' " i m. .,,..,.., 1,1,., I, , , , ,,, , J ,,.. , , j ., ., , , , ,M,, , ., ,,,, , ,.,. .,.,.,, ,.,.., .,..,, ,l, , ..., i.. ... I, -HI Taa OREGON, STATESMAN. Saltm. Oregon. Wsdntsdcry Morning, October 24, 1843 if Strikes Touch f f Slump in itock Market NEW YORK, Oct. 23-(-Dark- etklng of tht labor horizon, in ad dition "to other factors, touched off selling in today's stock market ttyat resulted in losses of one ten three points over a broad front. The list held to a narrowly irregular course until around mid day, when the rejection !by U. S. Steel of union wage demands, plus a strike vote for General Motors due. tomorrow, caused , holders of automotive and metal issues to run to cover. Transfers totaled 1,370,000 shares compared with 1 ,140,000 Monday. I ' ' Earnings, dividends, 'inflation arguments and tax ., hopes per sisted as buying props. Many customers, - however, - stood ; aside . to await the administration's wage . rate policy which, Washington re ; ports said, might involve recom- mendations for a moderate pay . boost to be absorbed by industry without a rise in prices, i 1 "The Associated Pressi 60-stock composite: fell .5 of a point to 72.3. .it. Bell Aircraft was an isolated strong spot, up 2Vi points at a new high in the wake of a stock dividend and the. usual cash dis bursement Sears Roebuck, en -jbyed a jump of 1 for toe new ,sblit-up common. United Aircraft, American Can, Consolidated Edi- ' son and Phelps Dodge retained modest advances. r West Staytoiii Carnival To Be Held October 26 ;l WEST STAYTON Final plans for the Hallbween carnival Frl day, October 26 at the school have been made by the PTA.j The proceeds of the carnival v ill be used to furnish hot lunch es fop the school this jwiriter. A cafeteria ! supper will be served beginning at 6 o'clock, followed by a program and other1 carnival type entertainment. Sdlem Market Quotations The prices below supplied by le- eal grocer arc indicative of the daily market nrtr naid to (rowers by Sa lem buyers but an not; guaranteed by me statesman: RITTTKK. CGG1 AND POt'l TRY (Sabjert te ehaage wtthoat notice) RUTTEKFAT Premium . . , -S4 No. 1 ' '1 No. s : . . i. ..... J BUTTER- PRINTS a ,.; .46 .4; B Quarter , ' .. KGGS . i Extra large J 0 Mediums ....k .... Standards ..... - pullets . ; .-.-.. Crack rOULTR I . No. 1 colored hen . No. 9 colored hens ..-j. Colored fry and bakes ..... Yearling lambs ; - 53 - .a - .30 JO .32 - .21 2S 7',i to'S't IJVKSTOCK (By Valley rack) CATTLE Beef steers .10, to .14 Beef cows .J . .08 to .10 Dairy cows .05 to .08 Bulls -- 075 to .10 Veal i 6.00 to 13.50 Lambs, top 4- H 50 Yearling .i , ,' i 6 00 to 8.50 Ewes : 2.00 to , 4.00 Bucks ... ---2.00 to 3.00 Hogs. top. 160-300 lbs. ,,....., 13-43 Over 300 lbs. 14.95 Sows, top - . 14 JO a. Co-op Ilarkei Ilevs 1288 State Street Apples! Apples! Apples! It I is -apple bobbing time. II you haven't visited the Co-op Market lately, you will enjoy the apple display. Many colors and sizes. The predomi nating varieties now are Ba nana, Spitz, Grimes Golden, Jonathan, Kings and Delicious, with a few each of several other varieties. i The apple crop is a little short this year so better buy i a supply now or at least get . your order in. It is still gootl advice to plan on an apple a day to keep the doctor away. '--- PEAKS - . , Cornice pears are at their :" best. These are good for salads' and, when fully ripened, make - very good preserves. Look ' them over. POULTRY AND EGGS There is a little better sup- ply now of dressed poultry and fresh eggs than there has been ' , during the summer. Mrs. Box's ' fryers are recognized as No. 1 .in flavor and texture. ( Fcr .Rsscrj ucrlx ca bssis, canlillowcrf ) i end apples: Day shift 7:33 a. n. to G:C3 ) p. n.; cifjht sbill 7:33 p. a to 6:C3 a. n. (r Frc: lrai:sp:rlati:3r j ' ; ; Wrnki Gravjers, fee. )) At Liberty )) j Telephone Salem 22036 ) Quotations at Portland Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore Oct. 23 AP Butter AA prints 46-4c; carton 46,i-47,ic: A grade prints 45V-46c, cartons 45'i-45c; B grade prints 45l'-45ic ; , ' Butterfat First quality, maximum Of -6 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered In Portland 53-52ic; premium quality, maximum of i J5 of 1 per cent acidity 53-53ic: valley routes and county by points zc less Irian iirsi or ao-ouMc. Cheese Selling price to Portland retailers: Oregon triplets 29 86c; loaf 25.8c: triplets to wholesalers 28.3c; loaf 28.5c lb. delivered. . Eags To retailers: aa rraoe. large 59-60c: A S7c; A larne 57-5Sc; A medium 52-53c; small (pullet) 42- Dressed meats veil A A sue; a 2i,ic; B 1-I9ic: C n-m4c: cull 14- lsc; hogs, lancy diock zuc: tamos aa 26c; A 24Vic; B 22ic; C 20c; mutton. fancy a 13'c; m izc; n graae a-iuc: beef AA 21ici A 20c; B H'ic; C 164c: canneri and cutter. 13-14c; can ner and cutter bulls 14c. Live ooultrv Chickens: Buying prices of wholesalers: Broilers 1 to 2 lbs. 25c; 3a lbs. 25c: roasters over 3V lbs. 25c; colored hens 22c; Leg horn hens 20c; roosters, stags 14C 10. Rabbits Government ceiling: Ave rage country killed to retailers 44c; Uve Drice to croducer 22-24c lb. Turkeys Basic buying prices, alive 3i2c foe live hents net at farpis. Onions Oregon dry No. J, 2.15 SO lb. sack; green 75-&5c doz. bunches. Potatoes - Descnutes uems, iws, 3.40; 25 lb. sack; 90c: Klamath Gems, 100k. 3.40; Yakima 3.00. Wool Goyernment control. - Cascara bark Dry stock 20c lb. Mohair 1944 12-onth. 45c lb. Har - Wholesale rail shipment: Al falfa No. 2 or better S34-35: oaU and vetch, mixed hay, valley growers' price $24; clover hay $21, baled on farms. ' Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore- Oct. 83(AP) (USDA1 Safable and total cattle 150. calves 25; market moderately active, fully steady with Monday but cows generally 25-50 cents below last week's best time; few cutter-common steers 8.50-12.00: cutter-common heifers 8.00' 10.50; medium heifers to 12.00; canner cutter cows 6.00-8.00; :, shells down to 3.00; fat dairy type cows 8 50-9.50; medium-good beef cows 10.50-12.00; medium-good -sausage bulls 9:50-11:00; good beef bulls quotable to 12.00; few medium-good vealers 11.00-13.00; choice salable to 14.00. ! Salable hogs 50, total 150: market active, steady: harrows and Kilts 150-315 lb. 15.80; sows 15.05; few 103 lb. feeder pigs 17.00. i Salable and total cheep 500; mar ket active, steady; good-choice wooled lambs scarce, salable 12.50-75; medium good 78 lbi weights 11.50; common 71 lb. 9.50; few thin 50-60 lb. lambs on feeder- accounts 5.00-10.00; medium shorn lambs 10.50;" good yearlings 10.00; good slaughter ewes 4.50-5.00: few fleshy feeder ewes 450-5.25. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 23AP) Cash grain; No. 1 flax; 3.10. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1.60: soft white excluding Rex) 1.60; white club 1.60; western red 1.60. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.60; 10 per cent 1,81; 11 per cent 1.64; 12 per cent 1.68. h ' Hard white baart: Ordinary 160; 10 per cent 1.62; 11 per cent 1.63; 12 per cent 1.64. ! . Today's car receipts: Wheat 84; bar ley 20; flour 14; corn 3; oats 3; hay 2; millfeed 15. - Stocks and Bonds October 23 STOCK AVERAGES - 30 IS IS Indus Rails Util Tuesday . 96.7 43.8 49.S Previous day 97.4 1 44.4 48.1 Week ago 97.0 44.0 49.8 Month ago 93.9 43.3 48.1 Year ago 76.0 28.8 38.3 StkS; 72.3 72.6 72.5 70.4 34.9 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 ) Rail Indus Util TotnA Tuesday ..i......; lOO.S 103.7 lOS.O .74.9 Previous day: .100.6 103.8 108.0 74.8 74.2 week ago .........100.1 103.B 107.9 Month ago ..... 98.8 104.2 107.2 Year ago J 92.5 105.0 106.7 1945 high n.i.101.6 105.5 108.2 194S low X . . 96.2 103.4 106.8 ,73.5 68.3 74.9 68.1 New 1945 high. Middle Grove 4-H Winner Honored By Exhibit Plea MIDDLE GROVE Attending 4H club Leaders meeting Satur day, at the State Library in Salemi were Minnie Goode, Vera Bassetti Leona Keppenger and Gladys. Helen Cowgill, assistant state club leader, asked permission to use for 1 display in organization work over the state the purse and dresser scarf of Carol Lee Kaufman and Joanne FabreyL made in Sewing class IB. Joanne's work won the blue rib bons at the School Achievement Day, Marion County 4H club show and the State show in Portland. In another week she will be enrolled in one of the Salem schools as her parents have sold their home in this community and are moving to Salem, ! ALBANY. Ore.. Oct. 18 -(m City Councilman Harold Fisher was embarrassed when he paid a $2.50 fine in city court fdr violating a stop sign. He had framed1 the ordinance putting up the atgnu , v Byrne Goes to Washing ton to Talk Housing I The basis on which the Uni versity of Ot'egon, and Oregon state i college may acquire army lousing units, for ussi ;of the in Teasing enrolment at the .two nstitutions, probably will ; be worked out at a conference be iweea Charles j D. Byrne, secre tary of the stale board of higher education. . and! government offi icials in Washington, D.C. Thurs day.'?! V 1 i Byrne left for the national cap ital Mondsy nijght as a represen tative of the board of higher edu cation and the state ' board of control. - :;-. i i Governor Eairl Snell previous !ly received a i promise from! the war jnobili.i a t i o n reconversion board to provide some of these housing units for demonstration purposes. In event negotiations are successful post of the hous ing units will I be transferred -to Eugene and Cqrvallis from Rich land,1 WashL The cost of transpor tation, will be paid by the state, j Other personnel changes, many in volving new appointments because of increased enrollment, were approved iby the board as follows: - UNIVERSITY Or OREGON I Ap pointments, of Kate Buchanan, IMrt, Rose Combellack.1 James Clinton Vin cent and Mrs. June Simons as instruc tors in English, Andrei Itotoff as in structor in geology and geopraphy, B C. Friedl as associate professor oil ro mance and languages, Ruth Solberg as graduate assistant m sculpture. Vernon Abram Vrooman as visiting prolessor of law, Daniel George bamuels as vis iting associate prolessor or romance lanuuaees. ur. James uuu Harneu. professor emeritus of political science. to teacn a course in consuiuuonai taw, and George L. Hall as assistant dean of men; return ifrbm military leave of Paul R. Washke, professor of physi cal education; return irom muiiary leave of Earl E. Boushey. assistant pro fessor of physical education; return f romlmilitary leave of TOr. Horace M. Millet",: professor I of -exodontia at tne yniversity of Oitegon Dental school;; reduction-from full time to 80 per cent time for the falli term tor Dr. E. Ho- Dart coinns, assistant protesaoir 01 physics, in order that he might carry on a I research project for the Yeyer haeuger Timber company OREGON ) STATE COLLEGE -4 Ap pointments of Dr. Luella iR.; Tressman, William c. i Baker, Mrs. Jeanne ropo vich, Mrs. Margaret Jjiwrencei and Mrs. Clenna D. Dood as, Instructors in English, Thomas John McClellan as in structor In civil, engineering, Eugene J. Gaideman as instructor in general engineering, Milosh Popovicm as assist ant professor of mechanical engineer ing, Charles E. Allen as Instructor in electrical engineering, Mrs. Mildred L. Bennett as instructor in pnysics, Hot ert Isensee as graduate fellow in gen eral chemistry, Mrs. Florence fcioaK kum as instructor in mathematics, L. R-. Foote as instructor in mathematics. Dr. Edmund Pinney as instructor in mathematics. Dr. Cairns K. Smith ' aa associate professor ol nwtory. Dr. Ro land K. Campbejl as associate profes sor of business and industry. Dr. Grant E. Blanch as associate professor of farm management and associate econo mist in the experiment station depart ments of farm .management, w. M. Harper as chief of the campus police effective January ' 1. 1945, Harry Ru dolph SandquLst as Malheur county agent, and Dr. f, B. Proctor as pro fessor of forestry and head of the de partment of wood products. ; Reappointment ol ur.. l. wooa as assistant soil scientist!: return from military leave of R. L. Post, technician and. curator in the department of en tomology; return from military : leave of H. R. Sinnard. associate professor of art and architecture and agricul tural: engmeering and associate agri cultural engineer in the experiment ment station; return from war service of Dr. Andrew Sobczyk, associate professor- of mathmetics; return from war service of D. Palmer Young, associate professor of speech; return from mili tary service of urant swan, assistant professor of physical: education and member of the intercollegiate athletic coaching staff effective January 1, 1946; ; return from military leave of William McKalip. instructor in physi cal education and member of the in tercollegiate athletic coaching staff, effective January 1. 1946; return from military leave of Dr. Wittlam D. Wilk inson, associate professor of geopogy. saDDaucal leave lor u.i u. K.enneay, Tillamook county club agent from De cember 1, 1943, to December 1, 194S. for advanced study and travel: sabbati cal leave for Dr. G. H.WiMer; pro fessor of dairy manufacturing, from October 1. 184a. to September jo. for advanced . study: sabbatical leave for Miss Laura McAllister, assistant professor of physical .education for women, for. winter term for aovancea study; resignation of Mrs. Eleanor Oehler. associate professor of house hold administration;' transfer, of Fred M. snideier from extension service back as professor of Journalism; resig nation of R. E. Brooke. Malheur coun ty agent, to manage a produce business;- resignation of Dr. L. E. West, assistant professor if chemistry, and appointment oi aeiana u. coie to re place him , as instructor in chemistry; leave? of abaence for Miss Folrence HuDDrioh. assistant professor of physi cal education, for the year 1945-m for advanced study; change in title for G. W. Holcomb from prolessor of! civil engineering to professor) of general engineering ' and chairman of the di vision; assignment of Delbert W. Moore professor of music, as conductor of the R.O.T.C. band succeeding H. L. Beard wno "ww retain nia posHiora as assist ant brofessor of mathematics. ; OREGON COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Resignation of Miss Neva Dallas, as sistant professor of education in the Monmouth training school, to accent employment as elementary school su perintendent in Josephine county; ap pointment of A. D. McAnear as prin cipal of Independence training: School wim-' Tamt- oesistani protessor. i i MEDICAL SCHOOL Leave of ab sence for Miss Gertrude Peterson, as sistant- prolessor of nursing and su pervisor of public health field activi ties, .from November 1; 1S4S to June 30. 194S. for advanced studv: nromotlon in rgnx xor ur. Howard c. Stearns from assistant clinical professor to head of the department ' and m-mfMrenr of obstetrics and evnechlnvv. GENERAL EXTENSION DIVISION Appointment of Dr. Stephen E. Epler as veterans counsellor in the Portland Office with the rank of instructor. : EASTERN OREGON COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Reduction in time for E. R. Quinn: associate' tro(mr of physical education, from : 50 per cent i u ucr Rni. mr mi vrm in mania him to be employed 80 per cent time A Friday. Ocl. The Oeu ' ' v FOB HE VALLEY IIOTOD CO. 375 Center Salem, Oregon Griin Market Optimism Ends CHICAGO, Oct 23 -(JP)- Grain market ! optimism subsided after an opening . spurt , ' today and futures prices moved irregularly. Closing prices, however, were near those of yesterday with wheat I finishing unchanged to higheiy December $1.76; corn V lower to Y high(er, December $1.18 oats M lower to high-i er, December 64-64; rye un changed to higher, December S1.58U-1.59; and barley i to 1 higher, December $1.17. Dealing in wheat, sustained somewhat at the outset by buying of houses with milling and south western connections, was relative ly qujet. A fair demand in oats futures' was satisfied largely on resting orders. Barley ruled firm most kf the clay. i Macleay Community C3u Elects Officers - MAfjLEAY At the community club meeting officers elected were president, Herman Head; vice president, Tom Burton; secretary; Mrs. pick Anderson; treasures, Mrs. Ilerman Head; .sergeant-at-arms, , Wilbur; : musician, Mrs. Arthur Johnson; song leader, Dick Johnson J l ' ' , ? Thej;; Sunshine committee in clude : Mrs. Leonard Foster, Pat Wodz-oda, and Mrs." Wilbur Miller The 'time was spent informally. j Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Three insertions per line 25c Six insertions per line 40c One ;month per line 11.25 Mintinum charge 25c; 3 ti. min iiniun 35c: 6 ti. min. 45c. No reRmds. Copy for this page accepted un til 6jfO the evening before publica tion ( for classification. Copy re ceived after this, time will be run under the heading "Too Late, to qassjfyr- . This Statesman assumes no finan cial .responsibility for errors which may 'appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and in cases where this paper is at fault will repribt that part of an advertise tnentf in which the typographical mistake accurs. Th Statesman Serves the nebi to reject questionable advertistsi It farther reserves the right to plac ail advertising under the oroper classification. A Blmd Ad-n ad eontalnlna a Statesman box number for an ad drees? is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman noc at UDeriy to aivuige mior rhatKin as to the Identity of an I yestock and Poultry TCOtSfG eentle milk cow. Milkine now. f4 ml. E. "of Labish Center Store. Bausiwian. HECK Guernsey or Shorthorn bull service at your place, rn. si47. RABBITS WANTED: All sizes, top prices,. Rabbit industry expanding, start in business new. Ftiss 'bought. Harder Rabbit Farms. 3405 . Cherry Avenue. Ph. 2.234. FOR SALE or Trade: Team horses in good condition. Weight 1500 lbs. Trade for a good cow or sell for S100. learn. Wm. Sheridan, Salem, Rt S. Box 481. Phone 22F21. " ' WANTED: Beet ano cannef cows oulls and veals. Will call at farm E. I Snethen. 3570 E. - Turner Road Ph 21345 Morns or eves. Legal Notice . IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DIST RICT OF OREGON. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA vs. 8 barrels, more or less, - each containing 93 gallons. ORANGE FLAVOR SYRUP. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 18th day of October, 1945, 5 Barrels Orange Flavor Syrup were : arrested and taken into the possession of and now mre in ithe possession of the United- State Marshal for the Dist rict oi Oregon, pursuant to a warrant and process duly issued by the Clerk of tit United State District Court for the District of Oregon,- in a suit for' condemnation and forfeiture en titled United States of America, Lib elant 'V. S barrels, more or less, each containing 53 gallons, ORANGE FLA VOR YRUP. brought under the pro visions of Section 334, Title 21, U. S. C. A., wherein it is sought to have the above-described article of food condemned and forfeited for the fol lowing reasons: That on or about the 3lst day of July, 1945, the said article ol food was shipped in interstate commerce from Chicago, Illinois, to Salem, Oregon; that the said article of food is adulterated within the pur view vof Title 21. United States v Code, Section 342(aU21 In that it contains added poisonous and deleterious substance. Monoebioracetic Acid, which is unsafe within the meaning of Title 181,' United States Code, Section 340, isjnce it is a substance not re euired in the production of this food and lean be avoided by good manu facturing practice; that all persons claiming any right, title or interest in and to the said article of food are hereby notified to appear on or be fore (the 3rd day of December, 1S45, in the Federal Court at Portland, Ore gon, i to show cause, if any there be, why the same should not be decreed against and forfeited to the - United State as adulterated food. JACK R. CAUFIELD. United States Marshal: CARL. C. DONAUGH. United States Attorney for the District of Oregon; J. ROBERT PATTERSON, Assistant - United States Attorney. to assist with football , eoachlne and teach regular classes at La Grande nign school . . 2G! 1623 ' X - i IT! Financial Livestock and Poultry WANTED: Fat and canner cow for beef. Dairy cows, heifers, bulls, veal. ai noes, sows, stags, ooara. Market price. E. C McCandish, rt. S. box 373. Pb, IB147 across from ball park S. JSth. BBITS WANTED, an sizes. 4 to S lbs. White. Mo lb colored 22c lb live weight Rahb t skins, best prizes. Wire stretchers ind other supplies. Salem address. 60 Batchff Drive, phone 2-1530, Portland address. Rabbit Meat Co 8917 8 E Stark. SUN. 1723. Auctions Stayton Auction Thtirs. 7:30 P.M. Fresh i Sc. sprineer cows, one con signment of S sood 1st St ! 2nd calf heifec. Guernseys and Jerseys. Good snort yearling uuerosey i neuers & bulls, Weaner pigs feeder pigs, sows, boars, , chickens, rabbit, . furniture. 2 bottom: lz-tn. tractor plow; also John Deere 2 bottom 14-in. tractor plow. Coolerator in first class condition, 4 wheel trailer with good Ruxtel rear end in it. Model A sedan, good rubber, good mechanical -condition Several good 10-gal milk cans, 3 burner, gaso fine stove, 1st class condition. 2 Here ford bulls, serviceable age, for sale or rent. . . , ..... ,' . ' Bring In your consignment. We sell anything of value. Art i Lewin, Auctioneer - 'i. ' : Stayton Help Wanted FILBERT Pickers for good second picking for 30 acres, after Oct. 22. Henry Knoche. Dayton. Ore.. Phone 4x10. ,a mile west of Grand Island Junction Store. All Turkey Pickers Report for work at S o'clock in the morning at M" Washington Creamery i I Company MURLOCK & ARLINGTON STS i i WEST SALEM WANTED: Cashiers, checkers, food .Clecks, no exp. necessary. Spod pay to start ana aurine training, t-xc. oppor tunity for men between 18 and 40. See Ted Medford, Dist. Manager Safeway Stores, inc McGilchrist Bldg. Ph, 5611. TURKEY PICKERS needed. North west vouitry and Dairy, 1S05 N. rront . CAMP Adair, needs wool oressers, Men or women that can produce can make up to $100 per week piece work. Inquirei At Schevlair at Quartm aster's i.aunary, camp Aaair. Help! Wanted rr- Male .PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. needs meter reader. Regular pro- motion. Young, near man best quali iied. See Mr, Crossland, 237 N. Liberty ; PARTY, with food eauinment to con tract fall farming. Mrs. Wright, 4i miies nauace na. leu xsni. WANTED: Young man-for service station ana aenvery work. 2320 Fair- grounas xtoaa EXPERIENCED dairyman; pref. sin gle man. .wages S150 mo., plus board and room. Meadow Grove" Dairy, rt. tf, UVA lift WE NEED MECHANICS for both day and night shifts. Top wages. Best of working conditions, permanent em ployment J See Dewey at Loder Bros. 465 Center street. "Oldsmobile Sales and Service." "Our 17th year in Sa lem. Oregon." "Home of Good Used cars, i . . MEAT t CTJTTERS WANTED: Excel lent opportunities for tbe: right men. Aoolv i in person to T. M Medford. Safeway- District Office, McGUchrist Bldg. Phone 5611. 2 RADIO Repair men with iOor 15 yrs. on irar oencn or equivalent, uooa wages, lite Morrow coM iss s. Liberty BODY MEN and mechanics Herrall- Owens Ca, ' Help (Wanted Female WANTED: Reliable woman one or two days weekly to care for year-old hr. Ph. S339.1 v COMB. I COOK-housekeeoer for Mid. aged Woman. Good wages, board ec room. Must pe reiiaDie. Permanent for right party. 1010 N. Cottage. Phone WORKING Mother wants two Pre. school children cared for. Must be dependable and kind. Write 1047 S. Cdm'l. Apt. S. . f i EXPERIENCED Woman for eeneral office work, mainly booking, some let ter writing, govt, reports etc. Good salary; short hours, perm, position. Write Box 205, Statesman,. FULL OR part time usherettes. Ap ply in person at Grand Theater. NEED Teacher to teach ihhrh school English mornings. Apply Supt. of Schools, Jiilverton, Oregon. GIRL For cashier, ren. office. Per manent. 40 hr. week. Good personality desired. See Mr. Larson, P. Gas A Coke Co. 109 S. Coral. HOUSEKEEPER for family of 4. No laundry. Live in or out. All or part time. Ph. B375. 299 Richmond Ave. Pantry woman. Good wages, steady position. "Marion Hotel. BEAUTY OPERATOR Wanted. Ben ton Hotel Beauty Shop, Corvallis. Ore. WAITRESS. The Spa. GIRL WANTED to take care of chil dren.; 14S Union. '. FOUNTAIN GERL. The Spa. WOMEN HELP WANTED at City Cleaners. Also checker seeded. 1245 State St Situations Wanted GEN. YARD work-wood sawdust put in. Ph. 144 between 12-i or -7. . CHILD; care evenings. I Ph. 2-1028. WILL CARE for children In my home days. 1165 W.L16to.r Ph ttel . WANTED: Employment With some truckling, i tractor or welding shop. 10 years experience with a large truck and tractor co. S years -experience aa snop i loreman in general repair snop. Experienced ARC and ACET. welder. Not shipyard). Write Route 7. Box . oaiem, ore. - PUS. CHAN . . . LAM Dr.V.TXant N J. . , Dr.G.ChasuN J : CHINESE Herbalists 241 North Liberty Upstairs Portland General Electric Co.. Office open. Saturday only 10 am. to 1 p.m ; to T p.m Con sulitation. Blood pressure and urine testa are free of charge. Practiced tinice 1817. , vjua..a ,,i. a v ii I rn Farm - I MODEST "All right! Go back with youH . Situations Wanted MAN wishes steady; workj mainten ance,, machinist, carpenter. salesman, have car. Fh. S370. WANTED: Wood sawing. 1745 Che- mcKeta. i WOMAN wants to team dry clean ing and pressing. Mrs. D. A. Root, 304 MiU St.. Dallas,; Oreg. WILL CARE for babies by week or month. Ph. 8645. For Sale - Miscellaneous STEEL Septic Tanks, plumbing fix tures. Range boilers. 3. -K. (Bud) Par- menter. 2380 Fairgrounds road. Ph, S627. : i 1937 FORD Coupe. Ph. S442. HOT WATER tank! stove and stove pipe, cheap. 330 Hoyt.i ! DEPENDABLE plumbing and heat ing. J. K. 4 Bud) Parmenter, 2380 Fair ground road. Ph. 8627. RCA Radio, bird Cage, metronome, kitchen cabinet, baby's bed. spring cot. electric heating plate With trays, child's wagon, combination oak book case ana MAN'S bicycle, 1444 S. 12th. Call af- ter p.m. ,, SALE or TRADE:, Black at white male Beagle, 4 years. Good hunter. $10 or trade for fox terrier. Jack Teeters, Menama, Oregon. ; SANITARY couch $3.50. Ph. 8683 eve SMALL Montag range, ; coils and tank. 823.1890 Waller. ''APPLES: --Jonathan, Baldwins. 4733. 2514 N. River rd. Ph FLUORESCENT light fixtures. elec trie wiring. J. K. (Bud) Parmenter, 3380 Fairgrounds roaq. Ph. 8627. AUTO. OIL heater, $36; gas water neater, sv; large drum stove with coils. SIS. 445 S. 12th. Ph. S385. SUPERIOR wood range with coils, good condition; also water, tank. 2310 Laurel ave. Pb. 8438. DE LUXE iron pads and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. I , 255 N. Liberty st. NEARLY NEW all white enamel wood cook stove with reservoir com partment. Tapestry covered davenport 6c chair, spring construction. Breakfast set. 4 mt. east of Lapisn center store, Rt. 1, box ISO, Brooks. Baugnman. S .RANGES. 1 Monta. 1 Hardwick Speedy Baker, both- with coils, good conaition, s ourner fiectric not piate rn. ojzj. . i BERKELEY Jet Pumps, deep and shallow wells. J. it. Buct) parmenter, 2380 Fairgrounds road. rn. aezv. M CAL. repeating rifle: looks like new. Price azo. lazs iee st. 4 . IIJ, : NEPTUNEi outboard motor with brass propeller, Ph. S58S eve. APPLES: Several VarieUes. Ph. 73- F14. Call morning ' and evenings. FULLER PAINTS and varnishes. Trims ready pasted! wall paper. Vcl duro one coat wall finish. J. K. .Bud) Parmenter, .2380 Fairgrounds roaa. Ph. 8627. ' . ATUORAYSt n7.0Nii wti nd rent CPugh P'h 2-245S PO 80S 483 INSn-AGE Corn. Rt.Bj232 MAN'S Full sized bicycle in 1st class eond., S32.50. 1144 center. Ph. 8630. BRUNSWICK Table radio, good eon. dition. P. S20.00. 1970; Market st. PREWAR Davenport, also bed dav enport, used mattresses, S3 and up. Ph. 759C, . Jl ! -JU..' j'. f FT. Refrigerator. ;597 Knapp. j. LARGE almost new wood circulator. 3 plate electric stove with oven. Ph. .7018. j j- L. nr 2-n. COCKER: SPANIEL, male, red. 10 months old. Reilloo Kennels. Rt. 3, ICE BOX. box springs, chest of draw ers, dinette table, davene, 1170 N. Cot tage, upstairs in, ine: rear, STOW i renalrine St parts. Woodry s Mkt, t0JWr Summer Jtt j REINFORCING steel and mesh, ex- Sansion Joints for concrete. Oregon ravel Co, 1405 N. Front Ph. 3417. LA WM MOWER Snarpenina at Ad lusting- 1 ' " Woodrys Mkt. 1608 N. Summer It BOSC PearsI Rolitn Beaver, up Glen Creek Rd. Ph. 47Fj , ' Ha4jborne bike.- food eond. 2383 M. AUTOMATIC gas water heaters. Im mediate delivery. Ralph Johnson Ap pliances. Valley Motor bldg. Ph. 4036. : ,; ; 1 . r - Gas on Stomach St kas mat awl hMom aaUfA tataeat- Int fa, mu KoMck and hcanbarn. Mtn mmI prwcrtb h liiMl-Mlni awdtrtma taamm M nMKMMti trtl, lrHclnn Ilk tbM IiiSmU-m Tabkti. K laxMlt UH brlns saSat a ta at aMara katua u hi let sif mm hacs, Ska, Preschool Playschool-. 13S1 State Ages Part rJ C" Markets MAIDENS u. a rMMt omm to mother, and take Mr For Sale -Miscellaneous Unfinished Furnittire Salem's exclusive unfinished! furni ture laree assortment or madei to or der. Picketts Furniture, 13th and State. TERTnJZERjS60Nm'L ijh. 3323. WATKDJrroductsT" CHRISTMAS CDS? wrappings, gifU, The Apron Shop, 679 N. High 1st. 1940 TWIN Johnson 2i h p. outboard with case. 2347 Breyman. Ph. 567. WE BUY and Sell men's shoes, cloth lng, tools. - radios, guitars, - trunks. furniture and household goods. SUNDAIS, 293 N. Com! Ph. 369S WE buy and; sell furniture, tools, stoves, dishe. motors, radios, Electric appliances, household goods.-t-KJ-iu-MAN'S. 289 N. Commercial. Ph. 9585. SMALL Size automatic light plant. trailer size. Ford V-8 rear end. '38. good cond. Shop forge and elee. blow er. 3 mi. out Dallas Kd. Box 440. Cook. M5DdavTnmX"ch7"w!rt biege design. No coil springs. NTJ4. I CEDAR posts.! Owen Bishopj Aums- vuie. Kt. 1, BOX S4. 16 Ga. shotgun, lots shells $25.00. Call eves. 5 to I. 547 Masket st SKILL electric saw. Inquir nings. u cairnaven Ave. 38 Winchester' deer rifle with shells. 145 S. Church. Mac's 2nd Har Store. DAVENPORT land chair, occas. chair and table, high chair, all wool tweed lady s coat size 16. 2135 Myrtle ave. LARGE size wood or coal circulating heater, Al cond.; Ph. SH7 or 115 ri 16th. 2'i H. P. Johnson outboard motor. 1941 model. Like new. 68 Pai'k ve FURNITURE:! Priced for odick sale by owner. 3-pe. dav. set., ffl. lamp. 8x10 ft. also -60x27 in. Wilson ruas. Simmons beds, springs and mattresses. dresser, chiffonier, etc. Ph. 2I-Z4Z2 WELL Buy for fcash. sell or trade, guns, scopes, ammunition arid nail ers. Don Madison. 590 No. High. LARGE Franquctte walnuts 13c lb. You pick. W. L. Woelk. Rt 2, box 170C. I EWBINOCmlASwr chased at Boring Optical Co., 383 Court street BLACK Skunk rur coat 3693 after 5:30 P.M. Ph. BLUE GRAPES 4c lb. Rt. 7. box 127. 1st house S. of Hayesvllle school. Mrs. Jacob Denny, i ljL RXCON DTnONEDpTiilcocXi dio. Ph. 4133 during business hours. GIRL'S bifcyde, Schwlnn 24f-in. bal loon tires, chrome rims. In excellent condition. Baby buggy and Pad. like GRUNOW. S-tube reconditioned ra dio. Philco reconditioned 8-tube radio. Ph. 4133 during business hors RIVER SILT FILL DIRT EXCELLENT MASON SAND ALL KINDS 01 GRAVEL COMMERCIAL SAND G Ph. 21966 , 23100 GERMAN Shepherd (Police) Dogs. 3' it months old registered pups. Fin est breeding, j Various colors. Out S. River Rr turn at Halls Ferry ,i mile east and 1 mile southlj RelTioc Kennels, Rt 31 Box 711. . VAD filTT. ft ,1. fnAiUl St,ni-ilf4i outboard motor. $93.' 1740 N.I 20th. EXPERT washwi machinw service and wringer rolls, all makes.! See Ed Ells at Nelson: Bros, furniture tore. 313 N. liberty Woodry's furniture Mkt 1 Ph. fill Trade Sliscellaneous DO YOU HAVE a ft late model elec. refrigerator you wouldl like to trade for a larger one?. Ph. ; 339$. Wanted Micellaneou WANT to buy pool tables. 3373. WANTED: Oil firculaUng h and elec stove. Ph. 9538. i WILL Buy used alarm cldck. any eond.. Doe. the Clock Doctor, 190 S. I4th. j. ; "k WANTED; Medium size trWycle. Ph. 2401X :. , - I : - t II CLEAN white rags wanted.! $c a lb. Hogg Bros., see state su WANTED. PIANOS. Will pay cash Wills Muste store a state bv CASH for vour used furniture. Ph 759$. State St FurBiture,. 1900 SUte AflLERSoTrentSOcpe i hr. Woodry's Mkt, 1 605 N. Summer. ! i It 15 ItAVXL USED FURNTTURE. Ph. 9185. W AnVTOJ 'IV. JOseo"esin esMegwaoboMP jtSSSWe Classified j WantedMiscellaneous DT YOU have fiirnlture to sell I Russ Bright. Ph. 7311. .j tvun. i CASH foi used piano St other mu sic! instruments. Call 4041 days er 537 evenings er send description Jaqurth . Musie CO- isj tiign. .Miscellaneous T BOYS. GIRLS, to set pins. Easy work, good pay. 335 NjHigh. ' WILL repair all makes of clocks. Doe the Clock Doctor, isv . mnt HEAVY lUuling. ExcavaUon and Road Building. Land Clearing, Dozer Work. Ditching, Basement i Excavation. Sand, j Gravel. Crushed Rock., Mason Sand, i Concrete Mix, Cement. ' Salem Sand.4 Gravel Qo. 1405 N. Trontsi St. Salem, Oregoni Phone 40S or 21924 Dental Plate Repair TWO-EOCH SERVICf IN MOST CASES Bring or Stall Your-Plates for Repair. -DR. HARRY Sr.MI.BW,'Um i f Adolph Bldg State fc Cony-Ph 3311 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. 75c. LES SPRINGER. 44 Court St Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN WANTED, REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, city or farm properties; loans made as small as $300. See us about refinancing jour present contract or mortgage. - ? Approved city loans 4t. Leo N. Child?, Inci 344 State St; - i . ! ' - Ph. 9281 YOU RECEIVE INDIVIDUAL CON SIDERATION WHEN YOU APPLY TO General Finance Corp. i FOR Quick Gaslt Loans Locally owned and operated, we are familiar with all local needs and con ditions and lend on any reasonable security, up to 12 mos. to repay. Telephone 18 State Lie. tS-138) 136 S Commercial St Auto And Trtick Loans Contracts Refinanced . Money for new and S used ' cars or trucks regardless of age. No delay bring car and title and get the money. You retain possession of vehicle. 1 to 15 months to repay. After 5 o'clock phona 21143 for appointment s ROY IL SBBIONS Regulated by State. r PRIVATE MONEY 136 S. Com'L St I Phone 9168. WE LIKE TO SAY 'YES' WHEN YOU WANT A LOAN Making personal loans is our business. The more times we say . 'Yes' the more business we do. That's why we do -our best to say Yes' to every re quest for a loan. At 'Personal' there are no hard and fast rules. The trans action is handled promptly; privately, without involving outsiders. Loans of $23 to S3tH on your salary, furniture or auto. ,i : " Personal Finance Co. Room 125 New Bligh Bldg. Phone 3181 318 State St. (Lie. S-122-M-185) PRIVATE MONEY , to loan on firtt mortgsgts. See I F. H. Weir REALTORS 1247 S. Ccmmercial. Ph. 9411 $ $ lilONEYF$ We mske all types of persons! loans Including furniture, note and car loans, for any worth while Cause. We also make. real estate loans and buy real estate contracts.- For quick and effi cient service see or phone STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 4121. 153 S. High, Salem Lie. S 216-M 222 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 5fH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE . U M 159 LOANS i Money for good real estate loans. Quick service and low Interest rates. CKAS KUDKINS ft SON. 273 State St Phone 94S4 Room and Board SLEEPING ROOMS for 1 or 2 peo ple. Also board if desired. 172 Marion. For Rent Apartments FOR RENT "Upstairs apt in Brooks. Mrs. MoUy Pyett Brooks. For Rent Houses WILL Exchange rental on mv 4 rm. house In Portland' for equiv. in Salem, Ph.- 4743) or $594, For Rent CANYON Drive de-luxe beach front apts al. ranges refrie., showers, fne places. Make reeerv. for fall now. De Lake. Ore. . Ph. 201. ' FOR RENT Secretarial service, desk space; phone and mail service, callers hartdled. few private offices. Opening November 1st. 175 South Hih St Ph. $-1834 for appt CASH Register for rent Ph. 5419. TRUCKS for 1 rent Tou dnve Me- Cune Lovell ohone few Wanted to j Rent SMALL furnished apartment for em-. ployed couple, within walking distance of town. Am. ; No. 3, basement. First Notional Bank Bldg. ) - REFINED elderly lady desperately needs 3 rm. pert furn. apt Ph. 2-1028. VETERAN and wife 1 urgently need small furn. bouse or apt No children. Permanent Ph. $-4079. f i WANTED by responsible profession al man, wife, 9 children, furn. -hour or apt for months. Will take good care ef property. Ph. 41TI. ext 363. Mr. Johnson. in -.. . - WANTED: 9 or 9 bed rm hae. in er near Salem by discharged army air corp captain who is state employee. Pb, tm or $709 after $ p. m. RETURNED veteran, wife and child need furn. house or apt. Permanent. References. Ph. , 117 J, t Independence, collect . -;'4j ' -1 WANTED: Small furn. house or apt for one or two middle aged women . Excellent ret. Ph. 466L . RETURNED Servlcemaa and wife desire small furn. apt or bouse. Per manent. No children or pets. Ph. 2-1582. RETURNED Veteran derfree bed rro. bouse. Burl L. Cox. Ph. 23144.- . - ' FLOOR - SANDClt ree rent -Stenf eoroery Ward 1 j . j , ; , GOOD Used Piano. L. Stiff aMSBBBSBiaBSSBsaBswsBBsSBaaBBaBSSsaaasaBBSssBssssssa mmmmmmmmmmtm 1 5 . t , i )