API IUSDA) Salable cattle total 3W, saia tu calves SO. total 100: market active. mostly, steady: common-medium steers 11.00-14.00; few food 4.50; common- rnediuni heifers 10.00-13,00; good neu m l 1 ?v ruttera down to 8 00: can- ner-cutter cows 8,00$.0O5 shells down to 9.00; fat dairy-type cows up xo .; iAmmnn.mriliim beef COWS 9.30-ll.M; mmmon.iood sausace bull $.00-10.73; , ' good-beef bulls to 11.50: good-choice i vealers 13.50-14.00; odd head 14.50; grass . Salable hoes 100. total 400: market active, steady at ceiUngs: barrows and flits 14.80; sows 19.05; odd good stags 5.05; with 70 lb. dock: few around - Muih twlrr nles. unsold, held srbove 14.00; choice around 100-lb. quotable 17 80-13.50. ' Salable sheep 500, total 623; market i' active, steady: eood -choice wooled lambs 125-50; few 13.00; shorn lambs 12.00; medium-ood 70-lb. shorn lambs 11.50;; common lamos nown o; 1 few yearling feeders 00-10 (X); mea- lum-rood ewes on feeder order 4.00- 6.00; good slaughter ewes salable 4.50- 2JL Stocks and Bonds I October 25 STOCK ATEBAGES .! . 30 ! Indus 19 : IS Rails ITtil 43 8 49 2 43.4 f 4S 9 44 5 i 49.7 42.7 48.1 38.2 38.4 Stks 71.8 71.3 72.9 Thursday 93.9 'Previous day 93.1 week aao 97.4 93.4 . 79.3 Month ago Year ago 70.0 S4.S BOND AVERAGE" , 20 1$ 1$ 7 Rail Indus Util ThursdaV .....100.S 103.7 1 108.0 Previous day 100.3 103.7 108.0 , Week ego . 100 4 103.9 ' 108 2 Month ago 9.9 103.9 ; 107.2 year ago 92.3 104 9 108 8 10 Fogn 74.8 74.7 74 3 - 73.8 8-4 Salom Markot Quotations ! The prices !b)ew supplied by a lo- aal grocer are indicative of the daily market prices paid to irowm by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed; bv The Statesman: t'TTER. EGOS AND FOCI TRY (Sebjert to ckaaie witkeat aetlct) BliTTEKFAT . Premium ; , , ' in , J4. No. 1 , JS No S UTTER rRINTS A B 1 Quarters EGGS Extra large Mediums Standards Pullets - Cracks POULTRY No. 1 colored hens No. S colored hens Colored frys and bakes YeaiUng lambs , Ewes MVB8TOCK (By VaBey rack) CATTLE Beef steers .19 to Beef cows .08 to .14 .10 .08 .10 Dairy cows .09 to Bulls .073 to Veal 8.00 to 13.80 Lambs, top HJO Yearling : Ewer ,i i , i ,rv, Bucks '. ,. , Hogs, top. 160-300 lbs. Over 300 lbs. : Sows, top , $.00 to $.50 200 to 4.00 .2.00 to 3.00 14.95 14.80 Go-op Ilarkel IIdws 1288 State Street . , . . i . . . . .. . Apples!' Apples! Apples! It Is pple bobbins; time. ir you naven t visited tne Co- rp Market lately, you will enjoy ' the aDDle diSDlay. Many colors snd sizes. " The predominating Varieties now are Banana, bpitz, Grimes Golden, Jonathan, Kings and .Delicious, with a Xew each of several other .varieties, i i The aDDle crop is a little short this year so better buy a supply -t 1 .f f i.!j now or at. least get your order In. It is Still good advice to plait ,. ,. je i .4$ - A i i i .. : ; .- - .53 a - i.4 , , . z "Trr: -:3o ... Jstl U... 28 : P7's to $' U AV n an apple a Cay to keep trteot-on. witmn six months from tiie doctor away. PEARS Comrce cears are at their best. These are good for salads and when fully ripe, make very good preserves, look them over. KRAUT CABBAGE It Is time for kraut and the place to get good solid cabbage is 11 lac v.o-op AiarKe-, - i JACK-O-LANTERNS Old, and young enjoy light Shining out Of.. pumpkin With the xeatures OI a lace CUt in It - i- the American Halloween custom, h , You will find most any sire ..pumpkin you want at the Co-op 1 Market and you will find a wide ; variety of squash, large or small . or ty tne piece. i WALNUT MEATS ; it will pay you to take time to crack your walnuts and sell the meat Th Hn!in Market will ttjfflL .? j 4V-AA -tst ' - POULTRY AND EGGS There is a little better supply : now of dressed poultry and fresh ' egZS than there has been; during ' the summer. Mrs. "Box's . fryers ' are recognized as No. 1 in flavor and texture, " i i Portland I Portland Cram PORTLAND. Ore- Oct. 23 AP)- Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1.58: soft white (excluding Rex) L59; white cluh 1-59: tKtrra red 1-59. s . . - . - . - Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.59: 10 per cent 1.60: U per cent 1.63; 12 per tnt I BS. Hard white baart: Ordinary 160: 10 per cent 1.62; 11 per cent 1.63; 12 per cent i.o. r Today'a car receipt!: Wheat 11; bar ley 2: flour 3; corn 3; oata 2; mill feed 7. i The use of gloves, it is believed, was known even to the pre-his-torie cave dwellers. I CUniflesl AirftiMng S talesman Classified Adt Call 9101 Three insertions per lint 25c Six insertions per line..,.. 40c One month per line,,... 41.23 Minimum chtrf e 25c; 3 tL min imum 35c; 6 tL min. 45c No refunds. -. Cooy for this hh acceoted un til 6.30 the evening before pubbce tkn for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will tie run under the heading - "Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear at aaverusemems puo lished in its column- and in cases where this paper ta at, fault will reprint' that part of an advertise ment In which - the typographical mistake accura, The Statesman reserves the tight to-reject -questionable advertising It further reserves the right to place ail advertising under the proper classification. . A "Blind- Ad an ad eontatnma a Statesman ox-number for an-ad-dres-ie for the protection ef the advertiser and must therefor be answered by tetti' Th Statesman not at Uberty to divulge Infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind ad. . Livestock antl Poultry FOR SALE: Fryers as long as they last. Come in and get them. 35c alive. Rt. Srbox 911 J. 3. r: Baker. , ' 2 FIVE rrio. old pigs for tale. 320 GardeH road. . i i FOR SALE: 3 work horses. 1 span mules, also 2 yr. old pony. Ph. j-1238. SACRIF1CE?$173T Fine riding horse. Blood bay. Has been posse drill horse. Ph. 3545 or can be seen at Salem Saddle dub. State Fairground. ; , i FOR SALE: N.Z. white rabbits. 1 buck. 4 does, one with young. Phone 2-135S. j YOUNG gentle milk cow. Milking now. ml. E. of Labish Center Store Baughman. Legal Notice IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DIST RICT OF OREGON. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA vs. $ barrels, more or les, - each containing 35 gallons ORANGE FLAVOR SYRUP. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it the 18th day of October. 1945. 9 Barrels Orance Flavor Svrup were arrested and taken into tne possession oi ana now are in the possession oi tne United States Marshal for the Dist rict-of Oregon, pursuant to a warrant and process duly issued by tne cierx of the United States District Court for the District of Oregon, in m suit for condemnation and forfeiture en' titled. United Statea of America, Lib elant v. s barrels, more or ieps, eacn containing 55 gallons. ORANGE FLA VOR SYRUP, broucht under the pro visions of Section 334. Title 31. U. S C. A., wherein it . is sought to have the above-described article of ' food condemned and forfeited for the fol io wine reasons: That on or. about the 31st day of July. 1943. the said article of food was shipped in interstate commerce from Chicago. Illinois, to saiem. uregon: mat tne said arucie of food is adulterated within the pur view of Title 21, United Statea code. Section 342(a)(2) in that it contains an added Doisonous and deleterious substance. Monoehlor aceUc Acid. which is unsafe witnin tne meaning oi Title 21. United States Code, Section 34. i since it is a substance not re auired in the production of this food and can -be avoided by good manu facturing practice: that all persons claiming any ngni. uti or interest in ana to the saia article oi iooa are hereby notified to appear on or be fore the 3rd day of December. 1943. in the Federal Court at Portland. Ore gon, to show cause, if any there be. wny in same snouia not oe- aecreea against and forfeited to the United States as adulterated food. t - JACK R. CAUFIELD. United States Marshal: CARL C. DONAUGH. United States Attorney for the District of Oregon: J. ROBERT PATTERSON, Assistant 'united States Attorney, U Z4--5-2B. i NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby aiven that the cir cuit court of Oregon for Marion coun ty has appointed the undersigned exec utrix of the will and estate of Loretta Campbell- May, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, properly verified, at the office of Chris. J. Kowitz. 40 Guardian build ing, in Salem, Marion county. Oregon I wunin six momns ironv xne aate nere of, to-wit, September 28. 1945. . I betty Thompson 1 Attorney lor Executrix! ! s 28 - 0 3-12-19-26 ruumn umtnTir, I Notice is hereby given that the clr- cuit court of Oregon for Marion coun- I .J'f" "'';iruJ.V"u7K'a.."" Miner - deceased, ah Mrn h.vinv claims against this estate are hereby notl'! ? J?1" t?,e an2ev duLv verified, to the undersigned at the of- flce o8 Chrlg. j. Kowit e iGuardian Building, in Salem. Marion county. date of this notice, to-wit, September 20, WILFORD C. MILLER Administrator. Chris. J. Kowits I Salm- Oregon- Attorney for Administrator. S 28 - O 3-12-19-28 NOTICE OF ALLEY VACATION NOTICE is hereby eiven that the oZiZZ AMM.. s....t ' .w mi - . 1 uiariy aaopiea ana xnea on tne 1st 1 nay oi ucxoDer. ijm3. nas declared its Intention to vacate, and has Initiated Z?t!? die of Block 14. University Addition to I -"F. oi satem, Marion County, Oregon. In an Easterly and Westerly air ecu on xrom summer street to win ter Street, as follows, to-wit: That certain alley running through the middle of Block 14, University Addition to the City of Salem. Mar ton County. Oreeon. in an Easterly ana westerly aireeaon irom sum mer Street to Winter Street. All of said nronertv-beln W:M in the City of Salem, Marlon County, The 6th day of November. 1943 at the hour of 7:30 o'clock n.m. in the KeCitni Wnve been fixed as the time and place for Consideration Of such vacation and for hearing any objections or remonstrances tnereto. UDjections, if any. in such va cation, must be filed in writing with tne unocrsignea prior to tne time here in xixea ror neanng tne. same. ALFRED MUNDT 4 . ' City Recorder City of Salem, Oregon. O. 5-12-19-26-N Livestock and Poultry " J A-l FRESH COW; 475 Locust at. REG. Guernsey or Shorthorn t bull service at your place;; Ph. $1474 RABBFTS WANTED! All sizesL ton prices. Rabbit industry expanding; start in ounuirsa now. un uuuinw niiuci Rabbit Farms, 3403 Cherry Avenue. Ph. 2-1234. i WANTED: Beet ana canner cows bulls and veals Will call at farm C i I Snethen. 3570 c 1 umer . noaa Ph 21343 Morns or eves. 1 RABBITS WANTED. aQ sizes. 41 to Ibt. White. 24c lb., colored 2e id. v weieht Rabb t skins, best prizes. Wire stretchers and other supplies, saieni address, 60. Ratcliff Drive, phone 2-1530. Portland - address. Rahnit ucai j to. $917 S E Stark. SUN.;172J. - I - m WANTED: Fat and canner cows for txf. Dairy cows, hellers, bulls, veal. Fat hots. sows, stags. , boars. Market or ire. E. C. McCandishi rt. i. box 373. Phi. 8147, across from ball paik S. 25th. Auctions FURNITURE; SALE! 2 MI. EAST OF SALEM ON GARDEN ROAD 1 MI. EAST OF SWEGLE SCHOOL ON GRAVEL ROAD. LOOK FORMAL ARROWS, j i I MONDAY, OCT. 29 rimimaiiHio at 1 oVlopk aharo Having sold my acreage will sell the following property: I - r ' i - " FURNITURE ( ' 1 Coldspot ice box X Circulating heater 1 Breakfast set 1 Dtning t K chairs, table and tuff et 1 Living room suite 1 Base rocker 2 Coffee tables 1 Spark oil heater, good as new 1 Arm chair radio - 1 Library table 1 Spinning heel 2 Bed room suites complete, with,, box springs and inner spg. matt, and chest of drawers and dressers 1 Vacuum cleaner 3 Electric lamps 1 End Uble 1 ManUe clock 1 Electric wash.i machine 1 Electric DeLaval i. Tt ZZA tl i.uw Jug -4 AU kinds of dishes and kitchen war i 1 lawn mower, shovels, rakes, forks.1 spades and lots of tools, ' MACH1M.HI HAT. - H Iron-wheel wagon : and raek; 1 12-ln.-Walking Plow 1 2-sec. Spg. loorn narrow a iiaraeq euiiivio i 1 Single horse wagon 1 10-ft. Hay rake 1 Wheel barrow - Several chick waterers and feeders; 3) Oil barrels 1 Ilectrie brooder . S ft. Ladder 7 Tons baled oats and vetch hay 1000 ft. New 2x4 s 50 NI pullets, resdy to lay. -rg NUMEROUS -OTHEH 'AHT1U.ES -i; 5 J R. OVERLEY. : OWNER I - 1 Etta Baker, clerk A. J. Baker and Wilbur Rice, auctioneers. I; Help Wanted - WANTED:" Cashiers, eheckersi food clerks, no exp. necessary, good pay to start and during training., exc. oppor tunity for men between 1$ and 40. Openings in following towns: Molalla, Albany, cottage -rove. JtoseDurg. Myr tle ; Peint, Coquille, Coos Ray. North Bend. : See Ted Medf ord. Dist.- Man ager Safeway Stores, inc.. McGilchrist I Bldg. Ph. 5611. - . BOYS. GIRLS, to set pins. Easy work,' good pay. 333 N, High st. TURKEY PICKERS needed. North west Poultry and Dairy, 1503 N. Front. CAMP Adair needs - wool pressers. Men or women .that can produce can make up to $100 per week piece work. inouire Al scneviair at vuarunanter s Lundry, Camp Adair. Help Wanted Male f 1 CAR WASHER I i Wanted j, .. at M; , McKay Chevrolet Co I SEE TOMMY THOMPSON S 430 N. Commercial St.. Salem PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.5 needs meter reader. Regular pro motion Younts neat man best quali fied. See Mr. Crossland, 337 N. Liberty St. : Ph. un: - -i PARTY with good equipment to eon tract fall farming. Mrs. Wright, miles i Wallace Rd. - TeL .23277. f WE NEED MECHANICS for both; day and night shifts. Top wages. Beit of working conditions, permanent em- elovmen-. See Dewey at Loder Bros. 489 4 Center street. " Okiamobile Seles nd; sri" 'Our llta year in Sa lem, Oregon." "Home : af Good. Used carl" , MEAT CUTTERS WANTED: Excel lent opportunities for the right men. Safeway District Office .- McGilchrist mxa. kiw, sail .,. : 2 RADIO Renalr men: with 10 or IS vrs. on the bench or eou-ivalent Good wages. The Mcrrow co, asa s. Laeeiiy. BODY MEN and mechanics. Herrall- Owena Co. . U Help Wanted f Female ANi EXPERIENCED .- waitress, jday shlftiArolyaJTheBlue BADLY NEED lady hear East Cen- ter st to mend and do simple iron- lng.jPn. 8014. r EXPERIENCED Waitress, day shift. Black at White Coffee; Shop, 1964: N. capttoi. rn. 968 or 3219. . PART TIME SECRETARY, ParriSh Junior High School, phone 3197. , COMB. COOK -housekeeper for 7 Midi aged woman. Good wages, board or room. Must be reliable. Permanent for fight party. 1010 N. Cottage. Phone 55484 FULL OR nart time usherettes. Ad- piy m person at urana .heater. NEED Teacher to teach high school English mornings. - Apply Supt U of Schools, Silverton. Oregon. i Pantry woman. Good wages, steady position. Marion Hotel. WAITRESS. The Spa. GIRL WANTED to take car ct chil- dreni , 148 Union. , rNTAIN GIRL. fP WOMEN HELP WANTED at City Cleaners. Also checker needed. 1245 State St ; Situations Wanted GEN. YARD work-wood sawdust put m. rn. ata between ana 1 p.m.. MIDDLE-AGED LADY wish position as housekeeper for gentleman.-City or country. Write box 207. cd Statesman. WOMAN wants housworh; by the nour mo ironing, rn. -ij8. HOUSEWORK by hour. $IM per jhn Ph. 2-2694. CHILD care evenings. Ph. 2-1028. will . care for children in my nome aays. lies m. loui. i fn. 4961.; MAN wishes steady work, mainten ance,! machinist, carpenter, salesman, ! naveicar. pn. 3370. 9 ? WANTED: Wood sawing. 1743 Che- meketa. PreSchool Playschool, ; 1381 State Ages ,3-$ Part or u Jl4 . WILL CARE for babies by week; or mania, rn. ao.. f H For j Sale Miscellaneous W ATKINS Products. Ph. 2-2413J CHRISTMAS CDS: wranpings. glits. ine Apron anpp, . mgn st For Sale Miscellaneous SMALL PIANO, used vtnr litUe. 1690 S. Cottage. : . TRAILER house, $150. 1863 K. Com l. GAS PUMP and " electric light- fix- tures. Ph. 8407. 2093 N. 5th. WOOD 3ANCE nartlv whit knam. eled, copper coils. 1326 Sixth St. WOOD CIRCULATOR. Pho,ne 915$. GEORGE STFrV uiiur mrmnA nlinn 740 Electric. Ph. 2-3431. . i VISIT Beverly'. An.lo,.. Hn I nri. t Bh Wn ' : I 48-in. x 28-in. RUG: 9zl2 run: Bit 1 2 rug pad.:, small tables: nair full width ri . ,, r-T -CZ' vi. mu to maicn: niDMr i ti-rm l3Uin . -.1. i.j - . I tubs; lounge chair Sc ottoman, piano. FOR YOUR HALLOWEEN: nartiM. Drink and - enjoy pure apple Juice, maae aauy irom seiectea ripe apple. n..i.. .i j ... i ... . runun uwt woras, w. saiem. Blue grapes 4e ib. Rt. 7. box u? 1st house S. of Havesvilla school. Un yacoo utnny. , . MCC1NDITIONED Philco comb! ra- dio. ph. 4133 during business hours. GRUNOW S-tube reconditioned ra dio, philco reconditioned 8-tube radio. rn. i4a auring business hours. RIVER SILT I FILL DIRT EXCELLENT MASON f :. SAND f ALL KINDS OF 7 ) GRAVEL i COMMERCIAL SAND at GRAVEL a : Ph. 2196$ 23100 l . FOR - SALE: Late model Evenruda outboard motor, $93. 1740 N.i 20th. EXPERT, washina machine service and wringer rolls,, all makes. See , Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros. Furniture Store. 315 N. liberty -wave . ki. Wiiodry'a rurniturV Mkt Woodry a Furniture Mkt Ph $11$ I SPECIAL 'Potatoes. 100-lb sack. $2.13. 134$ Hoyt -st., rnone 5a. . i .-. RCA Colsole Radio, rue and miscel laneous furniture. 1990 Warner street, STEEL Sentic Tanks, plumbing: fix tures, fiance boners. J. K.. -BUd) far- menter, 2380 Fairgrounda road. Ph. 8627.1 i 'l9fFORDCouperpir442 HOT WATER tank stove and stove pipe; cheap. O30 Hoyt. B?y?- -b-iy.cje-. ?a: -V-:11?1- -DEPENDABLE nlumbine and heat ing. J. K. (Bud) Fannenter. 3380 Fair ground road. Ph. 8827. MAN'S bicycle. 1444 S. 12th. Call af ter 8'p.m. SALE or TRADE: Black white male Beagle. 4 years. Good hunter. $10 1 or trade for fox terrier. Jack Teeters, Mehama. Oregon. SANITARY couch $3.50. Ph. $883 eve. SMALL Montag ranee. coils and tank, 825. 1890 Waller. APPLES: Jonathan. Baldwins. Ph. 4733.: 25 M N. River rd. FLUORESCENT light fixtures, elec tric wiring. J. K. (Bud) Parmenter. 2380 Fairgrounds road. Ph. 8627. NEARLY NEW all white enamel wood -cook stove with reservoir com partment. Tapestry covered davenport At chair, spring construction. Breakfast set, "4 mi: east of Labish Center Store, Kt. 1, box lao. Brooas. saugnman. BERKELEY Jet Pumps, deep and shallow wells. J. X. (Bud) Parmenter. 1390 Fairgrounds road. Ph. 8627. APPLES: Several varieties; Ph. 73-1 ri. , can morning and evenings. FULLER PAINTS and - varnishes. Trimz ready nasted wall naoer. Vel- duro one coat wall finish. J. K. .Bud) i -v W. 1 " ATMORAYS OZONE. sea and rent U C Puxh Ph 2-245$ r O Box 463 COCKER SPANIEL, male. r red. 10 months old. Reilloe KehnelS. Rt. 3.! box 711. FULLER Brushes. 1749 Grant P 361 STOVE repairing It parts. ' Woodry'a Mkt 160$ N. Summer St REINFORCING steel and roesh, ex pansion joints for concrete. Oregon Gravel co iws ti. rront Pn. 4i. AUTOMATIC gaa water heaters. Im mediate delivery. Ralph Johnson Ap pliances, valley Motor Dldg. rn. 4036. Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unfinished furni ture large assortment or made to or der. Pickens Furniture. 13th and state. FERTILIZER: 960 N. Coml. Ph. 3523. AUTO. OIL water heater, $36: gas water ,' heater, $7; large drum stove with coils, $1$. 443 S. 12th. Ph. $395. BOX SPRINGS and . inner spring mattrers. -4 size crib mattress, port able electric washer. 162 W. Lincoln. SPrrZENBURG and Delicious ap- pies. $1 and up. Will deliver. Ph. 2-1S53. 338 N.;17th St. Bring boxes. SECTIONAL Book ease, alarm' clocks. lady's s Elgin watch, hrorne tbt Ph. WOOD.- Circulator, good condition. SJO. 1810 5. 13th. N.H. 9 PULLETS, ready to lay. also .3U u.s. rine. rn. j-zom. FOR SALE: 25 Hampshire Red chick ens. S wks. old. Lawn mower, break fast table and chairs. Misc. itema. 2623 S. Summer. rrnf ct? fnii ,..;,. j ,, fulj. size coil springs and cotton mattress, $20. Phone 6801. lstriaXcmel ?IdJZ- I month old puppies. Various colors, Excellent watch dogs..; cow and sheep dogs, and good children s Dets. See these pups at 1191 7th st. West Salem. "i-PPtEsTEasT on Center st Rtl $! dox aB. wm. r. Kapunger. babi buggy, maple nign crisir. strollerj pUy pen. AU pre-war. 2783 srooas st. rn. 18-inch a iv-v l ws-ai vrwu . viiva.a front wheel. 20 Ratcliff Drive, MOD.; day. and chair. Wine with blege design. No coil springs. $85. Ph. " V, ' 'i n r,' -V, -, - WILL Buy for cash, sell or trade, guns, scopes, ammunition and trail ers, Don Madison, 590 No. High. LARGE Franouette walnuts 13c lb. I You pick. W. L. Woelk. Rt 2. box 170C. ! ' 1940 TWJN Johnson 2',. n.p. outboard with case. 2347 yeymaa , Pti. 4567. ; TRAILERS tor rent SOe per nr. ! Woodry 's Mkt, 1603 N Summer. WE BUY and sell men's shoes, cloth. Ing. tools, radios, guitars, trunks. furniture ana nousenoia gooos. SUNDAI-ES. 293 - N. Coral. Ph. WE buy and sell furniture, tools. j JS dishes, motors, radios. Electric ances. household goods. klicj- MAN S. 283 N. Commercial. Ph. 9883 LX WN MOWER Sharpening a. Ad lusting.- Woodry s Mkt, ieoj N. summer si financial For Sale - Miscellaneous I FURNITURE, stoves, dishes, shoes. electric appliances. We buy, sell and iraae. ; iK 1- - i-1 Mac's, Bargain Place' : ' V 34S S. Church . '' APPLES: 50c bu. utv. J. r. TkxivhAr- ty, rt. ?. bo 91. Claxter rd. Ph. 2-1157. reJY 'P- r mmima. npi. iul, obo n. summer. ICE BOX. ! SO lb. cap. Ph. 9653. .1941 n.p. cultivator At mower, with ju. m . i.u- "' fa. MAN'S nrc-war blue-green herring bone top cost. Fit boy -size IS. excel, cond. 2 men's sport jackets, 1 cocoa brown. 1 fleok-tan tweeda. belted back. small size. Backless blue taffeta for mal, size I4j pale blue orcandv girl's formal, size 14. Boy's Dart tweed soortl jacket, size 0. All good quality, clean, ! ream, pneta. u s. una. . i YEAR OLD male field S Daniel. 810. rn. -2sou. BLACK i Ac WHITE porcelain wood range with Water coils, excellent eon. diuon, good Baker. Also 1 wheel trail er, factory built axel at redwood box. xx, . uxrora ; s, saiem. -r USED single and double mattresses. EUKXIOSS C MIL 113 M. 1U1. - f STEEL FISH ROD. reel and SDin- ners. rn. iwn. 8 Va-FT. FRIGID AIRE.-S oe. bdrm. suite. . bed, inner-sprtng. mattress. springs, iixe new.- Excel, a yr. old Jrsey cow. milking. Hay chopper. H. R. Plummer. rt. 4. box 102. . ml. S. Dickson Mkt Sunayside Hwy, old 99. C-O-TWO FIRE EXTINGUISHERS KtCHAKliE SERVICE - 1 WELDERS FOR.. RENT i Ox-acetylene ar electrie ; I- VALLEY WELDING SUPPLY CO. 1ST s. commercial : DELUXE Iron pads and covers. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. r 253 N. Uberty St I Wanted -MisceDaiieoaf RAGS WANTED WE WILL PAY 5e LB. FOR CLEAN COTTON s- RAGS. NO RAYON. NO WOOL. ' BRING TO - STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. OFFICE. ! WARDROBE trunk, good condition. Ph. 7183. ; i - I 1 PAIR i ball-bearing roller skates. call at 1S40 Maple ave. WANTED: One large and one small1 antique : walnut chests, mono raw. OIL CIRCULATOR urgently needed in order to heat rooms-for veterans returning to Willamette Univ. Phone 7160. 1192 s. isth. . . i WAN toypool taMes.PhT3S7s! will Buy used alarm clocks, any cond. Doc the Clock Doctor: 190 S. I 14th. WANTED Medium size tricycle. Ph. 24013, CLEAN white rags wanted. 3c a lb. Hogg Bros, 260 State St. WANTED. PIANOS. Will pay cash Wills Music Store. 433 State St. USED WNrrURE. Ph. $1$5. j WANT TO -Buy.- Osee canveras tenses McRwan Photo Shop 433 State CASH for vour used furniture. Ph 799$. State St Furniture. 1900 State IF YOU have furniture to sell see Ruse Bright. Ph- 751L 453 Court. , CASH tot weed eane-8t ether mu sical - instruments - Call 4841 days e i 9937 evenings er send deaenpuo tt Jaquith Music Co 191 S High. i Bliscellaneons Dental Plate Repair TWO -HOUR SERVICE Df MOST CASES I Brlnf 0P M,n Your piateefar Repair 1 DR. HARRY a OILER, DENTIST lAHnlnS Klrif Hit. a rnrah 1111 HEAVY Hauling. Excavation and Road Building. Land Clearing,-. Dozer u,..u m,.kt.. n .. . V,;M I I ' V"i,uZ jund Concrete Mix. CementT i Sand, Concrete Mix, Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. i 1403 N. Front St Salem. Oregon 'Phone $40$ or 21924 PARTY with 10 years experience in all phases of the automobile- business desires partner, either -"Dent or active. witn izo uu to invest in a used car En terprise, i A straight short term loan with an attractive interest arrangement J would be considered. For particulars a. Interview write Box 210, Statesman. WILL repair all makes of clocks.' Doe tne t-iocx uocior, iw s. itn. MlU?s7HATTc1eieT ?lc LES SPRINGER, 464 Court St , Money to Loan ; YOU RECEIVE INDIVIDUAL CON- SIDERATION WHEN YOU !.';, APPLY TO General Finance- Corp. I 'J ' .- FOR Quiclc Gash Loans Locally owned and operated, we are familiaf with all local, needs and con ditions and lend on any . reasonable security. Up to 13 mos. to repay, i 1 Telephone $16$ State Lie.! (S-138) 136 S. Commercial St ! Auto j Con And Truck Loans iacts Refinanced Money tot new and Used cars or trucks regardless of age. No delay I bring car land title and get the money v-, . ,.; r.viu You retain possession of vehicle. 1 to 13 montns to repay. , . a .'.1 i- V. nn .nil . for appointment ROY H. SIMMONS ' Regulated by state. PRIVATE MONEY 136 S. Corn 1. St - Phone $168. 1 n n irrr Hi -lJSlV IU oAI 1 HO I Making personal loana is cr business, The- more times we say Yes' the more business we do. That's why we do our best to say 'Yes" to every re quest for ; a loan. At 'Personal there arc no hard and fast rules. The trans action is ninuieu prvniin,, vuo.wu, without involving outsiders. Loans of $23 to $300 on jour salary, furniture or auto. i Personal Finance 'Co. Rom 123 New Bligh Bldg. Phone 3191 SIS State St (Lie B-122-M-163) j $ $ MONEY! $ $ ! We make all tvoes of DersonaJ loan Including furniture, note and car loans, for any worth while cause. We also make real estate loans and buy real estate contracts. For quick and effi cient service see or phone STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 4121. ! 153 S. Hlrh. ; Salem 1 i . . 1 uc. & Zio-M 2-3 I : ! ' ' LOANS Money for good real - estate - loana Quick service and low interest rates CHAS. . UUU1UTMS f '273 state st Phone $494 Earm "This is Bettys husband, doesn't she dress him cute?" i ' . Money to Loan Auto . Loam Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 159 Financial FOR SALE:; $9000 first mortgage, good security,: pays 4',i. Write Box 209, co Statesman. For Rent Rooms CLOSE IN sip. rm. Imp. Gent. 3-1489. For Rent-APartmentov IN PORTLAND S rm. very modern turn. apt. to ex change for fur n. or unfurn. apt or hse. in Salem. Ph. MU $608, or write 2726 N. Ainsmotth, Portland, 11. For Rent House FOR RENT: 1 rm. house located 7'i miles east of Salem on Garden road., Rt. 8. box 431. r WILL Exchange rental on my 4 rm. house in Portland for equiv. in Salem. Ph. 4743 or $594. . For Rent ' - ; FOR RENT Secretarial service, desk space, phone and mail service,, callers handled, few private officer. Opening November 1st. 173 South High St, Ph. 2-1234 for appt. ASH Register for rent. Ph. 3419, TRUCKS for rent Yon drive Mc I Cune 4r Loveil ohone 9409 FLOOR SANDER tor rent ornery Ward. Uont stift GOOD Used .Piano. tZ Wanted to Rent FURN. apt by employed lady, per manent. Ph. 9141. ex. 1, Mrs. Berge. RETURNED VETERAN wants 3 or $ m. house, furn. or unfurn. Perm. Ph. 3325. WANT S or 3 room furnished apt. In vicinity of Deaconess hospital. Ask for dietician. Ph. 4217. URGENTLY Needed: 2 bed room home. J Govt employee. Permanent Best of ref. Phone 8070. EMPLOYED permanent couple de sires turn, apt or small house. No children, no pets. Ph. 3218, Mrs. Stev enson, or $141, ex. 1, from $ a.m. to 8 P-nv REWARD $15. Returned serviceman and wife deyire small furn. apt or house. Perm. Np children or pets. Ph 2-1582. SMALL APT.. FUR. OR UN FUR. QUIETfe MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE. MR. BAUMGARTEN, 2515 CHERRY. FURNISHED spt or small house badly "needed by veteran, wife and small child. Box 208 Statesman. " SMALL furnished apartment for em ployed couple, within walking distance of town. Rm. No. 2, basement. First Notional Bank. Bldg. REFINED elderly lady desperately needs 3 rm. part furn. apt Ph. 2-1028: VETERAN and; wife urgently need small furn. house: or apt No children, i Permanent Ph. 2-4079. WANTED by responsible profession al man. wife, 2 children, furn. house or apt for $ months. Will take good care o property, Ph. 4171, ext. 363. Mr. Johnson. . I i MAN. wKfe. $ vr. old daughter need 1 2 bed rm. house lmmed. Perm. Local business man. Pit 4745 or 8-94. S or 4 Bedroom Home. Call Mrs Fitts. Ph. 4424. I VETERAN, wife i and chad $ yrs. need furn. or unfurn. house or apt I " .... rermaneni. rn. v w j For Sale r Real EeUte $7873 NORTH.5 English type S BJt home. Fireplace,1 basement, sawdust furnace. Air conditioned, enclosed back yard with outdoor lire place. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 45 So. CoraT" 1 1 Ph. 4390: Eve. 9538 S BEDRM. modern. Close in home for sale by owner. Immediate posses- i aum. en. BZ3Z or i ana. , VINEYARD SUBDIVISION CHOICE BUILDING LOTS . Restricted district E. Center and Z Close to bus. Good soil. ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT Inq. 3393 Center. Ph. 2-2521 . $42004 RM. HOUSE with 3 lots, near school and bus,' W. Salem. Kitchen range included. Immediate possession Olson & Reeve, Realtors 45 So. ConVL I Ph. 4590; Eve. 9538 S ROOM furn. or -unfurn. house. 1 Locus. $2100 down unfurn. 4 lots with fruit nuts. graDes. iota of garden space. Imm. possession. By owner. Open for ' Inspection after p. m. -A. 3fi t 1 . . For Sale Real Estate $7500 4 RMS. and nook, attached garage. Oil heat. Can be bought either with or without furniture. Located North. j 1 Olson & Reeve, Realtors 943 So. Coml. Ph. 4590: Eve. 9538 4 ROOM HOUSE, north on small lot Unfinished attic, close to bus c school. Price $2250 cash. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. HIGH 583$ $7200 3 bdrms. Llv. rm.', din. rm., kit., fireplace, furnace. Full bsmt. Ga rage. 65x177 lot Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. J REALTORS Ph. 2-1549 1717 CENTER ST. Eve. Ph. 2-1731 1 immediate Possession Modern 3 ' bdrm. home. Furnace, wired for rage, hdwd.' firs. Nice lo cation, view lot W. Salem. Priced at $7000. West Salem Realty 1233 EDGEWATER ST. PHONE 5109 Co. ABOUT 3 acres beautiful home site. $ miles W. of Salem on Dallas high way. Box 469. j BY OWNER 2169 N. 4th. 3 bed rm. house, 1 fir., cement foundation, new paint inside and out full sized lot H blk. to bus, 1 blk. to school, paved alley. . , ! DISTANT OWNER savs sell her 7 room home near Capitol Buildings on a choice East front lot. Some furnish ings to go. Immediate possession. An attractive buy for $6500. See , Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 HOME SPECIAL Located close to State Bldgs. 8 rma. 2 -fireplaces,- full basement, furnace. Laree lot evcellent income oossibil- ities. Price $6750 for QUICK DISPOS- AL. . I Call Coburn L. Grabenhortt With Grabcnhorst Bros., . REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 4131 $6600 South near Leslie Jr. High, 2 B.R Living Room with fireplace, Kitchen, Full basemt. furnace. Elec tric range, radio, wood in basement Nice back yard. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 943 So. Coml. Ph. 4590: Eve. 953$ $7600. S bdrm home. Completely furn. Nr. school. Good location. N. Nice clean home. Very nice furn. Call Mr. Walters. . Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. COM L. Ph. 9441 eves. Ph. 3793 NEW electrically home. Nice location. living it dining rooms, fire place, hard wood floors. Kitchen, nook, X bed rooms, bath. Basement, furnace, trays. ComDletely insulated. Wired for range. $10,500. Comoletelv furnished. Nice location NORTH. Living A- dining room, hard wood floors, firejilace, kitchen, nook, 2 bedrooms andjbath. Basement, fur nace, travs. Garage. Beautiful lawn, shrubs. $11,000. P. H. Bell, Realtor G. P. Armstrong j 402 Guardian Bldg. Phi 4896 tMHI Tjtvelv 2 bdrm. ranch i tvoe home 3 yrs. oid. Completely furn. On ' A. close in. Nice view,-hdwd. firs. Fireplace. Auto, gas furn. Call Mr. Walters. , t Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. COMX. Ph. 9441 eves. Ph. 3793 $2250 4 rmv partly furn. Lot 3x 142. Capitota. . - ! $30004 rma. new. Lot wxiiB. cap- Itola. -$42004 rms. at bath, fruit rmJ gar. Lot 100x100. South. $50405 rms. Al hath, elec. water heater, wired for range, gar. Lot 46x 108. South. f $8000$ rms.: At bath, utility rm, oil auto, furn., -gar. Lot 180x600. j . .$8850$ bed rm. home, full basement, wood . furn gas water heater, i car cone, driveway, excellent location. $13.000 Brand new. 6 rm. house. Walnut Park, full basement oil auto. furn., fireplace. Lot $0x117. i $16,000 A beautiful creek home, full basement oil auto, turn., dble.i gar. Lot 123x110. i ABRAMS ELLIS, INC. 411 Masonie Bldg. Phone 1158 Insurance Mtg. Loans f $6800. Immed. Posa. $ r. home. E. Bsmt Furnace.- Wired for range. New ly decorated. Paved St Nr. bus.! Call Mr. Walters. j e - Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS $70 S. COM1 Ph. -783 Ph. 1441 tves. $1900 GARAGE hse. 20x24 on Vs A.. 4 blk. from city linn it. Elect, water system. Two nice walnut trees in front yard. ; 'j. - j Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 So. Const Phi 4590; Eve.! $53$ 41000 DOWN, balance like rent for small house located on North i 18th street Large living rooia. 2 bedrooms. wired for range. Small lot Immediate possession. Price $3750. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110i N. Commercial st (Upstairs) Phone 3030 1 Markets r-t ified For Sale Heal Estate WHILE IT IS VACANT eweer offers attractive 5-room cottage. Built-ins in kitchen. - large living ; room, best o'f plumbing, hall and closets. Basement, furnace, laundry trays, garage. Shade trees. East front lot. Near bus line. Price $6500. Part terms. See Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS' 344 State St, Ph. 928. - CORNER LOT " Ideal location, size (3x100. Must be seen to be appreciated. Price $1800. Se Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Needham, 341 Stat st. room 4. u - ' $ R, COTTAGE. Bungalow, nice lo cation N. Salem.- large lot. Fruit, ga rage, near bus line, good home $48xl. . $ R. Apt. House, good location, all fur., basement fur., double garage. t fruit. Good income property. Onlv 86000:' terms. Valley Land Co.. 3.0 State st. .. ; ; SPECIAL ; $1200 DOWN Full price $3500 for 3 houses on one acre of . ground. City gas and elec tricity. Fruit trees, chicken house. Ctoae to bus line. . This is m -real bargain. Phone 7820 H. W. HFERS M. O. HUMPHREYS S13S Portland Road - ; New House Hwd. floors -living ! rm.. dining room. .2 bdrms.. utility rm.,- nice built-ins in kitchen. Imrhed. posf . ' S2600 will handle. Monthly - ov ments on bat Total price, v-$6300. See ' - BLTVEN-ALDERtN-COONEY ... . - v. REALTORS 430 Oregon Bldg. - Phone 7906 , $7900. Llv. rm. Din. rm., kit., nook Ac 3 bdrms. Fireplace. - Full finished bsmt. with oil piped furn. On- nice lot - 30x120 in nice Dist Possession 30 days. Call Ray Davis Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 3793 970 S. COM L. Ph. 9441 eves. $3700 VERY NEAT and clean 3 rm. hse. with small lot. Elect range and elect watej. heater. Ingle wood dixt. Shown by appointment See Ralph Maddy, Olson & Reeve, Realtors 943 So. Coml. Ph. 4390; Eve. 2-10P9 . LAXF-constructed S rm.. modevn home. las unfin. attic, basement, fur nace, attached-garage. Beautiful lava Se shrub. Can give possession Jan. l?t Price $30,000. CaU O. V. Hume, with Crahenliorst Bros. 134 S, .Liberty St . - . Phone 4131 BDRM. HOME in S Church 4. Baacment and furnace. Price including furniture, $6600. - - '; . - w. g: krueger REALTORS 147 N. Coml. St. Ph. 4::$ Comfortahle Home 3 rm. plastered home. Liv. rm.. din. rm.. kitchen, 2 bdrms. and bath. Ldi y. trajs. heem., furnace, wired for ranre. See this one at S5500. CALL ED BYRKTT West Salem Realty Co. 12S3 EDGEWATER ST. PHONE 5109 88-00. Nice 3 bdrm. home,- N. In lovely dit Liv. tc din. rm. combina tion. Kit Bath. Fireplace. Full fin ished bsmt. Sawdust piped furn. Wired for range. Outside fireplace, on lot 50x120. Call Ray Davis Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 3783 976 S. COML. Ph. 9441 eve?. VIEW LOTS Orchard Height District 100 ft frontage. Restricted district. Citv wa ter, lights, streets in. Price $750 rd up terms. ! Call O V. Hume- With Grahenhorst Bro., REALTORS Liberty St. 134 S. Phone 41 SI 4250 OWNER leaving, must 811 $ rm. house. 2 lots, variety of fruit North. See Ralph Maddy. Olson & Reeve, Realtors Ph. 4590 1 - Eve. 2-10M HOME BARGAINS $4,5003 rma., bungalow type, ex cellent location. Washington district. . 84.700 7 rms. duolex. comer lot. No. 3 business zone. EXCELLENT VALUE. $4750 Old-type 8 rm. home, located close n to State Bides. EXCELLENT INC ME POSSIBILITIES. $6' 0 3 bdrm. home, English type, 10 yrs. fld. basement, sawdust heat, Venetian blinds, garage. $85007 rms double plumbing, oak floors, fireplace, located close to State bldgs. Can easily be converted into du- plex. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst with Grahenhorst Bros. 134S. Liberty St. . Phone 4131 HERE IS A NEAT, 2-bdrm. home in West Salem on Vi j-cre good soil st $4250. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149N. High St. ; Phone W8 5 RMS. with additional base in. Saw. furn. Hwd. firs., fireplace, excel lent condition. $6500. Terms. Might stll furnished. ., 5 ms. and base. rm. ' Engle ood DiFt. Fine condition. QiR$k possession. $6D50. Terms. - $ rms. Base. Close In. Now vacant. $6750.- S2000 down. t Willamette Real Estate Oiberty i J . . . ph- ;.ns $4000 2 bdrm. home. Llv, rm.. Kit . garage, Nice location. Call Omer lluif. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 1T17 CENTER ST. $14.000 Residents. BeauUful new home rln excellent restricted dist, Just being completed. Tile floored basement Auto, oil fur nace: fully air conditioned. S fireplaces. $9500 3 bedroom mod home, well lo cated N. Salem $43003 bedroom. L.R.DR. Kitchen. urge loi n. Terms. Rawlins Realty; & Ins. REALTORS ' Immediate Possession West Falem home, I added lots. Good location. $4200. West Salem Realty Co. . 12S3 EDGEWATER ST. PHONE 5109 T MaHOM with, bailement. saw dust heat elec. water htr. Hou-e In extra good condition. - Price $6000. CaU O. V. Hume With Grahenhorst . Bros., REALTORS i 134 8JLfbetJy St i Phone 4131 FURNISHED.:. v $9400 Attractive suburban home en A.f Firenlace, hwd. floors, furnace. Good furniture, expensive rues, elect, appliances, garden tools. Close- te school and bus. Only 3 yds. old. Olson V Reeve, Realtors 45 So. CcmX Ph. 4580; Eve. 953 (jlassi I-