The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 03, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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The OREGON. STATESMAN, Salem, Onqotu Welnesd'crr Mcrnlncj, October 3. 19 IS
page nvt 7
i ll
! li-ttt
TH Oregon Stat man
KCast appointment" have been
announced, fori the Leslie junior
Lhigh school production of Clifford
Goldsmith's "What a Life" to be
I presented under th'e direction . of
I Miss Eleanor Roberts on Novenj
fber 18 in the school auditorium
Players i selected; includerHenry
Aldrich, Eddie Scott: Mr. Bradley
Lewis Wood; Miss Shea, Barbara
Senter; Mr. Nelson, Dick Lputhan;
Mr. Patterson,' Johnny. Croisan
Miss' Pike, Cathy Person Miss
Johnson, t Gladys Howlandri Bitf,
Bobbys Bain; Miss EgglestoitJjnn 1
Carson; Mr. Vaochitte, Fhn Rmf
gleV Barbara; Pearson, Phyllis
Mleziva;!! Gertie, Carol Kosfcer;
Miss ' Wheeler. Mary Jo "Ogle;
George Bigelow, Barney: Rogers;
Mrs. Aldrich, j Sharon- Hamilton;
Mr. Ferguson, BUI Sproule; Mary
Deeters, r'Leeh Holgate; extras,
Bill Bowden and Michael Tavenr
ne i; ' : -' v -' L I-
Christmas toys and gifts on dis
play at t Firestone Storet
Center and Liberty.
"Bub"f Burns, the Ozark Moun
tain philosopher, brother of Bob
Burns, the famed stage, screen and
radio .comedian, will appear in Sa
lem on October 15 to give per
I furmances at each of the local
junior high schools. Burns is con
nected with the National school
assemblies association ; that fur
nishes several programs yearly to
schools in this district.;
Sanitary Service Co. formerly at
175 S. High, moving jtoj S.j
High just across Ferry St. -
NEW MARK : SET ' " 1 ' . s j
With .several . new students
checking in Tuesday, Leslie jun
ior high school's attendance
reached an all-time record of 569
pupils. Of " these 259 were regis
tered in the n'mih grade, 161 in thd
eighth; and 179 in .the seventh.
. There are 292 boys and 277 girls. .
Painting and decorating. Ph. 7552,
Wear a "Forget-Me-Nof Fri. St
Sat. as a tribute to our boys who
luave given so much.
Jahasee ; ' i I
; John K. Johnson, late resident of De
troit. Ore..-l a local hospital Thun-.
diav. Septenilcr 21. Survivors include
a son, Harold Johnson of New York
City; sister. Mil. Willism PickeH of
AumsvUle and Mrs. Charles Hubbaid of
XoKur. Calif ; brother. Eliner Johnson.
Services -will be beM Thursday. Oct.
4. st 1:30 at the Clou ii-Harriett
chapel with Rev. Dudley Strain offi-t-Uting.
Intermetit at IOOT cemetery,
1 Kobert Idward. Am, r
tnfaat ion o(
Mrfjor aad Mi
Robert Kdwaid Arn
at tlie resldencf . 7M Norm summer st .
SplniLcr 2S.I Survivora inclue tiie
mtiexta, tbe father now atatonI in
rai is. France, with the-UJS. army, a
sister Martha Ann. and grandmother,
Mri. Anthony ITousrt of Salem. Ser
vices will be field Wedixday. Oct. 3,
at P.rnt. In 'the W. T. Rigdon ehapel
with concluding service at Mt. Crest
Abbey I mausoleum. Rev. George : H.
Swift will offjelaU. ; - ,
SUee- "' 1 ! j ! J
: Mrs. Emma Laura Rice, at her home
at route Sa(em, Monday. October 1.
Mother of Mils Mabel Rae and Har
old Rice, both, of Salem, Mrs. Clarence
Frost of Mpclford and Mm. George
Organ of Trai.l. B -C; i and siater of
M. Thoma tl hompsoa of Salem and
'Archie I iMile of Tfachata.;- Ore." Also
'"oivived by 'live grandchildren and
five great gjahdchildren. Services will
be held Wedn!sda.y. Oct. 3, at 10.30 a..
mi. at the X'lough-Barriclt chapel with
graveside services at the ' Rest Haven
ccmeteiy, Eugdfie, at 2 p.m. Wednes-
! Theodore M. at the rest
ducc I at lUitT Oak street. Sunday,
September 3i, at the age of 65 ea.
Tht new spread
things that remind
to hcac the, words
dates with the old
t-.iiLJ '
ToUpfcona 3101
: ! Chemeketans plan to hike , 16
Table rock Sunday, October .7.
This peak les in the Molalla rjver
country. : Fall coloration and the
view from the summit make it especially-
worthwhile, Harold Mel
chert, leaden said Tuesday. 'Driv
ing distance is 80 miles, hiking dis
tance ; 18 miles. Persons making
the trip are asked to take their
own trail lunches and '.coffee.
Leaging time is "5 a.m. promptly
Wand the gathering place is 2481a
fry Commercial st. Melchert may
e;vreached by telephoning 6090.
nrhl party is not limited to. Che
meketans; hikers hot in the or
ganization are 'invited to partici
pate. - L
Sanitary Service, Co. formerly -at
175; S. High, moving to 215 ;,S.
High just across Ferry St.
' motorcycle, driven by Frans
M::-Wood, route three, box 727,
Salem, and a 1934 Ford driven by
Gladys Towry, route one, box 27,
Gervais, figured in - a collision
Tuesday at Court and Cottage
streets. The motorcycle was slight
ly, damaged. Witnesses told police
that the motorcycle was traveling
uat between 45 and 50 miles per
odr.Missj Towry was. arrested
for hiving no driver's license and
fined $2.50. . T
We -cut. and install Shatter-Proof
auto glass. R. D. Woodrpw, 325
; The . student council of Parriah
junior hih school plan to -'meet
during- the activity period today
to organize for the community
war chest 'campaign. Lois Archi
bald has 'been named captain for
the campaign. aStudent goal is set
at $300. -.r i ;;:
Acousb,cpn now offers new revo
lutionary '".hearing lenses" for the
hard of hearing. "Investigate"
Batteries for all aids. Mail orders
promptly filled. Acousticon Mc
Donald Co, -905 First Natl Bank.
Ph. 6350.,
Husband 'of Mrs. Norma Payne of
Salem; brother of Mrs. P LtnwoooT
of 'Santa Kosa Calif . Mas. Willie
Brittua of Missoula, Mont., and Hilev
Payue of Covington. Ky. Services win
be held Friday. October 1. at 1:30 p.m.
at tlie Clough-Barrick chapel, with in
terment at BeJcrest'-Memprial park.
Harrr J. Watte, late resident of 35
North lath street. Sunday, September
S, at the see- of $ years. Husband
; Mrs. A1U Waite of Salem; and
brother of G. K., Waite of Neenah,
Wise.. Roy Waite of Winegar. Wise.,
and Frank sod Lanson Waite of Clin
toivill. Wise. Services win be held
Wtdnndar. October 3. it 1:W p.m..
t the Closeb-Banick cbapel ' wltb
Rev. G. H. Swift officiating. In lei -ment
hi City Viewremeteiy. '
ichJasaa ' -.
i James W. Hutchinson, late resident
Of Jefferson at a 'local hospital Sep
tember 30, at the age of $7 Tears. Sur
vived by .a son. Ceiald O. HuJchunsoo
of Bend. Ore ; a ; nephew? Willard
. Ul 11.1 . I" II J . K . L 1 .u..i -
ren and tour great grandchildren.
Graveside services will be held Wed
nesday; Oct. J. at J p.m., under the
direction of the Howell-Edwards cha
pel, in the Jefferson cemetery, with
Bev. Samuel Wilson of Jefferson of
ficiating. . -
Frlesa - -
Albertna P. Priemlate resident of
145 S. 24th St.. Oct. 2. Survived by sons.
Henry. Louis, and Arthur Priem. au
aaiem, ana narvey . rnein. u.o.r.A,
on Saipan: by daughters, Emma Cas
pell of Clovetdale, Ore.. Lillian Patton
of Lacomb. Ore., Adeline Madill. of
-Portland, and Leona KaysePi of Salem;
21 grandchildren and lO great-jrrand-(-hlldren.
Announcement of service
later from Clough-Barrick chapel.
Gome and get it. ..Have a
the Coke's in", at the Field P.
when the- Mobile Exchange comes up wth good i ;
your' fighting Yank of home. It's like old home week '
Rait a Qoke, bringing happy niemories bf ciays and f-l
gang. It says Keep up tTie good
issued i from
Harold Pavi4 city
engineer Tuesday included -One to
engineer Tuesday u
the Truck! Sales land Service com
pany, to erect a garage at 555 N.
Front st. for T2ff.D00; al
ter a twol story barber and beau
ty shop al 484 Court st; $40; M.
Klorfein f Packiig . company, : . to
erect a One story warehouse at
454 N. Ftont sit:,, for $5000; Joe
Maystrickf to erect a barber shop
at 715 Fefry st.$500; H, Fj Cam
eron, to teroof a dwelling at 358
N. 21st st $35; Hawkins and Rob-
erts to al:
er an;
office building at
404 State
it,, r
00; and R. dK. Ab
bott, tQ rfcroof a one story dwell-
ihjf at Mil. Ox
ord st., $35
Wedding j pic turn taken t .the
pnnrpn. rv.'ii .moi vt t l i a
Capital Cab phone
Mrs. Agnes teooth, county su
perintendent of schools, will be
the speaker Thursday night at the
first fall aeetiiig of the; Jefferson
FT A. Special J musical numbers
and a reception for teachers will
be featured as well as a panel
discussion on ""Parents and Teach
ers as i Partners". Mrs.? . Irvin
Wright is program chairman for
the PTAf this year. - v
For horn loan
sec Salem Fed-
eral, 130 South! Uberty.
Patricili Smith, who
has been
emereenfly WFA assistant In Mar
ion couity for , the past few
months, has been transferred to
Coos county where she will serve
in that apaciiy during October,
November, December, March and
May. The othr months she. will
sffrve in the extension sefvice in
Lane comty. She' will also be as
sociated, with 14-H 'club work in
Coos county, i. i
. - . .. . ) ":" i .1
Jleroof with fohns-Manvjlle as
phalt shingles jright over four old
fjroof. 1Q yr. guarantee. yr.;to
pay. Frie estiftaates. Mathis Bros.,
164 S. dom'l. Ph. 4642.! r
FicirrioL's checks
: City police jare investigating a
number of checks written . by a
man who told (merchants his name
was Jolp A.J Hess I and that he
was an x-arrny pilot living at 405
Marion it Hej gave Bishops cloth
ing company four checks,' dated
Sept 26j rangijng in amounts from
$5 to $?0 and; .wrote two checks
to Browjn's Jejwelry: company for
$73 and $10piHe was described
as arourld 30 eari old, 9 tCUtt,
dark with a ruddy complexion.
Cyn" . Cronls Photographs and
rr.mae 11 KsfH Rank- RMf
aj. 4sssmi I a ' v st v a mm mi ovpi
Certificate bf .retirement from
,the Englewood grocery, 1 1175 N.
18th st.J has been filed with the
county Herk jby E. A. Sherinen
berger. At the same time, James
W. Calldwaj, of the ume address
filed a tertiiicate saying he was
assuming the business name.
Buy a Forget
Me-Not, Fri. Sat.
Help the disabled
DAV chapter
No. 6
Mrs, J
amesj LJayton Babb, route
one, box 98, Turner, .was taken to
her home Tiiesday from the Sa
lem General hospital. She was
accompanied f by her. infant son.
who was born in that institution
on Srepttmber 25. Her husband is
employed in
a cannery. "
For unpainted furniture shop at
Woodrow s,. ?25 Center,
tvot; yx'rk waking ! ' j
IPonlbDne -IHlectodls.
CIRCUIT court;
Severtn Lnt v J. L. Spdden and
C. M. PowU; judgment vacated, de
fendant to pay coats to date: set for
trial Oct. S. 1945. et :30 a. m.
Doris Jean Lucas vs Roydon S. Lucas;
decree of divorce . to. plaintiff Rives
her custody of minor child. $44 a
month support money and $7S attor
ney's fees. ;
State vs Robert Theodore Pullman;
grand Jury refuses to brine; in indict
ment on charge .of assault being armed
with a dangerous weapon.
Paul Cree vs J. K. Elder and Ethel
Elder; complaint to collect $224.68 on
claim of Paul Cree. $73.50 upon claim
of Steve Champ for services as auto
mobile truck driver, $110.40 on claim
of H. D. Setters as an automobile truck
driver. $1S0 attorney's fees.
- Huta Biacuweu vs Kenneth H. BiacK
well; complaint " for divorce charges
cruel and inhuman treatment and asks
custody of 'two children and unborn
child. $150 i a month support money
and S50O lor immediate relief, hospital
and' doctor's' expenses; married May
S. 139. at Madras; divorced in July.
193S. and. remarried in December. 1S42;
order eires: plaintiff custody of chil
dren ' during - pendency of suit and
directs defendant to refrain from vis
iting or in any way annoying her or
her children;
$ Gladys InfcaUs 'and Glenn tngaQs
guardianship; Hazel IngaUs discharged
froni liability by virtue of guardian
ship of Glenn In galls, who has reached
his majority. ,
Mid-year employment in 1945
was 27 per cent higher . than in
similar months of 1941, but show
ed a falling off of 3 and 7 per
cent from totals for last January
and the previous June. The lum
ber and logging industry in Ore
gon, however; employed 21 per
cent fewer workers in June than
in the same month just before the
war, according to figures released
by the state unemployment com
pensation! commission Tuesday.
- . - ;
7 hr. developing & printing ser
vice &t Burkes Camera Shop. 174
Nv ConVL : ' V . .
i fc . 4 ' , . 1
(f ' " '
Be a Statesman carrier. Boys from
12 to . 15 v yrs. old. Register for
Statesman routes. All routes filled
now. Openings for good routes
each month. Good money proper
supervision. Have a business of
your own. All applications must
be accompanied by a letter from
your parents. Work in the morn
ings. Your afternoon and evenings
free. Apply circulation dept. bf
Statesman. jAsk your friends now
carrying Statesman. Club room for
your convenience. Apply now.
Fur storage. Cet us tell you about
our storage with free moth-proofing.
.. ' i, . ' ' )
Mrs. E. E. Lansing, 1309 Waller
st.; called first aid men for treat
ment Tuesday after she broke her
left arm , at the home of her
daughter, t 230 Liberty road.
Aid jneo took her to a physician
to put the arm in a cast.
Sanitary Service Co formerly at
175 S. HiiA moving to 215 S.
High just across Ferry St. ;
Mrs". Donna Van Dell, 567 N.
Summer st., suffered second de
gree burns Tuesday when she
picked up a skillet that had been
in the Oven and was still hot,
first aid) men said.
Auction -Wed. 10 a. m. at G roes
beck auction location. 20 Silver
ton Road, No more night sales.
Paul Kennedy, 3, 75.0 Hood st.
was taken to the first aid station
Tuesday after he fell on the steps
of his home and cut his head.
Christmas toys and gifts on dis
play at Firestone Store, corner
Center and Liberty,
: iL, . L
Tee aatarally hear Ceca-Cola.
called by to fcamfly aherisiia
Cole". Both iwn thsaafiryP"t
act of The Ceca-CdTa CB9fay.
Myra $V :Sloaa estate; appraised by
Martha Woodie, Evelyn Denning and
Nelda Brown at SSSSJl.
Mary Jobst guardianship; petition for
license to seU real property. -
Arthur Keil. Jr. guardianship; sec
ond animal account by Dorothy Keil.
guardiaa, shows disburseinents of
7J.4. and: a cash balance of $3326;
order approving. '
Amy E. r Roberts estate: net vabie
of taxable estate fixed at $2X7 SO.
Alma Marie Ask estate: Keidar Bugpe,
president of Coos Bay National bank,
named administrator of Marion county
real property " in estate tentatively
valued at $10 000: Otto Beutter. Dan
SUuXfer and EUoa Gcrber appointed
appraisers, j' -;.?
' Ivan besn Bice. Rickreal. fail to
stop. SXMvbaiVpaid. ..
Gladys Towry, route one. bo T.
Gervais, se driver's license, $2 50 fine
paid.' . -
' Stanley . Jurewtcz. S3. V. S. army.
South Am boy. N. and Maxint Hef
ner, 14. seeretary. Los Angeles.
Louie. As Betker. 14. U. . 8. navy.
Marion, and Muriel Harkness, It, weld
er,' Bend,
Milton H Row. , laborer, gtayton.
and Hasel E. Lyons, M. cannery work
er. Turner.
Desmond Victor Daue". 41, foreman.
Salem, and Esther i Ruth Refab, 14.
clerk, Salem, i :
Joe J. Qitc hen. 17. farmer. Silverton,
and Sarah-Geric 1. Salem.
Sarah Burch Estate auction Sat
urday, Oct. 6tti. 1 p.m. RickrealL
See Classified Auction Ad. !
-if-f -.(.. . i-",
Ellis Richard, route six, box
531 J, Salem, told city police Tues
day thatjvrhile he was driving on
f2th street Tuesday morning, his
car wasr hit by another driver
who failed to stop. He said the
license number of the other par
was an 'Oregon license no. 289
932. .'".. ;
Ceiling I Prices for hogs: All
weights. Midget Market. Deliver
to Cannons' Killing Plant. So'
25lh St i i
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Ross,
1475 N. 21st st., are the parents
of a sohj bom at 10:52 a.m. at the
Salem General hospital Tuesday.
Mr. Rossi is associated with the
Willamette Grocery, company.
Christmas toys and gifts on dis
play at ; Firestone Store, corner
Center md Liberty.
i-: if if
Mrs. Thomas z B. Blair, 1358
Chemeketa, accompanied by her
infant daughter, were dismissed
to their homes Tuesday from the
Salem General hospital where the
cjiild was born fon September 22,
ine lamer is in me navy.
Bulk iqt , cream, any amount
Madsen's Ice Cream Store, near
Mrs. William Hargih, Stayton,
accompanied by her baby son, and
MrsBernard Minden, Sublimity,
and Edna . Ruth Jacobson, 2240
Lee st-, . were taken to their
homes Tuesday from the Deacon-
ess hospital'
Furniture auction Monday night
7:30 Wbodry1 Auction Mkt. See
Classiliejd. i
Marion county .court lias grant
ed to G I. Gafes, 1179 Third st,
West' Salem,; a permit to haul logs
over county road 7Q5 from Salem
city limits to Minden's mill. ;
; Brcvrn D Utila
Snddlo Oatfards
Sizes 4 to
Elnfiiar Heals
Sizes 5 to 10
r 1 ; Ui:ii.v.; '-v Y
inmjuiiiini(iii m w m )))
.. I. ;
Nash Returns
To Coast Job
With resumption of automobile
sales activity in immediate pros
pert, Bttick Division of General
Motors (has re-assigned J. B. Nash
as . Pacific regional ' manager In
charge Of factory sales operations
in all west coast states. Mr. Nash
will resbmehis functions at once
with headquarters in San Fran
cisco, after ' ah absence of "three
years in which he was engaged in
special war assignment for Buick.
As Pacific regional manager he
will direct the Buick factory sales
organization m the Pacific coast
area serving more than 200 deal
ers and distributors.
Enrollment at OSC
Boosted to Over 3000
CORkALLlS, Oct. 2-(iy)-FaU
term enrollment at Oregon State
college! rose to 3003 today a 53
per cent increase over last year.
. A 7et per; cent boost was rep
resented by the 1550 freshman
and 1658 new students signed up.'
Women ' set ' an all-time high of
82320 per cent above 1944 and
the 1190 men showed a 188 per
cent rise over last year.
Two; violations of the $ty cur
few ordinance were noted by po
lice Monday night. The youths
were released to their parents who
took tlem to their homes. t
Rummage Sale Fri-Sat. Good se
lection Izaak Walton Auxiliary,
47 N.Com'l.
Mn-fBreyman Boise, 643 Court
st., reportedjto police that a grey
tweed Coat and a leather coat were
taken from her yard last week. ,?,
I ' - ' :
Buck the Barber is nowk located
at mS. High. y
Ezelf s Associated service sta
tion, ICenter- and : Commercial
streets! told city police that a
water Jiose was stolen from their
station! Monday night.
Wanted 2
yard men. Oregon
Gravelj Co., 1405 N. Front St
J. I. (Bun) Fleming, pioneer
fanner and dairyman on Thomas
creek near Scio, received treat
ment at a Salem hospital for an
injured eyei which he received
ti While
8 v2 tk:l I-Jv v ; I
' -. . .- 1 j
" ' , II it 3 i f 1 . r iFAt ' . II
New! Meihbers
f . . . .'
Are Inducted I
By ICii
Intelligence, integrity and inform
mation "jto an ample jdegree" are
essential In Washington "if demo-
crauc processes are- to survive.
the Salem Kiwanis club was told
Tuesday by Benjamin C. Marsh,
executive secretary of tne People a
Lobby s who spoke on "How to
Make the Peace LasV
Inducted as new members at the
Marion hotel luncheon were Capt.
Doraa Houston, decorated veteran
of five and' a half years of serv
ice, who now is an industrial de
signer associated with JRussell
tost; Lynn Clark, of the Salem
laxi company; and George Griggs,
supervisor of collections for the
Salem credit bureaus.
An honorary membership was
extended ! to Li. Carlton Grieder,"
blinded veteran of the Pacifie war
fho now. is an adviser in veterans
affairs to the employment service.
SPOKANE, Oct. Z-vVCaptured
at a spot where! a bundle of bills
was to be left In an extortion
plot, Frederick Komar, 34, radia
tor show owner, confessed sending
a 310,000 extortion note, to Louis
and IiorenZ Cortello, tavern own
ers, FBI agent L. V. Boardman
announced, ' . (:. ; '
esa w
w,niiiM.,ii., iMaMiaMsmMMiiaMM
12-piece nut spinner st forced from
kardened and tempered Supr-Tnfr
steel; folly guaranteed against break
age due to defects ia materials or work
ntanship. V'i-inch square drive parts in-
cifett ten u-poini sockets;
haiidlg with crossbar, and
tooJL Jox. ' ' ;" , j .
llPc. Socket Set
li-ln. , sqaare drive ; aets.
Precision broached sockets
ef "Ssiir-TifT steeL
Gaaraateed. M OA
la heavy ateel A Tesa 57
tool bex.
Tap and Die Set
Craftsman machinists'
screw - plate set. . 8 tie ef
nts, M, 518, Yt.
SteeL In f f QC
hardwoed bex JL WsZO
Deep Socket Set
IX - Piece. H - Inch square
strive, 3i Inch leaajth eeek
ets In metal box H hch te
llg Inch with Q7C
flex tec handle. ST O
, Solid bronze wind - proof,
78"i opening. Generates
erf ul blue flame of 2200 degrees in any
weather. Heavy doty seamless bronze
steel tank. 5 times factory tested.
1-quart capacity.
; -k MCA -FS lafa Strcal
Sat Waction Guaranteed r Your Honey Back
Salem Visitor ; ;
Awaitinjr First !
Globe Air Tour
In Salem today, waLHng for tha
first world flight of -Pan Ameri
can airways, is Mrs. Russell Sa
dor, whose husband is one1 of th
few men on whom Pan. American
has bestowed the .title of "Com
mairdore.' -'; 1 1 . j-- ''
.Sador is president of the Vila
Lustre-, corporation of Minneapo
lis, and his hobby' has been to be
on the first of alt Pan American
clipper flights since that company
started cutting the world to time
size. In recognition! of his success
thus far, he and! Mrs. Sador have
been invited to take the com
pany's first world tour, probably
sometime In December.! : h "
The Minneapolis
brother bf Mrs. W.
man' fs the
E. Klosterman
of Gehlhar and Kingwood drive
in West Salem and bis .wife now
is visiting the Klostermans while
Sador is in Florida. He, too, ts
expected to visit Salem around
November 10 prior to the global
trek-by-air. : H,-
,...(-'- n I--- ry, -;i .
1 SILTEETON Faaeral servlee
for Mrs. John Conrad, who died,
here Monday, will be held Thurs
day' at 2 p.m. at?the Ekman fun
eral home: The Bev. S. L. Alrolie
will officiaU and interment wiU
be in tha.Silverton cemetery.
VsV& w
Sockel Sels
4 f (2
r .1-
ia nx "i
hearj steel -
Special Scckel Sel
S-ta-l - - ee-myleteti set ef
H taeh, H inch and i Inch
sqnart drive. Sockets from
7lt ineh ta 1! Inch - - rat
chet, extension and flex tee
handles. Cetaalete with
steel teal
,15-Pc. Sockel Set
li -inch square drive for Ig
nition, refrtcerater, oil bur
ner, aircraft
work,! etc 1
Qtdek . reneratinr. Heavy
raece eeamlessi brass tank.
Nea - ctofgtng burner. ! For
nse with commer- 7Q A'
rial alcohol nlr. I7 t
BIov; Torch
Cuts cool, fast and f ree,
lasts longer, 1 inch by i
inch1 wheel reared up for
faster work.
j ; : X
1 1
it Hexir Morton
7 KSXM ttl5