h 4i ' tl!' Hi- in i 4 i S i' i - A". t . I 'I : .1 I f. : V: i Hi if. i .4 PAGE TEN Army's Latest Jet-Propelled Plane Unveiled BUFFALO, N.Y., Oct. Tht army air forces has ynveiled iU newest high-speed long-range Jet propelled fighter plane, the experimental XP-83, Bell Air craft c&rporation, builder of the plane, announced tonight; The new plane, being shown at the AAF'i "open house" exhibi tion at Wright field, Dayton, Ohio, la the only fighter yet an nounced which Is powered by two of the new General Electric 1-40 jet engines, a Bell statement said. Absence of propellers enables the plane to carry a sizeable com bination of machine guns , and cannon It also can carry bombs under each wing. ' i The plane's cockpit is located ; considerably forward of the wings and Unequipped with bubble ca tionr. thui affording! the pilot a high degree of visibility, Bell said. .Pedee Woman Hurt in Fall PEDEE Mrs. Grace Gage and little daughter fell from, their automobile when " the , car door .came open on a turn. Mrs. Gage will be on crutches for some time but is otherwise not seriously in jured. They were treated by a physician in Independence. Mr. and Mrs. Clell Keiber of Mill City were weekend visitors I at Ritners and brought Mrs. Irene White who had spent the week with them, home. I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smenia of California have returned to their place at Ritner. ; Old Combatant Ships for Sale WASHINGTON, Oct. '.ltUPh . President Truman cleared the way today for public sales of, un needed combatant vessels. -He signed ' an executive order . providing for. their ale to ' the highest acceptable bidder. The order refers to combatant vessels stricken from the navy register and said they may be sold to the highest bidder, regardless of their appraised value, after hav ing been offered for. sale for a period of not less than 30 days. The order identified the term combatant vessels as meaning bat tleships, cruisers, aircraft carriers, destroyers and submarines. Labisli Chiircli to Be Sunday Host LABISH CENTER The local Evangelical church will be host to the Clear Lake church for Harvest day, Sunday, October. 21. Sunday school will be at 10 o'clock and at 11 o'clock a pro gram will be ! presented , which Mrs. Harry Boehm and Mrs. Ern est Dunn are arranging. ; Mrs. Harlan' Pearsall and Mrs. Nathan Kurth are in charge of the basket dinner to be served at noon. ' . j . Quarterly conference 'will be held in the afternoon , with Paul Petticord, district superinlendent, as gtiest speaker. A general invi tation to attend these serv ices has been extended. ; i Inspections pet For Utility Plants State Tax dommissioner Coe McKenna announced Tuesday that he had arranged a schedule whereby he will inspect every utilitj. plant in Oregon ? within the next six months. ! The first inspection started Tuesdav jn the vicinity; of Mill City. '., Martha Class Meets At G. L. Russell Home MONMOUTH Mrs. G. L. Rus sell ' and Emma; Kramer were hostesses Friday for the Martha class of the Evangelical church at the Russell home. Fifteen were present and. flannelgrams, used to illustrate Bible stories, were cut for use of the school of Evangel ism to be held at the home of Mrs. Earnest Read. It starts Fri day, October 19, at 3:30 p. m. Class hostesses for November t will be Amanda McMahanTanrl Mrs. Ethel Moreland at the social rooms of the Evangelical church. 3ou Buying Filberts and Ualnuts ! ' ; :'! i : '; f ' r ! For Dosenberg Dros. and Co. Test weight and payment on delivery in Salem Office with the Shryder Transfer Co. Phone 496S H. It Sl?cto :n! Bn"' l1 inunciul - Farm ) Markets Classified n.rr ' '. ' STOCK AVERAGES . - --r ' ' : 1 1 - ' ''; ' ' "" " ! t - i - .1 h I . . . K.. v - S , I -Indus M " v LI '' Boris Kartoff and Be la Lugosl In a drama "The Body Snatchers co-featured with "Uncle Marry," star ring; George Sanders, Geraldine Fitzgerald and Ella Kilned at tbe Gand tomorrow. ! i -. ll; Quotations at Portland 1 Portland Livestock PORTLAND. I Ore.. Oct. 18 (API (USDAl Salable and toUl cattle 150. calves 39; market active, fully steady at Monday's advince; few fairly good steers 15.75; cutter-common grades .00-12.50; cutter-common heUers 8.00 10.00; canner-cutter cows 8.00-8.00: fat dairy type cows S.5O-S.00; common medium beef CTWs S.00-11.50; common- 5ood sausage bulls S.5O-10.75; odd beef ulls to 11.25; food-choice vealers 13.00-14.00; odd head 14 50. Salable hogs 50; total 100; market ac tive', - steady; barrows and . gilts, all weights, 15.80; sows 15.05; heavy stags 14.50; common-medium feeder pigs 12.00-18.00; good-choice salable 17.50 18.50. i Salable sheep 250, i total 350: market active, fully steady: at Monday ad vance; good-choice lambs 12.50-75; common-medium grades 10.00-11.00: culls down to 1.00; odd yearlmgs 8.50; good ewes 4.00-50; common down to 2.50. I Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct.. lft-(AP)-Cash wheat bid): Soft white 1.58i; soft white (excluding Rex) 1.58!i: white club 1.58b: western red 1.58'i. Hard red winter: Oordinary 1.58'V. 10 per cent 1.59; 11 per cent 1.63; 12 per cent 1.67. i Hard white baart: Ordinary 1.59; 10 per cent 1.62; II per cent 1.63; 12 per cent 1.64. i Today's car- receipts: Wheat ; bar ley 6: flour 1; corn 1; oaU 1; mill feed 3. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. IS (API Butter AA print. 46-46' ic, cartons, 464-47,,ic; A grade prints. 45,'a-46c; cartons. 45',i-45-!.,c; b grade prints, 45'-45;c Butterfat First quality, maximum of .6 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland. 52-52'zc; premium quality, maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity. 53-53 'ac; valley routes 2nd country by points. 2c less 5fhan first or 50-50ac. Cheese Selling price to Portland re tailers: Oregon triplets, . 29.86c: loaf. Grain Prices Decline; Rye Biggest Loser CHICAGO, Oct -(Liquida tion and stop loss selling produced price declines throughout the gram futures market list today. The recession, against which tradU ers in, neartjy wheat contracts of fered mild opposition, was attribut ed by analysts to an overbought position resulting from several weeks, of steady price .improve ment. Rye suffered the biggest setback, the distant September contract closing 1 to 14 lower than yes terday. Losses of one cent or more were common, however, with some deliveries of wheat! oats and bar ley also showing jthat much or famore downturn. Corn was frac tionally easier. j At the close wheat was V to 1 lower than yesterday's finish, December $1.76 Vs-U; corn was Va to lower, December $1.18; oats were lit to lower, December 654-; rye was unchanged to 1?4 lower; December $1.59-1. 59Vs; bar ley was ft td 1 lower,! December Some Issues In Late Rally On N. Y. Marts NEW YORK, Oct. I6.-(P)-Se-lected steels,, Jiquors utilities and specialties exhibited belated strength in today's stocjc market although many pivqtals elsewhere backed into losing territory. I The day's volume was 1,630,000 shares, the same as Monday. Early light selling was attributed to the persistent belief a substan tial technical correction of the lengthy forward swing was over due. The inflation theme, predi cated on the serious labor situation bringing rising wages and prices, still provided the main bullish argument Earnings, dividends and tax hopes also restrained liquida tion. ; ' JONES r : I ij j i 1 TU OBeoK STaTISMAN. Salw OrtqcL Wadnasdar Moralnq; October 17.11 !sv"J'".; -1 lI'-.vV scene from the RKO ipine-chilUng 30.48c lb.; triplets td ' wholesalers 2S.3e: loaf. 28.5c lb? delivered.! )'- - Eggs To retailers: A A rrade. large. 59c A. 57c; A larg, 36fc; A medium, 82c small (pullet) 42-43c. ' Dressed Meats Veal-iA A. S2',ic; A, 21c; B. 19-10 Vjc; C.;i7-fl74r:cuU. 14 15c Sjb. Hogs Fancy block. 20c. Lambs, AAg 26c; A, 24ic; B, j22ie: C. 20c. Mufion Fancy. A. ': m. 12c: R grade, 8-10c. Beef AA, ill. grade. 810c. Beef A A, 21c; . A, 20ic; B, 18ic; C, 16ic; canner and cutter, 13-14c: canner and cutter bulls, 14c. Chickens Buying price of whole sale? s : Broilers, 1 to 2 lbs. 25c; 2 to 3alb., 25c; roasters over J't lbs., 25c fe colored hens, 22c; ELeghorn bens, 20c roosters, stags, ,14e lb. .4 Rabbits Govenrment ceiling: Aver age? country killed to retailers "44c lb.; liveprice to producters, 22-24c lb. Tarkeys Market nominal but weak. Onions Oregon dry Ho. 1. 2.15 50-lb. sack; greenn. 75-85c down bunches. Potatoes Deschutes (Jems, 100s, 3.40: 25s .-90c sack: Klamath Qems, 100s, 3.40; Valgma, 3.00. f .1 . ; . WoolGovernment contnrol. Cscara Bark Dry stock. 2Dc lb. Mohair 944 12-montb. 45e lb. Hy Wholesale rail (shipment: Al falfj. No. 2 or better. $34-833; oats and veth, mixed hay, valley growers' price, $24g clover hay. 821.- baled on farms. Salem Market Quotations -? f ' : The prices below su polled by a !- cal grocer arc indicative of the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers -but are lidt . guaranteed bv fThe Statesman? . I BUf TER, EGGS AND rOtXTRT i (svsject t cnaaga itbout aotlccl L'lTERFAT ( Premium . .84 J3 , J 48 .48 i- MVt no. si Nol2 BLtTER PRINTS a J ; ; B A Quatfers ; FGdS Extra large Mediums Standards Pullets JS2 .47 .'46 Cracks POULTRY No. a colored hens No. 2 colored hens Colored frys .28 21 i J18 Yearling Iambs 7'aito S'i .4. a,wes LIVESTOCK (By Vaue Pack Beef steers Beet cos . , Dairy covrs BuTls .10 to .08 to .05 to .075 to .14 .10 .08 .10 VeaJ 8.00 : to 13.50 Lambs, top .1. U. 11.58 to 8.50 Veiling ..... rL S.00 HWfS 2 00 to 4 00 2.00: to 3.00 i U 15-45 14 95 ,;; L- 1480 Hoss. Os er 300 lbs. Sovs, top .. Processors' s Prices Specined By pistrict pPA loRTLAND, Oct. 8 -(Special) New dollar-and-rpnit nrossnr' ceif ngs for the 1945 jpack of dried apf cots, peaches, pars, prunes, raisins and figs were announced tocfey by W. H. MdCargaii dist rict OPA food price specialist. For dried apricots', peaches and ;pea-s the ceilings average) about i mr cent lower than 1944 ceil ing. At retail, a I reduction of about 3 per cent. processors' ceilings for some va rieties Of raisins for sale Id civil ianf trade will be sllightly higher thafi a year ago, but in the case of runes the ceiling brice wjll be the same except for? the? smaller sizf? which will be ilightlyi high er, VlcCargar said. A reduction of a : Out Orte-half of p per cent, at e processor willl j result levil, in fig ceilin irom today s action. qpecuic ceilings jpr dried ap ple will be establLved later. J Help Wanted j Male km WANTED FOR FRUET PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT FpR THOSE SUITED Honorably! Discharged Vkerans Preferred TIM AND A HALF AFTER 40 HOURS f ! PllONE 6623 OR CALL-; IN PERSON HONEYWOOD DlriLLERIES ''.:". :w - 5M S. IKiSEJ i . 1 - i To help pack Day Shift, ;7 a. & Norway St, i ' 1 - . . i i liclley t Qrquli IS , IS Rails Vtil Stki 72.5 72.8 .72.4 SB. 55 S 72.8 97.1 Tuesday S7.0 Previous day 97.3 Week ago ... 97.1 Month ago 92.7 Year d ago 77.0 1945 high 97.4 mi low 78 i Jfew 1945 high. BONB AVERAGES 44.0 49.6 44.1 44.0 41.1 28.8 45.9 32.9 48.4 49.0 47.6 38.7 49.8 391 20 10 10 19 Togo 74.2 74.2 73.8 73.0 .88.9 Rail Indus L'til 100.1 103.8 107.9 Tuesday Previous day .100.0 Weekf ago ..... 99.7 Month ago . 98.4 Year!, ago , 92.4 . I . 104.0 107.9 103.9 107.8 104.1 107.1 105- 1063 DR. 3IM3IS IN WASHINGTON COr'VALUS, Oct 16-(ff)-Dr. B. Tf. Shnms, who headed Oregon State .college's veterinary medi cine jfor a quarter-century, Is now chief of the bureau of animal in dustry at Washington, "-). C. Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Thtee Insertions per line J5c Six insertions per iin , sn On! month per line $1.23 Mioimum charge 25c; 3 tl. min- imum 35c; 6 U. min. 45c. No refunda, Ckpy for this page accepted un til 8:30 the averting before publica tion for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run undei the heading "Too Late to Classify." The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility -for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and In cases where this paper tu at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake accurs. The Statesman reserves the rlghl to reject . questionable advertising. It ffurther reserves the right to place ail advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a 'Blind" ad. Auctions STAYTON auction MARKET Thurs. 7:30 PM. Will have a nice sale Thurs. ru uht Wist epn- Don't forget to come and bring you aiave to sell. 8 nice young milk cows in one signiiient, milking now. Dandy Here ford! buu. Fresh and springer cows. 23 hfead choice Berkshire Sc. Poland China Cross feeder hogs. Sows, boar, pigs. rabbits, chickens. 8 head nice shoii yearling Guernsey heifers, some fat fealves, Several horses consigned this veek. One extra nice young; roan horsf. Used car, good rubber,' runs niceJust the thing to take you there and fbring you back. Good two bottom John? Deere tractor plow. Good feed chopper, light two-wheel trailer, wa- fltleemotor. Furniture and rnisc. i Drop in when you have time. You ran jpuy a good cow here any day in the wrek. Also have several nice young bulls to iet out. Don't forget to come. You csn buy it or sell it at Stay ton Auction Market. i Art Lewin , illcry your farm sale or buy your sale for cash. AUCTION ATTEND CaDtain Fred C. Sullivan's hi grade antique Sc furniture auction Satujrdav, October 20th at the residence 2382 1 State street. Salem. See Oct 14th classified ad for complete itemized account, or phone 3761 days for infor mation. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C Sullivan, owners. Glenn H Woody, Salem, auc tioneer. . Livestock and Poultry ? HfjRSES BOARDED. 85,25' "week. D. D. Oelp, ml. E. op Fairgrounds. ! FOR SALE: 5 H.R. chickens, 7 weeks eld.2625 S. Summer. FOR SALE: Christie . N.H. pullets. 8 wjts. 75c. R. G. 1 Doege. Rt. 4. Box 180. it's mi. W. Rosedaie school. Phone' 2-3134. ; T I FdR SALE: 4-Star (Boyington's) N. H. pullets 10 weeks old. Also rabbit fryes. 1960 Mission. ' ' WANTED: Beet ana canner cows bulls and veals. Will call at farm H If Snethen. 35T0 E. Turner Road Ph 134S Moms or eves.- i WANTED: Rat and canner cows for bcefg Dairy cows, heifers, bulls, veal. Fat shops, sows, stags, boars. Market priest E. C. McCandish, rt-5,"box 373. Ph. 8147, across from ball park S. 25th. i FdR SALE: Good Family Cow, Rt. 7. xjox?;aiks-j. fa. Jits. I j Help Wanted Male urn St. mnm ' '4.: it falljvegelables nujo 5:30 p. m. ar M Co. Ph.24l33 ! REGISTERED milking Shorthorn buU5erjrtcj!t HANDLING : i US : : Livestock and Poultry RABBITS WANTED, an sizes. 4 to 8 Iba. White. 2 4c lb colored 22c live weight Babb t skirts, best prizes. Wire stretchers and other supplies. Salem address, 60 Ratdiff Drive, phone 3-1530. Portland ! address. Rabbit Meat Co 8917 Si SUrk. SUN. 1721. v Help Wanted TUSKtY PICKERS needed. North west Poultry and Dairy. 1505 N. Front. WTCliErTANlTOR.Tsteady posi tion, good wages. Marion Hotel, i DISHWashTR. The Spa. . . L GROCERY" Clerks wanted. No exp. necessary. Good pay to start and while you train. Exc.- opportunities for men and women who qualify; C Ted Med ford. Dist. Manager Safeway, McGU chrlatBldg. rPb&6ll i i v j "AaT'iAdalpVJnee Men or women that can produce can maw up to Siua per week piece .work. Inquire Al Schevlair at Quartmaster's Laundry Camp Adair. , Help Wanted Male WAN'tJEU: Bus boy. straight morn ing shift steady position. Marion Hotel. MEATS CUTTIRS WANTED: Excel lent opportunities for the right men. Apply in person to T. M. Medford. Safeway District Office, McGUchrist mdg Phone 5611. 1 . . . J . MEAT, CUTTER. 'Also experienced grocery ! and produce man. Apply in person. Dickson's Market. So. 12th and Pacific jlighway. WANTED Carpenter to build roof extension and small room. Lockhart, 240 Sllverton Rd, Salem. SER. STA. opr.- Experience not nec essary, willingness to learn paramount. Steady employment with wages ac cording Mo ability. Give, personal de tails. Bo9c 202 Statesman. supt. for: Donald M. Drake Co., general contractors at Oregon Pulp and Papar Co.. Salem. DISHWASHER Waitress night shift. 162 N. Com'l. Chinese Tea Gar den. I SAWMILL: Permanent setter. Gov ernments housing available. Coastal Lumber t Company, Grand Ronde, Ore gon, call Grand Ronde 2261. 2 RADIO Repair men with 10 or 15 yrs. on the bench or equivalent. Good wages. The Morrow Co., 153 S. Liberty. BOD Yj MEN and mechanics. Her rail Owens qo. ' Help5 Wanted Female EXPERIENCED waitress, good wages, steady position. Marion Hotel. RELIABLE woman for general house work. Room, board and good wages. ModernjountjyJhcm GIRL WANTED to take care of chil dren. 148 Union. WANTED: Lady to do laundry in our home. 1575 Broadway. WANTED: Housekeeper at Catholic rectory. -Good wages and good borne. Write Box 116, Woodburn, Ore. BOoTcKEEPERS WANTOXmlv Dairy Co-op office, 2135 Fairgrounds ra., weq. a.m., iu to iyt. BAKERY WOMEN uantorf. Kalocpir! and .woman for work in backroom. Moiiana naKery, no n. com'l. SANDWICH and salad lady. The Spa. TWO ! Beautv Orwrator nrWt iarsen ..st Beauty siuaio. I'none 9033 WAITRESS. The Spa. WANTED: Housekeeper for care of two small children. Board & room and good wages. Mrs. Jimmie Riddle. In dependence, Ore. LADY? COOK, with experience, good wages. Call in person. Oregon State Tuberculosis Hospital. FOUNTAIN GIRL. TheSpa?' GIRL For eeneral office work. Single. 18 to 25i Permanent. Short hand, not necessary. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co.. 311 Masonic Bldg. Good wages, steady work, room and fc. r 1 p-ie m Cleaners, Also checker needed. 1245 State St .. GIRL Who wants Dermanent rxwition Typing, shorthand and some knowl edge of I bookkeeninc reauired. Good salary. Apply 813 Guardian Bids. Salesmen Wanted FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE! for Salem and adjoining counties by 'Na tional company, building specialty lines. We establsh you in business, no investment required. If you have: the sales ability your future is assured. State fully your former experience, earnings, age and phone number. You will be granted a personal interview. Address s Mr. M. L. Doan co The Statesman. . ; Situations Wanted TRUCK" DRIVER wanting, .work. VCWlalll, rilWW 2 HIGH SCHOOL girls want house work Saturdays. Pb. 4932. after 4:30. HONEST hard working man wants small profitable business. Will consider partnership with a square shooter. 966 Lenten Mr. Dexter. Preschool Playschool; 1381 State Ages 2-8, Part or all day. Ph 8430.- F6r Sale Miscellaneous Davenport and chair. $13. Ph. 5867. GOOD Warner piano. 8125. Ph. 4531. PIANp In very good condition, rea- sonaoie. S lew s. cotuge. NICE Windfall apples, 50c box. Meyer mtf Lut, out center. .22 cal Jver-Johnson target pistol with noisier, juooa cona., xzs. ra. 22112. 1941, MONTAG wood range. White & black, excellent condition. 1273 N. 18th. "GLDTTrROSEETO Ted Muller, 1 ml. South of Brunk's corner. Ph. 2-1186. . , , WERCXTNG house U S67 N. Front Sized 4. Hawthorne bike. lood eond. 2383 N. Front. j DRlCHAN. . . LAM Dr.T.T .Lam NJ. Dr.O.CkasuN Ji. CHINESE UerbaUsts 241 North Libert? 1 r , Upstairs Portland General Electric Co. Office open Saturday only It a.m..'to 1 pjn.; 8 to 1 p.m. Can fuhation. Blood pressure and urine testa are free ei charge. Practiced since IB 17- . MODEST I , . j .-.Ij - Tm'ii aiwo a hwoa. . ";. j II I 111 II : : -i I Tv ! : 1 i n jt if i . l i ii i i I II MaST L-II Hri - V 1 I I I 1 IU-I I j "Say, Pop, how long your nose to the grindstone ?f" For Sale Miscellaneous 120 BASS 3 switch accordion. Beau tiful black and white like new. 8475. 1MB S. COttlKC DELUXE iron pads and covers." Yea- ter Appliance Co.. 255 N. Liberty st. JUST ARRIVED, permanent anti freeze. Firestone Stores, Center Ac LiDerty. rn. 144. MAN'S bicycle arid snare drum. 1150 N. Church. j ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR and Flat Top Elect Stove. Ralph Bent, 149 N. High st. HAVE YOU been: tooking for a tire pump? DeLuxe pump with aluminum foot place, cap and handle. Will not leak air, 82.28. Firestone Store, Cen ter & Libcrty. Ph. 9144. BEAUTIFUL satinwood twin bedrm. set complete; cost $550: sell for 8275. Curly maple modern dining- set. Iron bed, coil springs 4: mat. for 315. Call eves, or Sat. St Sun. 1458 Chemeketa. LARGE WOOD circulator, 830. Oak side board. 310. Call after 8 p.m. Pb. 2-4296. , ELECTRIC portable sewing machine, elec. iron, folding baby buggy. Doo-tee nursery aeat. 495 S, 12th. 5 H P. heavy duty single cyl. Econ omy gas. engine. Hit and miss gover nor, w. a. aunty, rail city. VANITY DRESSER, brown dresser, 12x12 Bigelow rug, 8x10 Wilton rug, foot stool, bridge lamp, table lamp, oc casional chair, end table, magazine rack, painted table, fireplace irons; tub, etc. Call at 463 S. Capitol. FERTILIZER : 960N. Com'l. Ph. 5523. TOMATOES , for Sale Ph. 2-2578. , W ATKINS Products. Ph. 2-2413. HOUSE Trailer. 42 model. Mainline. Will sell cheap. Ph. 22F23. GRAPES. MELONS. TOMATOES. PEPPERS, l'i mu N.W. Salem on Wal lace Road. Turn right on gravel road i mi. toward river. LOUCKS' VINE YARD & GARDENS, Rt. 1, Salem, Ore. CHRISTMAS CDS: wrappings, gifts. The 'Apron Shop. 679 N. High st. 1940 TWIN Johnson 2'i hp. outboard with case. 2347 Breyman. Ph. 4567. TRAILERS for rent 30c per nr. Woodry's Mkt, 1603 N. Summer.' WE BUY and cell men's shoes, cloth ing, tools, radios; guitars, trunks, furniture and 1 household goods., SUN DALES. 293 N. Com'L Ph. 9696 WE buy and sell furniture, tools. stov.es. dishes, motors, radios. Electric appliances, household goods. KLtG MAN'S, 285 N, Commercial. Ph. 9885. ATMORAYS OZO.nl sen and rent H C Puch Ph 2-2458 PO Boa 483 WOOD HEATER, complete with pipe and mat good cond., $10. Ph. 4454. jrJgnj-J Sajg.mV . i GAS Lawn Mower, $50. Rt 7, Box j-3!??lJ ELEC. FAN. Bench vise. Fern stand. Ph. 3205. GARDEN HOSE, I tools, dishes, fruit jars. Ph. 2-1028. HOUSE TRAILER. GLIDER. 24-ft Elect. Refrig.. all metal, fully equipped, new tires. Fir Crest Trailer Park, N. River Rd. i i FOR SALE: Small desk, Ph. 6559. 695 N. Liberty. j . FREE: About 3 or 4 yards of dirt, mostly top soil. Take it away. 1335, N. 18th st i WILL Buy for cash, sell or trade, guns, scopes, ammunition and trail ers. Don Madison. 290 No. High. FOR SALE New Zealand white and Chinchilla i bred, does. Some with litters, also does ready for service. 7 miles south old Pacific highway to Sunnyside. l'i miles west and south. Rt 4, box 253. T.f Sherwood, phone 213iSl ...I-.. I . JL,',,.-, WOOD Range with coils, good cond. PRe War Detecto baby scales. 660 Edina Lane. Phone j57, ; LARGE Wood circulator-, small heat er, wood range, 2 plate electric plate with oven, electric raoio. 3ta itn. NEEDLE Point, 'aprons, crocheted linen sets, embroidered linen sets, other novelities. Elec. toaster and dishes. 944 N. cottage CORN FOR SILAGE GOOD BUY- PH. 22502 HOME sold. Selling all furnishings. Piano, 3 Wilton rugs. elec. Victrola. 3 piece dav. set' 4-piece ivory dinette, Simon beds, rockersj etc. Ph. 2-2422. C. E. SUN Lamp! 30. Pb. ISIS or ecria. WE ARE Selling the furniture from tti "fj Marie" a .it. boat. Misc. -fur niture. No refrigerators. Call 9303? 100 Chemeketa. f , 1 EACH 12 gauge, dbl. Parker. Model 97 Win.. M-55 and 3240 Model 4 rifles. 50-110 Model 1886, Model 65 Win. with Krac BBL and 330 Weaver scope. Heavy duty stock I trailer, excellent tires, aw rile. uign. . g NICE Sows and 13 rood big wean er pigs. Reasonable H. D. McMUlin, ili--'Ax-.- :--r TRAILER HOUSE in good condition. Sleeps four: rood rubber. Call i J4S0 w. mod xi ui atter pjn. MAIDENS did ya say youve For'. Salt?- Miscellaneous i .23 CAL. Colt automatic. Inq. Hollywood' Theatre. Excel, cond. RIVER SILT FILL DIRT EXCELLENT MASON SAND ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL COMMERCIAL. SAND GRAVEL PtL 21966 23100 : GERMAN ! Shepherd (Police) Dogs. 3'i months .old registered pups. Fin est breeding. Various colpts. Out S. River Rr- turn at Halls I Ferry Va mile east and 1 mile south. Reilloc Kennels, Rt. 3, Box 711. ! ciakikist: b nat, practically new. Charles ISaak. Rt. 6. Box 531G. 2 blks. N. Kruegers store. Center AcTFumer rd. : BEAUTIFUL northern muskrat. gable dyed lur coat, size 14. $2U0J No tax. rn. six. N.H. PULLETS & fryers i months. zo Lee st. i FOR SALE: Late model Even rude outboard motor, $95. 1740 N 20th. FRESH apple juice made dLilv from seieciea ripe apples ino preservative) ruriian uiaer wks., west salem FULLER Brushes 1745 Grant P 835' EXPERT iwashuig machlnO service and wringer rolls, all makes. See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros. Furniture Store. 319 n. liberty ALWAYS a big stock - Woodry'a Furniture Mkt Ph 8110 REINFORCING steel and mesh, ex pansion joints for concrete!. Oregon Gravel Co.. 1405 N. Front. Pih. 3417. I 3 PHASE Hi HP motor. Quincy 7 it. air compreasor. new., fn. 96B. LAWN MOWER. Sharpening lusting. : Woodry's IStU 16 ' BOSC Pears. Rollin Creek Rd. Ph. , 47F2. up Glen ; MOD. 60 all crop A. C. combine. 60 Christie R. I. R. pullets. Rt 7 Box 246, l',j mi. N. on Van Cleave rd ALMOST NEW wood circ. beds com plete, brfst. sets, elec. toasters, baby crio ana paa. Z44Z Lee st. ! WINCHESTER 32-20 carbine! rifle and Winchester ; .22 repeating rifle, j Both with shells, i 121 Main, Dallas I SIX-FOOT Frigidaire triple ! glass meat case. .Evcellent condition. Smith St Ward. Cherry ave and N. River rd. r- ! WOOD HEATER, good Phone 7444. cod., $10. BLUE DAVENPORT and rlia nr. 9x12 rug, walnut writing desk. 743 E st., TWO 2-wheel trailers, 16 2125 S. Winter. In. : tires. Wanted Miscellaneous Washington Creamerv Co. Opening our Plant Oct. 17 READY TO KILL TURKEYS I - . . POULTRY & EGGS -s V HIGHEST CASH PRIC ES SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL PH. 21810 i wante: -Willamette student wants board and Dm. Ph. 7750. ! WILL STORE piano in exchange for use. Pit. Z41BU9. 5c a lb. Hogg Bros.. 360 State st. WANTED. PIANOS Will pay cash Wills Music Store 432 State St 1 . USED FURNITURE. Ph. 8113. ; i WANT TO Buy. Qsea cameras tenses McEwan Photo Snuv 43a State iU" YOU have furniture tolsell see Russ Bright Pa. 731L 453 feurt CASH for rotir usAj fupirure. Ph 7598. State St rurtUure. 1900 State . CASH tot used piano at etner mu tcal tnatrumenu Call 4S41 i days 9537 evenings or tend description ft Jaquith Music Co. Ml 8 High. Miscellaneous HEAVY Hauling, Excavation and Road Building.' Land Clearing, Dozer Work. Ditching. Basement Excavation. Sand. Gravel. Crushed Rock, Mason Sand. Concrete Mix, CementJ j Salem Sand & Gravel Co. - 1403 N. Front St Salero. Oreaioo Phone 9408 or 21924 4 had C STOVE rearing aTparts " Woodry's Mkt- 1605 N. Summer St a. Ad I 03NSuJnmer St Biaver Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair. DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State t Com. Pn. xjti. .,ME.?VS HATS clesned and b'ooked. 15c, LLS SPRINGER; 464 Court St Money to Loan YOU RECEIVE INDIVIDUAL CON SIDERATION WHEN YOU APPLY TO General Finance Corp. . ' ro.:fi ' Quick Cash Loans Local.'y owned and operated, we se familiar with all local needs and con. dltions and lend on any reasonable security. Up to 12 mos. to repay. . Teleohone 9168 StateJLIcS-136 138 S. Commrc S Auto And Truck Loans Contracts Refinanced n-v. vi aawv aim Ujeu VIIS VeT bring car and title and get the monev. You retain possession of vehicle, 1 to IS months" to repav. After 8 o'clock phone 21143 for appcibtmenL ROY H. SIMMONS Regulated by sta.e. PRIVATE MONEY 138 S. Com'l. St Phone 91 f. WE LIKE TO SAY 'YES WHEN YOU WANT A LOAN Making personal loans is our businex. The more times we say 'Yes' the more business we do. That's why we do our best to say 'Yes' to cverv re quest for a loan. At 'Personal' there are no hard and fast rules. The trans action is handled promptlv. private lv, without involving outsiders. loans ct $25 to 8300 on your salary, furniture or auto, j Personal Finance Co. Room 125 New Bligh Bldg. Phone 3191 518 State St. (Lie. 5-122-M-165) $ S MONEY $ $ We rr.ake all types of personal loans--" Including furniture, note and car loansj for any worth while cause We also make real estate loans and buy real estate contracts For quick and effi cient service see or phone ; STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 4121. 153 S. Hi?h, Salera Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 5T11 FLOOR GUARDIAN' BUILDINO LICENSE N M 159 i LOANS Money Tor eood real estate losr.a. Quick wrvice and low tnteiest lilts. CHAS. HUDKLNS & SON. 275 Stale St Phone S4i4 -moneFtom WANTED. REAL ESTATE m.ortpafe loans, city or farm oroprties; loars made s small as $300 ' See u about refinancing jour present contract cr mortgtge. . Approved city loans 4'i". Leo N. Cliilds, Inc. 344 Sttte St ' I , Ph. :fl For Rent Apartments IN PORTLAND 3 rm. very modern furn. apt. to change for furn. or unfurn. apt or fe. in Sf.lm. Ph. MU 8603. or iite 27Jg N. AinMr.orth, Portland; 11. For Rent CANYON Drive deluxe beach fr,.t apis., el ranges, refrig., showers. fne places. Make reserv. for fall now. Df Lake. Oie. Ph. 201. CASH Register for rent. Ph. 54)9. "TRUCKS lot tent tou drive fctc Cune 8r Loveil ohone 9600 IT.OOR SAND En rm rent turnery Ward Moct- GOOD Used Piano, n L Stift Wanted to Rent WORKING couple desires 3 or 4 rr -a fumisned apt No children or pets. Ph. ',5920. VETERAN and wife, permanent em ployment with state, desires house tr apt. 810 Reward. Box 203 Statesman. EMPLOYED couple need furnished place. Will pay top rent. No children, no pets, Pn. Robison, 318S, parts dept., betwttn FORMER Salem couple, returning, wants -1 bedroom unfurnished apt . flat or house. Call 842, or 1771 Sc. cottage. SMALL modern furn. house or ai-t. for 2 middle aired teachers. Excelltr-t reference. Ph. 4661. , WANTEO: 5 rm. mod. home by p manent couple. No .children, no ptt?. Call Mr. Casey. Millers Stioe dept. MIDDLE-AGED Christian couple 1 need futn. apt or small house. No drinking or smoking. Call 2-1794 frcrn 9 a.m. to noon or 1 p.nt-to 5 p.m.. 8T0 REWARD, Unfurnished or fur nished home for six months. Call at 2(2 State rt., or Phone 6062. YOUNG COUPLE a .id child art apartment or house. Veteran. Ph. 85F12. YOUNG Christian couple. 1 child, need a furnished or unfurnished apt or hou. 3 to 5 rooms. No drinking cr smoking; Phone 5447. I 3 or 4 Bedroom Home. Call Mis. FittS. Ph. 4424. 815 REWARD for 2 bedroom home.. Permanent ref. Ph. 8380. LOCAL BUSIENSS man and family urgently in need of modern 2 bed room unfurnished home. Call 9141 tat 24 days. Mr. Hulbert. , i WANTED on of before Nov. 10. 3 or 4 room apt., furn. or unfurn. Middle aged man and avifo, Not pet, drinkers or smokers. Edward Con yers, Rt. 1, .Hubbard. Ore. Phone Needy VF51. ( ! j DISCHARGED service ; man wants furnished apartment er small furnished house. Call Anthony Franco, , 7764. - BUSINESS CPLE. permanent, want apt. duplex or house, furnished or un furnished, Cal! Bb34. ! i Cal! BW' i rent ir WISH to rent r lease two bedroom home. perm. Bp '0. . . ...T vv employee. lUf. VETERAN, wile and child 3 vis., need furn. or unfurn. house or act Permanent Ph. iiaio or 5154. For Sale 4-Real Estate Immediate Possession 1 acre, with fa brand ! new 2 B R. hoa-.e. . 1 mik nrtl. A buy at 865(0, . .. .. WEST SALEM REALTY CO. 7'33 Edgewater St. J i Phoue'5109 :. I-' ! i i t .':'! -. . ' ; ' . f v . 3 - 1 ' I -1 i iii MMiiniiwn'mwr'i'"-'" "" ''" " - ( , I u ill