The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 21, 1945, Page 9, Image 9

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    A OXtSCrOXt STATESMAN. Salem, Orecm, Sunday Morning, October 21. 1943
, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dichen pictured just after their mar- '
' . riage which - took place in the Emmanuel Mennonite ;
church at Pratum on Friday, October 12. Mrs. Dichen, the
former Sarah Gerig, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nichol
. ous Gerig and her husband is the son of Mrs. Rose Dichen,
Silverton. Mr. Dichen has since been discharged from
the amy after several years overseas. (Kennell- Ellis
photo). '.-.V: ' - jv f ,
Geographically, Europe at Worlds
Economic Crossroads, $aysDr. Maser
"Although Europe . and Ger
many be smashed to smither- -ens,
not one but both will coma
back," Dr. Clifford E. Maser,
professor of busmen administra-
.. - :. .u ' I
Leaders Will
Meet Tuesday
The second meeting of the
leaders training course of the
YWCA will be held Tuesday af
T:30 at. the YW. Mrs. Esther Lit
tle, executive secretary will pre-
The first i session ; was held,
Tuesday, attended by Mrs. Carl
Halverson, Mrs. Floyd McNall,
Miss Ruth Barber, Mrs. Charles
Price, Mrs. Howard Post, Mrs.
Harmon Garrett, Miss Anderson, -Miss
Johnson, Miss Kayser, Mrs.
David Brown, Mrs. Allen, Miss
Rita Wolfe. j
The AAUW rteest j gnduU
group will meet at tke home of
Mrs. Philip McKinlay. 1820 Fir
street Tuesday. Co-hostess will
be Mrs. Ed Fountaine. Miss Mar
Jorie Tye. home demonstration
agent will speak db "gifts from
the scrap bag." Those attending
are asked to bring sdsaors and
paper to make pattern.
Mrs. Donald Nagel ad
Lawrence David, arrived by
plane Thursday night from the
south, and will stay here at the
David Cameron home for an in
definite visit They came from
Avon Park, Fla, by way of San
ta Monica, where she visited
Mrs. A. Krumtry. Lti Nag el Is
stationed now at Tampa, Fla. "
- The Central WCTU wUI meet
Tuesday, October 13 With Mrs.
J. J. Nunn, 940 N, lth at This
is a called meeting for sewing at
,10 a. m. There will be m sack
lunch and special business
slon at 2 p,. nu
- e
You'd be surprised
burs diamonds this
resembles the Grand
tral Station a little smaller .
of course but thru these
portals pass hard-working
farmers, war plant workers,
bankers, janitors., window
washers, clothing store
owners, ministers, auto
dealers, housewives, office
workers, cannery help and .
in fact people from . every
walk of life have learned
that this., i th diamond
center of Salem We love
'em all, because they help
to pay the rent i
I Jackson
X2J NoT Uberty Opposite Goldea Pheasant
tion at Oregon State college, told
Salem branch, American Asso
ciation of University Women, at
its first meeting of the season
Monday.; Persons Interested in
peace would do Well to try to
raise Germany 'a morals rather
than attempt to hold her down
economically,-is his theory. if
Geographically, Europe has
advantages over every other
continent, he maintained. From
the preva ijirig westerly winds
which wash regular rains as far
inland as Moscow to the fact
that the cheapest of water trans
portation is at her door, natural
advantages make Europe a cen
ter for population and for trade,
Dr. Maser, who lived and studied
there for several years in the
1930's, declared.
- ;t
During the business session
which proceeded the talk, the
following committee chairmen
reported: Mrs. Guy Hickok. ra-i
dio; Mrs. Arthur Bone, Span
ish classes; Mrs. Robert Wilson;
preschool; Mrs. Preston Dough-
ton, ; school age; Mrs. Frank
Burlingham, study groups; Mrs.
I. A. Jelderka and Mrs. J. Parker
LJneberry. literature groups, Mrs.
Eleanor Stephens introduced the
Music was furnished by Mrs.
Frank Burlingham, who sang
"Pray for Peace," accompanied
by Miss Alice Crary Brown.
Mary Elizabeth
Kells .
i WaUor Hall
Tnesday. Oet. tS. IMS
Admission SLM (Us Included)
1:15 TM. Students Se
TickeU en sale at WUl'a Mesie
Store and Jamlth Msste 8tore
Jewelers J
ft Zooki ftow .
. it'll be furs at the
club annual fashion bridge Monday night It
would pay a person to buy a ttcket and be
able to say, "why of course, we touched one
of those coats once. Incidentally, one of the
coats was sold off the back of a model dur
ing the dress rehearsal.'' A . j )'
Not far from borne ... . Next; time we see
a picture starring Pat O'Brien j we'll watch
carefully to see if in making love to the hero
ine he is doing It half heartedly. He should
his wife is much more attractive than the ,
youiKj things they put opposite him in the
movies. On her visit here she wore the
cutest checked Jacket made;! with short
sewed-in belt and an inverted pleat in back.
High speed;. . . Sitting j across from an
olcHriend at the AAUW luncheon Saturday
we innocently inquired about the health of
, her mother, who had been ill;; The reply
Models to
Show New
Fur coats will be the feature at
the annual Junior Woman's club ;
fashion bridge ' scheduled for .
Monday night at the Woman's
clubhouse Miss - Isabel Childs,
city editor of The Oregon States
man, will be commentator -for
the show, which will also Include
hats and sports clothes. I .
- iTo preview that show Miss
Childs reveals that; ; j
I, Tall, dark; Elmo Undholm
wears a silver fox scarf; -
i A grey Bombay . . . looks like
Krimmer ... only one of the
coats chosen by fair Donald
vTiny and blonde with a
bronzed western ; complexion,
Mrs. Waldo Ott earned that
more fur coats are made for tall
women than for short, but in
leopard and blue : and j silver
rouskrat she proves that little
women can wear furs.
i Mrs. Howard Cookie models
silver rouskrat, too; j
k The coat anyone would like to
wear, an ermine, is one of those
selected by Mrs. Calvin Kent
Mrs. William Haskin heads the
committee in charge of the show.
' t .
I Alumnae ef Kappa, Kappa
Gamma will meet with Mrs. Bra
zier Small on Monday; at 8
o'clock. A dessert supper will be
served. All visiting Kappas and
newcomers to the city are in
vited. ' A ' : - j
$ 1 :- i !
I Mrs. Emmar Grief will be host
ess at her home, 1975 Maple
street Wednesday, iior members
of the north section of the Wom
an's guild of the First Congre
gational church. The meeting,
to begin at 2:30 will be for sew
ing for the bazaar: . ;
?. M-fA v . safe-!
4 1 3 j
'SI: ' r : -VV
s P I I It- ...!.-
ibi s "is
Smart: Shop
Junior Woman's
Chapter AB of PIO. with Mrs.
S. C. Richards and Miss Lois
Latimer. 1240 N'erth Hat street.
VFW auxiliary. P-m. at ball.
Daughters of St. ZUzal
Paul's Episcopal church, si
L.h houss 1 n m . aalad lunet
Central WCTU. with Mrs. J. J.
Nunn. 940 North 19th st. It aja.
. patriarchs Militant, eara party,'
, 1 p.m, IOOr haU.
. - Sons f ' Union Veterans an4
auxiliary, with Mrs. E. B. Per
rine,' tM covered dish dinner.
i Eastern Star Social afternoon
! Club, Red Cross sewing, all day.
I i AAUW recent Rraduates. S p.m
-with Mrs. Philip McKinlay. 1SZS
Fir St.
Presbyterian Woman's assort -tion.
KaecuUre ooard. 1 P-nu.
Business meetlnf S pjn.
i j Waeonda Community club, all
day, with Mrs. Robert Fromm.
i Business meeting. Knight Me
morial church Woman's reuowship,
S p.m.
North section. W Oman's guild
ef First Congregational church,
with Mrs. Emma Orter, 1T Ma-
j-pl street. S0 pjn.
J Nebraska club auxUiarr, with
Mrs. . Leonard Gllkejr. til South
Liberty street, all day.
i Sojourners, dessert luncheon
at the woman's dubhouse.i p
for reservations phone J717.
Mrs. Benson Is
Glub Hostess
Mrs. Lw V. Benson was a host
ess on Friday night to members
of ; her dub. The group was in
vited to dinner, and later cards
Were In play.
Members of the club are Mrs.
William Mott, Mrs. Kenneth Bell,
Mrs. William Stacey, Mrs. Ralph
Campbell, Mrs. Hal , Wiley of
Jefferson, Mrs. FrahkV. Prime
and Mrs. Benson. Special guests
Friday were Mrs. John Beakey
ahd: Mrs. Harry Schenk.
Mr. BJchard D. Devfne ef Pert
land and Tillamook who was a
Japanese prisoner taken on
Guam, has been a Salem visitor
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Parker during the past
Slim, exquUitdjr
tailored classic
., of Cariye's famous
100 wool
i Jersey in soft pas-; ;
tela, fastened with
- tiny metal collar- .
buttons. Note ihe in
' imitable Carlye shoulders
' and wkittled waist.
...Open a Charge -Account
. Use our lay-a-way Plan
...Buy on Contract .
the better' things
was, "don't ask about her, ask about me
. . she keeps me worn out, goes to the '
Monday club that meets on Tuesday, and
the Thursday club fhat meets on Wednes
day, fust got back from Spokane and is now
threatening to go to San Francisco, left her
at home with thro grandchildren,! maybe
they. will tame her." What is this older gen
eration coming to anyway it won't be like
that when Tm old. I
, t : . ' . :
Also at the luncheon ... The young son
of one of the luncheoners, who has attended
faculty wives affairs asked if "all those
women are professor's wives" . . , Two of,
those "hats'' the ladies wear got tangled up
and had to be removed before they could
be separated. It occurred to us that they
might be mounted and hung over the mantel
just like a couple of locked antlers to show
to all comers. '. Maxine Buren
Miss Huntington
Going Overseas
On November 5 Miss Shirley
Huntington, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Hollis Huntington, will
port in Washington, D. C,for
training in overseas service with
the American' Red Cross as a
'staff assistant hi recreatio;
Miss Huntington Is an Oregon
1 Nepali Suits $j7 : ) i I
1085 . im Jl '5A
10" Ui" A AV ( ,
Faire vnarteat eliheuette Inter. I I "
preied In aeft weeis e riex eeterv T J ' yl
1 riuid 0nee, easy eneutdera, ente ; y ' j
! 'C f manners. Misses sine. I Vll ' '!
I' H Coat Classics !
' 1 i- 1 .'- '- .- :'U i' 'J':!
: I y ChesterfUlda aa. betted cat- f l
V " uale wtth the new asaaaw leek rw J V ' ,
ef eft ensMldsrs awwl dropped w, I 1 - .
J? t armtMlee . . SiperMy taHerad f m-01 I ' ' "v
and alatad fer ae important I 1
f 2i relefle yewr wardreba. tlaea I
,.: ."r vV-W-!nfc J '.'JL f :
:Girlsciassies i 'Ca). .
. 1095 1695 ( S .0--
. i tears has si wonderful variety, N. I vw, j 1
I I j ' smartness and quality for audi T .; j -f I " I
I a low price. Singie er douWa ; I . . I I 1 . I
. breasted elassics, belted wrap- . 1 . 1 l
1 aroMMde and dressy eeete le the ! i . -i 1 j U I -
; ' 484 State Street , I". jl V lfc) ti i
K Salem, Oregea ') j ';( ' J ; t VvL K 'Ji ;V ! '
"SaUsfacUen Guaranteed er 1 jf -: 1 rJ i IT . ,
Miss Mary Elizabeth Kells,
who will appear in a full;
evening's program at Walt
er hall on Tuesday night at
8:15. Miss Alice Crary
Brown Is accompanist
graduate and member of Gam
ma Phi Beta and is Spinster.
She recently went to San Ftan
cisco with bee mother where ar
rangements were made for her
oversees duty- I -
Miss Hetene ftchalts e EoU
'Acres will fly to Spokane today
to attend the Northwest Florists
convention. She will be gone
until the middle of the week.
Miss. Kells
To Sing at
4 Interest Is Increasing In thej
program which Miss Mary Elia-J
abeth ells isarrangingfor)
Tuesday night at 8:15 o'clock at
Waller halL The young mezzo
soprano has made, several , ap
pearances this summer as church
soloist, but this will be her first
full length program in her home,
town for many years. ' '
! Miss Kells showed great talent
when she left Salem to take fur
ther study in voice and dramatics
: In the east, and those who have
heard her singing this summer
I are looking forward to hearing
r more of her alnging. ;
: i The young singer is the daugh.
" ter of Mr. and Mrs. C A. Kells.
: ! She will be accompanied in the
following program by f Miss Alice
Crary Brown:
l Invscazione di"Orfao JL Pert
Confusa. imarrtta. spiMdrm vorrel
She Never Told Her Lov
Liquid Vent
is only
7 nrt
dBsl dael
Saleaa and West 8alem
vorrei 1
- - i i ' . -: -II
RUtl Htetl from Tb Maid of the .
M1U" AiA
Der Llndenbaum Schubert
Die PoreUe
Wle Melodien sieht es mlr
O UebUche Wanren
U est dour. 11 est bon from "Here-
diade" m n
Chanson Trieste
Vote que le printemps
.Debussy "
ui rapuion
I Know Where Tm Cola
Irish arrH
-Hum has
Her Diddle Did dial
Tne ureen iur
A feast of Lanterns
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Benderseai
of Oregon City will spend the
day at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Wood. Mrs. Wooduil -Mrs.
Henderson are aisters.
Lairg selection In stock
- Custom-built Cards
Should Be Ordered Now
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