PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN. Satan, Oregon, Sunday Morning, October 21, 1943 Miss Nepm Mr. Brown , r Engaged At a" "Welcome Horn Party? held at the Multnomah hotel In Portland , Sunday, Oct 14, an 1 nouncement was made of the bethrothal of M1m Selma Nepom, " daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Manual Nepom of : Portland to Bernard David Brown, son of Dr. and Mrs. Htrry Brown of Salem.; . Miss Nepom j is a member of the younger set of Portland and - Is a student at the University of Washington. She is also a mem ber of Phi Sigma, Sigma sorority. Mr. Brown has Just returned from the European theatre of operations where he was a menv ber of combat infantry unit in the 7th army.. He saw action in the 103rd division in France, ' . Germany, Austria and , Italy. No definite date hag; been set tor the wedding. . ; i : ! Centerpiece1 Noted, Knife- ,: . Fork Dinner Among raost-talked-of table decorations of the week were the October flower and foliage ,' arrangements at Thursday night's Knife and Fork club din ner in the mirror room of the Marion hotel. The tuberous begonias which carried, the orange theme, from the orange and black ribbons which ran down the center of each table, through shade of yellow and rose to deep scarlet came from the gardens of Mrs. W. Frank Crawford. I Brlght-hued leaves In varying sizes were clustered around the low bowls of flowers and the rib bon streamers. Mrs. J. M. Dev ers, Mrs. P. H. SchneU and Mrs. Crawford comprised the com mittee. Women el Ketary are sched uled to meet at the Quelle Mon day for a 1 o'clock ' luncheon. Mrs. Frank Burlingham will sing and W. P. McCullough, professor of forestry, Oregon State college i will give an Illustrated talk on Oregon trees. j "Sewing ! Club Holds Session The Sunshine Sewing club of , Hazel Green held its first- fall ' meeting Wednesday afternoon, October 17th at the home of Mrs. . Hazel Runkle with Mrs. Hattie Van Cleave assisting. 1 1 Mrs. Alvin J. Van Cleave, pre sided over the business meeting and the following, committees were appointed: Flowers, Mrs. Albert Tern, Mrs. Hazel Runkle tnd Mrs. Lena Sanders; - advisory, Mrs. Carrie Gilbert, Mrs. Effie Hob son and Mrs. Elsie Slattum; pub licity, Mrs. Dorothy Wacken. , Plans were discussed for a fe male pie supper and bazaar to be held early in December. Red Cross work will begin at the next meeting at the home of Mrs. Alvin Ji Van Cleave with Mrs. Marvin Van Cleave and Mrs. Effie .Hobson as co-hostesses. - ; Several new members were added to the c lub membership. the First Presbyterian church will hold a board meeting at 1 p. m. and a regular aeaaion at X at the church on Wednesday. The speakerjwHl be Dean. Walker, who will talk on They Say." Virginia Ward Klliett wilt sing. Mlsa Mary McKay wul eater- tain the Spinsters at; her home Monday night i Miss Carolyn Brady will conduct the business meeting at which plans will be made for the coming benefit. The members are to preside at the USO this morning. Miss Florence Duffy is to assist Miss McKay. ,; :;,-' j .'j; 80 janrnera will meet for a des sert luncheon at the Salem Wom an's clubhouse on Thursday at 1 o'clock. Reservations .should be made at telephone 2717. Hostess es will be Mrs. Clarence Wilson, Mrs. E. J. Hazen and Mrs. Oscar Bleckert ... 9SU (M . r Or. Ilarry .A. Brown, Optometrist 184 N. Liberty Street ' (1 4w Married at the GServcds Presbyterian church on Octo ber 12. wera Mr. and Mrs. Ray C Cameron (Mary St John), pictured above. The bride Is tiie dauahterof lit. and Mrs. David L. St John of Gervals and Mr. Camerca is the son of Mrs. I. T. Seely d Portland. OCennell-ElUs photo). Bjoerlinor, Kirsten to Be Here November 1 First in the series of Community Concert association programs for this winter will be that of Juasl BJoerling, lyric tenor and Doro thy Kirsten, American soprano. The program will be given on No yermber 1 at the Salem high school auditorium. .j Bjoerling (pronounced Yoosi Bee-url-ing), was born in Sweden in 1911 and trained at the Stockholm conservatory, entering the Roy al Opera school when 18. A year later he made his debut at the Royal Opera in Stockholm in the role of Don Ottavio in "Don Gio vanni", r After singing leading roles in the operas of Prague, Vienna,' Dresden, Paris and Covent Gar den, London, he came to the United States and in 1937 to 1941 made debuts at the Metropoli tan, Chicago, San Francisco and sang a New York debut recital. . He was re-engaged by the Met ropolitan and appeared on the radio until 1941 when he went back to Sweden. He remained there until 1943 and returned to the United State on October 1, 1945. He appeared a week later as guest on the Ford Sunday evening hour. ; His present transcontinental tour includes some 50 concert ap pearances and includes also ap pearances with the , Metropoli tan and San Francisco operas. Dorothy Kirsten, second artist on the program, is American born, native of New Jersey who . was educated in the public 'schools of her home city. In 1939 she. went to Europe to study and in 1941 made her debut with the Chicago Opera company as Mu setta in "La Boheme." Miss Kinten is of Norwegian ancestry, her brother was trumpet player and her two sis ters pianists. Her grandfather, James J. Beggs had toured the world as conductor of Buffalo BUTs band. Admission to- concerts la for membership in the association only.; No tickets are sold during the Mrs. A. B. Kneaa, Mrs. Keith Powell, Mrs. O. K. DeWltt, Mrs R. G. Brady and Mrs. Karl Stei ! wer of Jefferson will be hostess es to Daughters of St Elizabeth on Tuesday afternoon at the par- 'Vtiiwftr 46f suu Street to te Don't lose precious hoars from roar work when yoir gUsscs break. Cirry i "spare" pair with you on Ihe job . . . to sare time sal nitty. Wt will match tout present leases iccer.tely , at small cost i- - - i 1p '( Til' j if. Jsh hall of St Paul's Episcopal church. The meeting, first of the year; will open with a 1 o'clock dessert luncheon. Mrs. Prince W. Byrd is president. s Mr. W. H. Weed henered her bridge club with a dessert lunch eon Thursday afternoon. Special guests were: Mrs. Wilmer Page and; Mrs. Dean Goodman. Mem bers present were: Mrs. W. E. Hanson, Mrs. -Karl Kugel, Mrs. MaxO. Buren, Mrs. Frank Ben son, Mrs. Rex Davis, and the r a-" : J 1 JK ' - : ; .i F1 " tJ I CVCnVOHB'O 7ALC1IHO ' 239 lo 2.90 Hi ' Um Mn9 fty j YffL HojKlsome weaves, beovtiM colors I '1 1 ''''' i';-. i' 'SifSSS : n ivii Miss Findley Tells of Betrothal : I- . : . if -,i .. . , - - f At dessert supper in the home lot, her aunt, Mrs. Robert Wulf ! on Friday night. Miss Eioise ! Findley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Findley of Rickreall, announced her en- , gagement to Mr. Stanley T. ; HomeSvood of Bristolville, Ohio. r The bride-elect is graduate of Willamette university and n Newberg DelU PhL Mr. Home wood I has recently been dis charged from the marine corps. Attending ; the announcement party were Mrs. Harry Scott, , Mrs. Robert Findley, Mrs. Craig 1 Coyner, Miss Mary McKay, Miss i Janice Patterson, Miss Virginia j Case, '.Miss Betty Randall, Miss Margaret Hughlet, Miss Jane ! Findley, Mrs. M. B. Findley and ' Mrs. Wulf, the hostess. ! Californian Is (Visitor s , ! ' : p t "- '.' . - Miss Franz Doerfler of Houy wood, who has been visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Martin DoerfltrfMr th past i three ! weeks, greeted old friends - at the home of Mrs. Duane Gib son on the Wallace road on Thursday night . ' . . Mrs. Gibson was hostess at! a ' dinner for Miss Doerfler and her sister, Mlsa Margaret Doerfler of Waldo Hills. Afterwards the group went to the airport to see Miss Frans Doerfler off for Hol- ; lywood. At the dinner, party were the ' two Misses Doerfler, Miss Lucille Jaskosld, Mrs. George Mangue of Modesto, arho Is visiting with her mother, Mrs. O. D. Bower here, Mrs. J. Wesley Hansen Jr. and Mrs. Gibson. Mrs. Gibson attended a picnic dinner attended by members of the Doerfler family on Sunday. ' ' ' . ' i Shbwer Honors r Bride-Elect " j Miss Dorothy Mann, bride elect of Mr. Arlo Young was hon or guest at a shower given at the Hoyt street home of Mrs. John Dypy. After a shower was giv en, the hostess : served j dessert supper. . Those honoring Miss Mann were Mrs. Oscar Mikkelson, Mrs. Harvey Reinke, Miss Reda Vice, Miss Verta Burnette, Miss Zor ita Jackson, Mrs. Dupy, Mrs. B. M. Gravelle, Mrs. Warren Lawrence, Miss- CUudine Bark off, Mrs. Bob Beagle and Mrs. Floyd Morgan, i ontgomery I 1 f s; Miss Hazel Cooper, daughter ci Mr. and IMrs. CfT. : Cooper whose engagement to Mri Kenneui Roy Hallman, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hallman of Pordand was an ' nounced Ihis week in Portland. . ' i Miss Cooper Engaged i - . Mlsa Hazel Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C T. Cooper of 1020 Cross street told of her en gagement to Mr. Kenneth Roy Hallman, son of Prof, and Mrs. W. R, Hallman of Cascade Col lege, Portland. The announce ment was made at a party at the Hallman home. Miss Cooper is a Junior at Cas cade college, and a graduate, of Salem high school. Mr. Hallman, a pharmacist mate third class in the- navy is aboard the hospital ship USS Rescue. He was at home on leave and attended the announcement party. (College friends of the engaged couple made up the guest list Going from Salem for the announrement party were Miss Carol Cooper and Mrs. CT, Cooper.! Another sister, Mrs, Paul Weddle of Portland was also present. '. No date has been set for the "1 4 V 2 . I f f - I wedding as Mr. Hallman return ed to his ship. Mr. airs. A. D. Wsedasaa- gave a birthday dinner and line party Friday for their daughter Ann on her 12th birth day. The dinner table was dec orated in pink and white. Ann's friends Ann and Elizabeth Gil bert, Jean and Nancy Lidbeck, Helen Calahan, Anita and Helen Albrich, Catherine Siegmund, Joan Windlshar, Catherine Me CormacJc and Sharon Rothen Guch were her guests. efi & ' ;j " ' , . I . ; :S LOoKj "1: Yfm . . f - . .... . - ;-- William Roth On 80th Birthday Today Relatives and old friends of Mr, William Roth have been In vited to an open house to be held In honor of his 80th birth To Feature g Organ at Recital A program of general inter est is the recital on October 28, at which time the music depart ment of the First Evangelical church wul present the church, ' organist, William Fawk; in red tal, assisted by Josephine Albert Spaulding, mezzo soprano, , and Elizabeth Lewis Jepson, pianist Mr. Fawk has chosen numbers ranging from Bach to the mod ern composers to show the pow er; brilliance and new soft stops added to the recently modernized organ. ,: The organ has been greatly en larged, with five new stops add ed, making It one of the most beautiful and complete instru ments in the city. .. Mrs. Spaulding, mezzo sopra . no, will open her group with an ' aria from the oratorio "St. Paul" . and will sing a second group of familiar numbers. Mr. Fawk wfll accompany her. Mrs. Jepson, who left Salem seven years ago to study further, has been a teacher in Benita School for Boys In San Diego. She was soloist with the Salem Philharmonic several years ago. She and Mr. Jepson have recent ly returned to live in Salem. There will be no charge made for the program, but a silver of fering will be taken. Dr. j and Mrs, Jaeaes Edgar Payne of San Francisco and chil dren, Katherine and James Ed gar, jr, are here for a visit with Mrs. Payne's mother, Mrs. Ton- goe Monger and brother, Mr, Harrison McElroy Munger. Dr. Payne will return home in a few days, but his family will remain for an extended visit. Youvw bean looking for these! WetJ tailored cottons-nIceJy finished ond sensibly priced. Corafortabb tfxrN waists! Easy-to-tron burton frontsl All n aay. ! aay prints. 14-20. ' 3&4i. ont gomery day,' at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellstrom from 3 .to 5 o' clock' today. ' j :: Patsy Ellstrom, grahddaugh . ter, will greet guests at the door. Mrs. FJfstront has arranged bronze chiysanthcmums and r""f tapers In j the rooms. . The table wul be centered with a large tiered birthday cake lighted by 89 candles. Mrs. Hvin Herr will cut her father's1 cake. Mrs. W. A. Roth will pour and MrsJ John Roth with cut the ices.! Mrs. Paul Riensche, a granddaughter, will pass the guest book. . Serving wul be Mrs. Marvin Lelxy of Portland, Mrs. Shirley Roth and Miss Carmen Roth. Mr. Roth has been a fanner in the Pratum district since 1890 when ha came here with his brothers and sisters from Switz erland. Although he retired many years ago, he still has farming interests in the vicinity of Pratum.' , , ,,. , ' His brothers and sisters are Theodore Roth, Salem, Mr. Charles Roth of The Dalles, Mrs. Mary Broer and Mrs. Bertha Barnett of Salem. He has nine sons and daughters. JsGfi I.UIW R HAvmtlPiP I V MOVSAMSt aoer is acre f-" MnV Jfh to fceU jo TiXdXii Cosscaisad jHSr5 Kckiia. f fKJ MILLER'S s Ward i