fags TVflxyt Memorial to be Heldday Communion Table Will ! Be Dedicated for David Ringland A new communion table In memory of PTC. David A. Rinx- land, U. S. Marine Corps, will be I dedicated at 11 a. m. service Sun day morning at the Englewood UnitedJi,Brethren church.; David was the - son i of Set. and Mrs. David L. Ringland of Salem, and was killed Nov 14, 1943, on Bou gainville. Sergeant Ringland was a marine recruiter during World war II and was pastor of Engle wood United ! Brethren church 1939 to 1941. i ' .The communion table memorial was chosen as most in keeping with the "liviiur memorials" that are useful and practical. It will set under the stained glass win dows in the chancel and has neces sltated changing the seating ar rangement the choir. The new choir pews face the center of the chancel making j an ; open-faced early churcU style chancel. The choir enters! the loft from the two rear chancel doors. The public Is Invited to the dedication. The pastor,! the Rev. J. M. Goodheart, j will preach on the subject and text "Greater love hath no man than this." Monday - . . . I r noon, Jl WUl leave By piane I TilinoiS Where he Will Join his wife and daughter who have been visiting relatives in the mid-west The Rev. Goodheart will christen his niece in the Lutheran church of Rosette, Oil, preach in his home church at Bloomington, HL, 1 A 1 A 1 1 ana men uae uooanean xauuijr will leave bjr train for California " 1 1 ni 1.1- MA4V. wnere at wiu van .uu uiuvu Los Anelesi While there he Will T I . 1 iM DMMnno HlehAn Warn. I M y""". -- 1 er s nome j cnurcn, ww xixt. m V. 1 r - AmxoIas Tt. Cnv- der, pastor Of. First Church LOS 17th and Court st W. H. Lyman, pas Angeles, is to be the evangelist at -r&&sXf. ?tS? dSS! Engle WOOd U. in next yearsio( Jesus." Christian Endeavor Hour, fre-Easter services. ' ' 9:30 pjn. Evening service at 7:30. The pre-r-asver , bcryitca. I r.M.. in ,h,r nieht service. Mid- i I 4?:1..lLM PUMlinf 011VU17lUllVyUUUAlC9 CALVARY LUTHERAN Jersey st. O. C Olson, pastor. Sun day scnoot anu "S " 'l r . i 1 .a m UlTine worsnip, i w. . PrlceLLen. week Bible study and prayer session. Thursday p.m. FIRST CHRISTIAN Park at 1st t. Russell Myers, pas tor. Bible school, t:45 a jn. Services at 11. Endeavors juniors ax jmu pjn.i seniors at s.30. Evagelistic at s. MAKOIIAM METHODIST I : Scotts Milla road at Marauam. Pier re Smith, minisiter. .Sunday school at 10 a.m. Worship at 11. Youkg people's 'service. 730 pjm. 1 : J rHRISTIAN I SCIENCE Third at Lewis st. Sunday school at 1:49. Services at ll. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST . Park at 2nd st. William W. Ring, pas tor. Sabbath school Saturday at 930 ajn. Worship at ll. n.nitii HOLINESS Knight of Pythias hall on Mill st. William L. McGlasaon, pastor. Sunday ' school 10 a.m. Worship at 11. Evening service at io, ASSEMBLY OF GOD Front at. Omar Bailey, pastor. Sun day school 9:4 a.m. Preaching at 11. Young people at 7 p.m. Evangelistic , at a. i LATTER DAY SAINTS Modern Woodman nan. Third St. Sunday school :4S a.m. Worship at ll. jua at b pja. . . . CHVKCR Of GOD I Second at i A streets. Orvllle Baker, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a jn. Wor snip at ii. s-vangeusuc at m p.m. CHRISTIAN AND " ' i r MISSIONARY ALLIANCE North 2nd st. B. A. Franklin, pas tor. Sunday i school 10 a.m. Worship at 11. Young people at 1 pjn. Evangelistic at p.m. .j .j ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC Pine at Grant st. Father John 3. Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses at a a.m. and 10 ajn.f Weekday masses at S:19. -Saturday masses at 730 a Jn. TRrNITY I " f- i Second it A st M. 3. K. Fuhr. pas tor. Sunday, school and Bible classes t 10 a.m. Diving worship at 11. Sub ject, "My Place fat the Kingdom." Spe cial music bv Trinity choir. Luther league 7:19 j.m. Ellen Gunderson, topic leader, uiotr Thursday at o.m. Con firmation Instruction, Saturday at 930. METHODIST Main at Fisfce st. O. Leonard Jones, minister. Church school. 9:49 a.m. Wor ' ship at 11. World communion day. Ser mon theme, . "Mightier Than the Atom." J3oy Scouts, Monday, 7 pjn. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN Church St. S. L. Almlie. nastor. Sun day school j and Bible classes 10 a.m. Worship at II. Sermon. "BUsy With ... V . 11 II lull . OUBj If 1U1 1mm, TViinm T.itth.f 1..r.. i-tn n m. Topic. TChnstian Community Un derstandinc." Choir rehearsal, .Th- ay. -Lablsh Gmples Travel For Mill West Points ; LABISH CENTER The Ruben Boehms and; the Art Rasmussens .left Wednesday for North Dako ta where the Rasmussens will Visit relatives. The Boehms will go on east for about a month and then the two couples will, return together, i A Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ditchen and baby son will stay at the Boehm . home during their absence and the Max Bibbys will be at the - JKasmussens. imsign - tsibby is spending several days in Seattle pending his discharge. Firsi IlelhodisI Church Down Town the Tall White Spire . 10:50 Morning Worship : "The Divine Presence ' -. ' Dr. J. M. Adams V I Visitors in the City and Friends Invited. Youth Leader i.-"-. ..."";. t ' I . ... ' " - 1 ' . : . ., v-- If ; v.y ; ' ' '"' ' : " I ' UriTini.i.i'i f fiOii. ' :ir i ilir,i.,.itAii ' t The Rev. Kenneth Reeves who will speak twice at the First Presbyterian church on the work of Christian education. Salem Churches ncrnvT. maptixt North Cottac t D t. 3. T. Olthotf. DD, pastor. Sunday tchool a.m.. Mnrnlnr krrvirm at 11. Harry Aj West of Portland. -Gideon jt: lain. nker. Youth fellowship at S.ou, Kvrnlnr aervlce at 7 JO. Subject "An- Ichors for Drtftlnf Liv." Wednesday 1 7:49 pjn Bible study, prayer and I praise service. IMMANCFX, BAPTIST Hazel at Academy st. sunaay scnooi 9:4 a.m. Morning service at 11. l.u- cinda Newton ot Tanganyika. Airica. speaker; Lee Wiens, speaker. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. FIRST BAPTIST North Libertr at Marion St. Rev. Irving Andrew Fox, DD, Pastor. Sun i,- Iphool 9:45 a.m. Mornins: service. t ll. Subject "The Gideons.,r Evening : T .nn dkiM. rV ttl. KI V HJT fc Juujii Savior." Wednesday. 7:30 pjn, mid iweek service, led by pastor week serivce Thursday, ao p.m. FIRST CHRISTIAN center at Hieh t. Dudley Strain. pastor: Clay P. Pomeroy, associate pas tor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Mernin Youth meetings at 6:15. Evening serv ice at 7:30. Subject "An Obscured ,,lt. - mtitf Monrf.v at 7:30 &JW! fed pjn. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL North Costaee at Marion st. "Serv. ices will be conducted by Dr. Gert' rude Boyd Crane, professor Pacific university. Forest Grove. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning service at ll. Subject "For the laving ol This Hour. KNIGHT MEMORIAL CONGREGATIONAL ' 19th and Ferry st. WUlard B. Hall, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning Pilgrim Youth Fellowship 6 pjn. SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS South Commercial at Washington St. John and Laura Trachsel. Das tors. Sunday school 8:43 a.m. Morning serv ice at ll. A uideon team wui con duct the service. Evening service at 730. Subject "Christian Perfection. Prayer meeting Thursday 730 p.m. Junior and senior C. E. groups 930 pjn. Sunday. HIGHLAND AVENUE FRIENDS Highland at Church st. Cora E. Greg cry. pastor. Sunday school 10 - a.m. Morning service ' at II. Gideons in charee. Evening service at 630: Chris tian Endeavor, Laura Lou Newton. president. Subject unannounced. Meet ing evangelistic 7:30 p.m. Prayer meet ing 7:30 p.m. Weduesday. Friday ) a.m.. orayer me tin it at the varsonare. Tuesday, Oct. 16. all-day meeting with the National Holiness association In charge. AMERICAN LUTHERAN 343 N. Church st. M. A. Getzendaner, DD, pastor. Sunday school 9:49 ajn. Morning service at ll. subject ' Man's Duty to Worship God." Luther league CHRIST LUTHERAN (ALC) - state st. at mm. r. h. Theuer. castor. Sunday scnooi ajn. Morning serv ice at 11. Ingathering of thankofferim boxes.. Subject "The Thankoffering of Mary of Bethany." Confirmation class. Saturday, S30 a.m. COMMUNITY ' NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN (LFC) Hood at Summer st. R. A; Kruefer, pastor. Sunday school 9:49 a.m, Adult Bible cuss, 8:43 a.m. Mornlc r service II o clock. Subject "The i Pearl of Great Price." Midweek service 130 pjn. Wednesday, 966 Center st. Choir rehearsal Wednesday S30 p.m.. 189 S 19th. ConfirmaUon class, Saturday at T. JOHN'S LUTHERAN . CMlsseert Syaed) istn at A st. Rev. H. w. Gross, nea- tor. Sunday school and Bible class 930 ajn. Morning service 10:30 a.m. Luther an hour, 930 ajn Dr. Waiter A. Maier. FIRST METHODIST Church at State st. Dr. Inwnh VT l.j . . I Adams, castor. Sunday school 9:49 a.m. uivme presence." FREE METHODIST North Winter at Market st.! Richard T. Fine, castor. Sunday school 9:49 i a.m. Morning service at 11. Sermon by pastor, evening service at 730. sub JASON LEE METHODIST North Winter at Jefferson. 8. Ray nor Smith, pastor. Sunday school 9:43 a.m. Morning service at 11. Subject . aim lor uauy i.iiung. Juvenins- serv ice at 730; conducted by the Salem district youth fellowship. Saturday and aunaay me cnurcn is nost to the Sa lem District Youth Fellowship Rally CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE North Sth at .Gaines st. Herman ssJhSof.S'S: service at 11. Gideons from Bohl. pastor; James- Thompson, assis. Morning ine state convention. Evening service at 730. Subject "The Most Influential and Authoritative People." Prayer meeting i:ju pjn, weonesday. LESLIE METHODIST South Commercial at Mvera St. Joa- eph Knotts, pastor. Sunday school 9:49 Plan Presbyterian Youth Rally I For :Western Oregon Territory More than 200 young people from the Presbyterian churches of j western Oregon will attend the Westminister . Fellowship rally at the First Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon and evening of Oo tober 14. ! p : , . , . The Rev. Kenneth. Reeves ol Philadelphia, -director, of young people's work! of the Presbyterian board of Christian education, and A. V 1W.ll 4.1 J - ;' Dr. O. LeRoy Walter, Portland, l&&BSaSttS of WUIamttt. preoyttiT. uoror ident and thh Rev. Donald Dpd of Eugen is the youth counsellor. The progiamf begins with a rally meeting at 3 j30 o'clock with ad dresses by Dr. Walter and Ken neth ReevesJ "There wiU be an open forum discussion at 4:30. to be led by the same two leaders, and at 3 o'cldck Mrs. Irvine Dyett of Corvallls will conduct the so cial hour. ; : I r rangements for tW, supper have K been made btMrs.Uo.C. Dean, The youthfrally will close with m Mom in tcrvlcc' at. 11. Addresses by the Gideons, Youth Fellowship 6:30 o.m. Evening service at 1-M. "Subject .Sl1?" meeun inw I j vrKi rvlN mItbodIST 15th at Mill :e Loweu, liugar. pa- tor. Sunday school 10 ajn.. Morning service at llf wire, :a pjn. eve ning service at 7 JO. Prayer meeting Wednesday, w pjn. ' ' s - rhnBki, t winter at. inester w. Hamblin, pastor. Sunday school :4S m Mom in? service at juaa. otrmuu by the pastor. Subject -Man's-Right to Happiness. Kresoyverian youra nuj loia nm. Svenink service t laO. Sermon by tlte Rev. Kenneth Reeves nf Philadelphia. Monday. 7:30 P.m. Boy Scouts. Midweek service Thursday 730 pjn. rK3T!2RlAU" t 248 North eominercial. Rev. Frieda Merhant. naAor. Service 230 P.m Evening sep'tee 730 pjn. Circle at 6 lilVM VOIITH CENTER 262 N. Cattare st. Evening service at Tuesday. Oct. 18. "The ? Greatest Thins- in the Warld. Metaphysical library at same location MISSION STREET UNITED BRETHREN 1149 Mission St.. tiev. ueorge raarun, naittor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Evan gelist J. JacK Paskell. speaker, 10:15. Morning service at 11. Subject "Why the Church?"! Evening service at 7:30. Sublect "Where Are the People?" Mid week service 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Pearl Martin.eleader. FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Center at llth st. Robert W. coulter. nastor: Franic w. watkin. ir assistant I J40:1 S ,ch,ri.,'h:JI?Phm1; - . :. i. .. - ------- I Back our Horizons. iouui iroupi 6:45 p.m.i evening service at 7 .r- ry TV CTT3W ICi.WJIla VUaVUUU vsvawais, I sneaker. Wednesday 7:45 P.m.. prayer service. Saturday 8:45 pjn. The Galil ean Hour, K$LM. 875 Market 1st. Paul C. Nerlnif. pastor Sunday school 8:45 a.m. Mornintf serv ice at 11. Morning message, evening service at 7. Young people. Evangelistic service 730. Pryer meeting Wednes- ijay law. . FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST I ChemekeUS at . Liberty st. Sunday A buffet supper willbe served Fenowship 0fj Willamette presby at the Salemj church at tery who have helped in arrang- "ArtsM fieaM," House Thursday for a good neigh Real?" Evenftig service at 8. Subject, I hnr from- the south. President same. Wednesday, p.m. includes tes- timonie of healings. . C .V. Uk ' Reading room I4a I CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST ft f .mtlmr Tid-m Jtminta . 4S0 North (Cotuce st. Don H. Wall. bishop. Sunday school 10 ajn. Priest hood meeting. Relief society and pri mary 11 JO CJ. Sacrament meeting TRUTH CEBTTER 536 State it, room I. Olive Stevens, Msu, pastor. Morning service at ll. subject i "coa is spirit. : t SrVTNTH-DAT ADVENTIST Hood at Summer St. G. T. Dickinson. pastor. Sabbath school 8:90 ajn. Sat urday. Morning service at 11. by W. W, Ring. - Subject "Voice of Prophecy Day. Wednesday. 730 DJn.. prayer meeting. Young people's meeting, Sat urday, 130 pjn. CHURCH OP CHRIST North Cottage at Shinning. James A. Scott, minister. Sunday - school at 10 a.m. Morning service at 10.45. Subject 1 Study SALVATION ARMY S41 State st. Cant. R. B. Leaner. Sun day school 10 a.m. Moraine service at 11. Gideons n charge. Evening service at 730, Service Thursday, Saturday, pjn. i FIRST EVANGELICAL Marion at Summer st Rev. Wilmer N. Brown, pastor. Sunday school 8:45 a.m. Morning service at 10:50. Subject "God s Plus sign for Minus Men. Afternoon kervice at 3. The Fifth (Fihh) Column." Evening service at 7:90. Subject, "Message in . Three 7:90. Subject, "Message Words." D. J. Jack Pa Jack Paskell. " guest speaker at 5 3 services: Indian Chlez tecumseh, will sing at S services. BETHANY EVANGELICAL AND. REFORMED CHURCH North Capitol at Marlon st, Rev. Fred T. Ott. pastor, Sunday school 10 iv school lo a.m. Morning service at li. "Harvest Home and Missionfeast," Subject "Are We Nearing the Focal Point of Bis- tqry7 Revi .C. W. H. Sauerwein, of First Evangelcal end Reformed church. - -Ti i ll E M WilUam Fawk, ' Organist - - . v . .. ... Wvv z .. .. ': ;c:;;; e:;.J. Jack. Paskell j The OniGOIl STATESMAN. SoUza. .J ,ni k 2sxz r. - - Slta SS.-tS; worship service and Reeves will give an addriss on the subject ...:vt .:n,' . k nut week mucuuui kou uviu all of. the Presbyterian church in Oregon at a leadership . training conference which will be conduct ed in the morning and afternoon at the Salem (church. commiiiee or ine wesomnsier Janet Mm,1J ' PS lDresident: nijbatiL JJf? JJ3?22L;" Donahue, Bend, vicjs' president; Jane Jeffries, Corvallis, secretary; Maruyn woser, orvaius, xreas- at I the Portland First I Evangelical urer; Marlys Prentice, Bend, Bon- church; and director of the Port nie Barton, Salem, Beverly Weldytland "Youth for Christ' iorches- Eugene, Ron j Clark, Corvallis, commission cnairmen. tf-11 .U.:.- Y miu Y jVAUi vauay SALEM HEIGHTS COMMUNITY sinnard I Commwnity hail. r. c nastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning I service at ii. iouDjec .wi.uvf w Words." I :t i I Foer Corners Branch of riRST HAPTlST CHURCH East State stj at Alma ave. Sunday I scnuoi m.ui,i F- SWEGLE SUNDAY SCHOOL IVSriTJ s.er sunt Sun- day school 10 m. - ii i KEIZER UNION CUBdenominUonal tor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning j KrviC9 at ft Cnoir practice 6:45 pjn.1 Grange hall. fuv. David titmm, pas- pra ting. Young people's! mee 730 pjn. Eve- 3 ning service at a. FIRST. BAPTIST. HayesvUle Branch North Pacific highway. Sunday school 9:45 ajn. Fred Broer, supt. Evangelist to Speak At Mission St. Church Evangelist jpor the World Chris tian Fundamentals association, J. Jack Paskril;' will sneak at the Mission street United Brethren church Sunday morning at 10:15. He will speak especially to the youth in dBUs service before he speaks at the regular morning V 1TiraniTai;.al wuiuuii , ui cusk .uTauvuvu church. M , ine pastor of the United Brethren church, the Rev. George Martin, clock a. will! speak at the 11 o- m. service on the subject, "Why the Church?" RECEPTION GIVEN WASHINGTON, Oct 12 -(JP) President Truman put on a mill- farv.ictvl rcipention at the White , , . . rn, euou nutuuw ww v wv. :t - i Portland, will speak. Afternoon service at a. Topic: "Our Lord's Program for His Church, same speaker. TPS! SKABMlANIZED CHURCH of Jmu Christ mt Latter Day Saints 17th and Chemeketa. C. H. Asher. nmminr -Stuaday school 8:45 a jn. MOrn- te service at 11. Evening service at :45. Zions league. Wednesdaiy prayer meeting m pja. t TH1 S-TSLST CHITKCH OF GOD r-Attaffa at Mooa sx. itev. n. a. Schlatter, nastor. Sunday school 1:45 ajn.: junior church 10:45 eon. Morn- servlee at It. Subject "Peace. After War Is Over.? Evening service at 8:45. Unified service. Sermon 7:45. Subject "Jesus Meets; the' Needs of Sinners." 8:40 pjn. The Gideons in charge. JESUS NAME PENTECOSTAL TABEKNACLK Lewis at 12th st. Wilbur King, pas r. Sunday school 10 ajn. Mornini service at 11 j Evening service at 730. Midweek service Wednesday, 730 p.m. Baptismal service after Sunday morn ing service. jj - CALVARY CHAPEL Pen Gesvel 1275 N. Church sv Rev. ciauae i;. and Mary W. Bell, pastors. Sunday school 8:45 ajn. Morning service at 11. Youth service 8:45 Djn. Evening serv ice at 1:45 Tuesday service. 7:45 pjn. ; Thursday aervlce. i;u pjn. EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE 13th at Farry it. Rev. Walter B. rrederkk, pastor'. Sunday school 9:43 I ajn. Morning service at 1 by E. William Anderson orning aervlce at ll. ermon by E. - William Anderson, evangelist. Christ's Ambassadors Yf. o:JU pjn Tom Shaw, president. Evening service at 7:49. Sermon by the evangelist Radio program, "Tabernacle Echoes,' over KSLM. Saturday at T: pjn. T . . . I North laths at Brevman si. cnaries E. Tate, pastor. Sunday school 8:45 a.m. Morning service at 11. Evening service at 7:45. Sublect "The Gospel on a Dol- I Ur BUT Thursday, 7:45 pjn, Bible I study. Sunday, let M 11:00 AJU. -God's Plus for Minus Men" Dr. Jack Paskell, Guest Speaker ' A! Delegation of Gideons Will Be Present. D2ass E3ee8ing 3:00 P.II. JACK PASKELL SAVED WHILE IN PRISON SPEAKS ON JUVENILE DELINQUENCY "The Fifth (Filth) Column" - There will be a display of Indian souvenirsv TJbuis L. Pilbeam, director of Portland Youth for Christ Orchestra will play on the trombone. -) v -.. .." S- -.. - Ilnsical Evangclislic Ilonr 7:33 PJL Message by Dr. Paskell Music by Chief Tecumseh and talent FIRST EVANGELICAL CHURCH Where Marlon Oregon, Saturday Morning, October 13, 1145 1 , Paskell Speaks Twee Sunday Evangelist and Guests To Have Program - In Local Church 1- J, Jack Paskell and Chief , Kuitis Tecumseh, will speak soul aing at SSSSiS2Si.&SS th, ,ubj.ct. ff m. .at u" wu tend, to present the work of their! --I -A. organization.) Tommy Drrdwi.' state president,? I r rii t rlTr In . th. juhior church, f XMBem A city-wide mass meeting will -rv. JJt Tvniij. Piiheam. mlmlter o music wm play on the trombone. The mother and daughter trio, from the "Fellowship i Haven Broadcast,- wiU sing.! Jack Char- iej, taxap saxaphonist in the Portland Youth for Christ . orchestra, 'will play. Chief Kuitis Tecumseh, will iner and nave a ' Qisrjiav ol nis t t . The closing service will be lat 7.0 p. hl, with the out of town ,,. nnrtirinntin "A message i u r:il 4V. 4 am a Rev. Wilmer N. Brown is the minister. WooH Vtlim lYOOUDUill Churches ST. LUKE'S CATHOLIC! Rev. V. Ju. Moftenbeier. pastor. sun day masses at 7. 830 and 1030 a.m Weekday masses at 8:15. CHURCH OF CHRIST ! ! I ' " Of Latter Dav Saints (Mormon) Coe building, corner i oi 1 lrst ana Montgomery. Sunday school 10 a.m. to 12. i ! , FULL GOSPEL First at Garfield st. Jtev. Paul E. Brown. Dastor. 813 Hardcastle. Sunday 11. Evening service at 7:45. Young people's service. Friday 7:45' p.m. THE REORGANIZED CHURCH ' Of iesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Second at Garfield st. Church school 10 ajn.. Preaching service at 11, MONITOR OPEN BIBLE STANDARD CHURCH Mrs. Bessie Prior, pastor. Sunday school 11 a.m. Morning worship at 10. Junior Overcomers 7-4 p.m. Tuesday. Prayer meeting Tuesday, 8 pjn IP Overcomers a pjn. weonesoay. - I FREE METHODIST Corner Young and Catch fts.iL. C. V Gould, nastor. Sunday echo!. 8:45 ajn. Morning service at ii. Evening service at 9. Midweek prayer meeting Wednes- ; p.m. lAgnt ana iue Hour -over KWJJ Sundays at 1 pan. CHRISTIAN CHURCH ' James Earl Ladd. jr. naitor. Bible school 10 ajn. Wornlne worsbdn at 11. Guest speaker. Dr. Ross J. Giiffeth, president. Northwest Cka-lstiaa college. Church dinner 1 pjn. C. E. 7 pjn. Eve ning service s pjn. i r ' FIRST PRESBYTERIAN i George R. Cromley, minister. Sab- bath school program 8:45 ajn. gram s:49 ajn.. service pie at 11. North Marlon for young peoc OPl district Sabbath school convention at the Bethel church at 230 cm. Chris- Uan Endeavor meetings. 830 pjn. Serv ice 730 pjn. 1 BETHEL PRESBYTERIAN George R. Cromley, minister. Morn ing worship and communion service, at 10. Sabbath school at 10:45, Sabbath school convention at 2:90 pjn. Rev. Wesley Skinner of the Church of Gdd. speaker. METHODIST CHURCH D. Lester Fields, minister. Sunday sunda scnooi iv a.m. Morning sermon, -Let Me Alone. Evening service at 130. Theme, "The Unlimited Giff; FOURSQUARE GOSPEL lin e. uncom st. Kev. T. Brocke pastor. Sunday school 8:45 ajn. Morn ing service at 11, YJ. prayer meeting pjn. crusaaers service. 830 p.m, Perry McGaffee. Dr.. In charge. Service 7:45 p-m.. Subject '"Have We Shel ter From the Atomic Bomb?" Thurs day. 7:45 pjn.. midweek prayer meet' ing. Saturday I pjn, Y J?. prayer meet ing..'.. EMMANUEL LUTHERAN i Divine worship 830 aJn. Sunday school 10:43 ajn. ConfirmaUon class Saturday, 10 a.m. NTDAROS LUTHERAN Monitor. Divine worship 11 ajn. Sun day school 10 ajn. - . IT. MARY'S EPISCOPAL un iincoin t. nn, ucorn o will. vicar, auooij scnooi a.m. wnsw 14 communion service S:9 a.nu. , DRAINAGE TO BE STUDIED . TV-VTirflT as m aT A el i trm I . . a m a i war reciamauon ana lrneauon ana I jina-. nroblana will occunv the aramage proDiems wui occupy we Oregon reclamation ,COngresS I ,to nntin tf hp Nft 2s-2H. from Portland C rosses Scnnaaer Public School Systeni Backs Chest Drive One large portion of the educa tional divisiorfa 108 per cent con tribution (see page. 1) to this year's Salem United War Chest came from the public school sys tem, where solicitation was hand led by the Salem Teachers' asso ciation, Carl lAschenbrenner, di vision head, said Friday. .. .. Representatives serving on the association's f council were in charge of solicitation in their var ious buildings. In thisgroup are: . Alice Robinson, Bush; Sadie Grant, Engle wood; Caroline Blake, Garfield; Bertha Gamer, Grant; Dora Mittendorf, Highland; Mar jorie Whitelyj McKinley; Dora P. Wallace, Richmond; Neva Mun dinger, Washington; Nell Doegel and Helen Fletcher, Leslie junior high; Florence Kron Roy Foster, George Niemi and Leslie Carsori, all of Parrish jun ior high; Carmelita Barquist, Martha Pinson, Ada Ross and Ger trude Smith; all of the senior high school. . 3 , - Students. Liberators to Vie hi Junior High Election Jim jHouck of the Studenteers and Dick Fuhr of the Liberators were nominated for president of the student body at Parrish junior high school, primary election reports showed Friday afternoon. The two candidates will deliver campaign speeches and a general elec tion to determine the winner will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the school. 4 Other Dominations included Virginia Benner, Studenteers, and Lois Archibald, Liberators for vice president; Muriel Baney, Studenteers land Pat Fitzsimons, Liberator, for secretary Billie Ruth Piercej Studenteer, and Do na . Jean Pence, Liberator for treasurer; Bill Paulus,; Studenteer and Bruce MacDonald, Liberator, for sergeant; at arms; Bud DuVal, Studenteer fand Jack Gooden, Liberator for yell leader; Song Leaders Carolie Coffey and Sharon Cof fey,; Studenteers, and Dolly Dav idson and Donna Curtis, Liber ators for song leaders; Catherine Siegmund, Studenteer and Glen Kleen, Liberator for Periscope editor; Sue McElhinny, Studen teer and Deloris Kiese, Liberator for publication manager; Sue Messer. Studenteer and Jim Rock, Liberator for eighth grade representative; and Larry Cham berlain, Studenteer and Buzzy Coyalt, Liberator, seventh grade representative. Girls League Nominations for Girls League president were Jo Ann DeWitt, Studenteer, f and Barbara Zum- wait, Liberator; Boys League president, Dean Paulus, Studen teer and Bob Layton, Liberator; Girls League vice president, Janet Kufner, Studenteer and Mary Campbell, Liberator; Girls League secretary, Rosemary Ro- well, Studenteer and Donna Sat ter, Liberator; Boys League vice president, Tommy North, Studen teer and . Ronald Parsons, Liber ator; and for Boys League secre tary, Loyal Howard, Studenteer and Dan Callaghan, Liberator. William Ross to Open Blue Print Office Here i William J. Ross, who during the war handled reproduction work for Los Angeles Shipbuild ing and Drydocks and who has recently sold his City Blue Print co., and Wilmington Blueprint co. businesses in Long Beach and Wilmington, Calif., announced Friday he would open a business in Salem shortly. Ross Reproduction will do blue-printing, photostatic work and offset, photography and will be located at 480 Ferry st, he said. , -'t- '. Born In! Portland, Ross was gnxious to! return to Oregon, he said. He and Mrs. Roes have bought the Richmond street resi dence of the Lynn" McLachlans and will make their home there. ; Twenty-two . per cent of the South Carolina men in uniform in the Civil War were killed, or died In prison. Chief Kuitis Tecumseh Wilmer V. Brown, Minister Mil (jssassasafg-syi. 1 ' t If ' ' . :Vt f ' . " A u- -r" : e - : ' 4 Chemeketan Council Elects New Officers . The : Chemeketan council, elected by the membership, this week elected Luther Cook, presi dent; J. Burton Crary, vice presi dent; Mike Panek, recording sec retary; Mra. John Geiger, corres ponding - secretary, and - Bessie Smith, treasurer. - - t -r - -.Virginia Wells has been named chairman) of membership; Edna McElhaney beads the social com mittee; Dorothy Middleton, hik ing; Mary Foster, publication; Luther - Cook, annual out ing; Adolph Greenbaum, cabin, and Walter Batliner, auditing. Aidnien Stress Safety First' Pedestrians were reminded by first aid jnen and city police Fri day to be more careful in cross ing streets now that the rainy season is at hand. Accidents involving cars and bicycles and cars and pedestrians are Increasing, first aid men said, due to the removing of restric tions, on gasoline and speed. First aid men Jiave received eieht calls in the last week of this type of accident, they said. Pastor Talks to Cliest Workers A simple way of sharing one's ice in summer and warmth in winter is . offered by the Salem War Chest, Dr. Joseph Adams, new pastor for the -First Metho dist church, told chest workers and members of the Salem Board of Realtors at theircombined Fri day jjuncheon making. The equality, j aiscoverea Dy Mark Twain, in ; which the rich have their ice in summer and the poor theirs in winter, is still an actuality, he maintained. In the sharing . there is happiness, not only for the recipients but for the givers as well, he declared. Horace Mann advised, - "Be ashamed to die until you have achieved some victory for human ity," and Adams repeated the ad vice, declaring that every chest worker who gets someone to share with others has won a victory. . LOCAL BOY IN tjO BAND UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Oct 12 -(Special)- Rob ert Reeves, son of Jay E. Reeves of Salem, is a member of the university band which will play for all home and several out-of-town games under the direction ot John Stehn, acting dean ot the University of Oregon school of music. The history of Jerusalem goes back to the Stone Age, or about 2500 B.C. Ge4 torningE 1 Some of you many not W I L L t H K m v be as smart as you think you are, but many more of you underestimate your ability, especially If you would make a complete surrender of your life to Christ and say, "Here am L Send me." Isa. 6:8. AU to Christ, my bless ed Savior, I .surrender x T I A T U E D A Y all.- .04 MARION CO. SUNDAY SCHOOLS E. Wm. ANDERSON IJ Some of His Seracn SuLjecis! The Tragedy of a Christian out of Circulation. America's Greatest CalL i Punn America..'"": ; - .:. The Battle of Armageddon. v j Hell, and Who's Going There. !' Campaign Fealnresli I v:i:;U f . Rev. Anderson is an; Evangelist, Bible Teacher, Radio Preacher and former Visiting Chaplain to ' San Qaentin, the nation's largest prison. Special .mosicv both instrumental and vocal. ... ",i PREACHING STRAIGHT; FROM THE i BIBLE TO THE HEART i Hear them on the Radio Saturday at 7:45 plm. : OvcrKSUI A COKDIAI XNYFTATION TO ALL Activities for Next School : ; Week Revealed 'Activities for the week of Oc tober .13-19 were announced Fri day by Superintendent Frank B. Bennett. i Monday 1:13 pau," Assembly at Leslie junior high school; 2:30 p.m Assembly at Parrish junior high; Z'M, pjn. Elementary prin cipals meeting at the administra tion office and 4:00 pjn. Faculty meeting at the senior libarary. I Tueday 8:50 ajn, Tri-Y at senior high; 70 pjn. PTA meet- , ing at Englewood. ' , . ' i Wednesday 8:30 . .m. Senior class council at room 201, .senior high; 8.-50 a.m. sophomore class council at room 109, assnlor high; 8:50 aum. junior red crocs council at room 201, senior high: 10:05 a. TtL, general election and campaign : nwrhM .at Psrrixh Inninr hiefh" 1:00 p.m. film,? The New- Oregon TraU," at Garfield school; 3:00 p. m. Football "Blues" vs. "Cardinj als" fit Olinger field; 4)0 pjn., 8th grade .social studies teachers at the administration, office; 7:30 pjn. library meeting at state li brary. . Thuraday 0 :00 ajn. Assembly on Columbus in Mrs. ForsytheT room st McKinley school; 1:00 pjn. 3:00 pjn. Football "Golds" v?. "Grays" at Leslie junior high; 4:00 pjn. junior high industrial arts men at the administration office. I Friday 1:00 pjn. Assembly - in Mies . .Maddox' room at , Bush school; 1)0 pjn. Singing assembly at .Highland school; 12:00 p.m. , usa mjia vviui j avviot' WUlfkCl luncheon at Quelle Testaiirant. Falls Gty Man Killed 111 Bunker Collapse i DALLAS, Oct 12 Marion Westefbrook, 41, of . Falls City, was killed this morning when a gravel bunker at the Dallas sand and gravel plant collapsed. Westerbrook was a resident cf Falls City. and had lived in Ore gon since he was seven years old. Survivors are his mother and two brothers, Leonard and Walter, int Falls City; his widow, Mary V. westerbrook, and two grown children. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 pjn. from the Meth odist church in Falls City. First Presbyterian Church Chemeketa at Winter St. Chester W. itawsMln. pastor VlrglnU Ward Elliott, mubie director . 9:45 A.M. Church School 10 :55 A.M. Man' Right To Happiness" Ser? ; mon by the minister 3:30 - 9:00 P.M. Presby terian Yonth Rally 7:30Pf. Evening Ser vice. The Rev. Ken Beth Reeves of Phila delphia, speaker . Coming:.. to Evasgelisiic Talernade i Assembly of God 13th and Ferry Streets Salem, Oregon Evangelist E. 7n. Anderson : and 1 John Jennison Minister of Music : Ilevival Cacpalgn I : Oct. 14th to 28th : Every night except Monday and 'Saturday s at 7:45 pn.