J KM PAGE FOURTEEN Thst OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Sunday Morning, October 21. 1945 1' if 1 " i i Sv 4 ' - j ' T, i I Days Guests Return Home ' Calif ornUns Leave 7 After Mill City VaeaHoj- rj.y v ;'r ''MILL CITY " Mr. and Mrs. j Guy Newbre and Mrs. Laura -s ", Eplinf have returned to their home In Los Angeles after a 12--'v'ttax visit at the Charlie Day home v..' and with other relatives. Mrs, ' Newbre is a sister of Mrs. Rosa Day. Sunday, Mr. and i Mrs. Day, their house fuests, Mrs. Rosa Day, Betty & Richard Class, Mr. and Mrs. Morris and Billy were in McMinnville at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hammond. Recent arrivals in Mill City ln- elude a seven pound 14 ounce daughter, Shirley, born October 9 - -at the Wilcox Memorial hospital in Portland, to Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Veness. A son was born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Miller (Viv i, ian Shelton). Mr. and Mrs. Mar ion Branch became the parents of a daughter September 28 at a Lebanon hospital. They , formerly ,,- lived in Mill City. " Mrs. Paul Cree entertained 0c tober 16 after school with a party . for her daughter, Shirley Jean, on her 8th birthday. The .guests "played games and refreshments were served. Present were Shir ley Jean Cree, Carol Jane Blazek, ..Patricia Cree, Joan Turnidge, t Betty Lou Cree, Joan Johnson, . Frances Johnson, Donnie . Cree, Luther Nicholson, Bobby Cree, Mrs." Hubert Wagner, Mrs. Walt er Nicholson,! Mrs. George-Cree and Mrs. Paul Cree. i ... ; Dorothy Higdon and ' Linda Sheffstall of Salem have spent , he past week at the S. G. Higdon home, j . ! - - Charlie Powelson and ; Hubert Wagner recently received their - . discharges from the navy and are now at. their homes in Mill City, S. G, Higdon has replaced W. E. Councilman fs night watchman at the Mountain States Power Co. Guests Sunday of Mr. arnd Mrs. Lowell Cree were Mr. and Mrs. I Byron Cooler, Ross and Diane, j Mrs. Mildred McKay, Jean and ' t Cherrie and Mr. and Mrs. Wade !' Dickinson, all of Salem.' -- Lincoln Club1 Ppens Season LINCOLN Mrs. R. J. Hackett was hostess for the first fall meet ing CI the Lincoln Ladies Good will club, Thursday. Mrs. Chris Youngen was co-hostess. ; Pastel tinted gladioluses were used as decorations about the guest rooms, ,Mrs. Nels " Yenckel . conducted the meeting- and was re-elected president. Mrs. Henry Phillips was elected vice president, Lois Craw ford secretary-treasurer.' ;' - . Sick committee members for the year are Mrs. Lois Crawford, Mrs, ' Chris Youngen and Mrs. Harold . Burns - ' ! Supper committee for the first community club meeting October 25 will be Mrs. L. I. Mickey, Mrs, : Peter Badtings, Mrs. Ben McKin- ney. The group contributed to ward a box to be sent toi Norman' Smith, recently injured and home Xor, many weeks. , , Mrs. I. R. Utterback Invited the - group to her home for the Novem ber meeting. She will be assisted by Jeannie Smith. i szxxuimpuMKVk : L mmcsvnrnvcxncit nojicT-ftxnoiiAi a$zustmimsi TtAoms Co-op Ilarkci IIdvs Apples! - Apples! Apples! It It apple bobbing time, k If you - haven't - visited the Co-op Market lately, you will enjoy the apple display. Many colors and sizes. The predomi nating varieties now are Ba nana, Spitz, Grimes Golden, Jonathan, Kings and Delicious, with a few each of several other varieties. " . - - i ; - t " ' The apple crop is a i little short this year so better buy a supply now or at least get your order in. It is still good advice to plan on an apple a day to keep the doctor; away. J PEAKS . 1 ' Cornice pears are , at '. their best These are good for salads and, when fully ripened, make very - good preserves. ; Look them over, '"'"',' POULTRY AND EGGS There is a little better sup ply now of dressed poultry and fresh eggs than there has been during the summer. Mrs. Box's fryers are recognized . as. No. 1 in flavor. and texture, jj v Quotations at Portland Livestock PORTT.AVn Or.. Oct. -20 (API itrsDAl Salable cattle for week. 2777: calves 603; compared week af o general market 23 h Iff her, roost cows 90 up with instance 1.00 above last weeks low time, grass calve steady but vealera stronger, very few stockers went rout; bulk meaium-gooa sieers .uv.au; few 16.75: and top 17.00; common grade 10.50-ll.5O: stoefcers 10 00-11.50; common-medium heifer 9.50-14.00. light heifers to 14.50; canner-cutter cow lata 6.50-8.50; shelU down to 5.00; fat dairy type to 10.00; merium-good beef cows 10.50-12.00; few to 12.90 and over; medium-good sausage bulla 9.50-10.S5; good beef -bulls 11.00-11 00; odd head to 12.63; good-choice vealers 13.50-14,00; few 14.90; grass calves 13.00 down. Salable nog for week wo; compared week ago. market unchanged except feeder pigs around BO lower. Barrows and gilts 19.80; sow 19.09; ceilings tags 14.90 to 13.00; good -choice feed er pigs 17 00-18.00; early top 18 50. salable sneep xor wees: i; umm strong to 29 higher, ewes 29 to SO up with light receipt factor In trade, good -choice wooled lamb 12.25-79; early top 13,00; shorn lambs 11.30; common-medium woolskln 9.00-11 JO: good yearlings S.00-50; 'good ewes 4.00-90; young ewes to 1 00; common down to - ; , Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore., Oct, 20 (AP) No wheat futures or cash grain quoted, i Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1.60; oft white (excluding Rex) 160; white club 1.60: western red 1.60. ! Hard red winter: Ordinary ISO; 10 per cent 1.60; 11 per cent 1,64; 12 per rnt 1 SS. ' i Hard white bsrt:VOrdinarv 1.60; 10 per cent 1.62; 11 per cent 1.63; 12 per cent i.m. . I Today' car receipts: Wheat S; bar lv 2: oats I; millfred 3. Portland Produce 1 PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 20 AP Hitter AA prints. 46-46'ic. cartons. ar'.-JP1c: A rrade ortnts. 49Va-46c: ixtbns, 45-45c; B grade prints, -45iC , Butterfat First Quality, maximum of of 1 per cent acidity, delivered In Portland. 32-52lc; premium quality, maximum of JJj of 1 Der cent acidity 53-3Uc; vallev routes and country by points, 2C less man ursi or u-o-,c. i v semnz Drice io roruina re tailers r Oregon triolets. 29.86c; loaf, 30.46c lb.; triplets to wholesalers. 28 3c: loaf. 28.5c lb. delivered. Eggs To retailers: AA graae, large. Stocks and Bonds October 20 AVERAGES PO 13 IS M Indus Rails Util Stks STOCK Saturday - 86.7 1 Previous day se.o 43.1 w. Week ago 97.3 v44.2 49 4 72 6 ; Month ago--. ... 93 9 43 6 48 1 70 2 Year ago - . n.i w.o jo.i oo.o BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Rail Indus Util Togn Saturday ...100.4 103.9 108.0 74.7 Previous day . loo.z iuj a lua.v n a Week ago - H I 104.0 107.8 74.2 Month ago 98.9 104.1 107.2 73J Year ago 92.8 109.1 106.7 68.4 1945 high .....101.6 105.3 74.1 1943 low - '96.2 103.4 106.8 68.1 'New 1945 high. Salem Market Quotations The nrices below suoolled by a lo cal grocer are indicative of the daily market nrlce paid to arower oy sa- lem buyers - but are nov guarsnteeq by The Statesmanr BUTTKK, IUOI AMU ruilLlSI (Sabjerc to ckaage - wiUieat aeUct) BUTTkarAT Premium ; , , .64 No. i Ja No. t ' . : . J tJTTER MINTS ! a .;, B M Quarters ;,. , , ,. .46 EGGS ' j' Extra - large ...L - .53 Mediums .48 Standards .4 Pullets . .30 Cracks j -30 POULTRY i No. 1 colored hens .22 No. 8 colored hens . Jl Colored fry and bake M Yearling iamb .7',i to .8't Ewes U -Va LIVESTOCK (By Valley rack) CATTLE ' Beef steers - .10 to Beef cows .08 to Dairy cows ; .05 to Bulls : .079 to .14 .10 M .10 Veal 8.00 to 13.50 Lambs, top Yearling .- Ewes 11 80 6.00 to 8.50 2.00 to 4.00 . 2.00 , to 9.00 ; 15-49 . 14.85 14.90 Bucks Hogs. top. 108-300 lbs. over 300 ibi. Sows, top . -U'a:.;'-;v.'' .!' ". I i j - - -.i.:. mol i:::-: iuut. vs&za . ntt t : - Falls at Home Take Big Toll; Caution Urged - Falls in and ' around the home took the highest percentage . of the 32,000 deaths . reported as a result of home accidents in this country last year, according to the Oregon Safety Week committee. The committee is sponsoring acci dent prevention activities -throughout -the - state this week. "Of the 32,000 persons killed in home accidents last year, 15,- 000 . died; .in falls on stairs, . off ladders, off make-sTiif t ladders out of wihdows, off steps and in other locations," the committee said. "A survey of home acci dents, made by the National Safe ty council, in cooperation with the National Congress 'of Parents and Teachers, showed that stairs were the chief -location of home accidents." The Oregon Safety Week com mittee urged citizens to check their homes for hazards and to eliminate factors that might lead to accidents. w -. . tvji : ,'. - $ j- . ft - " . :; X. 'v--v - ' -. x JX .: v. J; , 1- L n ! I Portland 59c) A. 57c; A large, 85c; A medium. Site; small (pullet) 42-43C. - uressea ftieais veai aa, z-'.c; a, 21 '.c; B. 19-19' ic; C. 17-17,c: cull. 14 15c lb. Hogs Fancy block. 20c. Lambs, AA. 26c; A, 24.ac; B, : 22,.c; iC, 20c. Mutton Fancy, A, l3ic; ,M, 12c; R grade, 8-1 0c. Beef AA, 21.' grade, a-ioc. Beet AA. Jtlc: a. av'c; B, i83,4c; C. 16c: canner and, cutter, 13-14c; canner and cutter bulls,: 14c. unicxens Buying price of wnoie salers: Broilers. 1 to 2 lbs. 23e: 2 to 3Va lbs.. 25c; roasters over S'i lbs4 15c j colored hens, 22c: Leghora ' bens, 20c; roosters, stags. 14c lb. KSbbits Govenrment ceiling r Aver age country killed to retailers 44c lb.; uvrprice to producters, 22-24c lb Turkeys Basic buying price; Alive 39.2C lb. 1 Onions Oregon dry No. 1, 2.15 50-lb. tack; green. ?3-S5c dozen bunches. Potatoes Deschutes Gems, 100s, 8.40; 25s,' 90c sack: Klamatn Gems. 100s. 3,40; Yakima. 3.00. i Wool Government contnrol. I Cascara Bark Dry stock, 30e lb. Mohair 844 . 12-month. 45c lb. Hay Wholesale rail shipment! Al falfa. No. 2 or better. $34-833; oats, and vetch, mixed hay, valley growers' price, $24; clover bay. $21. baled on farms. rt s nany to ain Market CHICAGO, Oct 20 WiTH Re ports of oats export, business and heavy government Wheat purchase brought about a rally in grab futures today. Wheat, oats and rye regained a cent or more of their recent losses at times, al though most of the best advances were shaded slightly near the fin- It was reported that Belgium would purchase 20,000 tons, or aWit i Ann nnn Kuchai. i : .u """"'f4- in. uai ui uie mmi iuhi &CI UU1 lllg 1h. ti.vt inn nnnVs ' I I .v . iuuhuu, Government purchases of Wheat yesterday were reported at about Auuu.uoo ousneis, including 1.- r C750.DOO or more in the northwest Wheat Closed a to , higher than the previous finish, Dcem- perSl.V5a, COm Was unchanged to 'i UD. Decetfiber 11 18 I oats ' ,4 up, jjeceoer oats Ssvere '.a to higher, December 63-(J2?a. rye was ahead . . mm . centj December S1.58-4,!. and barley was to A off. Decern- per- SI. ID. Buying Support Returns to Mart NEW. YORK. Oct O-Zifn-BuT- ing support returned to the stock i . .. , . market today and enabled selec- ted rails, industrials and utilities to retrieve a portion of Friday's losses.' : - " i -w. ' j - . r I The short session opened with Widesoread declines irunnina- to a , I . , "i point or more in fairly active ifrafinirs Prir ' trin . iffon uu uku, xicnua. tcuniuijr turned upward in th? final quar- blen,tiful at the1 close, advances had the best of the argument rv Tin nnn , Transfers, ot 710,000 .compared MtK 770,000 in the preceding one atreicn twoi weeKS ago; ' Tfce Associated Press 60-stock eomposite was up of a Cpoint it 72.4 on the day but fofe the .1, . il . m. -.d..v.v. - . -uv iHiuuu aS much, first alin.nn i n f ihm I .?-r it i; r"y "v, iv. . i, - rru- i- i - . . There IS nq certain historical information on Poland until; the Export Reno : a a prnig J .J it., iaii. . ..Mmwt F. wuan V WAV A V UI VCUHU Pona-. thu nlain u'av nM silklfabric, originated with j. the ymnese in ancient times. aasslflei AiTcrtMlai I : Statesman I Classified Ads S Call 9101 Three Insertions per line.25c Six Insertions per lin. gft One month per line $L25 Minimum charge 25c; S tL.min- Imam 33c; 6 ti. min. 45c. No ' refund. ' ' j t Copy for this page accepted in til 8:30 the evening before pubUca ;tion ; for classification. ' Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading "Too Lata to Classify. - 1 f The Statesman assumes no finan cial rtsponslbillty for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and In cases iWhere this paper la at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment In which the typographical jtnistske accurs. 1 I The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising It further reserves the right ' to place ail advertising under the proper classification. , A ; -Blind" Ad an ad eonUlnirn a Statesman box number for an ad dress Is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by latter. The Statesman not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind ad. : Livestock and Poultry WORKi HORSES SADDLE HORSES Bar K Stock Ranch Large assortment en hand at all times at very attractive prices. Credit given, any -one. Discount for cash. Guaranteed as represented. Free de - uvery. Harry Kuehoe. Carlton, Or. I Jrw..t-j4: Ml ' !- n.. - . REGISTERED Guernsey or Short vnif tir e . t... ip.. i Iti good condition. Weight lsoo ih, Trace ior a good cow or sell for $ioo. team. Wm. Sheridan, Salem. Rt, a, -v" -w. . ..VWV C .1. wanted: Beet ana canner cows bulla ind veals. WU1 call at farm E. L Snethen, 3570 E. Turner Road rn aiau Morns or eves. WANTED: Fat and canner cows for beet Dairy COWS, heifers, hulls, veal Fat hogs. sows, stags, boars. 'Market price. E. C.-McCandish. rt. 8. box 373. across from ball park 6. 25th. . sisarre miknrm n - . . lbTrhit 24- lb colored -STih wh? ilabh ,t akTnrnr iWlTS S&che'and sTplsS pdif " ShS ,, ,"" ct.rXT'cTTM vw ?M fr.'ft?" SUM.172Z. , j Help Wanted - WANTED: ' Painter, also men and women attendants. New. wage scale now; in effect. Maintenance furnished if desired. Personal Interview prefer red.! Oregon Fairvlew Home, Salem. FILBERT Picker for good second picking for 30 acres, after Oct. 22. Henry Knoche. Dayton, Ore.. Phone 8x10. mile west of Grand Island Junction Store. WALNUT Picking ; wiU start at Skyline Orchards, 4 mi. S. W. of Liberty. Monday. Oct. 22.' Paying 25c a bu. box. plus a Be bonus. jAlMjixkcy Pickers Xenort for work? at o'clock In the morning at ; : rF Washington Creamery Company MURLOCK tt ARLINGTON 8TS . k : . ; WEST 8ALXM WANTED: Cashiers, checkers, food clerks, no exp. nee a sry, good pay to start and during training. Exc. oppor tunity for men between 18 and 40. Sea Ted Medford, Dlst.f Mansger Safeway Stores, , inc. McGilchrist Bldg. Ph. 8611. - TURKEY PICKERS needed. North west Poultryand Dairy, 1909 N. Front. KITCHEN JANITOR. Steady posi tion, good wages. Marion Hotel. . DISHWASHER. The Spa. CAMP Adair, needs wool Dressers. Men or women that can produce can make up to 8100 per week piece work, Inquire Al Schevlair at Quartmaster's Laundry, Camp Adair. , Help Wanted Male CERTIFICATE War Record I col 6rs. sells on sight. Big profits. Free details, i Cardinal. 307 Fifth Ave.. New Yorkt OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS 1 ' Permanency, security, advancement. with xood Income in retail foods. Need a few energetic, dependable, experi enced young men in expanding small chain. Meatmen,, grocers, fruitmenl write details, references, snapshot. Em ployment in Montana and .Wyoming. Write Sawyer Stores. Inc.. BUlingi. MODI, U7 1 XiTT-n. V - ... i station and delivery work. 2320 Fair- rnaL-Jf: railway express want good ?.1bllJnn-Mu! b.f1l to drtv' experience in clerical work. 44 nr. wk. i3!XJI!JIl EXPERIENCED dairyman, pref. sin le man. Wages 8150 mo., plus board and room. Meadow Grove Dairy, rt. 5. box 178. , I nmiw; someone io move rage about JO ft. Phone 9261 during ousines hours. WE NEED MECHANICS for both day and night shifts. Top - wages. Best of working conditions, permanent em ployment See Dewey at Loder Bros. 469 Center street, "Oldsmobile Sales j and Service." "Our 17th year in Sa lem. OregfTn." "Home of Good Used Car. WANTED: Bus boy. straight moni' lng shift steady position. Marion Hotel MEAT CUTTERS WANTED: Excel n,fpPrt"iHs nV, Apply in person to T. M. Medford, Safeway . Dutnct Office, McGUchrist Bia-, ynon r5611 .2 RADIO Repair men with 10 or 15 yrs. on uie oencrt.or eouivaient. Good wages, ihe Marrow. co lS3 8. Liberty I BOD Y MEN and macbanica. Herrall I Owens Co. t - . r I - MEAT CUTTER. 'Also experienced i person, uicasons starlet, so. 12 ui ana racixie , tgnway, Help Wanted Femal uu, aeiuw inopi ana ouuness offices pay well. 'Would you like to rnJia1y1,,u lc"? Don't. sit at home true. Don't miss this. Write today. Carl neJcr rInA student service. Myr LzZ:."::. housekeeper for family of 4. No ?undSri LJy n r-Vt- All or part i lune. fa. wo Kicnmono Ave, p."',7 : woman. Good wages, steady ipositioni Marion i-ioteu I tt UMAiv r iii i in cars iur two cnu J dren -evening whUa -mMher works tarvaa'a r 1 a . a aia S?rd' tS0"! ad 281 Klngwood WANTED: Woman over 30 to man ro'phVieSc. exoerience preferred. - Metropolitan Store. - Ask xor Mr. Fetterman. WANTED: Housekeeper for elderly gentleman. .All modern home. Call 8659. 295 S. 21st. LADY ' to do llsht housework ' and csra for two small children. Ph. 8003 after T.M. or on Sat. ' BEAUTY OPERATOR Wanted. Ben ton Hotel Beauty Shop, Corvallis, Or. EXPERIENCED waitress, aood wages. steady position. Marion Hotel. WAITRESS. The Spa. RELIABLE woman for general house work. Room, board and good wages. Modern country home. Ph. 2-3094. GnUUWANTHTto dren. 148 Union. WANTED: Housekeeper at Catholic rectory. Good wages and good home. Write Box 116, Woodburn. Ore. . FOUNTAIN GPtL. The Spa. WO MEN HELP W ANTED s City 1249 Cleaners. Also checker needed. SUt SL , Situations Wanted WANTED: Wood sawing. 1745 Che- I meketa. I PraSchool Playschool, 1381 Stat I Ages 8-8 Part or all day Ph 8438 WOMAN wants to learn dry clean ing and i pressing. Mrs. D. A. Root 304 Mill St, Dallas, oreg. WILL CARE for babies by week or month, fa. vmo. HONEST hard working man wants , small profitable business. Will consider partnership with a square shooter. 968 center, Mr. Dexter. For Sale Miscellaneous I FOR SALE: Fluorescent desk lamps. I aeai xor siuaeni s siuay aesx. I . YEATER APPLIANCE CO. I i -a-n. -aoeny I ---,-. - H V Paa Ph -43l P.O Box 483 I Elect Refrijf.. all metal, fully eauiooed. ? tires. Fir Crest Trailer Park. N. i rJl".r . j.. j. J . . : Stoye floor boards all sizes NELSON BROS. FURN. f 313 N, Liberty FORT SALE: Small desk. Ph. 6559, bus , uDerty. ... msrLAGECormJK. eBoxZg bi burnS7 1 Sln.1. D1 OUJ?Ixri' as&i fit, -; NTuberl wii FOR SALE: Electric hot plates. Dou- e burner S-jo. NCS CO. Liberty PER,WAR Wu valour davenport llk Alo wood range. Ph. 9623 or S?- P O' l - LE and double Hollywood beds. - ' A'ELSON BROS. FURN, . . .:-4 ? 313 N.iUbexty ; .. ina ncial or Sale . Miscellaneous I LIKE NEW: 7x14 ft. house trailer. 8275. 2083 N. Commercial. , i . WITHSTAND ub and "eatTl' nVveaev- eral breakfast sets rca. 3442 Lee st. v ' MAN'S Full sized bicycle in 1st class cond 133 so. 1144 Center. Ph. 8030. SMALL Uprleht Clarendon ' Blano. i 8250., Phone 2-1183. f - ; BRUNSWICK Table radio, -aood eon. I muan. -""". iv tv nurui ii. . it i : . fine Wool winter I S!c A1f J"h welt fT.1- -u iwKwii, .lunw uiv. ou meo, i size. Woman's fine brown shoes. 'Ph. I 21818. f . FOOD Mixer, lamps, cedar - chert. coffee table, misc. Items. 1590 Jetter- son. . . , .. .,: DeLUXE Iron Dads and covers. Yeat. r AppUanca Ca 255 N. Liberty- St. MEWADavSnorL' aUo bed dav. enport. used mattresses; $3 and Up. Phu - i m'h rirai Pi rTn iT n jijn iiin SPltINO Pilled Trust color! ' daven port S30. 1180 Shipping St, "- - t FT. Refrigerator. 587 Knapp. LARGE almost -new wood circulator. I 2 plate electric stove with even. Ph. 1018.. , s Apples ; . , I Rome- Beauties, reasonable. Three I tnilM north on rivmr rnarf Turn 1 1 on Sunset ava. Drive V mile to end of gravel road. Hancock. Phone 2-4280. ? House trailer, cottage , -j - "0'f type' 1 1984 State h COCKER SPANIEL, male. red. 10 months . old. Reilloc Kennels. Rt. 3, box ill. ICE BOX. box spring, chest of draw- era, ainette table, daveno, 1870 N. Cot tage, upstairs in, the rear. - EL EC. Refrigerator, floor lamp. 2 42-gal. elec. water heaters. 1520 Jeffer son, W.;C. Howard. i LAST CALL. Monday and : Tuesday I are the : list two days of the closing oui saie ox ti. tt. uiu ac uros.. wnoie- l sale Beuticians and Barbers suDDlies. ! Permanent wave . concentrates and I many omer items xor nome use, at your own price. Come early. Basement Miller Here. Co. Bldg.. .Court st. en- l GIBSON REFRIGERATORS On display. We are accepting orders for luture deliveries. NELSON BROS. FURN. 315 N. Liberty i FOR SALE: Girt box and range conaiment sets. , . YEATER APPLIANCE CQ. 259 N. Liberty i j FULLER Brushes. 1748 Grant P.. S35' STOVE repairing tt parts. Woodry's MkW. 1805 N. Slimmer St ALL METAL three-way floor lamps -uom bros. turn. 315 N. Liberty RETNFORCING steel, and mesh, ex - Sansion joints tor- concrete. Oregon (ravel Co.. 1405 N. Front Ph. 3417. 1AWN MOWER - Sharpening a Ad lusting. ; . Woodry's Mkt. 1805 N. Summer St BOSC Pears. Roll in Beaver, up Glen Creek Rd. Ph. 47F2. One used oak buffet 29,00 NELSON BROS. FURN. ; ; ... 315 N. Liberty FOR SALE: Steel wool for cleaning Dots and Dans. j . YEATER APPLIANCE CO. I I . i -255 N. Liberty GOLDEN CROSS SWEET CORN Ted Muller, 2 mi. South of Brunk's corner. Ph. 2-1 190. Bathinettes 'and bassinettes, -i high chairs, nursery chairs, baby beds and lumpers. , - i NELSON BROS. FURN. I ,. 315 N. Liberty - Hawthorne bike, good cond. 2385 N. Front. t . . i AUTOMATIC -as water heaters. Im mediate delivery. Ralph Johnson Ap pliances, Valley Motor bldg. Ph. 4034. r-r' Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unfinished furni ture large assortment or made to or- I der. PicketU Furniture. 13th and Stat. FoXsAlSrinuirHiutte and house numbers. - - YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty 120 BASS 3 switch' accordion. Beau tiful black and whit like new. $475. 1748 s. Cottage. ! Plastic Bakellt dinette sets. Solid' Oak chairs 869.50 NELSON BROS. FURN. I 315 N. Liberty JUST ARRIVED. permanent anti freeze. Firestone stores. Center ac Liberty. Ph. 9144. WOOD Circulator, good cond. Rt 7. Box 126. Ph. 21249. DIAMOND set wedding ring and engagement ring. Box 204 Statesman. SPRINGER Spaniel ' puppies. Avon- dale . strain. Good- type, call mi. ast Liberty . on Rosedale Rd., Rt Box 591. Step and kitchen stools NELSON BROS. FURN. 3a N-IJib;?F , . FOR SALE: Iron and extension cords. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. S 255 N. Liberty C-O-TWO FIRE EXTINGUISHERS RECHARGE SERVICE WELDERS FOR RENT Ox-acetvlene or electric ' VALLEY WELDING SUPPLY s CO. , I 187 S. Commercial FERTILIZER; 980 N, ComX-Ph. 3523. W ATKINS Products. Ph. 2-2413. COPPER tubing and fittings for In suiling ou heater. NELSON BROS. FURN. 315 N, Liberty HOUSE - Trailer, '42 model. Mainline. Will sell cheap. - Ph. ' 2ZF23. CHRISTMAS CDS: wrappings, gifts. xn Apron snop, ew . uign at. - FOR 'SALE: Fluorescent kitchen units and bathroom brackets. i YEATER APPLIANCE CO. t i . i 255 N. Liberty $ " 1940 TWIN Johnson V h p. outboard With east, 2347 iBreyman. pn. 4567. TRAILERS for rent see per br. Woodry's Mkt, 1605 N. Summer, r ; wooa ana coai neaiers i - NELSON BROS. FURN. s 315 N. Uberty - -i WK BUY and sell men's shoes, cloth ing, tools, radios, guitars, trunks. SU'li PI. 3698 WE buv and sell furniture, tools, stoves, dishes, motors, radios. Electric appliances, household - goods. KXIO- r . . w .&. w . w a atta . ei Isl SI MAN a, n-'fl. vwnmrc-. vo Unfinished furniture NELSON BROS. TURN, .i, 315 N. Liberty . - wm; Miameled wood ranee. Cop per coils, excellent condition. io Din st west saiem. SANTLARY couth 83 JO. Ph. 8683 eye Farm - For Sale Miscellaneous -njIWrrUBE: Priced for ouick sale by -owner. $-pc. dav. setv fl. - lamp, txia ft. also- 60x27 in. . Wilson -rues. immona bedsr springs and mattresses, oreuer. enmoruer, etc. rn. 1-24-2. COODPREwXRrNrrURI uooa wood nrcuiator Wal. Twin Bed, spg. ac matt. se.oo 89.15 29.00 12.00 25.00 rw Table Model Radio KebuUt Davenport a ur.i su-in-iM k..u- 139.78 15.00 35.00 29.00 8.00 MaiwranT Coffee Table -ra war Daveno Swiri Rr.w- Drop Leaf Bkfst. -? abl rt 1 . T- t- ' UriEni 1? UrllltUre 453 Court St. Phone Till Electric-side. arm- water beaters. no wiorny NELSON BROS. FURN. . TRACTOR with plow, disc and har row, garden tractor, almost new. with .attachments which include lawn mow r, drag - saw, practically new. Ph. a-ri. FOR SALE: riashlichta comoleU wiut Dairenes. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. WTLL Buy for cash, sell or trade. guns, scopes, ammunition and trail ers, son Madison. 500 No. High. LADIES blue kid shoes size 11 4A never worn. Do not call after Id. a k,,-,v ik . jTl ' ' " ' "T A FEW real nice dining room chairs. ffi-uUN bkus. runn. 218 N. Liberty LARGE Franauette walnuts 13e Ih. You Pick. W. L. Woellc Rt. 2. ba- 170C. NEW BINOCULARS can now be our. chased at Boring Optical Co., 283 Court street. BLACK Skunk fur coat S4fl Ph. 3893 after 5-30 P.M. FOR SALE: Plastl-Kot nainta for Indoor use. gives a cellphane like finish. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty 2 BURNER hot elate, child's Ice. tri cycle, antique dishes, and some silver nieces. Toledo meat scales, larn. rah Silverton radio. 1511 N. Church st. -r . WEDGEWOOD table too ass -stove. also 3 mahogany dining chairs, blue i icaxner seats, rn. wii. I .-n, -. I 3-picce bedroom ' st. 645 Breys. BLUE CRAPES 4C lb. Rt. 7. box 127. 1st house S. of Hayesville school. Mrs. Jacob Denny FOR SALE: Aluminum nancake griddles and French Fry Baskets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N-., Liberty FRYERS and broiler for sale. 2181 N. Front Ph. 348U OIL cooking ranee, pre-war enameL quilt pot burner. Ph. 4883. CONCORD cranes. 5c lb. nicked. D. Anjou and Fall Butter pears. 50c box and Ua AddIm. Boa Hay and tin Rrin. I containers. Ernest Anderson, Orchard Hts, Rd. 1 mi off Wallace Rd. RECONDITIONED Philco comb, ra- I dio. Ph. 4133 durinr huim.ii hin I - FOR SALE: Pin-it-un and Boudoir lamps. .... YEATER APPLIANCE CO. CHILD'S aood aturdv rhair 1a I child's foldinc Uble: i doz. rose nat. I tern Coor pottery cups and saucers. Phone 5778. GIRL'S blcvcle. Sk-hwlnn 14-ln: hal. loon tires, chrome rims. In excellent condition. Ssabv bu.rv and ul lik-s I new. .1771 N. Cottage st. "GRUNOWtub5 recoitloned ral dio. Philco reconditioned 8-tube radio. Ph; .4133 during . business hours. FOR SALE: Electric aolderin irama ana exnausi rana. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty GOOD wood, heater, chean. Rt 4. dox i 'o c. across rrom Hoaedaie school ROCKERS from 82.50 to 1SJU): bahv I bathlnette 82.90: 4 - dc. bedroom set I S49JW. State Street Furniture Co.. 1900 state. Pn. 75M. I TRAILER. 14-ft.rnetaI surface. Inner spring-upholstery, jr. beds. elec. refrig.. i atove. air oraxes. a easn. i7a r. jstn . RIVERljSILT FILII)IrlT EXCELLENT MASON SAND ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL COMMERCIAL SAND GRAVEL Ph. 21966 23100 GERMAN Shepherd (Police) Dors. 3'i months old registered pups. Fin est breeding. Various colors. Out S. River Rr, turn at Halls Ferry mu easr ana i mue boutn. iteuioc Kennels. Rt I. Box 71L CLARINET: B flat practically new. Charles Isaak. Rt. S, Box 531 G. 2 blks N. Kruegers store. Center & Turner rd. FOR SALE: Late ' model Even rude outboard motor. 899. 1740 N. 20th. ; EXPERT washma S machine service and wringer rolls, all makes. Se Ed cms at Neison Bros, f urniture snore 313 N. Liberty ALWAYS a big stoctt.- Woodry's Furniture Mkt Ph sue HAVE YOU been looking for a tire pump? DeXAixe pump wun aluminum foot place, can and ' handle. Will not leak air. 82.28. Firestone Store, Cen ter ac Liberty. Ph. 9144. . ONE automatic ball bearing floor sanding machine and one Van Dora edger for 9223 00. See at 1665 Yew st, saiem, ur. - Trade Miscellaneous DO YOU. HAVE a 6 ft late model lac. refriaerator TOU would like to .'I trade ior a larger pne7..r-n. mw. SEWING machine.: porUble. needs electrie motor. 825. or will trade for vacuum cleaner. Ph. seOQ. WantedMiscellaneous W2IX Buy used alarm clocks, in coni Doc the Clock Doctor. 190 ! 14th. - WANTED: Medium: size bicycle. Ph. 24013. "1 WANTED: Portable nhonoeraoh or comb, radio and phono, pn. a-idu. WANTED: A load of good top soil delivered. 110S OaK Sl WANTED to buy a loom. P. O. Box I7S4. . i j . t CLEAN whit rags wanted, 5c a lb Hogg Broa, 260 State st. WANTED. PIANOS Will pay cash I Wills Music Stor SS Stat si I ha apba BaMaasbaBttabi USED FURNITURE. Ph. 918JL- r. i WANT TO Bu. usee camera i wnaea Meavwan mow 3'" ra YOU have rurnitur to sen i Russ Bright Ph 751L .433 Court CASH for your used furniture: Ph J 594, Slate St Furniture. , WOO State Ma rkels - .Wanted -Miscellaneous i CASH fot used pi ana - a other mu sical Instruments Call 4441 days t 537 evenings or sand tf escrtpuon to jaquitn music ceM ui a. Ulg-i. Miscellaneous WILL repair all makes of clocks. Doe the Clock Doctor. 180 g. 14th. - HEAVY Hauling. Excavation' ' and Road Buildinr. Land Clearina.- Doaer Work, Ditching. Basement Excavation, Sand, Gravel, Crushed Rock, Mason Sand. Concrete Mix. Cement, - Salem Sand & Gravel Co. j 1405 N. Front St. ' ; ' Salem, Oregon WaOaor 21924 - - . I Dental Plate Repair TWQ-HOUa SERVICE Cf MOST ' CASES i Bring ar Mall Your Plates for Repalr r.. DR. HARJTY 6EMI-ER.. DENTIST d?lpb. Btd ' sut Conu Ph 8311 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. 73c. LES SPRINGER. - 4(4 Court St Money to Loan YOU RECEIVE INDIVIDUAL CON - aiDERATION WHEN ; YOU t . .. - APPLY TO j- General Finance Corp. . ; . rox :v Quick Cash Loans Locally owned and operated, we are familiar with all local needs and eon ditions and lend on any reasonable security. Up to 12 mo, to repay. Telephone 918 State Lie. tS-138) 138 S. Commercial St Auto And Truck ; Loans I Contracts Refinanced Money for new and used cars or trucks regardless of age. No delay bring car and title and get the money You retain possession of vehicle 1 to 19 months to repay. After 5 o'clock phone 21143 for appointment. ROY II. SIMMONS Regulated by state. i PRIVATE MONEY 136 S. Coml St Phone 8168. WE LIKE TO SAY 'YES' WHEN YOU WANT. A LOAN Making personal loans is our business. The more times wa say 'Yes' the more business we do. That' why we do our best to say 'Yes' to every re quest for a loan. At 'Personal' there are no hard and fast rules; The trans action is handled promptly, privately. wiuiout involving outsiders. Loans oi 8-3 to 8300 on your .salary, furniture or auto. Personal Finance, Co. Room 123 New Bligh Bldg. Phone 3191 518 State St (Lie. S-122-M-1S9) PRIVATE MONEY to loan on first mortgages. See F. H. Weir REALTORS 1247 S. Commercial. Ph. 9411 $ $ MONEY $ $ W mak atl tvpes et personal loans Including furniture, note and car loans, for any worth while cause. W also make real estate loans and buy real estate contract. For ouick and effi cient aervic se or phon - STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 4111, 153 S. High. Salem Lie. S 216-M 222 Auto Loini ' Willamette Credit Co. 5TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 159 LOANS Money for aood- real estate loans Quick, -en ice and low Interest rates CHAS. HUD KINS St SON. 27S State St Phone 9494 For RentApartments 2-RM. furniahed. Adult. References. Ph. 6288. 3-RM. furn. apt Adults only. 2442 Lee st Young empl. woman will share home with congenial lady. Private bed rm. Ph. 21463. Ret exchanged. IN PORTLAND 3 rm. very modern furn. apt. to ex change for furn. or unfum. apt or hae. ia Salem. Pn. MU aeon, or write ziz N, Ainsworth, Portland. 11. For Rent CASH Register for rent Ph. 5419. TRUCKS for rent You drive Mc dun V Loveil dlion 9600 FLOOR SANDER tor rent Mont ornery Ward GOOD Used Piano, n L Stiff Wanted to Rent MOTHER with 2 sons in school. Rented home sold, leaving us without home. Must find place to live. Rcf. given. Phone ifm or zuw aiccoy. RETURNED Veteran' desires 2 bed rm. house. Burl L. Cox. Ph. 23144. YOUNGhrlsUaTrmr need 1 or 2 bdrm house or apt., un furnished or partly furnished. No smoking or drinking. O. F. Dexter. Phon 5447. 2 LADIES urgently need furn. apart ment WANT s or 3 bed room house. Per manent res. Reference given. Ph. 6894 " FURN. or unfurn. 3 or more bdrm. horn urgently needed by retired ar my officer and family, permanently employed In Salem. Ph. 2-1002. Mr. LaytOn. -.,-I-iA-ur-u-urru- BUSINESS man. wife and 2 -frown daughters want to lease or rent 1 or 3 bedrm. modern unfurn. , house. Ph. S445. " ' NAVY wife wants house, apt, trail er house, furn. or unfurn, Permanent Ph. 80Q8. . :..-; FORMER Salem couple, returning, wants 1- bedroom unfurnished - apt, flat or bouse. Call 8426, or 1771 Na. Cottage. - J.njr 1 n $20 REWARD. Unfurnished or fur nished home for six months. Call at 362 State st.,- or Phone 6062. i ; 3 or 4 Bedroom Home. Call Mrs. Fitt.; Ph. 4424. -t ; 1 r VETERAN, wife and child 3 yrs, need furn. or unfurn, bouse or apt Permanent Ph. 319 or 516t For Sale -r- Real Estate 968504 bed rms." on! i 1 fir. Full bsmt. Sawdust furn. Fireplace, large hv.' rm. Call Mr. waiters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. COML. Pb. 8441 eves. iDisTirrNT Route. 5 apartments. Income $134 a month, Prewr priced and some terms. Owner, ,1185 Nj 4th U aaev ;; Classified For Sale Real Estate k - CLOSE TO STATE BLDGS. - Willamette I Jc downtown dtt . nir horn with lreplace, base., furnr Still space ior 3 or 4 rental unite. 1950. .Walter Socolofsky : - Phon j838. . : " r VEN E Y AR D SUBDnION' CHOICE BUILDING LOTS Restricted district X. Center and D. Close to bus. Good soli.. ENCLEWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT BY OWNER! ood t location . South. Strictly mod. 6 rm. home. hwd. firs.. firepl.. Unfinished attic, - bsmt, - saw dust furnace, winter's supply fuel in. ,g. lot- rn. mv. ..-.. SUBSTANTIAL modern Jarcer home. beautiful grounds. fUxSM with outdoor Ire place, fruit small - chick houses, doubl garage, on bus. Price 612400. C. H. S AA DEBS231 . N. HIGH 5838 -. GOOD BARGAIN m an alder ham $ room houk.with 2 lots, parage and sbp. Fenced yard, 8 blocks to Bush school. Price 3350, half. cash.. Bal. S30 per mo.- Alfred -Dumbeck or W. A. Saueresslg, room 3. Ladd ac Bush Bank Bldg. ! NEW Modens small soma In nlV. Good location, Inq. 311 Maple St Dallas. . t. 6 RM. HOUSt Tsman lc4. finalot- tion 84600. 1458 Chemeketa. 960003 brm. Llv.- rml din. rm 'kT! 50x140 lot Close. to; bus and school. Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co . REALTORS 1717 CENTER ST. : Eve. Ph. 2-1731 Ph. 2-1949 HERE is your chatlca for a nice home. 6 room all on one floor, fire- s place, oil heater, everything ' in fine ' snape. possession at once. 1.001c this over. 1240 S. 15th St. 85250. Terms. Larsen Home & Loan Co. 164 S. Coml. St. . j Phone 8.89 5 RM. modern house, 1 acre land. Chicken hse . fruit and nut trees. 417 Gatch St., Woodburn, Fred Aaniot. ATTRACTIVE Well built home. Liv ing, and dining- rooms, kitchen, nook. 2 bed rooms, bath, 2 bed rooms up stairs. Basement, furnace, trays, elec tric tank heater. Beautiful yard. Ga rage. SiU.(W. i Modern 5 room house. Basement, furnace, trays. Wired for range. Lot 40 by 150. Close to bus. $5730.00. P. II. Bell Realtor G. P. Armstrong 402 Guardian Bldg. Ph. 486 CITY and rural homes. Prices .right. PERCY ULLMAN . Ph. 8902 i - . IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 2 bed rm. house. Good location ne.r Leslie school. Home in good repnir. Nice lot. Garage. Price $3750. WILLIAM E. MOSES 331 Stat St 1 REALTOR GOOD HOME FOR SALE Two lots, bearing fruit and nut trees, nice lawn and shrubs, paved rd, 3 blks. from city limits, rm. modem home with oak firs, fireplace, elect, water heater, late style modern oil furnace, with fan, one good bed'rw. down and two up. Price 89500, ca?h will handle. Grabenhorst Bros. : REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. i Phone 4131 88200 English type N. 9, bdrms. Liv. rm, din. rm, kit, Hdwd. fir. Rireplace. Full bsmt, turn. Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. S-1549 1717 CENTER ST. Eve. Ph. 1-1731 NEW MODERN 3 BDRM HOME SOUTH Hwd. floors. Venetian blinds, full bsmt, with rooms in hsmt. -This is an -extra well built home. See MR. GOODWIN with ! Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS -Phon 4108 After 6-8718 LOT FOR SALE I100C Good lot on Fairmount Hill. 90xMM) feet, shade trees, paved street. 810755. Salem lot N. Froat, pad st, food district 50x85 ft. 81250 Saginaw st, excellent location, paved st. 50xl4Sxft. - 827SO Fairmount Hill, cor, p.ved ts, 160x80 ft. A REAL CHOICE LOT. 8500 Lot 90x100 Northeast, paved ot . Fin district. t , Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 4131 , 8 BR. HOME located SOU North 4th Street, LR. with fireplace. DR., base ment sawdust furnace, new doubl garage, nice lot. 86500. Larsen Home A Loan Co. EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS ONLY 164 So. Commercial St. LOT BARGAIN 12 ! lots. 50x200. adjoins Fairmount Park Addition. EXCELLENT VALUE. Price 84.500. - , Call Cobura L. Grabenhorst, w ith Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 4131 GOOD HOME ON FAIRMOUNT HILL 3 bed room, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath. Full base ment, oil hot water j heat gai te Price 80. Se Leo N.' Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 Slate St. 1 Ph. 2H 84450 SPECIAL 7.'. rtns. newly decorated., basement furnace, large lot, paved sts. and side walks. SEE THIS TODAY. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst, with Grabenhorst Bros., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St , I Phone 4131 STRICTLY modern 5 rm. houi-e. Floored attioJidwd. firs, thruout. oil heat beautifully landscaped large lot. Good location, 912.500.. 960 Shipping.. 5-ROOM furnished houae. 809 Locus. 92509 down. 4 lots with fruit nuts, grape, lota of - garden space. Iram. posseion. By owner.. Open for in spection after 10:30 Sunday morning. 85250 Bungalow, hdw. fir. In living rm. St breakfast rm, : nice kitchen, bath. 2 bed rms, wired for range, elec tric water heater, basement, furnace and fireplace. , MONEY. TO LOAN. - MELVIN JOHNSON I 725 Court St Phone 373 SPECIAL FURNISHED HOME - IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1 : S rm. modern bungalow, fcdwd. floor. dutorr.atie heat fireplac. garage - utility rm , cr.-iXCTx.i:rT VAL UE at 8M00. SEE THIS TODAY. - Call-Coburn L. Grabenhorst, with Grabenhorst ! Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. ,1 Phone 4131 94000 4 bdrrni mome. Ur. rm. rm, kit. garage. Large lot Call Omer STll .... . r.r I Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 3-1549 171t CENTER ST. Ev. Ph. 2-1731 MODERN EXTRA GOOD HOME NORTH 5 full rooms with unfinished attic. Hwd. : floors all the way. Venetian blind. F11JI tmt. Fleet, water beater. See MR.- GOODWIN with Haukin8 & Roberts, Inc., REALTORS " 1 After IS