1 !1 . . . 1 ' : 1 ' ?AGZ EIGHT Thei OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Thursday Morning, October 2S. 1945 Hitch Hiker Repays Kindness I ByTakin GERVAISk Oct. 24. A man in n irmj uniform, who accepted ' a ride snd later an invitation to spend the night, repaid the IJev. Martfn Doherty, pastor' of Sacred Heart church here, by taklnf the priest's automobile. The car was recovered by the insurance company at Olympia, Wash., and was un damaged, j v Fatjher Doherty, who is a for mer police reporter on a Chicago newspaper, was returning; from a speaking trip when he met and offered the man a ride. Arriving at the rectory in Gervais he sug gested the man might like to spend the night When the man! who wore. an army uniform was late in arising the next morning Father Doherty i investigated only to find the man gone as also his 1910 se dan, r : i ..'-'! -I"''-' A bill approving retirement pro tection for All Bonneville Power Administration construction, op eration and maintenance workers ha been signed into law by Pres ident Truman. i ;i RETIREMENT PROTECTED' i WASHINGTON, Oct 24-)rV RUBBER JELLS PLANNED PORTLAND. Ore, Oct Work on t new $200,000 Grif fith Rubber"! Mills factory here should be completed early In 1946, Manager Z. A. Wise said to day. The plant would ; employ 1.00 men. , :;.t Japan is one of. the most com pletely forested nations, rivaling even Finland and Sweden. .:-; Text Used By Silvert on Man Wins j Jap Cigar els. . MT ANGEL' Japanese words learned from a text book used by the U. S. navy -and which ; he found after the surrender 'of Cor regidor, won a package of ciga rets for Sgt Marion Hoblttt when he tried the new knowledge on a Japanese prison guard. " .This was the story the Silver ton marine, recently released from a prisoner of war camp, told mem bers of the ML : Angel Business Men's club this week. j When the marines were' order rf out of Shanghri in November, 1941 .they considered it a virtual f clear the decks for war," Hob litt told the group. The first Japa nese words were increased until the Oregon man was used as an interpreter. MRS. KAISER TO SPONSOR 1 PORTLAND, Ore,: Oct 2i-iJPy-Mrs. Henry J. Kaiser, wife of the Shipbuilder, 1 will sponsor the Bent's Fort Saturday, last ship to be launched at Swan Island yard. Kaiser will be the launching f peaier. ' I ,-. J - Steyensons to Heact Qxllegc at Ashland I ; iU- ', . . .. - t; PORTLAND, Oct JMtfV-New president of Southern Oregon Col lege of Education, named today by the state boad of higher educa tion, is Dr. Elmo N. Stevenson 41, head of the Oregon State college science education department . He succeeds- Walter- Bedford, who will retire Jan. 1, after hold ing the position 14 years. The board granted Redford a -sabbatical leave on' half salaiy from Jan. I, 1945, to Dec. 31,-946. Dr. Stevenson, who Joined the OSC faculty in 1946, has also been personnel coordinator and director of student teaching. CHILD LA BO 2 CHARGED ) PORTLAND, Oct 24-(V-The ITS.' department of labor today brought suit( charging the Oregon Fibre Flax ' Growers association with violating child labor laws. Federal court issued an injunctionJ for the association to stop employ ing youngsters under 1 6. The flax company did not j contest the charge. 1 I 'J : .The number of telephones In Argentina doubled! between . 1929 and 1943. I . Dentists Lark Place to Practice PORTLAND, Oct S4-(AY-Lac-i-of office space brought complamu today from a number of dentin back from service who said the; had equipment and plenty of pa. tients but no place to set up practice. V Even a little room over a druj store" would do temporarily, said Dr. Samuel A. Brandon, presi dent of the Portland district den tal society. The society appealed to dentists here to share their oldest and named a committee to find vacant rooms. (M-Jap Fral I larcus Isla TACOMA, Oct. 24. A nerican troops on tiny u: usual pace when a mei injured sailor, accord i S once frpm Saipan for ((ma News Tribune. sconce,' j former Tacorn piperman, Is on. the sta Picific edition of the S S rlpes. ; . "Upon Arriving at M f : ;w of t, the mercy pi. s lazed to find many u i, C , , , ... .L...m i m t i .iM..iii..iiri.l.i. .in --ii t A Ur-v D X D i ;, 1 i ..... ... . ..'! f : .r : fir yAifA ! J , i ' i a. . . : If . III STRICT COMPLIANCE WITH 17PD REGULATIONS, ALL 2.98 r if po,f. &zes W.S3 S 4 fine ioft'' -' " ibmoo.! aJ ...lr 3,98 kbv.f .. 7 . ; 1 a ' Mi WELL TAILORED SUITS FOR YOUNG DOTS is '"Bin w . 1 e . - u . . V:,K" Cr . ": ' hv -"r -FrfSCT - , ftrri " " I r i r."' 1 r - " jizri ( ,.i yj " -. - t i I ffAivrN as-88 I Sixes 4 to 10. Get your little boy the kind of suit he.' al ways wontedl He's seen them on Dad and Big Brother, too, but now ho can have them In tweeds, plain and her ringbone wtars. Twttd it tops in ryU bcauM it goi well with other colore. Ifs tops In wear because its fibers Have been tightly woven Into a firm, smooth fabric Tail ored with pleats and cuffs. . ?f . &f fens QUILTED TAFFETA IN !'- - - : Vi - ' ' ELECTRIC DAT.'.PEn REGULATOR COUTROLI VM ' !. - - Ml i Enjoyi thermoJftJtically controlled temperature in your' home with this damper regulator outfit. Dampers open and close automatically bs room temperature rises or falls. You just in dicate the temperature you want on room thermostat. Oper ates on rise or fall In temperature. Saves coal and furnace tending Motor complete with built-in transformer. Td. toffeto on one 7 COLORSI Fine fluolity rayonj side, fluffy cotton on the other. For quatt robev oVopet. H't . ... - f . 1.79 RUiAUM fkUWHi! MATTING M'wmU . '44C Moirfwe f iittit. wi!ibU (4 . f reve for ' eih-a M.'fyl j Fr hallway! Iuy Wrt! B,nrrin nT Copper:; ScevrHtg EoMs - LONG WEARING CREEPERS U line aootlty lull coHor. TigKtly vewa for better Mnici. Ntee) Ireniiia. fttfc t' fit w V fuSZ&ZX aSteWjel'iiii " 2 f er 15c. l rTl Hoppe's;' 1 Oeoning p: Kit . : INFANTS' RECEIVING BLANKET , 39c In worm cotton flannel shot s soft ly napped. Rock-a-Dye pottems in pretty pastel. 2o"x34w. Price Cvfl ;;c5"i j2J i Ec 5 Vi ft. Hlckocy bow Sn 45, 55, or 6 5 -lb. puOc. For big gome. Cedar Hunting 4rrew7.50e,os. For deonino pott and pan eow ly, qwkkryl Will not harm wtemili, nor she hands! Save at Werdtl Includes: No. 9 solvent, lorge can lubricating oil, (tube of gvn greoie, Gun Oeaning Guide. Here' your chance to get Quality cell at a special sale price! Short proof top! Regular sixe. If ! Jt Sli :..T-'vm fit ') 4 I If ' 1 !l j.',.-'-. . i HANDSA0S OF SUPERIOR Q O QUALITY, LOW-PRICED AT Each is made of wonderfully supple genuine leather! Each is hand somely designed and sturdily constructed! The sizes hold anything and everything from small change to giant-sized compacts. The styles include pouches, envelopes, handle straps many with zip pen. And, of course, the price is the sensible low one you'd expect to find here at Wards during Ward Week! miii n mm mn". ATBS'' JUST ARRIVED! KUUDAII RUGS Approximate 4'x6 size 6.88 Genuine Numdahs from Irvdial All White wool with intriguing native design in brilliant Far Eastern colors! Buy for your bedrooms, living room, hall or denl Other sizes availablel STRONG nOOMY ARIrlY LOCKER Pius .207 Fed. Ts 11.95 Fiber eever ever darable weed box. Metal-capped corners. -Heavy fiber blndlnfs slenc edrea. Removable tray.' Steel trunk leek with 1 key. SERVICEABLE SHAWLS FOR INFANTS' .9 Mode of wo mi wool and cotton Many attractive luwt-'-n pottems with 'oose fringe edges. Sturdy , 23-Inch Suitcase 2.49 Wood frame, eeal refciforceJ corners. Heavy trunk fibre cover lng.fJus20ted,eacto. HANKIES IN PRETTY PRINTS J 10C Serviceable cottons mat wB take plenty of tubbing and stay bright one gay through it alll Regular 45 "Supreme" Spark Plug Only 37C Hone finert Save 1 gaL gas out of . 10 .. . gt new cor pep, powerl Exdwdve knife-edge etectrodel ... tt i i l Hf n f u a iirtil mid mm mm m m I l - . Li i-' 1 ' 53-Pc. Semi-Porcelain Dinner Service for Eight i ! i " ' ' i ' A dcrinty'cjTeen and oranci floral center decoration . . . a lovely pattern that will compliment any table setting. First-qualiyt semi-porcelain ware; durable and practical. 53-pc sot consists of 8 each of dinner plates, bread and butter plates, cups, saucers, sauce dishes: 1 open vege table dish. 1 pfflrrter! v HODEnil SHOW STALL See this modern, conj 4Wards today. Smooth c srhite enameled waL'i right ort left hand instc fittings and accessor! Tcdve. and aocrp dish SLEEP DETTER Oil A HEW fAATTRESS! Only 20 Down! 15.88 Lets ef snmber-comfsrt ia this all new felted cotton mat tress! Woven stripe tickint fr years ef service ... prrlui)l border keeps side walls firm. 1 (tT UNITED QUANTITY mm REBUILT MOTORS None finer for Ford V-8, '33 '341 Save gas and oil . . . ketp your car running for the dura tion with a completely rebuilt motor from Wards! liberal trade-in allowance for your old motor! p., GENUINE PLASTIC TOY TEUPHONI W3 A keevtifvJ Witetioe ef tke e Jt Creole ekene ia Hit tle rigkt Mae for tett te kendlel Meet eelor. Save an Wards Soft Pillows r v www TVxnpfrf filed pSIowi wfrh lasting, salary ticking, Yplue priced at WerdJ t I Jm I i PLASTIC PLAT ARMY HELMETS... 98C For Jr. common dW Removable tomouftage net cover irto! Ad kntabie to ftt any Head sixel Durable Household Com Broom V. 1 m ,, i I, - !. -...: I .TRHJC-T i AB SHINGLES PIX SQUARE 5. I i' fmc el Hli rt kuH ne at dioary itKUfUil W.atktr-reiisf CevrJ 100 e. ft. Ill; 1:17 Most rsnet cere wears lonf .ett. l-sswed te' kold strands . firmly. Eeemeled weed fcendl. ' -! : ! i 5 ' Graceful Fluoresce Fixture ; White baked enamel ftnish fi4-rd llengHu Takes two Watt bulbs. tWy now at, Wd u (?. e 12 V WG i5 f 0 TfOCb? ( i. :,: , ; ; . ; , I? I