s PAGE SIXTEEN The OREGOK STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Sunday Morning. October 21. 1945 - I 4-? '1 $ iv. ; k i; I r 4. if i. . i !l r- r j. Travel Proble Year By Tyain to Remain m Into Coming I WASHINGTON, Oct. 20.-W-Don't look for an casing of train travel conditions until at least January -The . association of American railroads expects about 2,000,000 ; service, men to return from abroad during" the remainder :6t October and. No vember. It says .the monthly volume may be even" greater ' in December. , . ' ' ;- . . - ., -i;-. l , In addition to Jiandlihg incoming" troops' and takinrf care l ordinary troop movements with ta the country; the railroads will have approximately 400,009 Ger -man and Italian prisoners of war to move to Atlantic ports for ship ment home within the next six months. - Also there . will be about 50,000 British soldiers, former prisoners -of the Japanese, who will have to feei moved from west coast ports to east coast ports for transporta tion to England. j Army-Navy Team: LL Col. Tim othy Mtjlnerny is! slated to become public relations director for the Justice department, filling j a va cancy which has existed since ear ly summer, when' Charlie Malcolm on resigned. ! 1 Mclnerny, veteran Boston news paperman, srved with General MacArthur. Recently he has been on special assignment at the Pen tagon. , ' . One of Mclnerny's assistants will be Lt Cmdr. Sam Reddick of the navy. Reddick, a native of Smith- field, Van will go on the Justice department payroll sometime after Nov. 28, when his terminal leave! jf Friday of a number of resolulions on the subject 'Although pretty, academic to the GI who has stopped shooting, the date is important because of the wartime legislation which hinges upon it. 'y - j"- Home by Christmas?: 'Rumors persist! on Capitol Hall that Sec retary of the Navy ji Forrestall grants to return to private life possibly before Christmas. ' John Li' Sullivan, assistant secretary, of the navy for air, is considered jt good bet as a successor. I Surplus primer: Many veterans are running into frustrating tan gles when they .try to buy sur- 8 2 Hostilities'. End: ..Congress Is moving closer to setting an of ficial date for the end of hostil ities. ' , j ' A house fadiciary subcommit tee will begin consideration next. Photos For Xnias 1 BY STUTZMAN I Hi-Life Studio i ' New Location 180 N. Commercial t , Room 6 -1 plus War goods. Mostly it's be cause they've never been proper ly informed where to go, how; to get certified as a purchaser, etc V To ifut this to a minimum, suri plus property administration soon will issue , a ."primer? explaining the hows and wheres in simple termsi - '-.,i. . .... :. .... .:, ; It's worth it: Robert D. Coghill of , the agriculture - department figures that the $20,000,000 worth of penicillin plants in the United States: and Canada produce only nine pounds of pure penicillin a day. But it's enough to treat ap proximately 250,000 serious cases a m uth. Production cost, however, has declined steadily. The first quot ed price was $20 for 100,000 units. By April, 1944, it was down to $3.25. By last August it was 59 cents. ; ! WHEAT MEETING PLANNED - PENDLETON, Oct 20.-)-The 18th anniial meeting of the East- USE ( AS, Cold Preparations; Liquid, Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops Use Only as Directed: i . 1 era Oregon Wheat League will be held here Dec. 5-7, President Lloyd E. Smith, Mayville, said yes terday. - f TO REBUILD FISH LADDER PORTLAND, Oct ; 20.-(ff)-Re-construction of the-fish ladder at ICE CBEAII is only . qi. Saving Center Salem and West Salem Sheraf's Falls on the; Deschutes river was started yesterday by the state fish commission. iThe $2500 project is the second of nine sim ilar jobs to be completed this biennJum. . ' ' i UillamBife Univcrriiv r A Full Year of CoUctje Wcrii n STARTDXQ vJDcloBer 25, 1345 : LUoeral Arts Music Law , For admission write Director of Admissions Willamette University, Salem, Oreroa I V J DR. SEMLER Credit Dentist Are missing oqd defective teeth keeping you from really enjoying I your meals? Do you "nibble and j munch" when you should "chew and crunch?-' If so the time has come to consider, the New Trans parent Palate I . Dental Plates, Their exceptional Lightweight and 'Velvety-Smooth' Construc tion give Added Comfort, yet they are sturdy , enough, with plenty of chewing power, to serve the hardest bifers. Learn from' your dentist the many advan tages of these ; new-style Dental Plotes . . . wear them for New Eotfng Pleasure. X : - VI'. ,. I M .1 ; Ask Your Dentist to show you samples of the' New Tronsporent i Palate Dental Plates . . . leam how they are created to copture the - hues and effects of Nature's Own Teeth and Gums: They are so. I Natural in Appearance, you can wear them without fear of embar- ltk tassment . . . styled and fitted to help restore the "Pleasinfl Expres- Tsit sion of Youth' ' - i A .ff ' Deatist ' j WOT ; -v. I mm L" ' T1CT0XT . i u . .. . ; ,. .. ... J: ' K J JVU l Wear Your Denial Plates IMMEDIATELY Alter Your Teeth Are Extracted . . f Avoid the embarrassment? eric) Inconvenience of 'Toothless Days." Take advantage of "IMMEDI ATE RESTORATION" Service, that enables you to wear your plates Immediately after your teeth are extracted. Saves precious working hours. FmrtUulmrlf tUemmiudtd tor FerseM lm TmhUm LU0, Mmh JrM, t- ; tmrrm, Behmmi Tmmehmrm, te. V- - - i v i ; : VATERS-ADOLPH DLDG. 'l " " I I . 1 - ' ! ' t' , i - 7 - - "...!-- i i , ; You'll Find It At Penney 's! . ft. ,- f - 1. 1 ' -1 III ' ' t - - . . Ntyf ! ' , - .-, 1 ;; . 4 1 i 1 i ; ; - ; l ' 1 H Whether it's a back-to-college wardrobe or the first j?TA meeting you have in mind an all purpose all wool coat is right. Around-the-calendar styled. Soft, warm fleece fabric styled in the new tip collar. "Raglan" sleeves. Another feature its bud get price, A coat that goes around the town with the greatest of casual ease. All wool fab ric in suedes and fleeces. Box or fitted styles. Selec tion of rich fall colors........ WOMEN EXPECT A LOT FROM A Classic Soils mm 1X19 to 0.98 And they have every rirht to whea they're weariBf ene of Penney' Ca lots, berets and softie bits flatter snub noses and sophisticates alike! Nice with nits r afternoon dresses, and at rach a pleasinf price yovll want sev eral la year favorite colon. ! There's a sew salt waiting for yosi at Penney's now one that wtU salt yea perfectly, serve yea Ion and well. Stripes, cheeks and lorely solid colors. Also Cardicaa rt-lines. 1 1 a m . ' - SB'- a . a f:V .717.' :7V..? I r I j . -..1- ! .i-i,:.I J - iv.. ; 1 i 1