The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 17, 1945, Page 12, Image 12

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Tfc OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Wtdnesday Morning. Octobr 17. 1945
High Chieftains
ViU Get 33rd
Mason Degree
Generals Douglas MacArthur and
Henry "Arnold and Secretary of
Agriculture Clinton P. Ander
son were among-348 men named
today to receive the 33rd degree
by . the supreme council of the
Scottish Rite of Free Masonry,
southern jurisdiction.
Gen. Ben Lear and Lieut Gen.
James H. Doolittle also were
elected for the 33rd degree, to be
warded here Friday evening to
those present and locally to the
; others. Announcement was made
at the council's biennial session.
Seven Oregon Masons were
elected to the 33rd degree; Wal
ter Lee Lansing, Salem; Maxwell
Henry George Gunther, Robert
Ream Rankin, and Daniel Cass
Shaw, all' Portland; Herbert Lee
Toncy, McMinnville; Harold Jesse
Wells, Eugene, and Paul Oswald
Landry, Klamath Falls.
Oregonians elected to knight
commander included Irving Al
trtd De France, Emil Frederick
Halik and Herman McDonald
Johnston, Salem; Albert G. Prill
' Scid.
Increased 4-H Cliify Activity
Planned for S we klh District
Turner Tigers Lose
TURNER The Turner ' Tigers
lost the football game to Scio with
a score of 43-30. The next game
- will be played ' with Monmouth
here Friday.,'; ' j .
Ronald Halls
Visit Dakota i
Ilayesville Family at ;
Family Reunion and
Enjoys Hunting
Ronald Hall and children and Mr.
Hall's sister, Mrs. Chester Doo
little, returned Friday from a
three weeks trip to Ipswich, S.D.,
where Hall hunted pheasants, and
they attened a family reunion.
Pvt and Mrs. Carl Komyate
are visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ronald Hall. They came
from Gulfport Misc. He will re
port to Kearns, Utah, Tuesday.
His wife, the former Shirley Hall,
will remain with her parents.
Sgt Bob Hartzell of Ft Stev
ens is on a 30 day furlough, con
valescing from injuries received
when a 40 foot telephone pole
broke throwing him to the
4ground. He epects to get his dis
charge at the close of his fur
lough. Sergeant Hartzell was with
the national guard and has been
in the signal corps at Ft. Stevens.
Clackamas" Agent HI J. J. Ins
keep, Clackamas county agent is
RWEGEThe 4-H dub work Sat PSweirle school will be an :1" Sa" "J.
important part of the school work this with morejclasses or. lSSliSi
ganized than there have been for several elrs. James Bishop, Marion TLJ
m punning me uuuj. : 1 Hi. I , i I f .thkfr- H..r!n W W.M
The usual health clubs have been organized. The upper grades I . If - .
aealAvith the folWwing offic ,all h t intM .
ers: president, Marutn rrame; nty club wiU held Fri.
vice Resident Richard Hoffman; d 0ctober 19 at 8 p. m. at the
"V";T" -: . i. J schooll shouse. Emory J. Goode is
i.uve; yeii leaders wauace hoii- kin pie wiU
man and Joan Stark; song leader, KrvJjmd the program will. in.
uona. ; Jean lee. l r ;u .i,t. i.n n.. k
lneinxin ana sixui jgraae ciud Jamesf BishoD. county club agent.
U "TKa Snii? anH Knari" rluhl Of- I li -
' rZ r 1 -T - - I Li vl-lf-A . fm.
ficmiare president, Arlyn Lee; meng of Popcorn
vice president Donald Schwetz; commlmity dub will he held Fri-
secretary and treasurer,' Vidalday; October 19, starting with sup-
Stand ey; yell leaders. Dick Smith Pr I M i 1 . o'clock. A ; program has
and Howard Steele: song leaders, cn arrangea,
Donni Brandt and ;Lanny Dib-
i A ew 4-H art club, was organ
ized iwith Mrs. Leonarcf Cain, lead
er. Mfcmbers and officers are pres
ident; Chris Van Luveh; vice pres
identi Goldie McDougaim,.; seefe
tary land treasurer, j Doria Jean
Lee land. Marilyn Fraine, Merluie
Coza,d, Howard Steele,; Lanny Dib
bem and Arlyn Lee. 1 1 : j
A pew sewing two class was
organized with Mrs. George Yost
andfjMrs. Leonard Cain leaders.!
Officers of the club ate president!
Marline Larsen; vice: president
Barbara Haris; secretary and trea
surer, Marilyn Frame and other
meiribes, Nola Jean! I Zobel, La
Vonne Yost Vida Standley, NOr-
Mrsy.Bonney Improves
From Gunshot Wound
Hartley Bonney was holding her
wn but M still in a critical eon'
dlUon at the SUverton hosplUI
Tuesday, She was brought t4
ne nocpitai aitcr .sne naa oeen
accidentally shot Sunday at 2
P. m. by her- lS-year-old son,
Jimmy, r who was cleaning bis
gun at their home near Monitor,
L The. Rev. Russel
SUverton Woman Has
85th Birthday Party
SILVERTON Mrs. O. S. Hauge
observed her 85th birthday anni
versary Sunday at her home. Vis
itors included ' Mrs. Ole Saturn,
Mrs. John Elton of Salem, her
grandson;! Robert Hauge of Eu
gene; Mrs. Hans Steen, Mrs. El
mer Johnson, Mrs. Ingeborg Orm
breck, Rev. and Mrs.; M. J. K.
Valley Obituaries
Bert F. Terry
were held Sunday
Bert F. Terry, from the Christian
church with - final
Crest Abbey at Salem.
afternoon for
SILVERTON Born at the SU
verton hospital, October 14, sons
to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Funrue,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred StadeliJ aU of
rites at Mt
Myers offici
ated with Mrs. Arthur Dahl as
organist and Mrs. Alvin Legard
sang. . i ;
Pall bearers! were George Chris
tenson, James Bonner, L. R. NeaL
George Hubbs, O. 1. Stewart and
Guy Denham. ,
Basel Green Club The Hazel
Green Sunshine club will meet
Wednesday, October 17 with Mrs.
Roy Runkle. Mrs. Hattie Van
Cleave will assist Red Cross work
for the coming months will be
discussed. A report j on the school
lunch cook's school; will be given
by Mrs. G. Q. Lodney and Mrs.
Otis Philips.
Silverton and to Mr. and Mr.
Carl Wampach of Mt Angel;- a
daughter, October 15, to.Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Martin of Silverton,
Nine out of. ten people who read. this add don't know how
much fire insurance they carry on their own home and con
tents. We ask. you now. How mch insurance do you carry?
Then look it up. and siuvrise yourself.
Chances are you are under Insured, and while you are think
ing of it, phone our office and we will immediately increase
it it s that simple and it may man so roucn.
T71 ..
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' IS.. j CHCT
Oregon's largest Upstate Agency9
saiam ana uoos 007
129 N. Commerdcd - Salem Dial 4400
ma jyilson, Doria Jeftn Lee and
Barbara Van Leh. ; i
Reg. 2.79
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Use Sero-Tone, the easy-to-apply wall fin
ish, to give doll rooms a new attractive ap
pearance at low cost, ftfmply mix one! gallon
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to a beautiful finish, I restful to thie eyes.
Choice of pastel colors. j ;:
Takesr Guessing Out of Painting
When you shop Sears for MASTER-MIXED
paints, enamels er varnishes, check through
or new How-To-Paint book.' Know the cor
rect finish to bay for beet results. Get "point
ers" on how to apply 1C .
m . . n
79c 15c
Spreads S e
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mo othly
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Easy to use.
Ready; pasted,
easy to apply.
Choice of
colors, patterns.!
69 c
For filling
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walls, t Dries
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7TWri niiili'li"T 11 il I I J
Save Valuable Fncl With
Ilineral Fill Insulation.
J -I i: &- r
Clean, odorless and effective. Will not rot, de
cay, disintegrate or support vermin. Acts as
barrier to fire. Easy to lay, just pour from
the bag. One bag coyerg'18 sq. ft, S inches
deep.- ! I
buy In
25 bag -lots
Build extra rooms, remodel old . . . Insulate against
sound, heat and cold with Sears low-cost WaUttte.
Ideal for covering old plaster walls, studding and
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Quickly and easily Install It yourself. Sheets are
lightweight, easy to fcaadlc Goes up fast. Beautiful
flaish may be painted If desired. . - j j
Dcccraiei, Imnlales and Deadens
; i 'Sound'' ' 1 .
4x r
;XS Sheet
1.49 Sheet
1.7d Sheet
Decorale - Hcacdcl - fcsnlale
uilh Eaiy-Io-Apply finlccH
j v
- 4
1 i' T - i
IV 11
UaeleiM Lacir
ot. 79 c
loop oat eofar, sukes &
okwa aoef cfcat GJoay
a4 extra toagh. Bnshc
ma)j. Dtkt J 30 awntct.
IJnoleum var
nish,' at, $Ut5.
i Ooe tpplicMiaa (km u it
paliiha V os wood et
: hmlemm Soon. No robbing
One aut eoTca 6J0 sa, ft
. - Shi '
:. Wax Applicator
Asphalt leaf Palat
OaL 89C 1
aoo : ,v
coats a
WamptooiX pmcaa con- I
P not, gwtm, fowy-1
Uaom.Snooch black Snkfa.
Vi to pcotca wscct "pe
Metal RoofS-l
Faint i i ;
Gal, $2.6Sf '
Wall Ccater . ,
g.n. 90C
j ;t.. .
Waurpteoft oapiiattd
oniy wall rocide r aunAe,
Mt gtf coloc Wx with.
watoi apply with tmh.
Basement ,
.. Stop Leak
CI Siali Si
Satisfaction Guaranteed - or Your Sloney IBack"
P'HiW TIT? n IrR TrYnn n?' -
f 1
! . i Ji the cruising range
fromithe pH that tripled the cr
of 4vy submarines
finer tlPfA
comes a tiner r
1 ' r War-born improve-
Wlotpr OiV for your car. War d
ments in RPM's com
ing give your car
extL protection fou w-V
carbon cleansing..
i 1 i
. bettor resistance to
J . J more cafer oeaino. corrosion .. . ,
better motor oil at onypneo.
Y0u can
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Rpa no tor
a? oeiix3aK) qks6 sbI Oiiw0D dm
f 9