The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 17, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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Ths ' OREGON STATESN'AN. Saltm. Ortcjon, Wedntsday Morning. October 17, 1945
5 ,J:
Miss Gerig .
Bride' of '
Mr. Dichin
The wedding of Miss Sarah
Gerig and Mr. Joe Dichen was '
solemnized at the Emmanuel f
Menhonite church at Pratum on
Friday amid an all white and
green setting. Asjers and glad-
iolusea were used to decors te.
The Rev. Wilbur Reiger offic
iated at the 8:30 o'clock cere
mony. - .
Miss Dorothy Gerig was maid
of honor and Mrs. Lester Fluth
bridesmaid. Each carried a bou
quet of mixed asters. i
i Mr. John Lee was best man,
Mr. Wilbur Birks groomsman
and Mr. David Gerig. Mr. Nor
man Gydesen, Mr. Carl Dichin
and Mr. R. Dichen were ushers.
Flower girl was . Lois DeVries
and ringbearer, Richard Gyde
aen. .- 1
XI Us Shirley Kaufman and
Mrs. Clarence Simmons lit the
candles. Mrs. --Elmer Hiebert
sang "O Promise Me" and 'Be-
cause" to the accompaniment of
Mrs. Wilbur Regier, who also
played the marches.
The bride wore j a gown of
white satin, made with a" V-
neck outlined in seed pearls and
. edged in lace. The double veil
was long and held by a tiara" of
seed pearls. She carried gar
denias and bouvardia.
Before the ceremony Miss Lois
Kerns played a violin number
to the accompaniment of Eve- ,
lyn Kerns. Mis Bernice Lehr
man and Mrs. George Williams
received the gifts.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholous Gerig
and the groom is the son of Mrs.
Rose Dichen Of Silvetton. ! The
bride's mother was dressed in
black crepe with accessories of
, black with fuchsia trim. Mrs.
Duchin wore black velvet. Each
wore a corsage of carnations and
The reception was held in tha
church parlors, and was under
the -direction of Mrs. George
Williams. Mrs. 'Arthur DeVries
cut the eake, Miss CarmenRoth,
Mrs. Clarence Simmons, Miss
Josephine Haury, Mrs. Ralph
Clark, Miss Doris and Miss Helen
Schmidt served. Mrs. Oral Bell
was in charge of the guest book.
' When the bridal couple left
on a trip the bride wa wearing
a brown suit with gold blouse
and brown accessories. Her cor
sage was gardenias.
The groom has just returned
from three years in the so-.U.h
Pacific and was discharged twe
1. weeks- ago..,
' i - - r
Jaycee-ettes L
- Jayceettes were entertained
Monday night by Mrs. Lyle '
Leighton at her Mill street home.
She wss assisted by Mrs. Pat
Cropland. After a short busi
ness meeting, cards wer in play
and refreshments were served
at a late hour. ,
Those present were Mrs. Floyd
Waltz, Mrsi Kenneth Torgeson
Mrs. Loyal Zell, Mrs. E'mo Lind
home, Mrs.lR. F. Lockard, Mrst
Pat Croesland ,Mrs. Lyl- Leigh
ton, Mrs. A- C. Neweil. Mrs.
. Irwin' ; Wedel, Mr. Wayne
- Adams, Mrs. II D. MscKellar,
' Mrs. Ralph: Eyre and Mrs. Carl
Halvorfon. ! , -
- I
He knows he s bade at home base when Mom brings in he Coca-Cola,
froa th fduDaily refrigerator. All hands gather 'round irp the reunion
gtart off with refreshment. The words Have a Coc alviys strike the
old spark of familiar friendliness. Be sure there's enough Coke on hand
it your house. Get a supply of Coca-Cola today.
Music !.'... The 1 Home
Maxine, Buren
Wamcn'a Kdiior,
"Thanksgiving,;' (Name ;
Given Loan by Speaks
The Eighth or 'Victory' War Loan scheduled for November
might well be called a 'Thanksgiving" lloan, Mrs. Pat O'Brien,
charming wife of the screen star, believef. . '
" This is only a portion of the message she brought to Salem
women war; bond I workers Tuesday afternoon. Women, she said, "
should be unusually good merchandisers'! of the. bonds they will
sell during the next campaigns, .
AAUW literstura group, -with
Mrs. Russell Buetler, 525 North
14th. S p.m. i
Weitmuiister Guild, 1st Pre
byteriait church. 1 'clock get
toffether luncheon In social hall.
Daughters of Union Veterans
with Mrs. Margaret Doane, 2070
MyrUe street, 8 p.m.
Pro America dinner for nation
al president at Quelle and 8 p.m.
business meeting at chamber of
Salem Writers club, with Mrs.
N. F. Anderson, Glen Creek road,
7:30 p.m.
Westminster guild of Presby
terian church get acquainted
luncheon. 1 p.m. in social hall.
South section First Congrega
tional Wom'n's guild. 2:30 p.m..
with Mrs. iJ. J. UpioAn. 964 S.
Liberty. Sew. for bazaar.
Sweet Briar clubi with Mrs. El
mer Smith, Wallace Road.
DAR Herb Tea with Mrs. J. N.
Carkin. 495 North Summer st.
1 to S and 7 to t. Public invited.
AAUW Literature group with
Mrs. George High, 975 Terrace
Drive. W. Salem.
Faculty Wives, University
house, 2:30 p.m.
Hayseville Women's club with
Mrs. CrurVs Garrison, route 7.
box 90. fV1 p.m.. All newcomers
invited. i
PRXNGLX Pleasant Point So
; cial club, with . Mrs. Vernon
Coates. all day. I
Keizer sewing club, with Alta
, and Ethel Hall, all day meeting,
; covered dish luncheon.
Fidelia class. First Baptist
' church., with Mrs. Mary Long,
473 Division street. S p.m.
Today s Menu
Fresh grap juice will ba a
good beginning for the meal that
includes onions as the featured
dish. .
Freh grape juice
. Breaded veal ciitlets '
Onions ati tgratin "
Boiled potatoes, browned
Baked pears
Boil the potatoes, then put in
pan and allow to brown in the
oven. !
1 pound onions
4 tablespoons butter or other
.fat r
tablespoons flour
1 cup milk
2 teaspoons salt
4 cup -grated cheese
4 cujS bread crumbs.
Drop sliced onions into boiling
water. Boil five minutes. Drain,
re?erving liquid Melt butter,
blend in flour and add milk with
1 cup; of onion liquid. Add salt
and cook jntil smooth. Place
onions in baking dish, pour over
white sauce and sprinkle with
buttered crumbs, and cheese.
Bak'e 2) minutes! at 350 degrees.
vou tie
back again to an ol4 Jam0 cr4stom
ic Hear Morton Downr KSLM 9:15
C ubs
i I Jeryme English
for?the can wholeheartedly sup
port a ay movement designed to
bring hjpme the men fronf battle
fronts, o -provide the best in hos
pitalization, rehabilitation and
education .for veterans and to
supply men who must remain
with afmies of occupation.
One f the government's great
needs f or immediate financial
assistance rises from the fact that
with ttte termination of, Warcon
tadts 111 war contractors must
be paid, she pointed out.'
Mrs.f O'Brien, former; actreps
of the legitimate stage, was ac
companied to Salem by Mrs.
Mary Lee Willi3 and Mrs. Ellen
Macvepgh, chairman, or, the v4o
men's division for the state war
finance committee.
The I three were guests at a
lunchepn at the Lions Den, with
approximately 40 women war
counties in attendance. Mrs. Hdn-
ry jrvaser, at live ii inc. nidiiuii
county women s divi.sidn, presid
ed at the U-shaped Jtable pn
which! bronze dahlias, fail leaves
gold Victory V's were used in
Mrs Medora Hyett aCcompan
led the group for the kinging iof
America preceding the luncheon
Following Mrs. O'Brien's ini!br
. mal address, Mrs. James E. Bun
nell saowed an army signal colps
pictur distributed by i the treas-
.ury department's war inace
Mr Frieda Petersen, Pilk
county women's chairman, said
Mrs. i. J. Enstad, both of Dallas,
were uests of the Marion group.
1 '
Mrl and Mrs. Robert De.
mondi have had as their hotij
guet Mr. DeArmond't parenU
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. ijeArmond
of Bend, who ara en route to
tha Oregon, Bar association con
ference at Gear hart. Lti and Mjrs.
Wjr Nance, Mr. DeArmonp's
brothr-in-law and sifter, haw .
also Jbeen here. Lt. j Nance j is
with Jie navy and novfi on leave.
ill it:: i
j Lt. I Wilson Siegmund. ISNR,
has ieen discharged llind whh -
Mrs. jpiegmund and their yoikng
son have moved to 374 Noith
18th itreet. He will be: with the
department of audits, secretary
of- state's office. f
Mnt Brasier SmaU Mil be In
Portland today and .will pour at
a teaJjgiven by Mrs. Russell Se
wall fpr Mrs. Leonard fihaver: jr.
-I- 41
..Have a Cdca-Cbla
COatrAKf IT ,
AM. i
; Cotiplo "WGd
.ilf ... '
In Florida
Word has been sent to Salem
of the marriage of Miss'Mirriam
Armitage of McMinnville, daugh
ter of Mr; and Mrs G.' A. Armi
tage of Portland, to Mr. Lowell
Wi Pearson, aviation machinists
mate first class, son of Mr. H. J.
Pearson of McMinville, "which
took place in Florida on October
'":..- J j-
The bride; is a graduate . of
Willamette university . a"hd a
member of Pi -i Beta 'Phi and Pi
GammajMu, soj:ial science honor-
The Rev. J Graham Spurrier
read the service in the First
Presbyterian church of Miami
Beach.H j '
The bride "was attended by Mrs.
Thome H. Hammond of Miami
Beach, Fla., a sorority sister.:
Best man was Mr. Frank Gear,
also inthe navy, stationed at
The bride wore a two piece af
ternoon idress of gold crepe, with
gold fecfuin trim, and self cover
ed buttons. She wore a corsage
of brown orchids and hat of
brown; and long brown suede
gloves) I !
Among the guests were Lt
ThornefH. Hammond of Miami
Beachj formerly of Salem, and
Mrs. Tl W. Hammond of Port
land, if
A wedding dinner was served
at the Versailles Hotel in Miami
Beach, The couple will spend
a month's honeymoon in the
Florida Jcity.
The groom who is stationed at
the naval air transport service,
Miami Beach, expects to receive
his discharge soon. They will
then mdtor to McMinnville where
they plan to live.
He was formerly field man
with the Nestle Milk Products
corp., at McMinnville.
Seeks Members
The American Association of
University Women membership
chairman, Mis Jessica Kinsey,
and her committee are inviting
all women interested, who be
lieve tjiey are eligible for mem
berships in AAUW, to contact
one qfj the committee members.
Those interested in AAUW are
invited; to attend the luncheon
?t the i Marion hotel Saturday at
2:15. Dr. Maser of the Oregon
State College will be the speak
er, after which groups and club
activities will be discussed. Res
ervations are to be made through
Mrs. Carl Aschenbrenner, 7593
or Mrl. Robert Lantz, 7064, on
Wednesday or Thursday;
Mia Kinsey's membership
committee consists also of Mrs.
William Bradford. MrsJ Tom
Wolgajblott, Mrs. Chester Luther
an&0tfis3 Helen Fletcher. Phone
numbers are 8683 and 2-1473.
. j I
Mrs; Snell was In Portland and
Vancouver on Monday and at
tended the reception for Gen
eral di ?orge M. Parker, who was
liberal -d after being a prisoner
of waf since the fall of Correg
idor. The receptton was held at
the officers' clubi Vancouver.
Mrs; Homer Carpenter was
'hostesfi on Tuesday afternoon to
membfejrs of a small sewing club.
Present were Mrs. Frank Mc-
Crackeh, Mrs. Leo C. Dean, Mrs.
J. E. Reeves, Mrs. Charles H.
Fowlep Mrs. J. L. Kennedy and
Mrs. Carpenter. i
Coca-ColSivd its sbbrtrlstioa
"CAlt'arajtat registered traaa
wuAm whkji jiatinpiUa tht prod
J act at Tat Coca-Cola Conpaac.
f j? fciiii,'aaafc 1
Janet, are spending a week at
the home iof his parents, Mr.
and Mrs.- Max O. Buren, and
sister,. Mrsi Marion Lamb. They
are living 1n Long Beach, Calit,
while Lt. Buren is stationed with
the navy at San Pedro, '-..!-. 5 ,
-.(I.,,. , . . - ii. ;
Mrs. Caj Patten will be In
Portland lor the weekend; toi be
with her. jdaughter, Mjs ,-IUta
iiaggevi, wno win unaergo sur
gery on ; Friday at Emmanuel
hospital. I . I
Auxiliary Has
Mrs. Leon M. Brown, state
vice president and membership
chairman of the American Le
gion auxiliary, ' spoke at the
meeting held Monday night at
the Woman's club. She stated
that the American Legion aux
iliary is : the largest women's
service organization and that
tt" 10 ovec 120-000
Mrs. Austin H. Wilson presid
ed during j the business session.
Mrs. Mike P nek was introduced
as poppy jposter chairman and
Mrs. R. C, Blaxall as assistant
sergeant a( arms. y
Mrs. I. K. Bacon, unit mem
bership 'chairman, and her com
mittee wefe in charge of the
evening's program and refresh
ments Humorous readings were
given by Miss Laura Newton and
Miss Norma Cass. The decora
tions, were' ki Halloween colors.'
The iservirig table was centered
with a large lighted pumpkin on
a colored j cloth surrounded by
lighted orange tapers. Two mem
bers dres$ed as witches, who
served from black , and orange
pottery, iere Mrs. Florence
Ames and: Mrs. R.i C. Blaxall.
An all day sewing will be held
today at the home of Mrs. Austin
H. Wilson; 1630 A street
Next meeting will be Novem
ber 5 and plans will be announc
ed for the, Armistice day pro
SILVEITON The marriage
of Miss Jane Irish, daughter of
Mrs. Harold Irish and the late
Mr. Irish (to Lt. Norval Eastin,
flth air force, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert C. Eastin of Tru
man, Minnesota, will be solemn
ized Thursday afternoon at 4
o'clock !atj the Irish home at 302
West Main street.
l , -gpYy ozzz2r ...
't - .If -.-': - : !-;: ' - , ,.' .- -
when a shipload of servicemen arrive 'from
overseas. But, in this case, MAIN-3995 desig
nates a railroad train. - i ! .
JU1 special troop trains which crry servicemen
from Atlantic or Pacific ports to a redeployment
(or separation) center are given a number by
military authorities, and all numbers carry the
MAINprefii.' ' j... I -
These trains, operating day 'and night, require
a great deal o available railroad Equipment
On top o that, it;iathe job of Union Pacific;
and other railroads, to further transport the
servicemen from the redeployment centers to
their homes. '' " ,.' ! N
Wed Mn
' . .
! Announcement is made of the
marriage on October 10 of Miss'
Eunice Carol Furman,- daughter
of Mrs. Jessie Furman, of Forest
Grove, , to Captain Norman K,
jWinslow, son of Mr. and Mrs.
. Valter ylnslow!
r Tbe couple were united at-he
Little Chapel of Lakeside in San
Francisco with the Rev. Harry
Clayton Rogers reading the serv-
ice.' ' - !.-' .-
j The bridegroom, who is in the
Jud -dvoca,te general's depart.
ment at Camp Stoneman, Calif-
is now awaiting his release after
four and a ..half years of active
duty in the states and abroad. ''
j Captain Winsfbw plans to re
sume his law practice in Salem
where the newlyweds will make
their home after a short honey
moon, j
:Plan for Visit
Of President
j Hal Hibbard auxiliary to the
United Spanish War Veterans
met at the VFW hall on Monday
night Mrs. Harvey Edward,
past president, presided. Plans
were made for the official visit
f of Mrs. Clyde McCIung, depart
ment president, on November 5.
The council will meet at 2
! tfclock that afternoon it the
chamber of commerce. . The
membership of the organization
is invited. There will be a no
i host dinner at (5:30 p.m.
White Shrine ef Jerusalem
met on Monday-night with Mrs.
Emma Brown , worthy high
priestess, and Mr. j Wayne Henry,
watchman of the shepherds, in
the chairs. A social hour follow
ed the business session.
Among those going from Sa
lem to attend the Oregon Bar
convention at Gearhart this week
are Judge and Mrs. George Ross
man, Judge and Mrs. Arthur
Hay, Judge and Mrs. Hall Lusk,
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spaulding
and Judge James T. Brand.
Miss Barbara Belt, senior at
University of California, accom
panied by Miss Maralyn Wolf
at Berkeley, will be here for a
10-day holidajf with her par
ents, Judge and Mrs Harry Belt.
.Sounds like: a ielepf one
number and it i true that
telephone traffic! is heavy
umiolU pAopic
, - Salem Rebekah ledre met an -
Monday night with Mrs. John
Darnielle presiding. It was voted
to have a pot luck dinner at the
. homecoming on November 19.
Miss Lora Callison will be host
ess to the F. 1 club on Thurs
day! evening. " . The past noble
grands' association has been
postponed one week.
Book Review Is
Given at Club
K Mrs. W. E. Kirk was hostess
to the members of the Book-av
Month club for a. dessert lunch
on j Tuesday afternoon. "The
White Tower" was reviewed by
Mrs. C.. A. Ratcliff.
3vo large tables, were cover
ed with lace cloths and deco
rated i with chrysanthemums.
Members of" the club are Mrs.
L. C. McLeod Mrs. Charles Rat
cliff, Mrs. James T. Brand, Mrs.
E. A. Kurtz, Mrs. David Wright,
Mrs. Ray Yocom, Mrs. Frank B.
Bennett Mrs. C. W. Noble, Mrs.
John Cartful, Mrs. Arden Reed,
Mrs. White, Mrs. Eric BuUer,
Mrs. A. A. Siewert, Mrs. Rol
land Beaver, Mrs. Roy Mills,
Mrs. Cal Patton, Mrs. Letha
Staats, Mrs. C. T. Jory and Mrs.
Kirk. 1 .
J' -r' i. . ' ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Don Cannon
were hosts on Tuesday night to
members of the family on their
wedding anniversary. The din
ner was served to Mr. and Mrs.
C. C. Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Cannon. Miss Pat Cannon, Mrs.
W. Ludd Reed and Mr. andlMrs.
Don Cannon,
Lt ; Jack McCullauch, UKR.
of Bremerton will be a guept at
the home of fris parents, MrJ and
Mrs. H. B. McCullough, this
weekend. Lt. McCullough is in
the office of legal assistance at
Ladies Bargains
Closing out at prices
less than retail
Face Lotions and Face
Hair Tonics and Hair P
Other Bargains
Wholesale Supply House
H. H. GUI and Brother
Downstairs, Miller's
Mercantile Bldg.
, , . . .
There are still hundreds of thousands 'of men
to be transported front East and West. Union
Pacific, a transcontinental railroad, will be
called upon to carryi
Civilian travel conditions are much improved
and greater improvement is in sight. But if you
still find it difficult to obtain transportation
j when required, you' 1 Jcnpw there's a . very lm
porlant reason. We ill, want to' get those boys
home as quickly as possible. -
Dinner For :
Mrs. Grant.
1 Mrs. Roy Mink was hosted at
' a buit fet dinner on Tuesday; night
in honor of Mrs. Gterl Grant of
Richmond, Calif, a house guet
' of her"sister-in-lawt Mrs. Sum
ner Gallaher. Mrs. Grant, the
; former Gwen - Gallaher, carrte
: north with her mother, Mrs.
Elizabeth Gallaher, who is .a
guest el Mrs. Prince W. Byrd.
: Attending the jarty for Mrs.
Grant were Mrs. Joseph Fel ton.
Miss Marie Lippold, Mrs. Mau
rice Heater, Mrs. Leroy Rudin,
Mrs. William Schneider, Mrs.
Morse Stewart; Mr. - Edward ,
Burnett of. Albany and Mrs.
Mirfk. '. "". -'. ;
Alpha CM Omeaa alumnae
met atfthe home of Mrs. James
I Young on Monday nighf with
iMrs. James J. Walton assisting
as hostess. Mrs. Lewis Griffith
presided at tne basiness meeting.
Dean Schulze Takes
Galke's Place Sunday
! TURNER Dean Daniel If.
Schulze of Willamette university
occupied the pulpit of the Meth
odist church Sunday morning, re
placing Robert Gatke, who is tem
porary pastor of the church.
large share of the load.
1 ,
m I
mi mi nv .11 nun..,.! amtnwsea .v. - - 4 ; - - r ,. ,-